Press Paragraphs Mra. Earl Dndlsy wss in tbe oitj Tuesday, shopping. Mra. A. H. Molntrye was a Pendle ton visitor 8atoiday. J.H. Rldenonr spent Monday and Tuesday to Pandletoo. E. E. Koonts and brother, Fred are in Portland this week. Mayor and Mra. Edward E.- Koonts visitsd in Pendleton Toesday. Mra. Ebsr Luna baa letnrned from visit with ber sister, at Milton. Mr. and Mrt. W. 8. Ferguson apent a portion ot the week in Portland. Mr. and Mra. Inglit made a boaineas trip to Belii tbe fliat of tbe week. Etsr Luna baa been seiioualv ill tbia week wilb an attaek ot tonsilitia. Mra. Ivan O'Barra and dengbturs of Weston, visited in town Saturday. Mra. A. Kinnear and daughter, were in tbe elty Monday from Weston. Misa Nellie MoDonald visited friends in Walla Walla tbe Brat of the week. Craig Wilkinson was over Sonday for a few bonis, from Mission Station. 8. V. Wilson was In tbe oity for short time 8atorady, on baslness visit. D. A. Pinkerton and son Lawrenoe bava eaoh pnrobased a new Stodebaker Oar. ' Mia. W. 4. Graham, of Weston, and son, Nsal, visited in this oity Sat arday. , Mr. and Mrs. Ghas. Dopoia were shopping in Ibe oity Saturday after- 1)000. Miss Botb Erebs. who bas lived at tba A. A. Fobs borne for tbe past year, left tba Hist ot lha week for Milton wbree aha will enter Colombia College and atndy'mosio and domestio aeienoe. Wood in Carload Lots Cascade 4 foot Fir Wood, $5.75 Cascade 4 fooj Maple Wood,.... 8.00 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, .... 5.50 F.O.B. Athena - Pendleton Branches North era Pacific Railway. ? C. O. WILLIAMS, Poatoffice, Edgewater, Washington. Money to Loan l per cent, on 12 Wheat land CaU or Write, F. R. ATKINS, Mo. 12, East Court Street, Pendleton. Mr. and Mrt. David Stone and Mrs. DePeatt motored to Walla Walla Wed nesday. ) ' Ternia Grant bas returned from Spokane and will attend sohool in, Athena. E. A. Bennett baa completed paint ing and papering the Baptist obnrob at Adams. The Dreamland theatre will remain olosed from Sunday night nntil Sep tember SO. Mrs. Lnoien Qagnon and Mrt. Mag gie LaBrasohe visited in Walla Walla Monday. Miss Qraoa Johnson. 4a in Walia Walla, visiting at the boma of her brother. Obaa. Wllks and Joe Lewis, prom inent Belli faimera, were in Athena Toesday. I. G. Brooks, bookkeeper at tba First National Bank, tpsnt Sunday in Pendleton. Mies Edna. Harden baa-returned from a week's visit with hsr sister at Tekoa. Wash. For Brat class partyfci tirthday and wedding oakes, oajpst the Athena Bakery. Adv.., Bert Cartano is having a oonorete aldewalk bnilt in front ot bin reiidenoe on Tbird street. Miss Dora Bennett bss aooepled a position as saleslady in the Miller millinery store. Mrs. Alex. Molutyre of Weston was In the oity Toesdav, shopping with Athena merchants. Tbe Misses Zeros returned Tuesday afternoon from a visit witb their sis ter at Dayton, Wash. The Citv Meat Merket sells pure leef lard in P lb pails for 65o; 10 It pail tor 11.25. Adv. Matt Mosgrova was in the oity tbe Bret of the week, and apent several daya at the store here. Mr. and Mra. MoLeod aod Misses Lizxie and Laura Molntyre motored to Pendleton Saturday. Cows for Sale. Henry Koepke of fers a number of good miloh oows for sale at reasonable prices. Ad. Mr. Frank Riley, ot Burhank, Wash., visited st tbe borne of Mr. and Mra. Wm. Tompkins, last week. Mrs. Lawrenoe Lieunllen and little daughters were visiting in ths oity Toesday from tbelr home neat Adams. John Walter offers his entire 'herd of dairy oows for sale, either in entire lot or singly. Theis ara good oows. Adv.' . Obarles Grant will serve ae obef for tbe oowboy contingent who will feed at Fay LeGrow's oboes wagon, at ths Ronndnp. Mr. and Mra. Arable Sbiok are down from Ida bo, visiting at tba boma ot Grandma Sbiok and other relatives In tba oity. Mrs. Wm. fompkius is spending the week witb ber daughter, Mrs. Jarjie Woodruff, at bar home in Two Rivers, Wash,, . . , -It. 0. Davis, prlnoipal of the Wet ton aohooia for several years, is prln oipal tbia year of tbe Waahtoona, Wash., sohools. J. A. Lleuallen, tbe Westcn stock man and farmer, with bis wife, was trading witb Athena meronanta Sat urday afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Bush went over to Walla Walla Monday, taking their little son, who was operated upon tor enlarged tonsils aod adenoids. School Supplies We now have on hand a com plete assortment of school Supplies Consisting of tablets, pencils, pens, holders, inks, eras ers, pencil boxes, rulers, water colors, paints and numerous other articles for school work. J : Byron N. Hawks, We Druggist jj Watches on Installments Small Payment Down, balance can be m ... T . 1 1 Aa. . . T. 1 1 V.A Ana rf 'ak m "lonimy insiaiimciius. x uua yuu wu w. ... ft n abled to secure a splendid, Standard Timekeep- er wiuioui'icciujg mc L. S. Vincent, JEWELERj Athena, Oreg- THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Injuring Wholesome Meats. BRYAN & MEYEK Main Street, Athena, Oregon Mauilce Hill left Wednesday even ing by wav of Spokane for Eugene, where ne will resume bis stndiee at tbe University. Mies Basil Wyriok, of Pendleton, waa a guest for several days ot Miss Arela Bothiook, and left for ber borne Monday afternoon. ; Mr. and Mis. Joseph Sneard and family have returned from Bingham springs, where a pleasant two weeks was spent In oemp. Plain and fanoy pastry, also whole some wheat, graham, rye and nream bread, baked fresh evsry day at the Athena Bakery. Adv Sidney Unrpby, who baa been work ing through harvest and the wheat hauling period bere, left Monday af ternoon for Portland. R. E. Stewart returned Tuesday from Pullman, Wash,, where be at tended tbe annual ooofereooe of the Methodist Episoopal ohurob. Mrs. B. N. Hawks, witb bar sister, Miss Lillian MoDonald, and Misses Oeoile Boyd and Velma . Wilkinson, motored to Pendleton Saturday. Mrs. Julia Brooke, with ber daugh ter and son-in-law, Mi. and Mrs. Bngg. arrlred in the oity Monday and will leave soon for tbelr new borne in Spokane. Miss Margaret Biley, of Buibank. Wash., left for bsr borne tbe Bret of Ibe week, after a pleaaant visit witb her friend, Hiss Lillian Tompkins, in this oity. Mr. and Mrs. Osaper Wooward ar rived home Toesday from a week's visit at Seattle and Taooroa. The Geo, Woodward family will return via, Portland. The Atbena band uniforms arrived tbia week. They are the regulation uniform now in ose by all mnsioal organisations, dark, blue trimmed in blsok braid. Mr. and Mrs. Arabia Sbiok bava arrived from Stevena eonnty, Wash., and will reside in Athens, Mr. Sbiok having aooepted a position with B. B. Riohards. Prof. Howard O. Drew, who tbe past two years was principal of tbe Atbena schools, will this year bava a liks pos ition In tbs sohools of oof neiRbboiing town of Helix. . ; . Mis. D. H. Mansfield and daugh ters, Misses Maud and Velva, were guests over 8uoday at tbe borne of ber sister, Mrs. Fannie Wright in Walla Walla. , Lost: Bstween Adams and Helix, Ford hood, tied in aaok. Pleaae leave at Atbena Garage and notify Ed. LeBoy, 720 W. Poplar at., Walla Walla. Adv. Mis. Lizzie MaoeSeld returned Mon day from Wt.ston, where she spent last week visiting ber sister and at tending tbe M. E., Sontb, oonferenoe, held in that oity. Glen Dudley, Hubert Starr, George Winsbip and Floyd Payne will leave Snndsy for tbe University of Oregon. Tbey will be joined latet in tbe year by Hugh Lienalleo. Miss Bnth Rothrook left Wednesday' for Portland where aba will visit a few daya before going to Eognne, where aba will matrlonlate witb tbe University of Oregon. Mra. A. 0. MoOnbbina abipped bar household goods to Amerioso Falls, Idaho, tbia week, aod with her young er obildren left to reside on ber home stead in that vioinity. , The first fall opening of millinery will be ebown at the store of Mrs. Lillia Miller today and tomorrow, wben the very latest modes will be seen. New gooda ara arriving daily. Adv. Mrs. Issaoa, who bas been visiting her sisters, tbe Meadsmes Casper Woodward, Gland Wallan and David Stone, west of town, left last week for ber borne in Blytbeville, Arkao BBS. Walla Walla Union: Miss Hazel Bolt left this week for San Franoisoo, California, where she will visit frixnds for a short time after whiob she will attend the Oumniook School of Expression in Los Angeles, Calif. Dreamland program for Friday and Saturday nights: 1 and 2. "Through tbe Storm." Essansy. 8. "Look in Odd Numbers," Essansy. Sunday 1 and 2. "Huerta ot Women," Vit- agrapb. 8. "Buster's Little Game," Selig. Mr. and Mis. Frank Knowllon ar rived borne las week from an extend ed visit witb relatives io tbe Willam ette valley. Tbey made the trip from Tbe Dalles np in tbelr Ford maoblne, and report tbe roads in a bad condi tion. , Mrs. Effie E. Smith left Saturday evening by way of Portland, for ber home in Ingomar, Montana. Mra. Smith will visit relatives in Centralia, en route, ant also will be a gnest of tbe W, H. and Elmer Keeder families in Taooma, for a few days, Mrs. Henry Pinkerton hes received news of tbe tirtti of a son, on August 81, to ber aoo-in-law sod dangbter, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Osstello, at tbeir borne in Los Angeles, and also of tbe birth of a son recently to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ely, of Weiser, Idaho. Mrsa. Lilils Miller this week sold to B. A. Thompson, tba property 00 College street, owned by H. A. Math ers of Enterpi ise. Tbs bouse wss this week vacated ty tbe tenant, Mrs. Mo Cnbbios. Mrs. Miller is offering otb ra Atbena property for sale. Adv. J. D. Springston, general director of the Sunday Bo hoot and Young Peo ples' work in tbe Northwest, delivered an address in tba Baptist ebnrob io tbia oity Sunday morning,- to a large congregation 00 m posed of members of tba various oborobea of tba oity. Misa Lillian Anderson of Walla Walia, wbo has snaoeasfnlly taugbt piano and voioe in tbie oity in tba past annonnoea that aba will be at tba St. Nlobols Hotel tomorrow, Satnrdiy, and is desirous of meeting all bei former pupils aod any others wish ing mosioai Instruction, O. 0. Gbormley of Portland, deliv ered a very lntereetiog and instructive leolnie illoetisUwJ with stereoptioon views, at Ibe Cbrislian obnrob Tosr day eveoing. Mr. Obormlej's sub ject was ot bis missionary work In India, wbera witn bia wife be baa been stationed under tba anspioes of tba 0. W. B. M. Miss Nellie Dee Whitiog Was over from Walla Walla Wednesday, to or ganize a eiass in piano. Miss Whiting is a graduate of the Malen Burnett Sohool of Piano Playing, In whiob abe la at resent an instrnotor. 8be bas taoght in Walla Walla, Pendleton and Portland most suooessf ally and oomes to Athena highly recommended. Mr. and Mrs. 8. S. Parris lett yes terady for Caldwell. Idaho, where they will visit for a oouple ot weeks at the borne of tbeir daughter, Mis. F. C. Myeis.. A handsome new and modern bungalow baa just been completed on tbe Psrris farm northwest of Atbena. Mr. and Mrs.. Parris will move Into tbeir new home soon after their return. Senator aod Mra. 0. -A. Barrett last week attended tbe weddng of Misa Bessie Winn, a popular young lady of tbe Weston neighborhood, wbloh oo ouried at tba borne of ber mother, Mra. A. G Wion, northeast of tbat tiity September 1. Tbe bridegroom waa Mr. Stillman Dempsey a teacher in Ibe Tekoa, Wash., bigb sohool. Milton Esgls: Mrs. Lswrenoe Pip kerton of Athens, who bss teen sutler ing severely from an attack of appen dioitis, is reported to te improved aod an operation wbiob waa at first thought neoesssry, will not be pel foimed unless additional oomplioatioua set in. Mrs. Pinkerton is at tbe home of ber mother, Mrs. M. Uray, in South Milton. . Tbe construction ot two new lesl- denoes will he begun at onoe in Ath ean. Mr. wm. MoLeod wm bona a oommodioos two-story bouse 00 tbe lots now oaonpied by bis borne, and a four-room oottage will be eieoted on the Coppook lota east of tbe W. S. Ferguson home. Tbis will bs built for tbs ocoopanoy of Miss Mattie Cop pook, and Mr. and Mra. Kobt. Coppook will move into tbs residenoe 00 Tbiid Btrset. ... All previons reoords for advance tickets sales for tbs Ronndnp were broken this year. Wben the sale went 00 Wednesday morolng, more tnan five thousand grandstand scats bsd sireadv been sold, Tbe grandstand will seat ten thousand, and but fur the faot that oertain aeotiona aie re served aod put 00 sale eaoh morning of the abow, tbe plaoe would be oleaned out long before the exhibition opened. State Superintendent J. A, Obnrob- 111 bss made tbe request tbat all sohools io the state oelebrste tbe osntsnnial anniversary of tba Star Spangled Ban-, ner 00 September 14, by having tba bymn anng in all the sohools, botb public end private, at noon on that date. Teaahers and friends of tbe nnblio schools of Umatilla oonnty aie asked by County .Soot. I. E. Tonng to join in this splendid movement end lift their voices in patriolio aervioa by singing "Tbe Stsr Spangled Banner" at noon on tbe Htb of tbia month. A bear riot was precipitated in Pen dleton tbe other day wben Boy W. Bitoer, tbe Kooudnp direotor. - who baa oharge of the seat sales, an nounced tbat tbe Ave oeoter sections wooid te reserved exclusively for out siders. . Many people rnshed to bis oSioe to remonstrate and - a orowd gathered on tbe outside aod somebody hollered fight and Ibe police oama on tba run. For awhile no one knew what It waa all about: but Mr. Bitnei got away In bis oar and left lha dis gruntled citizens to oool their heels on tbe pavement. Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Preston of Huntington Beaob, Calif., ar lived last Friday and are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Joseph N, Soott, west of town. Tbey weie joined Monday by tbelr son-in-law, Bsv. Cbas. Bntberford, H returned missionary ot Galontta, India, wbo witb bia little dangbter, Janet, will apend a year in the United States. Mr. Bntberford lost bis wifs in India three yeare ago, when tbeir baby dangbter waa born. She. was Miss Gertie Preston, well known In tbis city snd Weston, wbeie she formerly resided witb tber parents. Kev. Charles Butbsrfuid, retoroed missionaiy from Sontb India, after seven yeais experience, will preaob In tbe Cb list Ian obnrob bere Sunday morning and evening. He will tell of bis work io tbs evening, and will show by tbe stereoptioon lantern "Bow tbe Other Half Exists and How Soma Are Beglonlog to Live." It is tbs intention to mate tbess onion ser vioes of all tbe obniohes and a cordial iovitation Is hereby extended to sil. No charge at the eveoing leotnie, Mr. Bntberford Is a graduate ot Mo Minnville College, and of Uoobestsr Tfaeologioal Seminary of New York, and ia aent to the foreign Beid by tbe Baptist Missionary sooiety. ; Bsv. B. E. (ioroall returned this week from Pullman, Wasb, where for tbe past week be bss been attending tbe M. K, oboioh oonfeieoee. Moob to tbe regret ot bis ooogiegation bera Mi. Uomall bas been removed from Athens, end assigned to the pastorate of tbe Metbodist Cbnroh at Orange- ville, Idaho. Rev. A. M. Lambert will bare oharge of the obnrob in tbia oity. Otber appointments of ioteiest to Athena people, ara those of tbs fol lowing ministers, esoh of whom bss at one time been stationed beie: Thos. Lawson and W. E. Armfleld retained in Spokane; 0. W. Oeisler ti Concon uily, Wasb; D. M. Belmiok, retained at Wallace; Edward Baker, at Wil bur Memorial eburob, Walla Walla. ' 1 sww1 "aV Quality and Consid er of Goods The difference in services rendered will decide in the mind whether or not it pays to buy GROCERIES HERE Take your last week's grocery bill, Mrs. Housekeeper, the one that you paid, at the other store, and compare it with this week's statement at this store, and let the saving-difference in the cost of living-be your guide. FIJI a RADTKE THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" ATHENA, OREGON. See the greatest Wild Exhibition ever sta Never before has such show been held in America I even minute filled with exciting novel features. One thrilling (eat alter another, by broncho riders, cow boys and cowgirls. Hundreds of performer. Six band. Indian races cowboy races buffalo chase, with real bunaloes Indian massacre stage-coach holdup, ate. Plan now to attend . FRONTIER DAYS" WALLA WALLA. WASH. SEPTEMBER 17. 18. 19! Tli. WJI. W.IU F.h com, feptamtm 14, IS, IS. Spm4 Hm neM rc". ninnmi ncea. .lock and trull uhiblu. Batter Baby" contMt, tc Ov.r $20,000.00 is cuh prow Writ bow lor proirnn nj R Nerved Swla to Socman. ' R. a JOrUtfON. Walk Walla, WhT Excursion Rates on All Railroads Lucile Malhall, Lady Champion Roper and Rider of the World West " toxins each nlsht sskA 1 .7.&C 40 Rounds ot boxing each nlsht In front of the iranj. rmo! bu reoressntaitws of the Amateur Athletic Chios of the Northwest THE BEST FITTING Nicest Looking Garments, all made to order in America. First Prize and Gold Medal . . . AWARDED . . . The rfABKG.HAHms 1 - time is urrr SuMHus f U d j , vjrrw,l..iSijiii. uanii t ji M '-" "i.Sr" '. ' l,!Jy"i f iL- " A' o. J. Parker BvorythlDS First Class Modern and Vp-to'dato SOUTH STREET SIDE MAIN ATHEttt Lost Precaution. "Yoor suit, nir dear. Isn't season able." That's odd. wlien 1 got a pepper and aalt one too." Baltimore American. He Is not worthy of the honeycomb who shuns the hive because the bees have atlugs. f"Drs. Lowe 4 Torner, eve speO' i"lm of Portland, will be In Atbsna again Sonday, Kooday and Taeedav, Sept. SO, 11, SI, at ths Ho tel St. Niobols. Consnlt them stent yoor syea and glasses Adv. Ladies' fine tailored snlts from yonr own olotu or onrs. nam ooats ror ladies snd gentlemenhighest quality, lowest prloss. Men's shirts to order. Praotioal op to date oleaniog, alter ing and repsiring, J. A. CONLE Y. THE TAI I .OR Foss House, 1 Block North of School. iijnitDAis TilO . iW 7 Vuu Villi Vf Lfl WAOHffwrcm fariiltts fij fJnti 8, 1914 wnm mm run rot tat wm LOW BOUND-TI!ll FARE rsrFtflWtnsstisa jtlsy agstt ItlBI .. mam-wmmtu sua- mutumumtMrm Will J With uw butldloM. Wer eaulb- olarged crounui, ma mmy m- Kt iHCUinr, in univariiiT i will betrlo Its thirty-oiiith Tuetdiy, Scptumber 19. traminv for Buiumh. Jnur. Uw. Medlclna. Tchin. Li. rnviicBi imninir ana vinm n.rx. Lirffest tnd ttroogtit deptrtmeot of liberal education Library of iban It.fN voIimbm, two Krttndisl ymnulUeTM, ItYwO fully tqulpptsi. Nw 1H,W AdMliilatralloa Building la court of coniiruciion. Tuition Pra. DorsBl(orlt for mm and lor womsa, BspaaM lowsMt. Writ lor catalog antj llliMtrat4 bookl.l, AUrHlDff Raglatrar, UNIVERSITY Of OREUUH EUaiNK, OHKOOM All the LwQinrof the best boxsptingmkthe cost V l.nL r1 : IT1 NO MAMMOCKING NO HUMMOCKING NO SAGGING -1 BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING See the"sje"Bed Splines at MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE.