The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 28, 1914, Image 3

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    Will it ever raio? Bore I .
Sam amake yesterday and today.
V. B. Radtke spent Sunday in Walla
Weill. .. v'.r.. . . - ,
Joseph U. Soott wag Weston vis
itor lueaday.
Homer I. Watts had business in
Weston Tuesday.
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson spent Monday
with Pendleton friends.
- A. M. Meldrnm was in the oity
yesterday, from Spokane.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Raymond vis
ited iri Walla Walla Tuesday.
Jas. Conley. the tailor, made bus
iness trip to Weston. Wednesday. V
' Carl Long, the well koown auto
mobile dealer, is in tbe oity today.
Mr. Sklles, popular drug salesman
of Spokane, was in tbe oity yesterday.
Nats Pinkerton oama down from
WasMuooe, Wash., Monday eveoiug.
Bom, on Weston mountain, Angost
22, to trie wife of Jack Stamper, a
" gill. '
Mrs. Earl Dudley visited Atbena
f lieu-la Tuesday, from tba ranob near
D. A. Pinkaiton was over from bis
borne in Milton Wednesday visiting
relatives. ...". . ..
Sauford Stone and Millard Kelly
will make a sbort ttip to Woodward's
toll gate.
Mr. and Mrs John Walker were in
tbe oity Wednesday from their home
near Helix.
Mrs. Edna Bell is visiting at ber
mother's home, having come np from
Boise, Idabo.
0. , E. Roosevelt, well known
Pendleton business man, was in the
oity yesterday.
For first olass party, tlitbday and
' weddtng oakes, call at the Atbena
Bakery. Adv.
Mrs. L. S. Vlnoent returned borne
Monday from Pendleton, after a visit
with bsr parents. ;
Mrs. E. A. Boyd went over to Mil
ton Tuesday, to visit bat daughter,
Mrs. B, D. Edwards.
Tom Llenallsn, one of tba leading
oitizens of Adams, transacted business
in the oity yesterday. -
. For Sale. Two sound, yonng work
maiea and a mule oolt, Louis Keen,
Fieewater, Ore. Adv.-
Mrs. Win Bnrden bas added a large
sleeping apartment to tbe convenience
of ber popnlar boarding bouse.
Cows for Sale. Henry Koepke of
fers a number of good miloh oons for
sale at reasonable prioes. Ad.
Miss Carrie Sharp leaves soon for
fiaslyo, Wash, where she will teaoh
in tbe publlo aobools of that oity.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Read and Mr",
and Mrs. MoPbersoo returned home
from Wallowa Lake, Friday last
Deputy SneriS Blakeley was in town
from Pendlelon Monday. He oame
np to serve atlaohment papers on a
parly residing in tbe Pine creek dis
trict northeast of town.
in Carload Lots
Cascade 4 bat Fir Wood $5.73
Cascade 4 foo Maple Wood, . . 6.00
Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, .... 5.50
Athena - Pendleton Branches North
ern Pacific Railway. .
Postoffice, Edgewater, Washington.
Beginning Monday, Angnst 81st, ws
will olose at 6 p, m., Saturdays ex
cepted. " Moagrov. Mercantile Co.
Bevinuiug Monday, Aogoat Slat,
we will olose at 6 p. m. Satnidays
excepted. Mosgrove Mercantile (Jo.
Tbe grand July is in session at Pen
dleton, tbis week. There are a num
ber of orlminal eases to bs considered
by tbe jury. .
Norman Page left for tbe borne of
bis father, T. P. Page in Santa Ana,
California, after spending month in
tbe harvest field.
Leon Millet bas moved bis well
drilling maobina to the Gland Prioa
plaoe at Westou, where be will begin
deep well operations.
Walter Ely oame op from Portland
Sunday morning on a business trip,
and bad a sbort visit witb bis mother,
Mrs. Henry Pinkerton.
' Clyde and Dean Willaby with their
families, wsnt np nn tba Umatilla
river yesterday, where tbey Will en
joy a few days fishing. -
Plain and fanoy pastry, also whole
some wheat, graham, rya and cream
bread, baked fresh every day at the
Atbena Bakery. Adv.
M. L. Watts spent Sunday in Port
land with bis wife and daughter.
Mrs. Watts and Vsrnita are expected
to arrive home, Sunday.
Mrs. F. 8. Ls Urow is visiting at
the borne of ber mother- in Walla
Walla, dniiug tbe absenoe of Mr. Le
Grow to bis Montana raoob.
After a year's absenoe from tbe oity,
doiiog wbiob be saw coneldera tin of
Californian territory, "Obuti" Nelson
returned Wednesday morning.'
Mrs. Wm. MoBride returned to ber
borne sontbeist of town, Tuesday, af
ter severs! days visit at tbe horns of
Mr. and Mrs. B, B. Biobards.
Miss Jaokaon, of Dayton, a former
resident of tbis oity, where she was in
tbe millinery townees bas been a guest
tbis week of Mrs. Austin Foss.
' H. Qantenhein of Pasoo, bas return
ed to bis heme in tbat oity, after vis
ltlng several days with bis danghter,
Mis. Charles Bryan of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gross and Mr.
and Mrs. Lnke Read returned Sunday
from Bingham Springs, where tbey
spent a couple of weeks oamplng.
Ronndnp bats and "Let 'er book"
buttons have made their appearanoe
in Atbena and are proving to he good
advertising dope for the big show.
F. S. LeGrow, who baa large land
boldings and live stook interests neat
Miles City, Montana, left for tbat
point on a business matter, Tuesday.
All those owing Mil. Lillie Miller
-must settle before Tuesday next, as
she will leave then for Portland to
bny bet tall stook of millinery. adv.
E. A. Bsnnett returned the tore
part ot tbe week from a business visit
to Spokme.- Mr. Bennett formerly
oouduoted a paint store in- the Falls
oity. vv, - -
Orel MoPberrin is rapidly recover
ing from his recent paintu) aooidenl
in wbioh he lost bis rigbt arm, and
is expeoted home from tbe hospital at
Walla Walla.
Lost: Between Adams aud Belli,
a Ford hood, tied in saok. Pleass
leave at Athena Garage and notity
Ed. LeRoy, 720 W. Poplar St., Walla
Walla. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Walker of
Walla Walla, era at tbe borne of Mr.
Walker's parents in tbis oily. He
is recovering from a aerions attaok of
mnsolar rheumatism. . :
. Miss Merna DePeatt spent a ooople
of days in Walla Walla the first of tbe
week, wbere she ordered new fall
goods for the Fix & Radtka store, and
also visited ber sistsr.
Mrs. E. L. Bsrnett and Miss Flora
Kemp, who aooompaoied the body of
their mother to Athena from Portland
Sunday morning, Isft Monday evening
for their borne tbeie.
Mr. and Mrs. I. - M. Kemp were
down from Uolton, Sunday, attendiog
the funeral of Mr. Eemp'a mother,
whiob ooonned here. Tbey tetnined
borne Monday morning.
A sale of reservation lands was
made tbis week by Mrs. Lillie Miller,
H Mm-1
With new buildiiwa. better onln-
ment, enlarged grouudt, and many ad-
flition to it faculty, me uw vanity
oi urefon win Degia ita mirty -annul
year Tuesday, September 15.
Special training for Bualneaa, Jour
nalum. Law, Medicine, Teaching, Li
brary Work. Muaic Krrhit&nrm
Dl I T1 j. I r-
rujaivw iniaiDxaaa riMAfn,
Lirgrtt and trongeat departments
of liberal education.
Library of aaor than- H.Ht volueaee, two
epltndie tyaaaaetuaH. elevea tmlkllaae fully
eqelyeea'. New SIM.M Adauuelretloa
Bullelofj la cootae of coMtmctloa.
TeiHoe. Fnt. Dororitorlee for aa aa.
Writ for cauioa- mad IllaairateS booklet, I
.noreMla- Keautrar
Leather Co
We have just received a new ship
ment of Men's Purses, Bill Books'
Cigar Cases, cVIusic Rolls, etc
The Non-Leakable Fountain Pens, from $2.50
to $5.00Guaranteed
in wbioh 80 aores was transferred
from the foimer Simpson estate to a
Spokane woman, at $100 per aore.
Take your shoe repairing to to 0. L.
Ulin's Model Shoe Snop.. where there
is machinery to tnrn ont the work in
modern style. Prioes ressonatle and
satisfaction guaranteed Adv.
George Winsbip will join the Ath
ena colony at Kngene and matriculate
with Oregon University. Hia position
at tba local station ot the O. W. will
probably be filled by a looal man.
Tbe Athene school board will today
saleot plans and specifications fo: the
new sohool bnilding, for which bonds
fere authorized at the reoent eleotion. '
Five architects will be here to submit
plans. ; . . , . ,
Tbe secretary of state is mailing to
all voters pamphlets containing the
proposed constitutional amendments
and measnres to be voted on at tbe,
general election on Tnesday, Novem
ber, 8. ; '
Maurice Bill bas finished bis work
in the Adams wheat warehouses, and
will assist in tbe olerioal work at
B. B. Riohards' offloe until time toi
him to return tu the University at
Eugene. -... .
The 0. W. B. M. meeting for Septem-
tet will be held at tne borne of Mrsi
David Taylor, on Wedneeday, tbe 8.
Mrs. George Gerking will lead the
meeting, witb the topio. "Examina
tion Day." .: ; ,---,:
Ibe present dry season calls to the
mind of William Eilgore the dronth
ot 23 years ago. At that time water
became soaroe and a small crop yield
was tbe result. Rain did not fall un
til November 10th.
Miss Vi-lma Wilkinson arrived borne
Wednesday evening from Portland,
where she spent tbe past week finish
ing her snmmei's vaoation. Miss
Wilkinson will be assigned tbe 6tb
grade in tbe Athena schools. .
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, Mr. and Mrs.
Tharp and Mrs. W. B. Taylor, witb
their families, and many others have
returned from Bingham springs, wbere
they spent a abort vaoation, oamplng
and enjoying tbe swimming pool.
For Sale. 110 aores of wheat land,
7 miles southeast of Dayton, at $U5 an
aore; also a SO aore frnit ranoh neai
Free water, on internrban line, tot
$6600. Easy terms on both proposi
tions. ; Pbona 81F6, Atbena, Oregon.
J. H. Hatmoo, ot Eagle, Idabo, will
pieaob in the Gbiistian obuicb next
Sunday, morning and evening. A
good andienoe is bespoken fot the
pieaofaer, and espsoially is tbej mem-
nersblp urged to be present at tnese
Byron N. Hawks, TJfe Druggist
Dreamland program fot Friday and
Saturday evenings: 1 and 3. "Her
Husband's Friend." Kalem. 8.
"Sberlook Holmes Girl," Edison.
Sonday: 1 and S. "Jerry's Unole'a
Namesake," Vltagrapb. 8. "By Un
seen Hands," Selig. ,
Athene's oanlns population bas been
inoressed by tbe return of "Penny,"
a renegade of tba specie, alter an ab-
senos of a oonple of years. Age does
not deter him from running at passing
vabioles in tbe street cr starting a bat
tie among bis brethren.
Reports oontioue to leaob Atbena
from tba foot bill ranobera aud moon
tain farmers to tba effeot tbat while
the spnd crop will be a light ooa there
is a bnmper crop of gronsa and pheas
ants. September 1, 1914, falls on
next Tnesday. Unit ssd.
' Epb Williams, a well known old
timer of Atbena, bas been in town
this week. He bas bsen tesiding in
Idabo, bnt at present ia living near
Freewater. His wife has been in
the Walla Walla bospital for some
time, and is in poor health.
A leotnre on tbe East Indian mis
sionary work,' Is announced to take
plaoe in tbe Christian obnrob Tnesday
evening, September 8. J. 0. Gborm
ley, of Portland, who was formerly in
the work in India, will deliver the
leotnre, witb atsreoptioon views.
Charles Downing returned to bis
ranch at Eennewiok, Wash., Monday.
From a bnndred and sixty aore Bold,
Charley picked np 1000 aaoks of wheat.
a volnnteer yield. Summer fallow
orops in that seotion this season pro
duced from 18 to 80 bushels per acre.
Sam Pambrnn, Homer Watts and
Fay LGrow will leave abont Septem
ber 10 on tbeir Montana booting trip.
At Spokane tba boys will be joined
by Frank Qiaaty, a well known boot
er, who formtirly resided on tbe Uma
tilla, but who is now living in tba
Okanogan oouo try.
Work will be resnmed on tbe Atb
ena-Pendleton maosdam road, between
tbis oity and Adams immediately after
the rains come to ley tbe dost and
moisten tbe soil. One of tbe eonotv'a
erusbars will be estatlisbed at tbe city
rook qnary and tba otber near Ereba
grove, tbis aide of Adams..
Mrs. Minnie Willaby bas reoeived
word ol tbe death of ber annt, Mrs,
M. E, Wioks, of Colfax, Wssb. Mrs.
Wtote was 70 years of age, and was
wall known to many Athena people,
having often visiied relatives beta.
Har death ooourred in a Collax boa
pits!, after several weeks' Illness.
' Walt Adams ia being heralded In
Atbena this year aa the barley king.
Tbia year Walter's tanob produced
20.000 aaoks of barley, and as tba
prioa is climbing, be may exneot to
get a dollar or better pet aaok. He Is
delivering bis big orop to tbs Preston
Bbaffer Milling company in tbis city.
For tba Bret time siooe 1898, wheat
bas reached a dollar per bushel Yes-
terdsy at Walla Walla, millers paid
for bine stem from SI. 01 to 11.06.
Some of trie bluestem was pmobssed
by tba Preatoij-BbaSet Milling com
pany. While there was considerable
aetivity on tba market v eater day tba
demand was g raster than tbe desire of
farmers to aeM. Practically all tba
demand was for bloeatem, and tbara
waa little eltit wheat sold, tboogb tba
latter variety waa quoted at the high
est prioes of tbe season, It being re
ported tbat 8(1 aenta eould have been
obtained for Jfo 1. club. In tba looal
market ClqH waa quoted at 81 cents
and barley, ti'O par too.
John Rothrook and tardily have re
turned from an noting, trip to Lehman
Springs, wbere Beveralj weeks were
spent in recieation. Mr. Rotbiook
and sous Sam and John took a side
trip to tbe Grand Roode bunting and
Hsbing grounds wbere Sam waa looty
enough to slay a Boa Bve point bock.
. Mrs. A. M. Gillis cams down from
her borne near Waahtnooa, Wash.,
Monday afternoon, and visited for a
day or two with old friends, also at
tending to some business matters.
Mrs. Gillis, who is not in good bealtb,
went on over to La Grande for a
week's visit with ber mother, Mrs.
Eva Boddy.
Mr. and Mrs. William Booher have ,
returned from their outing trip to
Lehman Springs. Bill pleasantly ie
marks that be is no fisherman, what
ever, yet bis larder always contained
a goodly supply of tront, thanks to
tbe generosity of several friends who
delighted to emnlate an old fellow
named Ike Walton.
Pat Shea, well known to old settlers
of. Athena and vioinity, died at bis
borne near Thornton, Wash., on tbe
11th inat. Mr. Shea oame to Uma
tilla oonnty in an early day and took
np a Homestead norto or town, it
la said that be split most of tba rails
tbat went to fence tbe home place of
the late T. J. Elrk.
E. A. Beunett and V. 0. Boike
have leased tbe Atheoa opera bonse
from the nwner, S, L. Spenoer, and
will take possession next week. Tbe
new owners will give the public tbe
best shows possitls to seonre. and will
inangnrate a aeries of Saturday night
danoas, tbe first at which will he giv
en on Saturday evening, September S.
Mrs. J. W. Smith arrived in town
this morning from Corvsllia. wbere
she has been negotiating tbe renting
of ber property for the winter. Mrs.
Smith will visit here a few days be
fore joining ber hustand and sons in
Montana, where ebe now resides. Her
danghter, Miss Lata Ediogtou, will
teach this winter in lngomar, Mon
tana. .
Tba condition of Mayor Matlook of
Pendleton bas been preoariona for
several days. Ha Is suffering from
gall stones and bis condition bas be
come so wesk tbat feai ls expressed of
performing an operation for relief
fiom that sonrae. Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Bwaggart returned from Pendleton
yesterday wbere tbev bad been oalUd
on- aoooont of Mr, Matlook's illness.
Miss Flora Bootb oame down from
Meaobam, wbeieshe hss been taking
ber vacation, and left Wednesday for
Lawiston, Idaho, wbere she will re
sume her praotiu as professional
nurse. Miss Bootb has msde a splen
did snooess of ber work. She will be
joined soon by ber two sisters. Misses
Agnes snd Edito Bootb, the former of
whom will tesab in tbat vioinity, and
tbe latter will attend the Lew is ton
State Normal sohool.
0. M. MoAlister, the well known
live stook sgsot ot tbe Portland Union
Stook Yards company, waa in the nlty
Tnesday. He interviewed a nnmber
of farmers in regard ti bog raising.
Mr. MoAlister says tbere is no seotion
in tbe whole ot Oregun where condi
tions ere better sdap'ed to the produc
tion of swine than rigbt here in tbe
heart of the wheat belt. He informed
the Press that A. L. Swsggatt's stro-
oees in bog raising was more than
state-wide advertisement for tbis
seotion, .
The Pendleton commeroial aasooia-
tiun is standing in on support for a
new bridge on tba Umatilla at Tborn
Hollow otoasing. Some time ago a
petition, containing over 200 names
was presented to the oonnty couit.
County Jndga Malonsy and tba Com
mercial atsooiation have taken the
matter up witb the government tbrongb
Superintendent Swnrtsslander, It is
understood I hat tbe oonnty ls willing
to stand halt of the expanse in oon
strncting tbe bridge, though it is to bs
located nn Indian land.
Frank Mootagoe of Arlington, eld-
eat of son L. L. Mootagoe. formally a
resident of tbis city, visited during the
week at tbe borne of bis grandmother,
Mrs. 8. O. Stanton. Mr. Montague
oarried bis right arm in splint having
had the misfortune to bava it broken
reoently, when an automobile orank
kioked baok"wlth blm. His mission
to Umatilla oonnty in tbia instsnoe
was to deliver a booking borse to the
Ronndno aBsoolation at Pendleton. He
ssys tbis particular bronobo is some
bnoker, baving so far tbiown every
man who baa attempted to tide him
Worth - Wtilfle si
I WMlS v-V .. -siiMamajaasjBin onwM
ii w jmsmmmmm
! 1 1 fTT ,jIv 19k I I JtSJtlSl ati-!JLia7rLLY LJZJlil!51!H. I saal
. WS JVWik-i Ml KSrV
les and dimes sav- J
ed here and there I
: : a. -
jt maKe a maieriaij
QOOS difference in the
week's outlay.""
Let us Figure on Your Harvest Order
We will Make it Worth Your While
While everybody is figuring on the best way of reduciner the cost of Hvin& we are do
ing our share to bring about an improved condition, by offering table necessities at less
than usual cost. Taking advantage of every trade condition and buying in large quan
tities, enables us to give you the benefit of lower prices.
See the greatest Wild
Exhibition ever sta
Never befora haa audi at laow kMn ; A I
Every minute filled with exciting novel leaturea. One
thrilling feat alter another, by broncho riders, cow
boy i and cowgirU. Hundred! of performer. Six band.
Indian race cowboy racea buffalo chase, with real
buffaloet Indian mauacre atage-coach holdup, ate.
Plan now to attend . i ,
SEPTEMBER 17, 18. 19!
The Walla Well. Fair comet September 14, 18, 16. Spend Iha
week here. Herneu race,, running race,. Hock and Iruit exhibile.
Better Baby" corneal, ate. Over $20,000.00 la caak r"iie
All the noted oowgirls who are not
on tbe vandeviile stage, but who are
the real louab and ready artioln, will
be at the Bonndnp tbia year, Septem
ber 94, 25 snd 28. Tbe list inolndea
tbe famous Tillle Baldwin, who bas
always won tbs hearts df ber andienoe
witb ber trios and faooy riding; Jans
Bernondy, ' of tilobs, Arizona, tba
dainty and patite triok and fanoy rop
er; Vera MoGinols, Hazel Walker,
blannbe MoHaogbay, Minnie Thomp
son, Frail ie Rose Henderson, fiartna
Blanobett. and many others. The
Bonndup management tiias to keep
tbe show oleao and pore',
Wuii WmiA
KPTEM8E1 17. II. II, 1911
rr Fall Wsrastiea
lisiUysgnt ,
- gifts .
iKM-waiRnnntsj im
n i
West A fgf '
.J CmF on All
ge a i Jf-A RaHrM,
'f" Lucite Mulhall,
It ItTf 2 Lady Champion '
AJTU I Roper and I I
toning each night '
In front of (he grand- ) I i
land bu nprtttntattott I K
ncue now lor prearam ana Keteryea Seal! to Secretary, , SZ'W T,, ."" 1 1
R. H. JOHNSON. W.ll. W.ll. W.J. " Jr CluoanftfialSnrihuMal l 1 '
. v..
Bm I
m VW -Ji ' IIB tsemtytt consvupiion tmu II Vv - Ik L I-
NK ll WW jftws! aDuiisssorvss i aaa II V fn f
IXwAl SI THROATand LUNGS. C26v v; M I : ; ! :
I I hAy . TUT ifi'fK' lfaBi(relaii p f, -V ' Jj E ' ' j
Ch3n:.2i1aiiiK8fi!clM , J :,,.f
1 LlUil 1 HV ' -"u'Ii mm MlftClT rMMACIIM, III "Xfil I III IU I II : 3 --.
mttiM iilJillhX '; l i OsMe)nat.lowg.U&A. fM IWMLulU r ' '' -VV
UNE(lUAliDlJSs. X! PBlCE.tWtllTHlVE mm; . , XjAJNEQUAIiro I f ' f j
; ;;
v -,., , t - . . fox . ill naTai ti - M.'m -i .
; j, , , -,r f Eiders
J-1''' fi. "A ' By.ry.hln. Fir.i Succeed wten wrerytUng elMfall. ;
snrrtat I (M l f y.rythl.g Flral I norvona prostration and femala
Maef f'Uf f - Ola - alo.ra weaknouea they are the aopreme r -
tSm l V fH.ipX3kM ' STOMACH taOUBLE , v j
rJtw , tr ' -.( SOUTH SIDE MAIN k to L XJS2tZJ2Z , i
f .Wf-?IgP ... .11 STRUT ATHHI. Lawjnwii 1 f. . '
' r-simck' riff nvnip rimpiiPff '-ir?nn - '
i omb mui i u t"-Eiuu um i an t:. s u
Ism- i v
aiy I l -V
The Of Mlnal IhiiX CouSh tyrun awntalntng Honey and Ta. An lraprovmnt ana, ttt G
LunS and Bronshul RomalM. Pleeeent to the, Uaio and good allko to youtif and old, AH o
ayrupa cnntalnlns opiate, oonellpate Iho bowolo. Boo'a Lasatlvo Honor and Tar movoa h a)-
aal oeiiiunl av . fiovarod FlWt-VLK, MCUICING, COMPANY. CHiCACO. V. aV.