This Edition con tains Four Pages Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer Athena Merchants Carry Big Stocks VOLUME XXVI. ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. JUNE 26. 191. NUMBER 27 Foss-Winship HARDWARE Company ,:.: Sell . Superior Ranges The World Leader Since 1837 In Barrett Building, Athena, Or. CASH GROCERY IN THE CARDEN BUILDING, WHERE YOU DO BETTER Groceries and Produce We Pay Cash for Eggs Main Street. J. H. WARNER. Athena, Oregon. Tum-a-Lumberj m T nyy i Tum-a-Lunip is good Lumber! I 1 1 IN 1 ill Til is good Coal First, Last and all the Time and here is the reason why: THERE'S MORE TO THE RETAIL LUMBER BUSINESS THAN SELLING WOOD OUR POLICY IS TO HELP YOU BUY WHAT YOU WANT It is impossible to find men who try harder to please yon than we do, aud tto one is more anxioua to Rive yon the very beat and most reliable information on' lumber and building material tban we are. For the benefit of onr onstomeis who are onafcle to secure the services ol looal arobiteots, we will help yon plan that new house the remodel ing on your present home a new barn your Distriot school house yonr new Silo, from our latest ideaa on Silos. Our Engineering Department, with free plans and specifications, ia at yonr aervioe. Now is the Time to Get Your Cement Walk Down The Tum-a-Lum Lumoer Company "See A. M. JOHNSON about it." . Home of QUALITY Groceries Good Groceries go to the Right Spot Every Time This is the Right Spot To go to Every Time for Groceries TRY THESE THEYTL PLEASE ! ONE BEST THE MONOPOLE Monopole Vegetables Monopole Fruits Monopole Salmon Monopole Oysters DELL BROTHERS, Athena, Oregon CATERERS TO THE PUBL.IO IN GOOD THINGS TO EAT SPOKANE WINS IN INTERNIOUNTAIN RATE ORDERS HAVE BEEN SUSTAINED. Long and Short Haul Clause of Interstate Commerce Law Found Constitutional. ' The interstate oommeroeeommier sion'e aooalled intermonntaio rate or ders bave been anatained as valid by tbe supreme court wbiah held, at the aame time, that the long aud abort banl olanse of the interstate oommeroe law was constitutional. Both had been attacked ty the tiausoontinental railroads. The defunot oommeroe court, pass ing over the Constitutional question. had annulled the orders on tbe ground that the oom mission bad no authority to issue "blanket" or "zone" orders and might aot only on the reasonable ness of specific rates. In overturning tbat contention aud holding that tbe commission did bave auob power, tbe supreme court deoided a point which lawyers and close observers of tbe in terstate oommeroe commission's pro' cedure say is of eqnal importance to tbe intermoutnain rate case itself it not greater. Opposition to the five per cent in crease in freight rates teing asked bv the eastern railroads and npon wbioh tbe interstate oommeroe commission ia expected to annonnoe its deoision at any day bad been based principally npon the contention tbat tbe commis sion did not have anthority under the law to grant snob a "blanket" in crease. What tbe effect, if any, of the de oiBion npon the rate oaae may be, oan only be tbe subject of oonjeotnre. There are tbose among tbe well in formed in tbe commission's prooedute, however, who say tbe deoision o( tbe railroad's applioation has been delayed awaiting the supreme court's deoision on that important point. Aa to the intermountain rate orders themselves, however, their effeot ia that such western oities west of the Kooky Mountains aa Reno, Spokane and Phoenix, will not be foraed to pay upon their freight from the east, tbe regular rate through to the Pacific ocast and then also anothei rate from the Paoifio baok to their stations, be oanse the railroads are competing with water-borne traSio around Oape Horn or through tbe Panama canal. They will, however, pay oertain in creases over tbe normal- rates from oertain zones. Thug the railroads may oharge no more than the regular rate on shipments originating in tbe terri tory west of a vertioal line drawn through St. Fanl. They may, bow ever, charge an inorease of seven per cent on tbose originating between St. Panl and Cbioago, not more tban 16 per cent on tbose between Chicago and Pittsburg, and not more than 25 per oent on tbose between Pittsburg and the Atlantio seaboard. Tbose increas es tbe commission prescribed as rea sonable because of the condition of the water competition. As a result of tbe deoision all ques tion is removed as to tbe rigbt of the commission, not only to pass on the reasonableness of a lower rate for a baui to a more distant olty than to a nearer one in the same direotion, bnt to fix bow mnob the differences may be removed. Great Power Dam Harnessing The Mississippi Now In Use. : THIS Is a general view of the great power dam harnessing tbe Mis sissippi river, recently completed and now In use. Tbe mammoth con crete dam extends from Keokuk, Ia., to Hamilton, III., and la nine tenths of a mile long. It la the longest monolith of concrete In the world. It cost $25,000,000 It furnishes 200,000 horsepower, 60,000 of which la transmitted 137 miles to run the street can of St Louis. Tbe dam ia fifty three feet high and baa 110 spans It not only harnesses tbe great river for power pur! loses, but It provides deep water navigation up the river for a dis tance of sixty-five miles. NEW CROP AT FANCY PRICES Julv Deliveries at Pendleton Seventv-ono Cents, Bring Tbe opening of the new orop wheat market at Pendleton springs into ex istenoe at 71 oents for July offerings. A number of leading farmers bave sold at this prioe. More tban 300,000 hushels of tbe 1014 wheat orop was sold Mondiy and TneBday at a prioe far in advanoe of those offered at this time last vear. Verniers contracting for July delivery are to reoeive 71 oenta per bnsbel, while tbose contracting for AuguBt delivery are to reoeive 70 oents. Among the prominent growers oon traoting a part or all of tbeir crops ate George Perilnger, Tom Thompson, Ham Thompson, Kogeis & Cuil, Mark Butler and Joe Bagwell, Harvest operations already bave started in the ligbt land sections, tbe first barley of tbe season being deliv ered to a warehouse in Pilot Rook Monday. This is tbe earliest date on record in Umatilla oounty. Tbe wheat harvest will te general tbronghout tbe south and west part of the county witbin two weeks. Tbe orop will be a tout 90 per cent of normal there. MAN AND HORSES KILLED. Spokane Train Strikes Them Sunday Near Endicott, Wash. Railways Win Title. Title of transcontinental railroads to some $700,000,000 worth of petrol eum land as against other private claimants, was upheld by the supreme oourt in a test suit brought by Ed mund Burke of California against the Southern Paoifio Railroad company. At the same time Jnstioe Vandeven ter, for the oonrt, stated that seem ingly the government's right to attack tbe railroad's title for frand or error had expired in 1900 or 1901. It was made plain, however, tbat tbe rights of the government were not involved in the oasa before the oonrt, and tbere was no mention of tbe reoent suit bronght by tbe government against the Sonthern PaoiUo to regain the very landa in question. Hen Wanted on Cutoff Tbe Pendleton Tribune reports tbat Ross Newport, who has a oontracc with bia father, Colonel Newport, for part of the CoyoU ontoff construction, left for Hermiston taking seven laborers.- He wanted more men badlr, and bunted high and low bnt found the un employed all "waiting for harvest jobs." Tbeypay 13.60 a day. Ibe work wiU last some time yet. Despite this faoW tbe workleas men of Pendle ton perffirred to sit baok and wait for harvest jobs. Honey Order Rule Issued. Tnflfrnnttnna raoArdini? tha Otiera tians of tbs new postal money order system, which goes into affect Joly 1, were aunt Monday to nostmasters throughout the oonntry. Under the new uliin money order, altboogh drAWfl nn aTuuifflful office. mBV be cashed fit any money order postoffioe witbin SO days of its isene, after whinh It maT ha naid nnlv at the office on which it was drawn or repaid at the office of issue. 0.-W. H. & N. train No. 7. from Spokane, struck and killed a man and two horses at Endicott, Wash., Sun day. The man was Isaao Ward, aged 63, of Winobester, Idaho. Ward waa deaf and failed to bear tba approaoblng train, though hia son, who was driving some oattle abead of the wagon, and who had crossed tbe tracks a moment before vainly tried to signal bis father, Mrs. Ward and four ohildren who wore in a second wagon being hanled aa a ttailer. es- oaped without injury. Tbe family was enroute to Okanog an country, intending to take up a homestead. They were in two wagons pulled ty a six-horse team. The train hit tbe Hrst wagon killing tbe two wheel horses aud mangling Ward's body. 1 he train ran a short distance tefota it oould be stopped and then re turned to the scene of the tragedy. 1 he train arrived in Athena 45 min utes late. u IN ONE STEPS IN DEEP HOLE OTHER PLUNGES TO RESCUE. Too Weak to Grasp a Rope When Third Companion Ar rives On the Scene. Two Walla Walla men, Joseph Baker, aged SS, and John Ameu, aged , were drowned in Snake river Wed nesday afternoon, the scene of the drowning being about Ave miles north of Moore, a small station. Tbe bodies have not been reoovered. The two men, with another named Oarmine, were fishing and swimming in tbe river. Amen stepped off a shelf on which he waa standing in shallow water, into a deep hole in tbe swift flowing river, and Baker wbo waa an expert swimmer, plunged in to resoue him. Amen went under and Oarmine ran for a rope wbioh ha threw out to Baker, bnt he was too weak to grasp it, and he too, finally went down. Oarmine then went for aid to re cover the todies of bis companions, bnt they oould not be found. Amen's borne is in Walla Walla. His father, John Ameu, ia employed on tbe ranoh of the elder Carmine. Mr. Carmine went to Walla Walla Wednesday nigbt to seouie grappling hooks and a systematic search will he made, in hopes nf recovering tha bod ies of tbe unfoitnnate men. E MEETING OF CITY SUPERINTEND ENTS FILE REPORTS. Provision for Classification of Higher Study With Aim of Gaining Efficiency. Merchants Mar Organize. What probably is one of tbe most Rnles for tbe standardization of tbe high aohoola of the state, wbioh, if -adopted, will greatly Inorease their efficiency, bave been submitted to Snperintendeut of Public Inatrnotion Chnrobill, and it is believed Ibey will be adopted by tba State Board of Ednoatlon, wbioh will meet in Salem July 18. ' The rules were prepared by ' a oommlttee ooneiBtiog of w. R. Rntberfoid, superintodent of tha Mo Miunville schools; J, O. MoLaogbln, superintendent of tbe - schools of Hood River, and , George W. Hub, piinoipal of the Eugene high school, appointed at a meeting of the oity superintendents at Salem in Deoem ber. , The rules provide that bigb soboola aball be classified as standard four year schools, or accredited three-year, two year or one-year schools, as they shall be approved and accredited by tbe State Board of Eduoation. At least three teachers shall be re- qnired to devote their entire time to bigb sobool work nnder the rules, and any teacher employed in a standard bigb school of the state 'shall be a graduate of a standard oollege or un iversity, as defined by section, 18, 1918 edition of tbe Oregon sobool law. These teachers shall be holders of imporisnt atepB ever taken in met-1 life state oeitifloates or state diplomas VARYING FORCE OF RADIUM, Powers of the Three Different Rays- Alpha, Beta and Gamma. There are three kinds of so crtlled rays having their Inciting origin In rn dlum. The three rays nre known us alpha, beta and gamma rays, and each of these has characteristic peculiari ties. The alpha rays hnve a range inside of half an inch from tholr source, the beta rays reach about three times as far, and the gamma rays nre yet more penetrating. A thin sheet of paper or a film of tin foil or mien will effectual ly halt the alpha rajs. A millimeter of lead or five millimeters of alumini um will stop the further progress of the beta rays, but the gamma rays will go through nineteen centimeters of iron or seven centimeters of lend before their original intensity Is reduced 1 per cent. The alpha rays consist of positively charged atoms of helium advancing at a velocity of 12,000 miles a second, and the beta rays are negatively charged bodies projected at n speed of quite 150,000 miles in the same Interval of time. BouBhly, the beta rays nre a hundred times more penetratlug than the alpha rays, while the gamma rays, In their turn, are a hundredfold as searching as the beta rays. Exchange. Won a Wife by His Skill. Action was a Grecian painter of about the time of Alexander, and he won Ills wife by his great work. He painted a picture called "The Nuptials of Alexander and Itoxane," which wag exhibited at the Olympic games. It created such a stir that one of the judges cried in admiration, "I reserve crowns for the victorious athletes, but I give my daughter in marriage to the painter Action as a recompense for bis picture." Action was one of the art ists who excelled in tbe art of mixing colors. He could not go to the nearest store and purchase them, as artists do today, v Th Waning Honeymoon. "I forgot something," said the hus band. "Yes." pouted the wife, "yon forgot to kiss me." "That may be, but what I came back for was my overshoes." ' Laborer Heir to Fortune. William MoKenzie went io tbe Grandview, Wash., distriot about three weeks ago in searoh of work, wbioh be found on tbe William Sayre ranob. A tew days ago he went to North Yakima to pay bis lodge dues and was given a letter telling him tbat be bad fallen beir to (500,000 in Wales, A ticket to England and ex pense money were inclosed. obandising in the United States was taken when George B. Hyatt, of En terprise, before tbe Retail Merohsnts' Association, made an addreai, explain ing bow mercbants of the state may co operate in buying snob staples ss sugar, fruit jars, spool cotton, eto, and distributing them from some cen tral point, mnob after tbe plan of farmers' nnious, and thus combatting mail order houses. Tbe matter was consideied, and a committee aopolnted to take steps toward its realization. Fourth at Bingham Springs. Bingham Springs means to celebrate tbe I'ourth of July and a live program has been anuounoed. James A. Coo per, tbe new proprietor, says tbe oel- ebiation will last two days, July 4th and 6th. Tbe events will be bronobo busting, raoee, musio, a danoe, swim ming, fishing, fireworks eto. Last bnt not least, Jook Coleman, tbe Scottish comedian, has been engaged for tbe oelebration. Trainmen Lose Jobs, As a coDaeqneDCS of tbe aotivity of "spotters," ten O-.W. R. & N. pass enger oondnotors running out of Pen dleton, some of tbem through Athena, are without jobs aud it ia reported on good authority tbat . 70 main line brakemen aud twenty station agents are to get dismissals from the servioe in a few 3am Tornado Kills Nine. A (ornado struok Wateitown, S. 0., Tuesday nigbt, and tore a path thiough tbe city four blocks wide and 18 blocks long. Nine fatalities are reported and scores of people are in jured. The property damage waa many thousands. obtained by examination before tbe stats department. Life aertifloatea or diplomas now In enact will be satis factory. A standard high school shall follow tbe state comae of study exoept In dis tricts of the first class, whose course mnat be approved by the State Board of Ednoatlon. In a three-year high sobool, two teBObers shall give full time in tbe high school work, where mors than four anbjeots each year are offered; or one teacher aball give full time and am tber at least bait time when but four sntjeots are offered eaoh year, no oboioe of eleotives being given. All teaohers of tte thiee-year aooredited high schools shall be grad uates of a standard oollege, univer sity or normal sobool or be tbe bolder of a five-year state certificate in Ore gon, or an Oregon life certificate, or a special certllloate for speoial sub jects issued in aocordanoe with seo tlons 16 and 30, 1018 edition cf tbe Oregon school laws. In the requirements for tbe one aud two-year oouraea, a teaober doing two years of high school work oannot teach in the grades. A teaober doing one year of bigb sobool work wonld be permitted to teaoh all of tbe work in the seventh aud eighth grades also. Bold Cattle Raid Fails, James Worden, son of a well known -rsnoher near Touohet, Wash., drove 08 head of oattle Into Pendleton Sat urday and tried to aell tbem to buyers tbere. Sheriff Taylor locked bim np and before tbe owner of tbe cattle, Albert Burna of Touohet, knew they were missing, tbe boy confessed to their theft. He ia now. in jail at Walla Walla. , Our Dry Goods Department' contributes bargains that no economical, well posted shopper can possibly" afford to let pass at this time. JUNE WHITE SALE OF TOWELS. Bast assortment we ever had. All go at a big re duction during our Jnne Wbite Sale. 100 band towels, June Wbite Sale - - 8o 13 l-2o band towels, June White Sale - lOo 20o band towels, June Wbite Sale - 160 25o baud towels, June White Sale - - - 19o 60o band towels, June WbiteSale , 88o 75o band towels, Jnne White Sale - - E8o $1.00 band towels, JnneWbite Sale - 7 Do TURKISH TOWELS. Big, full alze, double thread, fringed and hemmed, 150 Tuikiab towels, Jnne White Sale - -. 12o 250 Torklis towels, Jnne Wbite Sale - 19o 85o Torkisb towels, Jnne Wbite Sale - -270 0o Turkish towels, June Wbite Sale - 81o 60o Turkish Towela, Jnne While Sale - 80o TABLE LINENS, too Table Linens, Jnne White Sale J - - 48o 75o labia Linens, June White Sale 5Bs $1.25 Table Linens, JoneJWblte Hale - 8o $1.75 Table Linens. June White Sale - -$1.80 $3.00 Table Linens, Jnne Wbite Sale $1.4.9 $2.60 Table Linens. June White Sale - tl.98 NAPKINS. $1.26 doz. odd napkioa, June Wbite Bale 98o $1.86 doz. odd napkina, June Wbite Sale - $1.09 $3.76 doz. linen napkins, Jnne Wbite Sale - $11.18 $4.50 doz. linen napkins, June White Sale $11.79 $5,00 doz. Ilnao napkins, June White Sale - $4.97 $8.00 doz. linen napkins, June Wbite Sale - $5.19 $7.60 linen napkins, JnneWbite Sale $0.87 CRASH TOWELING, 10o orash toweling, June Wbite Sale - - 8o IS l-2o crash toweling, June White 8ale 10c I5o orssb toweling, Jnne White Sale 12o 20o orasb toweling, June White Sale - lio 28o crash toweling, Jnne Wbite Sals 18o ' BEDDING And honae linens, a timely UNDERPRIOED SALE blsnksts, comfortables and bed spreads. The Peoples Warehouse Where it pa ys to Trade. j ' PENDLETON, OREGON. Save your TP W Stamps