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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1914)
SULTRY and Dairy Produce ef an wanted. Writ foe our CASH OFFER Pearson-Page Co. $S&? AGENTS: An Automobile Free to the Afent ael . lint the larg-est amount of g-oods for us, THE VEGETABLE TONGS. Send 26c for sample and full particular of our contest. The National Mfar. Company, 1807 Sixth Ave,, Seattle. Wash. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Bought, -sold and arch an (red: engines, bailors, sawmills, etc Send for Stock List and Prices. THE 1. E. MARTIN CO., 83 1st St.. Portland. Or. "Blood Thicker Thin Water." The funeral ship conveying home ward (or Christian burial the bodies ot the brave men who bad given their lives (or their country was steaming out of the port of vera Cruz. ; Admiral Cradock was going ashore In a steam launch (rom his flagship when his eye caught sight of the fun eral vessel. Instantly he. commanded his men, "Half-mast your flag, the American dead are passing." It was merely an incident not an unusual one yet with a touch of sen timent that Americans must appre ciate: lust another of those gracious. manly acts of our British cousin which serve to show the common sympathy and Kinship of the Anglo-Saxons. TYPHOIDi la no mora necetsary thanSmallpox. Army 1 ntperience hai demoastratfd the almost miticulou effi cacy and hannlenmeM.of Antityphoid Vaccination. Be vaccinated NOW by your pbyaician, you and your family. It ii more Tltal than bouae insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for "Hava yon had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine, results from use. and danger from Typhoid Carriers... THE CUTTER LABORATORY, BERKELEY, CAL MaauctM vaccinbs a sibums uhoeb ii. a. aay. licihsi DAISY FLY KILLER laced anywhere, at raots and kills all Sif. in at, clean, or name aUL o n e nle nt, cheap. Lasts all ssaaon. Made o I metal, ean'ttpill or tip over i will not 'it lot luitire nnythlnr. Guaranteed effectlv. tld by daaltrs, r 6dntty exyiewi pre paid for f 1. IMAQUi feOMCJUL UO JLU At., BrooaJya, . T fit Make Your Boy Happy Let him play in overalls with never a care in the world and you will make him a healthy, happy boy. Be lure to buy him 'Two-Horse Brand 7 Overalls , The kind that it made for comfort and longweur. r free sr " Mai By V. LEVI STRAUSS4CO.,SuFrinciiee ARE YOU CON8TIPATED? Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills have proved thelr.worth for 75 years, lest them yourself now. Send for sample to 871! Pearl et., aw torn, apt. ? 'l ;- Still in Doubt. .- .- 1 "Why don't you marry, old chap?' "Do you think a man could procure all the necessities of life on $1800 a year? ? - .-. "Of course, but not the luxuries." "'"Well, I haven't de'eided yef whether a wife Is a necessity or a luxury. Use Roman Eye Bs-lfiam for scalding sen. nation In eyes and anamination ot eyes or eyeiiua aqv. . . Cause. "I met BUI yesterday and he called me a hard name." ."Did you resent it?" ( , "No." ' .. "Why not?" . '. , . , : . "He said I was a brick." Worms expelled promptly from the human system with Dr. feer'a Vermifuge "Dead Shot." Ady. t "In tearing down a building In Alton, 111., recently a tightly closed glass jar was found containing a quart of dried corn. Although the corn is known to be at least 76 years old, it seems well preserved and will be planted this spring. , . ; , ' . i! One of Many. Briggs Rogers claims to 'be an agnostic, doesn't he? ' - ". Griggs Only as to religion; as to everything else he knows it all. Boston Transcript. China proper has less than 0.4 miles of open railway to every 100 square miles of territory, and, estimating the population at 827,000,000, there is 0.18 miles of line to every 19,000 inhabit ants. . Hit Method.,.1 ' "Truth is stranger than fiction." "That is why I give my wife fiction. She'll barely believe that." Kaiisao City Journal. Test wells will be driven by the government in several sections of the Philippines to determine whether pe troleum exists in profitable Quantities. Toronto, Canada, has a housewives' league. Reduced 95 Pounds! ' Boo these two engravV iT K lngafVomaotualuhotoa rl fl abowinff Un, Carrie tjl Haupt before and after uubealthy.auperlluoua fat. She sent fbr a free ' book publlahod by Dr. H. O. Bradford, 20 East ?d St., m c, New York. A multi tude of others havera f& l ducedfrom26tol001ba. I a With grout benefit to 'A heal th.aiinearauce and contentment. A vena- lie method of home telf-treatmeut no lose ot time, no starving or exhaust Ins exurclao. Reporta of as tonishing, easy, steady lose f fat und lmprovumeiit In health, figure, etc,, after all llse hue failed. Any man or aromiiu who leaeeltiniratrue, infe and aane method of fat uduolion should tend for ihe free book above men tioned It will Dome In plain vrapper, postpaid, with col eetlon of proof and free) eating treatments A CLERGYMAN'S TESTIMONY. The Hev. Edmund Heslop of Wig. ton, Pa., suffered from Dropsv for a year, ills nmos and feet were swol len and puffed. He had heart flutter ing was dizzy and exhausted a; the least exer tion. ' Hands ami feet were cold ' and he had such a dragging sensa tion across the loins thut It- was difficult to move. After using 5 boxes of Doddo Kidney Pills the swelling disappear. ed and he felt himself again. He says he has been benefited and blessed by the use of Dodds Kidney Pills. Sev eral months later he wrote: I have not changed my faith in your remedy since the above statement was author ized. Correspond with Rev. E. Hes lop about this wonderful remedy. Dodds Kidney Pills, 60c per box at your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household Hints, aUo music of National Anthem (English and German words) and re cipes lor dainty dishes, All 3 sent free. Adv. Rev. E. Heslop. Especially the Chorus Brand. Flat It certainly is true that a little gall spoils much honey. Slat (after a night out) It's truer still that a little gal spoils much money. Judge. In Regular Order. " Lionel "This looks to me like some wedding. ' I didn't know Jack had ar ranged for three attendants." Aubrey "Oh, yes. Goodman, Bet terman and Best man." Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not stain the hands. An iron monument in the form of a Stepped pyramid, surmounted by a globe, 90 feet high, has been erected at Leipzig to symbolize the German iron and steel industry. Warships of all nations will be per mltted to pass through the Panama canal, but can not linger more than 24 hours at either end in time of war. A Hindu child of seven may be a skilled workman, RESINOL WILL HEAL BABY'S ITCHING SKIN Reslnol ointment' and resinol soap are absolutely free from anything ot a harsh or injurious nature, and can therefore be sed with perfect con fidence in the treatment of babies' skin troubles eczema, teething rash, chnflngs, etc. where you wouldn't dure UHe ordinary "skin-cures." Resln ol stops Itching Instantly and speedily heals even severe and stubborn erup tions. Doctors have prescribed It for the past 19 years. Uoslnol soap and reslnol ointment clears away pimples, blackheads- and dandruff, and Is an invaluable house hold remedy tor sores, burns, boils, piles, etc. Sold by every druggist Keeps Blood Moving Drives Out Impurities True to Nature in Its Action and Welcome to the Stomach. All U Motion Throughout the CnlvcTM If thsre an alms af blaad imnnritiM ""'"fA ! 0,"' ibis wafiderful hlanri nrini fa all ...ttM It ataru tats notloo billions of calls la tits llrsr, lim-s mi throuiaout the txidr. KTtrytkluz Is krpt on !): mo, flustirs your lood. your tndrt blood clrcsla lloa a flat Uiorotigb hath. It Just natur ally and lo a twlnkltui Irrliatas nery stem lu your body. It rushes Into vry cell, uusn twr bona, tuusrla, llgameut, tsuiluB, atucoua surfaoe and t m-rrs to thrill wl(a frwlom, with bealta, with new fuuud aiH-lnglaHs. tJ4 brat of all, B. 8. R. thounh a powrr fulft HaKklng, BtsrwUcluuuf mmj in dla ass. Is pur at the rw on a dm? biussom, aa puwtrrui a tut Heroic wort of nature, aa avarchlnt a tb prBiptor uenuQd uf tb most exact science. Ask fur and Inatst upon retting a 8. B., the world's cure) for all dlaordsr ot tb blood. For nrlrate, penonal advice oa stubborn chronic rbeumattsui write nt onrt to the Swift Bnecldo Co., 222 Rwlft Bulldux, At lanta, an. Their medical department I famous on all blood dtseaaea, and la equipped to make personal blood teats, ap proved by the highest medical nuUurlUeo 4it a ketUt ot e, , I, todaf, . .. ESKIMO DOGS ARE REACHER0US vizi! iw ifiwi ft , rfz pff11"" fSbt Mrtr yf Ttpical Dog Team TEN little mounds of snow were huddled close to a hut on the western coast ot Hudson's bay when the sun rose over the sur A rounding wilderness. Far out from the shore the bay was frozen solid and over the ice and the land the gale whirled the feathery - snow in great clouds. If there had been a spirit thermometer at the hut it would have recorded a temperature of at least forty degrees below sero.e With the first appearance of the sun, two swarthy men, wrapped to their eyes in fur, emerged from the but on snow shoes' and drew from out the lean-to a long, low sledge on which was lashed a great load of skins. They were trappers about to start for the trading post some forty miles up the coast From the front of the sledge they call it komatlk extended for about eight feet a stout sealskin strand known In those regions as a bridle. Clearly it was meant that draft ani mals of some sort should be attached thereto.' But where were they? The trappers knew. ; Looking at the ten lit tle mounds of snow, one of them called sharply, "Ho. ho, ho, ho, ho!" After Night In Snow. The effect was curious. The ten lit tle mounds moved, and then were transformed Into as many dogs, which uncurled themselves, arose and shook the snow from their shaggy coats. An other sharp call and they came bound ing to the komatlk. Kicking and cuff ing them, the trappers got them into the harness. To the loop at the free end of the bridle they buttoned the sealskin traces, one of which extended over each dog's back, there to divide into two loops, which, after his front legs were thrust through them. Joined over his breast. Now there was a great hullabaloo, the dogs leaping excitedly about, tugging at their traces and bowling with all their might as the trappers took seats In the komatlk. The man in front had a whip of wal rus hide fully twenty-five feet long. Out It flew with a resonant crack. "Whit I Whit!" shouted the driver. With a final chorus of howls the dogs bent forward, straining hard to get their heavy load under way, and then with a mad rush they were off, the varying lengths of their traces permit ting them to travel together like a pack of wolves. Gradually their pace slackened un til It became a gentle trot. ' But on and on all day they went, following the coast line across frozen bays and the little necks of land that lay be tween them, their driver keeping them at their duty wtth hlB cry ot "Whit! Whit!" and an occasional crack ot tbe whip. Sometimes the trappers ran beside the komatlk on their enowshoes to get their blood in circulation, and once in awhile they would have to help tbe dogs haul the komatlk up a steep slope. Darkness was falling as they approached the end of their, 40 mlle Journey. The dogs were tired and lagged more and more. The driver, chilled through and hungry, became savage In his use of the whip. But suddenly on their own accord, the dogs broke into a run, and again filled the air with their howls. The white washed buildings of the post had come In sight. Faster and faster flew the dogs and, swinging the komatlk dizzily around a point of land they gave a series of leaps and bounds, to draw up at the post with a great Sourish that would have done credit to a fashion able coaching party. Pigs In a Monoplane. "When pigs begin to fly," will no longer convey quito such a notion of impossibility, for at Hendon, England, the other evening a pair of them en Joyed a crowded live minutes ot more or leas glorious life In a Blorlot mono plane, under the pilotage of Gustavo Haxoel. Mrs. Hart Davis was one of hundreds at the , aerodrome to see famous skymen perform for tbe bene fit ot Marcel Desoutter, the young Frenchman, . who recently broke bis leg In pursuit ot the science ot avia tion. She had a couple ot small black pet pigs with her, and carrying one under each arm, she Induced Hamel, who baa had dogs and cats as hia aerial companions before, to give them a thrilling sensation. They squeaked a tittle, were photographed a great deal, and, amidst laughter from the group surrounding tho yel low Uleriot, oft they started, and five minutes later down they came quite safely. A hard worker ot extraordinary en durance and indispensable withal,, in the desolate regions of the north, .where snow and ice reign throughout most of the year, the Eskimo or "husky" dog yet receives a bad name from the men for whom he slaves with no other reward than one slender meal a day and a bullet In the head when his five winters of service have worn him out. Extreme ferocity, cannibal ism, treachery and cowardice are the charges brought against him. That they are not without their basis Is proved by an incident bordering on a tragedy that occurred at post of the Hudson bay copany. 1 Boy's Narrow Escape. ' ' : The four-year-old eon ot the agent, well wrapped In fur, left the post house one day to play about the door. With him was his faithful companion and protector, a big mastiff that the agent had brought from England. The hus kies that composed the post team ol sledge haulers at first had attempted to welcome the mastiff to their midst in the very literal sense ot chewing him up; but, by dint of giving two or three of the pack a good mauling, the mastiff had established it, once and for all, that he was not their meat. So now, while the little boy romped in the enow the huskies skulked about at a safe distance. From out of the win dow the child's mother glanced occa sionally to see that all was well Suddenly there was a commotion that sent the mother to the door in a frenzy of fear. ' One piercing scream had come from the child, to be suc ceeded by a riot of yelps, snarls and howls. The sight that greeted the mother was appalling. Her boy was down; with the pack of huskies tum bling over one another to get to him, while the big mastiff gallantly fought to save his young charge from their dripping fangs. The child, It was later learned, had fallen on a patch of Ice and the huskies, ever on the alert for an advantage to attack, had set upon him In an Instant. Tbe big mastiff sprang immediately to the reBcue. Their lust for human flesh had over come the huBkles' fear of the mastiff; but while he could not save his charge from being shockingly bitten, his heroic onslaught upon the pack of maddened brutes prevented them from tearing the boy to pieces on the spot and thus enabled the mother to reach her child before it was too late. , The next day the frosty air about the post rang repeatedly to the reports of a rifle, and when the usual silence that broods over the wilderness had been restored, 12 husky dogs lay dead in the snow. It was an act not so much ot revenge as ot protection; once a husky gets a taBte of human blood, no person thereafter Is safe In bis vi cinity. . Such Is the treachery of the dogs that visitors are always warned not to attempt to pet them. Even it the dog you are stroking does not take advan tage ot the occasion to help himself to a mouthful of your flesh, the others are likely to Imagine that a banquet is In progress and make haste to partici pate. A driver that slips and falls among the dogs while arranging their harness is lucky if the tangs of all of them are not burled in him in the twinkling of an eye. Social Courtesy. It we quarreled with all the people who abuse ua behind our backs, and New Definition. ' Success is a cocktail composed ot our own strength and other people's weakness. began to tear their eyea out as soon as wo set ours on them, what a life It would be, and when should we have any quiet? Abuse me and I will abuse yon; but let ua be friends when we meet Have not we all entered a doien rooms, and been sure, from the countenances of the amiable persona present that they had been discussing our little peculiarities, perbapa aa we were on the stairs? Was our visit, therefore, the less agreeable? Did we quarrel and say bard words to one an other's faces? No we wait till some of our dear friends take their leave, and then comes our turn. My back Is at my neighbor's service; aa soon as that Is turned let him make what faces he thinks proper; but when we meet we grin and shake handa like well-bred folk, to whom clean linen is not more necessary than a clean, sweet looking countenance and a nicely gotup smile tor company. Question of Identity. "That man says he's going to take his Inheritance into Wall street and lay the foundation ot a fortune." "Yes," replied Mist Cayenne, "hut whose fortune?" ' UTVTUTVTVTvTvTWVtWtUTUtVTWVtUtvT OtOOtOtOHOt New Indian Animal Stories Why the Mole Burrows mu By JOHN M. OSKISON . Children, Color Up This Picture. (Copyright, 1914, by the MoClure News paper Syndicate.) long time ago the mole was a big animal who lived on top of the ground and walked and talked with all the other animals; and the story of how he came to change his Bhape and go to live underground Is what the old men used to tell to the little children as they walked across the young corn fields late on the sunny afternoons and saw where the mole had been at work throwing the earth up In ridges which tbe little boys liked to trample upon. "Well," the old men would say, "it was a long time ago, and the story Is about your great-great-great-greatgrandfather and your great-great-great-great-grandmother when they were fine young people. When he was a fine young fighting man, strong enough to run from this settlement to the one across the mountains in one day and sit up all night in the council when he got there. "And she was such a young woman as the old men used to like to see down at the spring, laughing and working at the deerskin. She was laughing all the time, under her black hair and out of her big brown eyes. "And even 'when your great-great-great-great-grandfather came to see her and sang his song she only laughed and ran away to her mother. No, she would not be married to any young man so she sold, "Long time, this strong and brave young man tried to win the hand of your great - great great - great - grand mother, but she would not listen to him, and he made himself Bick think ing about her. And it was then that the mole passed by his camp and felt sorry for him. So the mole said: ' 'I know why you are sick and why you are weeping, and I will help you. I can make it so that the young woman will like you and come to you of her own free will. Just wait here for me.' And then the mole went away. Late that night, when your great- great - great - great - grandmother ; was sound asleep, the mole burrowed his way under the ground and came up inside the house where Bhe was asleep. And when he saw that she was Bleep- SOMETHING. NOVEL FOR BOYS Youth's Invention Reduces Hoop-Rolling Stunt to Minimum Amount of . Labor Stick Does It. The preeent-day tendency toward the simplification ot processes makes Itself felt in the playroom as well as elsewhere. The email boy and girl are encouraged to discard old-time meth ods to devise something new. Not so Saves Energy. . long ago the children were satisfied to propel a hoop along the sidewalk by beating it with a stick at regular Intervals. This performance required more or less constant attention and the needless expenditure of a great deal ot energy. This waste of physical strength Is now conserved by the in vention ot a email boy, which enables him to keep the hoop In motion with a small amount ot labor and attention. This Invention consists ot a stick, somewhat longer than that usually made use of tor beating the hoop and is not necessarily aa thick, but near the end there la a smaller stick at right angles with the first The latter la held In contact with the hoop at a point below the hoop and not tar from the ground, and as tbe child walks along after the hoop the latter is pro pelled at a regular speed without much farther thought by the child operator. lug very soundly, he took out her heart and went out the same way he came in. - ) :..: "A- "And then the mole went straight to the house of tbe young man and put the heart of your grsat-great-great-great-grandmother Into his hands. It was so light that the young man could not even feel It In his hands! Then the mole said: " 'You must swallow the heart and then the young woman will be drawn to you.' "So the young man swallowed the heart of the young woman, and when she woke she bad a very strange feel ing. - -. " 'I must go to that young man,' Bhe said, and she no longer wanted to laugh when she thought about him. And then the feeling got so strong that she had to go, and when the young man saw her coming, he knew that she was to be his wife, and tbe mole's way was good. 1 "Now, all the medicine people of the tribe wanted to know what It was that made the ' young woman change her mind. When they found out it was the mole, they were angry with him, and wanted to kill him. You see, the mole had never been a fellow for talk ing, and everybody thought that he waB Just a stupid, soft-hearted fellow of no account "Of course, the mole did not want to be killed by the Jealous medicine people, and so he hid himself under the ground and ever since he has stayed there. And ever since he bas been getting smaller, his nose has been getting sharper and he no longer bas much use for eyes. Maybe because his eyeB are no good, he eats the hearts of the grains of corn we plant in spring. "But the mole earned his few grains of corn, don't you think so?" And the little boys would step off the ridge above tbe mote's burrow and nod their heads. ; Transformation. , t - Why Is a woman deformed when she is mending her stockings? Because her hands are where her feet should be. A Parrot Bank. Three or four years ago a parrot be-' longing to an old woman In Chester, England, made such a nuisance of. herself that some one poisoned, her. The old woman had the dead bird stuffed and placed on a perch in the house. A few weeks ago she died of old age, and everything In her house was -sold at auction. The Btuffed par rot was bought by a boy for a six pence, and when he got it home be found about four thousand dollars In it. The old woman had used the dead bird for a bank. ' There Is a suit against the boy's father to recover the money, but it 1b believed he will be1 allowed to keep It Don't Bt Loft-Handed. It bas Seen estimated that about one boy out oi fifteen is left-handed when he reaches the age of ten. This is his mother's fault In not making him use his right hand more during his ba byhood. In Germany there are schools where the boy is taught to bo right handed. Nearly all tools are made for right-banded men, and the boy who grows up left-handed will be awkward. If one can use both hands alike he has an advantage In some things; but it Beems as It nature intended the right arm to do most ot the work. An Industrious Chap. The song ot the tree toad, which can be heard anywhere In the country on a summer night, consists in calling out: ."Sleep!. Sleep! Sleep!" He repeats this SO times a minute when not disturbed, and has been known to call out 4,000 times without a rest In stead of putting persons to sleep he keeps many awake with his free con certas. While his Industry Is worthy ot praise, his sole object In singing seems to be to hear his own voice. In that he Is like many men and -women. , " In Suspense). A small boy gazed long and earnest ly at a fat man who stood on a corner absent-mindedly chewing the end of a piece ot string. Finally the man no ticed the boy and Inquired : "Well, my little man, what Interests you?" "Please, sir," the boy returned. "when are you going to pull that tooth r Judge. V. L.DOUGLAS SHOES lieu a s&aa .ck Women's !.- i2 Misses, oy,Ohll(lronl SI. 50 SI.7B ta.50 S3 SgM Buiuiue m . 3a Ui V7 WW I wary ft ratal maftir at a.BO.OU.Bt, tlwia4.50ahoM' m IM Mtw, $1,006,279 iMrnrisr Boulaa ahoM la 1UI orar 1911. Thla la the reason we live you the amnvnluM tfir tS00. 13.611. U.00 and 14.60 notwithstanding tbe enormous iuitcb iu ww w" lAatr rir i iiir an aimai lim nmm not been lowered and the price to you remains iDeaamo. A air wnnr 1nlM to ahOW TOO the kind of W. L. Doug laa aboee he a. uiiia tnm. ti tvn a An. a OOamd J4.5a Tou will then be convinced tan rorn7ie wuuuri ttuu sbmv wifljr are EDeoiuray ewuu other makes sold at hither priofa. The only difference la the prlc TAKE NO BUBBTITUia Bona gnelae wtttanrt W. L. DualM' aaaw LanpU on tha bottom. If W. L. Doiia direct from kcAotj. 8nc- for very avamb m f thai family at all DtictM. MttaB I'M. Writs for UlutreVtad cat Iff sBowinf n to order by mall. W. . DOVQItAi, 110 Spark Itmt, Bret, Km. . Such Solf-Consclousnesi. Aa egotistical man who bellerei himself the center, the object and the cause of everything that exists and everything that takes place, said to his friend one day: "It Is only to me that such misfor tunes happen." "What," asked the friend, "is the matter?" ' "Don't you see that It Is ralnlnf 7" be answered. New York Globe. i AFTER HUNGER IS SATISFIED Then what? Is there a feeliiyr of heaviness, of Bloating, Heart burn, Nausea. Something re mains undigested, ferments and disturbs the entire system. Such cases can be materially benefited by use of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters You should keep a bottle handy for emergency. . A J The oldest living school teacher la New York state Is said to be Nathan Perry Beers. He is now 91; he retired from his profession 10 years ago after having taught for 65 years. When he began teaching he was' perhaps the youngest teacher In the state, for he received his first appointment as teacher at the age ot 14. Our Naval Commanders. The recent activities of the navy have inspired Congressman Kahn to show the house that the men who fought our great naval engagements of the past were much younger than those who direct our great floating fortresses today. Hartford Times. - Free to Oar Benders Write Marine Eye Remedy Co., Ohiengro, for sS-pafte illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all about Your Eye Trouble and they will advlsn ac to tbe Proper Application of the Murine Eye Bemediea In Your Special Case. Your Druggist wilt tell you that Murine Believes Bore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sella for 6Ue. Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyea fas Scaly Eyelida and Granulation. He Wanted to Know. ; "Ma, what's that big round thing on wheels?" , "The water wagon, my dear." A "Is that the one Uncle Tom said pa fell off of?"--Boston Transcript. Rubber heels are popular in Switz erland. , REMARKABLE CASE of Mrs. HAM Declares Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Saved Her Life and Sanity. Shamrock, Mo. "I feel It my duty to tell the public the condition of my ihealtii before using your medicine, lbad tailing, Inflamma tion and congestion, female weakness. pains inboth sides. backaches and bear ing down pains, waa short of memorr. nervous, impatient, passed sleepiest nights, and had neither strength nop energy. There was always a fear and dread in my mind, I had cold, nervous, weak spells, hot flashes over my body. I bad a place in my right side that waa so tor that I could hardly bear the weight of my clothes. I tried medicines and doctors, but they did me little good, and I never expected to get out again. I got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier, and I cer tainly would have been in grave or in an asylum if your medicines had not saved me. Bat now I cac work all day, sleep well at night, eat anything I want, have no hot flashes or weak, nervous spells. AU pains, aches, fears and dreads ar gone, my house, children and husband are no longer neglected, as I am almost entirely free of the bad symptoms I had before taking your remedies, and all ia pleasure and haopiness in my home. " Mrs. Josn Ham, R. F. D 1, Box 22, Shamrock, Missouri. If yon want special advioe write LydU E. Pinkliam Medicine Oo confUleiiUal) LynpMaa. ft It. U. Now 12, 14, WHW wrMae to aaYertieara. asanas ana. I " Men ttls saner. I