The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 20, 1914, Image 2

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    fit $tfeOT
F. B. Boyd. Publisher .? J
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered in the FoRtofflce at Athena, Oregon
as econatnasc Man Matter.
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year.. .. .... .... -....$1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months.... .73
One copy, three months. i . . . . .50
Advertising Rates. ,
Display, transient,' running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch .- 25c
Subsequent insertions
Display regular, per inch ...2
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line. . . . . 1 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line .......... 5c
Church notices, admission, per line .' . 5c
All this implication of tbe county
court in relation to high taxes amounts
to praotioally nothing, and the friends
of Mr. Gilliland are weloome to make
all out of it they can for oampaigu
purposes. Tbe orux of the tax ques
tion fioes beyond the probate court
of -any county. When yon plaoe it
where it aotualJy belongs it'resti with
tbe legislature. There may be honest
differences of opinion in tbe contrac
tion of county roads, for, instanoe.
But the present high taxes are not
caused by road bnilding in Umatilla
oonnty no, not on your ' tin-type.
' Tbe apportionment for loads in this
oonnty this year is not A 1-2 mills, bo
let us proceed direot to tbe real tax
factory. Recently the Portland Jonr
nal took tbla squib from the Portland
Oregonian as a text for an article:
"Tbe state must be extiloated from
tbe tax bog in wbiob it has been
plunged by too liberal expenditures of
, poblio money. Tbe Oregonian does
, not at all soy that. Governor West is
solely responsible for present pondi
tions. -Everybody is responsible
Oregonian. ,i , i
.None more than tbe Oregonian, re
. 4 I T 1 ' . 1 . At
piles me journal. appunaeq toe whnt country ,s oppOBho on
senate and bouse maobine, organized globe.' "I don't know, mn'nm"
detriment rathe than an aid to tbe
prohibition movement. 4 -.
"Oregon will quite likely go dry in
November. The .state-wide prohibi
tion sentiment is already strong In
this state, and will be fanned into
flame ty tbe small army of anti-saloon
spellbinders who are te flock Into
Oregon, beginning next April. '
"Bot although Oregon is voted dry,
it doesn't follow that tbe state will be
dry in fact." Tbe same old problems
will arise, tbe same old gam-shoe and
speak-easy aobemes of law evasion
that have aooompanied prohitition
elsewhere. Tbe oanse will continue
to suffer beoanse of tbe virtual part
nership between tbe federal govern
ment and tbe liquor tiaffio. Tbis
oonstitotes too great a handicap.
"What tbe Leader would like to
see is the saner amoant of ! effort de
voted to national, prohibition that is
now devoted to desultory, - piecemeal
and ineffective prohibition. Before
long one of the great parties would
weep the country on a platform to
prohibit tbe manufacture and sale of
intoxicating beverages and deolariug
them contraband .. wherever found
Before long Congress' would bend to
tbe wind and embody tbe people's
mandate in federal legislation.
"If tbe anti-saloon leBgners .want to
really kill tbe snake, it's .time tbey
sbonld begin stamping on its head
instead of its tail." ..... . . . , .
Pilot Rook baa again responded to
tbe call of progress. Ber latest stroke
of enterprise is a twelve room bospital
oostrnoted and equipped beyond what
a oity of that size would seem to war
rant. Two physioiana and a drnggiat
of tbe town joined bands and with the
support of tbe Commercial CIcb and
the publio spirited oitizens, their
hopes have teen realized.
In seoret to ride rough shod over.
West's vetoes of appropriation bills at
tbe 1013 session. ".
The ambition of the gang was to
override every veto no matter , what
the merit of . the measure. It ,was
sufficient that a proposal for economy
emanated from the governor's office
down with it was tbe slogan of tbe
senate and honse maohioefv and with
It was tbe voioe of tbe Oregonian.
Tbe Oregonian laogbed when the
gang laughed. It wept wben tbe gang
wept. It was glad wben tbe .gang
was glad. It was for putting the gov
ernor "in a bole" whenever tbe gang
was for putting the" governor "in a
bole." .
Whenever West vetoed an appro
Dilation bill and the maobine crowd
passed it over tbe veto, tbe Oregonian
pointed to the result with pride. It
patted tbe gang on tbe back. It en
oonraged tbe bandits to new endeav
ors, It called tbe state to witness
bow the patriotio legislators - were
showing the "foolish governor" his
Tbe Oregonian simpered and smiled
wben tbe gang passed the notorious
tbcasand-dollar Carpenter approprla
tlon over tbe governor's veto. It was
oomplaoent when Ibe ooutplrators
passed 10 bills raising officials sslar
I s in 12 counties over tbe governor's
veto. ;;.
It applauded wben tbe machine
passed tbe f 1.2F 0,000 general appro
priation bill over tbe veto iu wbiob
there were nearly 1 300,000 of Items
of foreign appropriations to wbiob tbe
governor bitterly objected. It ap
proved wben the gang put the emer
gency olanie on tbe vetoed bill so tbe
people oouldn't reaob it with the ref
erendum. "
The total appropriations for tbe
two years an a result of tbe gang's au-
daoiona operations are 18,850.000.49.
That is the sum taxpayers most dig
op for 1913 and 1914,; 1
History oannot be' repealed. It is
tut a year slnoe the faols herein de
scribed .transpired. Tbe Oregonian
was a cart of the conspiracy in the
last legislature. It was tbe publloity
medium. It backed tbe gang. It
sponsored the program. " It tossed tbe
bosses. It lubrloated tbe machine.
IU cant about high taxes is about
tbe "high taxes" it helped to make.
Despite the case hardened enmity
existing between tbe Colouel aud oh.
we are oonatraloed to admit1 that the
? ; Bright Bey.
Holding np a globe before a brieht
little boy In school the tencher naked
the reply. "Well, how." nursned tha
tencher. "If 1 were to bore n bole
through the. earth and you were to eo
In at this end, where would you come
out?" "Out of the holev" replied tbe
pupil, with nn air of trlumph.-New
York Globe.
. Her Test of Bravery.
Shu I would ni'ver marry a
who Ik. h (ownrd. He About
brave wuiilit ho nnve to be to
your nppro hi y Slut-Well, he'd
to linve fouriiue enough to er-pro-
pose Boston Triinsorlpt. ..
- ........
No Wonder.
Jii'-k. Vi-s. poor loliu tuny have bad
lils limits, imt his heart was on the
right UU' Wiikks -l It powlbleV No
womlfl he rtiod
He is ii'-iin-st In Cod who hf.n
fewi'wi iiiinls'i I'rnrerb.
of Oregon, tor tbe Couotyof Umatilla,
and said order was made and dated
tbis 11th day of February, 1914, and
the date of the first publication of tbis
summons is the 27th day of February,
1914. j : . ;
Ail process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served npon the under
signed residing within the State of
Oregon, at tbe address hereafter men
tioned. .
Dist. Atty. and Attorney fortbePIain
- tiff. - '
Address Pendleton, Oregon.
Notice to Creditors. ..
In tbe Oonnty Court of tbe State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In li e Matter of ' tbe Estate of
: Eliza McPhail, Deoeased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
whom it may concern that John - Mo
Phail has been appointed and has
qualified as administrator of tbe es
tate of Eliza MoPhail, deoeased. All
persons having claims against the
said estate are required to present
them with vonohers as required by
law to tbe said administrator at tbe
office of Will M. Peterson, bis attor
ney, in tbe Smith-Crawford Building
at Pendleton, Oregon, within six
mouths from date hereof.
, Dated tbis tbe 6th day of Marob,
A. D. 1914. JOHN MoPHAIL,
' Administrator.
His Attorney.
Iu tbe Cironit Court of tbe State of
Oregoo, for Umatilla Oonnty.
P. M. Wilson, Plaintiff :
' '. vs. .v
Mabel Wilson, Defendant.
To Mabel Wilson, tbe above named
In tbe name of the State of Oregon,
yon are hereby summoned aud requir
ed, to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against yon in tbe above
entitled snit within six weeks after
the date of the Brat pnblioation of this
summons against yon, pnblioation to
be made in the Athena Press, a news
paper published weekly at Athene,
Umatilla County, Oregon, and yon
will take notioe that if yon fail to so
appear and answer tbe said complaint
or otherwise plead thereto within said
time tbe plaintiff for want thereof
will take lodgment against yon for
tbe relief prayed for and demanded
in tbe complaint tiled herein viz: For
an absolnte deoree of divoroe forever
dissolving tbe bonds of : matrimony
now existing between tbe plaintiff and
defendant and for snob other and far
ther relief as the court may deem just
and equitable.
Tbis summons is published pursuant
to an order of tbe Hon. Gilber: W. .
Phelps, judge of tbe 8ixtn Judicial
Distriot of tba State of Oregon, duly
made aud entered in tbe above entitled
court on tbe 10th day of February,
1914. Tbe first publication thereof is
to be made on tbe 18th day of Feb
ruary, 1914, and tbe same will be pub
lished for six oonseoutive weeks there
in, the last publication to appear on
Frid.ay, tbe 27th day of Marob. 1914.
Homer J. Watts,
Attorney for plaintiff.
ment and adjustment of tbe property
rights existing between the plaintiff
and defendant and for snob other and
further relief as the Court .may deem
just and eqnitatle. ' -
This summons is published pursuant
to an order of the Hon. Gilbert W.
Phelps, judge of tbe Sixth Jndioial
Distriot of tbe State of Oregon, duly
made and entered in the above entitled
court on tbe 10th day of Fetrnary,
1914. Tbe first publication thereof is
to be made on tbe 13th day of Feb
ruary, 1914, and the same will be pub
lished for six consecutive weeks
therein, the last publication to appear
oa Friday, tbe 27tb day of Marob,
1914. - Homer I. Watts,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
ft-in i iikij M CHUPINEO "
T. D. Taylor
For Sheriff
I hereby annonnoe to tha voters of
Umatilla county, that I will be a can
didate for re-election to the office of
Sheriff, sutjeot to 'the will of tbe
Demooratio primaries. My record as
an officer dnring the preceding terms
I have held tbe office, speaks for it
self, and if again eleoted, 1 will con
tinne to give my beet eervioes.
Paid Advertisement
L. L. Mann
For Sheriff
If eleoted Sheriff of Umatilla Coon
ty, I promise tbe people that I will
give my personal attention to tbe work
of my offioe, and that I will endeavor
by every fair means to enforce all tbe
laws of tbe State cf Oregon, inolndlng
tbe laws against bootlegging, gambling
and prostitution and other orimes of
like nature. Aa a taxpayer, I am in
favor of economy in all of tbe business
of tbe' County, and will,' if elected,
conduct tha Sheriff's office striotly
npon business principles.
Paid Advertisement.
V ww WWWWw
Call For City Warrants.
Notioe is hereby given that the City
of Athena will redeem tbe following
warrants: ' Warrants drawn on th
Water Fund, No. 61S to 6901nolosive.
Warrants, drawn on tbe General Fond
No. 670 to 644 inolusive. These war
rants will or-ase to draw interest from
date of publication of tbis notioe.
Dated Marob 6, 1914
V. 0. Burke, Treasurer.
following, concerning the prohibition
questiou, whiob appeared in tba Wes
ton Leader last week is worthy of re
production in tbe test paper pnb
ll:tcd in Athena. Woodsayt:
"Dating tbe deoade ending in 13S0,
the consumption of all iutoxloating
liquors throughout tbe United States
averaged loss than nine gallons per
"Itiauow twenty-two gallon per
"Ibis despite tbe dry towns, tbe
dry counties and tbe dry states that
have been won over to tbe prohibition
oanse after sears of strenuous work. "
"Ibe trooole Ja Ibat tbey aren't
really dry. Liqonr le still lawfully
manufactured: secret means are fouod
to drlbk it wbere tbi law doeau't sanc
tion its sale. Tba brief itiga of out
ward aridity and inwnid Irrigation in
Umatilla coauty, for instanoe, was a
In Foreclosure of Tax Lien.
la tbe Cironit Court of tbe State of
Oregou, for the County of Umatilla.
Lexingtoo Realty Company, a corpor
atlon, Plaintiff, vs. W. R. Howard
and also all persons or parlies nn
known, claiming any right, title, es
tate, lien or interest in the real ea
tate deaoiibed herein, Defendants:
To W. R. Howard, tbe above named
defendant, and aleo all persoua or
parties unknown olaiming any light,
title, estate, lien or iuterest in the
real estate described herein:
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
Yon are hereby notified that Lex
logton Realty Company, a corpora
tlon, is the bolder of CertiQoata of
Delinquency numbered 893. issued on
tho d day of February, 1913, by tbe
Tax Collector of tbe County of Uma
tilla, State of Oregoo, for tbe amount
of Two aod 10-100 (3.10) Dollars, tbe
same being tba amount tbeu due and
delinquent for taxes for tbe year 1007,
together with penalty, interest aud
costs tbereon npon tha real property
assessed to you, of wbiob you are tbe
owner as appears of reoord, situated
iu said County and State, and partic
ularly bounded aud deaoiibed as fol
lows, to wit;'
Lot 10 in Seolion 18, Twp. 8 North
of Range 86 East W. M.
