The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 20, 1914, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
'Matt and Jeff"
Opera house, tonight.
O. Eoaia
Clsade Steen of Milton, was in
city yesterday.
was in Pendleton last
Henry Stamper was in town yester
day Irom Weston.
D. B. Jarman was in town Wednes
- day from Weston.
Miss Ada DeFreeoe visited in Walla
. Walla, Wednesday.
Miss Dora Bennett was in Walla
Walla Wednesday.
Mrs. D. T. Stone was a visitor in
Pendleton, Monday.
Miss Lama Btuoe visited Milton
friends over Sunday.
Mrs. Nelson A. Miller visited in
Walla Walla Monday.
Mrs. W. S. - Ferguson was a Walla
Walla visitor Monday.
Wm. Piper. Jr., of Helix, was in
the nity Friday evening.
Joseph Sbeard and daughter, Lizzie,
were at Pendleton Tuesday.
Oliver Dickenson is in the Ukiah
seotion this week on a business trip.
Mrs. Wm. Powers of Weston, was
an Athena visitor, Wednesday.
MIbs Winnie Smith of Pilot Book,
.was in the city Friday nigbt.
v Mr. and Mrs.W. 0. Miller made a
business trip to Helix Monday.
Mi. and Mm. lim MoBride of Wes
ton, were in the city yesteiday.
Rnrn. tit Mr. unA Mra. P H Han.
dron, February 11, 1914, a son.
The J. P. P. Club was entertained
last evening by Miss Hazel Doolittle.
'' Or. Sponagla expeota to return to
Athena next week from Seattle. -Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Finkeiton
visited relatives in Milton over Sun
day. V Sheriff and Mrs. T. D. Taylor were
up from Pendleton Saturday night and
A. M. Meldrnm was in Pendleton to
day, visiting some patients in the
hospital. "
J. D. Hargatt will soon move to bis
farm on Weston Mountain, where be
will reside.
William Faoknie, cousin of Mrs.
Joseph Sheard, is bere from Water
ville, Wash.
D. A. Pinker ton was over from
Milton the first of the week, visiting
bis mother.
j Ban
Mrs. J. W. Smith is eipeoted
from Oorvsliis, shortly, on a visit
relatives bere.
W. C. Miller is at Pomeioy, Wash.,
where he has aooepted a position with
a harness firm.
Miss Roth Bothrook was up Irom
her school in Pendleton and spent the
week end at borne.
Mrs. Frank Bogera came up from
Pendleton yesterday, on a, visit to her
mother, Mrs. Hill.
Mrs. J. M. Swaggait returned from
Pendleton yesterday, wbera she vis
ited with relatives. -
C. 8 Wheeler, the wll known Pen
dleton photographer, waa in the city
yesteiday on business.
The Walla Walla fair and wild west
w will be held this year dnriog the
week of September J 4.
Grandma Van Winkle of Weston,
is visitiug at the home of her grand
daughter Mrs Bert Wilson.
B. D. demons, who has been ill all
winter, has suffered another relapse,
being now oonflaed to his bed.
Mrs. A. H. Molotyre has returned
from a two weeks stay at Hot Lake,
somewhat improved in health.
W. S., Ferguson retained from
Portland Monday, where he went to
attend a meeting of the Sbriners.
Sweaters and heavy nnderweai may
still be had at 20 to 25 per cent, dis
count here. Fix & Radtke. Ad.
UFiory Cbas. A. Gnerne leiurned
Sunday evening from Portland, where
be attended the meetings of the Mys
tio Sbricers.
Mrs. Wm. Winship and ohildreo
spent Snnday in Walla Walla, while
William took dinner at the Jarman
homeln Weston.
Mrs. Anna Molntyre is having her
home on Bunt Avenne remodeled and '
deoorated throughout. E. A. Bennett
is doing the work.
' Mrs. Goldsmith, of Weston, teacher
in the LaMar district, and her two
daughters, were shopping in the city
Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. James Boss yere in
town from their ranob noitheBst of
Athena, Ftiday. shopping and visiting
at the Gannon home.
There is still a large assortment of
sweaters and heavy nnderwear to be
had at Fix & Badtkes at 20 to 25 por
cent discount. Adv.
Joseph Ksue, a farmer residing on
MoKsy Creek, who died several days
ago at Phoenix. Arizona, waa bmied
at Pendleton, Tuesday,
John T. Eing and family will move
the first of Maroh to the farm of
J. E. Potts west of town, now ooou
pied by Frank Lieuallen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Staggs apd Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Staggs of Weston, at
tended the E. of P. annnal ball in
this city Friday evening.
Mrs. T. J. Kirk, of Laorosse, Wash,
who spent a week at the home of her
son Grant Erhart, in Pendleton, is In
the city visiting friends.
The horses to te sold at Henry
Snbmitt'a sale next Wednesday are
good ones, in faot among the best in
the neighborhood. Adv.
Miss Hazel Wtight, who visited at
the D. H. Mansfield home in this city
last week, returned Saturday morning
to her borne in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. George Banister will
leave tomorrow for Presoott. Wash.,
where tbey will visit at the tome of
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Leonard.
Harry Bundy was np from Pendle
ton Friday evening and assisted in the
orchestra musio at the E. of P. ball.
D. G. MoFadyen has been seriously
ill the past week at his home in the
northeast part of town, with the grip.
The ladies of the Baptist ohuroh
will give a pastry sale in the building
east of the Dreamland theatre tomorrow.
The East Oregonian reports that
Mrs. Horaoe Walker baa been placed
in St. Anthony's hospital, for treat
ment ,
Kir. and Mrs. Jos. N. Soott are ex
eftted to return bomo from their win
ter's visit in California, In a few
Lawrence Lieuallen is reported rap
idly recovering from bis recent aooi
dent. and great hopes are entertained
that he will have perfeot ose of both
B. F. Eing,. who has been seriously
ill at the borne of bis son W, J. Eing,
is considered to ba no better. His
failing health is attributed to heart
trouble. y
Henry Eoepke lost a leather-covered
aooonnt book in Athena. It is of no
value to anyone exoept the owner.
Finder will please, leave it at this
of floe. Adv.
ZERBA BROS. Proprietors
"rTii.nn WW!
by competent machinists and skilled workmen. In our
new Garage, we have the machinery and workmen to
insure satisfaction to our patrons.
Brownie Cameras
We have all the Popular
Sizes in Stock
Come in and let us demonstrate to you just what can
be done with a Kodak, '
Buy your Kodak supplies from us. We have a com
plete line to select from.
Byron N. Hawks, Druggist
W B. SHAFFER President,
W. S. FEBGUSON, Vice-President,
F. S. Le GBOW, Cashier.
a F, GANNON, Asa't Cashier
Don't forget to patronize the pastry
sale to ba held by tha ladies of the
Baptist ohuroh tomorrow. First door
west of the Dreamland theater.
Miss Both Duniway, of Eoho, and
Miss Irmalee Campbell of Ptndleton,
were week end guests at the home of
Mr. and Mra. Homer I. Watts.
Friends bere bave reoeived word
from W. E. Yonng, that the family
have spent the winter in California,
and will return to Portland to make
their home there.
IpMr. and Mrs. Henry Sobmitt will
mace meir nome in insure as waits
butg, Wash. Ibis estimable couple
bave long made their residence in this
vioinity, and a large circle of fiieuds
and aoquaintanoea wish them happi
ness and long life in their new home.
Program at the Dreamland theater
tor Friday and Saturday nights: 1
ana 2.- "The Governor's Double,"
Patbe. 8. "The Well," Biograph.
Sunday: 1. "Bobe and the Boob,"
Ealem. 8. "Bis Tired Uoole," Vit
agrapb. 8. "Along the flile," Kd
ison. '' vi-
There is absolutely no truth in the
report that "Mutt and Jeff" are to
retire from stage and confine their
hnmorocs adventures exclusively to
the oolumns of newspapers throcgbont
the country. See them at the opera
house tonight, and yon will learn the
reason why.
Mr. George Clore, who has been
living io Wella Walla the past winter
left Sunday for bis tome in Illinois.
Mrs. Clore and son, Delbert, came
over with Mrs. W. R. Taylor, and
will visit here and at Corvallis. before
joining Mr. Clore in their Illinois
home in the Spring. -
The Baptist Missionary society met
yesterday afternoon at the home, of
Mrs. J. D. , Plamondon, with eleven j
members present One pleasant fea
ture of the afternoon waa the reading
of a letter from Mrs. Cbas. Betts, who
is still at the bedside of her father, at
Mattituok, L. I.
A clew to the thieves who recently
broke, into Cleve Myers borne and
stole bedolotbing, razors, fruit and
other articles has been fonnd by tbe
of floors at Adams, where a fellow ar
rested for drunkenness bad one ot
Myers' razors in bis possession. He
claims to bave tonght tbe razor from
a noto.
Pythian Lodge, No. 29, K. of P. fit
tingly otser ved tho 50th anniversary
of the order last i evening. After tbe
regular work waa over, tbe meeting
resolved itself into a smoker In whioh
tbe members present enjoyed them
selves socially. A splendid feed com
prising a vatied assortment of shell
fish delioaoies waa disoossed, tbe re
sult being that every innermaa at
tbe banquet table went borne feeling
amply satisfied.
1 r k f
fcgj .-:r: ;;;;! CZHSd333S . fl
an W
We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation
consistent with sound Banking.
For Sale. My 275-aore foothill
ranob; 5 room house and outbuildings;
running water. Part io cultivation.
Inquiie of M. Bnroker, box 268,
Athena, Oregon. Adv St.
Tbe Mothers' Glob will meet with
Mrs. A. M. Meldrnm on Friday after
noon, February 27. ine so eject ior
disonssion will be "Home Musio; It's
Iofloenoe for Good."
Announcement of Henry Sobmitt a
tig sale is made in an advertisement
io today's Press. It should be care
fully read, lu it may be found some- j
thing yon are in need of. Adv.
Vjamea Thornton, a veteran fireman
tf Walla Walla, waa found dead in
his bed Snnday morning. Funeral
services, oondooted ty toe waua wai
ls fire department, were held Tuesday.
Mrs. Lillie Miller desires an imme
diate settlement with debtors, as she
goes to Portland next week to lay in
her spring stock of millinery. A
visit tomorrow wonld te moit aooept
able. .'
The household goods to be offered
for sale by Henry Sohmitt next Wed
nesday, comprise sitting room, dining
room, Dedroom and kitchen furniture,
all of which is praotioallly good as
VfAn enjoyable event is reported
from LaMar sohool house, last Friday
evening, when a program and snpper
was given, after whioh a danoe was
held at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Swaggart.
Tbe walking club, somewhat aug
mented in numbers, are planning a
15 mile walk for next Sunday. Twelve
energetio young people hiked to Ad
ams Snnday afternoon, returning on
the 6:35 train.
YMra. Newaom and little son Max,
left yesterday morning for Prioeville.
The doctor will leave .in a few days
also, on aooount of tbe serious illness
of bis father, who is 81 years ot age
and failing fast.
- Wednesday being little Miss Ellen
Henry's 6tb birthday anniversary,
a number ot ber little friends gathered
at ber borne in honor of the occasion.
Games and refreshments greatly
pleased the little tots.
The MoGinnis saloon and the White
Boose billiard and pool rooms at
Weston, were burglarized last night.
Liquor and $5 in cash was taken from
tbe saloon and tbe losa at the White
House was light. Of Doers are working
on tbe oase.
All are cordially invited to attend
the services at the Christian ohuroh
Snnday. Feb. 22. Bible aebool 10,
sermon and Communion at 11. Even
ing service at 7:30, with special illus
trated address, "Tbe Life and Labors
of tha Apostle Paul."
Tbe yonng folks of tbe Methodist
Snnday Sohool enjoyed a pleasant
social time last Saturday evening,
at tha ohuroh when tha girls' class
issoed invitations to the boys, for the
evening. Dainty refreshment were
served and games were played.
Oliver Heintzman, who reoently
moved from Paloose to the vicinity of
Milton, was fonnd dead io his barn
Monday last He bad been dead sev
eral bonis wbeo fonnd, and tbe oot
oner's inquest revealed tbe faot that
death was due to natural cauaee.
Nearly seven hundred conversions
resulted from the revival meetings
held Io Walla Walla, by Evangelist
Bolgio wbo is conducting a series of
meetings io Pendleton. A special train
to attend tbe meetings will be run
from Waila Walla next Tuesday-evening,
arriving ia Pendleton at 7 and
leaviog at 10 o'clock. Bates from
Athena, Weston and Adams, $1.00.
P. Ctmpbell Crockett wbo is pastor
of the Christian ohuroh at Wasco,
writes that bis ohuroh and town are
in a flourishing condition. Street im
provemeots and installation of an eleo
tio lighting system bave reoently
been realized, and the town is to be
greatly benefitted by the recent appro
priation of $30,000 for tbe new state
highway, Bigga to Wasco. Tbe build
ing fnnd tor the construction of a new
Christian eburch edifice is steadily
rowing. ,
The oity oonnoil has taken aotion
relative to draining the basements of
business buildings on Main street.
Tbe water in tbe basements of tbe sal
oon buildings is higher at the present
time than ever before. Conditions
bave arrived at snob stage that it has
been deoided to to resort, to a dtainage
system in the interest of sanitation il
It is proposed to tiln .through the cellar
walls oonneoting the basements, lead
ing the water to the ditoh near tbe
O.-W, depot. Tbe basement under
N. A. Miller's fnrnitnre stole will also
be. tapped.
At the Sunday Sohool convention
held last week at Pilot Book, Mr. and
Mrs. B. E. Stewart represented the
Methodist ohnrob of this oity, and
Mr. Meldrnm, and Misses Belle and
Ethel Molotyre were delegates from
the Christian church. ' Mr. Meldrnm,
wbo delivered an address on Teaober
Training, reports that one of tbe most
important things aooomplisbed was
tbe formation of the Umatilla Connty
Ministerial Association., George Piper
was a delegate from' the Christian
Snndav Sohool at Helix, and Mr. Mel
drnm bad tbe pleasure of returning in
bis oar to Athena.
School Notes
On Wednesday, February 25, at 10 a.
m., at my place, 4 1-2 miles north of
Adams and 5 3-4 miles west of Athena
I will sell the following property-.
12 head of good, heavy Work Hors
es, from 3 to 12 years old.
One good driving team.
Two good milch cows, 1 heifer.
2 Bain wagons, one is new.
1 Mitchell wagon.
1 hack, 1 buggy.
6 set butt chain harness.
1 set hack harness, 1 single harness.
1 Superior drill. ;
1 McCormick Binder.
2 harrows, 2 disc harrows.
1 twelve-foot roUer.
1 three-bottom gang plow, 1 16-inch
riding plow, 1 14-inch plow.
1 cultivator, 1 fanning mill.
1 roller feed miU.
1 two-horse gasoline engine.
1 wood saw, 1 lawn mower.
Garden tools, etc. etc.
Good household furniture.
A splendid lot of canned fruit.
';v,y v-'''v';:;'"v'-:;;': terms
All sums of $25 and under, cash; over $25, approved
notes bearing 8 per cent, interest, due October 1, 1914.
will be taken. Two per cent discount for cash. '
Eree Lunch Served at loon
C: E. Rude,
F. S. Le Grow,
Henry Schmitt,
bobool is progressing very nicely
and every one is making a deoided
effort to get tbe most possible good
out of the three remaining months of
tbe term.
The backstop has worn out. Tbe
wlra nettina is not strong enough to
withstand the "speed" of our boys,
Boards will renlaae the broken wires
and are now on the ground.
On aooonnt of tbe cold, damp wea
tber and obaraoter of our wood, tbe
utjuIv baa ron short and we will need
few loads to Isat till warmer, wea
tber oomes. ,
A tryoot waa held in tbe High
Hohool last Friday to determine tbe
contestants for tbe Westoo Ferndale
Athena debating league. Arnold Koep
ka woo flrst ttlaoe. Louis Stewsrt and
Tom Caton tied for seoond nlaoe and
Elmer Martin reoeived , third. .Tb
first three were assigned to pieces on
the team and Elmer Martin will aot
aa alternate. March 6tb tbe first ds
tare will te held in Athena. Contest
nfji. TOtnn vs. Atheoa. .Tbis' is
onnA mnva in the riant direction and
sboold te enooursged. j
Severs! ladits, mothers and pations.
visited tbe eodool recently. We en
joy having the pstroos come and see
what wa are doing. Don't wait for
seoond-band information. Come and
see for yourself. Don't grouch and
find fault Aaooept our hearty invit
ation oome. Tbe door is open and
wa are anra yon will be interested in
our work.
Superintendent Drew baa been bosy
perfecting tbe oreditatla list for Borne
Credit work. This will go ioto opera
tion next September and will tea plan
whereby a child receives credit at
sohool for tbe work done at bomr.
The mother will keep tbe aooonnt
which will ba forwarded every month
fa the Prlooiral. Watch Johnny
clean bis teeth aod comb bis hair and
blaok bis shoes to get as many credits
aa Willie does.
Mo bolidsys will be observed from
this time'till the end of school exoept
thrum half dava earned for perfect at-
tandanoa and punctuality.
in-- ' LUAt"-" Mktiii'rrwiuu
m m:m rz - rur a u Mm -aa. xj i
mw A 1 cough'1 m 111
H tiw I Si. sill W l
il Mr S0REs50AT' i, 71 vJ
i ik n tV m' i Hv arteT C0SUMni0 fm II xi I
1 1 1 1 CtiamSfirtalii KsSIefea G. jlbi - lll!!ll!
UNEaUAUDX. aniananTOiCHTici
If I Ac A . v.lSiiX Xjl roviTisMarOMHBMkO,un. I JJbTA
K' ' y w w w n -w: w h
,s a pleasant
AND SAFE Y-r' rna,
ft'" . 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 I )iii'i'!H xi f y
8acceed when everything else fans.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses tbey are the supreme
remedy, aa thousands bavs testified.
it is the beat medicine ever sold
over a druggist's counter.
At the Press Office
The Sherwin-Williams Bath EnaueL
Is just right for the purpose. Withstands the effects of
hot and cold water. Makes old bath tubs look like new
S-W. Bath Enamel wears well and is most economical
Put up in largt Of small earn. Colors most suitabls for the purpose.