The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 06, 1914, Image 4

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Advise ouick what you have for Holiday Trade, Will sell your Poultry and
rive you pr mpt and reliable service for five per cent of gross sales. Ship your
Poultry where it will be properly handled. Cold storage in building. Good sales'
manshtp and quick returns. PEARSON-PAGE CO., Portland, Ore.
Veal, Pork, Poultry, Hides
Write today for tags and our net cash price list
We guarantee fair treatment, highest prices, and
"Check by Return Mail." Give us a trial with
your next lot of produce, f. H. Schmali & Co.,
M-D, Capital, $10,000. 141-143 Fro Su Ptrtlud, Ore.
, Eggs, Poultry, Hogs, Veal
Ket prices t. o. b. Portland, no commission. Fresh
chicken egirs, 85&38c doz; dairy butter, 18c: live
bens and sprinffs, 13fel5c; ducks & greese, 10S12c;
dry picked poultry, lc higher. Turkeys, 18(" lie
dressed, 1st grade, 222ac; 2d grade less. Fancy
pork. Mi&10c: fancy veal, 146' lBc; dry fasca.. Fe.
Ship furs, wools, mohair, wax, hides. :, $30,000
RUBY & CO., 107 Front St., PORTLAND, OR,
Save your Halrl Get a 25-cent bottle
of Danderlne right now Also
stops Itching scalp.. ,
OWARD E. BURTON - Hnuiyer anrl Chernlt,
l.n.Au.ila Pstlnriuin HttM'ilumi Uric?! fJolU.
Oliver. Lead, tl. Gold, Silver, 75os Gold. 60c; Zino
or Copper. $1. Mailing envelopes a id full prirelist
rat on application. Control and Umpire works
United, fiuterenoe: Carbonate National Hank.
Watson E. Tolemnn,
Patent Lawyer, WaHUIiiKton
1.(J. Advli and bookh free.
Bates reasonable. Highest references. Uest services.
We have an article used In every home and
want one lady in each town to represent us.
Will help you tniild up an independent busi
ness of your own. PETTY a CO.. Bi 277, Portland,, Or.
Bought, sold and, exchanged; engines, boilers,
sawmilla, etc. Send for Stock List and Prices.
THE J, E. MAKTIN CO., 83 1st St.. Portland, Or.
Hours, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Main 5714
or by appointment.
Scientific Treatment of all Acute and Chronic
Diseases. Licensed Practitioner. Suite 424-6-7
"Pape'a Dlapepsln" makes Sick, Sour,
Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine
In five minutes.
If what you Just ate Is souring on
your stomach dr lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas,' and eructate sour, undigested
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taBte
In mouth and stomach-headache, you
can get blessed relief In five minutes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty-cent case of
Pape's Dlapepsln from any drug store.
You realize In five minutes how need
lees it is to suffer from indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It's the quickest, surest stomach doc
tor in the world. It's wonderful.
What He Had.
An old German farmer entered the
office of a wholesale druggist one
morning and addressed the proprietor:
"Mister Becker, I haf der schmall
pox "
"Merciful heavens, Mr. Jacobs!" ex
claimed Becker, as the office force
scrambled over each other in their
; hurry to get out, "don't come any
"Vot's dor madder mit you fellars,
anyhow?" quietly replied Jacobs, "I
say I haf der sclunnll pox of butter
out in mine wagon, vot der Mrs. Beck
er ordered las' week alreaty." Chi
cago News.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair is mute evidence of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of its lustre, its strength and its very
life; eventually producing a feverish-
ness and itching of the scalp, which
if not remedied causes the hair roots
to shrink, loosen and die then the
hair falls out fast. , A little Danderine
tonight now any time will surely
save your hair.
Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any drug store. You
surely can have beautiful hair and
lots of it if you will Just try a little
Danderine. Save your hair! Try It!
Jackrabblt Stops Fast Train.
How a Jackrabblt stopped the crack
Great Northern passenger train was
related to a Spokane reporter by H. H.
Dean, 319 South avenue, Hlllyard,
Wash., the engineer who etood at the
throttle when the incident occurred.
Here is the engineer's own version of
the affair: "We were coming through
Naylor, 130 miles west of Spokane, at
5:30 o'clock p. m., when the accident
occurred," declares Mr. Dean. "We
were bowling along about 60 miles
an hour, pulling our full complement
of coaches, when I saw a Jackrabblt
coming toward us full speed in the
middle of the track. The animal evi
dently was confused by the brilliant
glare from the electric headlight and
made no effort to get out of the way.
Just before we struck him he stopped
and crouched down, and after the en
gine pilot passed over him the air
brakes began to work and the train
came toj.ndden stop, the air register
shorwlng tb brakes set on the emer
gaoncy. Th( fireman and I got out to
jjfnvestigate,.and found that the air
fiose had ben uncoupled between the
i engine and tender. There were blood
stains ant pieces of fur on the coup
ling, and it was evident that the body
oif thejabbit had been thrown against
tznose with sufficient force to break
the cou:2ionB. While we were con
necting the nose again the conductor
came running up to discover the cause
of the sudden stop, and when I told
him we had run over a Jackrabblt he
thought I was 'kidding' him and got
mad. lie was from Missouri and we
had to show him the stains on the
coupling before he would be convinc
ed. We were delayed but two or three
minutes, find no one was injured by
the sudden stop."
Every Young Man Should Have Box
"- of Tools and Learn to Repair Artl
cles Damaged About House.
I like ' the handy boy abojjt the
house, who knows how to hang a pic
ture, drive a nail, and -do the little
necessary repairing that any mother
wants done. It is easy.,, enough , to
learn how to use a saw or chisel, and
every boy should have a box of tools,
so that be can repair articles that may
become damaged. The boy who1 is
handy about his mother's house will
be of Inestimable value to his wife
when he shall marry. Boys who do
not care to go out at night may learn
to make many pretty pieces of furni
ture, if they will only devote some
time to studying how to use tools and
paints. With a few lessons, the handy
boy may make picture frames, or cab
inets, odd cornices, or desks or other
articles of usefulness and value. The
boy who Is bandy about the house and
a help to his mother is one who learns
now to make purchases for the house
lold, who can tell a good " piece of
;neat at the butcher's, or pick out
('resh vegetables at the market Oh,
no, do not say that marketing la
woman's work. It Is quite as much
man's work, and besides, none of us
can know so much in this world that
e can afford to ignore even the de
tails of marketing. Foster Coates.
Wheeled Platform Propelled by Push
ing One Foot Adjustable Handle
Is Used for Support.
After watching small boys .coasting
about on home-made vehicles propelled
by one foot, an Indiana man designed
i more elaborate affair on the same
principle. A low platform la mounted
Mounted, v
Farmer Hawbuck What do
charge for pictures like them?
Photographer ;EIght dollars mount
ed. Farmer Hawbuck All right.
Where's the horse I'm to set on?
Boston Transcript
Motheri will find Mrs. Wlneiows 8oothlng
Byrup the best ruinndv to iso (or UteU olilldrej)
iurlug the toothing period.
A Fool Stunt.
Since the incident of the "Wolf of
Wall Street," special attention is call
ed by somo of the press to the fact
that it is against the law to imperson
ate a congressman. Wo fall to Bee
why any good citizen should want to
be guilty of a fool stunt like that
Boaumont (Tex.) Journal.
London, England, tins more than
80,000 street gns lamps.
yJ lNrn Vfttminktttif mnii Krwrnvtrnt In
tw moitih. riMitioutHtiarunUHKl. Writ
WATCHMAKING SCHOOL 2l6b-MMltaBllt..r.rtlus
CHILDREN are subject to CROUP during the
winter monthi. Mothers Bhould protect them by
using- Goddard'a especially prepared Throat Bands.
They are infallible and convenient to usa. Satis
faction guaranteed or purchase price refunded.
Sent postpaid on receipt of 60 cents.
A. II. (iODPAHU. 290 Weldler St., Portland. Or.
And Which Is Condensed.
The city couBin, on a short visit to
her country cousin, is watching the
latter as she commences to do the
evening milking.
"Oh, I say, isn't it all so very inter
esting. And from which of the cows,
Lucy, do you take the certified milk?"
Buffalo Express.
Pins fashlonod almost exactly like
thoBe of the sort known today as
"safety pins" have been found la
Etruscan and Roman tombs, and the
date of these has, In some instances,
been assigned to a period prior to the
Christian era.
' Free to Onr Reader
Write Murine Eye Reineily Co., Chicago, for
JB-pnirn illuatrati'd Bye book Free. Write all
bout Your Eye Trouble and they will advise
as to the Proper Application, of the Murine
Kye Remedies In Your Special Case. Your
Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves
Bore Kyon, BtreiiRlhniiH Weak Eyes. Doesn't
Smart, Boot lies Eye l'alu, and sells for 50o.
Try It In Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes fw
Scaly Eyelids and Oruuulutlou.
Flnnlgan's Rival.
' A few years ago Engineer Donahue
of the Missouri Pacific had a break
down to his engine on the Kickapoo
grade. He went to the telegraph of
fice and sent the master mechanic, W.
T. Hume, the following message, in
which, to our notion, the famous "off
again, on again" message of Finnlgan
is clearly outclassed:
"Mr. New:
Number 2
Hns busted her flue
While golug through
What would you
Have me do? Donahue."
Potter Kansan.
Moscow cab drivers are prohibited
by law from carrying whips.
s iglif Twisf
On Rfieiimifisra
Hakes Short Work of Cleaning Oat Your Entire
System Achis and Pains Go Fast.
New Play Apparatus.
in four wheels, two axles of the device
being connected by a strong steel
band, on which the footboard rests.
The construction is such that by
tilting the footboard to the right or
left the wheels will turn in the same
direction, but the toy will not upset
The Ions haiAlle is adjustable to any
height and is usett more for support
than for guidance. To operate the ve
hicle a boy stands with one foot on
the platform and with the other foot
pushes It ahead until sufficient mo
mentum is attained to carry it on. He
then get aboard with both feet and
guides it by throwing the weight of
als body on one side or the other. -
la S. S. S. You Get a Twist on Rheumatism That Settles It.
Many a rheumatic sufferer has been to
the a rue store for a bottle of 8. H. 8. and
been handed something claimed to le
"Just ma good." Truly, to ask for bread
end be given a stone is still In practice,
if you are troubled with rheumatism in
any form be sure to use S, & 8. and nolo
lis wonderful Influence.
8. 8. S, has the peculiar action of soak
ing through the intestines directly Into
the blood. In five minutes Its Influence Is
at work in every artery, vein and tiny
capillary. Every membrane, every organ
of the body, every emunctory becomes In
effect filter to strain the blood of Im
purities. The stimulating roierttes of 8.
0, B. compel the skin, liver, bowels, kid
neys, bladder to all work to the one end
ct easting out every Irritating, every pain,
instating tUom of poison; it dislodges by
irrlatlon all accumulations la the Joints,
i avcla awcraUoua to dJtulvo, ruUtifs
them neutral and scatter those peculiar
formations In the nerve center that
cause such mystifying and often baffling
rheumatic, pains.
And best of all this remarkable remedy
Is welcome to the weakest stomach. If
you have drugscd yourself untU your
stomach is nearly paralysed, you wul be
astonished to find that 8. 8. 8. gives no
sensattun but goes right to work. This la
because It Is a pure vegetable infusion. Is
taken naturally Into your blood just as
pure air Is Innaled naturally tut your
Qet a bottle of 8. S. 8. today, and as
f or B. 8, B.
Tou may depend upon it that the store
that sells you what you k for Is good
place to trade. Write to the Swift
spvciflo Co., tot Swift ltidg.. Atlanta, 0
tgg inelr iiuuk on. lUieuiuaUsai.
Jacob Rita Says Football and Base
ball Pauperizes Youth, Both
Mentally and Physically.
The shortcomings of baseball and
'ootbnll as sports for boys are pointed
sut by Jacob Rlls in an article on
'The Boy Scouts" in the Outlook. He
says, "Scouting gives every boy a
chance to be in the game," and con
tinues: "The trouble with baseball and foot
oall Is that they do not do that. They
are good as far as they go, but tbey
lo not go around. Nine or eleven
boys take a hand In them, a hundred
or a thousand sit and shout. They
have no other part in it. Granted
that there are many nines and elev
sns. Still there are many more whom
the game really robs of a boy's most
precious quality initiative; it pau
perizes the boys, physically and men
tally, by making them take their fun
it second hand. Put play, said Froe
bel, 1b the normal occupation of a
:hild, through which he grows char
acter; and we know Froebel was
right. Scouting Is all initiative, all
Individual effort.
"I am not knocking baseball be
;ause we didn't know the game when
was a boy in Denmark. I am simply
saying what must have been in the
tnlnda of many a boys' leader, in and
out of school, all these years. The
national game can take care of Itself.
( am glad scouting has come to fill
!n the chinks, as it were. If some
)f the fierce competitive spirit is lost
that has run riot in the past, the
standards are not. Scouting, as I
have shown, sets up definite stand
ards to which the boy must come up
ind which will stand being matched
tgalnst any boys' game anywhere.
Better than other powde!
producing light, dainty, vrhc-
tome cakes end pastries '
nigh grade and
moderate in price j
25c lb. tin at grocers.
Crescent Mfg. CoSmuI
is5SK 33N i
Everybody loves
V- . - - "
Do you want to learn to play Piano,
Organ, Violin oi Guitar. For a small
Bum we will teach you
to play fourth grade music regardless
oi number of lessons required. Any
one who can read can learn by our
method. - f: V
and most up-to-date system in exist
ence. We loan you a perfect "Time
beater" free. Write .for particulars.
American School ' of Music
' 516-517 Commonwealth Bldjr.
Portland, Oregon, t ' T-
Another Question
. Jonesy How did he loSe the money
he made? f
Jinks I'd like itf know how he
made the moiy he lost Kansas
f!itv Star
Japan is
encouraging fruit
Cold Weather Dish Is Certainly One
, of the Best That Has Yet Been
Use an aitch" bone for this and
serve part for a roast, as the whole
ne would make stew enough for 15
eople-- However, shinbone can be
d if you prefer. ;
"Take off enough of the-fat to brown
the meat and vegetables and let it be
itrylng out , while you are preparing
the meat If there Is no fat use a lit
tle pork fat or dripplings.
Cut your meat into dice about an
inch large each way, dredge them well
with salt, pepper and flour, and brown
in hot fat. Put in your stewpan.
Cut two oninos. one small turnip
and half a carrot into dice and brown;
add to the meat, cover with boiling
water and cook until the meat is ten
der. Remove bone and skim off the
fat; aUd six er eight small potatoes,
Lwhich have been pared and parboiled.
Add salt and pepper to taste. Cook
until nearly done and then add dum
plings., ' .
Dumplings One pint of flour, one
half teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons
baking powder. Mix thoroughly. Add
enough milk to make a soft dough.
Shape and cook 'ten minutes in the
soft dough. Add salt and baking pow
der to the flour, and sift all so as to
mix them thoroughly with rl enough
milk to make a dough you canhandle;
it will take about a cupful ;?they can
be dropped from the sroa -or shaped
a little with the hands.-
The stew should be boiling rabidly
when the dumplings are addedjnd
continue to bol rapidly while ihey
are in. Do not Wve so much water
or broth in the sow that the dum-Dlina-s
cannot rest on the meat or on
thA nntarnea. If thev do not they will
be heavy. And do not put in bo many
that they will crowd each other, for
that makes them heavy also. ,
the Alert
Watch 'fGiir anv sign of
distress invhg Stom
ach, Livef or tfo'v?
0 and he ",aVe to try Li
o Stomach Bitters o
p promptly. It will tone Q
and strengthen those'
p organs and help you Q
maintain health and
n vigor at all times.
: ,. f.
To soften brown sugar "W" lias
become lumpy standt Ves jMsel
ailed with boifewf water.X. .
Castile, and orris roolTual
parts mfake a cleansing andVs-ant
tooth owder. ";'
A quantity of lckllme put Into a
lamp cupboard r a few days will
Ttmfof? 'fJre- T.ampr!ess.
Blood tns should be soaked when,
tresh in coid-water. --. "
Use salt and iotfgeon ink
itains. ;" .
Rub grass stains with molasses, a? J
wash. " '
Use boiling water for tea stains.
it Won't Woric
"Pierpont Morgan," said a western
congressman, "splendidly enlightened
the money trust committee on the sub
ject of credit when he said that no
matter how many billions of credit a
man might have today, he'd lose it all
tomorrow ir he did a Bingle wrong
deed. ,
"Mr. Morgan declared afterward to
me personally that credft depended al
together on integrity, and a man who
tried to do wrong and at the same
time maintain his credit was as silly
as the Hartford schoolboy,
"This boy and some friends he ex
plained, wanted to get in to a baseball
game, but they had no money. How
to cheat the gateman? They could
think of no scheme. For a long while
they were hopeless. Then suddenly
the boy in question exclaimed, in a
delighted voice:
"'I've got it, i fellers! We can all
walk in backward, and the man'll
think we're comin' out.' " Washing
ton Post. . i
! $ 2.00 S2.BO $3.00
Women's ll&tx 12
Misses, Boys. Children
Baffin buintM In
into, now um
ox 93,
and S4 hot
In the) worid.
kinaana Miai
1 4s. all Lattthfm
aiu ana untitles.
k 2. .ir
Ta. X-...- IMS tM I
V ... V Wi ll
Two cherry orchards in New South 1
Wales, Australia, yielded $10,000 i
worth of cherries this season. '
vr as wusina duucs BTO ICUUUUsV
every where. Why not give them ft
If you would visit our factory.
one roof, and era how carefully
' TIT T i .. . .
i you would understand why they are
iiuiu moil ujiu wcru iUUttT UIMU
Your dealer should supply you with
uiwu.iuu iiaKeaBuusuiuie,jNone
Vgenuine without W. L. Ioustaa
7ap sent everywhere, direct from iao
l tory, by Parcel Poet, postage free. Now
swtwcsn, frrito munx w mus
, uwis, VV. X, IXJUU-JjAH,
' SIO Spark St., Brockton. Mam,
Hotel Washington
. Wuhinirton Street, Corner of Twelfth.
CHAS. H. ROWLEY, Manager.
$1.00. $1.50 $2.00 Per Day With Bath Privilege.
Same Rates lor One or Two Persons in a Room
Portland, - Oregon..
$1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day With Private Bath.
Special Rates by week or month. Bus to and from trains and boats, or take a Depot car to
Wsshinirton St. and transfer, tret off at Twelfth Street. European plan. 150 outside rooms.
Fireproof Building, modern and clean in eveiy respect. Hot and cold running vf ater and both
telephones in every room, Single or double bedrooms. Large Parlor off Main Lobby. '
Their Position. -
-"A camet man oueht to have a
great advantage over a paperhanger
if both beonged to the same club .. an ...
"Because x,a nQnoPho
n crov nrMilrl
naturally g t0 the wnen tne
omer ienu jm tbo flnor." -
Look Motheri If tongue Is coated
cleanse little bowels with "Cali
fornia Syrup 'of Figs."
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Figs," because lo
a few hours all the clogged-up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gentlj
moves out of the bowels, and you havt
a well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed tc
take this harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep it handy be
cause they know its action on the
stomach, liver and bowels is prompt
and sure.
Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bot
tie of "California Syrup of Figs."
which contains directions for babies,
children of all ages and for grown-ups.
Centipedes and Tarantulas.
A centipede has a deadly fear of a
tarantula, and one of the most curious
Sablts of the centipede is his manner
3t going to rest In the desert when be
knows his enemy to be in the vicinity,
tie builds a cactus fence literally about
A tarantula hates h cactus as much
is he longs after a centipede, and has
never been known to crawl over the
Secure in this knowledge, the centi
pede will sleep as long as he wishes
while bis wistful enemy looks long
ingly at him over the barrier, power
loss to go to the attack.
Seldom Wlllmore, an Englishman,
enjoys the distinction of being th
only European who has ventured tc
appear at the native bar in Egypt
Mr. Willmore is a noted Arabic schol
ar, and his pleadings have filled th
native Judges with admiration, foi
rarely have they listened to such flu
ent classic Arabic.
In all its forms, amone all apes of borsw
and dogs, cured and others in the snme sts
ble prevented from having the disease witl
Spoon's Distemper Cure. Every bottli
guaranteed. Over 600,000 bottles sold last
fear. $.50 and $1.00. Good druggists, oi
tend to manufacturers. Atrents wanted
Write for free book. 8pohnMed.Co.,Spec.
Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind.
The Married Moth.
Rhlnelander Waldo, the'police com
mlssloner of New York, was talking
at a wedding breakfast, about a bach
elor who, after a rather crimson career
of bachelorhood, was going to get mar
ried at last '.
"He'll keep very quiet- now," said
Mr. Waldo. "He'll make the very best
of husbands. A burnt child dreads
the fire."
He chuckled and resumed:
"A burnt child dreads the fire, and
that is no doubt why the newly-mar
ried man avoids all his old flames."
New Orleans States.
Prune Jelly.
Prune Jelly is a dessert that can be
made when no fresh fruit can be had.
Pour a quart of cold water over a
quart of prunes. If they are the sort
of prunes that come wrapped in waxed
paper, and so are reliably clean, they
can be cooked in this water. It you
cannot rely on their cleanliness, wash
them carefully, throw away the water
and add another quart If they are
the waxed-paper sort, they will not
Deed soaking for this recipe. If the
other sort, soak them until they are
tender. Put them over the fire and
let them boil gently until they are
loft Add the Juice of half a lemon
and two tablespoonfuls of sugar and
take the prunes out of the liquid. Pit
them and put them in the bottom of a
lelly mold. Soak a boxful of gelatin
In a little cold water and pour the
boiling liquid in which the prunes
were cooked over the gelatin. Stir
until the gelatin is dissolved and then
strain over the prunes. -
Ironing HinL
When ironing dresses fastened with
aooks or Bnaps I fold a very soft towel
very thick and lay the edge of the
Sress hook down on the folded owel
and iron on the other side, says a
;orrespondent Dresses trimmed with
small buttons can be ironed In the
same way, looking much better than
when ironed right side up, which often
leaves a rough looking place on an
otherwise finely ironed dress. I find
this much - the ueatest and quickest
way to iron all kinds of dress fastenings.
Chestnuts In Chicken Salad.
Try adding chopped cooked chest
auts to chicken salad, either in place
f celery, or in addition to it They
jive a delicious flavor and con
ilstency to the salad. They also can
be added to potato salad which, by
the way, is always better for the ad
dition of some other ingredient
Minced sweet green peppers or
shopped celery keep potato salad
troni a certain heaviness v that Is
lometimes has. - ,
Waldorf Salad.
Two Cups of celery chopped fine,
I cup of apples cut in dice, a handful
)f nut meats chopped. Mix the above
with a good salad dressing and serve
garnished with celery leaves. I some
dmes scoop out the centers of pretty
red apples and use these shells for
;ups "In which to serve the salad.
Cares White YoaWellu
Allen's Fixt-L"ase Is a certain cure for hot,
IW,(il1ff rtAllttd ...l.i.nlU, anl.l.... CI,
by all Druggists. Price Don't accent any
substitute. Trial package FK. Address
Allen S.01instM,LeKov, S. Y.
Where Our Fish Go.
A billion alleged mossbunkers were
netted last year and transformed into j
fish oil and fertilizer. It would be in-1
terestlng to know bow many of them
were bluefish, bass and other food:
fish. New York Sun.
Date Pudding.
Mix two cups of graham or whole
wheat flour, one cup of milk, one cup
if molasses, one teaspoon salt, one
ialf teaspoon soda, one heaping cup
f stoned dates cut fine. Steam in
add three hours, serve with a liquid
Probably it requires less capital to
become a cynic, but of the two ws
would rather see the friend we love
become chief clerk at a flea circus.
Biggest Electrical Egg Hatchery.
The largest electrical egg hatching
plant in the world is in England, hav
ing an average output of 8,000 chick
ens a week.
BtMCcstkSyna, Tw Ceod. I'Mitj
Cook three cups sugar, one cup milk
ind one tablespoon butter. When
tugar is melted add four or five table
ipcons cocoa, stir and boll 15 minutes,
fake from fire, add one tablespoon
ranilla, stir till creamy, pour on but
;erd plates, cut in squares.
Cocoa Frosting,
Doll two-thirds cup sugar, heaping
ablespoon cocoa, creamy milk to mix,
intil it forms soft ball in water. Take
"rom fire, add butter size walnut and
ranilla and beat until ready to spread
.To Brighten Furniture.
When, furniture becomes dull rub ii
irith a flannel dipped in equal parts of
mrpentine and kerosene.
To Protect Bureau Top.
To keep the tops of bureaus in gooo
nndltlon it is well to plac a pieo at
dotting paper under the cover.
. Strong-Minded.
"Would you call Bilklns a strong
minded man?''. ,. .
"I should say so. He has splendid
self-control. Why, I have known him
to talk politics for as long as IB min
utes .without losing his temper."
Buffalo Express.
keeping tiie Body in Repair
Nature intended that the body should do its own
repairing and it would do so were it not for the
fact that most of us live other than a natural life.
Nature didn't intend that we should wear corsets, tight collars or
nhno win livA in harllv ventilated and drausrhtv houses, nor eat and
ClilVDs IIUI, 1 T V S SWMaj K-J - - -1
drink some of the things that we do, nor ride to street cars when we should walk.
The consequence is that the body when it gets out of order must look for out
side help to make the necessary repairs.
For weak stomachs and the indigestion or dyspepsia resulting, and the multitude
of diseases following therefrom, no medicine can be more adaptable as a curative
This famous Doctor's prescription has been recommended for over 40 years,
and is today just as big a success. Restores a healthy appetite. Cleanses the blood.
Strengthens the nerves. Regulates stomach and liver. Demand the original.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Sold in Liquid or Tablet form by Dealers In Medicines
Send SI one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing- only on a free copy of r. Pierce's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, dothbound. Address Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, H. X.
Looking Far Ahead. .
That tie lawyer builds largely on
the future was demonstrated the other
night by a story told by Congressman
Byron P. Harison, of Mississippi.
Some time ago, so related y&.v'co'Or
gressman, a handsome yotmg woman
entered the office of a prominent law
yer. Immediately the legal onerose
to greet her.
"I am glad to tell you, Miss Smith,"
he pleasantly remarked, "that your
breach of promise suit has been set
tled. The defendant has expressed a
desire to compromise the case by mar
rying you."
"I am very glad to hear that," was
the smiling response of Miss Smith.
"It is much better than taking a
chance on losing the verdict You
have managed the case very well.
How much do I owe you?"-
"Let me see," thoughtfully mused
the lawyer. "Shall we say $100?"
. "We shall not!" was the emphatic
rejoinder of the fair plaintiff. "It is
entirely too much."
"Well, then, I will tell you what I
will do, Miss Smith," responded the
lawyer. "I will Just cut that bill in
half if you will promise to retain me
as your counsel when you sue for a
divorce." Philadelphia Ledger.
The women of early days possessed
bronze bodkins made like those of our
time, and in their toilet they employed
small tweezers of a pattern that has
not altered in 2000 years. To retain
the hair in a desired fashion they had
not, it is true, hit on Uio idea of bend
ing a wire double, but chcy did employ
for this purpose straight bronze pins
exactly like the modern hatpin, and
showing a big spherical head.
Sprains, Bruises
Stiff Muscles
are quickly relieved by Sloan's
Liniment. Lay it on no rub
bing. Try it
Ankle Spraia and Dislocated Hip.
" I sprained my ankle and dislocated
my nip by falling out of a third story
window. Went on crutches for four
months. Then I started to use your
Liniment according to directions. I
must say it is helping me wonderfully.
We will never be without Sloan's lini
ment anymore." ( Jakntm. mmm
Kills Pain
Splendid far Sprains.
" I fell and sprained my arm a week
ago and was in terrible pain. 1 could
not u.e my hand or arm until I applied
your Liniment. I shall never be with
out a bottle of Sloan's liniment,"'
Fine for Stiffness.
" Sloan's Liniment has done more
good than anything I hare ever tried
for stiff joints. 1 got my band hurt so
badly that I had to stop work right in
the busiest time of the year. I thought
at first that 1 would have to have my
hand taken off. bat I rot s bottle of
Souss Liniment and cured my hand."
At bB DeeJsrs. 25c.
SOo. aaj $1.00
Send for Sloan's
f res, laetracbve
book horses.
rattle, her and
pwuur. Address
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath Candy Cathartic.
No odder-how bad your liver, stom
ach or bowelBJlG-W much your head
aches, how miseraWfr-you rom
constipation, indigestion, piousness
and sluggish bowels you alwayS-t
relief with Cascarets. They imme
diately cleanse and regulate the stom
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul gases; take the excess bile
from the liver and carry off the con
stipated waste matter and poison
from the intestines and bowels. - A
10-cent box from your druggist will
keep your liver and bowels clean;
stomach sweet and head clear for
months. They work while you sleep,
The Judge had the misfortune of
being crosseyed and the result at
times was rather amusing. One day
he had three prisoners before him.
"What's your name?" he inquired of
the one to the left.
"James Peterson," promptly replied
the man on the right . -
The man on the bench turned
around quickly. "I was not addres
sing you, sir!" he Bnapped.
At this the one in the center, quak
ing and trembling with fear, stammer
ed: "I I never opened my mouth sir."
me vvasn.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules.
Easy to take as candy.
The private car of the czar of Rus
sia is dynamite proof, and owing to
its weight it could not run on the
major part of the European lines. The
car is furnished with a chapel, a li
brary, a bathroom, a drawing roim
ana a ooaroom, besides a kitchen nnd
dining room. The czar always traels
with ono chef, a man now well along
in years, who served his. father and
for a while the grandfather of the
present Germar. emperor."
Sign of Old Age.
Chauncey Depew says the American
girl is not as pretty as she was 60
years ago. This is the first sign of
old age Chauncey has shown. Detroit
Free Press.
The French parliament has passed
a law which grants official assistance
to large families in poor circumstances.
if. A
ntettT or
the Causes aVwtos,
Try oaxwnioi if yo have been eoetortiic wHfc
this oae and that one and havo not obu in ii
nuwt relief. Im tbw crau mature holer dtoa
noao 7 oar ewe aod preacribe aoroo remedy whoie
ectioa U antes. win a&4 Mfe. Hie pnweriptioBS
eompouded from Boom. Herfce, itade a4
Barks tliM hate been sMheml from everr eaar
terof the eta. The irma of ibme BmsielBes
are mat know to the oatmitie world. v tit kmve bee
hmaded down frem lather to km ia thpAjataias'
fit i lias i China.
If jtm ue cot of towm and tmutt emD. writs for
airouar. snntoaings a
1621 First St, Cor. Morris
rertlss. Oreswaw
No. 51, IS
IVKKX wrftiasr as
" tiea this papas