Press Paragraphs Jamu Hodgson was Pendleton visitor Tbmsdajr. ' ' Boy Barke was in Iowa from Bolii, Vednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. DoFreaoe were in Walla Walla Friday. 0. E. Miller, of Ephrata, Waab., m rived in tbe oity Sonday. ... U. H. Bishop oame over from Free water, Sonday evening. Miss Laura Smith visitad relativee in Walla Walla over Sunday. A. Maokenzie Meldrnm spent Thors day afternoon in Walla Walla. Mrs. James Boss was in town Toes day fiom her borne near Weston. - Mr. and Mrs. John MoRea of Wee too, were in the oity Wednesday. Willie Sbick is down fiom his borne at Odessa, Wash., visiting relatives. , , Joseph N. Soott went down to Poitlaod Monday, on a business tiip. flj HEAVY CAR TYPE I wwm. The Tire Of Greatest Service I 'S tie V vvou Want, -Jl For Touring They are Sold at the Athena Garage ZERBA BROS. Props. Oarl Ecpdabl, a prominent citizen of Belii, waa in tbe oity Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wo. MoKeozie of Weston, spent Wednesday afternoon in Atbena. Mia. J. 0. Walter baa tnrkev eggs for setting at 3.00 per dozen. 'Flione 813x. Adv. Mrs. W. W. Wiley left for Portland and ber borne in Tillamook, Wednes day evening. Mrs. Boy Bnrke, of Helix, visited telativee in Athena dniiog tbe first of tbe week. Monptain spuds are being banled to Pendleton, several loads going tbrongh bere this week. " Mr. and Mra Bnrn Banister spent Snnday at the borne of Grandma Ban ister, in Weston. , Mr. arid Mra. Homer I. Watts spent Sondav at Eobo. visiting at tbe home' of W. B. Binkie. Mra. Jolia Brooks has retmned from a week's visit with her dangbter at Snnnyside. Wash. . Sam Booher is riding in a fine new buggy. It's a dandy, and Sam has a good horse to pnll it Tbe Sunshine Clob met yesterday afternoon at tbe borne of Mrs. George Woodward west of towD. Dr. and Mrs. Soott, Mrs. David Taylor and Mrs. Jackson Kelson mot ored to Milton Wednesday. Mrs. Winsbip and daughters spent Sonday in Weston, at the, borne of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Jarman. ' . - Burke & Son are oonstrnoting an ioe bonse, wbiob will bave facilities for storing two oarloads of ioe. Mrs. Mar Waitlook left fot her home at Concrete, Wasb., Tnesday after a visit with relatives here. Mrs. Lizzia Mansfield has received word of tbe death of ber nephew, Wm. Vinoent, of (Jreat Falls, Montana. George B. Gerking left yesterday for a visit with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. B. Gerking, at Laidlaw. Mrs. Barry Foster, of Prinnville, ia a gnest this week of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeokson Kelson. Mrs. Conniok has returned from a visit with ber dangbter, Mrs. Delbert Barger, at tbe farm near Walla Walla. Mm. Louis Van Winkle and Misses Ethel Waddingbam and Odessa Kiik patriok of Weston, spent Tnesday in the oity. Lard in 5 porfod bnoket 65o, 10 ponnd bnoket $1.25, baoon 18 oenta per ponnd at tbe City Meat Market Adv. . Mrs. ' E. J. Sommerville of Pendle ton baa been a guest this week of her sisters, Mrs. Joseph Forrest and Mrs. A. O. Kiikv Artbnr Coppook ha loo many milob cows, and offers some for Bale at rea sonable ptioes. Tbe cowa are good ones. Adv. jW ' ' ! A Pound Box of "Everyd ay" Chocolates and a ; Kewpie Doll Both for 65c See our Window Display of Chocolates and Kewpies Byron N. Hawks, e Druggist Just Opened in the Garden Building Where You Do Better GROCERIES AMD PRODUCE We Pay Cash for Eggs Main Street. J. It. WARNER. Athena, Oregon. JOHNS (fjL. Fop REPUBLICAN Governor Give this Job to a man who will reduce Taxes and cut do wn expenses If you had an interest in a private busineu you would want it conducted on businett principles. You have an interest in the affairs of thit State. The State of Oregon is a business institution run for the benefit of tbe people in it who, in a certain sense, re stockholders in its busineu interests. TAXES MUST BE REDUCED! In the coming primary election, Charles A. Johns, of Portland, will ask the vote of every person who believes the State of Oregon needi to have taxes reduced and expenses cut down. . The only way to reduce taxes and cut down expenses is to apply the same principles in running the State that you would apply in running your own business. How many institutions would run along with an increase of oper ating expenses from year to year I Not many. Well, let t reduce our taxes and cut down our expenses. Charles A. Johns, of Portland, is running on that platform and stands on his platform. Get him on the job! Start thinking about this today! Will you elect a man who will cut down expenses and reduce taxes, or a politician, as our next Governor ? The issue is clear. One will cut down taxes the other will give jobs to his political friends- - Which do you want I Paid Advertisement Ber. O. E. Gonial! has spent the paet week attending the M. E. Minis terial conference, being held at Lew iston, Idaho. Mrs. S. A. Banks and daughter Lola, of Santa Rosa, Oalif , are vis iting al tbe borne of Mrs. N. Dioken od iothia city.' Mr. and Mrs. Barry Walters, and little son, of Belliogham, Wasb., were gnesta Friday and Saturday at theJ W. C. Miller borne. Frank Swaggart ia meeting with soooe8a in farming in Wallowa coun ty. He now has 1350 aorea under lease, near Euteipiise. W. O. Miller oame down from Pomeroy Sunday afternoon, and will probably remain ia Atbena, taking a position in tbe Sharp haroesa shop. Dean Dudley ia progressing most satisfactorily after bia operation, and if no complications in set, it is hoped will be allowed to oome home next week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tompkins and Mrs. B. O. Woitbington motored to Pendleton Saturday, where tbey wit nessed tbe Atbena eohools win the traok meet. George MaLar oaptured a coople of yoong badgers yesterday on the Alb ena-Weston road. He has them in captivity at bis home and will make pete of them. Remember the Dreamland epeoial for tomorrow night. 6000 feet of film featuring fionivita tbe Lion Tamer, and ara Bernhardt in "La " 25o admission. ' am Hutt easily handled tbe trans portation problem that confronted tbe sobool, when it went to Pendleton Saturday to attend the traok meet. He used his big aatotiuok. Mis. J. D. Matheson has returned from Walla Walla. She was accom panied by ber sister, Mrs. N. J. Gar field, and tbe two ladies are visiting at tbe Jaokson Nelson home. Tbe members of Mignonette Lodge, Rebekabs, have ben invited to attend tbe session of the Pendleton lodge this evening, and will go en masse, having ohartered the Hutt autotruok. - Remember that you oan get high grade bacon at tbe City Meat Market for 18 cents per pound. Lard ia selling in 5 pound buckets for 66 oenta, 10 pound fcnokets for $1.J5. Adv.-, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watts, Mra. B. N. Hawks and Mrs. F. S. LeGrow motored to Walla Walla Sunday to see Mrs. Lizzie Watts, who, is ill in that oity and reported to be not im proving. A pleasant party waa given Wednes day evening in the basement f of the M. E. cburob by Mr. Fred Koontz' Sunday school class. - A number of in vited guests enjoyed tbe hospitality of the olass. - ' ' Mrs. Liljie Miller will reoeive next week a shipment of tbe new shapes in Panama hats, both large and small, and in any piioe to suit. Tbe Panama season is now on. Don't fail to see them. Adv. . , Fred, the yoong eon of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Johnson, was thrown from a horse Tuesday and st first tbeaooident was tbougbt to promise serioos conse quences; but at present the youngster is doing well. The Athena band will give a con cert on Main street, next Friday eve ning. May. This ia tbe first of tht series of oonoerts that will bs given by tbe band during tbe spring and summer months. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stewart and Miss Pearl Coomans went over to LaGrande Wednesday evening, as del egates from tbe Methodist Sunday sobool to tbe conventhn now in ses sion in that oity. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sohmltt motor ed down from Waitsburg Ftiday after noon, and have been visiting friends in Atbena tbis week. Mr. Sohmitt has begun tbe ereotion of a 5000 res- Manna In Wnitahnrer V. YMrs. R. A. Thompson, Miss Jessica LMaEwen and Miss Lizzie Sbeard bave 1 been eleoted delegates to represent Mignonette Lodge, No 86, Rabekabs, at grand lodge, whioh convenes iu MoMinnville, May 19 to 21. A wrapping counter has been added to tbe fixtures in Hawks' drog atore tbis week. With this addition, the new fixtures at tbe store are oomplete, and tbe oonvenienoe and attractive display of goods is notioabie. Chanoe Tomer a -well known resi dent of Weston, has disposed of his residence propartr in that oity, to Marvin Prioe. Mr. Turner and fam ily will leave Weston shortly and go to Wallowa county to eugage in farm ing. . Dr. Plamondon's pheasants are vis ing with neighborhood heos in egg prodootioo. Tbe dootor baa four ben pbeasanta that bave laid over sixty eggs, and tbe end is not yet. Tbe egga are being placed under bens for batoblng. Frederic B. Gross and Nellie C. MoNamara, were married in Port land, April 29tb. 1911, and will te at home at 525, Everett street, Port land. The Preaa extends congratula tions of Atbena friends to "Benny" and his briJe. A anrvey to looate tbe corner of tbe atieet at Miller's furniture store, was made Wednesday, and tbe faot dis closed that tbe crosswalk at that point ia too far to tbe west However tbe new sidewalk will be constructed to connect with tbe crossing. Sunday morning, May 10, at tbe Christian obarcb, tbe members of tbe Home Department of tbe Bible sobool will be entertaioed by tbe children of Mrs. DePeatt'a and Mrs. W. B. lay lor's classes. Tbe little girls are be ing trained by Mrs. W. E. Dobsoo, and the Home department are promised a real treat. A. Mackenzie Meldrnm, wbo re signed tbe pastorate of tbe Christian cburob in this city has aooepted tbe position of field secretary and apeoial lecturer in Hermenotios and Exegesis at tbe Spokane University. Tbe fam ily will leave aboot tbe middle of June to reside in Feodieton uutil a residence is boil on tbe university campus. Of Men's and Boy's Clothing Is On Sale At About Ona TTa If PrW hart shaffner, m cTVIARX new styles XJiiKj'XLOjll JL JLJAjUe You Know the Oualitv. ' &0 Here Are the Prices. 115.00 117.50 $20.00 122.60 (25.00 137.50 $28.50 130.00 SUITS OF SUITS OF SUITS OF SUITS OF SUITS OF SUITS IN SUITS OF SUITS OF LOTA LOT A LOTA LOTA LOTA LOT A LOT A LOT A Lot L WILL GO AT WILL GO AT WILL GO AT WILL GO AT WILL GO AT WILL GO AT WILL GO AT WILL GO A I Lots B and C $15.00 SUITS IN LOTS B AND 0 WILL GO FOR $17.50 SUITS IN LOTS B AND 0 WILL GO FOR $20.00 SUITS IN LOTS B AND O WILL GO FOR $22.60 SUITS IN LOTS B AND C WILL GO FOR $25.00 SUITS IN LOTS B AND C WILL GO FOR $27.60 SUITS IN LOTS B AND C WILL GO FOR $28.60 SUITS IN LOTS B AND C WILL GO FOR $30,00 SUITS IN LOTS B AND C WILL GO FOR x Our $17.50 Blue Serge Special The greatest suit for tbe price in the business will go for $5.95 $6.95 $7.95 $8.95 $9.95 $10.95 $11.35 $11.95 $7.f0 $8.75 $10.00 $11.25 $12.60 $13.75 $14.25 $15.00 $13.05 Lot D, except Blues and Blacks $15.00 $17.50 $20.00 $22.60 $25.00 $27.50 $28.50 $30.00 SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS IN LOT IN LOT IN LOT IN LOT IN LOT IN LOT IN LOT IN LOT D WILL D WILL D WILL D WILL D WILL D WILL D WILL D WILL GO FOR GO FOR GO FOR GO FOR GO FOR GO FOR GO FOR GO FOR $9.00 $10.50 $12.00 $13.50 $15.00 $16.50 $17.10 $18.00 Lot E, except Blues and Blacks $15.00 $17.60 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $27.60 $28.50 $30.00 SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS IN LOT E IN LOT E IN LOT E IN LOT E IN LOT E IN LOT E IN LOT E IN LOI E WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL GO FOR GO FOR GO FOR GO FOR GO FOR GO FOR GO FOR GO FOR All Blue Serges $10.50 II12.25 $14.95 $16.75 $17.85 $19.60 $20.75 $21.80 in lets D and E not otherwise mentioned will cent, wbioh will make our invinoible $20 HELL FOR ... - . . ; be reduced 15 per BLUE SERGES - $17.00 mrrTii PEOPLES WAEEIOUSE WHERE IT PATS TO TRADE. . & PENDLETON, OREGON Mrs..Fred Koontz, Mrs. Wm. Bosb, Mrs. Connick and Miss Ethel Johnson, were entertained yesterday afternoon at the Dodley home east of town by Miss Nellie MoDonald. Refreshments were served and Miss MoDonald prov ed herself a charming hostess, Joseph N. Soott and Mrs. Jas. Potts arrived home Sunday . evening from Seattle, They were aooompanied home ty tbeir brother, Dr. Will R. Soott and wife. Dr. Soott baa had a sericus break down in bealtu and comes beie for rest and recuperation. A most interesting meeting of the Mothers' Club was held last Friday at tbe borne of Mrs. A. M. Meldium. Officers for the ensuing year were eleoted aa follows: President, Mrs. J. C. Hopper; vice president, Mrs. Onas. Betta; . seoretaryt Mra., Cbas. Grant , . - The Via Moore company, a splendid troup of players, have been pnttiog on some good plays at tbe opera bonse tbis week. Tbe bill announced for tonight is "The Lonesome Trail," a tbree-aot oomedy drama; for tomorrow night. "What Happened to Smith," a roaring corned v; for Sonday nigbt. "The Man, The Girl and tbe Game." a western oomedy in four aots. School Notes. The Best r Clothes where Atbena 1 Bab 1 Rah 1 Rah! Athene i Did you know that Athena took four first plaoes oot of a possible five, in Pendleton at tbe Gonnty Tiaok Meat? Did you know Harry Ingham oould sprint? Well, heoanl He won tbe fO and 100 yard dash. ; . You expeoted Wesley Tompkins to win tbe shot put He did. Ask him what those other fellows did, wbo were going to show him how it was done. You should have seen tbe mile run. Haosell oan do that as well as pranoe op to tbe high hurdles and hop over them. James Phillips is his under study. John Wall just lacked a traok suit of winning first in tbe high jump. He'll mate tbem soar next year. All tbe graders did very well and. won by a soora or eo to o irom Ad ams. With more practice next year, we will win 2 to 1. V Willard Parker wen the most first plaoes in the grades. ' j Tbe gate receipts at Pendleton were only $29.25 against $50 here last year. Considerable supportl Pendleton was not in tbe track meet and neither was tbe traok is shape. Nof sed. At tbe Oratorical Contest, Jeanette Miller won from tbose of her Division. Zola Keen had no opposition and re ceived honorable mention for quality of speeob from tbe judges. Ernest Grookatt of Pendleton high sobool won in Division A. A very good suggestion has been made that orators bs obosen to judge orations. Oor representa tive, Arnold Koepke. did very well and next time should wio. Door re ceipts $19.50. " From tbe Third grade, Lnoinda Dell and Augusta Orndoff represent us in tbe County spelling contest at Pendleton, commencing at 10 o'clock a. ro. today. Nina Tharp represents us from tbe Fonttb grade; Belie Pam bruo and Martha Hutt represent tbe Sixth grade. We hope tbey will 'be al ls to win a place as some of the best spellers of tbe oonnty. The piotores that were recently tak en of tbe different gtades are ready for distribution. Leave your otdera for more at tbe oBioe. Several children are out of icbool beoause of smallpox. If your child baa the symptoms, keep it at borne until you are sure there ia no dinger. Ferndale won tbe debate from Wes ton, thereby winning first plaoe in tbe East Umatilla County Debating league. " Tbe illness of Mildred Stanton oaostd ber to break a contiouoos rec ord of nearly two Tears, of not beiog . abBCDt or tardy at school. Ths MVBKfi.rLARTOS iBONT.SnOTJIKB SivHfJ0 Tms is not To Get Them Mark 0. Harris $ Co srS medal for best fitting nicest looking longest wearing garments made to order, in c4merica, at prices from 12.00 to $35.00 Sold in cAthena by James Coriley only, who has years of practical ex perience in tailoring, to insure only perfect satisfaction I also have a full line of the very best Rain Coat materials, made to order from New York City shop at prices from $7.50 to $15.00 for ladies and gents. Ladies' suits, coats, skirts, and one-piece dresses, made to order from your own ma terial or from any woolens I carry in my shop. Five hundred patterns of the best shirt materials. All styles made to order at reason able prices. Woolens for ladies' or gent's wear sold by the yard. Iterations made on any garment. Up-to-date cleaning and pressing on all garments. Foss House, one Blk North School House. Jas Conley, Athena, Ore. r UNEQUALLED AS A CURE FOR, BAD COLDS. hiiil!!im,WnlMlni"tiNlut!iliiHliilILli,ll,iillllllJI LJLSXaUUPCO I Sit ir" M IffiB , 4 1 I MM I CoCollls k I III My mf m group. . -$k jl If Jih 1 "Ji 1 1 I ' "BU wssasss or tas 'i 1 I J J 4 1L u ; 'lli III C!in;:rl2!ilK2iE3Co. . cyif M ' fM j .j iumctvMi$m r4MMMitn, j l1 lliiiil I Mim ffii MHi DiMolBM.Iow,U&A. V vftil iJuiiy Uiv "V .,,;. . !. imam I jr ,-JT. . . . ... -II L Tiow7 lkmft M r -r jTi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ism a. mi a w in J lifnTmmmrrm 1 IIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMMIIIIIIIllllliTlmJ- r nn iiNFntiAi i Fn PREVENTIVE and CURE tor CROUP EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED.