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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1914)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Published Every Friday. Office, Corner Third and Jefferson Streets. HOME PATRON'S PHILOSOPHY Entered In the rnntofflce at Atbcna, Oregon aa ecoudilans Mall Matter. Subscription Ratea. One copy, one year..; ,...$1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six months'. . . . v. .... . . .- .7J One copy, three months . . .50 lATHENA. CRE.. AFRJL; ....1914 Crop producers have reasoo to feel grateful to the Wilson administration for the policy it assumed in providing funds to the tanks for osa in moving crops to market. A statement recent ly given ont by the tieasmy depart ment reveals this: ' "5 he treasury department dnring the crop moving season of 1913 de posited in 193 banks in 62 oities in the 28 states of the .country where the demand existed a total of 137.386,000 for orop moving purposes upon the seonrity almost wholly of oommeroial paper. These deposits were repayable to the government in installments, the last of wbion matured April 1, 1914. Seoretary'MoAdoo said that the total amount has been repaid and that the government received as interest, wbioh is clear profit on the transaction, a total Id round numbers of $260,000. "The secretary said that the amount of money required to. move tbe crops was nioob lees than expeoted. This resulted undoubtedly from tbe fact that confldenoe in the situation was restored by tbe knowledge tbat tbe government stood ready with any amount of money needed for tbe pnr pose, and tbat credits were, therefore, more freely distributed by tbe banks of tbe country after tbe announcement was made." As a result of the abuse of tbn priv ilege of sending telegrams at tbe ex pense of tbe Government, tbe United Statefflenate has been carefully con sidering withdrawing this delightful perquisite from its own members. It has come to snob a pass tbat a good many pnblio men who do not have to pay tbe till, have grown into the hab it of "tonoblcg tbe wire" when tbe mails would answer just aa well. Tbe probability is tbata maximum amount will be agreed upon that will out down some of tbe proQIs around tba tele graph offioe at tbe Senate end of tbe Capitol. Tbe rumpus all started wben a Western Senator was discovered rending out telegrams by the carload, covering all sorts of politioal matters cf bis state. - , Tbe Canyon City Eagle strikes a rew lead wben it rays: "Revolutions trnd reformations often go backward. 'J hey get head first hind most. A fiood example is tbe reformation for woman suffrage now being waged in li e several states. Instead . of the women righting lor solfrags they ongbt to be fighting to get away from it and the men sbonld be- lighting to f uroe It on to tbem. Suffrage is not e privilege in a republfo; it is a doty. Ven should demand that women por f.iiui their part of a poblio duty and women naturally should be opposed to HBsumlng that doty. Tbe tight In this country today should be by tbe men demanding that the worueu bo made to vote and the women should resist it. The whole thing is backward." Count noses of the supporteis of tbe Lodge amendment to tbe Uoose resolution authorizing the Freiident to rise armed force to bring Iluerta to terms, and yon have a line on tha sponsors of "dollar diplomaov." The President was very prouoonoed in his etutement that it was only Iluerta and his followers he was after; not the Mexican people, The House gave him what he asked for by a vote of 337 to 87, but Standard Oil Senators wrang led until after midnight over plaua to foroe Into tbe resolution by amend ment, elimination of all refeieuce to Iluerta, thni forcing the issue on the Mexloau people with whom wo bare oo quarrel, instead of the diotator. The Pioneer rauki lo this part of Umatilla oonnty have been greatly . depleted during the past two years. Tbe latest to answer the aommoua is Thomas J. Watts, who perhaps was as widely known among tbe early in dents of Eastern Oregon us any pio neer pf the county. lie was of the old sobool in the Methodist ministry and in pioneer days rode the circuit, ministering to mankind iu bis kindly, nnoBtentatioos way, and In later life exemplified tbo characteristics cf bis day training. His code was 'bat of righteous, 'oousuientions man, friend and oeighlor, and assuoh he will ever be temembered. If Jack Frost keeps tuookejlug around here moob longer, there will be but little early fruit to pick. lie stung tbe blosHomi of tbe frnit trees and withered the baby leaves of tbe looost Monday night, and did it in "mid-season form" too. Toosoo, Arizona, is no parade ground in which a Mexioan may bnrst his lung expausioti yelliug for Iluerta. Tucson always had a way of doing things to suit herself, anyway. Founded en Faots and Should Be Lived Up to by the American People Not Religious Creed People of North, South, East and West Can Unite For Good. m Copyrighted, 1914, by Thomas J. Sullivan. Every failure Is a step to success; every detection of what is false directs ua to what is true; every trial ex hausts some tempting form of error. Not only so, but scarcely any attempt Is entirely n failure; scarcely any theo ry, the result of steady thought, is al together false. No tempting form of error is without some latent charm de rived from truth. With these thoughts In mind I have prepared what I call tbe consumer's creed. A Gate to the City. It is not a religious creed. If it were I would not be writing it, as I am afraid I might get my metaphors crossed. This is a business Teed, something like the people of New Eng land unconsciously adopted when Lord North undertook to tax them. Thereto fore they had always been accustomed to divide on points. It so happened, fortunately, that their opposition to Lord North was a point on which they were all united. It was a business point. I have written a creed upon which the people of tbe north, south, east and west can all unite for their own good. A good creed is a gate to tbe city which has golden foundations; a mis leading creed may be a road to de struction, or if both misleading and alluring it may become what Shake speare calls n primrose path to the eternal bonfire. Perhaps my creed is nothing more than a set of principles which it would bo well for every consumer to practice. Itead them and then adopt them as your very own: A Business Creed. 'First I do not patronize tho mail order system because It is selfish and greedy and for the reason that I buy at home, where my interests are. . 'n Second. If this community is good enough for my family and I to ilve in It ought to bo good enough for my fam ily and I to buy our necessaries in. ' Third. I will not take tho word of the mall order house for its goods, as I want to sco what I am buying, and I want to get what I pay for. Fourth. 1 do not patronize the mall order houses because they demand cash In ndvancc, and when I am "broko" and sick and need supplies my home dealer is willing to "carry" me. 9 - Fifth.-1 patronize the homo dealer because he stands back of his goods and In case of error is willing to rec tify. Sixth. I patronize the home mer chant because I believe a man ought to spend his money in the community in which be earns it. Seventh. I patronize tho homo mer chant because I believe the -man who sells what he produces and buys what ho needs at homo cannot be injured by deceptive catalogue pictures or al leged bargains. st Eighth. I do not patronize tho mail order houses because they frequently sell damaged nnd inferior goods, which It avails a man nothing to attempt to exchange. But tho man I patronize the home merchant, the man who helps to pay tho town, county and state tax -will exchange any article I buy from him which is unsatisfactory. t Ninth. I spend my niouey with my home merchant in preference to somo mall order house In a distant city be cuubo the local merchants help to sup port the public schools where I send my children, tho churches and tbo de pendent poor in my vicinity. H It Tenth.-I patronize tbe local mer chant becauso he docs not try to trick me Into buying "cheap" goods, which because of their defectiveness prove to bo expensive, and. further, because should III lurk or bereavement come my way my local denier would not only prove that he whs a neighbor niul a friend, but n man, with n man's heart nnd a ninu's Inclination to do good; not u soulless corporation like tho mail order system. whose only in stinct Is greed nnd a further desire- for ROil). "Do Unto Others." Lot all citizens follow this creed nnd they will be biased with happy homes and a happy life. They will prosper Dnanclaliy and at the same time Improve tholr nmral standard. P for your neighbor what yon would like hliu to do for you; then ymi are doing your full duty to yourst if and to all mankind. Moral. Huy and sell nt home. 6h Makes Violins. Working quietly In a sunny apart ment lu Brooklyn, the only woman maker of violins lu this country, If not lu the world, plies her trade. She cumo by her talent naturally, for her father was a famous maker of violins In Austria In bis day, nud he Impart ed the secret of his art to bis daugh ter. The young woman fashions the delieate Instruments with the twister's touch and then, when nil is completed, applies the coat of vnrulsu, that proc ess which makes or mars the finest Instruments. The formula of the var ulsh Is a secret given to her by her father. New York Tribune French Kongo. The territory formerly known as the French Kongo an J now designated as Freuch Equatorial Africa comprises more than C00.000 square miles and contains approximately 7.000,000 in habitant!!. Tbe country U divided Into three colonies: Gabon, capital at IJbre vlllc; Moyen (or uitddlei Kongo, capi tal at ItrasuavWe; Fbansl -Chart, capi tal at Fort (le IVmmvI. nnd the territory of Tchad. - ' Fine Line of Vehicles 'Watts and Bogers Hsrdware Firm of Weson desires to make known that f they have a carload of over thirty ve hicles en route from tbe East, consist ing of top oarriages. hacks, road wag ons and carts, fbey will have tbe finest display ever shown in the coun ty and prices that will move tbem; tbe Weber and Winona wagons and three styles of low down farm tracks. Together with Staggs & Son, tbey have the agency for tbat famous auto mobile, Tbe Hudson Six 40, the most talked-of car in tbe realm of sixes, the greatest horse power to tbe weight of tbem all; the most flexible, easy riding oar and tbe latest European stream line body. The weight is 2980 lbs. Adv. Togoland. Togoland. a German West African colony, lies between Dahomey on the east and the Gold Coast colony on tbe west,' the Atlantic ocean being the southern boundary, it has an area of 33,059 square miles and a population of more than 1.500.000. . An Ideal Home. An ideal borne and diversified farm, reduced pi ice. 40 aores; good house and outbuildings; running water. Close to oarlioe. Fine ornamental and fruit trees; 20 aores of alfalfa; plenty of oommeroial frnit. Every foot is good land. Price is-f 12,000.00. Close to Walla Walla. Freewater Land Co., Freewater, Oregon. Adv. Call For Crty Warrants. Notice is herebv given tbat the City of Atbeua will redeem tbe following warrants: Warrants drawn on the General Fond, No. 644 to 675, inclus ive. Warrants drawn on the Water Fund. No. 695. to 845, 'inclusive. These warrants will cense to draw in terest from tbe date "of publication of this notioe. Dated April 10, '1914. V. C. Burke, Treasurer. T. D. Taylor I For Sheriff I hereby announce to tbe voters of Umatille oounty, tbat I will be a can didate for re-election to the offloe of Sheriff, eut ject to the will of the Demooratio primaries. My record as an officer dnring the preceding terms I have held tbe offloe, speaks for it self, rnd if again eleoted, 1 will con tinue '.o give my best services. T. D. TAYLOR. Paid Advertisement. L. L. Mann For Sheriff If eleoted Sheriff 'of Umatilla Coun ty, I promise tbe people . that I will give my personal attention to the work of my offioe, and that I will endeavor by every fair means to enforce all the laws of tbe State cf Oregon, including tbe laws against bootlegging, gamtling and prostitution and other orimes of like nature. , As a taxpayer, I am in favor of eoonomy in all of tbe business of tbe County,' and will, if eleoted, conduct the Sheriff's office striotly upon business principles. L. L. MANN. Paid Advertisement. Willard Bradley Civil Engineer and Surveyor CANDIDATE FOR COUNTS SUR VEYOR Solicits your support in tbe Repub lican Primaries Paid Advertisement. George Buzan Republican Candidate for COUNTY TREASURER. If eleoted to tbe offioe of Treasurer 1 will be falthfol and honest in my work and stop all interest against tbe County as fast as tbe Connty funds are available. Paid Advertisement. U: S. Cream Separators If you are interested in a Cream Separator, you will be pleased with the latest U.S. Prices $30 Up Liberal allowance on old machines. Free trial. EDWARD TUCKER Phone 16X2 Weston, Oregon 9 H. M. Cockburn Republican Candidate for re-election as COUNTY COMMISSIONER, , Subject to tbe will of the voters at the Primaries I "am in favor of good roads, good bridges and strict eoonomy particular ly iu road money, where I want to see every dollar of tbe road taxes expend ed so as to yield a full dollar's value to the people. Paid Advertisement. Douglas Belts Republioan Candidate For County Judge "A public offloe is a publio trnst." If nominated and eleoted I will en deavor to administer tbe affairs of tbe County so aa to compel by rigid eoon omy a lowering of Connty taxes, and will favor snob expenditure of tbe toad funds so as to play no favorites but to give every seolion of tbe County its fair share of tbe road funds with due recognition of the needs of the dis trict. DOUGLAS BELTS. Paid Advertisement. J. A. Yeager For COUNTY CLERK Candidate ii tbe Repnblioan pri maries. I promise faithfnl, efficient and courteous cervioe. Paid Advertisement. . r THE : ST. NICHOLS HOTEL . E. FROOME, prop. Only First-class Hotel in the City. r m - t I THE ST. NICHOLS , ! the only one tbat can accommodate oommeroial traveler!. Can beieoomended tor 111 clean aud well Ventilated room. h i. r: ' Cob. Mais amd Thibd, Athena, Or. C. I. RUDE, LIVESTOCK and Genera AUCTIONEER Satisfaction Guaranteed Reference First National Bank of Athena Office, Dutch Henry Auction, Feed and Sale Stable, Pendleton, Oreg. Phone, 133. ' Brick Is Fool-Proof When you decide to use brick in your building you are sure of one thing the contractor cannot tamper with the material. " . ' -i .. ; - ' With both lumber and cement you are blindly trusting to the dealer and contractor. The chance is again youi for you have no way of knowing whether they are treating you honest ly. You may find out afbtrwards when it is to late. . Don't trust that material man; don't tempt the contractor's honesty. Build with brick the one material that is actually fool-proof! Best grade Common Building Brick always on hand. Correspondence is' solicited. " . WESTON BRICKYARD P. T. Harbour, Mg'r. Weston, Oregon tar OFFICERS W B. SHAFFER PrwitHnnt. , W. S. FERGUSON, Vice-President, Jr. s. Le GROW, Cashier. R. F. CANNON, Ass't Cashier DIRECTORS m d eaivrvR TT. KOEPKE. W.k FERGUSON M. L. WA11S, F. S. Le Uituw. 1 fIRST NATIONAL BANK V OF ATHENA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $100,000.00 l; We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation : consistent with sound Banking. i Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, aa thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. Professional S. P. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON v Special attention given to all calib both night and day. Calla promptly answered. Offioe on Third Street, Athena Oregor DR. J. W. WELCH Dentist Athena, Oregon i Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m. ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. BEAUTY FLOUR Is trade in Athena, by Athena labor, in one or the very best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown, anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for $1.35 Per Sack Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash. PETERSON & BISHOP Attorneys-at-Law Freewater, Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist Graduate McKllllp Vetlnary College Offices: Commer'.cil Stable aud Ha ks Drag eiore. r noiie main 43n, or a. REINEMAH a BRADLEY Engineers and Surveyers Phone 881 Freewater. Oregon PAfliT IT R5QW Ihe longer you wait the greater will be the damages and and consequently, the greater the cost. Sun, rain and wind are busv opening up the pores and cracks, and ev ery day's delay adds extra expense,. THat our work giyes satisfaction, our growing list of permanent and satisfied customers testify. Phone 416. BENNETT'S PAINT STORE We make, use and guarantee "Imperishable" Paint. 100 "for $1.25. 250 for $1.50. 500 for $2.25. Paper furnished Flat Lens - me Toric Lens A. D. French Optical Co. Refracting and Manufacturing OPTOMETRISTS 15 East Main, ' Walla Walla Wash. Phone No. 653 Should you break your glasses mail them to us. We will duplicate them and mail tbem sams day received. If your eyes are troubling you call at our office, we will fit you correctly with glasses if you need them. Our work The Toric Lens is the Best, Notice the is fully guaranteed. Angle of Vision. DR. FRENCH 0. D. in charge MJJ the LmQinraPthe &s&Cspringatihecost CO ffi NOflAMMOGKING NO HUMM0CKIN3 NO SAGGING NO BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING See tlioXrj$ixxlJt!d Springs at 1:3 MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE- Tte WeirylM Dunes ' fP7 We have samples of the best line of weaves we have ever offered to our patrons. We can give you a, good, tailored suit lor $15, a better one for $20, and a crack erjack for $25. Fit and material guaranteed. Main Street RUSSEL PIERSOL. Athena Oreg.