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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1914)
Press Paragraphs A. A. Fobs spent yesterday Id Wal la Walla. Bett Zsrba was over dam Walla Walla Wednesday. David Lavender was in the city Tuesday from Weston. Fred Oswald, of Helix, visited in this city Sunday evening. . ' Miss Bath Krebs spent Tuesday witb friends in Walla Walla. Mia. Lillian Fiederioks of Weston, visited fiiends in Athena, Sunday. Mrs. Sherman and danghter, Miss Maud, visited in Pendleton Monday. Mrs. Agnes Graft, of Walla Walla, visited in Athena and vioinity this wees. Mi. and Mrs. James Hoggins havn returned fiom a long camping trip on Meaobam oreek. Gail Christian and family left the first of the. week for a vacation at Bingham epriugs. Miss Hope MoPherrin came over from Helix Sunday evening and visited with her mother here. 0. A. Bairett returned during the fore part of the week, from Elgin and otbei Union oonnty points. Wm. MoKenzie has returned to Athena, alter sjnsnding several weeks at t'endleton and Pilot Book. Bert Logsden oame in on the Fourth and went up to Bingham Springs, where he has spent the week. Emery Achilles is woiking tempo rarily at the Spenoer hlaoksmitb shop, in tbe woodwoiking department. . Mrs. Caspar Woodward is expeating b visit from her sister, Mrs. Joseph Isaaos. of Blytheville, Arkansas. A. B. McEwen is at Hot Lake, un dergoing tieatmeot for rheumatism. Be is reported to be considerably bet ter. Roland Andre left Tuesday morning for Walla Walla after speoding the 4th at Bingbam and with relatives here. , Wood in Carload Lots Cascade 4 foot Fir Wood .$5.75 Cascade 4 foo. Maple Wood,.... 6.00 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood 5.50 F. 0. B. Athena - Pendleton Branches North , ' ern Pacific Railway. C. O. WILLIAMS," Postoffice, Edgewater, Washington. John Stanton retuiued yesterday from a sheep shearing trip into Mon tana. Emery Woitbingtou bas quit bis situation at the Fix & Badtke store and will tackle tbe baivest field. ForreBt Zeira is nnrslng an injured band, tbe ailment having developed the symptoms of blood poisoning. Virgil Zerba is at tbe Caspar Wood ward place west of town, making re pairs on a combine gasoline engine. Mr. and Mia. Earl Uiqnbart and baby left for Moseow, Idaho yester day, where they will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. David Stone and Miss Merna DePeatt havn retmned from a pleasant anting, at Bingham Springs. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Vinoent and M. L. Watts spent a qoiet and pleas ant day tbe 4th, on the Umatilla river. S. A. Barnes and wife of Weston, were in tbe city Wednesday, on their return from an ontiug at Bingham Springs. . Miss Graoe Finnell oame op from Pendleton Tuesday, and will remain on a visit witb bet sister, Mrs. L. M. Nelson Emery Aobiles would like to know the whereabouts of a 3-year-old red heifer, with white spot in face and white spot on baok. Adv. Mr. and Mis. Clark Walter are over from their Walla Valla home, and are spending the week at tbe J. C. Walter farm west of town. John Bothrook jr., had the misfor tune to run a needle in bis right foot one day this week, and as a resnlt is bottling about on orutohes. Mrs. Homer I. Watts returned yes terday morning from Eobo, where she was' tbe guest of Mis. Walter Hinble during the oelebration there., Bawl Miller is installing an exhaust fan at the Dreimland theatre this week, wbioh is expeoted to provide better ventilation for the show Bouse. Sim Ellgore was in town yesterday from bis Cold Spring raooh. He ex pects to begin harvesting in week or ten days, and predicts a 10 bushel iirop. Mr. and Mis. M. L. Akera motored np from Pendleton and spent Sunday at the home of Mis. Akeis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swaggait, near town. ' Mr. aad Mrs. D. H. Nelson and fam ily motored op from Pendleton Sunday and visited at the borne of Mia. Nel son's sister, Mrs. W. P. Littlejobn in this oity. A party comprising the families of B. B. Biohards and U. H. Hill en joyed a pleasant anting of two days last week camping on Meaobam oieek. The trip was made in the Biohards oar. C. 0. Henry has been, assisting B. B. Biohaids in tbe ohop mill during apart of the week. Tbe jndge says bis ohop is feeding a thousand neaa of horses, and be haa diftlouHy in keeping enough on band to supply his oustomers. BUTTER WRAPS. 100 for $1.25. 250 for $1.50. 500 for $2.25. Paper furnished tA. J. Parker Everything Vint Claii Modern and Up-to-date SOUTH SIDE MAIN Ji STREET ATHENA The Best Grade! Of Ready Mixed Paints, Varnishes and Stains. A full Stock of Oils, Window Glass, Brushes, etc., and if it's Quality you want, come and see us. Byron N. Hawks, We Druggist THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET We carry the best TOf' MEATS pTrT s" oney Buys 1 I irf5? plean ani Cool 1 1 il fl a;!, i!'1 Insuring Wholesome Meats. MMMIj' BRYAN & MEYER gg! Main Street, Athena, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Steele and little daughter Elizabeth, spent Sunday on nppei Wild Hoise nreek, where lunob Was spread and served in the shade at vJteen springs. Unols John Oallender, Austin Fosa, W. P. Littlejobn and a few more of tbe test of na were left at home on the f ourth to guard the town and keep things going. h Prof. Gordon and B. A. Bennett were called to Bingham Springs on the Fourth to furnish mnsio for the tig dance, given in tbe evening. They went np by anto. The temporary bridge at Thorn Hollow proved to he of great conven-, ienoe to aotoists and all others in orossidg tbe Umatilla daring tbe oel ebration at tbe Spiings. The ladies of the Christian Aid so ciety annonnoe that tber will cease aotivities during the warm weather, and their weekly meetings are dis continued for the present. H R Tinhnar. 0 Miami aoflnr. fnr tbe Farmer's Fnnd insnianoe compa ny, haa been In the oity lor several days, writing grain insurance with bis looal agent, B. B. Biohards. Mrs. B. N. Hawks, aooompanied by Mrs. W. K. Taylor, Mrs. F. S. lie Grow and Misa Laura Bowles, drove to Walla Walla yesterday, where they attended the McDonald funeral. For Sale Charles Grove, phone 89F13, Athena, has a good team of mates, harness and wagon, and a splendid milob aow, whioh he otters for sale at a reasonable prioe. Adv. ' John Bell has exobanged his Wbita steamer for a Buiok gasoline oar. paying tbe ditferenoe. Tbe old oar bad given him good servioe tnt was cat of date. The new oar is a beauty. Forest Zerba has bongbt the Ford oar used as a taxioab by N. A. Miller and will oonvert it into a runabout. He has pnrobased new oyliuders and pistons, and will remove the present body. Tbe oondition of Mrs. O. W. B. Zerba, who has been critioally ill at her home for some time, is reported as encouraging at present. - Her bus- baud and ohildren are in constant attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pinkertoo and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Malntyre were among the many Athena friends at tending the funeral of tbe late Donald MoDonald wbioh took plaoa at Walla Walla yesterday. Bill MaBiide was in town Saturday for tbe Mist time iu several moons. Farming ooutinnea to agree witb the old skate, and appeaianoea are in evi dence that be oan raise a hirsute growth as well as shoats. Charles Bussell of Walla Walla. aooompanied by a oouple of govern ment oavalry horBS bnyers, was lo the oity Tuesday and looked over tbe bunoh reoently pnrobased in the Wallowa ty W. R. Taylor. Casper Woodward hat returned from a trip to Adams oonnty, Wash., where be went to inspeot oiop conditions. Mr. Woodward bas quite a large acre age in wheat np there this year, and reports conditions favorable. Program at tbe Dreamland for Fri day and Saturday evenings: 1 and 2. "The Express Car Mystery." Kalem. 3. "The Sobemers." Vitagrapb. Sun day: 1 and S. "Good Sport," Edi son. 8. "His Last Fight." E. A. Dndiey and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dudley went to Walla Waila yesterday to attend tbe funeral of bis fathei-io-law, Donald MoDon aid. Mrs, Dudley bas been at her father's home during bis illness. The Fobs Winsbip oompany has been tnsv in the tin rlnrmrrmnnt this sesson in tbe manufacture of water ttonshs. The tronsha are nnhsrnn tially made of galvanized iron, the trameworfe being strongly braoed W. A. Watson, who tor seveial months bas been in the employ of the Mosgrnve Meroantile oompany, bas aooepted a position in t be grooery de partment at Fix & Badtke'a and will begin woik there Monday. With tbe ripening' of grass and grain, the O.-W., as preoautionary measures against fire starting from engine snarka have plaoed men with Are fighting apparatus on tbe rear end OC all trains passing tnrongh Athena Lawranoe Llenallen was np from Adams Tuesday. He baa been en Rased in bavins for several rlnvn. and will aoon begin harvest operations, as ne naa grain south of Adams whioh bas almost reaohed the ontting stage Mr. And IUn T P Mnelav haea av. rived in tbe city from Alberta, and are visiting frinnds ham. Mr Mnalav it optimistio over tba the advantages nis aaopteoi country bas to offer agri onunrists and men of business enter prise. Mr. and Mra. Ehar T.nna nrrfoaii borne Wednesday from a camping tiip on tne souto folk of tbe Walla Wall river. Tbey were aonnmnaninii fc Mrs. Claud Harris, who witb her bus band, helped to fcrm the oampi py. An infant son was born to Mr. Mrs. S. D. Taylor yesterday wbioh uvea oniy a snort time, beine of ore mature birtb. Mrs. Taylor, who has oeen in extremely delicate health for some time is reported as getting along as wen as oould be expeoted. One of tbe largest crowds in history Of the reanrt. catherari Bingbam 8priogs on July Fomtb Celebrate there. Thn srraatar nnm oamped ont add made of the occasion on or recreation. Many remained over to inrtber enjoy camping. Mountain straw berries are less Dlentif Ul in the Innal marital t.hia aaaae- Tba mountain prodnot it considered oy arnena nousewivea to have super ior oanuing qualities when onmpared to irrigated fruit, and consequently have teen in demand for that purpose. A special sobod eleotinn will be held on Mooday, July 30tb, at 3 o'olook, p. m., for tba purpose of electing two tobool direotors to All the noexpired terms of E. E. Kooots and Heary Koepke, totb of whom have resigned as membera of tbe sohool toard. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Biobarda and Mrs. H. H. Bill and A. A. Foes motored to Walla Walla yesterday. Tbe gentlemen diove on np to Waits bnrg on business. Sinoe tbe laying of heavy steel on tbe Washington division of O.-W. B. & N., larger engines have been put in tbe passenger servioe. Tbose of tbe "80" olass are now pulling tbe Spokane-Pendleton trains, to whioh com bination observation -buffet oars have been attaobed. The big oil tanks for the Standard Oil company's distribnting station in Athena, arrived this week over the Northern PaoiBo and are being plaoed on tbe foundations by tbe workmen. Tbe plant bete la muob larger than anticipated when oonstruotlon work began, several weeks ago. Mn. Alma Wilkinson left Tuesday morning by way of Portland, for Ab erdeen, Wash., where she will spend the summer with her brother, Lafay ette Chamberlain. Mrl Wilkinson will probably visit also in Seattle, where her danghter is attending the summer term of the U. of W. A. D. MoDonald, who bas been vis iting bis danghter, Mn. B. N. Hawks in this oity, left Wednesday for Walla Walla, where he attended the fnneral of bit old friend and kinsman-in law, Donald MoDonald, wbioh ooonrred in that city yesterday. Mr. MoOorald will go from there to bis home in Spokane. The bot weather to the contrary notwithstanding, Jacob . Reno oon tinnes to be tbe busiest man in town. Jaoob haa taken the contraot to mow weedt, mow lawns, hoe gardens, mn errands for widow women and take oare of the oity park on tbe side. Take it from ne. be la everywhere at onoe and tbe same time, too. , Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Zerba have re turned from a trip to tbe mountains, and will go to housekeeping on tbe farm, where tbey will remain until September 1, when tbey will move to Atbena to reside, Mrs. Zerba, nee Misa Laura Bruce, having been re tained to teaoh in tba primary de partment of the Athena pnblio sohool. ling and tbe at . to nber FATHER OF PSYCHOLOGY. Theory of Dr. David Hartley, the Fa mous English Philosopher. The flrst attempt to explain psycho. logical phenomenon on physiological principles wns made by Dr. Uavia Hartley, the English philosopher, ' who was born In tbe year 1705. In bis great work, "Observations on Man His Frame. His Duty and His Expecta tions," published in 1740 after patient Investigation covering sixteen years, be elaborated his epochal theory. By the development of his law of asso ciation and chiefly by the law of trans ference he accounted for all the phe nomena of the mental constitution. According to him, the white medullary substance of the brain, spinal marrow and the nerves proceeding from tbem, Is tbe immediate Instrument of sensa tion and motion. When a sensation bas been frequently experienced it BC' quires a tendency to repeat itself spo& taneously. Ideas are but these repetitions or rel ics of sensation and in their turn re call other Ideas. Thus tbe sight of an apple recalla an idea of its taste, and this recalls other associated Ideas. In this way Hartley accounts for all ha mi n emotions. Milwaukee Sentinel. Goldsmith's Acton Lord Nugent was one evening very eloquent to Goldsmith In praise of M. (a bad actor). "But, my lord," aaia Goldsmith, "you must allow he treads the stage very Ill-he waddles." "Waddles?" said Lord Nugent "Yes, he waddles like a goose. Why, you know we call him Goose M. Well, and then, you know, when he endeav ors to express strong passion he bel lows." "Bellows?" said Lord Nugent "To be sure he does bellows like a bull. Why. we call him Bull M. Well, then," continued Goldsmith, pursuing his triumph, "his voice breaks, and he croaks." "Crooks?" said Lord Nugent "Why, the fellow croaks like a frog. We call him Frog M." "But M. is a good actor." "Why, yes," said Goldsmith, "bar ring the goose and the bull and tbe frog and a few otber things I could mention, and, not wishing to apeak 111 of my neighbors, I will allow M. is a good actor." "Memoirs of tbe Earl of Nugent" REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA . No. 4516. AT Athena, in the State of Oregon, AT THE Close of Business June 30, '1 RESOURCES, ljoanft and discount Overdrafts secured and unsecured U a bonds to secure circulation Bonds to secure Piwtn! Havings BanklnK-bouse furniture fixtures Iue from Nat. Banks, not reserve agents Due from apr'v'd reserve agents, Cbecka and other t asb Items Notes of other Natloual Hanks Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents, Specie Red'm'n fund with U Treasurer (0 per cent oi circuuwiuuj Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid SOW IB National bank notet, outstanding VI MOW Due to other National Ban ka v Due to Htat aud Private Banks and Bankers tim Individual denosits suhl't to check 887 B73 17 Demand certlrkateH of deposit LCTfcsiao Cashier's checks outstanding 11 W United SuUea deposits MH6K Total $858 01)617 State of Oregon, l County of Umatilla " I, P. H. la Orow, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of ray knowledge aud belief. F. . Us (Jrow, Cannier. Hubseribed and sworn to before me this 7tb day of Jul, JMI, Charles a. Barrett. Notary Public Cohbzct Attest; M. I.. Watts, H. Koepke, W. B. Ferguson, "inreclori, ALEXANDER DEPARTMENT STORE We give the S. & H. Trading Stamps Our Semi-Annual Clothing Sale is now on. Every Suit in our stock, consisting of suits worth $22.50, $25.00, $27.50 and $30.00. Your choice $14.50 Blue Serges are not included " We are well prepared to supply your wants in all the best harvest-working clothes-shoes, tents, tarps, blank ets, quilts, etc. Largest line of staples and fancy Groceries in Eastern Oregon. Prices always the lowest. Alexanders Pendleton's One Biggest and Best Department Store Mtemtiomi Farmers! Valvoline Oil Company's Splendid Oils Note These Prices Black Combine Oil, - 25c per gallon AAA Castor Machine Oil, 40c per gallon Red Engine Oil, - 40c per gallon Triplex Cylinder Oil, - 65c per gallon Caterpillar Cylinder Oil, 65c per gallon Kaster Axle Grease 8c lb, large sizes Full assortment Holt anjl Best machine extras in stock Drapers ol all kinds at factory prices. Deering Binder twines, the best twine on the market Main Street C. A. BARRETT & CO. Athena j I'uNEQUAliED I .MM PouSTCoHs Ak 'I mm Awy iw croup, k m u U HV ? Aw VAUW u I D III M 81 Jv rtffi H "I PliW lieSf Jill . I lil UNEQUALLED XMV 'WtPIC-.TfnTHITI canq aSS HI AS A VURlhNa. nm.,m,ll Q nr.: 0K25 ; -fissniiim hum m I J5000000 I "WW"""'"1 MJUUUUU UNEQUALLED AS A PLEASANT CANOffArereTi,,, CHILDREN EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. A dose at bed time usual ly relieves the most severe case before mornintf. Pineules 30 days treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction O A fT A I-I7 guaranteed or money refunded. JLjllilLH,fLLvJrL JL JUsfl EE'S LAMTIVE.-H01JEY-TAR HO POISONS. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL, PUM FOOO AND DRUB LAW. Th OrMlnal UN Couth Syrup oonUlnlnf Hon ay and Tat. An Imyravmant vm all CmWH. Lung and Branchial Ranndla. Plaaaant t th taata and good alike for young and old. All Mug! nrruva containing eplataa constipate the bowcla. Bh'i Laaatlv Honar and Tar mova the towala and eenUloa w Ml.tca. Prepared ky PIHE-VLE MEDICINE COUPAHT. CHICAGO. V. . A.