The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 11, 1914, Image 2

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: ' -v F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Co ner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered In the Fnetofflce at Athena, Oregon
as ecODdOlass Mall Matter.
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months , ' ?
One copy, three months
Advertiaina Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch 25c
Subsequent insertions.... 1JM
Display regular, per inch... 124
Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line ..... . 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line ......... . jo
Church notices, admission, per line. . 3c
tlTHENA. ORE.. SEPT. 11, ....1914
With the opening of the Panama
oanal this oountty was prepared Jot a
great immlgtratlOQ from Europe. The
oontrary, however, has transpired and
instead of a new population arriving
in tbis oountry to tilt the lazy and
idle sores wa flee an army of reserves
moving out of the ooantry to take op
arms for their native land. We
planned io peace for conditions that
ara being fulfllled in war. We oan
hold to the thought that it is bat a
temporary situation and yet uo one
oan foresee, foretell or prediot the ult
imate eolation.
Fifty yean ago Japan was rated at
an nnoivllized country. Just as soon
as it beoomes civilized and partly
Christianized, it it ready for the war
path. Is this a parody or a paradox?
Is it an indiotment against civiliza
tion? Birsbooters and 13-iuob goon
are the produols of civilization and
blgb constitutional honor takes a Dew
atandard. Yon can address a oaonibal
with a sailor's epithet but civilization
demands a difference tbat makes them
"When onr Ueorge 'wag asUep at
the awitob," is the title of a olever
oartoon ty Reynolds in the Portland
Oregonian, depicting the Senator
snoozing at hie desk while tbe band
of other itates extiaota 110,000.000
from Oregon's reolamatlon fnnd.
However, Uoorge finally woke op,
inoe which time be bas retrieved
himself in the eyes and minds of-many
Oregon democrats but not all of
I hem. As he standi, be looks better
as Senatorial timber than does Booth.
Secretay of State Bryan Is in bad
again with the editorial opinion of
tbe Portland Oregonian. This time
tbe Portland paper is ruffled . over
Mryan's appointment of William G.
Starp to suooeed Berriok as ambassa
dor to Franoe. If memory serves as
might, it has not been so long ago
that-the same feathers were ruffled
over the removal of another ambassa
dor. He was yanked out of Mexico
on account of his having more faith
iu Hneita than the government he
was sent there to represent.
In the year 1814 all Europe was at
war. Fiance was omitting the allied
armies of tbe other great powers. Ibe
mighty Napoleon was supreme. Ia
tbe year 1011 all Enrupe Is at war.
Uermauy is facing the oomblned forc
es of Franoe, Russia, Great Britain
and Belgium. The mighty general
who will It be?
Many banters have been gunning for
those myriads of grouse and pheasants
reported to be fonud in their native
haauta, before the season opened. It
they are there, lnalc would seem to be
with the bird, and not the banter
or at least some hunters we know
of! Of oourse there are exceptions.
With 8,000,000 men oo tbo tiring
line, little batob of 40,000 prisoners
taken now and then makes but a small
hole in the ranks; but when 70,000
men, 100 oanuon and the equipment
ot an army Corps falls Into German
hands, It must preaeut soma aort of a
problem for the hemined-ln Empire.
Sir John Frenob, British field Mir
thai. Inspires his soldiers with cool
nest by walking up and down the lines
smoking olaerettes. We have beard
of booze courage, bat tbis Is tbe Brit
instance we have ever heard ot where
inopiration tit valor was attrlpboled
to these little coffin nails.
Tbe Jap is going to show the hon
arable enemy that he bas not forgotten
how to aorap, even though there may
be only a mere matter' at 1000 of tbe
bonoral la enemy hemmed in at Kiao
FayLeUrow of this oity has won
the appreciation of tbe Pendleton
Boandup Association for tbe interest
be bas taken in tbe success of tbe big
show in the past, and of his participa
tion in this year's exhibition, the East
Oregonian says: , . f
"Fay La Grow tbis morning -entered
hBs string of fast oow ponies for botb
tbe oow boys' and cowgirls' .relay raoea
and also a rider in the pony express.
Braden (jerking: will be bis ridel in
tbe cowboys' relay raoe again tbis
year. As to the cowgirl who will
ride bis relay string be bas trump
oard up bis sleeve and promises to pat
In a rider who will surprise the old
Roundup relay riders. He baa a good
one and he is keeping qniet far tbe
present. Gerking will also ride bis
borsee in tbe pony express.
"This Le Grow string Is one of tbe
greatest contenders for tbe world
championship in the relay raoes ever
put on the Ronndup track-. Mr. Le
Grow himself is an ardent supporter
of the Ronndnp and enters tbese raoee
for tbe sport of tbe thing, be being a
good, jolly, true sportsman, and the
tig purses bung np tbis yeir by tbe
Ronndup will make his riders go to
the very limit in an endeavor to pull
down the prize money."
The Atbena sohoola began on last
Monday with one ot the best enroll
ments for a number of years. Since
Monday was legal boliday, there
was held only a short session. On
Tuesday the work began in all grades.
Tbe total enrollment for the first day
tbis year was 166, oompared with 118
on tbe first day last year, and 111 O'l
the first day in tbe year 1912.
Owing to a congested oondition in
tbe 8rd and Itb grades room, It was
found necessary to make a division ot
Tbe attendance tbis year in high
school is moan better than beretofore.
On the first day of last year there
were 16 enrolled; on tbe first day of
1013, there were S3 in sobool. This
year on the first day we bad 20. Tbe
attendance le so good and tbe interest
manifested Is so encouraging tbat
steps will be taken immediately to
fill tbe vacanoy caused by tbe resigna
tion of Miss Payton.
Vin Moore Coming.
Beginning Sunday evening in "Ibe
Iron Trail," Vin Moore, supported by
a strong company, with band and Or
chestra, oomea to tbe Atbena opera
house for a three night engagement.
Monday night, tbia exoellent "ompany
of 16 players, will be seen in "Ibe
Girl From Laramie," and a sparkling
comedy will be tbe bill for Tuesday
night. Vin Moore needs no reoom
mendatinn to tbe theatre-going people
of Atbena. - Ha baa been here a num
ber of times, and bas always given
satisfaction, appeariog In tbe leading
plays of tbe day. The opening play,
"The Iron Trail," is by Rex Beaoh,
and is one of tbe strongest plays being
produoed at tbis time. This year,
Vin has somethiug doing "every min
ute," as be expresses it; there being
two or three singing, danoing and
musical specialties between acts. He
baa a big show and a good cue, so tbe
reserve seat prioea for tbis engagement
Will be 60 cents.
' At a speolal meeting of tbe city
oonnoil Wednesday evening, tbe resig
nation of Mayor Edward E. Koontz
was read and accepted. Tbe resigna
tion as read, follows:
"Athena, Ore.. Sept. 7. 1911.
To tbe Common Oonnoil, City ot Ath
ena, Oregon: I hereby give notloe to
von ot my resignation as Mayor of
the City of Athena, and ask that as a
matter ot courtesy to me tbat yon take
Immediate notion npon it.
"Yours Very Tinly,
; ' "Edw. E. Koontz. "
On motion, tbe resignation was ac
cepted and ordered placed on tile.
Then followed the nomination and
nnanimons eleolion by the connoil of
Homer I. Watts to tbe oSioe of Mayor
to fill the unexpired term of Mr.
Koontz. Mr. Watts, wbo has served
several years as oonuoilman, resigned
and tbe oonnoil will soon appoint
someone to serve out bis unexpired
term, :
Crooks Quits Ministry.
Rev. J. D. Crooks, tbe Methodist
minister of Troy, Idaho, wbo waa re
cently oleared of tbe charge of oansing
the death of his wife, was among tbe
ministers wbo attended the conference
at Westoa last week, where he waa
formerly pastor of the obnroh. Rev.
Crooks was warmly welcomed by bis
Weston friends wbo bad oonstantlv
believed in- bis innocence. Be will
quit tbe ministry and accompany bis
sons east, one of whom Is a practicing
pbysioian and tbe other a professor in
an eastern college.
Notice to Creditors.
In tbe County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In tbe Matter of the Estate of S. U.
White, Deoeased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
whom it may oonoern tbat Matilda R.
White bag qualified as administratrix
of tbe eetate ot S. M. White, deoeased,
and ell persons having oiaims against
the estate are required to present tbem
with proper vouobers as required by
kw, to said administratrix at her
borne in Atbena, Ore., or to ber attor
ney. Homer I. Watts, at bis law otfioe
in Atbena, Ore., within eix months
from tbe first pnblioaton of tbia notice.
Dated this 28th day ot- August, 1911.
Homer I. Watts, Matilda R. White,
. " x Attorney. Administratrix.
In Pound.
Tbe following described animal was
taken up September 1, and placed in
tbe city pound, and unless redeemed
by owner, will be offered for sale to
tbe highest bidder, Tuesday September
16, at 2 n'olook, p. m. s Bay mare, 1
years old, weight 800 to 900 pounds,
botb bind feet white, left tore foot
white, no brands visible.
W. J. Gbolson, Marshal.
Notice to Creditors.
Io the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of tbe Estate of
Louis LaBrasohe, Deoeased.
Notice is berety given to all persons
whom it may oonoern, tbat W. 8.
Ferguson baa qualified as administra
tor of tbe estate of Louis LaBrasohe.
deoeased, and all persona having
olalma against , tbe estate are
required to present tbem with proper
voncbers as required by law, to said
Administrator at bis otfioe in Athena,
or to bis attorney, Homer I. Watts,
at bis law otfioe In Atbena, Ore.,
within six mouths from tbe first pub
lication ot tbis notios.
Dated tbia tbe 10th day nf July, 1911.
Homer I. Watts, W. S, Ferguson,
Attorney. Administrator.
' Notice to Creditors. '
In the County Court of the- State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter ot the Estate of
Donald N. MoDonald, Deoeased.
Notioe is hereby given to all persons
whom it may oonoern that E. A. Dud
ley has been appointed exeontor of tbe
last will and testament of Donald N.
MoDonald, deceased, and baa qualified
as suoh. All person having olalms
against bis estate are hereby required
to present tbem witb proper vouobers
aa required by law to tbe said K . A.
Dudley at bis home in Atbena. Ore
gon, or at tbe office ot Will M. Peter
eon, attorney at law, Pendleton, Ore
gon, within six months from the date
of tbe first publication of this notioe.
Dated this tbe 16tb day ot July,
A.-D. 1911. . E. A. Dudley,
By Will M. Peterson, Executor.
:. Atty. for Exeontor.
n 00 imp
SEPTEMBER 24-25-26, 1914
WIMhSWmhM I ; MmsrtEicHhi
' fwiy EipfHi Itctt. I Km CmImIiiIs
: Intcbs latitat, I tu tlf INN m
Indian, Csthoii. I sitllioma tils
- Outlaw tsrits I Mm sit iirlii
FOR All ten-TV UK
nc, ' , OF THE
Height of Waves. ! ,
Among the most trustworthy scien
tific incnsm-eiuents of occuu wnves lire
those of Lleuteunnt I'urls of the
French navy. The highest waves
measured by hiiu were In the Indian
ocean between tlio Cnpe of Oood Hope
and tho Islimd of St. I'mil. Thirty
waves measured during a northwest
gale there averaged twenty-nine and
one-half feet In height, nd six of
them, following one nnother with
beautiful regularity, were thirty-seven
and one-liulf feet in height Some still
higher waves were seen, but not meas
ured. In n moderate breeze the length
of a wave wus found, to "be nbout
twenty-live 'times Its height, but in a
gnle only eighteen times. - Loudon
A Kind Wish For Mother.
The flvo-yenr-old found his mother
looking n lilt tiiilinppy.
"lliive yon n pnln, muvver?" he uslt
cd sympathetically. Wlicu she nodded
he thought n minute mid then ex
claimed: "I wish a fulry would come and turn
your pain Into a piece of enko." Then
the suinll boy nsserted himself over
tho angel child, adding, "And I would
ent It." Now York Sun.
Suppose the population ot Indie
should take a notion to move over to
Germany, and England would agree to
furnish the transportation?
It tbe "pressing" movement cost
the allies an army ot 10,000, and tbe
loss of Maabeuge, wbo won the move
ment? , : ' ' .
( e."
Union Services.
'A onion servloe will be held io tbe
Methodist Episaopal obnrob Sunday
naming. September SO, when Mrs.
Marl Harris Armor, ot Georgia, a
speaker of national reputation will
address the people ot Atbena. Mrs. ia woman ot rare ability.
Ki,a mill r In Oreoon from the lfttb
. - till (uitnlier 1th. A
Ul onyiwiuv
good bearing iaaoliolted foe tbespeak
r. Every one is welcome.
One of the Family.
Stranger I notlco your name Is De
Mnryoii. Are you rehired to the
wealthy Do Mnryona of Uelgrnvla?
Poor but ltespeetiiblo De Moryon
I am ii n dlstuut relative, sir.
"Indeed I How distant?"
"Well, sir, ns distant us the : can
keep me I"
What Rules the World.
..,. 1U....nln,,n nnntiftl tllA nUllIM Of
U llfll 4..ii"v.v..
his dead soldiers to lie inscribed on the
face of rompey's pillar some one crit
icised tho act ns "a mere bit of Imagi
nation." "Tbat is true," repuco. na
poleon, "but Imagination rules the
Wrtvlrt "
Nw York's Pubilo Schools.
Public education In New York city
began with the founding of tbe Free
c.iw.i arwiutv in 1S03. Tbe society
started In a small way, depending for
a time upon public subscription. iy
an act of the legislature In 1842 tbe
i - , if tulninttnil WAS established.
The Free School society continued to
Ha ar-hnota until 1653. When,
by mutual consent, they were all taken
over by tho bonw.-Now ior amen
can. '- ' " -
First Aid.
lie lust ns self ro
llout and Independent ns tnnn " aii
Mrs. Flusoii dclliintly.
"Mebuo she con. Ixntlsa. meboe she
can." said her litisunml, "but not while
slio wears fnn-kn that book tip the
. baek!"-Loudou Telegraph.
-i er r.-ti
To The
Great Frontier Days
Walla Walla, Wash.,
Leaves Athena, 8:25 a. m., Satur
day, September 19th. Returning,
Jeaves Walla Walla 11:59 p. m. ar
riving at Athena, 1:15 a. ra.
For full purt'Mlara ask J. R. Mathers, Agent,
O.-W. V. & N., cAthena, Oregon.
Am I My
Yes! You Are
Provided he addicted to liquor
' 332 H YES
tnnesa has decreased
In rello of six to one
since the town went
fA'SAZ.fAf' Business
is far bettor than when
tho town waa wet,
three leading mer
chants sy. , '
Paid AdwrtltMiiont by Commute ot Ooa Huadnd
741 Uortu Buiidloa, Portland. Onsen
8. F. Sharp
. Special attention given to all
calia both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Office on Third
Street, Athena Oregor
Physician and Surgeon.
Office in Poet Building. Phone, E01
Athena, Oregon
Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m.
Freewater, Oregon - Pendleton; Oregon
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
Veterinary Surgeon fc Dentist
Graduate McKUIlp Vetinary college
Offices: Oommeriojl able aud Baks Drug
. SHAFFER President,
. FERGUSON, Vice-President,
. LeUKOW, Cashier.
CANNON, Ass't Cashier
tt, d aniwtraR. H. KOEPKE,
F. 8. I HBUW. '
We extend to our Depositors eyery tAccommdation
- consistent with sound Banking.
. R. VY. HATCH, Manager
Despain Building, : Pendleton, Oregon.
t mc -
I i, E. FROOME, mop.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
la tbe only one that can accommodate
oommerolal traveler. .
' Can tMiMomenaed tor Its clean ana
well ventilated rooms.
tha moat hanllnci salve In the world.
To Our Customers:
Onr Engineering Department at Walla Walla U 4"PVta
witb Arobiteot and Engineers, who supply nswltbFKKISPliAAB
ANDS PEOlFIOAlIONa containing oomplete working drawings
and details. ,
if jon oontanjplate ereotng a new home, onr big new 115,000
plan took of over one hundred oontains yonr "Ideal Home.
Ibis plan book is tbe best ever published. All designs therein
have been built many times. Onr material .list and ooat data
on tbem are aoonrate. We oan give yon an estimate covering
the aotual oost on your ground, "in no time."
for Barns, Silos, Mils houses, Hon houses, Model Sobools and
Cborabes, Bank and 01 floe Buildings are furnished witb the lat
est idess. By building right TH3 TUM A LUM WAY yon
get tbe most for tbe least'oost.
We help Build what you want
i "See A. M. JOHNSON about it" at
1IT1 Tl
Why Is OREGON, Picked for Alleged
Nationwide Prohibition Fight?
Why Have Eastern Millionaires Brought THIS
Agitation to THIS Pacific Coast State ?
It is not generally known in Oregon that the proposed prohibition
amendment to the State Constitution is an issue framed by men who
have ito personal interest in this state.
Who the real politicians are who comprise
this group of men is kept a profound secret
from the people of Oregon. Their real
motive is likewise kept a secret. All that
is made public is that they are philanthro
pists, who are bent on saving humanity.
Millions have been raised to accomplish
this philanthropic work of saving a nation,
but who these millionaire philanthropists
are is not being told to the public.
The q csiion naturally must arise, therefore, In
the minds of Oregon voters:
Since when have these kind of millions
worked for the uplift of real humanity?
Having brought nearly every necessity of human life
In this n uion under their monopolistic control, not
for the good of humanity, bul for the satisfaction of
their own greed, why are Ihey now so clamorous, so
noisy in their demands for nationwide prohibition?
Is It not the duty of every voter In Oregon first to
"stop," "look" and "listen" for a moment and to ask
himseltor herself: , .
Why have these Eastern millionaire philanthro
pists so suddenly turned their spots? Why so
anxious for humanity? Is (here a "dollar
reason" lurking behind the movement some- .
Why do they not come to Oregon with a uniform
issue? Why do they frame on issue for Washington
to catch votes in that state and another Uiut In Ore
gon to catch votes here? Why do ihey not frame one
issue for alt ttatet? Why do they not put Into the
Oregon Issue a provision against distribution and
giving away ot liquor? Why do they only want the
- manufacture and tale of alcoholio beverages pro
hibited here in Oregon? Are they truly working for
BraAioitton or even true temperance, or Is there a
joker eomewhere which they are asking the good
people of Oregon to swallow In the shape pf a consti
tutional amendment? Why have they included the
words "manuroctur. sai, giving away and trans
portation from one point to another" in the Califor
nia amendmeat now being agitated in that state? Is it
because they know In advance that ihey will lose that
state by at least 200,000 votes and are resorting to pol
itical trickery to common with millionaire philax -throputt
In order that they may delude the people In
other states as to what they are "fighting for in Cal
ifornia?" Why do they not bring that same issue to Oregon?
Why is it they have framed a law for the
Washington voters on our North for this
fall which provides that a half gallon of
alcohol or a dozen bottles of beer may be
bought every two weeks by an adult person?
This would permit Washington to stay
drunk all the time. Why do they claim
that that is temperance or prohibition?
Why do they not bring one ot these three
issues to all three Pacific Coast States?
Why are not all litter ttatet made to confront the
tame Itsut at the same time? Is it not a national or
ganization, with a national fund of millions, with
national programme to do nationwide good to hu
manity? Or, are they really working for nationwide
temperance or prohibition, after all? Or ia there
something covered up by these millionaire Easterners?
Is it some new scheme to get the public to help them
, to make some new kind of dollars?
Why has Oregon been selected as the focusing
point for this campaign of Eastern millionaires? -Why
should it be the one state of all Pacific .'
Coast slates to have 5,000 men thrown out oi '
employment, 1,500 to 2,000 more homes made
empty, 1,000 more stores made vacant, a $6,000,
000 hop induslrycrippled,incomes reduced, real
ty values depressed, taxes made tremendously
higher and business unsettled when Ihe very
millionaire philanthropists who have framed
. Ihe Oregon amendment have not proposed a
true temperance issue?
Many right minded men and women of Oregon, not
knowing nil the foregoing facts and other facts Io be
published In these columns from issue to issue, have
been swayed by Ihe loftiest of motives In supporting
Ihe issue brought to them by these Eastern millionaires.
They have been made to feel that ihey were enlisting
In a national light for temperance and in loo many
cases have been blindly led into the support of a cause
which will not only injure true temperance, bul make
present admitted hard limes in this stale twice and
three times as hard II the proposed statewide prohibi
tion amendment is adopted. Stagnation would have
been created, yet any husband, son, brother or father
would be able to transport liquor into and through
Ihe stale and to vim it away if the present splendid
home rule and focal- oat on laws ara replaced by g
state constitutional amendment and the control pf (at
liquor traffic is turned over to Ihe state police author-'
ities. Even then, would true temperance have bees
secured at this fatal expense of stagnation? w"m
What are these Eastern millionaire philanthropists really trying to do? Are they
really worrying about humanity ana Oregon or is it some new scheme to control
somet hing to make Mme new kind of d ollars that is worrying them?
VOTE 333 1 X NO
Watch Thi Paper For The Continued Truth About Prohibition
- . Paid AavettiKawat Taiaajrm ad Was Eancn' Lfatus, Fori bad, Orim