The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 07, 1914, Image 1

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Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer
1 Foss-Winship HARDWARE Company
itm7'XF,3S ' " ', Sell
BsW:" SM .
World Leader
Since 1837
In Barrett Building,
Athena, Or. :
1' T IYm'M HLt UUtf , I
Many Farmers would make use of Sileage if they were
Not Afraid of the Cost '
The cost of patented , Silos means the wages of special
agents, a special mill, and of the whole list of
a special Silo organization ;' v ,
Erect a Low Cost Tum-a-Lum Silo
and investigate this matter of Sileage on your own farm
Have you thought anything about your winter fuel?
"See A. M. JOHNSON about it."
The Tum-a-Lum Lumber Company
. 6uAUV oftOCEftlEi I
Home of
Good Groceries go to the Right
. Spot Every Time
This is the Right Spot
To go to Every Time for Groceries
Monopolo Vegetables
Monopole Fruits
Monopole Salmon
Monopole Oysters
DELL BROTHERS, Athena, Oregon
New Money Will Be Backed
As Result of War, By Prime
Assets of Many Banks.
Witb Europe in tbe throes of oonflot
commerce of tbe United States is at
a standstill, so tar as exports are oon
oerned. - Ibe grain interests are effect
ed by tbe war greater tban any other.
It seems to be tbe general opinion
tbat tbe next fen days will show
wbioh of the nations now at war will
control tbe seas and witb this question
settled there is little reason to tear
tbat tbe American export trade will
not be resnmed to a large extent. : '
The finances of the oonntry are in
oondition to withstand any emergency,
which may arias from tbe results oi ,
the war. Morn tban a billion dollars
in onrrenoy is to be added to the cir
culating medium in the Untied States
bv the action of congress taken 1 ues
day, to meet tte situation resulting
flora tbe European oriels.
Ibis new money backed by prime
assets of tbe banks, may be issued
under a modification of tbe banking
awa,. passed in botb bouse and senate,
then compromised in conference and
approved by the administration, tor
final action in botb bouses.:
All national banks aud all state
bankets and trust companies, mem
bers of tbe new federal reserve system
and those wbioh have agreed to join,
may issue notes under tbe Aldriob
Vreeland Motion of tbe tankiug law
Dp to one hundred and twenty-five per
oeut of tbeii combined oaptal and sur
plus. ' '"
There Is approximately f i,7t)O.QUU,-
000 snob oapital and surplus npon
wbiob issne of notes may be based.
Of tbat, abont $800,000,000 invested
in government tonds is not available.
Approximately $000,000,000, plus
twenty-five per cent is tberefoie ready
sb tbe basis of issue. Inasmuoh as
bankers pointed out to administration
leaders, lssnes of clearing house oer-
tifloaUs in tbis oonntry never have
exoeeded $500,000,000 iti times of most
due distress, tbe issue vailable should
more tban oare for tbe situation.
Ibe senate imposed further condit
ion tbat the barks shall deposit witb
the government against tbe new issue
a gold reserve of not less tbsu 6 per
oent, end tbat tbe new notes shall
le apportioned geographically Banks
in tbe New York diatriot, for Instance
may issue only a snm proportionate to
135 per oent of tbeir oapital and sar
ins. In tbat way the new circulation
issxpeoted to be distributed through
ont tbe oonntry, caring for looal bank
ing needs and industries.
As originally proposed by the senate
tbe tanks might; have issued np to
tbe former limit of five hundred mil
lions. 'Ibe boose removed all restrict
ions as to amonnt. Tbe senate, be
lieving a limitation wis, amended
tbe proposal to limit tbe issue to com
bined oapital and surplus and tbe ex
tra35 per oent was added in oonierenoe
as a compromise.
Hundreds of millions of new notes
are ready for tbe oall of the banks;
shipments tofinanoial centers have be
gun and the bureau of engraving is
making more night and day.
