POULTRY and Dairy Produce of all kinds wanted. Write for our CASH OFFER Pearson-Page Co. PC2SD G. EAKLE HENTON. M. D. SPECIALIST DISEASES OP EYE GLASSES FITTED 412 Morgan Bide, Portland, Oregon SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Bought, sold and exchanged; engines, boiler, sawmills, ttc. S"nd for Stock List and Prices. , 1HK J. . MARTIN CO., H3 1st St.. Portland. Or. EEff MACHINERY S Steam, Gasoline, Hoisting and hogging Engines, Electric Motors or Lighting Plants, Concrete Mix ers, Derricks, Boilers, Pumps, Saws, Etc. Standard Machinery Co., 46 2d St., Portland, Or. BUCK LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED br Catter'e Blaeklea Nile. low prtced, fmh, reliable: preferred br WMUm .trakmrn hMauae ihev are as leet where ether vaMlaei fall. . S Writ for booktat and testlmonlale. I I I aa 10-deM afcie. BlaeMei Pill, $1.00 UafaaaVatt 10-aoH pkee. Blaeklei Plllt 4.00 rru anv tnlnptar. hut rutt.r'e best. Th. nperlorHv of Cutter product! la due to over 19 rears of ipecleUrtng- id vaeeinee ana aerume oniy. laalat a. Cnttar'a It utii .litaliiahl.. nnler direct. THE CUTTER LABORATORY, Berkeley, Ctlllerela. Fletchcrism at the Zoo. A little Boston girl, who had fre quently been admonished by her par ents as to the evils resulting from hurried mastication of foods, was, on a recent visit to New York, taken by an uncle to the zoo in the Bronx. , ; Among the beasts :that particularly claimed her attention were the camels. She watched them long and earnestly as they munched huge bunches of grass, and then turned to her uncle. "Uncle," said she, "what a treat It would be for father and mother and Professor Fletcher to see those camels chewing all day!" Harper's Monthly. Whooping Cough Instant relief and positive cure within two weeks. Send $1 for full details of home treatment to P. 0. Box 786, Spokane, Wash. The Seven Age of Modern Man. "First age Sees the earth. "Second age Wants It "Third age Hustles to get it. "Fourth age Decides to be satis fied with only about half of It. "Fifth age Becomes still more mod erate. "Sixth age Now content to possess Bix-by-two strip of it. "Seventh age Gets the strip." color Putnam Fadeless Dyes more goods than others. An Eye to the Future. "What's this you have invented?" "A parachute, and It Is a success." "But is there any demand for a parachute In ordinary life?" "Will be if gowns keep getting tight er. This is for women to use In get ting oft street cars:" Louisville Courier-Journal. AS FIT AS A FIDDLE is a condition everyone would like to boast of. It may be that all you need is two or three Wright's Indian Vege table Pills just before going to bed. Trial box free. 372 Pearl St., N. Y. Heard on the Wharf. "So you're going over on the steam er. Aren't you afraid you'll be sea sick?" "Not a bit! You see I've swung around on the straps of crowded trol ley cars every day for years, so I'm used to a rough voyage." Good Memory. "You are the ' manager here, eh? Well, years ago I dined here, and be ing unable to pay my bill you kicked me out." "Very sorry, Bare; but business, you know er" "Oh, that's all right, old chap but might I trouble you again?" The Tattler. Distemper In ail it- forms, among all ages of horses and dogs, cured and others in the same sta ble prevented from having the disease with Spohn's Distemper Cure. Kvery bottle guaranteed. Over 600,000 bottles sold last year. 1.50 and $1.00. Good druggists, or jc-im mi xiuinmncturers. Agents wantea, W rite lor Irce hook, rinotin ilcd. Co., Bpei The new president of the New Ha ven railway system, speaking of so cialism recently and Its conflict with the innate disposition of man to be come acquisitive, quoted "somebody or other," according to the Lob Angeles Times, as having furnished the fol lowing revision of the "Seven Ages of Man": More than 22,000,000 tons of coal are consumed annually In the Pittsburg district. JUDGE CURED, HEART TROUBLE. I took about 6 boxes of Dodds Kid ney PillB for Heart Trouble from which I had suffered for 5 years. I had dizzy spells, my eyes puffed, my breath was short and I had chills and back ache, I took the pills about a year ago and have had no return of the palpitations. Am now 62 years old, able to do lots of manual labor, am well and hearty and weigh about 200 pounds. I feel very grateful that I found Doddt Kidney Pills and you may publish this letter if you wish. I am serving my third term as Probate Judge of Gray Co. Yours truly, PHILIP MILLER, Cimarron, Kan. Correspond with Judge Millur about this wonderful remedy. Dodda Kidney Pills, 60c per box at your dealer or Dodda Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household Hints, also music of National Anthem (English and German words) and re elpes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free. Adv. Judge Miller. Home Mechanics. The automobile Is getting alp the Improvements. A self-starting furnace would help a heap. Berlin haa a store where the pic tures of women who wish to become brides are displayed. MAKES ECZEMA VANISH Reilnol Stops Itching and Burning In stantly. There Is Immediate relief for skins Itching, burning and disfigured by eczema, ringworm, or other torment ing skin trouble, in a warm bath with Resinol Soap and a simple application of Heslnol Ointment. The soothing, healing Resinol balsams sink right into the skin, stop Itching Instantly, and soon clear away all trace of erup tion, even in severe and stubborn cases where other treatments have had no effect. After that, the regular use of Resinol Soap is usually enough to keep the skin clear and healthy. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap have been prescribed by doctors for the past nineteen years, and sold by all druggists. Adv. Nora's Recommendation, Nora wbb applying for a place as cook, and when asked for a reference, presented the following: "To whom It may concern: "This is to certify that Nora Foley has worked for us a week and we are satisfied." Is it possible there is a woman in this country who con tinues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer ing among women than any other one medicine in the world ? We have published in the newspapers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub lished in the interest of any other medicine for women and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen uine and true. Here are three never before published : From Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. For the benefit of women who uuffor as I havo , done I wish to state what Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound baa done for me. I did some heavy lifting and the doctor said it caused a displacement. I have always been weak and I overworked after my baby was born and. inflammation set in, then nervous pros traUon, from which I did not recover until I had taken Lydia E. Pink haras Vegetable Compound. The Compound is my best friend and when I hear of a woman with troubles like mine I try to induce hei PdencoIlL S T Kl0UM0ND' Waldo Street, A Minister' Wife Writes: -J?ft.MmN-7''I.haJe Buffored very muoh with Irregularities, lin and inflammation, but your wonderful modicine, Lydia K. Piuk liain s Vegetable Compound, has made me well and I can recommend the same to all that are troubled with these complaints." Mrs. Jus. km Akjcbman, oo Itev. K. Akebman, Cloquet, Minnesota. From Mrs. J. D. Murdoch, Qulncy. Mass. Sooth Quinct, Mas8.-- The doctor said that I had organic trouble and he doctored me for a long time and I did not get any relief. I uw iayuui iv, nnKnam's vstrHtji h (Vminnmtri vertised and I tried it and found relief before I had finished the first bottle. I continued taking it all tnrougn middle life and am now a strong, healthy uu oaru my own living.' Mrs. Jank JL. .Murdoch, 85 Gordon St- South Quincy, Mass. -"?fTTrite to LTDU RPINKHASr JTEDICTIfE CO. f-sr uunnut.MiiL)l,l.,MAiS.,forttdvlc. Your letter will be opened, rt-d anil answered m woman and held la strict eouudeuoe, SUGAR BEETS THRIVE ON ANY GOOD SOIL i Thinning Sugar Beets, Which Owing to the Closeness of the Young Plants, Must Be Dona by Hand. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) It is generally conceded that the best soils for the production of sugar beets are the sandy loams and the clay loams. However, any good soil, If properly handled, will produce satis factory sugar beets, provided cllmatto conditions are favorable, states Farm ers' Bulletin 668 of the department of agriculture. In general, more depends upon the physical condition of the soil than upon Its strict classification. Select the field for sugar beets with reference to the quality of the sur face and subsoil, conditions of drain age and the fitness to follow the pre ceding crops. Plow thoroughly and deeply In the fall if possible. Make the seed bed firm below as well as near the surface. Plant In the, spring as soon ae the soil and weather condi tions are right. Use plenty of seed to Insure a good stand, and do not plant too deep. Hold the moisture in contact with the seed by use of the press wheel and rollers. Cultivate as One-Horse Two-Row Walking Cultiva tor, With Attachment for Distribut , Ing Fertilizer, soon as the rows can be eeon, but do not throw the dirt over the beets. Block and thin the beets just as soon as they are large enough to handle. Space with reference to the strength and moisture-holding capacity of the soli. Rotate with other crops to Improve the soil condition and to eliminate pestB. Keep plenty of live stock to utilize the beet tops and other feed and supply stable manure. In har vesting the beets see that they are all gathered, properly topped, and as free aB possible from dirt. Cover the bests as soon as topped to prevent evaporation, and utilize beet tops, pulp and lime with a view to Improv ing Boll conditions. The by-products of the beet field and sugar mill that are of particular Importance to the farmer are the beet tops, the pulp and the waste lime. If properly handled, the beets form a valuable asset for the beet grower, and In considering the value of a beet crop they should be reckoned at their real worth as a stock food. Many farmers sell their tops at a cash price ranging from ?2.G0 to $5 per acre, In which case the grower is the loser for the reason that the tope are of greater value to him as a Btock food, and It he allows the tops to leave his farm he loses their manurial value, consisting of a large part of mineral plaut food taken up by beets in the process of growth, and alBO their humus value, which results from re turning the tops to the soil In the form of stable or barnyard manure. The most economical way to handle the tops Ib to gather them Into piles soon after they wilt and before they become thoroughly dry. la this condition they can be gathered with much loss loss than would be the case If they were left scattered over the ground until, dried. After they have cured In the piles they should be hauled to the feed yard, where they should' be fed lu properly constructed racks to avoid waste. Beet pulp is an excellent stock food. This by-product is the refuse that re mains after the beets have been sliced and the sugar extracted. As a stock food It may be used either as green pulp, that 1b, Just ae It comes from the mill, or it may be dried. Waste Umo Is a by-product , of the sugar mill, which under certain con ditions is of considerable value to the farmer tor correcting the acid condi tion of the soil. It is well known that a Boll should be neutral or slightly alkaline In order to produce the best results. Lime has the ability to com bine with the injurious acids that de velop in the soil and thereby render them neutral. Ordinarily an applica tion of from E00 to 2,000 pounds of waste lime per acre will correct the acidity and otherwise improve the soil. Poultry aa Food. Although not as many varieties of poultry are in common use in the United States as In Europe, and al though eggs form perhaps the most important part of the total poultry Industry In the United States, enough birds are raised and sold for their flesh to make poultry an important Item In the list of foods, says the de partment t of agriculture. Chickens are, of course, far the most common of the kinds of poultry. Next come turkeys; then ducks and geese, fol lowed by capons and squabs, the other varieties, such as guinea fowl, pheas ants and quail being least common of all. In raising birds for the market spe cial fattening has not heretofore been practiced in this country with any thing like the same frequency as lni Europe; but American breeders are gradually coming to it more and more, especially on the large poultry farms which are springing up in many places. The extreme methods used so much In France are not, however, consid ered advantageous by most American breeders. Live poultry is very commonly mar keted, especially In the southern states, where it 1b the custom to kill a short time before cooking, but, con sidering the country as a whole, It Is doubtless true that the dressed birds are marketed more than the live, and the buyer must depend mainly on the appearance of the skin and flesh to tell blm how fresh the bird is, and whether it has been prop erly dry-plucked or plunged into boil ing water to make the plucking eas ier. In most cases, also, the age must be determined by the pliability of the breastbone or, in duck and goose, of the windpipe. The methods of cooking poultry are in general the same as those for other kinds of meat The tougher the bird the more cooking will be needed to make it tender and easily digested, and the larger It is the more heat will be required to cook it thoroughly. Ab regards composition poultry does not differ as much as Is commonly supposed from meat of other domestic' animals used for food. Individual kinds and specimens, of course, vary in the relative amounts of protein and fat contained, and there are certain ilavorB In poultry which differ from those In other meats. But these dif ferences are so, small that they are practically negligible in ordinary diet Nor is there as much difference in digestibility as Is often stated. On the average, poultry is somewhat more IV , ! t ' , " i Piling and Topping Sugar Beets. easily digested than beet and mutton, but only very Bllghtly. The difference In digestibility between the various kinds of poultry probably depends on the amount of fat contained, the fatter sorts being least easily digested. Ten derness of fiber may have something to do with both ease and thorough ness of digestion, and, if so, young birds are more easily digested than old, and the less-UBed muscles of the chicken, such as the breast, more so than the much-used tissues of the legs. Similarly, white-fleshed birds may be more easily digested than dark fleshed, because the fibers of their flesh are less closely set; but this is not fully proved. Indeed, very little is positively known on this Bubject, and that little seems to indicate that the differences in thoroughness of di gestion are very slight, and that cook ing has much more to do with the digestibility of the birds than theBe slight differences in composition and texture. WILL INSURE HEALTHY PIGS 8ows Should Be Watched Carefully and Kept In Healthy Condition Keep Them Active. The man who takes proper care of his brood-sows before hand is the one who has the largest measure of suc cess at farrowing time. If a sow is kept in a small, dry lot, the ground is apt to become filthy and Inoculated with disease germs, but If kept in a pen the ground should be disinfected frequently. Keep the troughs clean. To insure success in having good, strong pigs, the sows should be watch ed carefully and kept in a healthy con dition. Do not pen them up In a small place, but furnish plenty of pasture as late as possible, an Abundance of fresh water, and slop or grain to keep them In fair condlUon not too tat, not too poor. Keep them acUve and there will be little trouble when farrowing time comes. A plentiful supply of roots will pre vent (ever. The artichoke Is richer la food-elements than the potato and Is a moat excellent hog teed. ERECTING A CONCRETE WALL Economy Is Main Advantage Urged by Inventor Time, Labor and Money Saved by the System. An Ingenious method of concrete construction 1b to set the forms tor the walls of a house almost level, and after pouring the concrete and allow ing it to harden to tilt the wall on edge. Economy is the main advantage of this system; a saving of time, labor and money, so the Inventor claims, and the method has been used with success in large buildings erected by the United States government and large corporaUons. Walls of 120 feet in length have been raised in one piece, but it is not adapted to structures of great height. The device consists of a series of Jackscrews supporting a trussed frame, upon which the form for the wall is built The frame sets at a very slight angle, and the workmen can move about it with ease, doing their work faster than whenaWEguprlgbt forms In place. One side of the form is not needed at all, as the upper surface of the concrete is smoothed out, or fin ished in various ways; this results In a saving of almost half the lumber re quired for upright forms. After the concrete has hardened, the operation of tilting the wall upright takes place; this is accomplished by means of a small engine which oper ates all the Jackscrews simultaneously, so that the great mass of the wall le raised evenly and set upon Its founda tion. Of course It is essential to use great care In securing perfect align ment of the Jackscrews and the frames. As each wall is set In place it is braced and the corners where two walls meet are Joined by concrete, so that the fin ished structure is practically a mon olith. Usually the reinforcing rods are allowed to project at the corners, strengthening the Joint together. LITTLE SCAFFOLD IS HANDY Englishman Deaigna Ladder, Which When Folded, May Be Stored In Smallest Bit of Space. An improved type of folding scaf fold or ladder for use In places where every inch of storage space is an Im portant consideration, and which, when folded, may easily be carried to the position where it le desired to set It up for use, has been designed by an Englishman, says Popular Mechan ics. The scaffold or trestlework is Folding Scaffold. mounted upon a square framework, each corner of which is provided with a suitable caster, so that the device may readily be moved over the floor. The scaffold is quickly set up and at tached to the carriage by setscrews, and the sliding section Is easily raised to the height required to reach the work to be done. It is possible to use the trestle singly, as shown, or In pairs connected with scaffold boards and partition rails. Detroit factories turn out nearly 450,000 stoves a year. A well-constructed brick house will outlast one built of granite. The largest bucket dredger has been built for work on the Suez canal. Although a new German automatic pistol weighs but little more than two pounds it can fire 100 bullets a min ute. A combined motion picture camera, developing and printing apparatus and projector haa been invented for ama teur use. A grass native to India has proved so good for paper pulp that 60,000 tons of it are being used annually tor that purpose. A wheeled foot rest, to be hinged to a rocking chair, has been patented by a Michigan man to lessen the labor of rocking. Pennsylvania again broke all previ ous records for coal production last year with an output estimated at 267, 000 short tons. The total output of Idaho's various metal mines last year set a new high record. Bricks made of peat are being suc cessfully used in Sweden for small buildings. Ceylon has about 1,000 mines for plumbago, that country's most im portant mineral product. A sixteenth of an Inch of scale on the interior of a boiler will cause a loss of 13 per cent fuel efficiency. Shears which cut through three Inches of steel, the most powerful ever built, have been Installed in a Pennsylvania mill. Slabs of natural cork, expanded to more than twice their original site, have been invented in England for cold storage Insulation. Two parts of grated cheese and one part of quicklime with enough white of egg to form a thick paste make an earthenware cement for Immediate BIS. A Serious Loss. One of the.party was telling how he had lost a grip on a railroad train the other evening when Congressman David E. Finley of South Carolina generously smiled. He said that it reminded him of the serious loss re cently sustained by a citizen of his own state. The aforesaid - friend had occasion to go on quite a railroad Journey, and when he reached his destination the brotherly party who met him at the station noticed that he seemed con siderably depressed. "What In the world is the matter with you, Jake?" he asked. "You look as cast down as a defeated candidate." "I have been up against a bunch of hard luck," answered Jake. "I lost the best part of my baggage coming down here." "You don't really mean It!" sympa thetically responded the other. "Did you misplace it or was it stolen?" "Neither," was the sad rejoinder of the cast-down Jake, "the cork came out." Philadelphia Evening Tele graph. Yon Can Get Allen'i root-Case FREE.' Write Allen 8. Olmsted.Le Hoy, N. Y., for a froe sample of Alien1 Foot-Kase. It cures sweating, hot swollen, aching ft-et. It makes new or tlgltt shoes easy. A certain cure for corns. Ingrowing nails and bunions. All drug. gi.tsseUit. 25c. Uon't accept any substitute. Got Away With It. "How's this?" demanded his wife. "You were talking about Jackpots and flushes in your sleep last night." "I er oh yes! I tried a gamb ling case in court that day," explained the resourceful lawyer. Louisville Courier-Journal. The First. "Did you ever really love any girl before you met me?" asked the beau tiful one. "No," replied the titled foreigner, "you're the first girl I have ever known who had money in her own right." Free to Our Readers Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for 48-pnge illustrated Eye Book Free. Write B.U about Your Eye Trouble and they wiU advise at: to the lVoper Application of the Murine Eye Remedies In Your Special Case. Your Druggixt will tell you thut Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 50c. Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby'a Eyes (01 Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. HannaacaH ASK YOURSELF Is the appetite keen? Is the digestion good? Is the liver active and bowels regular? If the answer is "NO" then be persuaded to try a bottle of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters today. It . helps Nature restore all of these functions promptly. An Unfortunate Name. "I am sorry I named my little girl Vehus." "After the Venus de Milo, I sup pose." "Yes, and she has broken her arm three times." , There are 16 varieties of maple trees in the United States, most of them being eastern species. Hot Air. "My wife made it hot for me this morning." "How was that?" "I insisted on her getting up to build the fire." Judge. It is stated that throughout Sweden there are 500,000 total abstainers, or about 10 per cent of the population. Lost 76 Pounds These true photographs how the benefit of 76 lbs. actual reduction of superfluous fat by a safe home telf treatment that le easily followed. Many Others men and women have lost from 26 to 100 lbs. and have acknow ledged great improvement in health, appearance, comfort, etc, A book has been published oa obesity; ho, to reduce weight. Thia will be sen! with a proof treatment sample and a large col lection of convincing tes timonials, In plain wrap per, FREE, by Dr. H. 0. Bradford, 20 East 22d St., 601 B New York City. This information that j can be obtained without J charge is likely to prove delightful news to many over-stout men and women who have become dis couraged at previous attempts to reduce weighs. 3 y-i-' " vt-" 'f Tackle Catarrh Hi Avoid Be Frw All Winter Colds, Sfall Pneumonia! Keep Your Nosi Clear and Your Throaf Free. Don't Wait Till You're Ail Bunged Up. Use S. S. S. Now. Tf you will go into any first class store and get a bottlo of S. S. S. you are on the way to getting rid of Catarrh. But don't let anyone work off that old trick, of something "Just aa good." 8. S. S. Is taken Into the blood just as naturally as th most nourishing food. It spreads Its Influence over every organ in the body, comes through all the veins and arteries, enables all mucous surfaces to exchange Inflammatory acids and other Irritating substances for arterial elements that effectually cleanse the system and thus put an end to all catarrhal pollution. 8. S. S. cleans out the stomach of mucous accumulations, enables only pure, blood making materials to enter the Intestines, combines with these food elements to enter the circulation, and in less than an hour Is at work throughout the body in the process of purification. The medicinal components of 8. 8. S. sura relatively just aa essential to well balanced health as the nutritive proper ties of the grains, meats, sugars, and fata of foods. Any local irritating influence in the blood is rejected by the tissue cells and eliminated by reason of the stimula ting Influence of S. S. S. You will soon realize Its wonderful In fluence by the absence of headache, a de cided clearing of the air passages, m steadily Improved nasal condition, and a sense of bodily relief that proves how; completely catarrh, often infests the en tire system. You will find S. S. S. on sale at all drug stores. It is a remarkable remedy for any and all blood affections, such aa eczema, rash, lupus, tetter, psoriasis, bollB, and all other diseased conditions of the blood. For special advice on any blood disease write to The Swift Specific) Co., 202 awl ft Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Do not trifle with substitutes, Imita tions or any of the horde of "Just afl good" Counterfeits of S, S. S. Aa Indicating the educational work of the Y. W. C. A. there are 42,000 girls and women enrolled In 171 cities in day or evening classes. In order that policemen may take shelter from snow and -rain the city of Brussels is erecting large zinc um brellas about street lamp posts. Lumbago-Sciatica Sprains The directions leys. Its good for lumbago too, Sloan's cured my rheumatism ( IVe used It and I know." Do yon us Sloan's? Hera's Proof. "I had my back hart in the Boer War and two years ago I was hit by a street car. I tried all kinds of dope without sucreat. I saw your Liniment in a drug store and got a bottle to try. The Srst application caused instant relief, aad now except for a little ihffnpw. I ass almost weU." cAw AWsmm, Whimtr, Cai. Instant Relief from Sciatica' "I was kept In bed with sciatica since the first of February, but I had almost in stant relief when I tried your IJoioient.'' IT. O. Hamkuu, f rejJ.ort, JEj, Sprained Ankle "As a user of yrnir liniment for the last 15 years, I can say It Itoneef the best en the market. Fifteen years ago I sprained my ankle and had to use crutches, and the doctors said 1 would always be lame. A friend advised me to try your Liniment and after u?ing it night and morning for three months 1 could walk without a cane and run as Kood aa any of the other firemen In my department, I have never beea without a WtUownce that time." IFUliam U Bmcot, UntmlUUp.N. r. W- Y 'WS f Ida "at 3 frkr n At all Deaden. Price) 25c, 50c aad f 1.00 Sloan's Inttructlve Book on hones, cattle, poultry aad hogs, sent fro. Addrm, DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Ine, BOSTON. MASS. The latest census reports show that P. N. U. ' ' Nc 17, laV there are 9.967,039 fowls in Michigan. ! The annual production is 59.915.851 mmmmlmmm doiens of eggs, with a farm value of I WHEN arriUaai t aarrarUaara, 11.1o.7S9. 4 (l aim this aavpar.