You are further notlUed that said
Lexington Realty Company, a corpor
ation tea paid taxes on said premises
for sutsequent years with the late of
Interest on said amounts as follows:
Yearn nte Tax Rcwlpt
Tax (Via timber Am'l
liw Kl, IIU3 T(MJ ll.MO
HMO " " 70M 1.10
llHO " " 7l 140 " "
Itlll , H'wST 1 tij
una Aprl, " 670S US
Said W. R. Howard, aa tbe owner
of tbe legal title of tbe above described
property as the same appears of reoord
aud each of tha other persons above
named are hereby farther notified
that Lexington Realty Company, a
oorporatioo, will apply to tte Cirouit
Court of tte County aod State afore
said for a deoree foreclosing tba lien
against tha property above described
and meutioned in said certificate. And
yoa are- hereby summoned to appear
within sixty days after tba first pub
lication of the summons exclusive of
tbe day of said (list publication, and de
fend this act inn or pav tba amount due
asatove shown together with oosts aud
accrued interest and in case of your
failure to do so, a decree will be ren
dered foreclosing tha lien of said taxes
and costs against the land and prem
ises above oauid.
Tbis en rontons is published ty order
I of tbe Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps,
1 Judge of the Cirouit Court of the State
lbit of
14 pr rt
In tbe Cirouit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
George Pambrnn Plaintiff,
vs. -
Mary Pambrnn, Defendant.
To Mary Pambrnn, tbe above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby summoned and re
quired to appear and answer tbe com
plaint Died against you in the above
entitled suit witbin six weeks after
the date of tbe first publication of
this summons against yon, pnblioation
to be made in tbe Atbena Press, a
newspaper published weekly at Atb
ena, Umatilla oonnty, Oregon, and
you will taken notioe that if you fail
to so appear and answer tbe said com
plaint or otherwise plead thereto with
in said time, the plaintiff for want
thereof will taki judgment against
you for the relief piayed for aod
demanded in the complaint tiled herein
viz: for an absolnte deoree of divoroe
forever dissolving tbe bonds of matri
mony now existing between tbe plain
tiff and defendant, aud for tba settle-
. E. FROOME, PBor,
Only First-class Hotel in
the City. .
Is the only one thai can accommodate
i' ', aommarolal travelers.
Can beieoomended lor He clean and
4,' well Ventilated rooms.
Cor. Maik and Third, ATBMA.Or.
and Genera
Satisfaction Guaranteed
First National Bank
of Athena
Office, Dutch Henry Auction, Feed
and Sale Stable, Pendleton, Oreg.
Phone, 133.
Flat Lena
Toric Lens
'iffit A D-French Optical Co.
v ' Refracting' and Manufacturintr
15 East Main, Walla Walla Wash.
Phone No. 653
Should you break your glasses mail
them to us. We will duplicate them
and mail them sams day received. If
your eyes are troubling you call at our
office, we will fit you correctly with
glasses if you need them. Our work
The Toric Lena is the Best, Notice the is fully guaranteed.
Angle of Vision. DR. FRENCH 0. D. in charge
All thehmQinrofth
See tli8&ejw&''fied Springs at
Brick Is Tool-Proof
. When you decide to use brick in your
building you are sure of one thing
the contractor cannot tamper with the
material. 4 .
With both lumber and cement you
are blindly trusting to the dealer and
contractor. The chance is again you,
for you have no way of knowing
whether they are treating you honest
ly. Yon may find out afterwards
when it is to late.
; Don't trust that material man; don't
tempt the contractor's honesty. '
Build'with brick the one material
that is actually fool-proof.
: Best grade Common Building Brick
always on hand. Correspondence is
solicited, r -t ; .
P. T. Harbour, Mgr. Weston, Oregon
u. s.
Cream Separators
If you are interested in a
Cream Separator, you will
be pleased with the latest
Prices $30 Up
Liberal allowance on old
machines. Free trial.
Phone 16X2 Weston, Oregon
S. F. Sharp
. ' Special attention ' given to all
calib both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Office on Third
Street. Athena Oregor
Attorney s-at-Law
Freewater, Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon
8. SHAFFER President,
W. 8. FERGUSON, Vice-President,
F. S. Le GROW, Cashier.
R. F. CANNON. Ass't Cashier
v m a T" ITT
. JT. . Lie unu .
We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation
consistent with sound Banking. .. t " .
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, by Athena labor t in one ot the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for ,
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon.
Waitsburg, Wash.
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon. :
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Graduate McKlIUp,Vetlnary college
Offices: Commer'.cil Stable aud Hawks Drug
ruore. ruoue main tils, or Mb. .
Engineers and Surveyers
Phone 881 . Freewater.' Oregon
.; ft
si v... y-mtLzsm 1 14....
A- J. Parker
everything Plrat
Claaa Mo tern
and Vp-to-d s t
100 for $1.25. 250 for $1.50. 500 for $2.25. Paper furnished
We have samples of the best line of weaves we have
ever offered to our patrons. We can give you a good,
tailored suit tor $15, a better one for $20, and a crack
erjack for $25. Fit and material guaranteed.
Main Street RUSSEL PffiRSOL. Athena Oreg.