Press Paragraphs Aoy poultry to nil? Be Bnrke & Bon. - ' Dr. and Mn. Stone (pent Sunday In Walla Walla. . Maok Oookbmn of Milton, wae in tbe oity. Wednesday. Mr. aud Mrs Bert were la Pendleton Wednesday. For Sale. Good wheat bay. B. B. Stewart, Athena. Adv. Mies Eatelle Smith baa been ill tbe paat week with toosilitis. W. 0. Russell and family ipent Wednesday at Pendleton. Miss Pauline Myriok visited her sister in Pendleton Sunday. Danner, tbe photographer, waa in tbe pity from Milton, Monday. Jank Vinoent spent Wednesday in Pendleton, taking in the olrons. Mrs. Wm. Pinkerton Si. is reported ill with erysipelas, by Dr. Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. William AloKenzle o( , Weston, were In the oity Taesday. D. H. San dei s and acuity took in tbe ciroos at Pendleton Wednesday. , Mis. Robert Moore and otilldren of Walla Walla, spent Saturday in Ath ena. v . Mrs., Luoien Gagnon and danRbter oame over Wednesday from Walla Walla. Mrs. Sidney Barnes and Miss Mamie Barnes of Weston, were in town Tues day afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tompkins, have returned from a pleasant visit with Waitsbnrg friends. A generous sbowei of rain fell lues day afternoon and brightened .op tbe lawns and gardens. Atneua roses are in fnll bloom, and tbey are es beantitnl and plentiful as tbey were last year. Mrs. Stafford baa been a guest at tbe Hansell borne west of town, einoe the Caledonian pionio. Mrs. E. Xj. Dumas, a teaoher in tbe StanBeld sohools, is a guest this week of Mrs. J. W. Welob. Mrs. A. M. Boss and Miss Daisy Waddiugham ot Weston, were ahop ping in Athena Monday. Mrs. U. M, Brotherton and son Clyde oame down from Waitsbnrg Saturday for Deooration Day. Dr. 'Keylor of Walla Walla, was In tbe oity for a short time, Wednesday, ROing on to Pendleton, by auto. Mrs. Charles Bryan and son Arable returned from PasoS Tuesday, after a visit of several days with friends. For Sale Tbe old J. R. Kins plaoe, 118 aores, 8 miles south ot Weston. Apply to Mib. liillie Miller. Adv. Dr. A. B. Stone- has leased the " Brookner borne on Hunt Avenue and is moving bis family there to reside. W. C. Miller and Marion Hansell bad fair suooeas tront fishing on tbe Umatilla and its tribntariea this week. For Sale 160 aores in orop, with privilege to buyer of renting 180 aores in summer fallow. See Henry Keen. Adv. ' Lard In 6 pound buoket 6S0, 10 pound bnoket 11.85, baoon 18 cents per pound at tbe City Meat Maraet, Adv. Arthnr Coppook has toomanv miloh oows, and offers soma for sale at rea sonable piioes. The oows are good ones. Adv. Mr and Mrs. Byron N. Hawks, Miss Velma Wilkinson and Miss Ceoile Boyd motored to Walla Walla Wednesday. B. A. Thompson returned Tuesday from Portland. Mrs. Thompson vis ited her parents at Heppner before returning home. John Forth ot Pilot Rook, father ot Mrs. J. E. Sharp, who died at bia home recently, waa boried yesterday ' from the Christian oburob at Pendle ton. ' y . ' Mr. and Mrs. David Stone aud Mr. and Mrs. Luke Bead took a party of young people to Biugbain Springs Sun day for an outirg. " Henry Keen put in a oess pool In tbe rear ot his barber ebop building on Main street. W. E. Dobson did tbe plumbing work for him. : Mrs. Rockwell Carey of Portland, arrived in the oity yesterday, having been called by the oritioal illness ot her mother, Mrs. MaBterson. - A son was born May 20tb to Mr. aud Mrs. Ed Miller ot Uniou, Oregon. Mrs. Miller was formerly Miss Allda 8taokland, and is well known in this oity. ' With a eold wind from the south west, yesterday, snow fell in the mountains east ot town. Wood-banl-era reported the anow well down in the foothill distiiot. , Jesse Smith has returned from a land bunting trip into Crook oonnty. He secured a homestead, and with his wife will move there after harvest is over in this county. Mow would be a good time to lay low tbe grass and weeds along the streets, before they beoome dry and seeds mature. If yon haven't a soythe, borrow yonr neighbor's. Mrs. Fay Loveridge ot Washtuona, Wash., who baa been in constant at tendance npon her sister, Dnllle White sinoe her terrible aooident near Walla Walla, baa returned to ber borne. W. L. Koonti of Pasco oame over last Friday and baa been spending tbe week with bis brothers, Fred and E. E. Tuesday the tbree brothers went to tbe Umatilla on a camping trip. ' Henry Barrett la harvesting his 80 aote alfalfa orop on the Pine Creek ranoh this week, employing seven men. Tbe bay is of good quality and tills, tbe first ontting, is producing well. Miss Grace Johnson is temporarily employed at tbe Golden Hole store, in tbe place of Mrs. Me'le Roby, whose absence is necessitated tbrougb tbe llloeaa of her mother, Mrs. Mas terson. - Miss Ruth Rothrook is home for tbe summer vacation, having finished tbe High school ootiree in a olass of thirty graduates of tbe Pendleton sohool. The commencement eieroises ocourred Fri day evening. (, Ernest Orootatt was up from Pen dleton this week, distributing adver tising matter for tbe coming enter tainment to be given in tbe Christian obnroh Monday evening by the Pen dleton Endeavorera. , Helen, the little daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Biobards, has been very sick tbe past week with measles. Many other oases are reported in town, and all seem to fce in an nnusnally severe form. . . . .., Mrs. Masterson is seriously ill at tbe home of ber -daughter, Mrs. Merle Boby, aa tbe result ot blood poisoning. She is under tbe care of a professional nnrse and bei oondition so far has not improved. i Miss Ceoile Boyd arrived home Sun day morning from Portland, and will remain for a two weeks vacation, co lore beginning ber duties in the phys ical education department of tbe Uni versity of Washington summer term of sohool. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Maloney name up from Pendleton and spent Deoora tion Day in Atbena. This week tbey removed from Pendleton to their ranch sooth of Havana, where they will reside during tbe summer and fall months. Mrs. Arthur Sbiok returned Wednes day from Walla Walla where reoently ha nnhmitted to a anriioal operation ! performed by Ur. A. B. Stone. Mrs. ! Shiok's trouble bas been of long stand iog, and permanent relief is now hoped for by ber friends. The three Zerba brothers, Virgil, Forrest and Everett, owners ot tbe Athena garage bave been sorely afflict ed with measles for several days and have been nnder the oaraot Dr. Sharp. HVirroot i nhta ta ha no and about, but the other two boys are yet oonSned to the bouss. i . The Best Grade Of Ready Mixed Paints, Tarnishes and Stains. A full Stock of Oils, Window Glass, Brushes, etc., aud if it's Quality you want, come and see us. . Byron N. Hawks, W Druggist 1HE ATHEI1A MEAT MARKET . jjs We carry the best Ml' MEATS. Jf sT" L , That Money Buys IljM Our Market is f a WrTrTV Clean and Cool 1 H It if! -M"' In9U''ing Wholesome Meats. WifUlfi ' BRYAI MEYER gjl -g- Main Street, Athena, Oregon A. Mackenzie Meldrum made a trip to Spokane thia week, preparatory to taking up bia residence there. He will soon begin tbe erection of a mod ern bungalow on bis lots in tbe Uni versity grounds. C. A. Barrett returned this morning from tbe stook show at Union, whioti he attended with the Pendleton dele gation in their special car. Mr. Bar rett reports a splendid exhibit) but cold, snowy weather. ' Nate Pinkerton oama down from bia liome near Wasbtnona, Wash., Tuesday, and will return tomorrow. He reporta orop conditions good in Adams oonnty, though the growth ot weeda is proliflo, also, Mrs. LaHraaohe and daughter, M, 1 Joseph N. Baddeley, feel deeply grate ful to all who so kindly rendered as sistance during the death and funeral ot Louis LaBrasobe, and take this means of thanking all. Theo. Danner, tbe well known pbotographer, will be in Atbena every Saturday hereafter until further not ice, to take and finish photographs. He will be found at the gallery, south of the GL Nionols hotel. Quite a number of Athena people "took tbe obildreo" to see Sells Floto oiroos at Pendleton Wednesday.. Those who saw it, say tbe olrons waa a good one. They bad the pleasure of meet ing Buffalo Bill, himself. Mrs. G. J. Ayers, nee Miss Bess Proebstel, waa oalling on frienda in Athena Wednesday. Mr. Ayers is O.-W. roadmaster. and is frequently in the oity, having headquarters '.01 the present in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Zerba returned Thursday night of last week from a visit in Portland and other Willamette vnllnv tnnvno Mr. Znrha haa renamed bis work aa bookkeeper for the Preston-Shaffer Milling oompany. W. P. Littlejohn. bead miller for tbe Preston-Shaffer Milling company, bad the misfortune to step on a nail, Monday, which penetrtted bia right toot, since wbioh time be baa been hobbling abont on orutohes. The pupils in the 8th. grade ot the Atbena sohools who failed in oue or more subjeots in tbe May exams, are taking tbe examinations again this week at tbe sohool house, with Mrs. Lillian Downs-Dobson in oharge. Mrs. Waller Ely was a guest at the Joseph N. Soott borne the first of the week, and from there, visited tbe Wil bur Wooda home near Weston. Mrs. Ely will spend a fortnight with her mother in Pendleton, before return ing to ber home in Portland. Mrs. J. H. Cotter of Spokane, sister of Frank Enowitou, is visiting in this vioinity. Monday Mrs. Cotter spent with Mrs. Minnie Willaby, since wbiob time she has been at tbe Enowlton and Long borne, ani ls cow attending the Pioneer Flonio. D. B. Mansfield this week moved his family to the Hargatt farm on Pine oreek above Weston whioh be baa nnder lease. Mr. Mansfield has been tending tbe ranob all spring, and will soon bave Mountain strawberries for sale, as well as other oholoe fruit, Friday and Saturday night program at the Dreamland theater: 1 and 2. "The Bridge of Shadows," Selig. 8. "MoGenn and His Ootette," Bio- graph. Snnday: 1 "Master Fixit," Vltagrapb. . "Winning His Wife," Lubin. 8. "Stolen Models," Edison Tony LaBrasobe, a half brother ot tbe lata Louis LaBrasobe, oame np from Portland and attended the fun eral of his brother, buld in this qlty Friday afternoon. Mr. LaBrasobe has long been a resident of Portland, where he is oonneoted with tbe Baker theatre. Ed. Foster oame over from Union Wednesday and spent a oouple of days in Atbena renewing aoqnaintanoes and meeting old-time friends. Ed baa married since leaving Athena, and for a time waa in the employ ot tbe O.-W. aa brakeman on a passenger train. Floyd Payne oontinuea to win laur ala on tbe oinder path. His latest victory was made at Pullman, where he easily won tbe two mile event aa the U. of O., entry in tbe inter oollegiate meet. Tbe medal be won bas been on display in Vinoent jew elry store. Next Monday Frank Enowlton will leave in bis Ford oar for tbe Willaru ette valley for a several weeks' visit. He will be aooompanied by hia wife and sister, Mrs. J. H. Cotter of Bpo kane, and the tbree will visit relatives and attend tbe Pioneers' reunion to be held in Portland. Atbena will be praotioally depop nlated today and tomorrow owing to attendance at tbe Pioneer pionio at Weston. Tbe Atbena Band bas been engaged to furnish musio for both days of tbe pionio, and a number Atn ena residents will partioipBte in ibe program and sports. M. L. Watts' Ford runabout threw a peouliar breakage atunt near the O.-W. depot Wednesday afternoon While going at a alow rate, of speed one ot tbe rear spindles broke, letting tbe axle on tbe ground. Had tbe oar been going at ordinary apeed a aerlous aooident migbt have ooonrred. John Stanton bas teen oooupied tbe paat week in guarding a little yellow flag in front of bis residenoe on Jefier son street, cause: smallpox, with which John is afflicted in mild foim. He waa on tba point of atarting to Montana ou a aneep abearing expedi tion, when tbe disease swatted him. Mrs. T. J. Kirk arrived thia week from near LaOross, Wash, where abe baa been living for soma time with ber son. Qeorge Ehrbart. Mrs. Kirk is aooompanied by ber granddaughter, Ellen Ebrbart, and will again take op bonsekeeplng in ber residenoe on Fifth street, until reoently oooupied by tbe D. H. Mansfield family. Misa Bath Dickenson, who grad uated last month from tba Atbena High sobool. baa been awarded a scholarship at Faoifio University, in rmognitlOD of her good work and ability for the past four years. Thia interesting item is furniabsd the Press ty B. W. S :1.1c, late principal of tbe Atbena schools, wbo ia sow at bia home at Tillamook, OUR Closes smmm N' ' .. I This is your last chance to save on New, desirable, season able merchandise. ;So don't let this Sale of all Sales, close without your taking . advantage of it and profiting accordingly. All of Our Men's Suits Are Selling At About Half , Price, Some More and Some Less. PEOPLES WA1EI0USE WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. J PENDLETON, OREGON Mies Dolly White wbo waa seriously injured in an automobile wreck some days Bgo, is leoovering, and waa brought home Wednesday by ber mo ther from the hospital at Walla Wal la, where she baa been sinoe tbe aooident ooonrred. She is now get ting along aa well aa oould be expeot ed and no permanent injury is feared aa the result of her dangerous experience. From reports reoeived at tbe Press office, the Chinese pheasants liberated on tbe game preserves in this vioinity are ' Increasing rapidly. Numerous oovies of young birds have been seen, ranging in size from those just out ot the shell to the size of quail. Pro tected by tbe present rigid enforce ment of tbe game laws, within a few years there should be excellent sport for tbe man with dog and gun. C. H. Martin, oonnty road master, aooompanied by J. L. Latture, wbo is representing a manufacturing oom pany of road-bnilding maoblnery, was in tbe oity yesterday. Tbe Atbena Pendleton road, wbioh is now finished to a point below Adams, ia being oiled, a sprinkle aold to the oonnty by Mr. Lattnre, being used for that pur pose. He waa in tbe oity lo extend an invitation to the oity officials to In speot his maohine at work. Four Bills and tbe Swede W K. Dobson, William Winsbip, Marshal Qbolson. W. 0. Russell and John . Benson left yesterday for a to weeks' outing in Wallowa oonnty. Ibey promise to return borne with a wagon load of fish and each of their friends bave been promised a tub full; and when they return they bava taken upon themselves to give everybody in town a free automobile ride to Bing ham Seringa and this tall gnns, grnb and transportation will be ottered gratuitously to all who oare to take a deer hnnt on the Grand Bonne; at least thia ia what Gbolson promised the boys before be left on tbe first outing be baa taken ia ten years. for Harvesting Bad For the Laurels. William Dean Howells, according to the Wasblneton Star, was admonish' Ing a young novelist who, after writ ing a fine novel, bad produced omy alight commercial things. "Two critics." be said to tbe young man. "were discussing a certain au thor. , "'His laurels,' said tbe first critic, 'already seem faded and bedraggled.' "That' the other critic agreed, 'la because be baa been resting on them.' " A Carload of Binders, Mowers and Rakes just arrived. Prices Will be Right Main Street C. A. BARRETT & CO. Athena U N EQUALLED AS A, .PNEUMONIA In the Customary Plaoe. A well known English bishop some time since lost his third wife. A cler gyman wbo bad known the flrtt wife returned from. Africa and wanted to aee the grave. He called at the cathe dral and aatv the verger. "Can you tell me where the bishop's wife Is buried!" . "Well, sir." replied the Terger. "I don't know for certain, but be mostly buries 'em at Brompton."-London Maa No Wedding Bells. Tbe mutual friend was speaking: "If you love the girl and tbe parenta on both sides are willing and you bave $1,000,000 each 1 see no reason why you" should not bo married." "Just one thing prevents ir. "Yes?" Tee. She won't have me."-8pur. i. Celluloid Cement Celluloid articles can be mended with a cement made by dissolving bits of celluloid In acetone. It takes only a few minutes to make tbe cement, which Is applied like glue. Tbe bro ken edges are pressed together and la fifteen minutes the cement is nara. For Sale. 440 aoiM nearly level. 80 aores of alfalfa fenoed for boss. ISO acres of spring and winter grain, SO aores of nm ha anna naatnrer Allaire ou nnwk bottom. Pair buildings, on tal chose and B. V. D. line, one mile from school, aix miles from town and only ill.SOO, easy terms. Frank, no ,Elioy, OajBbridge,,IuAho. Adv, m H 11 11 ' ii 11 11 u hi 11 11 1 in 11 11 II 11 II rffWfiHinriiMffTiiiifl')iiiiWiiMflniiii'iijiuifiMiMiiiifPiiiiriiiMifiiMniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu H UNEQUALLED AS A i US mranvni. a. .l mfcriM'" CjS2EUl V HI BAD CDmms .M Jihhjfaifliill UTllWij llljjfflffil rrhhUWAIihllSU tQlfiillll iDlNroHlltll Ir A I cough k ml if m fbssm 1 If iWlil xrouI I I II At - (t)a 111 woUcoucMfWfSB (I I M llifif CftanilisrlalnlSedlcfoaCOs ii ' VI w illiiw 't I il mAmtmu"i 'ym' f yaffil ffllilill I EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. o)EE'S LAATIVE.II03EY'TAR o . ,..,.hi t h ati AM a. 1- !! FOOD AND DRUS LAW I 7. A dose at bed time usual LJ ifi ff y I AQ ly relieves the most severe JIT'; JLAAw JLJLWw& case before mornta. 30 days' treatment for $1.00.. Satisfaction D A fTtT,. A PHF guaranteed or money refunded, ZJJHkKJr&&&SL