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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1914)
iSHIP HARDWARE COMPANY SELL SUPERIOR .RANGES , . THE World Leader ; SINCE 1837 BARRETT B'LD'G Athena, Oregon, : ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. American beauty FLOUR Is made inJAthena, by Athena Labor, in one of the very best equipped Mills in the Northwest, of the .; ."' : best selected Bluestem wheat grown .anywhere. ,1; Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the ' famous American Beauty Flour, t : " , . ; The Flour Your Mother Uses Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Athena,' Oregon; Waitsburg, Washington. Home of QUALITY Groceries Good Groceries go to the Right Spot ' Every Time This is the Right Spot To go to Every Time for Groceries.' Try These-They'O Please! ONE BEST , THE MONOPOLE -Monopole Vegetables , ; Monopole Fruits ,v Monopole Salmon z ' Monopole Oysters DELL BR(S., Athena, Or. ' Caterers to the Public in Good Things to Eat : THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET We carry the best MEATS that money buys. '"" Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats BRYAN & MEYER Main St., Athena, Ore. POULTRY and Dairy Produce of all kinds wanted.' Write for oar CA$H OFFER Pearson-Page Co. PSD SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Bought, told and exchanged; . engines, boiler, sawmills, etc. Snd for Stock List and Price. THE J. L MAKTIN CO. 88 1st SU. Portiaad. Or. OPPORTUNITY IS HERE TO LEARN CHIROPRACTIC, Cud Reqwi. tuttOMtnak Ukv, 4U fa mm Mat, hriW, On QUIT CIGARETTES With the aid of ARGENITE. an improvement on. the SILVER NITRITE treatment as used by I Industrial Schools and Juvenile -Courts. . . ... . At yout druggist or send 60c , for; full treatment post paid. ARGENITE CO., Dept 4, 451 1-2 Morrison St., PORTLAND, OR. TYPHOID i tl iiu more necesaarj tbtnSmallpox. Army experience bar demorutrated the ilmoet mlriculoui eff. cacr. and harmleelneu.of Antityphoid Vaccloation. Be veccioated NOW br yoai physician, you ant your family, tl la more vital than houie insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for "Have, you had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine, results from use. and danger from Typhoid Carriers. THE CUTTER LABORATORY, BUKOEV, CAL raoauciae vaccinss a sssums vkdsb a. a. eo. ucaasl Congressional Duty. ' Grouchy Voter I ' think congress ought to quit sending out seeds to us farmers. Congressman (visiting his district) Why, aren't the seeds good? , f Voter Oh, yes, the seeds are all right, but I think congress ought to plant the seeds and send us the vege tables. Llpplncott's Magazine. : Putnam Fadeless Dyes will last until the goods wear out Justifiable. "Why did you beat this man so ter ribly?" said the Judge, indicating the bebandaged figure of the plaintiff. "I aukod him -why a dorse bad run away, your honor," explained the pris oner, "and he told me that It was be cause the animal had lost bis equlne imlty." . , "H'm," said the Judge. "Discharged." Llpplncott's Magazine., Of Course. ; "I hear you had your portrait paint ed by the most famous artist In Eu rope." "Yes, but to tell you the truth, It doesn't look a bit like me." "In the case of such a famous artist it Is up to you to try to look like the portrait. "Louisville Courier-Journal. If the candidates with their pictures in the papers are not within the law, sbme of them will have to go Into the moving picture business. The high cost of living has hit poli tics. It , will oost $100 to get one man's vote on a California isthmus. I tSS7 1 114 1 27th I TEAR OLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE , The school that (rata you a . good position. Thousands of Graduates HONS 1DLS . I FREE INFORMATION I OLDEST Washington las' 10th Sta. PORTLAND, ORE. MOST) MODERN Hair stain at the postofflce lacks owner. Clerks with silver threads among the blonde are keeping an eye on it. Why not "sic" a few fumigated cats and sterilized rat terriers on those infected rats? MOTHER OF SCHOOLGIRL tells How LydiaLPinkham'i Vegetable Compound Re , stored Her Daugh. ter's Health. Plover, Iowa. "From a small -child toy 13 year old daughter had femal weakness. I spoke to three doctors about It and they did not help her any. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound had been of great benefit to ma, so I decided to hava her "give it a trial. Sha has taken flva bottles of the Vege- I table Compound ac cording to directions on the bottle and she It cured of this trouble. She was all run down when she started taking the Compound and her periods did not come right - She was so poorly and Weak that I often had to help her dress herself, but now she is regular and fs growing strong and healthy." Mrs. Martin Hexviq, Plover, Iowa. . ' Hundreds of such letters expressing gratitude for the good Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has accom plished are constantly being received, proving the reliability of this grand old remedy. , .;' ., ' If yon are ill do not drag along and continue to suffer day in and day out but at once take Lydia E. Pinknam s Vege table Compound, a woman's remedy for woman a Ilia. . ; If yoa waat special adrioe writ to Lldla E-FlBkhaaa Medlclse Co. (conn eatlal) Lynn, Mass. Voar letter wiU be opened, read and answered by s traaua sad held la strict ooniideaoe. , . N. U. No. SS, IBU W11KN wrlllw to Wrwtiwa. Wh ar I " tlea this aapw. JAPAN DECLARES WAR ON KAISER Emperor's Ultimatum Is Unan swered by Germany. Bombardment of Tsing Tau Com menced by Nipponese United ' , States Neutrality Liked. Tokio The Yamato in an extra ed ition Monday says that the bombard ment of Tsing. Tau , by the Japanese fleet has commenced. This message was passed by the censors of the navy department. J , . Washington, D. C. The Japanese ambassador here announced that a state of war existed between Japan and Germany since noon Sunday (Jap anese time) and that a declaration of war was issued at 6 p. m, , ' Japan's declaration of war has reached Berlin, according to official reports received in Washington. Whether the declaration was sent by cable or wireless was not indicated. ' Viscount Chinda, in making his an nouncement, repeated assurances (re cently given by Great Britan that Japan's actions would be confined to the Far East. ' Aside from informal verba) ex changes between Viscount Chinda and Secretary' Bryan in Washington and between United Slates .. Ambassador Guthrie and the foreign office in To kio, however, there is nothing of rec ord so far to commit the Japanese to this limited field of war. The impression prevails here among diplomats, however, that the state ment of Chinda taken in connection with the speech in the Japanese Diet last week of Count Okuma, the Japan ese premier, is quite sufficient to bind the Japanese government to a strict performance of Jits obligations in re gard to the return of Kiau Chau to China and of the limitiation of the field of hostilities definitely set out in the British statement No mention was made by Ambassa dor Chinda of the status Of the rail roads in Shantung province directly or indirectly controlled by the Germans. It was said at the Japanese embassy here that in all probability the Japan ese army would content itself with the seizure of the railroads running inland to Tsinan, about 200 miles in length, because this was German' in every, re spect. It was not expected that any. attempt would be made to take posses sion of the system of railways lying between Tientsin and Nanking, be cause, although these were financed by Germans, they were nominally Chinese railroads. , Tokio The proclamation of the em peror who declared war on Germany has sent a thrill through the country. Japan's entrance upon the fullfillment of her obligations to her ally, Great Britain, responds to the popular will from one end of the land to the other. Cheering crowds assembled before the buildings occupied by the department of foreign affairs and the administra tion of the navy.1 ; Count Von Rex, the German ambass ador in Tokio, has received his pas sports. He probably will leave here for America. George W. Guthrie, the American ambassador, will repre sent Germany. - It is reported