.... ffife G&4!:iMs ftes'.' AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher " - Published Every Friday. Office, Corner Third and leflerson Streets. Entered tn th Fofitofnce at Atbena, Oregon aa ecoDdr.tass Mall Matter. Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $1.50 JVhen paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 ptTHENA. ORE.. JUNE 5 1914 WISCONSIN FIRM'S SCHEME. An Up to Date Merchant Who Suc cessful ly Fought Fire With Fire Lo cal Dealer Request Consumers to Give Them an Opportunity to Figura. Can and Will Meet Competition. .Copyrighted, 1914, by Thomas J. Sullivan. If you want to succeed In the world you must make your own opportunities as you go on. , The mun who waits for the seventh wave to toss him on dry land will find that the seventh wave Is a long time in coming. You can commit no greater folly than to sit by the roadside until some one comes ulong and invites you to ride with him to wealth or Influ ence. Business men, local and otherwise, In the entire country, are desirous of increasing and extending their busi ness, and If they did not care to do this they would not be In business. . Can Suooesefully Cope. It is doubtful If there be a local re taller In the country who could not successfully cope with the mall order and catalogue retailer would be but try. This the local merchant may not know, but nevertheless it Is an abso lute fact There Is a retail firm In a town In Wisconsin which conspicuously displays upon Its counters one of the cata logues of the largest Chicago mall or der houses, upon the cover of which Is pasted a notice that It will furnish any article advertised In the catalogue as cheaply as the buyer can secure the articles from Chicago, and It lives up to the advertisement attached to the very letter. Mail Order House Seconds. The substantial local merchant knows well that the cheap stoves sold by the catalogue mall order houses are light weight BtoveB; that the Iron beds ubown In the advertisement matter as massive frames with strong corner posts and heavy crossbars are light, frail castings, commonly known to the trade as "seconds," which no honest or reliable furniture dealer would keep In his stock because he could not sell them to people who were given an op portunity to Inspect the goods before purchasing. It Is only ou very rnre occasions that patrons of a mall order house ever get the worth of their money when they buy from the pictures in tho cata logue, while, on the other hand, the local retailer, if be understands his business, buys his stock direct from the manufacturers and Jobbers who liuvo a reputation at stake and who Mipply goods of quality to their direct representatives, the retail merchants, throughout the country. Priis Their Reputations. The responsible high grade manu facturer and wholesaler will not under miy condition or circumstance sell iln-lr goods to tho catalogue retailer nt uuy price. Many Instances are known whrro cutulogue houses secured by trickery n quantity of staple goods of stnndnrd uiuke and advertised them us "specials" at ridiculously low prices. Tlie manufacturers, In order to protect Hiolr reputations und Interests, neces sarily had orders sent In for the en tire stock or quantity of the articles through persons in their employ. They did not propose to liuve their articles, which were standard, advertised by the side of Inferior articles of light weight and of decidedly cheop con struction. A Vast Difference. There are numberless articles which the catalogue bouse advertises as the best on the market, among which are paints, and It often agrees to fur nish an Impossible guarantee with this class of goods. However, It Is very noticeable that It never at tempts to Bhlp its paints Into states that require a printed copy of the analysis of the contents of the pack age. The answer to this, of course, is that the goods are not as represented In tho catalogue. The up to date lo cal merchant, of course. Is conversant with these facts and can explain them to bis customers if given au opportu nity, and he can also, If ho understands his business thoroughly, explain the vast difference between the goods sold by the catalogue bouse and those sold by him. Article! Challenge Explanations. The cheap, fiaBhy, flimsy article can never stand alongside of the honest, reliable article without challenging an explanation. The business mnn who cannot meet this demand upon hint is not up to (lute, and his educutlon regarding tho line of goods he carries should bo touched up. If the home town consumers are alive nnd nwako to their own Interest they can neiilu to educate the local merchants by demanding from them the Information concerning the differ ence In the quality of their goods and the goods of the catalogue retailer. If they are unable to explain they will also be unable to render efficient serv ice to tbetr customers. It Is time merchants of this kind wake up to the situation. Hsr Chin. Dawson-The facial features plainly todlcnte character and disposition. In electing your wife, were yon governed by ber chin? Bpeulow No, but I have been ever since we married. A PERILOUS CROSSING. They Uat Safely Over and Then Cam Curious Climax. Mrs. Exe stood ou a crowded corner when the traffic was at its height, stnr- I Ing at the thick, tangled come and go of motorcars ana arays ana cans, ana not daring to venture in among the dangers of that moving mass. "May I cross the street with you, madam?" . ' She turned and saw nil elderly stranger with lifted hat and gallant smile. "Oh, th'nnk you!" said Mrs. Exe. And the stranger grasped her arm with a firm grip, nnd together they plunged boldly into the wild crush of vehicles. In and out, right and left, up and down, they zigzagged, at Imminent peril of life nnd limb. Pedestrians on the sidewalk stopped and looked at them. Drivers and chauffeurs shouted and swore ut them. It was plain to all that they were in unusual danger. The escort of Mrs. Exe. still wearing bis gallant smile, still grasping her arm (Irmly, seemed to make no effort to avoid the oncoming vehicles. He dart ed erratically nnd yet calmly this way and that. At Inst by h miracle the other side was reached. Mrs. Exe then Jerked her urm nwny from ber escort's grasp, nnd, with n look of scorn, she said: "It's no thanks to you that we were not both killed. Why, the way yon positively courted danger one would think you were blind!" "Madam, I am blind," he replied. "That's why I naked if I could cross with you."-New York Tribune. In the 8ideahow, Visitor-Thesf; dwarfs of yours are pretty big! Showman Tirdou me, sir; these are slant dwarfs. Meggen dorfer Blatter. TALE OF A LOST MINE. Its It Is Somewhat Cloudy as to Source and Its Veracity. This touching tale, for the veracity of which we do not vouch, comes from a source that we do not know, says the Engineering and Mining Journal: "About 1000 a Spaniard In Peru named Jose Salcedo fell in love with an Indian girl. He proceeded to do a thing almost unheard of In those times he married her. Out of gratitude her mother revealed to hlin a vein of silver of unexampled richness. He worked It and drew from It considerable wealth too much for bis happiness, for bis opulence excited the cupidity of the viceroy. Count Lemos. who had blm charged with high treason, the penalty of which was death and the confiscation of all worldly goods. "It was In vain that Salcedo demand ed permission to nppeul to Madrid and offered to pay two Ingots of silver dally during the fifteen months that must elapse before a reply was return-' ed. The count refused and hanged him In 1(1(10 But the butcher gut small good out of It. The Indians, Intent on avenging their friend, destroyed the works of the mine, filled It with water and concealed the entrance so cleverly that It could never be discovered. Nei ther promises nor threats could extract their secret, which remains so to this very day." This story Is more romantic than those of the Gunslght, Pegleg nnd sev eral other "lost mines" of the Ameri can desert. Getting Even With the Parson. Parson Wheeler was Invited out one afternoon for a motorcar ride with one of his friends. The minister, who enjoyed all outdoor sports, was very enthusiastic ovor motoring, so he was allowed to drlvo the cur. While speed ing along he was stopped by a con stable and ordered to the station house. "Well," said the cnptnln, after listen ing to their story, "you Bay you were going at only fifteen miles nn hour, but the constable declares you were trav eling lit forty. Now, I don't like to doubt the word nf either of you. Can you think why he Insists you were traveling nt that rate of speed? Is there any grudge he owes you?" "No," snld the clergyman thought fully. "No, I can't think of anything unless It Is that I married him four years ugo." Llpplneott's. Alternatives, A stalwart young German applied for a position on a farm. As he walk ed Into the barn he addressed the farmer, "Hey, mister, will you Job me?" "Will I what?" "Will you Job me? Make me work yet" "Oh, I see; you want a Job," snld the farmer. "Well, how much do you want a month?" "I tell you. If you ent me on der form I come for fife dollars, but for twenty-fife dollars I ent myself at Schmidt's "-National Food Magazine. Notice to Creditors, la the County Court of the Stats of Oregon for Umatilla Conuty. In the Matter of the Estate of Louis Lallrosobe, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may oonoern, that W. 8. Ferguson bas qualified as the exeoutor of the last will and testament of Louis LaBrssohe, deoeased. AU persona having olalmi against the estate are required to present them with prnpei voucbera as required bylaw, to said exeoutor at bil otfloe In Athena, Ore., or to his attorney, Homer I. Watts, at till law oHIoe in Athbua, Ore., within six mouths from the first pub lication ot this uotloi. Dated this tho 6th day nf Jnna, 19 U. Homer I. Watts, W. B. Ferguson, Attorney. Exeoutor. Hatred Is like lire, (t rnskn even I light rubbish deadlr.-(ieort Eliot Notice of Final Account. In the Conuty Court of the State ot Oregon for Umatilla Conuty. In the Matter ot the Estate of Jobu L. Dotty, Deoeased. Nntloe is beieby given that the ad ministrator ot lbs above entitled aetata has Bled fail final repott with the Clerk ot tba above entitled oonit and that the Judge thereof baa desig nated Monday, the 18tb day of July, 11)11, at 10 o.olook in tba toreuoon and the otfloe ot tba Conoty Judge In the County Court House at Pandletou, Umatilla County, Oregon, as tba time and place when and what heating shall ba bad thereon. All persons in terested are directed to then and tbero appear and show uause, if any tbey have, why the final report should not ba approved, tba administrator dis charged and bis bondsmen exonerated. Dated this S day ol Jnne. 1811, STEPHEN A. LOWELL, Administrator, Call For City Warrants. Notice Is hereby given that the City of Athena will redeem all outstanding wartants against both tba general toed and tbe water fund. Interest will oease on tbese warrants on and after the data of first publication of this notice. Dated this 8th day of May, 1914. V. C. Bnrke, Treasurer. An Ideal Home. . An ideal borne and diversified farm, reduced piioe. 40 aores; good bonse and outbuildings; running water. Close to oarline. Fine ornamental and fruit trees; 20 aores of alfalfa; plenty of commercial frnit. Every foot is good land. Pries is (12,000.00. Close to Walla Walla. Freewater Land Co., Freewater, Oregon. Adv. SUMMONS. In tbe Circuit Gonrt of tbe State of Oregon for Umatilla County. Mamie Boyd, Plaintiff, vs. Cleveland G. Boyd, Defendant. To Cleveland G. Boyd, tbe above named defendant: In tba name of the Stats of Oregon, yon are hereby summoned and re quired to appear and answer tbe com plaint of the plaintiff filed against yon in tbe above entitled ooort and cause within six weeks from tbe date ot tbe first pnblioation of this sum mons, to-wlt, on or before tbe 3rd day of July, A. D 1914; and yon will take riotioe tbat if yon fail to appear and answer or otherwise plead to tbe said complaint witbin said time tbe plaintiff, for want tLereof, will apply to tbe oonrt for tbe relief prayed for and demanded in said oomplaint, to wit, lor a deoree of said ooutt forever dissolving tbe tonda ot matrimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and detendant and for an ab solute divoroe from the defendant and for other equitable relief, Tbis summons is published pursuant to an order of Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, CironitJndgs of the Sixth Judicial Diatriot of tbe State of Oregon, duly made and filed on the 161b dav of May A. D., 19)4, and tbe first pnblioation of tbis summons will be made in the Athena Press newspaper on Frldav. tbe 22nd day of May, 1914, and tbe last publication will beViade on Fri day tbe said Urd day of July, A. D. 1914. Dated tbis the 16th day of May, 1914. , WILL M. PETERSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Account, , In tbe Connty Court ot tbe State ot' Oregon fur Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Elizabeth Dell, Deoeased: Notioe is hereby given to all per sons whom It may oonoern that York Uell, administrator ot tbe estate of Elizabeth Dell deoeased bas filed bis final aooonnt and report in the admin istration of the estate; tbat the Conu ty Judge by order duly made and en tered bas appointed Saturday tbe 20th dav of Jnne A. D. 1914 at 10 o'olook in tbe forenoon ai tbe time, and tbe (Jaunty Court House at Psndletcn, Oregon, as tbe plaoe, where tbe said final aooonnt and report will be beard and tba settlement thereof made. Dated tbis 22nd day of May, A. 1)., 1914. York Dell, by Homer I. Watts, Atty. for Administrator.. Notice to Creditors. In tbe County Conrt of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of - Cbarles Carpenter, Deoeased. Notioe is hereby given to all persons wbom it may oonoern that Walter V. Griswold bas been appointed ad ministrator of tbe estate ot Charles Carpeuter, deoeased. All persons having claims against bis estate are hereby required to' present them with proper vouobeis as required by law to the said Walter V. Griswold at tbe offloe ot Will M. Peterson, attorney at law, Pendleton, Oregon, within six months from the data of the first pnb lioation of this notioe, wbioh is made on tbis 8th day of May, A. D. 1914. Walter V. Griswold, Administrator. Will M. Peterson, Atty. Notice to Creditora. In the Connty Oonrt of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla Connty. In tbe matter of the Estate of Peter LaCourse, deoeased. Notioe is hereby given to all per sons whom it may oonoern tbat F. S. LeUrow has qualified as the exeontor of tbe last will and testament of Peter LaOonree, deoeased. All persons hav ing claims against tbe estate are re quired to present them with propet vououers as required by law, to said exeontor at his offloe in Athena, Ore gon, or to bis attorney. Homer I. Watts, at his law offloe in Athena, Oregon, witbin six months from tha first publication of tbis notioe. Dated this tba 1st day of Mav, 1014. Homer I. Watts. F. S. LeGrow, Attorney. Exeontor. Notice to Creditors. In the Connty Conrt of tha State ot Oregon, for Umatilla Connty. In the matter ot tba Estate of T. J. Watts, deoeased. Notice la hereby given that the nnderalgned baa been duly appointed administrator of tba above estate, by order ot the above entitled conrt and baa qualified as tha law direota; all persona baving claims against aaid ea tare are hereby notified to present tba aame at my otfloe in Atbeua, Oregon or at .the otfioa ot my attorney in Atb eua, Oregon, with proper vouchers, witbin six mouths from tha data hereof. Dated this 1st day of May. A. D. 1914. Homer I. Watts. M. L. Watts, Attorney. Administrator. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION. In Foreclosure of Tax Lien, In tha Circuit Oonrt of tbe State of Oregon for tbe Connty of Umatilla. Lexington Realty Company, a corpor ation Plaiolitr, vs. William Sohnltz and also all persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, es tate, lien or interest in the real es tatn described herein, Defendants. To William Sobnltz, the above named detendant and all persons or partiea unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in. the real es tate described herein: , In the Name of the State of Oregon: Ton are hereby notified that Lex ington Realty Company, a corpora tion, is tbe holder of Certificate ot De linquency 892 leaned on tbe 8rd day of Febrnary. 1918 by the Tax Collect or ot tha Connty of Umatilla, State of Oregon, for tbe amount of one and 90-100 ($1.90) Dollars, the name being tba amount tben due and delinquent tor taxes for tbe year 1907 together with penalty, interest and oosts there on upon tbe real property assessed to you, of wbiob von are the' owner as appeata of reoord, situated in said Connty and State, and particularly bounded and desoribed as follows, to-wlt: West balf of West bait of tbe Southeast qnartei of the Northwest qnaiter (W. W, SEJi. NW) of Seotion 10, Township 8 North, Range 86 East W. M., containing ten sores. Yon are further notified tbat aaid Lexington Realty Company, a corpor ation, bas paid taxes on aaid premises for prior and subsequent years with tbe rate of interest on said amounts as follows: Years Date Tax Receipt Rata of Tax Paid Number Am't Intent 1008 Feb 3, 1913 7011 S0.K5 loperct KKHI " " " 7018 .30 " " 1010 ' " ' 7011! .85 " " 1011 " " ' Kai .85 " " 11)12 Apr 1, ' 6708 .89 " " Said William Sobnltz, as tbe owner of the legal title of tba above described property as tbe same appeara of reoord and eaoh of the other persons above named are hereby notified tbat Lex ington Realty Company, a corporation, will apply to tbe Oironit Conrt of the Connty and State aforesaid for a deoree foreclosing tba lien against tbe prop erty above desoribed and mentioned In said certificate. And yon ate hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first pntlioation of tba summons exclusive of the day of first puclioaion, and defend this notion or pay the amonnt due as above abown together with oosts and aoorned in terest aad in esse of your failure- to do so, a decree will be rendered fore closing tbe lien of said taxes and oosts against tbe land and premises above named. This summons is published by order of tbe Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of tbe Gironit Conrt of the State of Oregon, for the Connty ot Umatilla, and said -order was made and dated tbia lOtb day of January, 1914, and the date of tbe first pnbli oation of tbis summons is tbe 1st day of May, 1914, All prooess and papeta in tbia pio cseding may ta served npon tbe under signed, residing witbin the Slate of Oregon, at tba address hereafter men tioned. '. FREDERICK STEIWER, Dist. Atty. and Attorney tor tbe Plaintiff, Address: Pendleton, Oregon. Notice to Creditors. In tbe County Court Of tbe State ot Oregoo, for Umatilla County. In tbe matter of tbe Estate of Owen Rusls, deoeased. Notioe is. here by given tbat tbe nn derslgned has been dnly appointed ad ministrator of tbe above estate by or der ot tbe above entitled Oonrt and has qualified as tha law direots. All persons having olaims against said estate are beraby notified to present the same at my offioe, or at tbe office of my attorney, Homer I. Watts, in Athena, Oregon, with proper vouohera, within six montbi from the date here of. Dated tbia 1st day of May, A. D. 1914. Homer I. Watts, B. B. Riobards, Attorney. Administrator. T. D. Taylor For Sheriff I hereby annoonoe to tha voters of Umatills connty, that I am Democrat ic candidate for Sheriff. My reoord as an offioer during tha preoeding terms I have held the offioe. speaks for it self, and it again eleated, 1 will aon tinne tu give my best servioes. T. D. TAYLOR. Paid Advertisement. L. L. Mann For Sheriff If eleoted Sheriff of Umatilla Coun ty, I promise tba people that I will give my personal attention to tbe work ol my offioe, and that I will endeavor by every fair means to enforoa all the laws of tba State cf Oregon, inolnding tbe lawi against bootlegging, gambling and prostitntion and other orimes ot like natnra. Aa a taxpayer, I am in favor of eoonomy in all of tba business of tba County, and will, if elected, oondnot tha Sheriff's offioe strietly npon bnalnasa principles. L. L. MANN. Paid Advertisement. H. M. Cockburn Republioan Candidate tor re-eieation aa COUNTY COMMISSIONER, I 'am in favor of good roads, good bridges and striot eoonomy nartionlar ly in road money, where I want to aea vary dollar of tba road taxaa expend ed ao aa to yield a foil dollar'! valna to tba people. Paid Advertisement. Flat Lena ...' Toric Lena A. D. French Optical Co. Refracting and Manufacturing OPTOMETRISTS 15 Bast Main, Walla Walla Wash. Phone No. 53 Should you break your glaases mail them to us. We will duplicate them and mail them earns day received. If your eyes are troubling yon call at our office, we will fit you comedy with glasses a you need them. Our work Tha Toric Lena la the Beat, Notice the is fully guaranteed. Angle of Viaion. DR. FRENCH O. D. in charge Professional S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given ,to all calib both night and day. Oalls promptly answered. Offloe on Third Street, Athena Oregor DR. A. B. STONE, Physician and Surgeon. Offioe in Post Building. Phone, 601 DR. J. W. WELCH Dentist Athena, Oregon Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m. PETERSON & BISHOP Attorneya-at-Law Freewater, Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinary Surgeon k Dentist Graduate MoKUllp Vetlnary College Offices! Commericil Stable aud Haks Drag Store. Phoue Main Ms, or 3. i OFFICERS W B. SHAFFER President, W. S. FERGUSON, Vioe-Preeident, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier. R. F. CANNON, Asa't Cashier DIRECTORS W. B. SHAFFER. H. KOEPKE, W. S. FERGUSON M. L. WAITS, F. 8. LoGKOW. 1 l FIRST OF ATHENA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $100,000.00 We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation consistent with sound Banking. REINEMAN & BRADLEY Engineers and Surveyers Phone 881 Freewater, Oregon "N "it cant haunts) bcchcapcnco" Brick Is Fool-Proof When you decide to use brick in your building you are aure of one thing the contractor cannot tamper with the material. With both lumber and cement you are blindly trusting to the dealer and contractor. The chance la again you for you have no way of knowing whether they are treating you honest ly. You may find out afterwards when it is to late. Don't trust that material man; don't tempt the contractor's honesty. Build with brick the one material that is actually fool-proof. Best grade Common Building Brick always on hand. Correspondence is solicited. WESTON BRICKYARD P. T. Harbour, Mg'r, Weston, Oregon C. E. RUDE, LIVESTOCK and Genera AUCTIONEER Satisfaction Guaranteed Reference First National Bank of Athena Office, Dutch Henry Auction, Feed and Sale Stable, Pendleton, Oreg. . Phone, 133. I THE t ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. f Iff Only First-class Hotel in the City. Iff THE ST. NICHOLS ! le tha only one thai can accommodate eommarolal travelers. Iff. ' Caabeieeomenaed for Its clean and well ventilated rooms. i Cob. maih Jtr Titian, ATHwiA.Or. BANNER SALVE thai mast h.tillmi ! In tha world. OVER 6S YEARS1 EXPERIENCE 4 mam Trust Marks r rail am St Copyright Ac Anton) tnnt ft rtrteta and desrtpon mt Tn-r-mUon i probably patents-' Communlr. MM fTM. OlSMt fncj tor atui Weill. Palvntf ukan tbroujra fttuna a Co. newve ajKlal (, lihooti.r, lathe Scientif ic American. AhndtomTTtmtTtitl wvokTr. T,rsH rtr- ttilalion of any ctsjitUflo Journal. 1 errns, fa a Jt'r : inurBViiliNifai twMMji .UOm. a r BU Waaaiastoa.rxC. ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one oi the very best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for $1.35 Per Sack Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. WaitsburR, Wash. PAINT IT MOW the longer you wait the greater will be the damages and and consequently, the greater the cost. Sun, rain and wind are busv opening up the pores and cracks, and ev ery dav's delay adds extra expense,. Tat our work giyes satisfaction, our growing list of permanent and satisfied customers testify. Phone 416. BENNETT'S PAINT STORE We make, use and guarantee "Imperishable" Paint. .BUTTER WRAPS. 100 for $1-25. 250 for $1.50. 500 for $2.25. Paper furnished treats, Qffina, fourth of July Celebration Under tbe Auapioes ot Mer oh ants' Association aud Walla Walla Commercial Club. Walla Walla, Wash. A Program oosting a lot of money. One tbat will help 700 to enjoy our big National Holiday. f I SATURDAY, JULY 4 Z DAY I BE WITH US THEN NIGHT Street Parades of Note; Cavalry Girls, representing all states of tba Union; Sports and Athletios, Fire Bands, Patriotio Exercises, Tri State League Baseball, and other interesting entertainment features and events of a oharaoter too numerous to mention. No Watohful Waiting; Something Doing Uvery Uinote. Rednoed Bates on all railroads. ' All Weloome. I Withe LtnCunrofte nsDQjLspnng aiyBuie cost fc - V. JV-"' Yrn yv'i - m NO MAMMOCKING NOfiUMMOCKING NO SAGGING 1 NO BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING See tbe 2)$g:e"ed 'Sprin&s at MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE