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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1914)
POULTRY and Dairy Produce of all kinds wanted. Writs for enr CASH OFFER Pearson-Page Co. 'S? SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Bought told and exchanged; engine, boiler sawmills, etc. Send for Stock List and Prices. IHE J. E. MARTIN CO.. 8S 1st St.. Portland. Or. f J "Diamond QBljj ; I 1914 CATALOG ; j k1 PLANTERS GUIDE )V ' If Listing the W of every' ( ?V fa thing for Market and Home llW'ilA I Cdr-A rdiabU refer- f' ence safe and depend- lit v:l bl guide to your purchaaea. I f . l 1 W"A QuarteTo a Cen- jjhll l tary of Succm in serving M$l If! Notthwt$trn Growers I 1 v; pli'fa ui to If Ask for Catalog No. 110. Couldn't Resist. A trained ostrich recently discon certed its exhibitor at a London music hall by continually endeavoring te break away from all restraint and to climb over the footlights into the or chestra, , The widely advertised act came to a udden end, and the professor emerged from behind the curtain and apologiz ed for the actions of his pet In about these words: "Ladles and gentlemen: HI am very sorry to disappoint you this hevening. We are compelled to cease our hengagement until the management hengages a new orchestra leader. , "The one at present hemployed 'as no 'air on top of 'is 'ead, and my bird takes hit for a hegg." Philadelphia Public Ledger. Free to Oar Header . Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for 48-page illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all about Your Eye Trouble and they will advlsa as to tbe Proper Application of tBe Murine Eye Remedies la Your Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves Bore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 60c. Try It In Your Eyes and In Uuby's Eyes fol Scaly Eyelids and granulation. Until recently the greatest ocean depth known was south" of the Island Of Guam 9635 meters. A few months ago the German imperial ship Planet found a depth of 9780 meters 40 mllei north of the Island of Mindanao, In proportion to Us weight Califor nia redwood is the strongest conifer eo far tested at the United States for est products laboratory. This strength u due to its long fibers. California has 130 mountains. Twelve are more than 14,000 feet high. A VALUABLE SUGGESTION ' IMPORTANT TO EVERYONE It is now conceded by physclana that the kidneys should have more at tention as they control the other or gans to a remarkable degree and do a tremendous amount of work In remoV' lng the poisons and waste matter from the system by filtering the J)lood. During the winter months especial ly, when we live an indoor life, the kidneys should receive some assist ance when needed, as we take less exercise, drink less water and often eat more rich heavy food, thereby forcing the kidneys to do more work than Nature intended. Evidence of kidney trouble, such as lume back, an noying bladder troubles, smarting or burning, brick-dust or sediment, sal low comploxion, rheumatism, may b weak or irregulur heurt action, warns you that your kidneys require help Immediately to avoid more Beriom trouble. Many physicians claim that an her bal medicine containing no minerals or opiates hus the most healing Influ ence. An ideal herbal compound that has had most remarkable success at a kidney and bladder remedy Is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by Parrels Post. Addresi Dr. Kilmer & Co., Dlnghamton, N. Y, and enclose ten cents; also mention this paper. Go Into Business For We pot our capital bohlnd you. You tell our " vwMiry iokhm mrect rrom wagon to homo. Liharml tMriii. mmIIih.. linu i.i.. . k. tite Iwit prutoa. Huamt-Ha ia plvaeant. vanuananu awiLtiim. c;n.wa imm muw Me laoariaaeo Noose-. Van Can lam SSO to ?JL '""""- "'" rour in .tiling. pununlty for man of gvuii hahita and appear. anee, 111 to (0 ymra old-4 Herka. School Twit-bars, 340 asst. I 1 Jf rm m'ts. Ail w v,.. nN wane i our do) Happy r Let him play In overalls with never a care in the world and you will make him a healthy, happy boy. Be sure to buy him Two-Hone Brand Overalls The kind that it made for comfort and long wear. T FREE ET I 1 LEVI STRAUSS A CO,S W 1. N. U. No. It, 14. iWEEM writlag to advertisers, lu auaTl " Men this aopar. I DYNAMITE FOR STUMPS IF. JUDGMENT IS U8ED IT MAY BE HANDLED WITH 8AFETY. Never Under Any Circumstances Un dertake to Thaw Explosives Be fore Fire or In Stove Always , Follow Printed Direction. (By GEORGE ROBERTS.) In the use of dynamite for ridding land of stumps, one cannot be too careful in handling the dynamite and the caps used to set it off. If good Judgment is used, it may be handled with perfect safety. It should be stored In a dry, well-ventilated place, where the temperature will not rise above 90 degrees F. The caps should be kept In a separate place, as they are much easier set off than the dyna mite. It is unnecessary to tell most persons that dynamite should be pro tected from heavy Jars, and should not be stored where any Bhooting is likely to be done. A few years ago a carload of dynamite was exploded at Jellico, Tenn., by a boy firing into the car with a 22-caliber rifle. Most dynamite freezes at a tem perature between 40 and 60 degrees P. Some brands will freeze at about the freezing point of water. Frozen dynamite should not be used. Never attempt to thaw it until printed di rections, which come with every box (and If no directions are Inclosed, ob tain them from your dealer), have been thoroughly studied. Never under any circumstances un dertake to thaw dynamite before a Are or in a stove. About the only tools needed are an augur and a tamping rod. An old broom or hoe handle are satisfactory Never use a hammer or any other ob ject for driving the tamping rod. The hole is bored at an angle of abott 45 degrees, bo that the charge : Position of Auger In Boring Hole. will come under the center of the stump. If stumps are hollow, of course the charge will have to be located under some firm part of the stump. Some' blasters throw a log chain tightly around the hollow stumps to facilitate their removal. The amount of dynamite to be used depends upon several conditions: Tbe character of tbe stump; the character of the soil, and whether It Is wet or dry; whether the stump Is green or partly decayed, and the nature of the root system. Therefore It Is mani festly Impossible to give specific, direc tions as to the amount of dynamite to be used. The amount of dynamite re quired to blow stumps of the, same kind in the same soil does not vary directly with the diameter, but more nearly with the square of the diame ter, or, In other words, with the area of a cross section of the stump. The area of a cross section of a stump 48 inches in diameter is 16 times as great as the area cf a cross section of a Btump 12 inches in diameter. How ever, only Judgment developed by ex perience can determine how much of the explosive shall be used in a given case. The blowing of green stumps Is from two and one-half to three times as great as for dead ones. WINTER RATION FOR TURKEYS Only Sufficient Food Should Be Given to Keep the Birds In Good Healthy Condition. (By C. E. BROWN, Poultryman. North west Experiment Station, Crookaten, Minn.) During the winter season the stock turkeys should be fed and watered twice a day. Only sufficient food should be given to keep them in good healthy condition. When winter is over It is advisable to feed them a small amount of grain each evening to encourage them to return to their rooBtlng quarters and thus prevent them from wandering away with other .flocks. The following ration is a good one for the turkeys: Mix equal parts by weight of corn or barley, oats and wheat screenings, and in addition to this green food should be supplied once a day. For this purpose mangels, cabbage or clover leaves are the best. Grit and water should be supplied at nil times. Valuable Clover Crop, As a Boiling crop, to be hauled di rect from the field to the manger, clover has no equal, except possibly alfalfa. As a green manure crop, it Is especially valuable. As a usual thing, failures with clover can be at tributed to a lack of knowledge, or Inattention to, the details of its grow ing. It Is to the apparently "little things" that the moat successful clover growers attribute their suocess. To Inertias Yields. Rotation of crops should be prac ticed to increase the humus and nitro gen In the soils. If a large part of the produce raised be fed to live stock and the manure carefully returned to the fields, there are few sections of our whole country that will yield bet ter profits tor farming than In the North Central States. Breeding Places. The old decaying apple trees in the orchard are veritable breeding places for all sorts of fruit pests. Keep them well chopped out, using them for fire wood this winter and replacing theno with new, healthy trees. Paddock for Stallion. Every Btallon should have a paddock to run In, especially If he does not get regular exercise. Germ of Seed Corn. , The germ of seed corn lies In the tip of the kernel. Broad, veil-fined Ups indicate strong germs. Keep Your Digestion Normal i and you will have the B secret of continued good health, allow it to be-1 come impaired and you B weaken the entire sys- -tern. . For any disturb- I ance-of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels try HOSTETTER'S B STOMACH BITTERS 1 You will find it beneficial in every, way I You IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look Motherl If tongue Is coated, cleanse little bowels with "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs." Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs," because in a few hours all the clogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you. have a well, playful child again. . Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy be cause they know its aatlon on the Btomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. ( Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups. Notice to Farmers. " Parties who are using Alamo Gas En gines in Oregon, Washington and Idaho are hereby advised that The Western Farquhar Machinery Co., of Portland, Oregon, are the exclusive distributors of Alamo Engines, and carry a complete line of extras and repairs for Alamo Engines in stock. , Write us' direct and save time and money. We ship the same day by Par cel Post. Special prices and easy terms to you direct. If your dealer does not handle Alamo Engines, write us for catalog and prices. We sell Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Saw Mill Machinery and Ir rigation Plants. Write us stating what you need, and we will mail catalog free. The Western Farquhar Machinery Co. 308 to 314 East Salmon St. , , Portland, Oregon. Doubly Sold. The newly appointed master at Bchool had learned all about '"crib bing and such little dodges as school boys practice and had not forgotten them. One day during a lesson in history he observed one of his pupils take out his watch every minute or two. He grew suspicious, thinking that the pupil was consulting notes on the les son. Finally he strode slowly be tween the desks and stopped in front of the boy. "Let me see your watch," he commanded. The master opened the front of the case. He looked somewhat sheepish when he read the single word "Soldi" But he was a shrewd man. He was not to be thrown off the Bcent so eas ily. He opened the back of the case. Then he was satisfied, for he read: "Sold again!" TldBits. The net receipts from the national forests of Washington and Oregon in four months amounted to $115,620, an Increase of 17 per cent over receipts tor the same period last year. The Philippine bureau of forestry reports that American and European lumbermen are trying to procure large and regular shipments of Philippine woods, mainly for cabinet making. More than one-half of the money de rived from England's income tax Is collected from Londoners. WHAT $10 DID FOR THIS WOMAN The Price She Paid for Lydia ELPinkham's Vegetable Com pound Which Brought Good Health. Danville, Va."Ihaveonl7Bpentten dollars on your medicine and I feel so much Better man i did when the doctor waa treating me. I don't suffer any bearing down pains at all now and I sleep well. I cannot say enough for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound and Liver Pills as they have done so much forme. I am enjoy ing good health now and owe It all to your remedies. I take pleasure In tell ing my friends and neighbors about them. "-Mrs. Mattie Haley, 601 Col quhone Street, Danville, Va. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope un til she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients cf which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years "proved to be a most valua ble tonic and invigorator of the fe male organism. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Plnkhum's Vegeta ble CorapoumlwUl help you, write to Lydia llPtnkhamMedlclneCo. confidential) Lynn, Mass for ad tice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, fend held In strict confidence. !. I ... IIIII.IIIIIIIMI. I. Si VEGETABLES IN WINTER MANY VARIETIES AT COMMANC OF HOUSEWIFE. Salsify Might With the Entire Appro v al of the Family Be More Com monly Used Creamed Or as " Croquettes They Are Fine- The housewife who "hates" wlntet because there Is "bo little to eat," oi because she feels that she is giving her family the same thing over and over, should not despair. . Apart from that, dear old-timer Hubbard .squash there are three members of the cab bage family cabbage itself, cauli flower and Brussels sprouts; five root vegetables, exclusive of onions, and white and sweet potatoes turnips, salsify, beets,1 carrots and parsnips, and two kinds of greens spinach and kale, available. Who could legitimate ly complain of lack of variety with such a choice at hand? The possibilities of salsify or oys Bter plant are not as well known as they .might be. It usually sells for ten cents a bunch pr two bunches for 15 cents and affords an Inexpensive change in the' diet Pains should be taken to select straight roots rather than the crooked, knotted ones which abound. The preliminary step to any dial' made of salsify Is to cut off the green tops, scrape and cut the roots Into small pieces and boll them until ten der (about half an hour). The sim ple addition of a white sauce will make creamed salsify, but for cro quettes rub the tender boiled pieces through a colander or strainer and to each bunch add a beaten egg, three tablespoonfuls of cream and enough flour to make a stiff batter. Make into croquettes, dip in - beaten egg, then In cracker crumbs or flour and again in the egg. Fry in hot fat and dry on brown or other absorbent pa per. The oyster flavor which gives the plant its name, comes out strong est when the vegetable Is cooked In this manner. ' For escalloped salsify, fill a but tered baking dish with alternate lay ers of boiled salsify ' and cracker crumbs. Pour white eauce over the filled dish, cover the top with but tered crumbs and bake until brown. Half a lemon squeezed over the top of a medium-sized dish will improve the flavor. Re-Making Window Shades. "Ordinarily the only part of a shade that becomes soiled and worn Is the portion exposed to the light that is, the part drawn down half the length of the window; the other half of the shade is practically new. A simple method of doubling the life of a shade, half of which has become soiled, is to remove the shade from the top of the roller and hem the end thus re moved. Then remove the stick from the hem at the bottom of the Boiled portion of the shade and Blip It into the new hem, Next cut off the old hem at' the bottom of the soiled por tion of the shade and attach the raw edge to the roller. The bottom oi Boiled portion of the shade now be comes the top, and when the shade is drawn down half the length of the window a clean, new portion Is exposed. Running Furnaces. A furnace authority says: "In mild weather it is not necessary to 'shake down' the furnace fire. You can econ omize on fuel and still have a fire ready to start full blast should the north wind begin to blow. With the furnace poker rake down only part of the ashes, forming a sort of crater by poking out the ashes thoroughly from the bottom and the top. Into this 'crater' put the fresh coal. This la really a sort of furnace within the larger one and holds the fire without using coal to heat the whole furnace. When the cold snap comes shake the grate thoroughly, shovel on fresh coal and open the drafts." . Pickled Pigs Feet. Buy six or eight pigs feet from your butcher, they are already cleaned put in cold water to which has been added a handful of salt Let stand an hour or bo. Wash well and put over the fire in cold water, boll slowly un til done but not so the bones will fall out Let stand In the water in which they are cooked until almost cold, then place in a Btone Jar and cover them with half vinegar and water, sprinkle a email handful ol pickling spices and six bay leaves over them. Cover the Jar and keep In a cold place. Make a nice luncheon dish on hot days. To Wash Sweaters. The popularity of the sweater li easily accounted for in Us usefulness and comfort, but It often loses its at tractiveness in becoming shapeless after washing. If properly washed a sweater should keep Its shape until It wears out, and therefore wash it carefully with some good white soap; rinse well and add Bom bluing to the last water It the garment Is white. Then place it in a clean pillow case and pin the case to the clothes line. When the sweater is nearly dry put it on a coat hanger in the sunshine. Meat and Rloe Croquettes. One cupful of cold boiled rloe, one cupful of finely chopped meat of any kind, one-half teaspoonful of salt, a saltspoonful of pepper, two table spoonfuls of butter, half a cupful ol milk and one egg. Put the milk on tc boll and add the meat, rice and sea soning. When this bolls add the egg, well beaten, and stir one minute. When cool form Into rolls, dip In beaten egg and fry in hot lard. Butter Fancy. A pretty scheme for the dinner ta ble is to have on each bread and bub ter plate the butter molded brthre balls the size of cherries. Then tak a sprig of parsley, cut off the follag and with the large stem standing ui and each of the three branching stemi at the ends stuck In a butter ball, th effect produced Is a luscious bunch ol cherries. . . TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Halrl Get a 25-cent bottle of Danderine right now Also ' -' , stops Itching scalp, Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence, of a neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs tbe hah of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually produojng a feverish ness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to 6hrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight now any time will surely save your hair. Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug stoe. You surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will Just try a little Danderine. Save your hair! Try itl A Sign of Poverty. They were talking about poverty a few evenings ago, when Congressman Gilbert N. Haugen of Iowa told of an impression a man from the rural wilds once got on visiting the city. The rurallte, the congressman said, had gone to the town on a long an ticipated visit, and when he returned he had much to relate of city ways and what he saw. . "They put on all kinds of fancy frills up there," he narrated to the eager crowd at the corner store, "but I don't believe they hev got half the money they pretend ter hev." "Well, do tell," wonderingly ex claimed one of the eager listeners. "Ye don't really mean it, Jake?" "Yaas," was the convincing rejoin der of Jake. "One night I went by a house thet looked purty big, but Jes ther same ther people in It were so darned poor thet two wimmen was playln' on one planner." Philadelphia Telegraph. - "Pape's Diapepsin" makes Sick, Sour, Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine in five minutes. Jo Break In New Shoes. Always shake in Allen's Foot -jase, a powder, (t cures hot, aweating, aching, swollen feet Cures corns, ingrowing naili and bunions. At UI druggists and shoe steres, 25c. Dont accept tny substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Addresi alien S. Olmsted, Le Roy. N. Y. An Easy Trick. Efficiency was the topic that was being talked at a gabfest in a Wash ington club the other night, when Congressman John G. Rothermel of Reading was reminded of the declara tion of an esteemed party named James. The aforesaid James attended a cir cus some time Bince, where one of the big features of the show was a beau tiful lion tamer. Entering the, ring, followed by the Hon. the fair charmer placed a lump of tragar between her pretty lips which the lion took from her with his teeth. Instantly Janet sat right up and began to take notice. "Great stunt, all right," he loudly shouted to the performer, "but I can do it, too!" .' "Of course," scornfully replied the girl, who didn't appreciate having her act minimized, "but do you really think you can?" "Most assuredly," was the prompt rejoinder of James. "Just as well as the lion." Philadelphia Telegraph. THINK OF THE MILLIONS - that have been relieved in the past 75 years by Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills and decide whether they are not worth a trial. They, regulate the bowels, stimulate the liver and purify the blood. Adv. Willie was struggling through the story in his reading lesson. "No, said the captain," he read, "it was not a sloop. It was a larger vessel. By the rig I Judged her to be a-a-a-a-a-a " The word was new toliim. "Barque," supplied the teacher. Still Willie hesitated. "Barque!" repeated the teacher, this time sharply. .. -. Willie looked as though he had not heard aright. Then, with an appre hensive glance around , the cla&s, he shouted: "Bow-wow!" Detroit Free Press. Putnam Fadeless Dyes color in cold water. The countess of Warwick astounded a gathering made up largely of society recently by an address in which she Bald she never wears feathers or the plumage of birds, or furs, owing to the cruelty of the fur trade, adding: -- "I do not want dead birds or beasts hung around me as a decoration." The countess was speaking in sup port of tbe. movement for bird preservation. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu late and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. "Reasonable" Defined. "What do you understand by the word 'reasonable'?" "Reasonable," replied Mr. - Dustln Stax, " is an adjective that may be ap plied to any theory or request that I may have to present" 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad . Breath Candy Cathartic No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels you always get relief with Cascarets. . They Imme diately cleanse and regulate the stom ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take tbe excess bile from the liver and carry off the con stipated waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. A 10-cent box from yur druggist .will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and bead clear for months. They work while you sleep. Man's Setbacks. Men never get a fair deal. If, for instance, a baby happens to have a goo1 disposition, every one will insist that it takes after its mother. Atchi son Globe. , ; , Retail dealers in Hong-Kong are dis covering the advantages of window dressing after the American plan. Madras, India, has an electric street railway with. 14 miles of track, em ploying 700 persons. a6-- 22alfla2!3Llii20IBtote t Stat Ocatk Irna. TaataaOwi. Caa 1- 4 tatlM. Sou r Drattwta. SW .latUMalbMMlaui aU SI lUAt "Slue" Feeling M m m BgBagnTTTATsiBlBlgalgSgTCTgaTlg8BSgag81glgaa;gBl When yoa feel dis couraged and all the world seems t be against yoa that s vonr system's way t telegraphing yon that something Is WRONG and needs HELP. "it may be that your liver ia tired and refuses to work, or your digestive organs have had too much to do and need care. Perhaps J you have been eating the wrong kind of food, and you blood Is too j . rich or impoverished. What you need Is a tonlo. . Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Biscovcry will give the required aid. Tones the entire system. The weak stomach U made strong. The liver vibrates with new life. The blood is cleansed of all impurities and carries renewed health to every vein and nerve and muscle and organ of the body. No more attacks of the "blues." life becomes worth while again, and hope takes place of despair. Insist on getting Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery. Sold by dealers in medicines. H M H Prttident, WoriT DUpnuarg Medical Asuociatum, Buffalo, N. T. END STOMACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas, and eructate sour, "undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and Btomach-headache, you can get blessed relief in five minutes. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize In five minutes how need less it, is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest stomach doc tor in the world. It's wonderful. - Poor Man. President Elliott of the New Haven railroad, condemning socialism, said: "Man is an acquisitive animal, and socialism can't come till he loses his acquisitiveness. That will be never. "The seven ages of man have been well tabulated by somebody or other on an acquisitive basis. Thus: '"First age Sees the earth. "'Second age Wants it. " 'Third age Hustles to get it "'Fourth age Decides to be satis tied with only about half of it. " 'Fifth age Becomes still ' more moderate. "'Sixth age Now content to -possess a Bix-by-two strip of It " 'Seventh age Gets the strip.' " New York Tribune. True Art. A painter of the m "impressionist" school is now confined in a lunatic asylum. To all persons who .visit his studio he says, "Look here, this Is the latest masterpiece of my composi tion." They look, and Bee nothing but an expanse of bare canvas. They ask: "What does that represent?" "That? Why, that represents the passage of the Jews through the Red sea." "Beg pardon, but where is the sea?" "It has been driven back." ; "And where are the Jews?" "They have crossed over." "And the Egyptians?" "Will be here directly. That's the sort of painting I like simple, suggestive and unpretentious-" Argonaut - Australian shipments to the United States are expected by the Oceanic Steamship company to increase rapid ly under the new American tariff, which is causing, that line to plan a new 10,000-ton vessel for the trans pacific service. The cocoanut palm begins to bear at the age of seven to eight years, though in some cases it begins as early as tha fifth or sixth year. BIRD WANNA jtibkcb wanarica Ding- restores their health Lend feathers. 'Tis tha rreat secret of theAa. dreasbera-i Sold by ail drucKlsta. Mailed for igc. in coin or stamps, i A BOOK ON CAGE BIRDS. 30 pages, iso Illustrations, a plate ol fancy canaries in their natural colors. Pull information as to song and rare canaries. How to breed them for profit. Hints on their diseases and how to care then. , All about Parrots and how to teach I them to talk. Hailed for 15c. at ' both for aac. Phlla Bird Pood Co. uw n.jra rnuaaeipaia, ra Lumbago-Sciatica prams " The directions seyi, its good for lumbago' too, Sloan's cured my rheumatism; I've used it and I know." Do you use Sloan's ? - Hero's Proof. '. "I had my back hurt in the Boer War and two rears ago I was hit by a street car.. I tried aU kinds of dope without success. I saw your Liniment in a drur store and got a bottle to try. The first application caused instant relief, and now except for a little stiffness, I am almost WeU. 'fTMdrsNoman, Wkiuim, Calif. Instant Relief from Sciatica I was kept in bed with sciatica sine the first of February, but I had almost in stant relief when I tried your Liniment" if. II. Hawkiiu, Frmnkort, A. Sprained Ankle ' "As a user of your Liniment for the last 15 years. I can say it is one of the best on tha market. Fifteen years ago I sprained my ankle and bad to use crutches, and the doctors said I would always be lame. A friend advised me to try your Liniment and after using it night and morning for three months I could walk without a cane and run as good as any of the other firemen in my department. I have never been without a botUe since that time." Af1". William M. Bruco, Central Ulip, N,x. mmm At all Dealers. Price 25c., 50c and $1.00 Sloan's Instructive Book 011 hones, cattle, poultry and hogs, sent free. , Addrhss, DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc, BOSTON, MASS. , Year rings on the scales of fish are In Argentina it is possible to lease used in Norway and France to deter- not more than 49,421 acres of public mine the age of sardines, whether they I land and to purchase' directly 6178 have reached their full growth and ! acres of pasture land or 494 acres of when they will spawn. agricultural land. More than 12,000,000 American worn-1 New York last year registered 133, en are affiliated with societies for , 000 auto owners and collected $1,275, mission work in foreign fields. . 1 000 in fees from them. All 01 ood Disorders rs n utGKiy urnGil mvay Asie!a)y hmiSiaiaiS SI Mk YfiflTtli! Greatest Dhd Purifier Evsr Discovered. Strength, Power, Aewanplishment are all Typified in S. S. S. Borne blood disorders become deetilv rooted in tha glands and tissues, and tbe mistake ia made of resorting to drastic Orugs. These only aggravate by causing other and worse troubles. A host of peo X!e know this to be true. They know from painful experience. To get right down into where the blood Is vitiated requires 8. 8. S. the greatest blood purifier ever discovered. This remarkable remedy contains one Ingredient, the active purpose of which la to stimulate the tissues to tha healthy selection of Its own essential nutriment and the medicinal elements of this match less blood purifier are Just as essential to well balanced health as tha nutritious elements of the meats, grains, fats and sugars of our daily food. Not only this, but If from the presence f some disturbing poison there ia a local or general Interference of nutrition to ansa boils, carbuncles, abscess? and kindred troubles. S. 8. 8. so directs the tveaj cells that this poison is rejected and eliminated from their presence. Then. too. S. S. 8. has such speclfle stimulation on these local cells as to pr aerve their mutual welfare and a propee relative assistance to each other. Ia a very brief time 8. S. 8. has the reconstructive process so tinder control that remarkable changes are obseved. All eruptive places heal, mysterious pains and aches have disappeared, and from head to foot there is a conscious sensation of re newed health. - . From tha fact that 8. S. S. Is pur. a botanical preparation. It is accepted by the weakest stomach and has great tonta Influence. Kot one drop of drags er minerals Is used in its preparation. Ask for S. 8. 8. and insist upon having it. And If you desire skillful advice upon any matter concerning the blood and akin write to The Swift Specific Col. XOi Swif Bldg. Atlanta, Ga, Io not allow same seaioQS clerk to larrup tha atmosphere fat eloquence over something "Just as gooff as S. & S. Bewar of aU counterfeit