The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 15, 1914, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
- a - Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered In In- I'nMofflceat Athena, Oregon
m icorat iass fiiau waller.
Subscription Hatea.
One copy, one year. $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months.... , .75
One copy, three months .50
tATHENA. ORE..c7WAY 15,.. ....1914
Ridicule, Paralyzing as Well as Amus
ing, Often Gratifies a Little Mind or
an Ungenerous Temper The Safe
Plan Is Always to Do the Task That
Lies Nearest Us.
Copyrighted, 1914, by Thomas J. Sullivan.
JMdlcule may be au evidence of wit
or bitterness and may gratify a little
mlud or an ungenerous temper, but Is
no test of reason, truth or manhood.
JMdlcule, besides being conscious and
unconscious, may also be. indirect as
well as direct, negative as well as
positive, paralyzing as well as amus
ing. And myriad in number and kind
are the ridiculous suggestions mado
and being made by the enemies and
victims of the mall order concerns in
the hope of stopping their onward
march of progress.
Do merchants always appreciate
their advantage? Would a friend of
the merchant or dealer have sent his
first order to a stranger who showed
pictures instead of goods, who talked
on paper Instead of face to face, who
demanded pay in advance instead of
allowing a more unlimited credit had
the merchant Improved his advan
tages? .Ought to Emulate Rivals.
It would seem that after one expe
rience of long delays, quite common
and to a great extent unavoidable in
trading with mall order houses, afte?
one experience of putting things to
gether for himself, after one expe
rience of waiting for a missing part,
tho friend would not havo taken the
trouble to order by mall from a stran
ger had the local merchant or dealer
always improved his opportunities.
Everything that happens to us leaves
nome trace behind It; everything con
tributes Imperceptibly to form us. Yet
often it Is dangerous to take a strict
recount of that, for either we grow
; rond and negligent or downcast and
i'lsplrlted, and both are equally in
jurious in their consequences. Always
the safe plan is to do the task which
lies nearest us and which will augur
for our best interests and those of
if success can bo attained by tho re
tail mall order houses, working under
..sadvautages, why cannot the local
Kun-chaut, who has none of these dls
iiihantages, succeed? Ho can by 1ml
tilting their methods and practices, by
illowlug undisturbed Inspection of
mods mid by polite and courteous
treatment of all visitors to his store,
t litis creating new customers and con
mining io supply oiu ones.
in a certain muiana town a young
iiinn ordered a heating stove, price
;.M.!)5. When the stovo came ho was
very much disappointed. Tho stovo
vns small, whllo the picture In the
i falogue made It appear large and or
liiiiiiental. , Had this young man vlslt
nl his local dealer and Inspected tho
fS.05 stove ho would not have bought
it. but would havo selected one for
SI-' or $11 and would have got tho
right kind and ono that would have
A Minnesota farmer ordered five
lulls of barbed wire. After It came
an I ho had paid the freight he discov
ered that he could have bought the
Kiitne Identical wiro from his local
de-ilor and could have saved $1. also
much time and trouble.
Mail Order Fence In Woodshed.
Another man living In a village or
dered some wire fencing from a pic
ture in a catalogue, and when It came
it was so cheap looking that his prldo
would not allow him to disfigure his
grounds with such a fem e, so ho stor
ed it in his woodshed and bought what
he wanted from his local dealer.
A lady in a little town In Missouri
sent to ouo of tho large mall order
houses for a pair of shoes. Inclosing
$1.07 with her order. After two weeks
the shoes caruo by freight; charges
wero 23 cents, which she paid. After
taking tho shoes home she found they
did not fit, so she repacked them and
Bent them back by express, and after
another two weeks wait another pair
of shoes came by freight with more
charges attached. To the lady's dis
may, these shoes were no nearer n lit
than tho first pair. Sho then gave up
In despair and visited her local dealer,
crediting her investment of $2.50 to
We should Hko to suggest to tho con
sumer that ho bo honest with himself;
buy at home; help .support his own
town; innke his own homo more val
uable. Let Mr. Mall Order Man sell
bta good things la his own town. In
stead of his fooling you, you fool him
by trading at home.
