The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 15, 1914, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Any poultry to sell?
See Burke &
R. H. Piersol was in Walla Walla
Snnday. ; . :.
Mrs. Sheldon Taylor visited io Pen
dleton Monday.
Mrs. Ethel Talbot vhited in Walla
Walla Saturday.
; Cbatles Estea of Pendleton, was in
lbs cily yesterday.
- Mrs. L. I: O'Harra was in the city
Monday from Weston. "
J. F. Zeiba and Miss Graoe visited
in Peodleton Satoiday. ,
Miss Velma Wilkinson was a Walla
Walla visitor Sainrday.
For Sale. Good wheat hay. It. E.
Stewart, Athena. Adv.
Geo. Wall and Diuk Winship were
in Walla Walla Sunday.
J. W. Kellogg, an insntanoe man,
was in the city yesterday.
J. H. MoCormaoh of Pendleton,
was io tbe oity yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otba Beeder motored
to Walla Walla Saturday.
J. N. Scott and family were in Pen
dleton Monday on tnsiness. ' '
M iss Bessie Parker is' spending the
week with friends in Weston.
. . Mrs. W. S. Ferguson visited tbe first
. of tbe week in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Bogers were
shopping in tbe oity Satoiday.
Mrs. A. Klnnear of Weston was
shopping io Athena Wednesday.
Mr. Bod Mrs. E. A. Dudley have
spent tbe past week in Portland.
Burke & Son will pay cash for your
poultry. See tbeni before selling.'
Jobn Banister, B. B. Richards and
A. A. Fobs were in Pendleton, Satur
day. .. :
Postmaster Brown of Pendleton,
waa in tbe oity on business Wednes
day.. Mis. Wilkinson is having her res
ideooe renovated and remodeled this
week. . .;'
Mrs. L. S. Vincent went down to
Pendleton Wednesday for a few days
visit. i. ' ;- ;
of the Superior qual
ity of this
to be made in Athe
na during the Cale
donian Picnic, May
22 and 23.
If yon desire good turkey eggs for
hatching, nine for f 2, phone 31x3.
Mrs. Lizzie Mansfield spent a part
of tbe week with friends in Weston.
Miss Margaret Winnifred of Milton,
was a guest this week of Miss Laura
" Mr. and Mrs. Caspar Woodward
spent Sunday with tela tires in Walla
Walla. : . - . - o
Attorney G. H. Bishop was over
from Freewater and speut Sunday in
Athena. -
Sbeard left Sunday
vieit with friends in
Mips Lizzie
morning for a
Portland. :.
Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Kern of Pendle
ton, were visitors at the Piersol home
Sunday. -m
Mrs. A. A. F08S this week was a
guest at tbe borne of Miss Jackson in
Dayton, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stone and Mr.
Mrs. T. D. Stone motored to Walla
Walla Monday.
S. A. Barnes dropped oyer from
Weston Tuesday and spent the after
noon in the city. - v - ;
Mrs. Baworth visited with relatives
in Walla Walla this week, returning
home Wednesday. " ,
Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Lienallen of Ad
ams, were in tbe oity Tuesday trading
with Athena merchants. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. BalUncb, prom
inent Weston pioneers, were in the
oily Saturday on business. -
Harold.Gitbeos came np this week
from Independence, and is spending a
few days with friends here.
C. A. Barrett, who aooompanied
his wife to tbe hospital at Walla
Walla, has returned home.
Mrs. W. J. Gholson was a guest of
her mother, Mrs. MoKay, at her home
near Walla Walla thia week.-
Mrs. J. W. Kotbrook is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Wm. MoOorkell, on
Basket Mountain this week.
E. E. Koonts. Al. NorDean and Vir
gil Willaty, are spending a few days
on Meaobam oreek tront fishing.
Will Wallan, of Moro, last wee!
visited at the home, of his mother,
Mrs. Jane Wallan west of town.
H. 0. Catoo and David Taylor were
among tbose who attended tbe Smith
rally in Pendleton Tuesday night.
Tbe regular services will be held in
the M. E.' obnrob - Sunday. Come
with ns. B. E. Gornall, Pastor.
Austen ifbss of the Foss-Winsbip
hardware firm, returned Wednesday
from a abort business trip to Portland.
Mrs. Will Bartle and two children
of Holdman, are guests this week at
tbe Bargatt bomeon west Main street.
Frank Ely was in the city from New
Meadows Idaho, and spent Snnday
with his mother. Mrs. Henry Pinker-ton.'
Misses Bnth Doniway and Irmalee
Campbell were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Bomer I. Watts Satur
day. .. . '
Get a quart of onion sets free with
every purchase at Fix & Radtke's.
This holds good .while the supply of
onion eeta last. '
Mrs.' A. J. Wagner was reported
very ill at ber home northwest of
town tbe first of tbe week. .. She is
better at this time.
Jack Robinson, well known lanndry
man, headed the Pendleton delegation
of rooters at tbe ball game in Walla
Walla Snnday last.
Dr. Dell has reoeived word of tbe
death of a sister-in-law and a nephew,
both of which ooourred reoently, at bis
old home in the east.
George Gross is following np the
good work of building oonorete side
walks. Be is or ustrnctins one at his
residence on Fonrtb street.
Mr. Cleveland Martin and family
of Colfax, Wash., motored tov Athena
and visited relatives this week, re
turning home yesterday morning.
Mrs. E. Clark, of Portland, aooom
panied by her daughter, Josephine, is
visiting at the boms of her daughter
Mrs. John Walter, west of the oity.
Our Show Window
TelDs tffie
Your Choice of Rexall
Tooth Powder or Paste
and a Brush for 40 cts
Byron N. Hawks, We Druggist
Miss Stella Lienallen and a number
of friends oama over from their homes
in Walla Walla last week and took
dinner at tbe Geo. Woodward home.
Mrs. J. S. Henry, who arrived last
week from ' Portalnd, where she has
been residing with her son, is again
nioely settled in her own home in this
city. , ;. . ' (
Doug Flynn and -Braden Gerking
rode np from John Day yesterday.
Range is good in that seotioo this
year, and oonseqnently Btook is doiog
well. , '
Mrs. Chance Turner and children
were in tbe oity Tuesday from : Wes
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Turner will leave
hooo for tbeir new home in Wallowa
The Owen Rnsie estate has been ap
praised at something over one hundred
dollars. The estate consists of shoe
maker's tools and a small etopk of
leather, eto. V
By trapping two ooyote deus,John
Pieroe.gatbered in 16 young ones this
week and between times, John says
he caught 200 trout in Sqnaw oreek.
Going some. t
J. M. Bayes of Pendleton, was in
the oity yesterday. Mr. Baya is coun
ty treasurer of (he Anti-Saloon league
and as usual, is taking an notive in
terest in the campaign.
A. Maokenzie Meldrum will go to
tbe Willamette valley next Monday,
and will deliver addresses at Corvallis,
Eogene and other points. Mr. Mel
drum will return Friday.
Remember that yon oan get high
grade bacon at the City Meat Market
for 18 cents per pound. Lard is selling
in 5 pound buckets for 65 cents, 10
pound tuckets for $1.25. Adv. ;
A heavy downpour of rain, aooom
panied with lightning and thunder
visited this seotioo last night, settling
tbe dust and brightening up vegeta-
ltiojr. It was generally welcomed.
DvQoaranliue restrictions were jilted
from tbe Vanoil home this week, and
here are no smallpox cases in Athena
or vioinity. Only one case, that of
boy, developed in tbe Mr. Vanoirs
M. L. Watts of the Preston-Shaffer
Milling company, .and Virgil Zerba
are touring Central Oregon by . auto
mobile this week. They go as far as
Bend, and are making the trip in Mr,
Watts' Ford roadster.
The primary eleotion is being held
today for tbe nomination of State and
County offioes to be voted for io tbe
general eleotion to be held in Novem
ber. Indioations are that a large vote
will be oast in Athena today.
Promptly at 8:32 tomorrow morn
ing, be tbe temperature at tbe right
angle, the flz-z-z will begin to sizzle
in Bawks' soda fountain, where all
sorts of summer drinks and delioious
ioe oream deoootions may be bad. f
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Diokenson re
turned Wednesday from Bot Lake,
where Mr. Diokenson has been taking
treatment, an attaok ofjpneumonialast
wTnter" havluft left him with health
impaired. Be ia considerably im
proved.. ; . .... . ''
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Thompson will
leave Snnday morning for Portland.
Mrs. Thompson will bs met there by
Miss Lizzie Sbeard, and tbe two ladies
will go to MoMionville Tuesday, to
attend the session of Grand Lodge of
A driving horse owned by Frank
Priue of Weston, ran away near that
oity Tuesday throwiog the' driver,
Mr. Loveridge, an aged gentleman
out and seriously injuring him. Tbe
horse was fonnd with a broken shoul
der and was killed.
Mrs. S. A. Banks and daughter,
Miss Lula, who have been visiting at
tbe home of Mrs. N. Diokenson for
sometime, will-leave tomorrow for
tbeir home in Santa Rosa, Calif. Mrs.
Banks was a resident of this county
several years ago.
The Dreamland program for tonight
and tomorrow night, is as follows: 1
and 3. '"Tony the Fiddler," Essanay.
Kalem. Snnday night: 1. "A
Dansbter of Romany," Edison. 2.
"Which?," Vitagraph. 8. "Salva
tion Sal," Vitagraph.
yA new band stand has been erected
onbe vaoant lot at the corner of
Main and Third streets, whiob will
hereafter be utilized for open air con
certs during tbe summer months. A
splendid conoert was given by tbe
band last Friday evening in front of
the St. Niohols hotel. .
Fishing licenses may now be had at
the Foss-Winsbip hardware store,
without going to the trouble of filing
application with tbe county clerk, as
heretofore. And while yonr license it
being made out it may be of advan
tage to yon to make your aeleotion of
Bshiag taokle for the season.
A. J. Parker and Jesse Myriek have
formed a partnership, with the result
that they are equal owners of tbe
two shops in Athena. Benry Keen
baa disposed of bis interests in tbe
oar ber business to them and retired
after many years of servioe to tbe
publio in tbe oapaoity of tonsorial ar
an jaws
Bejfiiras Saturday Morning.' May
16th, and Will End on Saturday Evening May 23
a quick and
oMid spring
Radical reductions in all departments in order to effect
absolute disposal ; of all spring goods and short broken lines.
finds- us with much greater stocks on hand than we ought to have at
this season of the year. 4 Nothing wrong with the goods, but in our early
spring enthusiasm we over estimated the spring demand.
We never allow goods to accumulate from one season to another it
is for this reason that we must reduce our immense stock. You'll want
and need these goods within a very few weeks. SO BUY THEM NOW
mmui.jnuni iJiiiijnuiiiiLiiiiuiALJMMlJ.lMjai
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Bleats.
Main Street, Athena. Oregon
The prodootion of "Pilsrim's Pro
gress" in pboto play at tbe M. E.
obnrob Inesday evening was witnessed
ty a fairly good sized andienoe, and
was very highly appreciated. Tbe
prodootion, both for it's artistio valoe
and for tbe sake of tbe young people
under whose a nap ices it appeared, de
served a far better patronage.
Dr. Fulkerson, vios consul for tbe
U. S. during the Spanish Amerioan
war, and also dorlog the Boxer up
rising, will leoture at the M. E.
church Saturday evening, at 8 p. m.
Bis subject will ba: "The New Or
ient." Dr. Fnlkerson baa given 20
years io tbe Orient, and is authority
on the above theme. Admission free;
everybody welcome. '
Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Stone and chil
dren arrived in tbe city from Portland
Friday. Ibcy earns from The Dalles
io tbe automobile. Dr. Stone is find
ing it bard to find a suitstle boose in
whiob to reside, there being very few
vacant houses ia Athena at the present
time. The doctor has taken offices in
the Post building on Main street, first
door east of tbe telephone exchange.
r. and Mrs. Benry Eoepke enter
tained tbe faculty, members of tbe
higu sohool and alnmni and the eighth
grade at their home near town last
evening, io honor of their son Benry,
The yonng people were taken to tbe
splendid Koepke borne in automobiles,
and were entertained in a royal man
ner. Original games were played,
and tbe daintiest of refreshments
An interesting ball game was played
Saturday on the sohool grounds,, be
tween tbe Athena and Weston teams
of , joveuiles. . Weston bugged tbe
small end of a 28 to 5 score. "Dotob"
MoFerrin says the soore should have
really been 28 to 0 in Athena's favor,
but for the fact that.the Athena man
ffgef 7 E. 13. ' Koonts" w ho "was on the
side lines, got his signals crossed.
King and MoFerrin was Athena's bat
tery, while Gould and Smith of doiated
in like oapaoity for Weston.
At the close of sohool. Prinoipal
Drew gives-the following report of
perfect attendanoe, these pupils hav
ing been neither absent or tardy dur
ing the sohool year: Mildred Matberb,
Vernon Miller, Biobard Oartano, Kob
ler Betts. Luoinda Dell. Andra Win
ship, Everett Knight, Benry Knight,
Willard Parker, Clara Benley, Frank
Miller, Tbelma MoEwen, Elizabeth
Mathers, Mildred Winship, Enid Oar
tano, Areta Littlojohn, Annabell Mo
Leod, Llovd MoPberren, Ellen Pam
brun, Ceoil Phillips, Arnold Koepke,
Elmer Martin. Lillian Tompkins.
Tbe friends of Mrs. O. A. Barrett
were shocked last Saturday morning
to bear that she had been stricken
with appendioitis, and was taken to
Walla Walla by Dr. Plamondon, for
treatment. News was reoeived Snnday
morning that Mrs. Barrett' was im
proving, and later it was ionoa mu
an operation would te avoided. It
is hoped now that sbe will be bo far
improved as to be able to be brought
borne io a day or two. Ber daogbter,
Mrs. Plamondon has remained in
Walla Walla with ber this week.
Tbe sohool year ends in Athena to
day, with tbe pnpils ready to enjoy
the summer vaoation and tbe teaobera
residing at a distanoe prepared to leave
for their several homes. Examina
tions in the different grades bave been
oompleted, and tbe year's work
brought to a close this morning.
Charles A. Guerne has teeq elected
prinoipal of the sobools for next year
by tbe board of directors, and. bis se
lection bas met with warm approval
on all sides. Tbe servioes of Miss
Velma Wilkinson and Miss Lanra
Brune and Mrs. MoPbersoo of this
city, bave been retained for next year,
Miss Nellie Darr and an eighth grade
teaober both of whom have given un
qualified - satisfaction in the Eobo
sobools bave been elected to positions
here. - ; " ' "" '
Smith Night in Pendleton.
Tuesday nigbt, bis old home town,
Pendletoo, was tnroed over to Dr. Q.
J. Smith, Democratio candidate for
Governor and bis friends. Tbe Ore-
son Theater was the scene of one of
rh crpntHHt rallies ever seen in that
town and friends of Dr. Smith vied
with anh ritbnf in making the oooa-
eion one lona to bs remembered
Short BDeeobes were made by ksdiog
citizens, and Dr. Smith made tbe pi in
cioal address of tbe evening. A nom-
her of Athena oeoole attended the
for IH
A Carload
of Binders, Mowers and Rakes just arrived.
Prices Will be Right
Bogs to Portland,
A. L. Swaseart abiDDed a carload
of hosa to Portland Wednesday. Mr.
8waneart aooompanied the' shipment
and will anend a few days in tbe me
tropolis. Be intends to hereafter ship
a osrload every two months.
henoefortb will be in tbe market
nurobase all bogs offered for sale
this vicinity. Wednesday's shipment
did not inoluds any stock raised on tbe
Swaesart farm, tut bad been pur
ehiud for faadins nornoses. Tbe lot
averaged 217 poonds in weight.
Arthur Coppook has too many miloh
cows, and offers some for sale at rea
sonatle prioes. Tbe cows are good
ones. Adv,
I Main Street
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Th. OriSlnnl Ur Couh Syrup conUlnl Honey ""V' l.wP f vmlni Ind old.
Luni f4 Bronchi! Rmaie. PUsaant to th U.t. nd ood Ilk for yn n
"v- . iti w Mrnii'iNr uinrui.
frpra &v --
days' treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded.
Honey nd Tr. Ar lmrrovonnnt ov all Cousn.
r movei th bowels
A rlntA at bpd time usual
iv r1)pvf4 trip mnit n&verd
case before morning.