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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1914)
Press Paragraphs! Frank Martin was in town from Adams, yesterday. Mrs. Richard Wright is in the city, visiting relatives. W. B. Shaffer was in the city Toes day from Waitsbnrg. M. I Watts transacted business in Walia Walla yesterday. Mr. and Mis. H. I. Watts were Feudleton visitors Sunday. ' Mrs. L. S. Vincent spent Sunday with her parents in Pendleton Mrs. latum Davis of Walla Walla, is visiting friends in this vloinity. JfJaeob Booher has taken a temporary 'position at the Biobaids chop mill. Mrs. E, M. Smith was in the city Wednesday Irom Weston, shopping . Miss Marie Koepke of Helix, was a goest at the Johnson home this w.eek. Bom. in Portland, to Mr. and Mis. Bex Bainett, February 21, 1911, a Son. Mrs. Sarah Harden is reported ill this week, with a serious oase of the giip. SJ. D. Bargatt has sold bis Weston mono tain faim and will remain in Athena. , . v' Thomas Lieoallen, the sage of Ad ams, traosaoted business in the ; oity yesterday. Mrs, Effie Llovd was over from Milton Sunday and spent the day with relatives. "... Mis. Henry Wood baa returned from an extended visit to her daughter in Pendleton. Mrs. J. D. Plamondon retcrned yes terday from a visit with friends in Walla Walla. Born, at their home in Weston, to Col. and Mrs. P. Q. Lucas, February 23, 1914, twin girls. , Mr. and Mis. Lawrence Pinkerton went over to Milton Monday, where they visited relatives. For Sale. White Leghorn and' Barred Plymouth Book roosters, at 11.50 eaob. Phone, 81x3. N. A. Miller, the fornitore man, is in Portland this week.wbere he is buy ing a large stook of goods. A. L. Swaggart and family are ex peoted to return Sunday from Portland where tbey spent the winter. Miss Gladys Andre was a guest of ndleton friends Saturday evening, atteudiog a party in that city. B. F. King, whose illness was re ported in the Press last week, shows no material change in bis condition. Miss Louise Knight came up from Pendleton yesterday on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Knight. Mrs? Byron N. Hawks arrived home Tuesday evening, having spent several days in Moro. after her visit in Port land.' . Mrs. Delbert Barger who waa in the oity visiting friends,, returned Monday to her. home in Walla Walla. v Mrs. Thomas Lawson, sister of Mrs. Oornall, oame down from Spokane Monday in response to her sister's illness. 1 Mrs. Charles Metzgar of Seattle, and Mrs. Jaok Biyant of Walla Wal la, arrived in the oity yesterday and are visiting relatives and friends. (X John Stoae and GliSoid Stone Lave r-4 J 1 .3 .1 --,1 yesterday shipped their stook and farming implements to that plaoe. Mrs. J, V. Mitobell is over from Union, where her husband is looated as telegiapb operator. She will move her household goods to that oity. A. Mackenzie Meldrom left for Kent, on Wednesday, where he will preach eaob evening this week. On Sunday Mr. Meldrnm will preaoh at Wasoo. yViss Dora Myriuk oame up from Pendleton, where she has been em ployed for several year's as saleslady. and spent Sunday with ber parents in this oity. The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs en joyed a sooial meeting, at the Lodge ball, Saturday evening. - It was one of the most pleasant lodge gatherings of the season. Gradually those who spent the win ter months away from home are re turning. Jos. N. Soott and family are expeoted to return home this week from Calif oruia. . Gurney Reynolds, a young man of Weston, plead guilty to a laioeny charge in Jndge Richards oourt, Sat urday, and was fined f 25. He took a bottle of liquor from the saloon in Weston. Mrs. tfewsom and little eon, Max well, returned from Prioeville yester day. Dr. Nswsom's father whose ill ness was reported in the Press last I week, is better. ht Up to Saturday night a total of 212 rpersons bad registered at B. B. Rich ards office. There yet remains many voters to register and the opportunity to do so is now. . Mrs. U. W. Dickson of Presoott. Wash, and Mrs. J. D." Matbeson of Portland, were guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jaok son Nelson, the first of the week. YA. J. Walker, an employe of the fFreston-Sbafier Milling company is taxing a vacation on aooonnc or rail ing health. Mr. Walker spent a por tion of the week at Walla Walla. Gustave Volnie has been down from Waitsbnrg this week. He called at the Press of floe and left a " little luore to be applied on hia autsoription to I the best paper published in Athena. Xprville, the six year old eon of Mr. ZbnVMrs. W. D. Adams, died at the family home in Adams, Tnesday of spinal meningitis. Ihe funeral was held yesterday, interment being made in Athena cemetery. Services at the Christian ohuroh next Sunday: Bible sobooi at 10; sermon and Communion at 11; Gospel service at 7:30 p. m. P.. Campbell Crookatt, of Wasco, will preaoh both JVC1 morning ana evening. Representatives of contracting firms reave been In tbe oitr this week, inves tigating the number of feet of con crete sidewalks to be ooBttuoted on Main street, between Third and Fourth streets, as provided for in the new ord inance. 'Bids will be opened soon and oonsidred by the ooonoil, and tbe work of putting down tbe walks is expeoted to begin when tbe weather conditions are favorable. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Koonts are mourning the loss of a tabby oat, which for nine years had made its borne on their hearthstone rug, so to speak. When bnt a little kit. Mr. Koonts received Thomas through tbe delivery window at the postoMioe, the postmaster, L. A. Githens, now de ceased, having in his waste tasket a little family of brothers and sisters, whloh tbe feline stork had deposited there a few daya previous. One of the hardest rain storms of the season oooorred Tuesday night. Tbe rain fell in torrents, flooding the intake of the oity water system to tbe extent that tbe water in tbe mains had the appearanoe of having come from a mud puddle. ' It has gradually cleared up and yesterday Marshal Gholson had the hydrants open down town, wbiob helped tbe oondition ma terially. The rain also put a oheok to A Rcdiicln J&ha Henry Sohmitt sale waa attend cfby a large oiovd, Wednesday, and the property offered for sale brought good prioes. Autioneer Rnde kept things moving and the bidding was spirited. v Mrs. WioBhip and little daughters visited at the bedside of ber invalid father in Walla Walla Sunday. Tbe aged sufferer is slowly declining, and no Lfcpes are entertained for bis re covery. Yesterday afternoon at tbe regular meeting of the M. E. ladies aid sooi etv. Mrs. Wm. Tompkins served a de lightful lonob in honor of Mrs Thomas Lawson of Spokane, who a visitor. - BUU Tiae the ATHENA GARAGE ZERBA BROS. Proprietors NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR OVERHAULED and repaired by competent machinists and skilled workmen. In our new Garage, we have the machinery and workmen to insure satisfaction to our patrons. MM Kodalis S Brownie Cameras We have all the Popular Sizes in Stock Come in and let us demonstrate to you just what can be done with a Kodak, Buy your Kodak supplies from us. We have a com- I plete line to select from. Bvron N. Hawks, Druggist Cap " "" '!""'' " J"1' , ... . , ' OFFICERS W B. SHAFFER President, W. S. FERGUSON, Vice-President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier. R. F. CANNON, Ass't. Cashier DIRECTORS W. B. SHAFFER. EL KOEPKE, W. S. FERGUSON M. L. WATTS, F. 8. La GROW. IEIST NATIONAL BAN OF ATHENA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $100,000.00 We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation - consistent with sound Banking. Miss Zelma DePeatt oame over from Walla Walla Sunday morning and re mained until Monday morning. Sunday evening at the Christian hurob. Miss DePeatt favored the con gregation with a vooal solo. Tbe ladies of the Baptist ohuroh desire to express through the Press their grateful thanks to all who as sisted in tbe suooees of tbe pastiy sale last Saturday afternoon. A tidy little sum was realized from. the sale. i . Tbe season for hen fruit statistics as arrived. JUecenuy an egg was brought to this offioe by David Tay lor, wbiob measured eight by six and a half inches. Tne egg contained two huge yolks, and was ptoduoed by a blaok Miooroa ben. Athena's oity eleotion will be held next Tuesday Marob 8. A mayor, three oounoilmen, oity reoorder and oity treasurer are to be eleoted. It is expeoted a large number of women will exercise their privilege and vote at tbe polls this year. Mrs. Downs, who has spent the past winter with ber daughter, Mrs. W. E. Dotson, will leave Monday for her borne in Portland. A number of friends are this afternoon gathered at Mrs. Dqbson's home on Hunt Avenne, on a farewell visit with ber mother. h Dr. Sharn waa called to dress a knife wasT wound in the neck of Henry Pioard, who resides on. the reservation, one day this week. It is said tbe wound was inflioted on yonng Pioard during a fight in Whioh Charles Morrisette and Julius Laoourse were also partic ipants. Y John Bell has purchased tbe Jrry ; at. Dennis plaoe southeast of town. Tbe deal was transacted through tbe Indian agenoy Tbe land bad been under appraised valuation and offered for sale, with no bidders. Mr. Bell has lived on tbe plaoe for some time, having it nnder lease. A number of Athena people went down to Pendleton Tuesday on the different trains, and attended the Bui gin meeting in tbe evening, returning home on the special wbiob arrived here at midnisbt. A large number were on tbe excursion train, 850 hav ing ooine from Walla Walla. lY John Pieroe and bis big hounds Knave oaptured 25 coyotes this winter. He says there is one coyote in his neighborhood wbiob is too muob for the dogs. Tbey have started it sev eral times, but the fleetfooted varmint simply keeps ahead of them with an ever increasing stretch of daylight dividiog them. Mrs. Gornall, wife of the Methodist Enisoopal minister, suffered a serious relapse tbe fore part of the week, and for a time was oritioally ill. For tunately the lady took a turn for the better after it had teen deolded to take her to a hospital. She is now rapidly improving, and ber permanent reoovery is assured. Waite Preston, nephew of W. G. Preston, of Waitsbnrg, and one of tbe stockholders in the Preston-Shaffer Millies oomuany. died at his home in Los Angeles, California of oonsomp tion. He was a son of Piatt Preston and formerly lived at Walstbnrg Tbe mill closed yesterday when the news of tbe death was received. Eight ambitious pedestrians aocom pliabed the walk to Milton Sunday morning, making tbe distance in tbiee hours. Takiog tbe interurban from that oity into Walla Walla, a hearty luaob waa fully appreciated there. from whence tbey made the return trip by tiain, arriving home on tbe 4:05. And now tbey are looking for new territory to explore. Miss Helen Mousu and Edward Owen Williams were married Tnesday morning, February 84, in St Mary' Catholio oburob, Pendleton. The bride has many f rienda in this oity, and is a sister of Mrs. T. D. Taylor. Ihe groom is connected with Clarke's Hardware store, and tbe yonng oouple will make their home in Pan dleton. Saturday being the birthday anni versary of Mrs, D. A. Pinkerton, about twenty-Ova friends assembled attba Pinkerton homestead west of town, now ooeupied by her son Law renoe and wife, where she wasagueet, and celebrated the occasion. Rtfresh meots were served, and mosio for whloh this family is specially noted made the time pass moat pleasantly. IrOt. E. B. Osborn, a veterinary sur geon on coma to amen to imiuo idu will have offices in the Commercial Liven stable and at Hawks' drag storcVsinoe coming to Oregon a year ago JOi. Osborn baa btn at Pendleton where be waa employed by tbe state in the stook inspee tion department. Ha i a graduate of MoKillip Vetet niarr College of Chicago and previous to his srrival In tbia state practiced his profession in Mcottsa. plowing, whioh waa well under 5 The dates for holdina the annual f Caledonian Pionio have been obanged to one week earlier, than originally annoonoed. The reason given by the Sooiety is toat the dates annoonoed, May, 89 and 80, would oonfliot with Deooration Day. Tbe dates on whioh the big pionio will be held and whioh have been definitely selected for the event are May 29 and 88.. Tbe finanoe committee will solioit funds to assist in defraying expense of holding tbe pionio, and the different committees appointed at a reoent meeting have tbe work assigned them well in hand. Athena people were inexpressibly sboaksd last Saturday by a telegram which was reoeived by James Potts, telling of the traglo death of Miss Eva Preston, a young sister of Mrs. Joseph N. Soott. The aooident oo oorred during the recent severe storms in California, when the youug lady, blinded by a suddnn tempest wbiob strook while the was crossing the street, was run down by an eleotrio oar and instantly killed. Mr. and Mrs. Scott were on tbe point of leav ing for borne, Lot were detained by tbe sad event. Mrs. . Scott has tbe heartfelt sympathy of many friends in this county, and when it is recalled that on her last visit to ber parents at Huntington Beach, tbe death of an other loved sister ooourred in a foreign missionary Held, ber troucle seems doobly haid to bear. The family are well known in Weston, where they formerly made their home. For the next 30 days to reduce Stock we offer special prices on wagons, hacks, buggies, plows 3i International Steel Gear Wagon, former price $100, now reduced down to $ 85.00 1H Half Platform Studebaker Hack, IX Four Spring " " 11 Four Spring 14 Inch two bottom Gams Plow 16 Inch two bottom Gang Plow 16 Inch Oliver Sulky Plow 16 Inch Oliver Chilled Walking Plow 125. 145, 150, 80, 85. 55. 15, 14 90.00 110.00 1115.00 63.00 72.00 38.00 7.50 Main St. C. A. BARRETT & CO. Athena USE School Notes Hear ye! Hear yet Hear ye I Tbe High school debating team will hold its first debate of tbe season and tbe only one held in Atbena, on Friday, Marob 6tb, atthe Methodist -oboiob at 8 p. m. A small admission of ten cents will be oharged to defray ex penses. Everybody should atteud. 1 be subject: "Resolved, That life imprisonment with restricted powet of pardon is a desirable substitute for oapital punisbment in Oregon," is one of much interest to the present voters of Oregon, " A largo looust tree was out down this morning near tbe east side of tbe sobooi house. It shaded the building considerably. Six others should bs cut from tbe south side. There seemed to be some excitement afcont tbe possibility of a small pox soare, but no doubt it will soon over. , The baseball boys are sorry to loss Claude King, who has moved into the oountiy. Montet's Burning Mountain. Thn "bnrnlna mountain" of Montet. in Averron. France, is often mistaken for an active volcano because a pillar of cloud rises from it by day and pillar of fire by night, but it is In reali ty a coal mine, which has been burn ing for several years. London Opinion. yoo In a Bad Way. "Here is a doctor who says mustn't eat when you're worried.' "But suppose you're always worried for fenr you nln't goln' to get any- thing to eatr-Clevelnnd Plain Dealer. Sweeping. "That Is a sweeping argument," re marked a husband whose wife used broom to convince him that be ought to bave been home several hours pre vluuHly. Brick Is fooI-Proof When you decide to use brick In your building you are aura of one thing the contractor cannot tamper with the material. With both lumber and cement you are blindly trusting to the dealer and contractor. The chance is again you, for you have no way of knowing whether they are treating you honest ly. You may find out afterwards when it is to late. Don't trust that material man; don't tempt the contractor's honesty. Build with brick-the one material that is actually fool-proof, Best grade Common Building Brick on hand. Correspondence is solicited. WESTON BRICKYARD P. T. Harbour, Mgr. Weston, Oregon fj UNEQUAUiDAS A IPPMiWllIh UNEQUALLED AS A H nhllCiliilillll' ll 11111 mii uut itoykt limu - SJjj 1 III trrf( If 11 I ill Ay Yrvr I 111 WM00W,IC COUCM (OtfAw ll IF illsosi ral NX H$ ISCIPttSt CONSOMPTiO fW, . I F lllPilllPtvV llllll MAKVr4CTVM" r'ui,4c"r -- ' ' lllwl ! UN.E(lUAllDv '. PREVEOTaYE ( 1 1 and CURE for CROUP JIIMm IfHgft, CHILDREN L EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. Saved Hir Lift from Pniumonla "My wife had a severe attack of Pneu monia which followed a case of La Grippe and I believe that FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR saved her life," writes James Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri. Good Ritults la Eviry Cast , Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., writes: 1 havft used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR In three very severe cases of pneu monla with good results in every case." o) rR r JUL nn JV ' ' .),' -talV !' $-..'. .:' ' !'.. 'v ."fit ' V t mm i I 1 1 : 4. i. Cnnd ofTorrlbli Cosfk on Lcflt N. Jackson, of Dsnvllle, 111., writes: "My daughter had a severe sttack of La Grippe and a terrible cough on her lungs. We tried a grest many remedies without relief. She tried ' FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR which cured ber. She has never ien troubled with s cough since." Cnnd ffnia Very Uv W PBiomonla J.W.Brysn, of Lewder, 111., writes: Mjr little boy was very low with pneu monia. Unknown to the doctor we gave him FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. The result was magical and pusaled the doctor, as it immediately stopped the racking cough and he quickly recovered."