POUTTRY and Dairy irodjice. of 8 kinds wanted. Write for out - ; -CASH OFFER A: Pearson-Page Co. WRITE Moving Picture Plays. Biff-money. Send 110,000 Prise-Wlnnlng- Receipt for Women. 25c Starop or Silvery Box 1178. Portland. Oregon. FARMWAMD We guarantee buy ers for farms -that ' are priced riirht. If yon wish to sell, send accurate, complete descrip tion. BT. CHARLES LAND CO. -204 Morrison St, St. Charles Hotel. Portland, Or. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Bought, sold and exchanged; engines, boilers, sawmills, etc. Bend for Stock List end Prices. 1HE i. E. MARTIN CO.. 83 1st St., Portland. OK nftVEIlT Wetseai B. Coleman, rfl I rfl I A Patent Uwer aahlugtoo ft-e 1 bWIH D.o. Advl. and books free. Bates reasonable. Highest references. Best oervlces. Boors, 10 a. m. to 6 p. ml i . Hut S714 or by appointment , DR. JOSEPH ROANE Chiropractor .i SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS ' Scientific Treatment of ell Acute and Chronic Diseases. Licensed Practitioner.' Suite 424-4-7 Arcede Building. Seattle. . IF YOUR CHILD IS CR088,-- ' FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look Mother! If tongue Is coated, cleanse, little bowels with "Call- , S fornla 8yrup of Figs." Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup pf Figs," because in a few hours all the clogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and yoii have a well, playful child again. ? Sick childfen needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit .laxative," Millions of mothers keep it handy be cause they know Its action on the stomach, liver and' bowels is prompt and sure.'" : fa?" '. Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for-grown-ups. r - Applied Loglo. An onlooker shook, his head as he watched a steam shovel bite off earth by the ton; He saidrpt throws men out of works It loads-those cars faster than 100 men with, picks And shovels could do it." , But another onlooker answered: ' "See here,, roister, if Jt would be better to employ 100 men, with picks and shovels on this job wouldn't it be better still by your -way of think ing to employ 1000 men with forks and tablespoons." Ladles' Home Journal.- . i ,;; :'v,v . i Making the 6wlm. "Why.; don't they start traffic through the Panama canal right away?"1 "They will have to wait several months before admitting vessels." "Why?"-' ' "To save human life."- "What do you mean?" "The canal is clogged with ambi tious swimmers Just now." V' ' j , h J ,'-,. X -s Bora Eyes, Granulated Eyelids and Sties promptly healed . with Human, ya bud Mia. Adv. " -" - - ' -'- ...... . ... Defined. . - Willie Paw, what is an amateur? Paw An amateur Is a fellow who will work harder for a medal than he will for real money, my son. Cincin nati Enquirer. Much Easier." It isn't every man who can hit the nail on the head as easily as he can the nail on the finger. Boston Her ald. .. . :. , - A Berlin specialist says knitting in bed Is an excellent nerve tonic. :'j,"f .' v; :V;: ' fc.aWr..ak.-,.v OUT OP TOWN PEOPLE esn receive prom pt tress, meoti of MnB-foUonoas, BslU-kaUis raUM C. GEE WO the Chinees doctor. Try once more it you have been flontorlne with this one ami Hint one and have nntolitatiirirj nor. nsnent nil lot. Lot till tir-mt nature heuinr dl Bom ior csM, anil prmurlli sum reined; whne action laqiitok, sure and fe. Ills prMorlptlon sre oonKundd from Hoots, IIm-Io, Mud and ltrialntha,bem e;i.tJ.rB(l i mm every q,mr terot the slolie. Tho a,irai of tumm uivdlvliir Enot known lo the imUl.l. world, hut liavs limn dml down from (alber to sou In the phyalolaar lit in China. ' CONSULTATION FREE. If you live out of town and sennet rail, write for rrapuua blank and olroular, uolg.u 4 oeate la statu, THE C.6EEW0 CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 1621 first St., Cor. Morrison ? Portland. Oregon. " END STOMACH TROUBLE, j . GASES OR DYSPEPSIA If I f r ; ; k ','Pape't Diapepsln" makes Sick,' Sour, GacsyStomachs surely fee fine '" In five minutes. If what you Just ate is souring" on your stomach or lies like tv lump of lead, reusing to -digest, or you belcb gas, and i eructate sour, i undigested food,sof have a' feeling ot, dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste inmouth and stomach-headache, - you can" get blessed relief In five minutes. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by , getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsln from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how need less it to suffer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest stomach doc tor in the world. It's wonderful. Had No Regrets. v Mr. Conen Is the owner of several apartment houses which represent the fruit of many years of toil in the shop, of careful business methods as a man ufacturer and of strict frugality. His first Job In this country,' as a Janitor, he lost after a few days because he could not read nor write. Recently the president of a bank where he does business said to him; "What a pity it is, Mr. Cohen, that you never learned to read and write. There is no telling what a man with your natural business talent might have accomplished." "" " " . "I know that," he answered prompt ly.' t'Tf I could read and write I would be yet today the Janitor." New York Tribune. . t-;:; . ":. DROPPED ELEPHANT IN TIME Mothers wfH Una Mrs. Wlnsiovri 8ootWiig Byrup the best remedy to use iof their ehUdieU iutlug the toe thing period. . Not. Worth Paying For. "Ed and joe were walking along' a country road one hot day in July and became very thirsty, but could not find any water. Coming at last to a farmer's house, and noticing a woman standing in the door, they went up to her and requested a drink of water. "She said: "We haven't had any rain for three weeks and the well is dry." . '. - -- - "Then please give us a drink, of milk." - The woman replied that the milk was all taken to market, but added that she had some buttermilk stored away and would give the thirsty trav elers a drink of it. i ' After quenching their thirst with buttermilk they offered to pay the kind woman for it, but she refused the 'money, saying: "I was going to give 1t to the pigs, anyway." Pitts burg Chronicle-Telegraph. ": Free to Ouf Readers f ; Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, fo 48-pae illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Application of the Murine Eye Remedies in Your Special Case. Your DruptflHt will toll you that Murine Relieve! Sore Eyea, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 50c Try It In Your Eyes and in llaby's Eyes for Seal; Eyelids and Granulation. Some Linguist. An old but sturdy Irishman, ' who had made a reputation as a gang "Boss," got a Job with a railroad con struction company at Port au Prince, Haiti. One day when the sun was hot ter than usual his gang of Haitians began to shirk, and as the chief engi neer rode Up on his horse he heard the Irishman shout: "Alloz! you sons of guns Allez!" Then turning to the engineer, he said: "I curse the day I iver learned their language." From the Argonaut. Hunter's Narrow Escape From. Huge Brute Which He Had Wounded . and Maddened With Pain.' CapL-C. H. Stigand tells in his nen book, "Hunting the Elephant in Afri ca," of a narrow escape, he had from a young bull elephant Vjhe animal had charged , the hunting party, with the usuar result that the natives fled at their best speed. He dodged sharp ly from the path of the enemy and tripped over a fallen tree, dropping his rifle . and Just managing to seize it by the muzzle as the elephant was about to tread on it ; He then dived head foremost into the branches of the fallen tree:-.. "I made frantic ef forts to crawl through," but a stout branch resisted my progress, and . at the same . moment the Galongwa pushed in after me 'and pushed me through the branches to : the other side. ; Two drops of blood from his forehead fell on my shorts, one on tho thigh and one on the knee. Instead of pushing me straight through ' In front of him, though, he kicked me sideways. The impetus he gave me bent aside the stubborn branch and the next moment I found :' myself crawling out on hands and knees on one side 'of the: tree, with rifle still grasped by the muzzle, whilst the ele phant was executing a dance 'and stamping up the ground the other side, five" yards from me, evidently thinking that I was under his feet s "I quickly changed my . rifle round and discharged it into his stern. It was -the last cartridge in the rifle. Having fired, the rifle was taken out of my hands, and I found Matola, who. had counted the. shots, standing beside me, serving me the second ri fle as a waiter might offer a dish. By some oversight it had not been loaded and I had given strict orders t that none of my men were ever to load or unload my rifles. Being a good sol dier, Matola had not disobeyed this order, even under these extreme cir cumstances, but had gone the nearest to loading It he could. "The breech was open and he was holding the clip in position with his thumb Just over the magazine. All I had to do was to press it down as I took hold of the rifle, close the bolt, and I was ready to fire. The elephant was turning round and I shot him in the brain, dropping him dead." Putnam Fadeless Dyes will last until the goods wear out. The Germans will mount 40,000- candle-power searchlights on some of their airships to illuminate the en emy's camp. ' , The Bible contains 3,568.480 letters'. 