Let each community become a co
operative commonwealth to tho extent
that Its citizens shall work together to
build up and sustain that community,
working with neighbors competitors
Included for the home. town, city,
county and state; let civic prldo and
rmM'lon be fostered; let tho profes
sional 'grouch" and disturber of the
public peaco be frowned down; let the
Incorrigible offender against tho prin
ciples of qniirc dealing bo thrown to
tho lions of public condemnation.
And to the merchant Me say work;
don't ridicule. "
A "Place of Learning.''
Sydney Smith, once being asked why
a certain college was called n place of
learning, replied that, although a great
many had been there to get learning,
lio one had ever taken learning awaj;
hence It was quite appropriately
Saplelgh -The barber wanted tosltigo
my liair. but I ;ild no. Kmart Your
mutton was commendable! He might
hare started u wood firo.-itos.tou
An English Lord' Who Had a Curious
Mania For Hoarding;
A curious' story of hoarding Is told
In Halph Neville's book of gossip:
A former Lord Dysart who lived
more or less au invalid's life in a
bouse on the outskirts of Loudou, care
fully watched over by a lady who act
ed as a sort of compauion-nurse, one
clay asked her to go to. town and get
a check cashed for him at the Bank
of England. When she was ready to
start the old peer sat down at his
writing table and, having written out
a check" for 100,000, told her to be
sure ami see that she got one note for
the whole nmoiiut. When she
reached the bauk the cashier commu
nicated with the manager, who asked
the nurse to step Into his private of
fice. Having satisfied himself as to
her authority for making such a re
quest, he said that If she did not ob
ject he would much rather send a
clerk to accompany her with the note.
She gladly assented to this arrange
ment, and hi due course the clerk in
person handed the f 100,000 banknote
to Lord Dysart.
After having done so he told the peer
that there were only three such notes
In existence. "One," he said, "we
have at the bank, another I have Just
handed to your lordship and the third,
which some time ago disappeared from
circulation, we have never been able
to trace."
"Perhaps I can help you." said Lord
Dysart. and, hobbling over to a bu
reau, be unlocked a drawer and took
out the missing 100,000 banknote,
which had been lying there for many
Pumping It Out Costs a Big Pile of
Money Every Year.
It costs quite a bit of money to pump
1,000,000,000 tons of water out of the
anthracite mines of Pennsylvania every
year, but it must be done or there
could be no mines. In times past, col
lieries were abandoned because of in
ability to cope with the water flowing
Into them, but more and more pumps,
some of them costing $30,000 and $40,-
000 each, have been Installed, and the
enormous amount of work they do is
all that enables the operators to keep
open the mines.
The calculation as to the amount of
water handled In this way is simple.
The output of the mines is a little less
than 70,000.000 tons a year. The av
erage amount of water pumped is about
fifteen tons for every ton of coal pro
duced. The cost of tills Is one of the
most important elements In the In
creased cost of mining. As the richer
and more accessible veins have been
exhausted, shafts have been sunk
deeper and the volume of water to be
pumped has Increased rapidly.
The pipes, of which there are thou
sands of miles In the mines, wear out
quickly because the sulphur In the
mine water cats Into the Iron like an
add. This destructive quality prohib
its the use of the water in the boilers
that generate steaui at the collieries,
and the result is that, when there Is a
drought, tho companies often are oblig
ed to haul water to the mines In tank
cars from many miles away. New
York Post.
Call For City Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that tbe City
of Athena will redeem all outstanding
warrants aftBinit both tbe general
food and the water fuud. Interest
fcill cease on tbece warrants "on and
after tbe date. of diet publication of
this notice.
Dated tbia 8tb day of May, 1914. ;
V. C. Bark", Treasurer.
Odd Contrasts In Climats.
New York is usually thought of as
being directly west from London. It
is. however, despite Its far more rigor
ous climate. IKK) miles nearer the equn
tor than Is the British capital. Tbe
bleak const of Labrador Is directly
west of London. The saino line pnssea
the southern part of Hudson bay and
Lake Winnipeg. On the other side of
the continent it touches tho southern
extremity of Alaska and continues
through the center of the Isthmus of
Kamchatka and Siberia and Russia to
Another Illustration of the unexpect
ed In contrasts Is found In a compari
son of St. John's, Newfoundland, with
Paris. Paris has a winter of compara
tive mildness, while St John's Is a re
gion of bitter cold and fogs, with drift
ing Icebergs along Its coast. Yet St
John's Is 100 miles nearer the equator.
Anatols France on Journalism,
M. Auatole Frauce, In reply to a
toast of his health, said: "I have been
a journalist and am one still. I owe
to Journalism some of the qualities
that you have exaggerated. Journal
Ism taught me n great part of tbe art
of writing. Tho two things most use
ful la writing are ease and simplicity.
Journalism tenches those things so well
that the stylo even of great writers
like Chateaubriand gained from Jour
nalistic expcrlence."-London Times.
New York's Sewage.
Kvery day there Is poured Into the
Harlem river fm.000,000 gallons of sew
age; into tho North liver, 132,000,000
galliuis; Into tho Knst river, 204,000.000
gallnus. So In the course of a year
New York city pollutes Its harbor with
about 403.000,000 gallons of refuse
niatter.-New York 'World,
Judicious Charity,
"I don't believe he Is so miserly as
they say, I hear he Invites his poor
relations to visit him each year."
i es. They all live at a conslderabli
distance and nro too poor to come,"
The Reason' Hs Jokes.
When a man Jokes about his wife
being Jealous you may depend upon It
hW wife has not n Jealous bone In her
body. Men with Jealous wives do not
Joke almut it. Atchison Globe.
Orlef can take care of Itself, but tt
get the full value of a Joy you must
have somebody to divide It with.
Mark Twain.
In Pound.
Tbe following deeoribed horse was
takeu aud Impounded on the 18th day
of May, 1911, aud unless redeemed by
owner will be sold to the highest bid
der for cetih in hand on Tuesday, May
19, at 3 o'clock p. in. s Una bay 8
yusr olditod colt, star in forehead,
two white biod feet, wt. about 600
lbs, Indian brand ou tight shoulder.
Dated May 15, 1911.
W. J. Uoolson, City Marshal.
Laid In 5 pound' locket 65o, 10
pouud Locket 11.35, bacon IS cents
pet pouud at tbo Cilj Meat Market.
Cambridge, Idaho, Lands. "
800 acres farm land, $40 per aore.
Will consider part trade for email
stock Isrm near mountains.
480 acres to rent now or uext Fall,
over 350 in cultivation. ,
Good hotel proposition"' for party
with sorop or.Bh, No hotel or eating
plaoe ikca tire. For particulars, ad
dress Frank MoElroy, Cambridge, Ida.
An Ideal Home.
Au ideal home and diversified farm,
reduoed price. 40 acres; good bouse
and outbuildings; mooing water.
Close to oarline. Fine ornamental and
fruit Irees; 20 acres of alfalfa; plenty
of commercial fruit. Every foot is
good land. Prioe is $12,000.00. Close
to Walla Walla. Freewater Laod
Co., Freewater, Oregon, Adv.
Notice to Creditors.
Io tbe Count; Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County. ,
In tbo Matter of the Estate of
Charles Carpenter, Deoeased.
Motlce is hereby given to all persons
wbom it may concern that Wal'er
V. Hriswold has beeo appointed ad
mioistrator of tbe estate of Cbailea
Carpeuter, deceased. All persons
having claims against bis estate are
hereby required to present them with
proper vouchers as required by law
to the said Walter V, (jriewold at tbe
office of Will M. Peterson, attorney at
law, Pendleton, Oregon, within six
moatbs from tba data of tbe first tint
lioation of this notice, wbioh is made
on tbia 8th day of May, A. D. 1914.
Walter V. tiriawold, Administrator.
Will M. Peterson, Atty.
Notice to Creditors.
Ia tba County Court" of tbe Stale of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
Io tbe matter of the Estate of Peter
LaCoorse, deoeased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons wbom it may concern that F. , S.
LeUrow has qualified as tbe exeontor
of tbe last will and testament of Peter
LaCourae, deoeased. All persons hav
ing claims against tbe estate are re
qoirea to present toem with proper
vonobers as reqoired ty law, to said
executor at bis office in Atbena, Ore
gon, or to big attorney, Homer I.
Watts, at bis law office in Atbena,
Oregon, witbin fix months from the
U ret publication of tbis notice.
Dated tbis the 1st day of May, 1914.
Homer I. Watts. F. S. LeGrow,
Attorney. Kxeontor.
Notice to Creditors.
In tbe County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In tbe matter of the Estate of Owen
Busie, deceased.
Notioe is hereby given tbat the nn
dersigued bas been duly appointed ad
ministrator of tbe above estate by or-
r der of the above entitled Court and
bas qualified as the law directs. All
persona having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present
the same at my offioe, or at the office
of my attorney, Homer I. Watts, in
Atbena, Oregon, with proper vouchers,
witbin six months from tbe date here
of. Dated tbia' let day of May, A. D. 1914.
Homer I. Watts, B. D. Riobards,
Attorney. Administrator.
Notice to Creditors.
Iu tba Ccnnty Court of tbe State ot
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In tbe matter of tbe Estate of T. J.
Watts, deoeased.
Notice is hereby given tbat tbe
undersigned has teeu doly appointed
administrator of the above estate, by
order of tbe above entitled court and
bas qualified as the law directs; all
persona having claims against said es
tate are berety notified to present the
same at my offloe in Atbena, Oregon
or at tbe office of my attorney in Ath
ena. Oregon, with proper vonobers.
witbiu eix months from tbe date
Dated tbis 1st day of May. A. D. 1914.
Homer I. Watts, M. L. Watta,
Attorney. Administrator.
In Foreclosure of Tax Lien,
Iu tbe Cirouit Court of the State ot
Oregon for the County of Umatilla.
Lexington Realty Company, a corpor
ation Plaint itr, vs. William Sobulta
and also all persona or parties un
known claiming any right, title, es
tate, lieu or interest in the real es
tate desoribed herein, Defendants.
To William Snhulti, the above named
defendant and all persons or parties
unknown olalmlug any right, title,
estate, lieu or interest iu tbe real es
tate described herein:
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
You are h treby notified that Lex
ington Realty Company, corpora
tion, la tbe holder of Certificate ot De
linquency 893 issued on tbe 3rd day
of February. 1913 by the Tax Collect
or of the County of Umatilla, State of
Oregon, for the amount ot one and
90-100 (f 1.00) Dollars, tbe name being
tbe amonut then due and delinquent
for taxea for the year 1907 together
with penalty, interest and oosta there
on upon the real property assessed to
you, of wbioh ton are the owner aa
appears ot record, situated io sid
County and State, and paitionlarly
bounded and desoribed aa follows,
West half ot West halt cf tba
Southeast quartet of the Northwest
quarter (W, SEJf. NWtf) of
Section 10. Township 3 North, Range
36 East W. M., containing ten acres.
Yon are further noticed that , said
Lexiogtou Realty Company, a corpor
ation, has paid taxes on eaid premises
for prior and subsequent years witb
tbe rate of interest on aaid amounts
as follows:
Years,,',.,. Date . Tax Receipt Rata of
Tax 1'aid Number Am'f Intentl
l!K ; Keb 3, 1013 , 7011 tOJS 16 per ct
K109 ' 7oi8 ' - .30 "
1!)10 , 7012 " "
mi ' " """ 85W .83
UH2- . Aprl, " . 5708 '. . . .36 ' , "
Said Wililam Sobultz, as tbe owner
of the legal title of tbe above desoribed
property as tbe same appears of reoord
and eaob of tbe other persons above
named are hereby notified tbat. Lex
ington Realty Company, a corporation,
will apply to tbe Cironit Coort of tbe
Connty and State aforesaid for a decree
foreclosing tba '.ien against tba prop
erty above desoribed and mentioned in
said certificate. And you are hereby
summoned to appear witbin sixty
days after tbe first putlioation of the
summons exclusive of tbe day of first
putlioaion, and defend tbia action or
pay the amonnt due as above shown
together witb costs and aooroed in
terest and in case of your failure to
do so, a decree will be rendered fore
closing tba lien of said taxes and costs
against tbe land and premises above
named. . '
This summons is published by order
of tbe Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps,
Judge of the Cironit Court of the
State of Oregon, for tbe Connty of
Umatilla, and said order waa mads
and dated this lOtb day of January,
1914, and the date of tbe first publi
cation of tbis summons is tbe 1st day
of May, 1914, '
All process and papers in tbia pro
ceeding may te served npoo tbe under
signed, residing within tbe Slate of
Oregon, at the address hereafter men
Dist. Atty. and Attorney for tbe
Address: Pendleton, Oregon.
T. D. Taylor
For Sheriff.
I hereby aononnoe to the voters of
Umatilla oounty, tbat I will be a can
didate for re-election to the offioe of
Sheriff, ant ject to the will of tbe
Democratic primaries. ; My reoord as
an officer dnring tbe preceding terms
I have held tbe offloe, speaks for it
self, and if again elected, 1 will con
tinue tu give ray beat aer vices.
Paid Advertisement.
L. L. Mann
For Sheriff
If elected Sheriff of Umatilla Conn
ty, I promise the people that I will
give my personal attention to tbe work
of my offioe, and ibat I will endeavor
by every fair means to enforoe all tba
laws of tbe State cf Oregon, including
tbelawg against bootlegging, gambling
and prostitotion and other orimes ot
like nature. Aa a taxpayer, I am iu
favor of economy in all of tbe business
of tbe County, and will, if elected,
conduct the Sheriff's offioe atriotly
upon business principles.
Paid Advertisement.
Douglas Belts
Republican Candidate
For County Judge
"A public office 'is a publio trust."
If nominated and elected I will en
deavor to administer tba affairs of the
County so aa to oompel by rigid eoon-
omy a lowering of County taxes, and
will favor Buob expenditure of the road
funds so as to play no favor itea but
to give every Beotion of tba County jts
fair share of the toad funds with due
recognition of the needs of the dis
Paid Advertisement.
J. A. Yeager
Candidate ia the Republican pri
I promise faithful, effioient and
oourteoua servioe.
Paid Advertisement.
George Buzan
Republican Candidate for
If eleoted to tbe offioe of Treasurer
I will be faithful and honest in my
work aud atop all interest against tbe
County aa fast as tba County funds
are available.
Paid Advertisement.
H. M. Cockburn
Republican Candidate tor re-election aa
Sobjeot to the will ot the voters at
the Primariea
I am iu favor of good roads, good
bridges and strlot eoonomy particular
ly iu road money, wbere I want to see
every dollar of the ioad taxea expend
ed so aa to yield a full dollar's value
to tbe people. '
Paid Advertisement. "
Willard Bradley
- Civil Engineer and Surveyor
VEYOR Solioita your support la tbe Repub
lican Primaries
Paid Advertisement.
V -
(ft C1 '
-'VpiJ ;
Flat Lens
Toric Lena
A. D. French Optical f o.
Refracting and Manufacturing
IS East Main, Walla Walla Wash
; Phone No. 653
Should you brtak your glasses mail
them to us. We will duplicate them
and mail them saras day received. If
your eyes are troubling you call at o.r
office, we will tit you correctly with
classes if rou need them. Our work
The Toric Lens ia the Best. Notice the is fully guaranteed.
Angle of Vision. DR. FRENCH O. D. in charge
- . :S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all .
calib both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Offloe on Third
Street. Athena Oregor .
: - Dentist
..... . Athena, Oregon ;
Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m.
Attorney t-at-Law
Freewater, Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon
Homer I. Watts
v Attorney-at-Law
Athena, Oregon.
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
... Graduate McKllllp.Vetiuary college
Offices: Commer'.cil Stable aud Halts Drug
Store. Pboue Main 43s, or 3
Engineers and Surveyers
Pbone 381 Freewater, Oregon
B. SHAFFER President,
. S. FERGUSON, Vice-President.
S. Le GROW, Cashier.
F. CANNON, Ass't Cashier i
F. S. Le GROW.
We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation
consistent with sound Banking.
Brick Is Tool-Proof
When you decide to use brick in your
building you are sure of one thing
the contractor cannot tamper with the
material. '
With both lumber and cement you
are blindly trusting to the dealer and
contractor. The chance is again you,
for you have no way of knowing
whether they are treating you honest
ly. You may find out afterwards
when it is to late.
Don't trust that material man; don't
tempt the contractor's honesty. .
Build with brick the one material
that is actually fool-proof. . .
Best grade Common Building Brick
always on hand. Correspondence is
P. T. Harbour, Mg'r. Weston, Oregon
and Genera
Satisfaction Guaranteed
First National Bank
of Athena
Office, Dutch Henry Auclion, Feed
and Sale Stable, Pendleton, Oreg.
Phone, 133.
. THE , .
J. fi. FEOOME, rnopi
. It? '
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
III - .
Is tba only one that can accommodate
oommarolat travelers. . -
ffl ..:;
Can beieoomended tor lis clean and
well ventilated rooms t
k Con. main ard Third, ATHA,Or.
J Vi t i - tJ
vMM4f OVER 63
V 9 ht
i r
1 I
ri. . .V DcaioNS
An Ton tending a k-tch and dmeriptlna may
ntcltlv unrMui pur opinion fr whb ui
liiTcmion M pmbablr r-iuentnv'. Comnmmf.
tliMrtMlrcodmtlal. HANillSOtJK oa Patent
nl InM. OMM aicenrr for oeeurmf patanta.
latentj lakaa through Munn A Co. racvirt
ajNVMl aMM, tt hoM bara. IB lea
Scientific flmcricatt
A haJKtanmatf fltntTt4 !. Tjinrcst rtjs
rotation of any anwUSa Vxtmal. Term. f3 a
Tun fiiar aaonllia, U &A4 lij all nawado.!.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
mmm beauty
Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ot the very" best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for
Si. 3 5
Per Sack
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. . i Waitsburg,' Wash.
I he longer you wait the greater will be the damages and
and consequently, the greater the cost. Sun, rain and
wind are busv opening up the p6res and cracks, and ev
ery day's delay adds extra expense.. That our work
gives satisfaction, our growing list of permanent and
satisfied customers testify, Phone 416.
We make, use and guarantee "Imperishable" Paint.
100 for $1-25. 250 for $1.50. 500 for $2.25. Paper furnished
fcre is (Die
ot the very Latest Styles
Spring andSinnmer
You should see all of 'em
for they are beauties. We
give you a choice of more
than 600 fabrics.
$11 the LmiiinroftAe
,,-t. - W vrr.- . -y.' .. iV
See theDeJigz'BedSprmgTat t