Press Paragraphs N. A. Miller spent Monday in Pen dleton. Ralph Sating of Weston, was in town Saturday. Mrs. Nelaon A. Miller visited in Pendleton Tuesday. A. B. Frost of Pendleton, was in the city Wednesday, i. Aitbor Snick was a visitor to tbe county seat Tuesday. Prof. G. A. Gnerne was a Pendleton visitor Friday evening. . Mrs. B. B. Biobards spent Tuesday visiting in Walla Walla. C. A. Barreti spent a couple of days tbis week in Morrow county. ' Loo is Keen was over from bis. ranch near Freewater, Wednesday. B. B. Koontz and Jack Vinoent were in Pendleton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. . Victor Burke will spend Easter at tbe Stroble borne in Pendleton. well known was In tbe Baker, of Mr. has and Jonaa squaw spent oreek F ' HEAVY CAR TYPE . 1 ;i The Tire r Of Greatest Service is the Tire For Touring V ilLJ They are Sold at the Athena Garage ZERBA BROS. Props. Mrs. Minnie UePeatt has recovered from a severe ease of tbe grip. ' Gasa Prnebstel, an old timer of Wes ton, was in tbe city Wednesday. Misses Doi is and Mamie Barnes were in tbe city yesterday from Weston. Miss Hope MoPberrln went to Helix this week where she has employment. W. P. Bead and J. H. Bidenour left yesterday morning for Boise, Idaho. . Craig Wilkinson was up from Pen dleton and spent Wednesday sight at his home here. V A. B. Steele was in Pendleton Mon day evening, where bo attended the Masonic lodge. Jobn Montgomery, tbe Pendleton wheat buyer, city yesterday. y-1 Mis. Sadie Harder of been a guest , tbis week Mrs. 0. A. Barrett. PCCbarles Duno and Guy weanesaay nauiog id with moderate suooess. . . E. A. Mays, of North Powder, was in tbe city this week,' visiting bis sis ter, Mrs. 0. A. Barrett - Miss Mattie Goppock is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Warren Raymond, in Walla Walla this week. James H. Sturgis, of tbe Bolt Man ufacturing company of Walla Walla, was in the oity yesterday. : ; Mrs. Plamondon will hear her piano class in recital, at her home in this oity, Saturday afternoon. B. D. demons, wbo has been con fined to his home with illness for soma time, is slightly improving. .' ' The Molnty re. family are in the country, for a time, during the rush of spring work on tbe farm. Mies Margaret Proetstel and ; Mrs. J. B. Dopnis of Weston were visiting in tbe oity Wednesday afternoon. A new $85 potato planter is offered for sale at $60. Enquire of Margaret Proebstel, Weston. Phone Main 15. Mr. and Mrs. Caspar Woodward,' Mrs. David Stone and Mrs. Clande Wallan motored to Pendleton Sunday. Mis. Ida Keen was in from tbe farm last week and spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mis. Henry Keen.' . Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Norvell, of He lix, were in tbe oity Wednesday.. Mrs. Norvell is a sister of Mrs. A. B. Mo Ewen. ; Mr. and Mis. Frank Bogers of Pen dleton, were guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Hill, in tbe north part of town. ' . . Mr. and Mis. Ob as. May were down Saturday from their home on Weston J miuntaio, trading with Athena mer chants. . Heiman Peters, a Pendleton saloon keeper was fined $50 for selling liquor to a minor and his saloon was otdered closed for a period of SO days. "' Mrs. Dean Dudley, who taking medical treatment Walla, baa returned home, in health. Mrs. Caspar Woodward, been indisposed for several uv i olumbia Hornless PHONQQRPHS ARTISTIC DEMONSTRATIVE MINE JUST RECEIVED rae NEW FAVORITE, with com bination Record Cabinet. This machine can be sold with or without'the Cabi net. With the Cabinet the price ia $75.00; without, $50.00. We are in a posi tion to supply you with any priced machine you wish, and can sell cheaper than you can buy elsewhere, as we give a special discount for cash, and save you the freight besides.' " & & . -'' J Byron N. Hawks, Druggist mi spec E3 The Very Best They're for Men and Women All the new and wanted styles, sizes and widths to fit all feet clsk to see them. You will be surprised at the Values you will find in them. has been in Walla improved who has days, was taken to a hospital at Walla Walla yesterday. Robert Coppook is visiting in the Willamette valley and tba report is current that Mr. Coppook will not re turn alone. , - Peroy Osboro, brother of Dr. E. B. Osborn, came op from Pendleton Sat urday whete be is attending school, and spent Sunday. " Miss Katheiine Sharp returned to Dayton, Wash.. Saturday morning, after spending a couple of days at her borne in tbis oity. .. . -i The jPosa-Winship Hardware com pany nave moved ine un ana piamo- ei's shop into new quarters in 1ha rear of tbe store. . . '. ;.,.';' , - I'V Mias Meroa DePeatt was detained borne from her dntiea at the Fix & Badtke store on aoaount of illness, a oonple of days tbis week. " L - m. nr. a u.. n M.Arfht., h,M. I rooruiaa service. turned to tbeir home, 681 East Ank- )f Douglas Belts, lepublioao candidate eny street, Portland, from a several months in California. . .. ,,, .. . . , .... ........ ; . :- Dr. W. G. HugbeB, formerly prac ticing dentistry in tbrs city but now located in Milton, was shaking bands with Athena fiiends Saturday. . Mrs.' Win Burden is mourning the loss of two pet dogs, splendid ratters, which unfortunately obtained poison pot out on the premises for rats. Lawrence Tharp ia one of tbe proud est lads in Umatilla oonnty through tbe ownership of a Fold oar. He has purchased the iunabont fotmerly own ed by H. A. Barrett. . In tbe report in last weeks' Sobool Notes giving pupils oredit for perfeot attendance tbe name of Mildied Math ers was. tbrongb mistake, substituted for that of Mildred Winship. r George F. Pearoe,' representing tbe Pendleton Tribune, was in the oity 'Wednesday. Mr. Pearoe is a son of Judge V. W. Pearoe, a veteran news paper man of Yambill county. The April meeting of tbe W. C. T. U. will be held next Friday after noon, the 17th, at 3:30 at the home of Mrs. Henry Pinkerton. - Mrs. Hill will lead the meeting. Everyone is welcome. . .. : Sanfotd Stone and his foioe of men mgaged in working county roads have made great improvement on the hill at the foot of Main street' A new road-grader and plow was received by the crew yesterday. For Sale. 820 acres of alfalfa and wheat land in tbe wheat belt. ? All tc be summer fallowed tbis spring. A bargain at less thau $30 per aore, and easy terma. Frank MoElroy, Gamtiidge, Idaho. Adv. Mrs. B. D. Tharp has beon appoint ed as the looal agent for receiving donations for the National Farm for Orphans that is being established at Eugene. A number of looal names appear on the list as donors. Mrs. Alma Wilkinson was in' Pen dleton Wednesday, where she went to see her brother, W. D. Ghambetlain, 'upon whom an operation had been performed for appendicitis. Mr. Chamberlain is still In a oritioal con dition. ; ' "' A number of base ball enthusiasts went to Walla Walla Toesdav to wit ness the opening game in tbeTii-State league. Walla Walla beat Nottb Yakima 5 to 1 in a ten inning game. Pendleton was defeated by Baker, ogre 4 to a. The annual publio meeting for the special Easter offering of the looal auxiliary of the 0. W. B. M. will be held Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. E. Dotson. A literary and musical program wll be given and tbe special ottering made. The ladies of the oity are invited and all visitors will be welcomed. Tea will be served. ' : v . hijbe proposition is made to hold a registered stook aaia in umauna county annually. It ia thought a sale of this character ia feasible and would draw sellers and envois from all over thi Northwest Tbe idea originates with bleeders of registered stook, and j has its inoeption from the suooess of i the annual hotse sales held at Miles 1 City, Montana. j A splendid Easter program' will be given at tbe M. E. oburoh tomorrow evening tbe detailed program of wbiob came in too late for publication. : An aidress by the p iLor, songs and recita tions will be given and tbe aodienoe will be favored with a solo by Mis. Mytalene Fraker Stites of Portland. A special Easter theme will be given by tbe pastor, B. E. Qornall at the The Best C we n) The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade. Save your T.W.P. Stamps Only four pieoes of property fronting in street on tbe south tide, between Second and Fourth, remain with wooden walks, conorete having re placed theremaiuder. Within a short time walks on both sides of tbe street will be completed. 1 be publio sale held at tbe Oliver Dickenson plaoe Wednesday, was an other successful sale to be held in tbis vicinity this spring. Everything offer ed brought good piioee. C. E. Rude was the auctioneer and F. S. Le Grow officiated as oleik. VAl. NorDean of this oity, and James Cbx of Pendleton, have been named bs ornoiai umpires or tne cms moun tain League, and begin tbeir work Sunday when tbe Pilot Book team plays at Weston, and Pendleton plays at Freewater Milton. " W. D. Cbaimberliao was taken to tbe hospital at Pendleton Tuesday, where be was operated on for- acute appendicitis. He was in a serious condition when tbe operation was per formed and it is not known whether ha is out of danger yet. Dreamland program tonight and to morrow night: 1 and 2. "Mystery of West Sedgwick," Edison. 3. "Ep isode at Clondy Canyon " Esanay. Sunday: 1. "Eh Consoienoe," Lu bin. 2. "On .Tbeir Honeymoon," 3. "Soffiagette" Minstrels." Alleging that bis wife. Irene, de serted bim a month ago and has siooe been associating with other men. Paul Bnabman, Jr., filed a suit Tuesday for a divoroe and for tbe custody of tbeir one son. Tbe couple were mauled in tbis oonnty. in November, 1911, and are both mixed bloods. . George Banister bad his 49tb birth day anniversary one day this waek, and ha enjoyed a splendid dinner in honor of tbe oooasion. His brother- in-law, Hansom Lienallen of Weston, found bis 6Btn tlrtn anniversary on the same day and came over and join ed George in mutual felioitatiOD. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stites of Port land, are expected to arrive in the city today, and will be tbo guests oil Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Plamondon. Mrs. Stiles was formerly Miss Mytelrne Prater, and ia a well known singer. She will te beard at the Baptist church at the Sunday rooming servioe. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watts retnrned Monday from a visit at St. Johns and tbis morning Mr. WatU returned to that plaoe for the purpose of bringing his father T. J. WatU boms with bim. Tbe old gentleman ia oot improving and is desirous of being among his Athena friends again after a visit with his daughter. stay of (for County Judge was In tbe city lor a few hours, Wednesday. , Mr. Belts met many old time friends while In town and made a number of soquaiu- tanorsV For many years be lived on BirobDreek, near Pilot Rook, where he yet owns a large farm and a stook ranoh. He reoently retired from farm ing and is making bis home in Pen dleton. ' . . .. "' ;. SWild Horse" Lodge N 3. ?3. I O. OT F. is expeotiag a visit next Satur day evening from Grandm'aaUi B. J. Taylor, wbo will then make his last otlioial visit to a subordinate lodge. Arrangements ate being made to also entertain roe uaa reuowa una xvuu-u ekahsof Pendleton, on that evening! After be has visited Athena Giarra Master Taylor will have visited 101 out of thi 219 lodges of the state. VHarry Sayer was in town yesterday, IfiSA Drain tkit t ha n.ti. tion to the oonnty court for the oon- stiaolion of a bridge, spanning tbe Umatilla river at Thorn Hollow cross ing, heating a large number of tax payers' names has beeu filed in tbe of floe of the oonnty judge. Mr. Sayer sayshe had no troublein securing names for tbe petition, lor tbe reason that the need of a bridge at that point is recognized by everyone to be a ne cessity. ; -f v A special invitation is given to the people of Athena and the surrounding oonntry to attend divine service at tbe Christian ohorob, April 12. -Bible sobool 10 a. m. Easter lesson, "Tbe Journey to Emmaus," Luke 21:13-35; sermon and Communion 11 a. m. ; sub ject: "Did Christ Arise From tbe Dead?" Evening servioe 7:80; cub. jeot: "The Compatibility of Religion and Polltios." A. Maokenziie Mel dmm. Minister. Ben Walden, the Sage of Dry Creek, was in tbe oity Wednesday and favored tbe Press office with a oall, the first in several years. , Ben hon estly believes tbe Weston Leader and tbe Athena Press to be the two best nanerg in Oregon. Ben la the person oifioation of reticence, but we finally wiggled through his armor and piero ed tbe embryonio details of a good one on the colonel, wbiob we have' caie fully pickled down for future mint lege.- DC "Doo" Osburn's p'aoh tree has for f Ihm last Mrnn hlnnirAl on Main street. for tbe concrete sidewalk is btim pot in, and tbe tree bad to make way for it. Tbe Press proposed tbst it be care, fully taken up and transplanted in tbe City Park where it might continue to oast forth its bloom and produoe its fruit of nondescript vaiiety. But Bank Caplinger beat ns to it, and removed tbe old land mark to his orchard above town, where it will receive a good home in feitile soil. lWm. MoBride was in town Friday, 'tnr tha flrst tiirm ainflfl ha Was affiioted with smallpox, several weeks ago. 'Mack" didn't say anything abont it, but we have a notion that be wbb on a still bunt for a clue to tbe man wbo spread the contagion wbiob resulted in William's two week's sioknessBe tween soratohing periods, our friend is said to have spent his time in quar antine invoking malediotions on tbe head of this unknown individual. The friends of Miss Ethel Molotyre were oonoeined to hear that she had been taken to Pendleton Wednesday evening, for a surgioal operation. The tronble was femoral bernia of long standing, and Wednesday took an aonte form. Tbe young lady was ac companied to tbe hospital by Dr. Sharp and. her mother, Mrs. Hugo Molntvre, where tbe operation was successfully performed by Drs. Boyd en. Hopes are entertained for her early and complete recovery. A mass meeting was held at tbe opera house Wednesday evening, E. E. Koonts presiding. Tb objeot of the meeting was for instruction to woman voters In the soienoe of gov ernment. Tbe intention wss to pari feot a permanent organization, but tbe meetins adioorned without organiz'og Rnmnnf tha ladies are In favor of starting a woman's study club with the object of informing themselves, on politioal questions, that tbey may vote intelligently at tbe Novemoer election. A anlendid eoeoimen of the Great Peacock Moth is being proudly dis played by Martha Hott. a pupil of tbe 6th grade in the Athena sobooL Tba ooo oon, with others was scoured in tbe earlr soring, attached to a wuiow bonsb and was oaref oily watebed dnriog incubation, with tba result that a great golden brown velvet creatuie with the real peaoook spots, soon as would delight tbe heart of tha author of "Tbo Girl of tba Limberlost," has miieoolooilv burst from tbe eolorless little shell. Tbis was the only speci men secured and will be carefully pre served. ' Call For City Warrants. Notice Is berebv given that the City of Atbeoa will redeem tbe following warrant! Warrants drawn on tba General Fond. No. 614 to 673, ioolos- iva. Warrants drawn on the Water Fond. Wo. 695 to 815, inclosivs These w arras ta will eases to draw in ferae from tha data of publication of this ootiae. Dated April 10, 1911. V. C. Borke, Treasurer. othes-where TVtH RmTSiforjura NOT 3 To Get Them Mark G- Harris & Co gSd medal for best fitting, nicest looking longest wearing garments made to order, in cAmerica, at prices from $12.00 to $35.0 Sold in cAthena by James Conley only, who has years of practical ex perience in tailoring, to insure only perfect satisfaction I also have a full line of the very best Rain Coat materials, made to order from New York City shop at prices from $7.50 to $15.00 for ladies and gents. U Ladies' suits, coats, skirts, and one-piece dresses, made to order from your own ma terial or from any woolens I carry in my shop. Five hundred patterns of the best shirt materials. All styles made to order at reason able prices. Woolens for ladies' or gent's wear sold by the yard. Alterations made on any garment. Up-to-date cleaning and pressing on all garments. Foss House, one Blk North School House. Jas. Conley, Athena, Ore. or.-" rl COCK Continuation for ten days longer on hacks and buggies gang plows and hog wire. - NOTE THE FOLLOWING REDUCED PRICES 2.Bottom 1 inch Canton Gani? Plow, former price, $78.00, now selling for $ 68.00 16-inch Oliver Sulky Plow, 164nch Oliver Chilled Walking Plow, SH inch International Steel Gear Wagon " IH inch Half Platform Studebaker Hack " 1H inch Four Spring 20 inch Ilog Wire 55.00, 15.00, " 100.00. 125,00, 145.00, " 32c a rod 38.00 7.50 85.00 90.00 110.00 28c rod Main St. C. A. BARRETT & CO. Athena r. r Savtd Hir Llfi from Pneumonia ; "My wife had a severe attack of Pneu monia which followed a case of La Grippe and I believe that FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR saved her life," writes James Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri. Good Risults In Every Cast Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., writes: "I have used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR In three very severe cases of pneu monia with good results la every case." o) 4 nn nn , , . , n-; : ., -"'.: . .u.i-a''. .nix ' . - .... . :.-' . ... .w,". ( L .... . . . . , JUjmm 0 9. . m( JV n m m 6 V. ..fy 'y-k ' . ar .!': I.'ir , f ... ,1 Cnrtd afTirrllli Caosli an Imp N. Jackson, of Danville, 111., writes: "My dsughter bad a severe attack of La Grippe and a terrible cough on her lungs. Te tried a great many remedies without relief. Sbe tried FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR which cured her. She has never been troubled with a cough since." Csrad Whta Vary Lew WHV Pniuctasla J. V. Bryan, of Lowder, 111., writes: 'My little boy was very low with pneu monia. Unknown to the doctor we gave him FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. The result was magical and puuled the doctor, as It Immediately stopped the racking cougU and he quickly recovered." i