Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer VOLUME XXVI. ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY: OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 20. 1914. NUMBER 13 Fossriship Hardware Company I i Heaters: The World's Leader In Satisfaction Barrett Building, Athena, Or So many of oar friends have asked us:. i.'.'What is the meaning of that we are going to explain the origin of the word. ' Like ' a good many words in English, "TUM-A-LUM" is derived from a great many -l9ng-nsge. Originally, from the CHINOOK INDIAN - meaning "SCATTER; ED WATERS" "TUM-A-LUM" has oome to mean: -4 IN, FRENCH "10 EXCEL." v :Y : IN DUTCH, "HANDLING THE BEST OP GRADES." - IN GERMANr-!'SERVICE." . v 1 . s. T IN IRISH, "QUALITY." . .. ' - V ' '' IN SPANISH, "THE BEST FOR THE MONEY." Pot all of the above meanings together and yna have the meaning of TUM-A-LUM in ENGLISH. Bat in the- language of. Athena.'; TUM-A-LUM stands for THE UP-TO-DATE LUMBER YARD. ; A fine Jot of tarred Cedar fence posts on hand. . The Turn-aLum Lumber Company r - "See A. M. JOHNSON about it " " CJ: Home of ffff!PpW Groceries j 1 Good Groceries go to the Right Spot Every Time This is the Right Spot To go. to Every Time for Groceries TRY TIIESE--TIIEVLL PLEASE ! best ; THE pNOPOLE Monopole Vegetables Monopole Fruits Monopole Salmon; r t Monopole Oysters DELL BROTHERS, " Athena, Oregon CATERERS TO TIIE PUBLIC IN GOOD THING 3 TO EAT THLMUHIYHEETI Haeckel; Now 80, Famous For His Works on Origin of Man HELD IN ATHENA SINCE ORGAN IZATION TOOK PLACE.- Change Made Last Saturday at Meeting of the Principals of County- Schools. THE ATHENA iEAT iARKETl We carry the best t gsf: TJilEATS p-Xl L That flipney Buys J J F Our Market is 1 r 1 Rfl?!'' Clean.. and:: Cool I jjllV Insuring Wholesome Meats. JjU ' ' BRYAN k MEYER , , 3SS" T"" , Main Street, Athena, Oregon Xne Annual, ooonty ...sobool . track meet wbiob was originated by the Atnena Commercial Association and which has been held yearly: in the Atnena UUi Park, will hereafter be held on the Roundup grounds in Pen dleton. At meeting of the prinoipnls or sobools ot the ooonty" at Pendleton Saturday,, snob arrangement was de cided upon. 1 'The central looation of Pendleton and transportation facilities' to the towns of the West part of the ooonty are toe reasons given for the change, The meets heretofore held in tbis city nave been snoceasfulones. notwitb sianaing me raoc tnav f endieton - was not represented at the meet last year. and aa provided in obanging the meet log place, the schools of that oity will not be represented at future meets. Oonoerniog the obange, the East Oregonian says: '- Hereafter the- annual high aohool traok meet will be held in Pendleton instead of Athena and the oontest will be open to the atbletea of all the high schools in the county exoept the Pen dleton high school. 'This was the de oisioo reaohed Saturday afternoon at the meeting of the executive commit tee of the Umatilla County Athletlo and Oratorical assooiation in this city. The setting of the meet in Pendleton instead of Athena was decided noon because of the mora central looation of the oity. Eeretofore the west end sohools have not been represented at the meet beoaose of the heavy expense but hereafter will send teams to try for honors. ' The withdrawal of Pendleton from the traok meet was taken because of the fact that the local sohool is much larger than any of the other sohools and tnrna out a muoh better balanced team, one that easily wins the meet, thus lessening elements of competition. I he looal sohool concurred in the aotj ion taken. - The oratorioal meet will be held in the evening of the same day or on the evening prior, and in tbis Pendleton win be permitted tot have represent ation. . . , .., ;-.. - -.i ,;. , RNST HEINRICH HAECKEL, the aged German naturalist and eooIo- gist, wnose works on bis scientlflc views of the origin of life have "made him famous, has reached the age of eighty. He was born Feb. 10, 1834, at Potsdam. From 1862 to 1909 be was professor of roolocv at Jena. Haeckel is an ardent supporter of the Darwinian theory of evolu tion. He believes that the human race spranff from monkeva of a h!?h ttnk One of his most popular works for English readers is "The Riddle of the Uni verse," written In 1900. In it he sets forth his scientific explanation of life and death and the cosmos in plain and vivid language.; Haeckel Is shown here with a restoration of one of his prehistoric ancestors of man. n CLEANUP DAYS NAMED BY MAYOR RUBBISH WILL BE HAULED FREI OF CHARGE PREMISES.' United Work' of Citizens Ask ed for on Friday and Satur day,' March 27-28th.' ..!"- 1- Of SOME SCHOOL DATA IS ISSUED State Supt Churchill's Work Covers Several Months. . EVERETT BORERS DEAD j- JL . .... Ladr Was Formerly Miss Lucv Han- " "tall of f Ws'Citr. ' v - v -. " - . -.-. : The sad news' was received here Monday by Marion Qansell, of the death of bis sister, Mrs, .Everett Rog eis at ner noma near Cambridge, Ida bo, and with bis sister, - Miss Georgia and Blaine Hansell. he' took the evening train for Cambridge. sax. ana mrs. u. w. JUansell were summoned to their daughters bedside last Thursday, when her critical ill ness was first announoed and they were at ber borne when abe passed away. , Mrs. Rogers who was formerly Miss Luoy Hananll, recently gave birth to twin girls. She leaves three other ooiidren, and ber death ia one of the saddest that the Press has been called upon to obroniole. She was well mown in Atnena, where she grew to womanhood, and was a graduate of toe Atnena nigh sohool. CM. , . aaa was married several years ago to mi. tfoge's, sinoe which time they nave resided on a farm near Cam bridge.: Mr. and Mrs. Hansell were nrannr ing to take op residence at Cambridge, uaving reoentiy sold their farm west oi Atnena, with this objeot in view The funeral was conducted at Cam L i mm,. onage. xne sympathy of this entire community goes oat to the sorrowing Copies of a direotory of the sobools of the state, giving information never before published, are being mailed by Superintendent of Publio Instrnotioa Churchill. Aside from containing the names of superintendents, super visors, principals and high sobool teaohers, it gives their salaties, tells of their' woik end contains the roles and regulations for issuing oertiScates. Not only are tba pnblio sobool given in the pamphlet, . but independent sohools snob as Albany College, Wil- WILLIAM J. WILKINSON DEAD . . . , Passed Away at Twin Falls, Idaho. Funeral in Athena, From Residence. Inmiiffa ITtit batoI f v Raarl Pnllana wA Roman Catholic bohools are mentioned. 5 " iWlu a,1H- 1UBn The average monthly salaries of the 1 neM was sai to be due to Wilkinson, for many. years a resident of this city, died at Twin Falls, Idaho, tbis morning. ' The body will arrive in this oity tomorrow eve ning, and the funeral will be held from the family residence, Sunday, Rev. W. S. Payne of Weston conducting the services. V A telegraD was received here Wed nesday announcing the oiitioal illness of Mr. Wilkinson, who was in a bos- The ill. jaundice. male teaohers of tba putlio sohool is I Craig Wilkinson was summoned from $84.25 and of the women teaohers ' Caynse, where he is employed, and In the Chicken Business. illy" Pinker ton seems to bava en gaged in the chicken business on quite an extensive scale, over at Milton auuuiumg io ie juuson .agie, ie re cently purchased a flock ot a dosen Barred Books, investing one hundred dollars for tba bunch, with a St Loaia firm. Snob a venture nay prove proniaraa at Jiilton, but ia Athens, who nnkerton on tha live end, it would spell a josh. He reallr doesn't know a hen from a geese and when he bought those Barred Rooks from George Hanseli. at four bita per. ha thought, ha was getting speckled Coohina. Park Improvement, Jaacb Re&o, who has charge of tha Park improvement this Spring, yester day set oat a number of shrubs and bnlba which were donated by cit izens. The City Park now presents a inviting appearance. A nam bar of trashes wera among tha eollas tion gat oot yesterday. There ia etill Plenty ef toon for more trees and brnba at tha Park and aoy one hav ing them to donate mj leave word at the Pnwa office and they will be placed ia tha Park fcy Hr. Rano. 161.74, The average monthly salaries of teaohera in one-room sobools is 160.50 and of teaohera in sobools hav ing more than one room $68.13. Frio ipals salaries average $95.16 a month and the average annnal salaries of su perintendents in diatriots of the first olaes is $1,929.69. : Multnomah pays the highest sal aries to both men and women teachers, the figures being $151.50 and $97.85, respectively. Hood - River County oomes seooad, paying its men teachers $109 1 and its women teaohers $70 monthly. Umatilla pays its men $101.44 and its women $69.30. Lin coln county pays tba smallest salaries, its men receiving $61.90 and women teaohera $54.05. Clackamas : ranks low, paying its men ' teaohers $81.23 and its women $58.32. All these fig urea are general averages. : No Trace of Missing Man. No trace faasbeen found of E. A Dudley's brother, who disappeared from tba Imperial Hotel in Portland, several weeks ago. Mr. Dudley spent several days in Portland seeking for soma clue aa to tha lost man's where abouts, bat nothidg eoald be learned. The brother visited Air. Dudley at his home bera last summer. He was a mining engineer, and for several years bad made his home at the Imperial hotel. : Ha was interested in mines in Mexico, and heretofore had always informed his friend, Phil Metchaa, proprietor of tba hotel, when leaving tba oity, bat in tbis instance be left no word, simply dropping out of sight, and leaving his efieota at tha hotel. Fayor Blue Mountain league. . With Pendleton still in the runcinsr in tba Western Tri State league, the fans of that town have commenced to agitata for tha reorganization of the old Blue Mountain league, with Pen dleton, Pilot Book. Athena and Wes ton on tba circuit. Before tba Blue Mountain organization was wrecked by tha Tii-State people, good semi- professional base ball waa given the pntlio. No serious mention of a team representing Athena haa been heard this year, and probable inability to eoure scitatle gronnda bera precludes any eaort to pat Athena on tba base ball map at present. Tanng Peanle'a Dinner. Tha yoocg people of the M. E. church gave a splendid dinner in tha evening March 17. St. Patrick's Day. A boat $31 we cleared. together with bis sister, Miss Velma. left for Twin Falls on Wednesday eveningV train. Mr. Wilkinson left Athena several years ago, and since then has been living at Twin Falls, where be con dnoted a grain warehouse. He was formerly general agent for tfte Paoifle Coast Elevator company iu tbis dis trict. He was well known through out the county and Eastern Oregon. He is a member of Atbena Camp, Woodmen of the World, and tha .ser vices at the grave will probably te conducted by that order. AH property owners are expeofed to clean up thei premises, and any tab biah or debris that oannot he burned will be hauled away free of any charge to them.. Alt tbarisleqaestedis't'hat the rnbbish bo. raked into convenient and accessible piles' so that it may be loaded on the wagons handily. . Witb united aotion on the part oltlaeriB. it is, expected that the two days process of cleaning will put the oity 1Q a good sanitary conditioa ' for the spring and samroer months. utner towns of the county have set aside days for cleaning up. and in every Instanoe considerable interest baa been evinced in the matter, and Ath ena is not to be an exception, when it oomes to otv'o pride., . An early campaign in fly extermin ation,! an artiole regarding whioh appeared. in tba Press last week, is being advocated by many, and witb tbe oity properly cleaned aa the Mayor intends it shall te, the crusade against tne ny pest will be made muoh easier and more enVotive.. At tbis time " there are alleys in Athena, tbe condition of which are an absolute disgraoe to tbeoommunity Bnd shows nn nniillina dinrsoar fn r n --"-.jjjMiv. u . ' anniiafv nnnillHnn. If I. . A l. t. a . j wuu.u.wwn. . .a vi ug uuiau tnat tbe Dltb pile will be removed on or before tbe cleanup days are at hand Witb a olean oity and tha para in spiok span condition, Atbena will be in prime shape to entertain tbe visit ois vmo will come to tbe big Cale donian pionio this year. TENUIS CLUB RE-ORGANIZED Charter Membership Consists of Repre- 1 sentative Men of Athena, The Athena Tennis Clnb was re organized Thursday, evening, Maroh 12tb, and preparations began for the season's play. . :, , , Tbe grounds formerly used by tbe Club, at the home of Dr. J. D. Pla mondoh will be'nsed again tbis season and have teen improved by. tbe addi tion of more baok stops, and will be further improved by spreading several barrels of crude . petroleum on tbe court to keep down the weeds and dust ' ' '' " Tbe obarter membership consists of Prof. H. W. Drew, F. S. LeUrow. Mayor E. E. Koonta, Rev. A. Mack eoozie Meldrnm, Prof. Cbas. Goerne, Dr. J. D. Plamondoo, Geo. Wood ward, B. N. Hawks, H. I. Watts, M. L. Watts, E. A.' Zerba. R. H. Piersol. E. W, Eooasek, Ralph Cannon and Barry Coomans. The use' of tbe grounds will be re- etrioted to members and their invited guests only, A nomter of the young er players who show an aptituda for the game and ita traditions will be invited to use the ooort i dh Games will be scheduled witb neat- by olaba at a later date in tba season. JFflR SAYS WFfiT 1 11.1 Ml VIII W IlkUl COVERKOR WOULD HAVE NATION AL GUARD IN READINESS. ' He Favors WiisbnY Policy, But Nevertheless Would Pre pare for Probable War. 1 A Salem speoial saysi Although be favors the Wilson polioy of "watohful waiting," Governor West, who re turned today from a trip East, de clared that, in his opinion, war witb Mexioo oonld not be averted. On his way home the Governor crossed the line ioto Juarez and made a cursory examination of conditions there and at other points on the border. . : . "The Amerioan troops, while ia sympathy witb the policy of the Ad ministration are ready ' for aotion, and I believe they think it ultimately wjll . be neoessary," continued - tbe Governor. "It would ' be no trouble to win tbe fight, at tbe Mexicans seem to be an inefficient people, ; but the policing of the country and tbe estab lishment of government would be a hard proposition. . . "Believing that war with Mexico is inevitable, I shall advooate plaoiog the National Guard ot our statu on tbe best possible basis to he ready for the emergency. Oregon probably . would be Called upon to furnish troops and we should be ready to do so." v The Governor said that In the event SI a i. ir I ' m ... . . -. vi win tne omoers ana men woo nsa proved their worth on various mispions to whioh they had been assigned would be rewarded and that ha had no donbt , tbe state would "deliver tba goods." no matter what tba emergency.' Hardly had the report become oar- rent that Mr. West had announoed ha believed war inevitable when he re-. oelved a dispatoh from a newspaper asKiog mm n n were true tnai aa Had deolared war on Mexioo and how many troops ha planned rushing to that ooontry atonoe. .; While not desiring to change tbe subject, bntforthe benefit of a few who may be wiought up over tbe pro position, yon might say for me that my trip baok East will cost the atate jnst $1,50," said the Governor, "That. was tbe cost of my tioket to Portland. Tbe balanoe of the oost I got for one ' speeob delivered tefore the National Reform Association. Tbis 1 donate to the state." . ' Hog Cholera Expensive. 1 ' On a reoeht visit to lwiston. for- . mer Governor Frank B. Goodina made iuu wumiu mar ine loss io idano bog raisers tbe past year, as a result ' of bog obolera, reaohed the sum of ' $2,000,000. In his home of Gooding, tbe farmers have organised to check tbe spread ot the disease. Tbe serum is purohaaed in large quantities Sod an expeit gives his services' to the' farmers in diagnosing suspicious oases' as well as in tbe application of the . serum. Indicted for Gambling. ' Tbe grand jury at Pendleton re-' ' turned eighteen iodiotments for gam bling ia that oity. Tbe iodiotments were announoed Saturday evening, when the jury oonoloded its week's labors. Tba names of tbose indioted are Wes Matlock, John Estea, D. G. " Smith. Jay Mosier, Pat MoDivitt, John Bntlnr. WaUnr rtndaa' Mlnhool Briggs, Sam Goers and Cal Brigga. Ffiirsl-WSiBwiii OT mw mm l1nn(Cllrttki! Just but of the packing cases,' brand new, spic-arid-span immaculate under-garments in a variety of styles that will delight every woman who admires dainty muslins - Selected with the greatest care, made by well paid, well fed operatives : in light airy work rooms. Our demand for garments has been gratified to the fullest extentwe abhor "sweat shop" goods and never buy them We want you to carefully observe the manner in which these under garments are' madeturn them inside out note the excellent quality of the trinTming, the sewing, the button holes. Compare quality with price then decide whether it is to your inter est to buy here or not n. THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" ATHENA, OREGON.