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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1914)
POULTRY and Dairy Produce 'of all kinds wanted. Writ f or ear CASH OFFER Pearson-Page Co. HOWARD E. BUKTOS - 1W Ctiem "t, LMrfrilI.r Colorado. Spemm.a pr oei Gold, ti rinW. BUv.r. 16oi Golo, 60o: Zmo E'oopW. fi. .MaitoP-. r..ia "(EKES CWbte MMtaifB-. FARM WANTED Wa guarantee bay erg for f arme that ara Drieed right. If m wish to sell, send accurate. complete dsscrip $Z ST. CHARLES LAND CO. to. Morrison St St Charles Hotel Portland. Or. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Bought sold and exchsnged; engines, boilers, Jiwmill., etc. Send for Stock Lint and Prlcet. TUB J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 let St.. Portland. Or. FARM MORTGAGE LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CRONAN M2 Snaldln Bid. Portland. Oregon Notice to Farmers. Parties who are ruing: Alamo Cos En gines in Oregon, Washington and Idaho are hereby advised that The Western Farquhar Machinery Co., of Portland, Oregon, are the exclusive distributors of Alamo Engines, and carry a complete line of extras and repairs for Alamo Engines in stock. Write us direct and save time and money, we snip tne same day Dy rar cel Post" Special prices and easy terms to you direct. If your dealer does not handle Alamo Engines, write us for catalog and prices. We sell Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Saw Mill Machinery and Ir rigation Plants. , Write us stating what you need, and we will mail catalog free. The Western Farquhar Machinery Co. 808 -to 314 East Salmon bt., Portland, Oregon. The Burden of the Time. "Have any packages been brought to the house, Ma?" "Only the one your rather Drought home last night" The total amount of money reposing on the ocean's bottom in the shape of submarine cables is 1250,000,000. a. v m m w m - jmr .. t -w w ' , PMV SUf ja J ti Vl m k1 lf ml BE GIN NOW If you have not decided upon what Spring Medicine to take, try By arousing the liver They cleans the system of accumulated Impurities and PURIFY THE BLOOD DID I DID The Promotion of Health The knowing how to keep strong and healthy is not so much of a secret You must first see that the digestion is kept normal, the liver active and the bowels regular. To bring1 about this healthy condition you should try HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It is for Indigestion, Poor Appetite, Nausea, Costiveness, Biliousness and Malaria. Start today. RUPTURE IS CURABLE Br wearing- a BEELEY SPERMATIC SHIELD TRUSS. No worrying or dan-g-er of an operation. Rupture ia not a tear or breach, as commonly supposed, but is the, stretching-, or dilation, of a natural opening-. Thia SEELEY SPERMATIC SHIELD appliance clones thla opening in 10 days in moat cases. If you can't come, write for measuring' blank and literature. Sold only by LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. Third and Yamhill, Portland, Or. Who are Truss Experts and Exclusive State Agents for this appliance. The younger man had been com' plaining that he c6uld not get his wife to mend his clothes. "I asked her to sew a button on this vest last night and she hasn t touched It," he said. At this the older man as sumed the air of a patriarch. "Never ask a woman to mend any thing," he said. "You haven't been married very long, and I think I can give you some serviceable suggestions. When I want a shirt mended I take it to my wife and flourish It around a little and say, 'Where's that rag bag?' " 'What do you want o the rag bag ?' asks the wife. Her suspicions are aroused at once. "'I wont to throw this shirt away. It's worn out,' I say, with a few more flourishes. "'Let me see that shirt,' my wife says then. 'Now, John, hand it to me at once.' . "Of course I pass It over and she ex amines it. " 'Why, it only needs' And then she mends It.'' Pittsburg Chronicle" Telegraph. Disagreed With Science. Bix Scientists say that it is much easier to support a weight than it is to lift it. - Dlx I haven't found it so. I can lift my wife quite easily. Locomotive Engineer Has - Remarkable Experience I have been thinking that word from me would benefit those who may be suffering as I was before I began tak ing your 'Swamp-Root, the great kid ney, liver and bladder remedy. I am a locomotive engineer, employed on the Tyrone & Clearfield Branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Three years ago I was afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble so bad that I was com pelled to lay off duty from my engine and was In the care or-two doctors. However their medicine did not bene fit me. One day, I noticed your ad vertlsement, to send name and ad' dress for a sample bottle of Swamp Root. At this time my trouble had reached a serious stage. I sent for the sample bottle and in three days received a small bottle of Swamp-Root which I took according to directions, and by the time I had taken the con tents. I could pass water more freely. I was so pleased with my experiment that I sent my wife to the drug store of W. H. Mllick, Phlllipsburg, Pa., and secured a one-dollar bottle . I contln ued taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root until I was entirely cured. Now when ever I feel any pain or soreness after being exposed to bad weather or hard work, I take a dose or two or swamp Root. I cannot recommend this rem edy too highly, especially to brother engineers who are more or less trou bled with their kidneys (more than any other class of men.) Yours truly, T. J. VAN SCOYOC, 1206 Lincoln Ave., Tyrone, Pa. County of Blair ) . , State of Pennsylvania f ' Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, T. J. VanScoyoc, who being duly sworn, doth depose and say that the foregoing statement is true. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 15th day of July, A. D., 1909, II. B. CALDBWOOD, Notary Public. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnghamton, N. V. DTD I DID FIXINGS FOR THE CROQUETTE Egg and Crumb Combination the Best Method of Making and Applying i. Mixture.. " ' ' Break an egg in a plate, beat slight ly with a fork and add one tablespoon ful of water. - Place a fork and table spoon in this mixture. ' Fill another plate with crumbs. ' Roll the croquette In the crumbs, place upon the fork and dip the egg over It with the spoon,' covering ev ery part. Drain and slide from the fork back Into the crumbs and give the final shaping, " covering with the crumbs before handling it Be careful not to get' the fork and spoon into the crumbs.' A wire egg-whip used in place of the fork Is convenient for large, soft croquettes. To Prepare Bread Crumbs. Dry pieces of bread thoroughly in open air or slow oven. Crumble fine a roll ing pin may be used, or run through a food grinder. The crumbs may be sifted, the finer kept in one jar and the coarser in another".' IOUR. ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION Each "Pape's Diapepaln" Digest 3000 grains food, ending all stomach misery In five minutes. . , - . Time it! In five minutes all atom- ich distress will go. No Indigestion, leartburn, sourness or belching of ?as, acid, or eructations of undigested 'ood, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's DIapepsin Is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs, tt is the surest, quickest stomach rem edy in the whole world and besides it Is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's DIapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suf fer from indigestion, dyspepBla or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. ; Short Way. "There's too much in this article r n Mrs. De Style about her glorious tresses." "All right We'll give her a hair cut." URIC ACID NEVER CAUSED RHEUMATISM I WANT to nrove it to your satisfaction. If yot have Rheumatism, acute or chronic no mattei what your condition write today for my FREE BOOK on "RHEUMATISM Ita Cause and Cure." Thousands call it "The moat wonderful book evei written." Don't send a stamp it's ABSOLUTE. LY FREE. - JESSE A. CASE, Kept 668, Brockton, Mass THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girlsl Try It! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderlne. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Blnghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable Information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. General Leonard Wood, chief; of staff of the United States army, has bad many expressions of admiration voiced as to his personal appearance, (t remained, however, for a humble maid servant to apotheosize bis looks. A young girl who, knowing the genera, worships him as her hero always keeps a photograph of him in uniform on her dressing table. One day. entering her bedroom suddenly, she chanced upon her newly acquired maid, who stood agape, with gleaming eyes, holding the photograph in her hand. Startled into speech, the servant asked "What's he. miss?" "He's an officer, Norah.'" The young mistress deemed that answer sufficient. "Gee. miss." was the breathless comment, as the maid put down the picture Ungeringly, "but ain't he the iweet-lookln' copr -NeaieB wontniy. Lameness Sloan's Liniment Is a speedy, reliable remedy for lameness in horses and farm stock. Here's proof. Lamaaasa Coo I had hone sprain Ms shoulder by pulling, and be wits so lame be could not carry foot at all. I got a bottle of your Liniment and put it on four times, snd in three days lie showed no lame neu at all, and made a thirty Mils trip beMdes," 'utfr U, AlaniorJ, I SalU. I Cel. For Splint and Thrash 'I have used Sloan's Unlraent en fine mare for splint ami cured her. This makes the third horse I've cured. Have recommended it to my neighbors for I thrush and they say It la tine. nna It the best Liniment I ever used. 1 keep An limn! vmir Sura folio Cure for BIT 1 self and neighbors, and I ran certainly rwoinmciiJ n lor umicv am i LOAM'S is a quick, tafe remedy for poul try roup, canker and bumble-foot Try tt Fat Reap mi Canker "Sloan's liniment la the apeedleet and surest rrtnedy for poultry roup and canker in all Ita forma, eejieclally for I ransrr in tne wuiopipe. r. J-,, li. if. At ell Dealers, 25c. SOo. $1.00 (Ua4 Sloan's Book ea Hersea. Cattle, 1 Kegs and Poultry seat free, A J J . P. N. U. No, 10, '14. I WHEN writing to aVerUeers. plena Bsen tioa this naner- If you care for heavy hair that glis tens with fceauty and Is radiant with life; has an incomparable softness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme diately dissolves every particle ol dandruff. , You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and If not overcome it produces a feverlshness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, Ioob en and die; then the hair falls out fast. Surely get .a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug store and jubt try it Why He Loved. A woman prison missionary was In sistent that there was some good In every one even the worst of the prisoners. To prove it she sought out the prison demon and found blm iona ly stroking a cat. "A man who'll pet a cat certainly has love in his heart" she said to herself, adding aloud: "Do you love that cat? ' "You bet I do." replied the prisoner, "He bit the warden this morning." Washington Times.' - Green-Eyed Monster. "Do you care for BrowningT" asked the poetical man with the long hair of the conspicuously dressed lady at his richt. ? v "Not so loud, please," whispered tn woman. "My nusDana nas an awiuny ealous disposition." Try lemon and salt for ink stains on the fingers. - To give plaster casts an alabaster effect dip them into a strong solution of alum water. Two tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar to one white of egg will make excellent meringues. When the rug curls up it can be made to lie flat by making it very damp on the under side.. Elasticity is restored to rubber by soaking it, in one part ammonia and two parts clear water until the desired results are obtained. By slipping stiff collars into a glass or tumbler after they are Ironed and allowing them to thoroughly dry they can be made to keep their shape. Ducks to be good must be young and fat The under bill if the duck is vounk- will break easily. The breast should be clump and fat. To make new potatoes scrape easily and to prevent: the fingers becoming soiled while preparing, soak tne pota toes a little while In water in wmcn a email piece of common soda has been llssolved. Constipation causes and seriously ag gravates many diseases, It is thor oughly cured lay Dr. Pierce's Pellets, liny sugar-coated granules. Foroot the Password. An old cavalry horse was In the shafts and the officer was in a hurry, Taking the relne from the driver, he ihouted "Charge!" and away the ani mal galloped, stopping dead when he reached the barracks at tne word Halt!" The next morning an Englishman wanted to catch the boat from the juay, and the driver said, "Sure, your honor, there ain't no horse in ould Ireland who can go so fast" He cracked his whip and snouted, "Charge!" and away the horse went Nearlng the quay, Pat yelled, "Jump tor heaven's sake. I've forgotten the password!" New York Globe. The value of gold produced in the Sold Coast and AshanU during 1912 was $2,045,465, the largest production on record. 10 CENT "CASCARETS" IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels They work while you sleep. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head aches come from a torpid liter and clogged bowels, - which cause your stomach to become filled with undl gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel That's the first step to untold misery indl restlon. foul Rases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental tears, everything that Is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret tonight will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist will keep you leei tng good for months. SiMCcsta Synis. Tws Oo-4. I'm I, J ta tins, avia t DnucWn. ts Radium ore has recently been found in large quantities in the Ferghana district of Russian Central Asia. Artesian wells are gaining In favor in London because of the expense at tached to the t "nlclpal water service. 112 FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOMEN Thousands HaveBeenHelped By Common Sense Suggestions. Women Buffering from any form of female ills are invited tq communicate promptly with the woman's private correspondence de partmentof the Ly dia E. Pinkham Med icine Co., Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. A woman can freely talk of her Drivate illness to a woman : thus has been established a confidential correspondence which has extended over many years and which has never been broken. Never have they published a tPfltimonlal or used a letter without the written consent of the writer, and never haa the Company allowed these conn rhmtlal letters to eet out of their pos session, as the hundreds of thousands of them in their files wui attest Out of the vast volume of experience which they have to draw from, it ia more than possible that they possess the very knowledge needed in your case, inou Ing is asked in return except your good will, and their advice nas neipea inou nanils. Surelv any woman, rich or poor. should be glad to take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. Address Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., (con fidential) Lynn, Mass. Every woman ought to have Lydia E. XMnkhaiu's 80-page Text Book. It is not a book for eeneral distribution, as it is too expensive. It is free and only obtainable by mall. Write for it today. ot S V" .no 6 t . aW VAU 4 .0( eer-Hre- .tat5ti. ,eol7 scow .Al9' 1V UL 1 " . FARQUHAB SAW HILLS. FAEQUHAlt KXxuirusa We sell the Farmer direct- Write for our proposition to pay all your expenses to Portland to see our machinery. Write for our Free Catalog. State what you need for your farm work. Western Farquhar Machinery Co. 308 to 314 East Salmon Street, Portland, Oregon. ALAMO ENGINES. FARQUHAR THRESHERS si" : v.v - iuw- mm 11.82 Sizes. His Didn't Stick. ' "Robert." asked the teacher, "did you throw any of those paper wads sticking on the blackboard?" "No," replied Robert "Mine didn't stick." Judge. . v Baked Apple Patties. Take from the bread dough, when ready to mold into loaves, aa much as would make one small "brick" loaf, into it work one egg, beaten with two tablespoonfuls of sugar, using a spoon ful or so of flour if too stlcKy to nan die, but only as much as is absolutely necessary. Roll out on tne noureu board until half an inch thick, then ut In circles with a large cup or cut ter. Have ready some mica: appw sauce which has been stewed with raisins a half cupful to the pint until the latter are very tender, wet the edges of a circle, in the center, put one or more spoonfuls of the sauce, lover with a second circle and plncn the edceB firmly together. Place an Inch or more apart on greased pans, let stand until the dough begins to rise, then bniBh the top of each with little beaten egg yolk and bate in a lulck oven. Worth Knowlno. To remove the fat from broth or soup, says the New York Sun, It is not uecessary to allow it to become cold Is usually done. Instead place a line wire sieve on ice, until it is thor oughly cooled and pour the liquid through this. If the liquid is partially cooled, the fat will solidify on tne cold wire and the broth will be ready for Immediate use. - Buttering bread or cracker on which cheese is to be toasted improves the flavor. By first scalding the milk and set ting it aside to cool, a baked or boiled custard will be perfectly smooth. The yolk of an egg, If placed In a cup and covered with a little cold wa ter will keep for a couple of daye. The water can easily be poured off when the yolk Is used. ' Title to Defend. "What are you going to call the new baby?" "Reginald Claude' replied Mr. Blig gins. " - ' y "Isn't 'Reginald Claude' a rather af fected name?" "Yes. I want him to grow up to be a fighter, and I fancy that 'Reginald Claude' will start , something every time he goes to a new school." Wash ington Star. Anybody can dye successfully with Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Breaking it Gently. "I am in great trouble, Nellie." "Tell me. dearest, what it is no one has a better right to share your troubles than your fiancee." "I have Just got married!" Newfoundland is now regarded as one of the most promising future sources of supply of petroleum within the British empire. There are oil in dications for 200 miles along the west coast. Five hundred and forty pounds of blood pass through the heart in one hour. - . 1 Can't Be Done, Sillicus What do you suppose is really meant by the luck of fools? Cynicus I suppose the saying re fers to those who are lucky at love. Philadelphia Record. When a native of Ecuador wants a blanket he cut one from a demajague tree.-'1 .-' , . , ; , ' Why Women Have Nerves "51 The l)lues anxiety sleeplessness and warnings of pain ana dis-l Jw ' tress are sent by the nerves like flying messengers throughout body and' Ulliuat. UUbil ivviiiiga aim vi aitca aiv. art hvwuimuuvh s j - . headache or bearing down. The local disorders and inflammation, if there is any, should be treated with Dr. Pierce's Lotion Tablets. Then the nervous system and the entire womanly make-up feels the tonic effect ot DR. PIERCE'S : FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION when taken systematically and for any period of time. It is not a'tare-any but has given uniform satisfaction for over forty years, being designed for lAe tingle purpose of curing woman's peculiar ailments. I Sold in liquid form or tablets by ' druggists or send 50 one-cent stamps for a box of Dr. Pierce's ' Favorite Prescription Tablets. Ad. Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. Supper Dish. Cut a quarter" of a pound ot cheese in thin slices, put in a frying pan with i cupful of Bweet milk. Add one ourth of a teaspoon of dry mustard. i pinch of salt and pepper and a piece Df butter the Blze of an egg. Roll half a dozen soda biscuits fine and snrinkle in gradually. Turn at once Into a warm dish, and serve imme- Jlately. Sweet Potato Puff. Bake or boil the potatoes, remove skins, and mash tne potatoes well. seasoning with salt, pepper and a lit tle sugar. Add butter, a little thick cream, the beaten yolks of two eggs (to a pint ot potato) and last, the whites, beaten very Ugnt. rut into a buttered baking dish and bake in a moderate oven till puffy and light brown. French Rice Pudding. To a quarter pound of rice, add one tablespoon butter, half a teaspoon lalt, one teacup sugar, grated rind ot one lemon, half a pint of milk and ne pint of water. Cook this slowly n a double boiler. When quite soft remove from the fire and stir in two well beaten eggs. Bake 20 minutes in a pudding dish, first sprinkling the top with crumbs. Dried Apple Pie. , Btew dried apples soft, in as little rater as possible; sweeten to taste and add a few strips of orange peel a slice ot lemon": flavor with a very .lttle spice. Put all through a coarse sieve, sweeten and season before put ting in the pies. Stir in a beaten egg. Bake with two crusts, and heat be fore using. i . Ewiy tooman ought to poueu The , Ptopiti Common Seim Metrical Jii- f sber b R.V. Pierce, M.D. 1008 i fagtt. It snncfi quotient of lex Teachet molhen ham to tan Jot ihelt J i children and fAerrueMj. It' tht tmet- i , tenet) doctor In tout ova homt. Sena 3 1 one-cent Mtampi to Dr. Pierce a abooe. it! h-nT'im it I' ;i errnc MtWaSt 1 t a,;iinuii)n,u.iiijjmiMWJJ ;yjnv'4niin nun i 'lidoj As W of svsrrj W, I me,' At: fl '-'' Xr !:.:; snoe av. su bi I; I 'HaSkfciroWrn!?k I i iW A Quartet of aCm'l h III Jf fury ot Saccet in terving II .l I Northutrn Growers I S I ' qvuMe us to 11 -ml Go Into Business For Yurself not oop eaoital behind von. Von sell oar etetra. aualitu mod. direct from wauon to home. LttDeral icrnu eaaieei sunns line Diggefli u receipt. DesE pronto. nua'..ea ia, permanent, neauniiu. urow, -setter every year. N. Na.d. V. i Can tern SOO t. too h Mourn W train you free In aotlinn. jboiee territory open m your state. Bpienaiaop- port unity for men of good aabit. and sppelr- I arte, 21 to 60 year, old Clarke, School Teachers, I uierfrymen, Mechanics, r armors ana outers. . GIVE "SYRUP DF FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD v ,-- i- Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, liver and bowels. Ask for Catalog No. 110. Experiments are under way in Ger many with a view to utilising thi papyrus and other reeds ot the Nil marshes as fuel by drying them, re duclng them to powder and tormlnj briquettes. English engineers ' assert that enough coal to last the world 800 yean ia still available in Newcastle. Renamed by the Irish. When the duke of Wellington wai ionductlng the peninsular wars he had with him several Irish regiments. One Df these stationed in Porto came to like the place so much that the men decided to make it immortal with the OTooles and O'Haraa. Hence the town known to the Portuguese aa porto has ever since been blasoued far md wide to the rest ot the world as Oporto. w w . v Unsafe to Laugh at Others. Dr. A. R. Taylor, a foremost west ern educator and for many years pres ident of the Kansas State .Normal Bchool in Emporia, tells this story: "As I was walking downtown one day just a few steps ahead of me was a fine old gentleman in sun nat ana broadcloth who had a most absurd poster pinned on his back, contrasting oddly with his dignified bearing. Just then around the corner came a young fellow with an even more ridiculous poster pinned to his hack. Being ig norant of his own decoration, the youngster immediately began laugh ing at the older man. So I fell to moralizing, deducing something like this: 'Could we but see ourselves as others see us, we would often change the theme of our discourse.' Then as I stepped into a butcher shop the proprietor called out to me: 'Why. what's this tne boys have been pinning on your back?' " Kansas City Star. , Free to Our Header ' Writs Marino Eyo Remedy Co., Chicago, for 18-pae Illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all boot Tour Eye Trouble and they wlU advise a to the Proper Application of the Marine Eye Remedlee in Your Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves Bore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyea. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye rain, ana sella lor auc. Try It In Vour Eyes and in Baby's Eyee lot Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. A Martyr for His Country. s . "My grandfather alnt got any arm, cos he was in the war at Gettysburg," boasted a young woman of 7 years. "My dad was in the war, too," said another. "Did he fight any battles, darling!" asked an older person. "Yes. Bull Run and Antietam, and Chattanooga." "And was he wounded!" "No: but he had awful headaches from the sound of the cannon!" New York Evening Post The Price of a Distinction. "Now sir," said the persuasive philanthropist, "we want you to be the chairman of the big meeting which we are to hold." "How much!" inquired Casslus Chei "I don't quite follow you "How much is the deficit that you expect my subscription to meet!" Washington Star. Official figures, recently compiled, show that the United States broke all records for mineral production last year, the total value being more than 12,072,666,000. . Labrador haa an area of 200,000 square miles, hut the population Is only 4000. Mean Neighbors. Referring to domestic scraps, Con gressman Samuel M. Taylor of 'Arkan sas told of the meanest neignoors tnai ever lived, or, at least, tnat was tne opinion of Mrs. Smith, who lived next door. Smith was going downtown one morning when he ran across a friend and the conversation eventually drifted to a new family that had moved into the house adjoining the former's. k "I am sorry they came there," said Smith, referring to the new neighbors. "They are simply driving my poor wife crazy." . "That's hard luck," commented the friend, sympathetically. !'What do they do have a domestic scrap every night!" "Yes," replied Smith, ''but that isn't exactly what's driving mother bug house. You see they fight in some foreign language and she can't under stand a word ther say." Philadelphia Telegram. "The Parents' Rights League of America" has been started in. San Francisco for the purpose of protect ing the rights of parents over children and to counteract the "evil influence" of childless reformers. . Look at the tongue, mother! It coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or 1b fever ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigest ed food aisour bile gently moves out of itanittle -bowels without grip ing, and' you have a well, playful child again. Ask your druggist for a 50 cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains full directions for babies, children of all ages -and for grown-ups. : . No Fear. ' "Doctor, I am afraid I am losing my mind." -"Well, don't mention it and nobody will notice the , difference." Josh Wink. An English engineer proposes to de fend hie country in event of war by suspending bombs from balloons, which could be exploded from the ground when approached by a hostile dirigible or aeroplane. " ' The smoke nuisance costs the Amer ican people nearly $50,000,000 every year. , - . O si u T U R EE UPTURE RUINS HEALTH and pleasure don't neglect it or experiment with freak trusses it's expensive snd danseroua. No matter how sever, or long standing: the rupture, we nt a truss to suit, by mail or in person that's our business. We ruarantee satisfac tion. Send NOW. or call for FREE BOOK, it tells all. PANTER TRUSS COMPANV 510 Journal Bldg., Portland, Ore. q!0 Demand ForoibSo Don't Q o I riflotJ IVif h ftsk fer S. S. 3e cr.d D:a4 Skrd fcr ill "Jus! is G::J" Talk. "VThsn a -man aa tne short change tame worked on him, be makes a noise J) at brings the Police, and yet that suns dm may walk Into a store and have the 'Just as good" game worked on blm and TOea You Ask for S. S. S. Do So With Emphasis. They WUI Understand. tamely submit. 'Why stand for It? The inly reason why any store will try to sub stitute something else for S. S. S. is the iame tt meter DroBU & 8. & la Ce greatest blood purlUer kjoova. There is not a mMloine for any our- pose more carefully made than S S. S. It represents the highest typo of medicine. lis medical properties are Just aa essen tial to well balanced health. If the blood be sick, as are the nourishing sHunents of meats, grains, fats and sugars of our dally food. S. S. S. is prepared direct from native botanical material. Not a. drop of drugs Is added. Not a drop of minerals is used. This Is one of tho most import ant things to know and to remembeS when your blood needs attention. ., . It is the most effective, the purest, the quickest and most reliable medicines known for poisoned blood, rheumatism catarrhal infection, malaria, skin disease, old sores and all afflictions that show Ua tho blood, skin. Joints and muscles. An interesting; book on the blood Is mailed to those who write. Get bottl of S. S. S. today. It is the world's great est medicine. Insist upon tho dealer? banding you S. S. S. and don't let him orate about something" that he can't ad vertise as free from iodide of potash aaJ other destructive mineral drugs. If you have trouble getting 8. 8. SL write to The Swift Fpoclflo Cow Swiff Bldg. AUa&ta, Cj-, fix list o2 square deal urcs '