The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 29, 1914, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Iefferson Streets.
Entered In Iho rtwtoinceat Atbcna, Oregon
as ccoudoiass Mail Mailer.
SubscrlpUoh Rates. '
One copy, one year.......... $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months ,
One copy, three months , .50
tATHENA. ORE.,cyWAY 28,. . 1914
And How He Got the Morning Congre
gation Back at Night. 4 ;
A characteristic story of Dr. Parker
wns told ie the other dfly, writes "A
Mnn of Kent" in the British Weekly,
by ft minister who bad It from an old
minister who was much Interested in
Joseph Pnrker's early work as a local
proiicher. One Saturday he met Park
er oud asked him whether be bad an
engagement for Sunday. "Yes," was
the reply.
"Are your sermons ready, Joseph?"
asked the minister.
"I bare the morning sermon," was
the reply, "but I am not sure about
the evening."
"Well, Joseph, what is your text for
the morning and bow do you treat it?"
Purker went over his text and the
outline of bis sermon.
"Hut, Joseph," said the minister,
"(lint is very clever, but It Is not the
real meaning of the text. If you will
look at the commentaries you will see
that you are wrong."
Parker thanked blin and .went bis
way. On the Monday the minister
again met bis friend.
' "Well, Joseph, bow did yon get on
I "Very well," was the reply.
I "How did you manage?"
! "Well," be said, "In the morning I
preached my sermon and explained the
text in my way, and at the close I
aid: 'This Is bow 1 understand it
But learned men understand It differ
ently, and I will tell yon In the even
ing bow the learned men understand
It.' " -
i They all came back In the evening,
and Joseph bad a happy day.
How Napoleon's Engineer Found Its
Width Without Instruments. .
Au engineer found himself summon
ed one day Into the presence of bis
commander. Napoleon stood on the
bunk of a wide river giuing across to
where the enemy had planted batteries,
which be desired to attack with artil
lery. "How wide Is that rlveri" was the
question put to the engineer.
"Let me get my 'Instruments." wns
t!iu reply as he turned to go for them.
"1 must know nt once." the emperor
The engineer went down to the level
lunik of the river and, standing erect,
gradually bent bis bead forward till
','.) edge of his hat brim Juxt touched
l!ie line from his eyes to (ho water line
t the opposite bank of the river.
'J lieu, keeping bis head bent its It was,
be wheeled a quarter turn till his eyes
looked uloug the bat brim and met the
hind at n point on the same side of the
liver .on which be stood. Here be
noted a rock or tree near the point at
which his eyes met the ground and,
( "illlng n soldier, directed that n stnko
h:' driven near that point as he should
direct Then, by motioning just where
to drive the stake, he fixed the point
nt which the line from hut brim and
; reached the bank, Turning to the
i niperor, be said, "Your majesty, the
(INtnnce from where I stand to the
h' lie Is the width of the river."
And so It was, ns you can readily
i . e. If tho emperor did not promote
Unit officer-why. then the story does
not end as it sbould.-St. Nicholas.
Mount Vernon.
Mount Vernon passed Into the bands
nf the Mount Vernon association
Just prior to the war between the
plntos, It was purchased from the
Washington heirs for J200.000. Of tho
purchase money about half was raised
by Edward Everett through bis lec
tures and the balance by the ladies of
the association. Each state represent
ed In the association Iiiis n special
room In the mansion. The place is
kept in faultless repair and vandalism
is made well nigh Impossible by the
enroful watching. During the wni
Mount Vernon was, by mutual consent
neutral ground, and the wen rem ot
the bluo and the wearers of the gray
often met before the tomb of the great
American, who wns loved equally by
north and south.
I Hospitality.
UTbe appetite of the guest was a
keen one, and be was doing full Jus
tice to the excellent dinner provided
by bis bost. The little daughter of
the house watched him open moutiiei
for awhile. Then finally site smiled
on him brightly and said:
i "Oh, I do wish you were here to din
ner every day!"
I The guest beamed with satisfaction
i "Do you, my dear? Why?" he In
"Because," came the unexpected re
ply. "there won't be anything cold K
eat toiiiorrow."-!.oiidon Tlt-Blts.
. Diseipllne.
1 "How do you get your constituent!
so thoroughly accustomed to Impllcl'
reliance ou your word?"
"Well," replied Senator Sorghum. .
made 'em understand nt the outset
that If they didn't accept my state
ments they'd have to listen to a lonf
string of stntlstlcs.-Washlngton Post
Wasted Effort
i "ne never spanks his son, does her
"No; he's au efficiency crank."
"What's thnt got to do with Itr
' "He says the upward stroke is lot
motion."- Houston Tost.
Panama's Cathedral.
The towers of the I'unnuiu cathedral
are roofed with lienrl shells, which r
fleet the stinllKht w that they ran be
seen far out at sen. f.
I , "'- "
8 . Quite Una Way. ,
"liU-a It (iMt miM li to Teed the gi
ruffes?".,; ..w; 5
"No; yin iw a littTi' guiis a Imi"
ways with them"- Harvard ijvtupoun
Weather, Books and Roads Contribute
' Largely to the Influences of Rural
Life All Are Factors In "Flavor of
the Mail Order House and Against
Locaj Merchant.
Copyrighted, 1914, by Thomas J. Sullivan.
Weather, books and roads contribute
largely to the influences of rural life.
Bud weather and bad roods mean
books. '
And books they say are the light
houses erected In the great sea of
time. They are masters who instruct
ns without rods or ferules, . without
words or niiger, without bread or
money. If you approach them they
are not asleep, if you seek them they
do not bide. -If you blunder they do
not scold. : If you are Ignorant tbey
do not laugh.
But the worst robber in all the
world is a bad book. It bas long been
the devil's policy to keep the masses
of mankind In Ignorance; but, finding
that tbey will read, be Is doing all in
his power to poison their books. Now,
let's see wbnt our rural friend Is read
ing. Oil, rara avis: Oh, book without
parallel In the history of commercial
destruction! "The book" is a huge pic
torial, trlcolorcd retail catalogue.
The catalogues of moll order bouses
are a kind of leaky boat on the waters
of temptation; some of the temptation
will get in anyhow.
Mud Great Help Too.
Whut Is more natural with gloom,
darkness, rain and mud surrounding a
farmer or suburban dweller, when to
venture forth menns either a sacrifice
of self or faithful horses, than for him
to turn to the alluring catalogue for
both pastime and a means of procur
ing the necessnrles of life? Thus it
can be seen thnt the third and best
factor in favor of the catalogue bouses
Is mud. i ;
Man is measured by bis deeds, and it
seems strange tbnt after mastering the
art of reading the stars, discovering
the course of the planets, controlling
the Iron monster, the lightning, the
sea and the wind, man shows bis in
ability to conquer the one great prob
lem which Is proving such a draw
back to the best expression of bis life
in rural districts as far as social and
commercial conditions are concerned.
Poor roads seem to be his heritage, bis
A country's stability is measured by
Its agricultural Importance, as tho
well being of a nation is like a tree
agriculture Is its root; industry and
commerce are Its branches and Its life.
If the root be injured the leaves fall,
the branches break away and tho tree
dies. Community pride begins where
agriculture leaves off, and both are
equal and Inseparable In their Impor
tance to a healthy, happy, successful
existence for mnn.
Blue Grass Roads Are Bast.
It is n pleasure to drive through the
blue grass district of Kentucky, where
they hnvo what they call macadam
ized turnpikes. These roads are the
equal of any paved city street and
of course are passable at all seasons
of tho year. They cost approximately
$3,000 per mile. The hlghwnys In Ken
tucky nre from thirty to sixty feet In
width. It Is estimated thnt were the
highways of Illinois regulated to fifty
feet jan.000,000 could be added to the
wealth of the farmers of the state.
That alone would bnlld more than 8,000
miles of rond.
8pend 1150,000,000. '
This country today has about 2,250,-
000 miles of public highway, on which
It Is estimated that the people of the
country are spending $150,000,000 an
nually. Statistics say we also spend
2.000,000,000 for alcohol, $9,000,000,000
for tobacco, nnd It Is snld that the
Indies spend $305,000,000 yearly for
candy. If all this money Could be ap
propriated for road building we could
hnvo turnpike to the moon.
The principal cause of the Roman
empire's downfall was Its neglect of
agiiculture-tue exodus of Its men and
women from the fnrm to the city, the
life there to be spent in extravagant
and riotous living. Go to any ot our
cities today -and view the extravagant
dress nnd general trend of life for
pleasure nnd you will feel that the old
Komnn times lire being repeated.
It would seem tbut the remedy lies
In building good ronds, narrow if ad
visable, but firm and hard, and have
them all lead to your trading center
nnd to the doors of your local mer
chants. Then ou gloomy, rainy days
you can do your marketing, nnd then
"bnck to tho farm" without sacrifice to
self or Injury to beast. .'
Nothing tends to runke a man a good
cltlsen so much as co-operation with
his fellows. No mnn can live for him
self alone. Selfishness toads nowhere
but to destruction, strife, bad feeling
and disorder. ' It Is one of the mean
est of all the Vices.
The fanner and the town consumer
who patronise the retail catalogue
houses also assist materially in the de
struction of the local market nnd trad
ing center. Tills practice of sending
local money to out of town merchant
Is a dnugeroim habit.
Naming the Picture,
The artist wns of the Impressionist
school. He had just given the Inst
touches to a purple nnd blue canvas
when his wife came Into the studio.
"My dear," snld ho, "this Is the land
scape I wanted yon to suggest a title
"Why not call It 'Homer" (be said
after a long look.
" 'Home?' Wbyr 1
"Because there's no place like It,"
she replied meekly. Urasgow Times.
' Call For City Warrants.
Notloe Is hereby given that tbe (Jity
of Athena will redeem all outstanding
warrants Bflninet both the general
food, and the water fnod. Interest
will cease on these warrants "pa and
after tbe date of first publication of
this notioe. - -.
Dated tbia 8tb day of May, 1814.
V, O. Bark", Treasurer.
An Ideal Home.
An ideurhome and dlveisiOed farm,
redooed pilot.- 40 sores; good boose
and outbuildings; ronnicg water.
Close to earliue. Fine ornamental and
f rait trees; 20 acres of alfalfa; plenty
of commercial frnit Every foot is
good land. Price is $13,000.00. Close
to Willa Walla. Freewater Land
Co., Freevrater, Oregon. Adv." -
A Solemn Critic
A local band was one day piaying at
Dumfernllne when an old weaver came
up and asked the bandmaster wbat
'hnt waa they were playing.
'That Is tho 'Death of Nelson,"' eol
fuinly replied the bandmaster.
"Ay, nwit," remarked the weaver,
"ye ba'e given him an awfu' deathl"
(lasgow News. ,
RlgH en the Job.
Inillgnuht Cithteii (to office boy)-
Your cfliiroitmHil paper hud an out
rage"" nttnek on me tula morning,
and- Ofilce Boy (bristly)-Yesslr.
How "iy copies will you hare?
In the Circuit Oonrt of tbe State of
Oregon for Umatilla County,.
, Mamie Boyd, Plaintiff, :.'
Cleveland (3. Boyd, Defendant - v.
To Cleveland O. Boyd, the above-
named defendant:
la tbe name of tbe State of Oregon,
yon are hereby summoned . and re
quired to appear and answer tbe oonj
plalnt of tbe plaintiff filed against
yon in tbe above entitled ooort and
oan'se witbln six weeks from tbe date
of tbe Bret publication of this sum
mons, to-wit, on or before the 8rd day
of Jnly, A. D., 1914; and yon will
take notioe that if yon tail to appear
and answer or otherwise plead to the
said oomplsint witbln said time tbe
plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply
to tbe oonrt for tbe relief prayed for
and demanded in said oomplsint, to
wit, tor a decree of said oonrt forevei
dissolving tbe tonds ot matrimony
now and beietofore existing between
plaintiff and defendant and for an ab
solote divotoe from the defendant and
for otbet equitable relief.
Tbis summons is published pursuant
to an order of Bon. (illbert W. Phelps.
GironitJndgs ot tba Sixth Jndioial
District ot tbe State of Oregon, doly
made and Bled on tbe I tit b day of Hay
A. D., 1914, and tbe first publioation
of tbis summons will be made in tbe
Atbena Press newspaper on Friday,
tbe 22nd day of May, 1914, and the
last publioation will be made on Fri
day tbe said 8rd day of Jnly, A. D.
Dated tbis tbs 10th day of May, 1914.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Account
In tbe Connty Oonrt of tbe State of
Oregon for Umatilla Connty.
In the Matter of tbe Estate of
' Elizabeth Dell, Deceased:
Notioe is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may uonoern that York
Dell, administrator ot tbe estate of
Elizabeth Dell deoeased baa tiled bis
final aooonnt and report in tbs admin
istration ot tbe estate; that tbe Conn
ty Judge by order dnly made and en
tered has appointed Saturday ths 20th
dav of Jane A. D. 1914 at 10 o'oioos
in tbe forenoon ai the time, and tbe
Connty Oonrt Honse at Pendleti n,
Oregon, as tbe place, wbere tbe said
final aooonnt and report will be beard
and tbe settlement thereof made.
Dated this 22nd day of May, A. D
1014. York Dell,
by Homer I. Watts,
Atty. for Administrator.
In Foreclosure of Tax Lien.
In tbe Cironlt Court of tbe State ot
Oregon for tbe Connty of Umatilla.
Lexington Realty Company, a corpor
ation Plaintiff, vs. William Sobolhs
and also all persons or parties nn-j
. knowojclaiming any light, Utie, es
' tate, lien or interest in the' real es '
tate described herein, Defendants.
To William 8bnitz, the above named
. deiendant and all persons ot parties
unknown claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in tbe real es
tate described herein:
In the Name of the State of Oregon:.,
Yon are bureby notified that Lex
ington Realty Company, a corpora
tion, is the bolder of Certificate ot De
linaneney 892 issued on tbe 8rd day
of February. 1918 by tba Tax Collect
or of the County of Umatilla, State of
Oregon, for the amount of one and
90-100 ($1.90) Dollars, the same being
tbe amount tben due and delinquent
fortaxeafor tbe year 1907 together
with penalty, interest and boats there
on upon tba real property assessed to
yon, of whiob von are the. owner as
appears of record, situated in said
Connty and State, and particularly
bounded and described as follows,
to-wit: - .
West half of West half of the
Southeast qnartei of tbe Northwest
quarter WJf,' W, SEJi. NWtf) of
Seotion 10, Township 8 North, Range
86 East W. M., oontalning ten aores.
Yon are f nrther notified that said
Lexington Realty Company, corpor
ation, bss paid taxes on said, premises
for prior and subsequent years with
tbe rate of interest on said amounts
as follows:
Years Date Tax Receipt Rate of
Tax Pid Number Am't Inlerst
IBM Feb 8, 1913 7011 10.88 loporct
1009 " " " 7018 .30 " "
1910 " " ' 7012 .84 " "
1911 " - 85.KI .85 " "
1912 Aprl, " 6708 .88 " "
Said Wililam Sobnltz, as tbe owner
of the legal title of tbe above described
property as the same appears ot reoord
and eaoh of the otber persons above
named are hereby notified that Lex
ington Really Company, a corporation,
will apply to tbe Cironlt Court of tbe
Connty and State aforesaid for a deoree
foreclosing tbe 'Jen against tbe prop
erty above desotibed and mentioned In
said oertifloate. And yon am hereby
summoned to appear witbin sixty
days after the first pntlioation ot the
summons exolueive of tbe day ot first
pntlioaion. and defend tbis aotion or
pay tbe amount dne as above shown
together with oosts and aooroed In
terest and In case of your failure to
do so, a deoree will be rendered fore
closing tbe lien of said taxes and ooits
against tbe land and premises above
This summons Is published by order
of tbe Honorable Uilbart W. Phelps.
Judge of tbe Clrouit Conit of tbe
State of Oregon, for tbe Connty ot
Umatilla, and said order waa made
and dated tbis 10th day of January,
1914, and the date of tbe first publi
cation of tbis summons Is the 1st day
of May, 1914.
All process and papers in this pio-
oeeding may te served upon tbe under
signed, residing within the Slate ot
Oregon, at tbe address hereafter mentioned.
Diet. Atty. and Attorney for tbe
Address: Pendleton, Oregon.
V Professional
i "" 8. F. Sharp
, '. Special attention given to all
' callk both night and day.
Oallspromptly answered. Otnce on Third
Street. Athena Oresor -
DR. A. B. STONE, -
- Physician and Surgeon.
Offioe in Post Building. , - Phone, 501
- 'j Attorneys-at-Law i
Freewater, Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon
Veterinary Surgeon It Dentist
Graduate McKllllp Vetlnary College
Offices: Commerlcal Stable aud Hales Drag
more. inoue main taa, or a. (
Engineers and Surveyers
Phone 881 Freewater, Oregon
Notice to Creditors.
In tbe Connty Court ot tbe State of
Oregon for Umatilla Connty.
In tbe Matter of tbe Estate ot
Charles Carpenter, Deoeased.
.Notice Is hereby given to all persons
whom it may concern that Walter
V. Uriswoid bas been appointed ad
ministrator of tbe estate of Charles
Carpenter, deoeased. All persons
having olaime against bis estate are
hereby required to present tuem with
proper vouobeis ss required by law
to tbe aald Walter V. Uriswoid at tbe
office ot Will M. Petersou, attorney at
law, Pendleton, Oregon, witbin six
months from the date of the first pnt
lioation ot this notioe, wblob is made
on this 8th day of May, A. D. 1914.
Walter V. Uriswoid, Administrator,
Will M. Peterson, Atty.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of tbe State of
Oregon, for Umatilla Connty.
In tbe matter of the Estate ot Peter
LaConrse, deoeased.
Notioe is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may oonoern that F. 8.
LeUrow has qualified as tbe executor
of tbe last will and testament of Peter
LaConrse, deoeased. All persons hav
ing claims against tbe estate are re
quired to present them with proper
vonohera as required ty law, to said
exeoutor at bia offioe in Atbena, Ore
gon, or to bis attorney. Homer I.
Watts, at his law offioe in Athena,
Ottgon, within six months from tbe
first poblleation of tbis notioe,
Dated tbis the 1st day ot May, 1914.
Homer I, Watts, F, S. LeUrow,
Attorney. Kieoutor.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Conrt of the State o(
Oregoa, for Umatilla Connty.
In the matter ot tba Estate of Owen
Rnsie, deoeased.
Notioe is bereby given that tbe on
dersigned baa been dnly appointed ad
ministrator of tbe above estate by or
der of the above entitled Court and
bas qualified as tbe law direots. AU
persons having olaima against said
sstate are hereby notified to present
the same at my offioe, or at tbe offioe
of my attorney, Homer I. WatiB, in
Atbena, Oregon, with proper vouohers,
within six months from tbe date here
Dated tbis let day of May, A. D. 1914.
Homer I. Watts. B. B. Riabaids,
Attorney. Administrator,
Notice to Creditors.
In the Connty Court ot the Stats ot
Oregon, lot Umatilla Connty.
In the matter of the Estate ot T. J.
Watts, deoeased.'
Notioe it hereby given that tbe
nndertlgned has been duly appointed
administrator of the above eatale, by
order ot tbe above entitled conrt aud
bat qualified aa the law directs; all
persona having claims againtt aaid es
tate are hereby notified to present tbe
tame at my offioe in Atbena, Oregon
or at the offioe ot my attorney in Ath
ena. Oiegon, with proper vooobere,
witbin tlx months from the date
Dated thia 1st day ot May. A. D. 1914.
Homer I. Watts, M. L. Watts,
Attorney, Administrator.
T. D. Taylor
For Sheriff
I hereby aonounoe to tbe voters of
Umatilla nnnntv. that I am Denioorat-
io oandldate for Sheriff. My reoord as
an officer during the preoeding terms
I have held tbe offioe, speaks for it
self, and if again eleoted, 1 will con
tinue tu give ray best setvioes.
Paid Advertisement.
L. L. Mann
For Sheriff
if oi.niofl Sheriff of Umatilla Conn
ty, I promiss tbe people that I will
oina taw narannal attention to the work
nf mi nffine. and that I will endeavor
by every tail meant to enforoe all the
lawa ot the State cf Oregon, lnolnding
tha laws agalnat bootlegging, gambling
unA mn.iimtlnn and other orlmet ot
like natnra. At a taxpayer. I am in
favor ot economy in all of tba business
ottbe Connty, and will, it eleoted,
cooduot tha Sheriff's offioe ttrittly
upon business principles,
- L. L. MANN.
Paid Advertisement.
H. M. Cockburn
Republican Candidate (or re-eleotion as
I 'am in favor of good roada, good
bridges and atrlot economy particular
ly in road money, wheia I want to see
every dollar of the road taxes expend
ed so aa to yield a toll dollar's value
to the people.
Paid Advertisement.
Flat Lena
Toric Lena
A. D. French Optical Co.
Retracting and Manufacturing -
11 East Main, Walla Walla Wash.
, Phone No. 5J
Should you break your glasaea mail
them to us. We will duplicate them
and mail them same day received. . If
your eyes are troubling you call at ocr
office, we will m you conacuy wu
glasses tf you need them. .Our work
, Athena, Oregon
Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m.
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
aa awaaia ,!Zmmmmmmmm!ZZZZ
Baf i
W 8. SHAT-FER President, '
W. 8. FERUUSON. Vice-Fresideni,
F. S. Le GROW, Cashier.
R. F. CANNON, Ass't, Cashier -
d anivirKH H. KOEPKE.
F. S. he ukuw.
P We extend to our Depositors every tAccommdation
I , consistent with sound Banking.
o insula uie u - r- n j
Angle a Vision. DR. FRENCH O, D. in charge
Brick Is f oof-Proof
When you decide to use brick in your
building you are sure of one thing
the contractor cannot tamper with the
- With both lumber and cement you
are blindly trusting to the dealer and
contractor. The chance is again you
for you have no , way of knowing
whether they are treating you honest
ly. You may find out afterwards
when it is to late.
Don't trust that material man; don't
tempt the contractor's honesty.
Build with brick the one material
that is actually fool-proof.
Best grade Common Building Brick
always on hand. Correspondence is
solicited, , . .
V. T. Harbour, Mg'r. Weston, Oregon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ol the very- best
'equipped mills In the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
I wheat grown anywhere. Patronise home industry. Your
' grocer sells the bmous American Beauty Flour for
$1.35 Per Sack
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. " Waitsburg, Wash.
and Genera
Satisfaction Guaranteed
First National Bank
of Athena
Office, Dutch Henry Auction, Feed
and Sale Stable, Pendleton, Oreg.
Phone, 133.
I he longer you wait the greater will be the damages and
and consequently, the greater the cost. Sun, rain and
wind are busv opening up the pores and cracks, and ev
ery day's delay adds extra expense,. Tl'at our work
gives satisfaction, our growing list of permanent and
satisfied customers testify. Phone 416.
We make, use and guarantee "Imperishable" Paint.
100 for $1-25. 250 for $1.50. 500 for $2.25. Paper furnished
' THE. ".. .
J. E. FBOOMB, pbop.
m :.: ' v.v:,-
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
, Iff . , ' J
! la the only one thai oanaorommoeate 4)
eommarelal traTelera. '
. Iff
Caa beieeomended tor lta clean ana
well ventilated rooms.
Com. Mai ahdTsibd, ATHmna.Or.
fourth of July Celebration
Under the Anapiaea of Met oh ants' Association and .
Walla Walla' Commeroial Club.
Walla Walla, Wash.
A Program oosting a lot of money. One that will help yon to
- ., , enjoy onr big National Holiday. .
Street Parades of Note; Cavalry Girls, representing all states of .the
Union; Sports and Athletios, Five Bands, Fatriotio Exercises, Tri State
League Baseball, and other Interesting entertainment features and events
of a ohaiaoter too numerous to mention. . ' " ,.
., No Watohfnl Waiting; Something Doing Krery Minute.
B-eduoed Rates on all railroads. All Welcome.
tria moat ralina salve In the wort.
a. mm .A
Tnsot Mama
H1" Copyright Ac
AnvMia tneins a tttlrii Mid ftMCrllrttnii may
anlckir aacvrum our cptmoa.fraa whetbot ma ,
K .UWIJmed.n'urHNyilOOI( on won '
wit lr. Okl airancT tor n"r?'"f
asW wtu. without obnrw. la UM
Scientific fltscricaiu
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