The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 29, 1914, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Any poultry to tell? Bee Bnrka &
Bod. , " ". ' 7-
Mrs. Ida Keen visited f riends Id tba
flily today. 7 .
For Sale. Good wheat bay. B. B.
Stewart, Athens. Adv.
Mrs. W.O. Miller made a bosioesa
trip to Pendleton Monday. , ;
MIb Katberine Bbarp arrived home
Tuesday (10m Daytoo, Wash.
Mr. and Mn. Boy Burke were over
from Helix to attend the pionio.
Mr. and Mn. Leon Cohen of Pen
dleton, spent Friday in tbe city.
It yon desire good tnikey eggs for
batobing, nine for f 3, phone 81x3.
Or. and Mri. W. G. fioghes of
Milion, weie in the oity Saturday.
Bert Logsden came down from Fair
view, Wash,, aud attended tbe pionio.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (Junoon were
in town Saturday from tbeir moun
tain tauob. . :
Dell Brother! are dlaplayiug ehoea
and gent'i furnishing! in tlieii ehow
window today.
Mrs. Mary Gross o( Pol tla id, visited
relatives and friends in Athena and
vioinity this week.
Mr. and Mn. Kern, of Walla Walla
weiain Athena last evening and at
tended tbe conoert. j
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Hales of Adams
were in tbe oity .Tuesday aod spent
tbe day with friends.
Miss Leila Norvell of Helix, waa a
guest over Sunday at tbe borne of ber
aunt, Mrs. A, 13. MoEwen.
Mrs'. Chas. Bulflnoh and daughter.
Miss Marjory, were in town yesterday
from their boms near Weston.
Tbe Mothers' Olob is. being enter
Uiued this aftiruoon at tbe borne of
Mrs. Henry Koepke near town.
Obatles Wilkes brought big family
up from the ranob at lower CJold
Springs, and attended the pionio.
For Sale Tbe old J. B. King plaoe,
11S aoree, 8 miles south of Weston.
Apply to Mrs. Lillis Miller. Adv. 1
Everett James of Pendleton Is visit
ing at tbe borne of hie grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wood near town.
Mr. and Mrs. - Bert MoKnigbt ot
Milton, were Caledonian pionio visit
ore, Friday and Saturday, being gueeta
of Mi. and Mrs. Eber Luna.
Mis. A. H. Johnson and Mrs. L. A,
Brenht ol Walla Walla, were guests
during tbe pionio of Mrs. John Stan
ton, t
For Sale 160 acres In crop, with
privilege to bnyer ol renting 160 aores
in summer fallow. See Heury Keen.
Mr. and Mis. I). B. Russell of North
Powder, were lu Athena attending :be
Caledonian pionio Friday and Satur
day. . 7 . ' .
Laid in S pound bucket 65o, 10
pound bnoket I1.3B, baoon 18 oenta
per pound at tbe City Meat Market.
J. A. Kirk oame op from Halsey,
attended the Caledonian pionio, and
tbis week miogled with bis Atbena
friends. . ,
Arthur Coppook has too many milob
oows, and oilers some for sale at rea
sonable piioes. Ibe oowa are good
onei. Adv.
Mr. aud Mrs. Ernest Walden of
Weston Mountain, attended the pionio
and were guesti at the U. H. Mots
field borne.
Mr. and Mrs' Wm. Tompkins, Miss
, Lillian and Wesley left Wednesday
afternoon by auto lor a visit with
Waltsbnrg friends.
Harry 'iogbam would like to ex-
obange fain oca la with tbe person wbo
mistook bis at tba reoent party given
at the Koepke home.
Mrs. Ouy N. Shields will return to
her borne in Portland tomorrow, being
9uoompaoied as tar as Pendleton by
her sister, Mrs. Dotaoo.
Mr. and Mrs. Josehp N. Soott went
to Milton Sunday afternoon, where a
family dinner wss enjoyed at the borne
of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Ingle.
Mrs. -R. K. Gornall has teen in Spo
kane the the past week. She waa an
oompanied by Miss Inea Phillips, who
goes there for medical treatment.
Dr. Joseph N. Baddeley and wife
have been in tbu oity this week, be
ing oalled bare by tbe deatb of Mrs.
Baddeley'i father, Louis LaBrasohr,
Dr. and Mrs. Will R. Soott left this
week for tbeir home in Seattle, whnra
tba dootor will leeume bis extensive
praotioe after several weeks vaoation.
Atbena tennis player, are in Walla
Walla for today and tomorrow, at
tending and partioipatiog in tbe tour
nament on tbe oourta of tbe garden
oity. ' . .
Clyde Brotherton, a former Athena
sobool boy, waa among tba graduatea
of tbe Waitsburg High sohool, exer-
oises of whiob ooourred in that oity
last week. 7 ,
Mrs. Battle Bill ot New York, will
address the ladies of tbe M. E. oburoh
and community Friday afternoon,
June 6th, at tbe M. E. oburoh. Every
one invited.
Mrs. L. 8. Tinoent went down to
Pendleton Wednesday to attend the
graduating exercises of - the High
sobool, ber sister being a member of
tbe senior olass.
Mrs. E. A. Dudley entertained tbe
women of tba Christian ohuroh Aid
society Wednesday, at a sumptuous
twelve o'olook dinner. .The day wss
spent in sewing. .
.Ablaok Pernheron stallion, wbloh
has been in obarge of Pat Welob thie
season, became aiok on the road near
town, Taeeday . morning, and died
shortly after. -
Dr. Welch bas purchased a One
driving mare, aud will henceforth to
prepared to take bis friends on fishing
trips when tbeir automobiles are out
of commission,
Walter Adama waa in Seattle last
week, where be attended the exercises
of the Elks in dsdioatiog the new tem
ple, teoently ereoted in that oity by
tbe B. P. O. E.
A oarload of galvanized road onl-
veit nine of different dimensions, was
unloaded here tbis week for use on
the new road work completed in tbis
vicinity reoently.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bigby and Mrs.
Artbur. Bigby, former residents of
Atbena bnt now living In Pendleton,
were among the visitors to tbe Sootob
pionio Saturday.'
Miss Hazel Doolittle left Monday
morning for her home in Snobomisb,
Wasb. Sba waa aooompanied as far
aa Walla Walla by Misses Velma
Wilkinson and Mntb Krebs. -
Jaok Vinaeut joined Claude Still of
Milton, in a pilgrimage to Pullman,
Wash., where today they are attena
(no Iho interoollesiate track meet, in
nhinh Bovlen and Payne of U. of O.
are entered.
Mumps, measles, whooping oougb
nd amalluox have made tbeir appear
anoe in bomea of tbig oommunity, and
while several oases have been reported
by pbysioians. no serious ones bavt de
veloped to date. -
Byron Hawks and Austin Foss mo
tnred over to the Umatilla tbis morn
ing, where tbe former will endeavor to
snare a few spsckled beauties while tbe
latter reposes in tbe sbade and com
munes with nature.
H. MoArtbur and wife oame up
from Portland for a abort visit with
relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs.
MoArtnur scent tbe wintei in Califor
nia, and bnt reoently returned to
tbeir home in Portland.
C M. Brotherton and family oame
down from tbeir borne in Waitsburg
in attend the clonic Mr. Brotberten
stated that the land deal mentioned in
tba Press last week, failed to go
Uhpnnoh. and ha still owns nil wans
burg ranob.
- Mr. aod Mrs. Walter Ely oame up
from Portland Saturday morning to at
tend the Caledonian Pionio. Mr. iur
latnrnari tn hii business, that of com
munion merobant. while Mrs. Ely
will remain and visit in Atbena,
Weston and Pendleton.
Jesse Myriok and Heibcrt Parker
have made a notifiable improvement
in tbe appearance of their barber ehop.
A fresh ooat of paint deoorates the
front of tbe building, an attractive
sign baa been put up, and Ibe interior
oi the ehop is spiok, span aod spotless.
The June meeting of the 0. W. B.
M. will be beld next Tuesday, lnstesd
ot Wednesday, at tbe borne ot Mrs.
Cbas. Gerking west of town. Mrs..
James Potts will assist the hostess,
and Mrs. H. H. Bill will lead tbe
meeting, with the topio: Glila and
Missions. ' . ,
Colonel Wood was in town Saturday
afternoon and was juberoualy jubilant
over tbe manner in wbioh the Cale
donians entertained tbeil visitors. He
Was partloolarly delighted with Jock
Coleman's atunts, the readings of
little Jeanette Miller and tba singing
ot Mri. Binges.
Ibe latest purchasers of automo
biles in Atbena and vioinity are
Byron Hawks aud Frank Berlin. Mr.
and Mrs. Hawks are driving a Beo
and Mr. Berlin got by wltb a classy
Franklin. Both oars were pntohased
through Mr. MoCormaob of tbe Pen
dleton Auto oompany.
Marion O'Barra was in town from
Weston Tuesday. He is in poor health,
and will leave for Lehman Springs
by piivate oonveyauoa Monday, wbere
be hopes the obange may be of benefit
to him. He will remove bis family to
tbe springs to reside indefinitely,
ebould be feel better there.
Mrs. J. N. Soott has rceeived word
ot the arrival at Bnntington Beach,
Calif., ot ber trotber-in-law, Bev.
Chaa. Butberford and little daughter,
from Galoutta, India, wbere Mr. Bu
tberford la resident pastor. With bis
little daughter, at whose birth two
and a half yeara ago ha lost bis wife,
Mrs. Soott'a sister, be will visit here
soma time during tbe summer. ,
P. 0. Crookatt, tbe rising y ouog
Christian preacher, demonstiated bis
ability in bis chosen profession Sun
day when he delivered two very able
sermons in tbe chnrob here, during
the absenoe of Pastor Meldrum. Mr.
Crookatt, wbo is pastor of tbe Wasco
ohcrob, is having marked suooess
there, and is assisting hia congrega
tion In building a uew ohurob edifice.
W. 0. Miller never overlooks an
opportunity to exploit bie prowess as
a bunter. His latest adventure was
may mm rauc
NG-MLE Closes Saturday
. This is your last chance to save on New, desirable, season
able merchandise.
So don't let this Sale of all Sales, close without your taking
advantage of it and profiting accordingly.
All of Our; Men's Suits Are Selling At About Half
; Price, Some More and Some Less.
a bunter. His latest aaveniore wbb TT C!J, Af
with a ooyote in tbe oounty road above J, HQ JtlUuSOn DIX-T'U
town -this week. Returning from
Mixed Paints, Varnishes
and Stains.
A full Stock of Oils, Window Glass, Brushes, etc., and
if it's Quality you want, come and see us.
ByronN. Hawks, Druggist
We carry the best
That Money Buys .
' Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street5 Athena, Oregon
Weston in an automobile, William
passed tbe ooyote in tbe road and ss
ourlng his trusty gun, returned aud
shot it. Lawreooe Tbarp, who was
driving tbe oar, wllloolleot tbe bounty
from tbe oounty.
Mountain ranohera are well pleased
with tbe season's orop prospeats. The
sesaon has been an exceptionally early
one wltb tbe result that tbe seeding
operations were finished with tbe soil
in better condition tbau it bad been
tor a long time before. Grain is
growing nioely, and the fruit orop
promises a bountiful yield. The aore-
age to be planted to potatoes will be
larger tban that of last season.
Agent Mathers, of the O.-W. is
quarantined at bis borne wltb a well
developed oase of smallpox ana lor
tbe present tbe keys are being presid
ed over by telegrapher Hardin, wbo
was cent here by tbe dispatcher at
Star took. George Winsbip, assistant
to Mr. Mathers was Indisposed
Wednesday and Bill Konasek oame
over from tbe Northern Paolfio and
took tba day "trick" for bim.
From some unknown oaose, fire or
iginated and totally deatroyed tbe
ranob borne and oontenta, of E. (3.
Gerking near Bepublio. Wash, one
ay last week. "Quill" writes tbe
Press that only a pair of shoes remains
ot all be possessed In tbe house. He
waa absent at tbe time of tbe fire.
Hia hired man was awakened about
eleven o'olook to find tbe bouse in - a
mesa of flames and tarely esoaped
with bis life. Mr. Gerking figures bis
loss at flOOO, and oarried f 350 Insur
Sinoe tbe new road on tbe south
side of tba river bas been put to nse,
travel from Bingbam Springe to Pen
dleton baa bean diverted over it. It
ie thought by some that tbe buildiog
of tbis toad will work to sonis extent
against tbe cooetruotion of a bridge
at Thorn Hollow crossing. However,
ebonld tbe bridge be constructed, Pen
dleton people would no doubt use It in
preterenoe to coming np on tbe aoutn
side Anyway; moreover, the- bridge
would be of greater oonvenienoe to tbe
larger number of people in tbis pert of
the oounty.
Sunday morning at tbe M. E. oburoh
Dr. Warner of Walla Walla will speak.
Dr. Warner bas a speoial message to
the people of Atbena, and is very de
sirous of a good attendanoe. Let ev
ery member of the oburoli te present
Others are earnestly invited. In the
afternoon there will be a praotioe for
tbe Children's Dsy exeroises whiob
will be given on tba evening ot June
Ttb. Important business for tbe Sab
bath Sobool tbe coming Sunday and a
full attendanoe is desired. Preaoblog
la tba evening at 7:80 by tbe pastor,
H. E. GoroaU.
The conoert given last evening in
tbe Christian oburob ty the Califor
nia Jubilee Quartet, waa one of tbe
beat entertainments ever given in Atb
ena. That the oonoert waa appreciat
ed was evidenoed by tbe vigorous ap
plause given by tbe audieooe, wblob
filled tbe large auditorium of tbe
oburob to overflowing. "Bleok Patti"
received an ovation, and indeed tbis
double-voioed gentlemen was a won
der. Tbe operetta uombera were
magnifioent, and to prove tbe cultured
ear of an Atbena audienoe, were bet
ter reoeived tban eves tba splendid
plantation melodies. Tbe ladies of
tba Aid Sooiety, under wbosa aus
pioes tbeee olack artiste appeared bere,
desire to thank the publio for tbeir
generous patronage. Tba groas re
oeipts of tbe evening were $110.80,
tbe ladies receiving 133.05, tbeir por
tion of tbe jMooeeds.
For 8ale.
440 aeres nearly level, 80 aeiHe of
alfalfa feooed for bogs, ISO aorea of
epring and winter grain, 60 aorea ot
earn, balanoe paature. Alfalfa on
ereek bottom. Fair buildings, on tal
aphone and B. F. D. line, one mile
from sobool, six miles from town aod
only 113,600, easy terms. Frank. Mo
Elroy. Cambridge, Idaho. Adv.
Wins a Point.
The Farmers' Anti-Automobile So
oiety baa adopted tbe following rnleB,
to annlv to all antos exoept the Bud-
son Slx'-lO. That oar is so quiet,
handsome and perfeotly Con trolled
that it waa deemed unnecessary to ap
ply the regulations as herein laid
1, Upon discovering an approach
log team, the automobilist must stop
offside and oover his maobine with a
blanket painted to oorrespond with
tbe aosnery.