733,748 words, 31,173 verses, 1189 chap ters and 66 books. Shake Into Tour Shoes Allen's root-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting-, sweating feet. Makes new shoes easy. Sold by all Druiriflsts and Shoe Stores. Don't accept any substitute. Sample t'KEli Address A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy. M. X. Typhoid Vaccination. Philadelphia Ledger: Vaccination to prevent typhoid fever, which made a wonderful record in the United States army during 1913, only two out of the 80,000 who wore vaccinated hav ing contracted the disease, is being used in the hospitals ot this city to protect the physicians, nurses and em ployes against infection. Back to the Land. A woman visited a friend whose hus band thought of moving out Into the country. ."Getting back to the land is all well and good," she said," "but could you ue contented to live in a little place?" "Yes," replied her friend. "I think I could if I were the only one there wno owned an auto." New York Times. .Mel ie siiesitl I oroihl Don't B Trifled Wifi. Ask fcr S. S. S. and BsnShnd far h "Jsst-ss gecd" Talk, "vThen -man Ytn the Short ehangVl (ant worked en him, lie make a noise that brings the Tollcs, and yet that same man may walk into a tor and have the Just u good" game worked on him and Ylen To Ask for S. 8. S. Do So YiUh Lrophaal. They Will ., ' .. C'nderatand. i- , , .' tamely submit Why stand for itt The only raaon why any store will try to aub titnte something ! for 8. B. & to the lust for creaier r3V fti.he greatest Wo pun " 'rx'" There Is not a medicine for any pur pose mora carefully made than 8 8. 8. II represents the highest type of medicine. Xt medical properties are Just as eases ttal to well balanced health. If the blood be sick, as era the nourishing: elements ol meats, grain, fats and sugars of our dally food. S. .8, a U prepared direct from native botanical material. Not a drop ot drug la added. Not a drop of minerals u visea. iws u one of the moat Import ant thins to know and to rem em be when your blood needs attention. . It Is the most effective, the purest the qulckeet and most reliable medlclna known for poisoned blood, rheumatism catarrhal Infection, malaria, skin disease, old aorea and ail afflictions that shew la the blood, skin. Joint and muscles. An interesting- book on the blood IS mailed to thoso who write. Get a, Vottla of & a 8. today. It is the world's great est medicine. Insist vpon tho dealer banding you 8. 8. 8. and doa't let hint orate about something that he can't ad-, vertlse aa free from lodMo ot potaelt and other destructive mineral drugs. If you have trouble getting S. 8. 8. write to The Swift fpeolto Co., to Swift mdg. Atlanta, Ca., fr Ui, at square deal . Craze for Luxuries. , The craze for luxuries Is one of the prevailing Ills of the times.4 "It is per fectly natural for men and women to want the good things of life, but it is mighty bad policy for them to attempt to get these thlng when they have not got the means. This fact is em phasized by a report from Boston which says that many of the residents of that once conservative town have sacrificed their homes in order to in dulge in the luxury of motoring. The story of a man selling his home for the purpose of purchasing an automo bile was formerly regarded as a good Joke for the vaudeville artists, but now it has become a tragic fact The report from the Hub may be exag gerated, but there is no reason to doubt that thousands of persons go to the wall every year in a vain and foolish attempt to live beyond their means. The desire to imitate those who are richer than themselves Is the rock on which many an , otherwise happy home Is wrecked. Luxury once tasted seems to get in the' blood and the only remedy Is a determined effort to get back to the simple life. Philadelphia Inquirer. 1 Not a Real "Bad Man." A cowboy calling himself the Ta ooma Kid haa been arrested for shoot ing up London. We fail to recall the young man's title In the list of moving picture performers, but he must be the real thing because he wore the full alfalfa regalia and fired a gun out ot a car window to the amazement and alarm of several women and children. Of course there was no chance , for him to fling himself across a rough neck cayuse and clatter down Pall Mall to Windsor Forest No, the bob bles got him and haled him before a magistrate, where he was convicted and fined eomething like $27 in the coin of Uncle Sam's realm. The episode recalls the remark ot the Goldfleld bartender who was asked what he would do if a so-called bad man tried to hold up the establish ment. , ... "Why," he. replied with an elaborate sneer, "It such a worm crawled in here we'd break him in two an' scatter him along th roadway!" From which it will be inferred that the simon-pure bad man is a thing of the romantio past Angel Child. Little Lfiula was a solemn-eyed, spiritual-looking child. One morning he came to his aunt who was vlBitlng the family, and asked: "Auntie, is this God's dayf ' "No, dearie, replied the aunt; "thla is not Sunday, It Is Wednesday." "I'm sorry," said the boy sadly, as he went back to his play. Each succeeding day be asked the same question of the aunt In his seri ous manner, and she said to his mother: !.. ;;. k " "Really, I don't think that child will live long, He is too good for this world." , " When Sunday morning came the question was repeated, and the aunt replied: "Yes, my darling; this le God's day." "Oh, goodie!" cried the boy. "Then where Is the funny paper?" Naming the Weapons, The Irishman In France had been challenged to a duel. "Shure," be cried, "we'll foight wld shillalaha." "That wont do," said hta second. "As the challenged party, you have the right to choose the arms, but chiv alry demands that you should decide upon a weapon with which Frenchmen are familiar." "Is that so, IndadeT" returned the generous Irishman, "Then we'll foight it out wld sulUoUnes." Preparation. Ed I hear he is preparing for one ot those trips to the north or south pole. Fred How far has he got? Ed Oh, ho's written all the press agent stuff. iSTEPLIVLiyji O Don't be relegated to 0 the rear because of some weakness of the ; f inner, man." . Try a , shorj course of f, , . HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters I, and help your Stom . ach, Liver and Bowels p a back to normal p g strength and activity, p p Get a bottle today. ,' p j v Some Occupation. ; "Life is a deuced bore. I wish I had some interest in life." "I don't blamo you, Percy. Why don't you get a dog to lead around?' ; The Amount. ; .'"Was Mrs. Pankhurst's visit to this country really worth while?" "Quite so. It was $20,000 worth." . The 1,073,238 . personB actively en gaged In farm work in Ireland on June 1, 1912, constituted 24 per cent of the total population (4,390,219), ac cording to the 1911 census. Of this number 810,503 were male and 262, 735 female. THESEGRET OF SUCCESS Genuine Merit Required to Win the Have you ever stopped to reason why it is that so many products that are extensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are soon forgot ten? The reason Is plain the article did not fulfil the promises of the man ufacturer. This applies more particu larly to a medicine, A medicinal pre paration that has real curative value almost sells itself, as like an endless chain system the remedy is recom mended by those who have been bene fited, to those who are in need of it. A prominent druggist says "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recom mend, for in almost every case it shows excellent results, as many" of my customers testify. No other kid ney remedy that I know has so large a sale." According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact that it fulfils almost every wish In overcoming kidney, liver and bladder diseases, corrects urinary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents; also mention this paper. Experienced Hands. "What's this fjrm I hear talk of this Cupid & Hymen?" "Oh, they are a couple of old ex perienced hands who are In the match making business." Baltimore American. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu late and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take. Do not gripe. Accomplished. Soiled Sylvester' Where did Benny de Bum learn Buch correct deport ment? FUx Hawsted Didn't youse know he's Just come from de house of cor rection? Philadelphia Bulletin. , To wish is of little account. To suc ceed thou must earnestly desire, and this desire must shorten thy sleep. Ovid. ' ; . f vifl1 I 1 1 1 1 1 M WOSMNIN BAD CONDITION Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. Montpelier, Vt "We have great faith in your remedies. I was vey In regular and was tired and sleepy all the time, would have cold chills, and my hands and feet would bloat My stomach bothered me, I had pain la my side and a bad headache most of the time. , Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound has done me lots of good and I now feel fine. I am regular, my stomach is better and my pains have aU left me. You can use my name if you like. I am proud of what your reme dies have done for me." Mrs. Mart Gauthieb, 21 Ridge St, Montpelier, Vt An Honest Dependable Medicine It must be admitted by every fair minded, intelligent person, that a medi cine could not live and grow in popularity for nearly forty years, and to-day hold a record for thousands upon thousands of actual cures, a has Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound,, without possessing great virtue and actual worth. Such medicines must be looked upon and termed both standard and dependable by every thinking, person. If you have tbe slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta bl Compound will helpyouswrito toLydiaE.Pinthara2IclIcinoCo, (confidential) Lynn Massif or ad vic Your letter will be opened read and answered by woman aid held in strict confidence SAM JOHNSON WAS REBUKED Clevelander Who Had Termerlty to Whistle at Tramp Is Promptly and Justly Reproved. Sam Johnson swears that this hap pened to him Wednesday morning. There was a ring at the back door bell, and he answered,, being the only mem ber of the household astir. He opened the door, and there stood a hobo, who said in part:. ; , "Couldjer spare a poor feller a bite ter eat?" ' " f. . "I'll see," said 'the hospitable Sam. "Just wait outside while I look." He looked into the larder, and there found a few things left over which he thought might appeal to a hungry man. Then he went to the door to apprise the tramp of his success. The tramp wasn't there. He was on the back step of the next house, telling the same sad tale. - ' Sam called "Hey, there!" but the tramp didn't pay any attention. "Hey, you!" shouted Sam, with similar re sults. Then Mr. Johnson put his fin gers to his mouth and gave a shrill whistle. The tramp turned and re garded him angrily. - "Say," said the tramp, "who do you think you're callln' to a dog?" Cleve land Plain Dealer. The New Way. The Political Friend to the Candi date Here's a thousand for your cam paign. Put it where it will do the most good. ". The Candidate Any string tied to it? . .; .,, "No." ' ' ' ", ' "You merely want me to use It where It will do the most good?" "Sure." . "All right Let me see. I've got a note to meet, some margins to cover, the rent is due and I need a new auto. Thanks, I'll make it go as far as I ian." .. - ' . ' HOW UNKIND! wA- "Wilson says he's a heap Bight bet ter than the people who talk about him." "Shouldn't be surprised. What were you going to say about him?" Speeding the Sltstlll. "Now, take radium; it's worth " "I don't care what it Is worth!" "Don't care what it Is worth? Why, man" "No, I don't care what it is worth, either by the gram, pound or ton. I am interested in the price of steak, and if you'll be careful to close the door af ter you go out I am going to try to earn enough to purchase a pound or What, must you go? Well, good-by." A Story, With a Moral. ' "Say, Uncle By,- why do you let your farm run down bo shamefully? A little work would put it in good shape." ' . -. i "I know It But what's the use? A feller was along here a while ago an' told me there might be valyooble min erals under both my medders an' maybe radium In th 'ridge up yonder. I'd be a dum fool to waste my time tannin', wouldn't I?" Splendid Idea. "Some of the gags they get off in the continuous performances are enough to make one foreswear the the ater." . ' . ' "I agree with you. But they are going to remedy that Boon." "Fine. In what way?" . - "Haven't you heard? The movies are going to put on up-to-date vaude ville acts." i : Just Once More. The living skeleton wished another engagement at the museum, but the manager demurred. . . "Perhaps I can work in something new," suggested the thin one. "Well," observed the manager, "I've given you three engagements as a liv ing skeleton; I reckon I can use you for one more if you will agree to go as a dead one." Pulitzer's Magazine. An Unlucky Man. "Well, I'll pay ' you that dinner I lost on the Giants. What will you have?" " "I think I'll take steak and muBh rooms." "I'm afraid to take a chance on mushrooms. A man as unlucky as I am would be apt to net toadstools." The Two Finally Agree. "Well, there's one thing I will say in favor of the hats and gowns ot the present time." "Say if ' "They're every bit as funny and gro tesque as the pictures in the fashion magazines show them to be." Cynical Rejection "You dont seem to care for the nu merous compliments extended to this work ot yours," said the admiring friend. "No," replied the artist; "la order to secure a first-class advertisement a picture has to be roasted." And Flare Up Lees Quickly. !, Prof. Profound Now they claim the human body contains sulphur. Miss Butterfly In what amount? v Prof. P. Oh, varying quantities. Miss B. Maybe that is why some girls make better matches than others. Puck. - '. ' Trial of Force. The Militant's Daughter I "bet my mother can lick your mother. Life. Hotel Washington Washinfton Street, Corner ef Twelfth. ' CHA3. H. BOWLEY, Manager. S1.00. tue S2.00 Per Day With Bath PriTUege. Special Rates by week or month. SaaM Bates fer One ax Two Parsons la a Beeea . , Portland, Oregon. ; 11.50, 12.00 aad $&50 Per Day With Private Bath. Bus to and from trains and boats, or take a Depot ear to Washington St and transfer, eet off at Twelfth Street European plan. lfiO outside rooms. Fireproof Building-, modern and clean in every respect. Hot and cold running- water and both telephone In every room. Single or double bedrooms.- Large Parlor off Main Lobby. Because the tonnage over , the fa mous Forth bridge in Scotland was 60 per cent heavier last year than in the year when it was opened much of the structure will be rebuilt ' When the leaves of tea were first brought to England they were eaten. It has been figured Out Uhat the screw of an Atlantic , liner revolves something like 630,000 times in the voyage between New York and Liver pool Of every 200 persons who live to be 40 years of age 125 are married. 3t6machWeak? 1 at hand so convenient and UkWXX JUCtVa . bo little cast. Liver Lazy? Dr. Pierced Golden Nervous?;,! n,w, aids digestion and purifies the blood. As a consequence both the stomach and liver return to their normal and healthy condition. Nervousness and biliousness soon disappear. The entire system takes on new life. ; , j , . 'a';. For over forty years this famous old medicine ' has "made good' and nevermore bo than today, enjoying a greater sale all over the world than . any other doctor's prescription. - ' For sale at all druggists in liquid or tablet form, or you can send fifty lc stamps for trtal box. Address DR. R. V. PIERCE, BUFFALO; N. Y. , Asserting His Rights. It was during the rush hours and the car was crowded to its full capac ity, and then some. , -t : ' A rather gaudily dressed young man was standing next to a German, each holding on to the overhanging strap. The car gave a sudden lurch, which resulted in , the - young man . stepping on the German's toes. This irritated the German, who addressed the other angrily. 1 1 ! . v "Mine friendt," he said, "I know mine feet vas meant to be valked on, but dot brivilege belongs to me." Lippincott's Magazine. 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad v ' Breath Candy Cathartic, . No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels--you always get relief with , Cascarets. They imme diately cleanse and regulate the stom ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con stipated waste matter , and poison from the intestines and bowels. A 10-cent box from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for months. They work while you sleep. Miss Margaret Montgomery of Still water, Okla., picked 700 pounds of cotton in one day, thp record for the world, although she weighed only 121 pounds herself. ' - ' Wright's Indian Vegetable PUls put the stomach in good condition in a short time. Try them for Sick Stom ach, Biliousness and Indigestion. Adv. - ' . . ' f Logical Effect . . .. "Did you see where ftiey have found out that lead pencils carry germs? TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, ... HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Halrl Get a 25-cent bottle of Danderine right now Also, i :, '.'"; Stops ' Itching scalp. TTiln ;Virlttlo onlnrlaca atiilopmcmr , , vv,w.vwm -v--oo, hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. ' There Is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, Its strength and Its very life; eventually producing a feverish ness and .itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight now any time will surely save your hair. Get a 25-cent bottle of Enowlton's Danderine from any drug store. You surely can have beautiful ; hair and lots of it if you will Just try a little Danderine. Save your hair I, Try Itl -,! .. .-: 1 v ; '-j:i ,', -fSIgn of Recovery, ' Rev. ; Caller Well, Mrs. Mangles, and is the good man any better? Mrs; Mangles Oh,- yes, sir. j 'E's nearly all right agen, sir. 'B don't say 'is prayers no more of a night now, sir.Sydney Bulletin. Tn. Peery's Vermlfufe "Dead Shot" kills, and expels Worms in a very few hours. Adr. , ,; ' - ' .- - . -' ' V ... Not, True. ; - '.J,,-., , v. Critic Your book Isn't true to life. Author Why do you say that? ; . Critic Well, you say, "As the young lady ordered a $4 dinner her fiance smiled!" Did you ever see a fiance do that?-Chlcago Journal, good A Connoisseur. ' xne colonel claims to be a judge of horseflesh." "Picked it up abroad, I s'pose. I understand they serve it in many of those European restaurants." ; Very Loud. - When the money of some people converses it uses a megaphone. Om aha Bee; , "Well, naturally, they are the very,'rHn n,, rTA.T e,T.fMC1 ncMrt thing to draw them." , , , CHILDS GIANT SUMMER COSMOS ;,- -t 1 ,V-. ?. j. "-a, M - - I' PoKltlrelr th wort viper A Municipal Tree. "Baltimore is to have a city Christ-Tif ; mas tree." -"They will trim it with clean streets and good, sewers, I s'pose." . . She Did. . "Did Miss Kaleseed get a runabout for Christmas?" ' "Well, she married Cholly Fastleigh on that day." Judge. superb kuown. IMoonuprofuMtrtron. jurt (o jhov.. ecu puiil pr ' flucing ihtusmnUi f Sowar. .J larger aod mere axquliite thaa fr the (,11 Came, vrl.it, alius. .crttnaoa.elc. ThrtTC nywhere-ttneat cut flow, ft juaueator eta. ser akt.. to. eluding- 3 wthtr UmdtKf i0Vitits frttjtr trial, vitj Crea-e Pink, largest 4 anest of au Asters. Fantr, Ochld-tUL, superb aw orchid colors Prlmrese, New Clint White, i Petnuln, Brilliant Beauty. Snort uaUTomate, aaw (). jit l.. cv. ,.,v- e..j Ar utitt reillT 10 ets. together with Note on culture, l utaiosue, TJ i J-vW-v-' ' , r- io .Lightning Changes. Are you familiar with the Mexican ou, ma ciuniomie it "y!-sl?' situation?" ' - - - - - SitaK "Only up to 8 o'clock this morning.''.- "7"" Detroit Frtv, Press. ' JOHN LEWIS CH1LDS. Floral Vuk. . 1. f R leumatism, Sprains ackache, Neuralgia "Yes. daughter, that'e (rood stuff The pain in my back is all gone I never law anything work as quickly tvs Sloan's liniment" Thousands of grateful people voice the same opinion. Here's ' the proof! . 3 . Kuved rent in Back. . "I was troubled with a very. bed ptln tn my beck lor some tame. I went to doctor but be did not do me any food, so 1 Eurchased a bottle of Sloan's intment, and now I am a weU woman. I always keep bot tle of Sloan's Liniment in the hnoe." X-m MBtildm Cotun, M MjTttmAo Brmokljn, A. Y. Sciatic Raevrmstism. "We bave need Sloan's Ltni ' nent for over six years -ad found It the best we ever need. When my wife bad sciatic rheumatism the only thiol that did her any -od was Sloan's Liniment. We cannot praise it hifhly enooarh." -. fertf. If Mtimt, imq .-, Spraial Aakle RcIUtoi!. " ,: "I was HI for a long tine with a severely sprained ankle. '1 fot a bottle ef Sloan's Liniment and now I am able to b about and can walk a rreat deal. 1 write this be cause 1 think yon deserve a lot of credit for puttier each a ftraa Liniment oa the market and I shall always take tune to recommend Dr. Sloan's LuutMat," J- f ,rr BmrTL Sniiiarars, Jrol, fm 4Wfi VI M aU DmlW Z5 SOc aad $1.60. S!a's isatvwetive beak ea hrM, cattU. ! euad poritry sent traa. AtUrtwa Dr. Esvrl S Sio&o, Inc. BwMaou. vzrm aWatOnakSyrap. Taatsa Gout. Ca ta tirse. Soli Vt Drrrit. AniMBiy.,. . .v-tdk I 1 P.N.U. No. S, 14. WrTEM WTHias- U avetiasna, piaaaa May- I I til tkie aaiMar.