j Mormal ..oagh ignorance ....a as to real conditions, after being tamed down by a log foiling laaislature. baa come to be generally realized by the edooatora of the State who have to deal with Ibe killed teaober problem. The Mon month Normal baa not proved to be of sufficient adequaoy to prevent Oregon student teaobera in great numbei from attending Normal schools of other atatea. Tbns the retrogressive peotaole of the State of Oregon clos ing up its Normal aoboola that its pop nlation may pay tribnte to the np bnildingof the aoboola of adjoining Statea ia an absurdity that should no longer be endnred. If the friends of the Eastern Oregon State Normal aohool will get one with a campaign of information and pot it np to the voters of the State that the sohool at Weston is to be a Normal sohool in faot as well as name; that it ia to ba oondnot nd economically and on business prin oiples; that ita maintenance is to be derived from a millage basis; that on I Le millage taois, the ptoposed annual tax of one-fortieth of a mill would ooal the taxpayer bat two and one bait Dents on every thousand dollars of bis taxable property, they should win with even the bewbiskered Yambiller voting for the measure. Would it not be advisable for streets in the residence distriota to be plaoed on the required grade, aa that property owners who wish to construotconorete tidewalka may do so without the pos sibility ot later having to tear up the walks and build them over? It would appear to be practicable for autveya to be made and grade established, The time has arrived when it costs but Utile more to construct sidewalks with oonorate than it does to build them of 1 amber. It does not appear necessary to have tba streets graded and man adetnlzed before sidewalks of perman eut atruotora are put down by proper ty owners, Ibis part of the street improvement could come Inter, and there ia no reason for good sidewalk building to be held baok on that ao oount. The name of Douglas Belts will pro tably be before the primaries on the Republican ticket for County Judg. He is a man other than whom the Re publican! of thia oounty have no bet ter for tha offioe to whiab be aspires, lie baa made a anooess of his private business affairs through Ufa, and if eleoted Oounty Judge will doubtless apply tha same principles ti county attain. He ia well known throughout the county, and will be a sttotig can didate. ' There is a eeoret alliance betweeu Japan and Mexico, says au exobauge, and then it ia pointed out that a num ber of Japaneae rifles in the hands of Hoerta'e soldiers and the faot that 0000 Japanese Immigrants, mostly vet erans of the Mikado's army, bavo located ia Mexico lately, ia oertaiu oonQrmatloD of tha alliance rumor. No particular alarm need be felt since the rifles have not been very atfeotive, while tha Japanese vttera.ua are not moon u evidence. Pink aheeta are teiog distributed by Oounty Treasurer Bradley to Umatilla oounty property owners, apprising them ot tba amount of taxca doe. And ia every instance tba amount seems to ba sufficiently high to causa com ment. But, if you danoe, you most "pay tha fiddler," and tha fiddling ia ooming pretty blamed high at tba present writing. Announcement cornea from Portland that Will M. Peterson may bo a can didate on tba Dsmocratio ticket for Attorney General. Well, there's this about it if "Pete" decides to ruo, he will get a big vote up this way. to ..y to g river, s a cable Jde of the tee the person 48 clings to a thick slides down, holding . at the point where the wa uuut'S the perilous bridge. If be wants to cross back he must go further up or down the river to a point whore another cable is stretched from a high cliff to the other side, and again be performs the "slide for life." This may not be a very comfortable way of crossing a river, but it is easier than swimming across, especially If there are rapids in the stream, and it Is the favorite and cheap way of build ing bridges among tbe Tibetans. New York World. MAKING OF MAPS. The First Attempt Was by Anaximan dtr About 660 B. C. Anaxiniander, a pupil of Thales, about CCO B. 0., sketched the first map. It was In the form of a disk. Democ rltus of Abdera, about 100 years aft er, with a wider range of knowledge, drew a new map, giving the world an oblong form, showing extension east and west rather than north and south. Tbe first application of astronomy to geography was made by Pytbeaa of Marseilles about 320 B. C, be having made the first observation of latitude. Hlpparcbus of Nlcaea, 1C2 B. 0., first determined latitude and longitude. Marlnus of Tyre, about 150 B. 0., was the first to make use of Ilipparchus' teachings In representing tbe countries of the world. Claudius Ptolemy of Peluslum, Egypt, about 102 A. D., was in reality the first scientific luupmnker. Notwithstanding errors in boundaries and locations, the method was correct The Romans contributed nothing to mapinaking. No Improvement was made In It from the time of Ptolemy until the thir teenth century, when a map appeared iu Italy which was constructed with tbe aid of a compass.-Excbange. TRAIN. Proved m ar service, rtwf while .M on the railway, ii success. -us Innugti of tilt liu- vs gradual . I ii it c(l States JUDlHf. u rulhviiy mull organized on a eight territorial -rge of n superin f to a general chief ,h among tbe first to i rlUNsifitfl civil serrice, of railway mall clerks .i.vs been made for a proba ,. :erlitl. permanent employment his conditioned on HtitLsfactory serv ice mid conduct mid removal, based on good ratine only. The service has been gradually Increased and new divisions organized and Is now operated on prac tically every railway. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Old Time Football. In the twelfth century Loudon en- Joyed football. Fltz-Stephen, clerk to Thomas a Becker, tells how after din ner tlio youths of tbe city would "ad dress themselves" to football. These sportsmen were fastidious tu their way. The scholars of each school had ball peculiar to themselves, as bad, indeed, most of the particular trades. The fathers of the players, too, were "as youthful as the youngest," for. "their natural heat seeming to be re vived at the Blgbt of so much agility," they sprang from tbclr stands into tbe arena. In Inter days, too, tbe excite ment of the game has been known to In fect the spectators. Somebody wrote of a game in 1508: "These two men were killed by Otild 0 tin ter. Uunters sonnes aud ye Uregorles fell together by ye years at football. Quid dun ter drewe his dagger and broke boothe their heads, and they died boothe within a fortnight after." Lightning Shunt Woman. Statistics appear to show that men are more likely to be struck by Hght ulug than women, more than two men being killed by It for every woman. Rut a London Journal points out that the man's occupation Is more likely to take him Into the open when lightning Is about. It has been observed, how ever, that lu n group equally compos ed of both sexes lightning seems to prefer the men. and we may theorize at pleasure ns to whether It ia the comparlve height that does It or some protection afforded by the woman's dress or a difference in conductlblllty betweeu the sexes. The fact that chil dren aro seldom killed by lightning supports to n certain extent the first of these theories. And if tbe tango doenu't appeal to tha colonel, there ia enough faesltanoy in bid general makeup to make tbe walls a popular oue with him. ... Let Down tht Blind.' A youngster had been to tbe theater, and upon his return bis uncle asked hint how be liked the play. "Oh," be replied, "the play was all right, but I didn't see nearly all of it!" "Why, how did that happen?" asked bis uncle. "Because," answered the youngster, the roller must have been broke, for the wludow blind fell down tra or three times." London Exprtss. His ld. of It "George Wasblugton." read tbe small boy from his history, "was born Feb. 28. 1732. A. D." "What dot 'A. D.' stand fori" In quired the teacher. The entail boy pondered. "1 dont exactly know, he hesitated. "After dark, 1 guess."-Exchange. Can't Oo Both, "Pom you an' nm have got me guess- lu'." "What's the matter, son?" ' "Ma tells me to a I way wnk the truth, an' you tell me to always be po lltf. Now, which shall I doy'-Uoua-toil mt. All human history Is the history of reform. Th evolution of the race, . . . .. ..t- i piivsii'ttli.v, tnomcy lufiuuu, ua I Ikvu thus tiecouiplisuod.-AUQU. Swordsmen of the Sea. The swordsmen of the sea are tbe sawfishes, spear tishes. sn II fishes, sword fishes and the narwhal, with its spiral ly twisted straight tusks. . Sawfishes inhabit tbe warmer seas, while tbe narwhal Is a creature of the Arctic. Tbe tusk of the narwhal Is hollow nearly to the point and Is spirally grooved. It uses its tusk as a weapon of defense and to plunge through the ice to breathe, the narwhal being a cetacean. Sometimes when a boat has been caught In tbe Ice great dam age has been inflicted by tbe lnqnlsi tlveness or blundering of this great creature, that sometimes reaches a length of fifteen feet, with a tusk of from six to ten fwt, in length. As a rule, however, the narwhal uses its tusk for the purpose of killing fish for food. - In the castle of Rosenberg the kings of Denmark have long possessed a magnificent throne made of tusks of this cetacean. These tusks are harder and whiter thon ivory. Explosive. An ambitious young writer having asked. "What nmpizlue will give me the highest position quickest'" was told. "A IMlWtler limirMxInn. If nm onn. tribute a fiery article." SUMMONS. Iu tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla Conntv. P. M. Wilson, Plaintiff " "' vs.' Mabel Wilson, Defendant. To Mabel Wilson, tbe above named defendant: In tbe name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned aud requir ed to appear aod anawer tbe com plaint filed against you iu tbe above entitled salt within six weeks after the date of tbe first publication of this summons against yon, publication to bo made in the Athena Press, a news paper published weekly at Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon, and yon will take notioe that if yon fail to ao appear and answer the said complaint or otherwise plead thereto within aaid time the plaintiff for want thereof will take judgment against yon for tbe relief prayed for and demanded in tbe oomplalnt filed herein viz: For an absolute deoree of divorce forever dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony now existing between tbe plaintiff and defendant and for suoh other and fur ther relief as tbe court may deem just and eqnitable. This summons ia published pursuant to an order of tbe Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of tbe Sixth Judicial Distriot of tbe State of Oregon, duly made and entered in the above entitled court on the 10th day of February. 1914. The first publication thereof is to be made on tbe 13th day of Feb rcary, 1914. and tbe same will be pub lished for six oonsecutive weeks there io, tbe last publication to appear on Friday, tbe 27th day of Marob. 1914 Homer I. Watts. Attorney for plaintiff. Professional 8. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ' Special attention given to all calin both night and day. Oalli promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athens. Oreeor PETERSON & BISHOP Attorneys-at-Law s' Freewater, Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. ESTABLISHED 1863 C W. LASSEN. M. D. V. Official Stock Inspector. Graduate McKllltp Vetinary College, Chicago . Phone Main S7, PENDLETON, OREGON SUMMONS. Io tba Circuit (Jonrt of tbe State of Oregon for Umatilla County. George Pambrun Plaintiff, rs. Mary Pambrnn, Defendant. To Mary Pambrun, tbe above named defendant: 1 In tbe name of Ibe State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and re quired to appear and answer tbe com plaint filed against yon in tbe above entitled suit within six 'weeks after the date of the first sublioatiou of this summons against you, publication to be mads in tbe Atbeoa Press, a newspaper published weekly at Ath ena, Umatilla county, Oregon, and you will taken notioe that if you fail to so appear and answer the said oom plalnt or otherwise plead thereto with in said time, the plaintiff for want thereof will take Judgment against you for tbe relief prayed for and demanded in tbe complaint tiled herein viz: for an absolote deoree of divoroe forever dissolving tbe bonds of matri mony now existing between Ibe plain tiff and defendant, and for tba settle ment and adjusiment ot tbe property rights existing between tbe plaintiff and defendant and for suoh other and further relief aa the Court may deem just and equitatle. This summons is published pursuant to an order of tbe Bon. Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of tbe Sixth Judioial Distriot of the State of Oregon, duly made and entered In tbe above entitled court on tbe 10th day of February, 1914. The first publication thereof ia to be made oo tbe 13th day of Feb ruary, 1914, and the samewill be pub lished for six consecutive weeks therein, tbe last publication to appear oo Friday, tbe 27th day of Marob, 1914. Hnmar I. Watts. Attorney for Plaintiff. : M ON E Y In any amount. 3 to 5 years with ic-yoyiucm privileges ;L O k s M UIN WHEAT LAW US 62 per cent. : Netherlands Ameri-: : can Mortgage Bank j Frank R. Atkius, Representative 120 East Court St. Pendleton 2 i KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's Nov; Discovery FOR (j! rONSUMPTION- OUGHS and OLOS Price 60c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROTTTt. LES, or MONEY BACK. kM.4. OVER 65 YEARS' Jl V EXPERIENCE I aw Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. anvnna HMMlIn a (ketch and description mav quickly lurorlnln cur opinion fraa whether an Invention la prohablr patentn1-'. Communis, tlninmrlottrcmifldentlal. HANUBOOK onPatanta out free. Oldest aaency for securing patent!. Patent taken ttirouuh Munn & Co. NClr IjMTtal notice, without charge, lu tha Scientific fltnericatn A hnndiomAlr II 1?tflt rated weekly. I, unrest dr oululicm of any eoienliao journal. Terms, $3 a l:n 361BroadtyfNRW Yfir ( IWI1I1 V WW I ViM Branch Offlo, 63ft F 6U Washington, D, C Flal Lens Toric Lens A. D. French Optical Co. Refracting; and Manufacturing; OPTOMETRISTS 1 5 East Main, Walla Walla Wash. Phone No. 653 Should you break your glasses mail them to us. We will duplicate them nd mail them sami day received. If your eyes are troubling you call at o r office, we will fit you correctly with glasses if you need them, our work The Toric Lens is the Best. Notice the is fully guaranteed. Angle of Vision. DR. FRENCH O. D. in charge tfUlthe LwQmrofih hesthqspTingatVamecost NOflAMMOCKlNG NO fiUMMOGKING NO SAGGING Eril NO BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING .al Sec m"l)j"Bed$priiizi Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist REINEMAN ft BRADLEY Engineers and Surveyers Phone S81 Freewater, Oregon THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL j I J. E. FROOME, pbop. Only First-class Hotel in the City. ii THE ST. NICHOLS Is tba only one that can accommodate oommarolal traveler!. Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. immm mm' FLOUR Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ol the very beat equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for . . ; ; 1.36 Per Sack Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash. Can beieoomended tor its clean and well ventilated rooms. Cos. Mais and Third, ATBinA.Or. C. C RUDE, LIVESTOCK and Genera AUCTIONEER Satisfaction Guaranteed Reference First National Bank of Athena Office, Dutch Henry Auction, Feed and Sale Stable, Pendleton, Oreg. ' 1 Phone, 133. In CALIF0M1A Winter is the name of a Season, not the description of a Climate. Let us help you Plan a Visit To the land of Sunshine,' Fruits and Flowers. Outdoor Sports Auto I Trips among the Orange Groves Trips to tbe Beaches Surf Bathing land the hundreds of varied amusements for whioh California is famous.! ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT REDUCED EARES For handsome booklets descrip tive of California, also for Fares, Tickets and Reservations Call on any Ajent of the Orcpon-WashingtonRailroad Navigation Co. I if ii lilt U H 7 . 1 tA. J. Parker BARBERSHOP Kverythlns; Flnt Claaa - Bio d em and TJp-to d a te SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE. i si . &ly Spring Fabrics and Styles are now on dis play and if you want a servicable suit of Clothes, made right, irom good cloth, call NOW and make your selection. Main Street RUSSEL PIERSOL. Athena Oreg.