AN INDEPKNDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Published Every Friday. Office, Co ner Third and Ieffcrson Streets. the paoked variety would have teen welcomed by tba average housewife. The Pottlmd Oiegouiao and the Cbin rse Eropiie will please make a cole of Ibis. Entered Id lb" rWlotPee el Atr,TB,Orion as fenl'dt'lass Mail Mst'cr. Subscription Rates. . One copy, one year , . . . ; $1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six months . , .75 One copy, three months. . . . ... ..... . .50 Ad vertiaina Rates Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch. . 25c Subsequent insertions 12 Display regular, per inch : . 12 jl Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line ." 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c tATHENA, ORE.. SEPT. 18, 1914 In esunmiiiR the olTioe of Mayor, Homer I. Watle hBSfiivetftbe citizens of Atbeoa lo understand Ibat be in tends to eoforoe stiiotly, all ordinano ts by whiob tbe oity Is governed. There is do question of doabt ttiat if Mr. Walls pursues this course re will have something lo do, tud in its doing be will make a few enemies, but many friends. Ordiuanoes are made to be enforced, and la tbe enforcement de pends tbe good, bad or indifferent ad ministration of affuiis peitaining to city government. Bot tbe Mayor chief exeoutive Ibougb be be, must have the united support of tbe oonnoil and tbe polioe force in successfully enfoioing tbe oity laws. This be eboold have, in view of tbe foot that tbe sonnoil is the fountain bead of municipal legislation and tbe making and unmaking of Ibe police furce is primarily held in bis bands, Individ . All things taken into consider ena will weloome any ad n good government giv ' Mayor. "si to abandon and -ed Onrjin of the Word "Mustard." Our KnjrliHli word "mustard" Is trmpiible to the French "nioutnnle." thi- origin of which Is curiously given. In i:it! Philip the Bold, dukp of Itur Riinily. grunted to the town of Hijon the 'privilege of bearing his nrniorlnl ensign, with the motto "Moult me turtle" i"l wish ardently"). In return for n handsome contingent of n thou snnd men furnished to him at Its ex pense. Pleased with fhe royal con dracenslon,' the authorities ordered tbe device to be affixed over the principal gntes of the city. Time or accident at length obliterated the middle word, and tbe two remnlnlng, moult tnrde, were printed on the labels which the merchants of Dijon pasted on pots In which they sent this commodity nil over the world. THE BEST FITTING Nicest Looking Garments, all made to order in America. First Prize and Gold Medal SUMMONS. 8eemod All Right. "Murama, why don't you want me to piny with that h miner boy? "Because, dear, I know tile family, lie hasn't Root! Mood In Ulra." "Why, mninnnt. lie's been vaccinated twiie. and II wouldn't take either time " USINESS FINE IN DRY TOWNS Arrests Fewer, Bank De posits Greater SALOONS ARE OCCUPIED MERCHANTS ALL ENTHUSIASTIC BUILDINO PERMITS FAB GREATER STORY OF DET TOWNS TOLD. BY OIVTON E. GOODWIN, Department, Committee of One . Hundred. s only one, fair way to hat Oregon dry will do That is by invest Oregon dry lias done rts of Oregon now 'an be learned In City, Roseburg, and other Ore- miriness has been save that of the dry town. Pendleton, which being dry, but "ly vote dry, many w In favor of a jclnre collections ess better and bad - n was dry. tmm mmm mmmmm mmm y m The b 1 ! 5 r Ladies' fine tailored suits from your own cloth or ours. Rain ooats for ladies and gentlemen, bighest qasilty, lowest prioeB. Men's shirts to order. Praaiioal up to dato cleaning, alter ing and repairing. . I. A. CONLEY. THE TAILOR Fobs House, 1 Block North of School REPORT OP THE CONDITION 01 THE . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA No. 4516, AT Athena, in the State of Oregon, at the Close of Business Sept. 12, '1 RESOURCES. ,oan and discounts Overdrafts secured and unsecured u uonus to secure circulation Honds to secure Posnu HiLvluva Banking-house furniture fixtures lue from Nat. hanks, Dot reserve agents Due from Shite and Private Banks ana ranKerg, Trust rompanles and BavlngN Due from apr'v'd reserve agents, 111 uemrai He serve cmee and in Otber Reserve (Jit! Checks and oilier Cash Items Notes of ot her National Bunks Fractional paper currency, nickels and ceuu. Specie . Keu m'n lund with TJ n Treasurer to nor ecu t or circulation) f.11 177 02 Al Mil III J2 0OO0O 070 00 10(10000 2 172 01 40 025 01 HI 82 2d 00 185 28 832 30 025 00 Total LIABILITIES. 8 13111187 78 Capital stock paid In S 60 000 00 Surplus fund 601XWI) Undivided pmnts, less expenses and taxes nald lrlri7 m National bank notes niitstiinrilnir iy rm nn Duo to other National Banks 47402 Individual deposits subj't to cheok 183 002 27 Demand certlllcutes of deposit 133 H.5 27 Cashier's checks outstanding 8 00 United Hlates deposits 20 814 40 Bills payable, Including obligations ieiiesemiUK money oorrowcl, 75 000 00 lo Ibe Circuit Coort of tbe State of Oregon for Umatilla County. S:rab J. Warner, Plaintiff, I Juuies H. Wuruer, Defendant. To James B. Warner, tbe acote named defendant: la tbe name of tbe State of Oiegon, Ton ere hereby required to appear and one wit the complaint Sled acaicst yon in ibe above enlilled suit within six weeks cf tbe date of tbe first publica tion ol t lis Summons, to-wil : Oa or before tbe IJOtb day of Ootoker, A, D. 1914. And yon will take notioe that if you fail to appear and answer or otherwise plead nitbin said time, tbe plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to tbe Court for tbe relief prayed for and demanded in plaintiff's said com plaintfor the Decree of tbe Court forever dissolving the bouds of mat rimony cow and beretofore existing between plaintiff Hnd defendant, and for otber equitable relief. Ibis Summons is published pursu ant to an order of Bon. Oilbeit W Phelps, Judge of tbe above entitled Court, duly made and Hied on tbe 18th day of September, 1914; and tbe first publication of this summons will be made in the Atbena Press Newspaper published et Atbena, Umatilla Coun ty, Oregon on FrTdny tbe 1 8 1 b day cf September 1914 and the last publica tion will be made on Friday, the SOtb day of October, 1914. Dated tbis tbe 16th day of Septem ber 1914. Will M. Peterson. Attorney for Plaintiff. Professional S. V. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calii, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third dtret, Athena Oreaor DR. A. B. STONE, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Post Building. Phone, C01 DR. J. W. WELCH Dentist j Athena, Oregon Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m. Notice of Fical Account. Id tbe County Court of tbe Stale of Oregon for Umatilla County. In tbe Matter of the Estate of William Pinkerton, Deceased. Nolioe is hereby given to all persons wbom it may oonoern that James W. Pinkeiton and David A. Pinkerton. eieontors of the estate of William Pinkeiton, deceased, have filed their final aooount and report in tbe admin istration of tbe estate; that tbeCoanty Jndge ty order dnly made and entered has appointed tiatntday tbe 24tb day of October, A. D., 1914 at 10 o'clock: in tbe forenoon as the time, and tbe County Oomt House at Pendleton, Oregon, as tbe plaoe, where tbe said final aocount and report will be hoard and tbe settlement thereof made. Dated this 18th day of Sept., A. D. 1914. James W. Pinkeiton, ' ' David A. Pinkerton, by Homer I. Watts, Executors. Atty, for Exeootore. Total ! 538 057 78 State of Oregon. I County of Umatilla j B I, F. S. Le Grow, cushteroltheabove-nniried bank, do Holcmnly swear that the above state ment Is true to the best of my knowledge aud belief. K. S. Lo Orow, Cashier. Subscribed nnrl Hivnrn tn hofnr.. ia this day of September, 1011, B. B. ltlcliards. Nouiry rubiic. OOHUKCT AttCSll H. Koepke, M. L. Walls, . W. H. Ferguson, Directors Notice to Creditors, fu tbe County Conrt of tbe State of Oregon for Umatilla Connty. In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of S. Al. White, Deceased. Notioe is hereby given to all persons wbom it may ooncern that Matilda K. White has qualified as administratrix of tbe estate of S. M. White, deceased, and all persona having olaims against tbe estate are required top'nt tbem PETERSON & BISHOP Attorneya-at-Law Freewater, Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist Graduate McKUIlp Vetlnary college Offices: Commer'.cil able aud Haks Dru I Stor . Pboue Main 43s, or 8 OFFICERS W B. SHAFFER President, W. S. FERUUSON, Vioe-Fresident, F. S.. LoGROW, Cashier, R. P. CANNON, Ass.'t Cashier DIRECTORS : up P BHAFFEH.H. KOKPKF W. a FERGUSON M. L. WA'1'18, JS, Dt LtQ UAUVV. fIRST NATIONAL BANK ' OF ATHENA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $100,000.00 We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation consistent with sound Banking. TOURTELLOTTE i HUMMEL Architects R. W. HATCH, Manager Despain Building, : Pendleton, Oregon. THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL i. fi.- FROOME, pbop. Only First-class Hotel in the City. Iff .; THE ST. NICHOLS t ttic only one that can accommodate oommarolal traveler!. W nitb proper vouobers" law, to said admioisry borne in Atbena, Ore..y nev. iiomer i. W9itp in Athena. Ore., .".o0. by Can boieoomended tor Its clean and veil ventilated rooms. Cob. Maik aro Thied, ATBMA.Or. 4K4044) 0 A W riK R 3 A L V E Vb (TsCt hac:',ini salva in the world. THE im A LUM WAV To Our Customers: Our Ensjneering Department at Walla Walla is equipped with Aroblteot aud Engineers, who supply us with FREE PLANS ANDS PECIFI0ATIONS containing oomplete working drawings and details. It you oontamplate ereotng a new home, our big new $15,000 plan took of over one bundled contains yonr "Ideal Bom"." Tbis plan book is tbe best ever published. All designs therein have been built many times. Oar material lists and cost data on tbem are aeonrate. We oan Rive you an estimate covering the actual oost on yonr ground, "in no time." FLAWS for Barns, Silos, Mllkbonses, Hog houses, Model SoLools and Chorohes, Bank and Otfloe Buildings are famished with the lat est idesf. By building right THE TUM A-LUM WAY yoo get the most for tbe least oost. We help Build what you want "See A. M. JOHNSON about it" at THE HOME OF TUM A-LUMBER 1IUUI liilO UIB" JJU' Dated this 28tb-f A Hoxer I. Watr -AM .,. , J