here that Gremany has been trying to transfer the German railroad in Shantung, China, to Amer ica. Tokio believes, however, 'that the United States, pursuing the policy of neutrality, will not accept Jhe offer. .' Girl Dance With Enemy. London A dispatch to the Daily Telegraph from Ostend says: ' When the Germans entered Brussels they removed the British and French flags and in the center they flew the arms of the city of Brussels with the colors of Belgium and Germany on the right and left i In their dealings with the shopkeep ers the German privates are compelled to pay cash, but the officers are giving checks which the shopkeepers are re quired to accept, although they regard the chances of cashing them as rather dubious. There have been'some lively scenes in the city. At evening the German Officers gather at the principal hotels, where they drink champagne and dance with the pretty girls of the town. The private sliders and the in habitants mingle freely, eating, drink ing and smoking together. ' Son Sent to His Death. Paris Colonel Folque, commander of a division of artillery at the front, recently needed a few men for a peril ous mission and called for volunteers. "Those who undertake this mission will perhaps never come back," he said, "and he who commands will prob ably be one of the first sons of France to die for his country in this war." A young graduate of a polytechnic school asked for the honor of leading. It was the son of Colonel Folque. The latter paled; but did not flinch. . His son did not come back. . Japan Not to Retain Port. -Kariiawaku, Japan Saburo Shima da, a member of the opposition in Par liament, in an address here, said that he believed Japan ' had no desire to keep Kiau Chau. He asserted that it was Japan's policy to prevent a stir-up in China. "The retaining of Kiau Chau," he said, "would mean the dan ger of a revolution in China, and in curring the ill Will of America. Japan is appreciative of Germany's contribu tion to Japanese civilisation, but it is resentful because the kaiser first raised the cry of the 'yellow peril.' " Italy May fight Austria. : Paris There are indications of acute diplomatic tension between Vienna and Rome, according to the correspondent of the Petit Parisien in the latter city. "Austria, it is declared, has reproach ed Italy for according facilities to the allied fleets in the Adriatic and it is possible that a declaration of war be tween Italy and Austria will be an nounced early next week. NORTHWEST MARKET : . ' REPORTS. :. "' ; Portland. Portland There was a big run of all kinds of stock at the North Port land yards. . The result on prices was a decline of a quarter on hogs and a weaker feeling in the cattle market. Sheep held firm. ' The best price obtainable in the cat tle market for steers was $7.15, only one load- going at that figure. Five loads were sold at $7 and two at $7.05. The bulk of sales were at $6.50 and $7. Good cows sold from $5.60 to $6, and calves at $8. ; ' '"' In the hog market the top price was $9.25, as against a $9.50 . market throughout most of last week. , . . , The larger part of the mutton trans actions were in lambs, most of which brought $6. Ewes sold readily at $3.35, wethers at $5 and yearlings at the same price. Cattle Prime steers, $7$7.25; choice, $6.757; medium, $6.256.75; choice cows, $5.75(86; medium,' $5.25 5.75; heifers, $5.506.50; calves, $68.25; bulls, $34.50; stags, $4.50 5.75. ' '- Hogs Light, $99.26; heavy, $8 8.25. SheepWethers, $45; ewes, $3.50 4.85; lambs, $56. The price of bluestem continues to advance, but other kinds of wheat are no more than holding their own. At the Merchants' Exchange session blue stem bids were advanced half a cent to 99 cents, and sellerB likewise raised their asking price to $1.05. No busi ness was put through during the ses sion. There were reports from the country of bluestem deals at $1.02, Coast basiB, for account - of interior mills, and in view of the firmness of fanners, these reports were not ques tioned. j .. . Bids for bluestem, 99 Jc; forty-fold, 89c; club, 88c; red Russian, 86c; red Fife, 87c. Oats No. 1 white feed, 261c. Barley No. 1 feed, 21c; brew ing, 21Jc; bran, 24Jc; shorts, 251c . Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $25 26.60 per ton; shorts, $2727.50; rolled barley, $23.60(24.50. -. Corn Whole, $37 per ton; cracked, $38. ... ' Hay Old timothy, Eastern Oregon, $16 16; new crop timothy, valley, $12. 5013; grain hay, $810; alfal fa, $ll12.' : : ' Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, case count, 25c per dozen; candled, 2830c. Poultry i Hens, 16c per pound H springs, 1717jc; turkeys, ZZc; dress ed, choice, 22c; ducks, ll12c; Pe kins, 1314c; geese, 10c. ; Butter Creamery prints, extras, 85c per pound; cubes, 81c; storage, 28 28Jc. . '. ; Pork Block, 21c per pound. , Veal Fancy, 1414ie per pound. Vegetables Cucumbers, 60c box; eggplant, 8c per pound; peppers, 6 7c; head lettuce, $1.70 per crate; arti chokes, $1 per dozen; tomatoes, 40 60c per crate; cabbage, l2c per pound; peas, 56c; beans, 46c; corn, $11.25 per sack; celery, 60 85c per sacki i Onions Yellow, $1.26 per sack. Green Fruits Apples, new, 75c $1.75 box; cantaloupes, 50c$1.35 per crate; peaches, 8060e per box; plums, 60c$l ; watermelons, 86c per cwt; caBabas, $1.602 per dozen; pears, $12 per box; grapes, 85c $1.75 per crate. ' Potatoes Oregon, ljc per pound. . Hops 1913 crop, , 1617Jc; , 1914 contracts, 1818Jc. Wool Valley. 18J20Jc per. pound; Eastern Oregon, 16 201c; mohair, choice 1914 clip, 27ic. Seattle. " " ' Seattle The outlook for next week is continued low markets for fruit, the food staple that has not as yet partici pated in the excitement incident upon the war. Cantaloupes may be the sole exception, but these have been so low recently as to scarcely pay the cost of handling. . . Low apples are outlined for the bal ance of theseaaon, running far Into the cold storage regions with $11.25 predicted by jobbers as the top for the year. It is pointed out that even though the war should stop tomorrow, the season is too far advanced to per mit of shipping the fruit to the be sieged countries without appalling shrinkage. Growers in the'Wenatchee valley, with a fair price this season, would have gone on a cash basis. " Cantaloupes are scheduled to go higher next week. The market, glut ted for the past week with good; qual ity fruit, shows slight reduction in vol ume of receipts, and growers will make an attempt to get a profit from the fruit. Prices are 76c for ponies and $1 for standards. , .- j : . There has been much complaint as to the general quality of the peach offerings. Hanford has shipped in the best Elbertas, and while other sec tions are contributing, the standard is not what it has been in previous years. The quality of the Crawfords ' is not good. The market is 4060c for best fruit. , r ' - ' Eggs Select ranch, 33c per dozen., Poultry Live hens, 1015c per pound; old roosters, 9c; 1914 broilers, 1415c; ducklings, - 1012c; geese, 10c; guinea fowl, $9 per'dozen. ; . Ranch butter 16c per pound. ... . Apples New cooking, 50c$l per box; new eating, $1.?51.50; Grav ensteins, $1.25(8,1.75. 4 , . Watermelons ic per pound."- K ' Dressed Beef Prime .beef steers, 1212c per pound; cows, ll12c; heifers, 12c. ' : " ' Dressed Veal 1516c per pound. Dressed -' Hogs Whole, 1 packing house, 13c per pound. Dressed Spring Lamb--1213e per pound.. - - . . - Dressed Mutton 9j10ic pound. , . Bell Peppers Wenatchea, 10-pound boxes, 60(n.60c - - 4 .-.i t Beets New, $1.25 per sack. Cabbage Local, l(C2c per pound. CornGreen, local, $1.75 per sack. ' Carrots Local, $1 per sack. Cauliflower Local, $1(: 1.25 dozen. Celery Local, 60c per dozen. - . . , ; Cucumbers Hothouse, '3675cdo. Eggplant 67o per pound. - Onions Green, 2530e per dozen; Walla Walla, $1.26 per cwt 1 Potatoes Local, $1.25 per cwt ' Squash Loral, 2c per pound. 1 - Tomatoes Local hothouse, 5076e Turnips New, white, $1.25 sack. mssrm win - jT1"WT. SaV m M igm Weight Hammerless Repeating Shotguns ; 12, 16 "AND 20 GAUGES. MODEL" 1912 , "This is the lightest, strongest and handsomest repeating shotgun made. Although light, it has surpassing strength, because all the metal parts are made of Nickel steel, which is twice as strong as ordinary SteeL, It is simple to load and .unload, easy to take down, and works with an ease and smoothness not found in repeaters of other makes. . Look one of these guns over at your dealer's. . I'hey are "THE MOST: PFRFECT REPEATERS." When Marriage Is a Failure.' Mr. Gladstone once Bald that he had solved the domestic problem in this way: "Whenever Mre. Gladstone in sists I submit and whenever I insist she submits." -He didn't say, how ever; whether they took turns about Insisting and submitting. Marriage Is a failure when one of the parties in sists on being the InBlster, and doesn't take turns In submitting to be the submitter. Boston Transcript Past and Present. '- ": i Professor Brander Matthews of Co lumbia enlivened with a Joke one of bis learned lectures on the drama:. "In, the theater of the past," he said, "the public sat on the stage. It still sits on the play at times." New Orleans States. SUCCESS Depends Upon Your Training Oar course In Shorthand, Pen manship. Business Training and -Telegraphy will equip you for m succ8sful buBiness career. . . ' FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 7. BUSINESS COLLEGE. ' Fourth Smart, Near Monisoa, Portland, Or. We Guarantee Positions for All Our Graduates. i Write Us, No Trouble to Answer. THE PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE " . PORTLAND, OREGON. ':''... There is a completeness and finish about our students' education that is bringing praise from many of the leading business men of the KorthweBt. The supreme test of a business college is to satisfy the hard-headed men of the business world. We do. Write for literature which will truthfully tell you all you want to know.' n 'f All students makinsr application before Sept. 5. will set the advantage of the fi per month ... rate. Bright and diligent students complete our course in three months. . ; Cause for Gratitude. :' The fare of a certain boarding house was very poor. A boarder who bad been there for same time, because he could not get away, was standing in the hall wben the landlord rang the dinner bell. Whereupon an old dog that was lying outside on a rug com menced to howl mournfully. ' The boarder watched him a little while, and then Bald: "What on earth are you howling for? You don't have to eat it!" Cur rent Opinion. . . v Sunlight Intensified By Heflection from Ocesn Beach and Desert Sand unrelieved by Foliage Winds and Mineral Ladent Poisonous Dust, all bring Eye Troubles in their wake Granu lated Eyelids, Red, Itching, Burning, Tired snd Watery Eyes, Impaired Vision and Eye Pain. Reliable Relief is found in Murine Eye Remedy, Mild and Harmless. If you Wear Glasses, Try Murine. Doesn't Smart. Feels Fine. Acts Quickly. Is an Eve Tonic compounded by Oculists not a ' Patent Medicine'V-but used in successful Physicians' Practice for many years. Now dedicated to the Public and sold at 50c Per Bottle. . Murine Eye Salve In Aseptic Tubes, 25c and 60c. Sold by. Druggists. For Books! write to Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. ,. , . Everybody Happyl .' ' Berlin The Germans are sweeping Belgium. ,' ( PariB The allies' repulse the ene my's advance. - ... .. BrusselB The Belgian victory is complete. . . Vienna The Austrlans drive Ser vians before them. ..' St. Petersburg The Cossacks de scend on German border. ; ' London British vessels bring In rich prizes of war. - Kragushevatz The Servian suc cesses continue. - . r .Washington We should worry I ; " RESINOL STOPS DANDRUFF ' AND SCALP ITCHING If you are troubled with dandruff, eczema or other scaly, itching scalp aifection, try shampoos' with restnol soap and an occasional treatment with resinol ointment. You will be sur prised .how quickly the' trouble disap pears, and the health and beauty of the hair improves. : Resinol soap and ointment also heal skin eruptions, clear away: pimples and blackheads, and form a most val uable household treatment for sun burn, heat-rash, etc. Sold by all drug gists, . Prescribed by doctors tor 19 years. Adv. - ' - . V: t i ' " v.,." 'r I ',. Remedy for the Cat. i 1 "Doctor,"- said he, "I'm a victim of Insomnia.- I can't sleep If there's the least nolae, such as a cat on the back fence, for instance." "This powder will be effective," re plied; the physician, after compounding a prescription. ' ' '; "When do I take it, doctorT" 1 "You dont take it You give It to the cat in a little milk." . YOU OWH MCGOIST WILL TELL YOU Try Murine Kje lleiuedjr lor KM, Weak, Watery Bjaa atod Orantuated Erelida; No Srasrttng luatEye Comfort. Write for Book, of the Ere byraaaiirree. Murine ke tttnreuy Co.Jblcago. The water pumps may be busy, but there is another variety in the thirst emporiums that aren't exactly idle either. v ' t : . , , t China yearly sends $30,000 worth of peanuts to lie United States. .. . . There are W.56T.000, horses in the United States, valued at $2,278,222,000. ' a. dog is Just a plain dog after all. Two bloodhounds on the trail of ban dits chased rabbits all day instead. A man receiving state aid must sub mit to an operation, says court Prob ably they will cut out his pension. For sale, second hand bathtubs, must be cleaned out Making . tor the .city beautiful There is no danger of water shortage and the free plcngea are open. , - To Breal: in New Shoes. Always shake in Allen's Fnot-sCase, spowder. it cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen ieet, ' litres coma, ingrowing nails and bunions. A til druggists and shoe stores, U5c. Dont accept inysubstitute, HamplemailedFREK. Address alien B. Olmsted, h6 Roy. H. Y. Pay Dirt. -.: The workman was digging. The wayfarer of the inquisitive turn of mind stopped for a moment to look on. ' "My man," said the wayfarer at length, "what are you digging for?" The workman looked up. . .. "Money," he replied. "Money!" ejaculated the amazed wayfarer. "And when do you expect to strike it?" . "Saturday," replied the workman, and resumed operations. London Opinion. ' murt 'HUNDREDS' OF 'WOMEN' have gone from bur school into the best business offices of the city and are now employed as stenographers,, typists, bookkeepers, billing clerks, adding ma chine experts or private secretaries. We have a course for each of these positions, and would like to fit you to nil one. Arrange to enter September BEUTEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Tacoma, Washington." A Delicate task. . ' r . "Are you preparing a -speech-- to make to your constituents?" .' .. "Yes." replied the statesman, "and I'm willing to admit it Is a hard Job? It has taken me four days to get as far as 'Friends and -fellow citizens.' ". Purifies Blood : W-th TelSing Effect , .; H - , . ,. , ' .C'.-: " --'!, . '' , ; ' t - t " !v - .. ..i7- ' Gives Conscious Evidence o -' Its Direct-Action. .' B. 8. S., the fuaom blood purifier, almiwt tulbi M .lt eweeps In war through the cir culation. .' It action If so dlitct taat very often In aome forma of skin affliction the appearance of -.the eruptions cUassca aver night, the Itch and re tinea ,tr gona and recorery begins Immediately. Am matter of iact,4bera la one Ingredi ent in 8. 8. 8. which aerres the active par posfl of atlmulatlns; each cellular part of the body ta the healthy and Judicious selec. tioc of its own essential nutriment, - That la why it regenerates the blood supply ; why It baa such a tremendous infloeac in over coming enema, rash, pimples, and all akta .aiBietion. ' And la regenerating the times i, B. ft baa a rapid and positive antidotal effect upon all taws Irritating Influences that cause rheumatism, sore throat, weak ayes, loss of weight, thin, pal cheeks, and that weariness of muscle and nerve that is gen erally experienced as spring ferer. uet a bottle of 9, 8. S. at any drug store, and in a few day yoa will sot only feel bright and energetic, but you will be the? picture of sew life, ft. 8. 8. la prepared only la the laboratory of The Swift Specific Co., 534 Swift Blag., Atlanta, Ga., whs siainrtia a very efficient Medical IVpartmeat, where all who have any blood disorder of a stubborn nature mar write frwiv for advice and a special book of Instruct lwi. ft. A. S. Is sold everywhere by druj? stores, department and general stores, but beware of all subatUutea, l mx accept Uwu. . -