Further relief for tbe sitnation is ex
pected by tbe organization of tbe fed
eral reserve board,: . Paul M. War
burg's delayed confirmation has been
advanced by bis examination in tbe
banking committee today and Chair
man Owen predicted a favorable report
and not more tban three votes against
him in the senate. . ..
President Wilson haseleoted bis
nominee for tbe plaoe of Thomas D.
Jones, bnt will not disclose bis iden
tity until the man aooepts.
Union League Busted.
The Union association of baseball,
for wbloh Boiea quit tbe Tri-State
leagne, after an existence of ovei three
years, died Wednesday as a league
for want of patronage. Tuesday, Bntte
players refused to play at Bntte in a
series with Helena until $3100 back
salaries were paid. The promoters of
tbe olnb tailed to pay and yesterday tbe
olnb disbanded; tbe league followed
Admiral Dewey, Who Is
Now Writing His Memoirs
v A&i ., - its .
&y. .
News Reports Are One Sided
and It Will Be Some Time
Before True Version Comes.
Photo copyright, 1914, by American Press Association.
A DMIRAIi GEORGE DEWEY, as the accompanying photo, his very latest,
sbows, is holding his own remarkably well against advancing years.
A , Be is now seventy-seven years old. He is spending tbe summer at
. Manhattan Bench, New York, as be believes tbe sea air to be bene
ficial to him. Tbe admiral is spending bis spare time in writing tbe memoirs
of his interesting and varied career attont aud ashore. -
But Neither Pride Nor Glory Figured
In Hie Ambition, ;
The Boston Transcript telle an amus
ing story of one of the subjects of
Lord Kitchener, consul general in
Egypt, who turned the power and In
fluence of tbe famous English soldier
to bis personal profit
While driving one day Lord Kitch
ener noticed an old man in tbe street
whom be recognized as an acquaintance
from the Sudan. The consul' general
ordered the driver to stop and invited
tbe old man to take a seat in tbe car
riage. So tbe two drove together
through the town to the place to which
tbe Sudanese wanted to go.
A few days later the dark friend of
Lord .Kitchener was seen hovering
about the British agency. At last an
officer asked him what he wanted.
I should so much like to drive out
with Lord Kitchener once more," the
old man replied.
"Why?" tbe officer asked.
"Yon see," tbe Sudanese answered
naively, "after my friends and ac
quaintances saw me sitting at the side
of Lord Kitchener they came to me.
one utter tbe other, and from one I
received 5,. from another 2, from oth
ers fl and 40 plasters from the very
poorest. They all believe that I could
speak in favor of El Lord. ?
And," tbe old man added, I snouia
very much like to see tliut happen all
over again." . , ' .
Ban Franklin's Keenness.
Two incidents recall the keenness
and the thoroughness tbe great twin
abilities, to see and to utilize of Ben
Franklin. One day be chanced to ob
serve a lady in tbe poasession of an
imported whisk broom. Witb his usual
Interest and careful consideration be
examined It as a novelty. He discov
ered on tbe brush of tbe broom a seed.
which he carefully removed. Present
ly he planted it and tbe growth from
tbis seed was tbe first crop of broom
corn in this country. Again one day
when Dr. Franklin was walking by
Dock creek be saw stuck in the mud
a wlckerwork basket which bad sprout
ed. Carefully he fished out tbe basket
and carefully took it apart Be gave
cuttings to bis friend, Charles Norria,
who planted the twigs In his garden.
where they grew to great size. They
turned out to be yellow willows and.
aa Fraukllu bad foreseen, proved of
great commercial value.
Bismarck Once Gave a Striking Defini
tion of the Term.
.:. In the newspapers ut today we very
often find the words entente cordiale.
Most renders understand the meaning
of tbe expression, but It Is rather dltfi
cult to make a translation that ex
presses the exact meaning of the orig
inal French. Prince Bismarck gave a
good explanation when bis daughter
asked him what the entente cordiale
really was. '' ,
"Well," be said, "it is not so easy to
define literally. It means a cordial un
derstanding, but it also has a little
different significance. For example:
You were. In the conrtynrd this morn
ing when 1 came from tbe garden with
Nero. Diana was in the yard, gnaw
ing a large bone.. My Nero saw ber
snd ran to seize tbe bone. Then there
was a little right, until 1 struck them a
few sharp blows with my cane.
"After that the bone lay in the mid
dle of the court, while both dogs stood
off at some distance and looked eagerly
at it Each dog, In fact, was as ani'
tous to keep the other away as he was
afraid of my cane, and therefore nel
tber ventured to seize it Yon see, tbat,
is what they call In diplomatic circles
an entente cordiale. xoutni uotU'
panlon, -
All Europe awaits witb tense inter
est the nutoome of two battles wbioh
ars now being waged in the struggle
of tbe nations. If report is to be cred
ited the British and German fleets are
engaged in oombat on : tbe high aeaa
wbioh is likely to have aa important
bearing on tbe coofiiot.
-The German army of tbe Mease, in
its advance through Belgium, la meet
ing with determined recitlsnoe from
tbe Belgaln foroes, Wednesday re
ports from Brnsseis declared the Ger
maos bad been repulsed all along tbe
lice, with a terrible loss of killed and
wounded, but yesterday tbe atlaok
was renewed with greater energy and
probably witb considerable reinforce
menla to tbe German aide.
It is not to be forgotten, however,
that all tbe news aud reports that have
been rioeived respecting botb land and
sea operations have come through tbe
French ani British sources, or sources
in control of or in sympathy witb
them.' Germany's version at what has
transpired has not yet been received
and tbe story has only half been told.
Under existing oirenmstances ot oom-
munioatiou, it will be long before the
progress of tbe German arms can te
recouuled to tbe ootBide world.
The same applies to tbe movements
County Road Sprinkling Tank
Forcing Oil Under Pressure,
Will-Be Used Here.
Action was taken by tbe olty oounoil
at the meetiug. Monday evening, to
conserve the water by prohibiting all
sprinkling, and to makcyfTreparatlons
for ailing tbe streets. S
Street sprinkling w prohibited only
after it bad becoma evident tbat by '
using water for this purpose, it would '
be utterly impossible to gain any sup
ply in the reservuii. Bssllziug tbat
the city was np against a dry season in
common with other planes, nearly all
of whlob have bean compelled to short
en sprinkling hours or abrogate them
altogether, a resolution .was unani
mously passed, directing the following
notice to be printed and mailed to
water' consumers:.
- "Athena. Oregon, August 8, 1914.
To water users. Owing to the scaroity
of water, aod danger of fire, it is neo
essary that all persons using olty wat
er, refrain from sprinsling lawns. By
resolution, adopted unanimously by tbe
Common Oounoil of the City of Athe
na, you are herety ordered to oeasa
sprinkling lawns, under penaly of ;,
"First Having water ont off.
"Second Disoontinuinoa of water
"By order of Water Committee."
The notices were mailed to all water
consumers. It is boped to bave the
ot the Austria-Hungarian army, small I reservoir full in few days, bnt a soar
detatobments of which are operating
against Servia and tbe remainder
doubtless are fceiog sent forward to
oheoRnsaiaD advanoe. Beyond tbe
declaration ot war by Austria on Russia
yesterday, little is known of wbat aat
ion Austiials taking and only meagre
details havb filtered through of the op
erations ot tbe Austriao army.
Out ot London comes the report this
morning that tbe British fleet is en
gaging tbe German fleet,
The British Cruiser Amphioo has
been sunk by contact with a mine,
with tbe loss of more tban a hundred
Russian cavalry, endeavoring to en
ter East Prussia, has been driven baok
by tbe German frontier guards.
A Tien Tsin dispatob says the Rus
sian orusier Askold and tbe Geimao
oiusier Emden, in an engagement off
tbe China coast, bave both been sunk.
Two Drown At Umatilla,
While swimming in tbe Umatilla
liver at Umatilla, where It eaters into
tbe Columbia, two .young men were
drowned Tuesday morning. , Tbe via
Urns are, Clevelaud McNnrlin and Ray
MoNnrlin, oonsins, aged 33 and 18
years tespeotively. The elder oame to
Umatilla from St. Paul ouly a few
weeks ago witb bis bride. He bad
been married less tban tbree months.
The bodies were recovered oouple of
honis after the drowning.
X Th
Tbe little son of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Bnsb, fell fom a fenoe Tuesday, and
broke his arm. Dr. Sharp reduced the
olty of water prevails and it is not
known when lawn sprinkling may be
be resumed. Tbe new engine and
pump baa been installed at tbe well
at tbe bead ot tbe gratvity system and
the new maobinery drains tbe well in
abont two hours pumping time. :
A oar tank of ornde oil will be re
ceiver! ibe tore part of tbe comiug
week by tbe city, wbioh will be used
tor street sprinkling purposes. Ar
rangements bave been made with the
oonnty officials to secure one of tbe
oil sprinklers used on tbe oonnty road.
Tbe man who has teen operating it on
tbe road between Adams and Pendle
ton has been aeonred to operate it tor ,.
toe oily. Tbe oil is put on the street
nnder pressure.
President's Wife Dead.
Mrs, Woodrow Wilson, wife of the
president ot tbe United Btates, died at
tbe capital yesterday. Four mouths of
almost unbroken illness, a complica
tion of nervous ailments and Brigbt's
disease, ' bad sapped tbe vitality of
the first lady of the land. The end
was rogarded as a matter ofdavs. per
haps hours. Her tbree daughters were
at ber bedside and relatives have keen
summoned. Fhysloiana had teen In
consultation for days, but It was ad
mitted at tbe Wbite bouse Wednesday
night tbat hope for her reoovery bad
vanished. '
Tbe deer season opened Saturday,
August 1, and tbe game bird season
opens Thursday, September 1, Ibe
open season on botb deer and birda
comes to a close on Ootober 81st, mid
night, 5 " '
They Kicked on the Speed and Bag
gage Smashing In 18it.
A Wrroannnrtunt Professor Edward
L. Morse of Salem, sends the following
extract from a letter written by Louis
Agasslz to bis mother. Tbe letter is
Sated Boston, December, 1840:
"Leaving Boston the 10th of October,
I went hv railroad to New Haven,
passing through Springfield. The rapid
ity of tbe locomotion is ingnuui m
those who are unused to It, but you
adopt yourself to the speed ond soon
become, like all the rest of the world,
Impatient of tbe slightest delay. I well
understand tbat an antipathy for this
mode of travel Is possible. There Is
something Infernal in the Irresistible
power of steam, carrying such heavy
masses along witb the swiftness of
lightning. ,
t "The habits growing out of contin
ued contact with railroads and the in
fluence tbey exert on 8 portion of the
community are far from agreeable un
til one U familiar witb them.' You
would cry out In dismay did you see
your baggage flung pell mell like logs
of wood trunks, chests, traveling bags,
bat boxesell in tbe same mill, and if
here and there something goes to piece!
no one is astonished. Never mind I
We go fast we gain time. That la the
essential thing."
And this was on tbe Boston and Al
bany! And there was baggage smasn
log in 18461 Boston Herald,
orth - While Savings
: ' Forcing the Prophet
"I can prophesy with certainty tbat
you will bemme on Kneed tills year."
"Oh. that Id underwood! But proph
esy In mi- ;if our n husband "File
gende Hl'itn-r f
Olisttiwj l " ininMti' miiia either
on a siron; win or ul luj-i'llty
in Groceries
Qffl A few cents, nick-
les and dimes sav-
f ed here and there
OOCtS difference in the
week's outlay.
Let us Figure on Your Harvest Order
We will Make it Worth Your While
While everybody is figuring on the best way of reducing the cost of living, we are do
ing bur share to bring about an improved condition, by offering table necessities at less
than usual cost. Taking advantage of every trade condition and buying in large quan
tities, enables us to give you the benefit of lower prices, ,