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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1914)
POULTRY T : and tDairy Produce f all kinds wanted.' Writ for out U CASH OFFER Pearson-PageCo.I'8MP SECOND-HAND;RIACH!NERY Bought, sold and -exchanged; engine, boiler, sawmills, etc" Send for Stock List and Prices. THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. 83 1st St.. Portland. Or. ri We guarantee buy- era for farms tnat .r. nrixad Ho-hfc If you wiiii to sell, send accurate, complete descrip tion. " 8T. CHARLES LAND CO. . tM Horrisoa St. St. Charles Hotel. Portland. Or. FARM WANTED MOTOR TRUCKS. ' Send your name and address on a postal and we Will forward you by return mail our new plan of selling tracks of all capacities without any initial payment Let the trucks pay for themselves. AUTOMOBILE SALES UNDERWRITING COMPANY. , P. O. Box 1062, Portland, Or. .-, ' Caslly Answered. ' - . "John, didn't I tell you that If you came home tipsy another night I'd go home to my mother?',' - ' . t "Yesh, m'dear.' ; . ' " "Then why have you come home In this condition?" "Didn't you shay (hie) you'd "go home t' your mosher?" Boston Tran script :' ' ,'" 1 $ - ? ;' ' 7 - Free to Oar n eiders i Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for 48-pa.ffe illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all about Your Eye Trouble and tbey will advise as to the proper Application of the Murine Eye Remedies in Your Special Cane. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieve! Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothe Eye Pain, and sells f or 60c. Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes lol Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. ' ... " There are 438 iron mines' in' the Uni ted States, employing 65,170 persons, and costing for operation and develop ment $74,017,830. ; The busy bee is all right In his way should keep out of .bis way. OREGON GROWN SEEDS Dahlias Roses Perennials . ,r z Guaranteed True to Name. ' " f- BPECIAL FREE OFFER To induce you to test out our seeds we make the following offer: Pick out not te exceed 6 Items In the list below and we will mail them to you lor 5c, just ' enough to pay the packing and mailing expense, Beans-.'., v Sweet Com . Parsnips Sweet Peas , Beets ' ; Field corn ; Peas -y Candytuft ' Cabbag Cucumbers Radish 5 Caillooaia '' Carrots Lettuce hutabaea FoDDles $OT Our New Illustrated Catalog Is" free to all. "S " " " " " " GILL BROS. SEED CO., R. F. D. 1Mb. 1, Portland, Or. 4MVMas uibiiwuii kilns saCle ' f . Hit It - ;'r. Polly (to. big sister's admirer) Guess, what father said about you last night. r; Adolphus Oh, I couldn't guess, weally. Folly I'll give you a peach If you can guess. - ': w . Adolphus (flustered) Oh, Polly, I haven't an idea in the world. ,: Polly Urr-you was listening. Syd ney Bulletin. . , .....t,,. Use Roman' Eye Balsam for scalding sen sation in eyes and Inflammation of eyes or eyelid. Adv. - i t . , Guadaloupe Is growing a new' kind, of coffee, Introduced from the Congo country. This is known as "coffee robusta," and it was discovered ; In 1898. v - ; . f ? Worm expelled Promptly from the human rstem with Dr. Peery1 Vermifuge "Dead hot." Adv. The earliest use of the word "strike" In the sense of stopping work, occurs in the London Chronicle for Septem ber, 1765, in connection with ft coal strike. , r " lijiiilit Z I I 'MM THIS WOMAN'S S SICKNESS Quickly Yielded To Lydia E. Pinkham'f Vegetable Compound. Baltimore, Md.-" I am more than glad to tell what Lydia E. Pinkham'a vegetable Com- found did for me. suffered dreadful pains and was very irregular.' I became alarmed and sent for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. I took it reg ularly until I was without a cramp or pain and ' felt like 1 another person, and It has now been Bix months since I took any medicine at all. I hope my little note will assist you in helping other wo men. I now feel perfectly well and in the best of health." Mrs. August W. Kondner, 1C32 Hoinna Street, Bal timore, Md. s l y j fa. : -; : e Lydia R Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots . and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and to-day holds the record Of being the most successful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file in tlia Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove this fuct ; For thirty years it has been the stand ard remedy for female ills, and has re stored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail ments as displacements, inflammation, Ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc If you want special advice write to Lydia K. Pink 1mm Metl fdue Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mors. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence Peculiar After Effkts : . of Grip i Thls Year Leaves Kidneys in Weakened Condition Doctors In all parts "of the country have been kept busy with the epidemlo of grip which has visited so many nomes. The symptoms of grip this year are often yery distressing and leave the system In a run down con dition, particularly the kidneys which seem to suffer most, as almost every victim complains of lame back and urinary troubles which should not be neglected, as these danger signals of ten lead to dangerous kidney troubles. Druggists report a large sale on Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which so many people say soon healB and strengthens the kidneys after an attack of . grip. Swamp-Root is a great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, and, being an herbal compound, has a gentle healing effect on the kidneys, which is almost immediately noticed in most cases by those who try it. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., offer to send a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root, on receipt of ten cents, to every sufferer who requests it. A trial will convince any one who may be in need of it Regular size bottles 50 cts. and $1.00, For sale at all druggists. Be sure to mention this paper. PROFIT BY GOOD CARE Poultry on the Farm Receives Indifferent Treatment. Close Watch Should Be Kept on Bust ness All Round and Every' Com fort Provided to Prevent All ; . Infectious Disease. . .. (By It. Q. i WEATHERSTONE.) i IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look Motherl If tongue Is coated, - cleanse little bowels with "Call- fornla Syrup of Flflj." Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs," because in a few hours all the clogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit' laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy be cause they know its action- on the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure, , . , Ask your druggist for a CO-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of vFigs." which contalrs directions for babies.. children of all ages and for grown-ups. Mellon on Bankruptcy. Charles "S.- Mellon, at a -dinner In Boston, snid of a bankrupt: "Ills bankruptcy was like that which the parent described. "'Pa, what's bankruptcy?' a little boy once asked. - ., "And pa, who had been 'bit' that week, answered bitterly; "'Bankruptcy, my son, la where you put your money in your hip pocket and let your creditors take your wal let nnd coat.' Knoxvllle Journal and Tribune. ARE YOU CONSTIPATED? . Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills have proved tlielr worth for 75 years. Test them youi-Folf now. Send tor sample to 87a l'earl Bt., New York. Adv. . .. Wasted Advice. "Go to the aut, thou sluggard," said the sage. . ' :. jt . , "Not as long as I have anything to take to my uncle," sneered the fool, i Toofdo Oeforrti low So Free III! Winter AycU GeMs, Stall Pneumonia, Keep Your Koso Clear cni Ycor Threat free. Don't Walt Till Tou're AD Dunjed Up. Uso S. S. S. Now. If yon wul ro tnto amy first ela tor ana gt bottle of 8. 8. 8. you tr on the way to setting; Hd of Catarrh. Hut flon't let anyon work off that old trick ci aomsUilnf "Just as good." 6. 8. B. ! taken Into the blood Just naturally ma me most nourishing food. It spreads Its influence over every or gun In the body, comes through all the Veins and arteries, enable all mucous surfaces to exchange inflammatory and other Irritating substances for arterial elements that effectually cleanse the system and tbue put an end to all catarrhal pollution. B. S. B. clean out the stomach ef muooua Accumulations, enables only pure, blood making material to enter the Intestines, combine with these food elements to enter the circulation, and in lose than a lieur Is at work throughout tlie body In the process of purification. The medicinal components of S. 8- S. art ro!Uvely jut m essential te well. - ; - balanced health as the nutritive prop! tlea of the grains, meats, sugars, and rate of foods. Any loent irritating Influence In the blood la rejected by the tissue cells and eliminated by reason of the stimuli, tins; influence of 8. 8, S, You will soon realise its wonderful In fluence by the absence of headache, a de cUed clearing of the air passages, steadily Improved nnsal condition, and sense of bodily rollef that prove how comidetely catarrh often Infests the en tire systcnu You will find S. S. S. on sale at all drug; stores. It Is a remarkable remedy for any and all blood affections, uch a ecaema, rash, lupus, totter, psoriasis, bolls, and all other diseased condition of the blood. For special advice-on any blood disease Write to Tho Swift JSpecifla Co., I0 Bwlft Ul.lg., Atlanta. Ua, VO not trine with. euUnltutes. tmlta. tlon op any of the horde of "Just mm suuti" Cuuuiwtoiu ox a. a, a. No matter how good the stock may be if - they have not the proper care they will pay you no better than mon grels. Poultry, on the farm, as a rule, receives indifferent treatment , - What does "care" mean? It means a close watch on the business all round. It provides every comfort, prevents disease by keeping the prem ises perfectly, clean, never overcrowds, and; Keeps the fowls busy, sorts, out the drones and gives the workers bet ter attention. In short, "care", means using business principles , in every sense of the word. " . ; -,: Tho farmer is not giving the proper care' when he allows his fowls to roost on trees, In wagons, wagon sheds, or on the board fences. The proper care is not given if the appetites and con ditions of the fowls-are not studied. System and regularity play an im portant part in care. Economy in labor, the saving of steps, the saving of muscles, the saving of time all are important. - -v ; ; ' 1 . Shlftlessness causes , expensive ex periences. There ig sure to be profit in anything we take care of. ' Success is accorded to management. . : Profits depend upon the quality and quantity of brain work put into the enterprise. If a man performs his work In a mechanical way . he will not be apt to do it well. . There are too many who go by "luck." They do not stop to think. They do not take notice of the little matters.:- They are always hurrying to get done. ' It is said quality makes prices, but it costs considerable labor and brains to make quality. Good management curtails expense. Successful poultry men use good common sense methods some others -but little method, and alas, some not any method at all. .. Hard . luck . is a. generally , brought about by mismanagement. Disorder creates disgust. Study and care, and not luck and big talk, are the elements of success. . , 7 To quote Judge Brown: There are too many poultrymen who let their enthusiasm go down as the mercury In the thermometer goed up or down The men who make the marked sue cess in poultry raising are those who never flag in their attention those who know that the increased labor and close attention hot weather brings must be religiously observed the same "being the case when the cold weather is with us. It is the man or woman behind the. hen rather than the breed that brings success Scrub treament will bring about scrub results. The best paying breed is the one that la best cared for. Zeal in the prosecution of the work should be the characteristic of every-poultry breeder. i .- ,v,s v In conclusion, it must not be for gotten that success depends on man agement.; Business attention given to a flock of properly housed hens would be a revelation to many, especially to the farmers themselves. "" END 8TOMACH TROUBLt, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA J "Pape's Dlapepsln" makes , Ick, Sour, - Gassy Stomacrjs sunely feel fine in 'five minutes. If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a Jump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas, and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a' feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and' stomach-headache, you can get blessed relief in five minutes, Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how need less it Is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest stomach doc tor in the world. It's wonderful. - Depends. ; "What do you think about wigs?" "That sometimes they are a costly luxury and sometimes a bald neces sity. -,,5 .... - V K Cures While You Walk. WW Allen's Foot-Ease' Is a certain 'cure for hot, Bweatlng, callus, and swollen, aphing Joet. Sold by all lirugglsts. Price 25c. Don't Accent any iibstltute. Trial package FKEK. Address Alien 8, Olmsted, Le Koy, N. Y. NeW'-'York's first elevated railroad was built in Greenwich street in 1857 and was. operated by a cable which ran underground and over the struc ture upon spider wheels. ' , At least 225,00Ct women and girls work in manufacturing establishments in Pennsylvania, 25,000 being under 16 years of age. . ' BREEDING STOCK FOR DAIRY V 1": Cow Is Machine to Convert Food Into Milk Should Possess Large Udder , and Strong Constitution. In selecting dairy cattle the real test must be the scales and the Bab Aberdeen Polled Angus, Cow and .f f : Cair .M .t .-, cock tester. The cow Is a machine to convert food into milk; thus she must have a large middle and a strong con stltutlon to insure , the best results She . must also , have a large udder, large milk wells, large crooked milk veins and good sized teats. Her head should bo clean and an gular in appearance, with the eyes standing out prominently. The ueck should be rather long and lean; the shoulders pointed and the backbone rather prominent. Tho skin Bhould be loose and soft to the touch. 1 In select ing herd bulls either mature animals which have already demonstrated their worth as sires or younger anl mals from high-testing dams and sires only should be used. The best and surest results will always follow the use of a mature sire which has sired heifers with good records. A good dairy bull should be kept until he is twelve oi fifteen years old; In fact, as long at he la a sure sire. Real good sires are so rare that when we do find one he should die only of old age. All breeders of dairy cattle should secure yearly tests on each and every cov in the herd. Shorter tests do not really mean very much. It is the cow that stays by her Job that la really valuable. i Salt for the Chickens. Salt, iu aiding digestion, also keept the whole system of the fowls In goo working order. The blood is keDt from Impurities and the birds will bt less useiy to suaer rrom colas, can ker or roup, also the gizzard worrn find It impossible to live in salt-ftv food. i Salt can be feM in the scalded oat A teaspoonful to each eight or quarts of oats Is sprinkled over the tor of the oats and then boiling Wates poured over them, being careful not tt use more water than the oats wll reaauy absorb, sur the mixture wel l r ts terl Restore the Appetite Assist the Digestion Promote Liver Activity Induce Bowel Regularity by the daily use o1 HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS BACKED BY A 60 YEARS' RECORD rJHHHHHHMH Canada Is nearly 30 times as large as Great Britain and Ireland, the total area of the dominion being only 237, 000 square miles less than the whole continent of Europe. Students working their way through Princeton university earned more than $20,000 during the academic year end ing last June. .. , URIC ACID SOLVENT 50 Cent Bottle (32 Doses) FREE Just because you start the day wor ried and tired, stiff legs and arms and muscles, ' an aching head, burning and bearing; down pains in the back worn out before, the day begins, do not think you have to stay in that condition. Be strong, well and vigorous, with ns more pain from stiff Joints, sore mus cles, rheumatic suffering, aching bach or kidney disease. ' . For any form of bladder trouble, oi weakness, its action. Is really wonderful. Those sufferers who are In and out ol bod half a dozen times a night will appre ciate the rest, comfort and strength thlt treatment gives. ; To prove the Williams Treatment conquers kidney ' and bladder . diseases, rheumatism and all urio acid troubles, no matter how chronic or stubborn, 1 you have " never- used ! the William Treatment, we will give one 60c bottle (32 doses) free tf you wlH cut out thij notice and send it with your nntne and address, with 10c to help pay distribu tion expenses, to The Dr. D. A. Will iams Company, Dept. 239tf p. .O. BUlg.. Kust Hampton, Conn. Send at once anc you will receive by parcel post a rcgulat 6t)c bottle, without charge and without Incurring any obligations. One bottI only to an address. 1 ..-i-. : . But No Elephants. . , . A woman living in an aristocratic section a milo and a .half from hex grocer went to the phone. "This you, central? Four, five four please." v "This you Mr. M ? Please charge and send 10 cents' worth of animal crackers, and pick out the elephants as the, baby is afraid of them." New York Globe. . , , To the department of publlo instruc tion and fine arts of Spain has been allotted $63,000 for use toward estab lishing and improving workshops ci the country's ludustrial schools. 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels you always get relief Mtb. Cascarcts. They imme- CAKES AND FROSTINGS EXPERT TELLS HOW TO PRE-j PARE TEMPTING DELICACIES. Golden Pound Tea Cakes for After noon Refreshments Confection . , With Orange Flavor Maca roons May Be Decorated. (By P ANNIE MERRITT FARMER.) ' Golden Pound Tea Cake. Wash and work' until creamy one-half cup butter, add gradually while beating constantly one-half cup sugar, the yolks of four eggs well beaten, 3 1-3 tablespoons medium cream, one cup flour mixed and sifted twice with one half teaspoon baking powder, one quarter teaspoon mace and one-half tablespoon lemon juice. Bake in but tered and floured individual tins in a very slow oven. " Upon removing from tins sprinkle with powdered sugar. , Mocha Cake. Cream one-quarter cup butter, add gradually one cup sugar, , two squares Baker's bitter chocolate melted, two eggs well beat en, one-half cup milk, 1 1-3 cups flour mixed and sifted with one-half tea spoon salt and three teaspoons bak ing powder. Flavor with one teaspoon vanilla. Bake In layer cake-pan and put between and on top. For Frost ingWash and work until creamy one-quarter cups confectioners' sugar with one-third cup breakfact cocoa, and add to butter alternately, with three tablespoons heavy cream, then add one-half teaspoon each vinegar and vanlfla. ' fir;.,- ., Fall River: Orange Cake. Beat yolks of five eggs and whites of three until thick, add gradually two cups sugar and .jone-half cup cold water; then add two cups flour mixed, and sifted with one teaspoon soda, two teaspoons cream-of-tartar, and the grated rind and Juice of one orange and one-half lemon. ' Bake in shallow buttered and floured cake-pans. Cover with orange frosting made like this: Boll one cup sugar and one-third cup water until it will spin a thread; pour slowly on to the white of. egg beaten slightly, and beat until mixture . be gins to thfeken; then add one tea spbon lemon Juice beaten until a- lit tle stiffer, then cover, and let stand a few 'minutes. Add two tablespoons orange marmalade." " Macaroons. Break - one-half pound almond paste into small pieces and mix with the hand, adding gradually a cup of sugar less one tablespoon, and a scant one-half cup egg whites. When, perfectly blended stir , In one third cup powdered sugar. " " Shape, using a pastry-bag and tube, on to sheets covered with thin paper . and bake in a slow oven. Remove from oven, Invert paper and macaroons, and wet with a ""-cloth wrung out of cold water, when macaroons may be easily removed. Frost and decorate with leaves in the form of wreaths and tie wreaths with a red bow of ornamental frosting made the same bb orange frosting, omitting the marma lade and coloring red and green. Boston Transcript. ' Cucumber-Tomsto Relish. Take one large ripe cucumber, peel and slice. Place in an enamel kettle with a tablespoonful of- salt, cover with hot water and boll until tender. Then take three large ripe tomatoes and remove their skins. After drain ing the water from the cucumbers, cut tomatoes up and put . in with the cucumbers. Add one cup pf vinegar and a small cup of sugar,, boil until the tomatoes are done; if not salt enough, add a little, also & few whole cloves and allspice. ' Mix a dessert spoonful of potato flour with some cold vinegar and stir into the" mix ture after coming to a good boiling point Can hot This makes a little over a pint Jar .full. . ,K Chestnut Salad. The chestnuts are shelled, blanched, peeled and boiled gently in salted wa ter until they are mealy. Then drain and pour over them, while yet warm, a little French dressing. Set aside to cool. Do not mix until ready to send to the table. Then have ready an equal quantity of sweet oranges cut in dice and dressed with oil andlemon Juice, a pinch of salt and a dash of paprika. Add a few spoonfuls of whipped cream to a good stiff mayonnaise, and blend all together. Drain the orange dice and reserve the Juice, which escapes, for flavoring a dessert sauce or making a fruit Jelly. ' Oyster Soup a la Creole. - : For a quart of oysters you will need! about a cupful or fried bread crumbs. Drain the oysters and add the juice to a pint of clear water. . Now put a piece of butter .the size of two walnuts in a saucepan. Add a tablespoonful of flour and stir till it browns, without, burn ing.' Take It from the fire and season it with pepper, cayenne and a dash of salt Add the liquid from the oysters and the water, mix thoroughly and al low the mixture to simmer for half an hour. Just before serving add the fried bread crumbs and a little chopped parsley, tf available. , : : Plant Foods. , v ...t Plant-foods are necessary to ; pre serve thrift throughout, the winter. - Some use a tea made from poultry droppings, but extreme care must be taken that It is well diluted, and there is still more or less trouble with in sects as a result . u We have found liquid ammonia, though a less complete plant food, much more agreeable to use. TJsihg a teaspoonful to each quart of water, eeps the plants tn growing condl- lon and with healthy foliage. Fruit Dainty. Two cupfuls seeded white grapes, two cupfuls chopped apples, one cup ful celery, one cupful nuta chopped, one cupful marshmallows cut in tfeces, one-halt cupful candied cher iee. Whip one pint of cream, sw ent itled slightly; two sweet green pep pers, dressing Just before serving. Fillets of Weakfish. Take a three-pound fish, cut eff the lend and tall, split the fish through he back, and take out the bone; cut hose two pieces Into four or six, sea on with salt and pepper. Dip each lece Into melted butter; then roll to nbs and broil on both sldea. Hotel Washington WsshlnrtoB Street. Corner ef Twelfth. CHAS. H. ROWLET. Manager. $1.00. $1.50 $2.00 Per Dsy With Bath Prirllege. Special Rales by week or month. Same Kates for On or Tire Persons in Boon Portland, Oregon.-;:.. $1.50. 2.C0 and $2.50 Per Day With Private Bath., Bus to and from trains and boats, or take a Denot car to Washinirton St. and transfer, fret off at Twelfth Street. European plan. 100 outside rooms. Fireproof Buildintr, modem and clean in every respect. Hot and-cold running water and both telephones in every room, Sinjrle or flooble bedrooms. Large Parlor off Main Lobby. n RITE TODAY FOR OUR 1914Catalogof 'Diamond Quality" , ; i : ' TESTED L3, ;3 '11 4V. : S 'TRUTHFULLY - illustrating and presenting the most desirable varieties for the Northwest. : Tlist best of everything rHc CAN IHGE! YOUR POTTS by planting the new and improved varieties we offer. They have been grown and tested under our direct supervision by careful, intelligent selec tion. Diamond Quality Seeds are tested seeds. They are above tha standards of the pure seed laws. Our seed laboratory is in charge of a certified seed analyst, and we are the only seed company maintain, ing a seed laboratory in Oregon. m for market or Home Gardens, Poultry- men dnd Beekeep ers, A reluUaanJtrnst. Worthy reference of vital Interest to every (rawer and - ?x it aia uwsiB Y VXPurchasss I."'13i V,'s t T. Tk A ouarfercenfuru of success in serving North- western growers qualifies us fa serve you. Portland Seed 60. PORTLAND, OREGON . V',V V fit.-'3- li'K -ASK FOR CATALOQ NO. 110 t A Freiburg physician reported in his practice alone seven persons whose eyes were permanently " injured by gazing at the sun during the progress of an eclipse. . New York city has 82,015 regular municipal employes. ';' ' France has one automobile for every 500 people, one cycle for every 13 and one motorcycle for. every 1382. Be tween 1910 and 1911 there was the enormous increase of 300,000 cycles. Cancer yearly kills 25,000 persons la the United States. ' . ; ' ' "All is Wei! Hiat Emfe-WeO" 4 Alone with dysnensia comes nervousness, sleeniessness and sren-"' end ill health. Why f Because a disordered stomach does not permit the food to be assimilated and carried to the blood. On the other hand, the blood ia charged with poisons which corns from this disordered digestion. In turn, the nerves are not fed on good, red blood and we see those symptoms of nervous breakdown. It ia not head work that does it, but poor stomach work. With poor thin blood the body is not protected against the attack of germs of grip bronchitis consump tion. Fortify the body now with . . - ; i s : , . . DR. PIERCE'S olden MedicaBiscoyery an alterative extract from native medicinal plants, prescribed in both liquid and tablet form by Dr. It. V. Pierce, over 40 years ago. More than 40 years of experience has proven its superior worth as an In vig-orating- stomach tonic and blood purifier. It invigorates and regulates the stomach, liver and bowels, and through them the whole system. It can now also be had in sugar-coated tablet form of most dealers in medicine. If not, send 60 cents in one-cent stamps for trial box to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y. . -The Common Sense Medical Adviser. IS A BOOK OF 1008 PAGES HANDSOMELY BOUND IN CLOTH TREATS PHYSIOLOGY, HYGIENE, AN ATOMY, MEDICINE AND IS A COMPLETE HOME PHYSICIAN. Send 31 one-cent stamps to R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. China proper, has less than 0.4 mile of open railway to every 100 square miles of territory, and, estimating the population at, 327,000,000, there is 0.18 mile of line to every 10,000 inhabitants. Mothers wfll flna Mrs. Winslowa Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children Auriug the teething period. The heart of a standing man beats 81 times a minute, of a sitting one 71 times,,; When the man is lying down Its beats are reduced, to 66 a minute. Putnam Fadeless Dyes color more goods than others. - A Fifty-seven years of continuous serv ice as a weaver is the remarkable record of a woman employed In a cotton mill In Saco, Me. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, . , V HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Hair! Get a 25-cent bottle of Danderine right now Also , stops Itching scalp. I Sprains, Braises Stiff Muscles are quickly relieved by Sloan's Liniment. Lay it on no rub bing. Jry it Ankle Sprain and Dislocated Kip. "I sprained mjr ank'e and dislocated my hip by f alhug out of a third story window. Went on crutches for four months. Then I started to use your unimeni, according to directions. I must say it ia helping me wonderfully. We will never be without Sloan's Lini merit anymore." CAo Jahatan. lawum Sutua, XX. SLOAM'S, IMMEIT Kills Pain - " Splendid for Sprains. I fell and sprained my arm a week ago and was in terrible pain. I could not use my hand or arm until I applied your Liniment- I shall never be with out a bottle of Sloan's Liniment."-. - & cpnngar, tdiMalmh, A. J. Fine for Stiffness. "Sloan's Liniment has don Bore good than anything I have ever tried for stiff joints. I got my hand hurt so nadir that I had to stop work right in tii tui....-, t; i . f I at first that I would have to hare my j hand taken off. but I got a botUe of Sloan's Liniment undrurrd mw hsrnA Hum K hmtUr, Jtfwru. Aim. At all DeaW 25c, SOe. ad $1.00 . Send for Sloan's free, instructive been on hers. cattle, bogs and Poultry. Address attmstauux. KKTSX, I CS. I r Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff -that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life;, eventually producing a feverish ness and Itching of the scalp, which If not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die--then the hair falls out fast A little Danderine tonight now any time will surely save your hair.. . Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton'a. Danderine from any drug store. - You surely can have beautiful hair and lots' of it if you will just try a little Danderine. Save your hair! Try it I queicning Her. The ' stage drivers in Yellowstone Park are bothered considerably by the foolish questions asked by their pas sengers, and often resort to satirical answers. Once a lady tourist who seemed deeply interested in the hot springs inquired:, "' ;, "Driver, do these springs freeze over in winter?" " - . "Oh, yes, yes; a lady was skating here last winter and broke through and got her foot scalded." Every body's Magazine." Constipation causes and aggravates many serious diseases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The favorite family laxative. Kangaroos on their native heath have been known to jump 70 feet Colon, t Panama, has arranged to have a taxicab service. OUT Or TOWN PEOPLE cut rvctlft pponjruS ttwifc tnesr of Wrra riimat. Hejaitfc-bUldi nHiltf Iroua C GEE WO tfceCM&eM doctor. Trr once core if yon him hntm doctoring vrftk UiH one 7d rtit one nd not obtained mueni ral int. th ta mu aitu haaler dwo no ?our cfc--e and p.-ecrtte aoaie remedr who action wqairk. mire nod f. pracrlptlonf ra roravoanaed from Boots, Herb, Bodi and Hrij!h bore been guteredfmm ntrr n. ero th globe. 1hwrnwofthna medicines are not kown to tha oiitaid world, bat h. bMW handed down from father to son in the BhjuciaW faauliea ia Ckina. , t CONSULTATION FREE. ' If too live oot of town and cannot oalL write for symptom tdaaa and circular. i.n A naaai '-" -''Tffil M C.6EEW3 CHINESE KECJCIXE CO.' 1621 Tsrst St, Cor. Morrisoo Partlaad, Oregoav P. K. U. No. 7, 14. WHEJT writtag te adversers. ' tiea tats paper.