JF HEAVY CAR TYPE ill The Tire Of Greatest Service is the I llll 7" E! Ill Ire you Want yrj For Touring . They are Sold at the Athena Oarage ZERBA BROS. Props. m I u In any ajnount, 3 to 5 years with - - re-payment privileges . - i LOAN S ON WHEAT LANDS 62 percent. 2 s Netherlands Ameri I can Mortgage Bank Frank R. Atkius, Representatiue r ! 120 East gourt St. Pendleton ! Press Paragraphs ' G. B. Bishop was over from Fies water Sunday. T. 0. Elliott of Miltoo, was In the oity yesterday. ' - A. A. Fogs transacted business la Pendleton, yesterday. Tasey Stewart was In town this morning, from Milton. Jerry Stone transacted business in Pendleton. Wednesday. . ; Edmood Walker name over from Walla Walla last night. 0. E. Roosevelt .was in the oity frcm Pendleton, Tuesday. . Jimmy Garden is op from Pendle ton, visiting friends heie, Air. and ton. David T. Stone were Pendleton visitors Monday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers motored up from Pendleton, Monday. . Ueputy Sheriff Blakely wag in the oity from Pendleton, Monday. ' A couple of leaks In the water mains were repaired this week. Mrs. Frank Sanders and Miss Hazel Sanders were in Walla Walla Satur day, . . . -I"; . ; J. B. Stnrgls and Elmer Storey of Walla Walla were in the oity Monday evening. ... Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Banister and F. 8. LeGrow went to Pendleton by oar Tuesday. Mjsses Vol ma Wilkinson and Base Ooolittle were visiting in Pendleton Saturday, ' 1 Mrs.B. I. Watts and Mrs. J D. Plamondon were Walla Walla visitors Tuesday. A benefit ball will be given at Wes ton tonight, for the baseball team of that oity. Osoar Bill, of Malheur ooonty, . is here on a yjsit to ba mpther, Mrs, W. T, Hill, . . ... B. O. Wotthiugton is bnilding a oonorete sidewalk, at bis residence on Bigb street. ,' Miss Ruth Rotbrook oame np from Pendleton Satuiday to spend the week end at borne. ;.. Mrs. W. S. Fergtjqqn apd daughter, Miss Gladys Andre, visited in Pendle ton Saturday. A tennis club is being organized for the summer. Dr. Plamondon's ooort will be used. ., ; L. S. Vinoent returned Monday from a business visll to Portland and Yaquina Bay, Dr. J. D. Plamondon, B. N. Hawks and Clyde Willaty motored to Walla Walla Monday. Mrs. Lillie Miller, in company with Miss Neva Forrest, went over to Beli; Tuesday with a lgue of spring millin ery, .: -V-V :J-----'.: Mrs. Wm. Tompkios and Mis. B. O. Wortbington were in Pendleton Sat nrday afternoon. William MoBride is ill at bis home sooth of town, with a well developed ease of smallpox. . ; Mrs. Ross Malouey of Walla Walla baa been visiting friends in this vi cinity this week. U. W. Hansell and son, Marion, came in on tbis morning's train, from Cambridge, Idaho. A. H. Luna will leave in a few days for Peas, Oregon, to leeide with his son Ira this summer. . , G. B. Fulleuwider, deputy food in spector, made a professional visit to Athena, Wednesday. Mis. W. E. Dotson is anbstitntiog in the Sixth grade, in the abascM of Miss Velma Wilkinson. ; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stewart have been ill this week with la grippe, at their borne north of town. m C olumbia Hornless PHONQGRPHS ARTISTIC DEMONSTRATIVE MACHINE JUST RECEIVED TJfc NEW FAVORITE, with com blnation Record Cabinet. This machine can be sold with or without the Cabi net With the Cabinet the price is $75.00; without, $50.00. We are in a posi tion to supply you with any priced machine you wish, and can sell cheaper than you can buy elsewhere, as we give a special discount for cash, and save you the freight besides. & J " & Byron N. Hawks, Druggist The Very Best ml i They're for Men and Women All the new and wanted styles, sizes and widths to fitjall feet c4sk to see 'theiii.'-Tduwili'be surprised at the Values you will find in them. The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade. Save your T.W.P. Stamps For Sale. White Leghorn an Barred Plymouth Rook roosters, at 1.50 eaob. Phone, 31x3. Misses Franoes and Mnrial Salirig of Pendleton, were guests over Sunday at the A. B. MoEwen borne. Agent J. R. Mathers baa moved bis family from tbe depot to the Willaby resideooe 00 Cqrrent street, : Miss Ethel Lindley of Walla Walla ia-at Fix & Radtke'a store with a large line of ladies' suits and coats. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley and son Dean and Mrs. Ethel Talbot went over to Walla Walla Tuesday by oar. VfMayor Roonta, has set Aside Friday sod Saturday, JJaioh 21 and 98 as cleanup days in Athena tbis year, v Tbe best leaf lard in 8 pound book ets at 65o; in 10 ponnd buokets, f 1.25; baoon, 18 cents per ponnd. Adv. I Oarl Christian is painting for E. A. VBs,nnett, bnt will be at bin chair in Parker's barber shop on Saturdays. "The Tiger Lily," a splendid pjor tore 111 three reels, was shown at tbe Dreamland last night, before a large orowd. - . ' . : :. Mrs. W. S. Ferguson left for Port land last evening, accompanying her mother, who goes to consult an eye speoialist. Mr. and Mrs., Fred Collins and little daughter, of BeJii visited at tbe Frank Tharp borne tbe latter part of last week. A. Mackenzie Meldrnm will go to Waitsbnrg, Wash., Maroh 80 to de liver bis famous leoture on bis voyage to tbe South Seas. Dr. and Mrs. Sera and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson motored op from Pen dleton Sunday and spent the day at tbe S. S. Piersol home. Mrs. 8. C. Stanton has leased ber borne northeast of town to William Vaooleve, and will spend the gammer visiting relatives, Mil. Lisaie Watts, who is reoeiving osteopath treatment in Pendleten, was borne for a few days last week, re turning there Sunday. Jaokson Nelson is still improving bis residence on Adams street, and ia now building a commodious addition to tbe rear of the house. J. B. Ridenom oame np from An- turn, Wash., Tuesday afternoon, and left Wednesday morning for bis. an nual sheep shearing tour. - A. T. King of Milwaukie. Ore., ia in tbe oity, having been oalled here on aooount of the serious illness of his brother, B. F. King. A full line of ladies' Spring coats and dresses in all tbn latest styles and colors are on exhibition at Fix & Bad- tke's for Marob 19, SO and 21. Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Mitohener will leave tbis week for the 0. O. White- man farm near LaCioss, Wash. where they will have employment. jVchas. Betta and son Kobler went WAwn to Pendleton Saturday, where tbey met Mrs. Bette and Reeve, who were returning from Mattituok L. I. Tbe City Meat Market will continue to sell indefinitely, lard, in 5 ponnd buokets, at 65o; 10 ponnd tuokets, for 11,25; baoon, 18 cents per pound. Ad. S. S. Piersol is making extensive im provements to his property on College and 4th streets, modernizing tbe windows and otherwise improving tbe resideooe. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Brown arrived in the oity from Dayton, Wash., Son day and are visiting at the home Mrs. Brown's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Nelson. Mrs. Gornail, wife of the pastor of the Methodist Episoopal church, is again in ill health and it may be neo essary for ber to go to Spokane for an other surgioal operation. Henry Koepke has received a con signment of alfalfa seed from the Ag ricultural department at Washington, D. C. Mr. Koepke will sow tbe seed and report results to the department. Charles May was down from bis mountain ranch, Wednesday. Be says tbe f aimers in the foothills ate plowiog, and the season appears to be as far adranoed np there aa it is here. VEarl Eiaubart porobasad tbe stook and fixtures of a oigar stoie in Pendle ton, and removed the same to bis plaoe of business in this oity. Sam Hott transported the goods on his big auto truofc. M. L. Watts aoeompanied bis fa ther, T. J. Watts, to tbe borne of his daughter, Mrs. Crabb at St Johns, Wash., Tnesday. air. Watts will re main with bis daughter indefinitely, In the hope that bis health may be im proved. Mrs. Geo. Bannister and Mrs. Wm. Winsbip entertained tbe ladies of tbe Baptist Miseioosry society yesterday afternoon at tbe borne of tbe former. Refreshment were served after tbe business session, sixteen ladies being present 3. C Toiand, wbo baa been 00 the Deary Keen raoob west of tows, has purebased 260 act as in Stevens county, paying $5300, and baa moved to bis nsw possessions. Bis address will be Gifford. Wash. Mr. Tolsnd expects to ran a dairy rsneh. E. A. Dndley is greatly pleased with the wotk teing done by his big cater pillar engine. - It took the machine just five days to plow a 160-anre field and it did good work while it was about it B. B. Riohards his again released tbe safety valve on bis tank of civic pride. In this instanoe bis office bnild ing, at the corner of Main and Fourth streets stands tedeoked in an attract ive coat of paint Miss.Ceoile Boyd, wbo is at present in the Y. W. C. A. at Portland, has aooepted a position as assistant Phys ical Education instmotor under Dr. Ball at tbe University of Wash ington, for tbe Summer session begin ning June 22. tors. B. B. Riohards tetnrned borne yesterday from a visit to ber sister, Mrs. Otis Wbiteman near La Cross, Wseb. Dale and Shelby Wbiteman aoeompanied Mrs. Riohards borne and will attend school here. , lllr. and Mrs. John Thompson were til tbs city Wednesday, Mr. Thomp son bad been in attendance at tbe Stookmen's convention at Pendleton, Be says bis stook is in fine condition, and be fed $3500 less feed tbis wiuter than he did a year bro. W. S. Pittman of tbe Moomontb normal sobool was in tbe oity Wednes day, in company with County 8ohou Superintendent Yonpg, Mr, Pittwaa delivered an address before tbe sto dents and faoulty of the Athena Blgb sobool and tbe 6th and 8th grades. Miss Lola Thsrp left tbis morning for a visit witb friends in Portland. Upon ber return abe will ta,ke a posi tion in (be Mosgrovs Mercantile Com pany's store, tbe same being vaoated by Mies Edna Taylor whq will go East with ber sunt, Mrs, Ueorge Clare, . Do cot fall to enjoy Athena's relig ious treat. Good music and speaking every day nntil otherwise announced. Sei vices at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. daily. Major Galley and woikers will bavs complete charge of tbe services, Ev erybody welcome, B, B, tioraall, Pes tor, . : Program at tbe Dreamland for Fri day and Saturday: 1 and 2. "The Diamond Mystery," Vltagraph. 3. "Tbe Gambler's Honor," Biograpb. Sunday: 1. "Put to tbe Test," Selig. 2. "Tfce Taming of Betty." Vita, graph, B,-"The Knife of Fire," Ed- The Best Clothes-Where I Louis Keen was in town Monday and oidered tbe Press sent to his ad dress atFreewater. Louis is getting bis plaoe, wbiob be recently purchased in shape to receive a herd of dairy cows. He says be prefers to "pail" oows to pruning orohards, so be will go in for alfalfa and oieam. Dr. Oaburn basreoeived bis appoint ment to tbe offloe of looal live stock inspector. Bis duties will be to in- speot livestook designated for inter state shipment, Benoefortb shippers will not be compelled to await arrival cf an official inspeotor from other points to come bore to pass on their stook.. . The Preston-Shaffer mill has fol lowed tbe lead of other mills of the coast, and closed down temporarily. Oriental eharteis are so .high that it has become unprofitable to ship flour to tbe Orient. However a general reduction is expected to take plaoe in tbe near f otnru, when operations will be resumed, 0. A. Barrett is in reoelpt of a let ter from tbe land office at LaGrande, apprising bim that tbe publiostion of a story in certain cewspspeis to tbs effect tba a large body of land in Baker county was subjeot to home stead entry in 040 aore lots, is nntrne. Mr. Barrett is informed that there is a bill to antboiize these entiles at tbis time before congress not passed. bnt that it has Luzon's Runaway. Joe Luzon, tbe well known Freuoh ssrdener. swept tbrongb town tbe other day in a thrilling Ben But stunt While coming to town with a load of apples his team beoame un manageable ont in the ooontry and ran away. Passing the length of Main street. Joe was holding to tbe reins , keeping in the middle of tbs roadway witb a precision born of pre meditation, and he stopped the team on tbe bill at tbe foot of tbe street. Bis oargo of apples weie soattsied along the county highway a mile or two outside the oity limits. "Me bol' 'em," says Joe. " of r A- More Concrete Walks. Barrett is potting down a oonorete walk in front of bis Main street business buildings tbis . week. Biram Knigbt Is ' doing tbe work, Tbis ia the first seotion of sidswalk tirovided for in a reoent ordioanoe passed by tbe city council, wbiob de crees that the Main street walks be tween Seoond and Fourth streets must be constructed of oonorete. Other nronprtv owners on Main street will follow and in a aboit time tbe woik will be oompleted. J. E. Fioome had 1 the doorway approaches to tbe bakery and barbershop toilt in with oonorete this week, ;, Sundials. A sundial consists of two porta, tbe atyle or gnomon, usually the edge of a plate of metal, made parallel to tbe earth's axis, and pointing toward the pole, and tbe dial plane, wbicb may be of any bard substance and on which are marked tbe directions of tbe shadow for tba several hours of the day, their halves. Quarters, etc Dials are given different names, ac cording to tbe positions which tbey are constructed to occupy. Tbe dial la called a horizontal dial when the dial plane ia qn the plane of tbe hori zon; a vertical dial when perpendicu lar to that plane. A dial whose plane is parallel to tbe equator la called an equinoctial dial. There an also north dials, south dials, east dials, west di als, polar dials, declining dials, eto Chicago Tribune. mean?" Autosuggestion. "What dots autosuggestion asked Blnks. "That' when your wife begins to figure oat bow much yoa and your family wonld ssire In car fare if yon bad your own machine." replied Jinks. -Cincinnati Enquirer. Tmb Makkcjub&s IKMT.SKHlLSai Suviiiu liftS IS NOT To (et Them Mark 0. Harris S Co medal for best fitting, nicest looking longest wearing garments made to order, in c-America, at prices from $12.00 to $35.0 Sold in cithena by James Conley only, who has years of practical ex perience in tailoring, to insure only perfect satisfaction I also have a full line of the very best Rain Coat materials, made to order from New York City shop at prices from $7.50 to $15.00 for ladies and gents. Ladies' suits, coats, skirts, and one-piece dresses, made to order from your own ma terial or from any woolens I carry in my shop. Five hundred patterns of the best shirt materials. All styles made to order at reason able prices. Woolens for ladies' or gent's wear sold by the yard. cAlterations made on any garment. Up-to-date cleaning and pressing on all garments. ' ' - Foss House, one Blk North School House. Jas. Conley, Athena, Ore. V Jmmm g Stock "For the next 30 days to reduce Stock we offer special prices on wagons, hacks, buggies, plows 3i International Steel Gear Wagon, former price $100, now reduced down to$ 85.00 IX Half Platform Studebaker Hack, " IH Four Spring " " M U Four Spring " " " 14- Inch two bottom Oliver Gam? Plow 4' 16 Inch two bottom Oliver Gang Plow " 10 Inch Oliver Sulky Plow " 16 Inch Oliver Chilled Walking Plow " it 125. 145, 150, 80, 85. 55. 15, . ii ii ii tt ii i f4 II II II II 41 90.00 110.00 115.00 68.00 72.00 38.00 7.50 Main St. C. A. BARRETT & GO. Athena Sivid Hir Lift from Pneumonia "My wife had a severe attack of Pneu monia which followed a case of La Grippe and I believe that FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR saved her life," writes James. Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri. . Good Risuits In Eviry Can Dr. C.J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., writes: "I hsve used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR In three very severe cases of pneu monia with good results in every case." 0) nn JUL fn rr Dm. . ,10, Csnd of Tirrlbli Conh on Lenp N. Jackson, of Danville, III., writes: "My daughter bad a severe sttsck of La Grippe and a terrible cough on her lungs. We tried a great msny remedies without relief. She tried FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR which cured her. She has never been troubled with a cough alnce." (bU. A Csnd Wfeia Very U9 11th PniBiaonla J. V. Bryan, of Lowder, IU., writes: My little boy ws rery low with pneu monla. Unknown to the doctor w t bim FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. The result was mag icsl and puttied the doctor, a It Immediately stopped the racking cough and he quickly recovered.' It'".