2.- "Ibe speed limit on oountry roads
this year will be a aeoret, and tba
penalty for violation will be f 10 00
for every mile an offender is oaugbt
going In exoese of it. ?
8. In oass an automobile makes a
team run away, the penalty will be
150.00 tor tbe Bret mile, 1100.00 tot
the aaoond. and 8200.00 for the third,
eto., that tbe team runs, in addition
to tbe usuel damages.
t. On approaohing a oorner wbere
he cannot command a view of tba road
ahead, the automobilist must stop Lot
leaa tban 100 yards from tbe turn,
tout his born, ring a bell, fire a re
volver, balloo and send up three bombs
at Intervale of five minutes.
8 Automobiles must be eeesooaoiy
painted that is. so they will merge
with tbe pastoral ensemble and not
be etartling. Tbey must be green in
Spring, golden lo Summer, red in
Autumn and white in Winter.
6 Automobiles ruonlng on oountry
roads at night must send up a red
rooket eaob mile, and wait ten min
utes for the road to olear. They
most then prooeed oarefolly, blowing
tbeir borne and ahootlog Roman can
7 All members of tbe sooiety will
nive utj Sunday to abasing automo
biles, shooting and abouting at tbem
and making arrests and otherwise oia
oouraging oounty touring oo that day.
8. In oase a horse will not pass an
ntnmnhlle the automobilist will tale
the maobine apart aa rapidly aa possi
bie and conceal the parts in tbe grass,
Watta & Btaggs, WeBtnn. Ore.
Milton'e Horse Show.
Milton's annual borsa show, straw
berry festival and automobile parade
will be beld in that oity, Wednesday,
Jnne 10. Attraotive prizes. Including
80 ailver oups nnd speoial priaee tor
demrated automobiles is being offered.
Thirty olassea are emfcraoed in the
boree show department, and the three
prizes for test deoorated automobilee
inolude $50 silver tea eervioe, one
valued at $85. and another . at $20.
Tba usual feest of strawberries,
served with real oream. will be par
ticipated in by all who attend.
Net a Robber er Cheat.
We know that the average consumer
does not feel that bla local merchant is
a robber or a cheat: but like all hu
mankind, tbe catalogue and prices of
mnli nrrtnr houses anneal to bim, and
be forwards bla order and cash with
out considering: tbe injustice be ie do-
w himlf. hia merchant and bla
home town.
Tbe catalogues of tbe mall order
house are illumined wltb pictures to
catch the ere of the unwary, fbey
rouge In complexion from a brunette
hannna to a blond canary bird. Tbey
offer to aell you anything from a phi
losopher's atone to a cypress shingle
aawed out of a sunbeam.
A New England phyaldan aaya that
if mw.rr famllr would keep a box of
mustard in tbe bouse one-nan oi
doctors would itarve to death. A mean
man suggests that everybody should
keen two boxea.-New Orleans rica
one. . '
Interested the Feline.
Rprenaded my girl last nlgbt"
Abt member of the family come
"Only tneaf-Chlcago aecord-Her-
aid. . . .....
for Harvesting
A Carload
of Binders, Mowers and Rakes just arrived.
Prices Will be Right
Main Street C. A. BARRETT & CO. Athena
1 1
m?W croup, I
ii ill Ye Qaj i lP'f wmooaiimbm v iv I n
III h e,f" coi,$'"iruo yiji
llllliillillllh V ''fill 'uM,e", I .flfffjii
lluNEQUAUirlNv Vv flpilCRTlitHlVi mm UNEQUALLED'i IH
JlPREVEiniViv . U
o roiaoNt.
LunS WI BnmfcUl ReiMdlM. UuH. h u,"7.v' ,,Tf mmi the kew.l
rreSir Tsssst; WctarMVo.c;s2 Ch.Caoo. v. .
A dose at bed time usual
ly relieves the most severe
case before mornintf.
days'- treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded.