1 Press Paragraphs Miss Lola Tbarp wis in Pendleton Saturday. H. A. Barrett was a Walla Walla - visitor Sunday. I George Gerking was a Pendleton vieitor Ineaday. Joseph Hodgson was In town Sai- nrday, from Weston. Cheater Gambol was up from Adams on business Saturday. . Zero weather last night Did it nip yonr water pipes? Miss Ruth Erebs spent Sunday with friends in Walla Walla. G. El. Bishop oame ever from Free water Toe3day evening. , Mrs. , Edward E. KoonU is ill with a severe case of the grip.' - , MUs Gladys Andre visited friends n Walla Walla, Saturday. , . " Wm. MoKeozieof Westoo, transaot ed business in the oity Saturday. Mrs. Claude Bansoom of Pendleton, visited friends in Athena Monday. 0. A: Barrett letnrned home Mon day from a business visit to Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bansell spent Monday with friends in Walla Walla. A dance will be given at the Athena opera bouse, Jfriday evening, ifeDru arj 18. ' . -k- Mrs. Lizzie Mansfield waa over from Weston and spent a couple of davs this week. Mis. L. S. Vincent went down to Pendleton Wednesday eveniojMd visit her parents. . ; Miss Estella Woizer ami Mrs. Car- lile ot Weston, were shopping in Ath ena Tuesday. Born, February 2, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Urquhart, a son, weight eight pounds. In a spelling contest at the sobool last' week, Louis Stewart was the champion speller. Mrs. M. S. Kern of Pendleton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mis. Piersol. Y Jimmy Garden has been in town this week from Pendleton, visiting his old-time fiiends. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley and Mr. and Mis. W. B. Taylor were In Pen dleton Wednesday. Mis. Homer I. Watts returned Wed nesday from ' a visit with Pendleton and Eoho friends. Mrs. L. M. Nelson artived home yesterday from an exteuded visit with relatives in Seattle. Mrs. W. B. Binkle of Eoho, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bomer I. Watts. M. M. Johns came up from his borne in Vancouver, Wash., yestetday morning, on a short business trip. Mrs. Arnold Wood was called to North Powder this week, on aooount of the serions illness of her nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyleo of Pendleton, spen tSunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. L. S. Vinoent. Mrs Lillia Miller wants every one owing her to come forward and settle not later than the SOtb of this month Adv. a D. Martin, of Pullman. Wash., has returned borne after visiting his sisters. Mrs. Winship and Mrs. Ha wortb. v' ' , , Tuesday afternoon a number of ladies of the oity visited the schools and were welcomed by teachers and pupils. Opie Beed, noted traveler and au thor, lectured in Pendleton. Wednes day evening, under the auspices of the high sobool. Mra. and Mrs. Charles Gerking ar rived home Friday evening from Ta ooma, where tbey have been visiting for several weeks. . - , Bardly enough snow to cover the wheat fields with a blanket of warmth but the small boy is enjoying hilarious sport with bis sled. TheJ. F. F. Clut wss entertained laat. nvnnina hv Misa Anna SolL'""hO with her parents, will soon Baker City to reside. ' T .4n. . .nnH 1.nh P Will nnf: ho riiaartnmnfoA if VrfftiS opera hoose Mqbday andV esaa7 evenings of nexfr week. Bert Pixie, the Oonvioted thief, was seoPinoed ky Judge . yesterday to serve a term of eight years in tbe penitentiary. E. A. Bennett will have something interesting to say regarding tbe best bargains you ever beard of in wall paper, in next week's Press. Dean Willaby is confined to his home with tbe grip this week. Em ery Wortbington is oarrying tbe mail on Mr. Willacy's rural route. Wm. MoBride baa returned from Portland. Mrs. MoBride will remain with her daughter, Bessie, for several weeks, before returning home. Joe V. Tallman was eleoted to serve as president of tbe Pendleton Com mercial Association for another year, at a meeting held Tuesday evening. Mrs. D. H. Mansfield, Mrs. W. If. Taylor. Miss Nellie McDonald snd Mrs. E. A. Dudley motored to Walla. Walla Thursday, with Mr. Dudley as driver. , A dance with splendid musio by Gordon. Guiolt and Setlbammer, is annonnoed for Friday evening, Feb ruary IS. at the Attrena opera bouse. i Beginning February 15, Evangelist Bulgin will tegin a series of revival meetings at Pendleton. A tabernaole will te raised on tbe federal building site for tbe meetings. .ove to ft i ?o to tee For Sale. My 275-aore ranch; 5 room hopse and outbuildings; runnlog water. Part io cultivation. Inquire of M. Buroker, box 868, Athena, Oregon. Adv St. Tbe resignation of Miss Ethel Cun ning, teaoher of the 3rd and 4th grades, nss been aocepted and Mrs. W. MoPherson is teaching those grades in tbe Athena sohool. The condition of J. D. Uoggens is said to be slightly improved this morn ing. Mr, Buggens has been near tbe point ot death all tbe past week with a complication of pneumonia. As the result of the ohange mada in collection of taxes from tbe sheriff's of floe to that of the county treasurer, the amount of the shetiff's bonds has been redooed from f 40,000 to 110,000. Donald MoFay den received his aeo- ond consignment of high class White Legboras from Tacoma this week. He will now put bis breeding pens in or der and burnish cp bis four inoubat otb. . Voteen Estes has' returned from vlsit to tbe home of his boybood in Missouri. Creetvttbiled away a few weeks with relatives and frimds, and men w melted baok to tbe best oonntry uu cart. , laa members of thalonal O. W. B. M. auxiliary met Vdneaday after noon at tne borne of itB. H. H. Bill, ror a most interestirt session. Mra. David Taylor was the leader of tbe meeting. ; . Services at the Christian churoh FJjroarj8th: Bible sohool at 10 a. m evening servioe at 7:30, subjeot, "Mtio Luther," illustrated with ipeolaljws 'fom Germany. A warm weloon J"ence(? j6aM. v.. . rested in orBlsm sep 9 anil a B(k 8rB frannitr thia winta nhlnh shows tet if De bd the proper terri tory, h, Would not-be far behind Davy Croott ana Kit Carson in this voca tion. To date be oas caught a total of muskrats, and he had to go no f oiher from home than bis cellar. V Taylor's root cellar is near the ba of tbe. Wild Horse, and the footbiirNSJS tftja tunneled in from tbe creek i jfwer making) voraoious inroads lDU toe apple tins wnen aisooverea. -its, 'Luke Bead entertained tbe SonshlaeClob yestetday afternoon at her homevtsi of town. As a speoial favor, the hnslftnds of the Sunsbiners were allowed to irtskof tbeir good cheer, and the time was spent most agreeably to all. ' Dcrlng the business session the following new officers were eleoted: President. Mrs. Geo. Thompson tyioe prttfdent, Mrs. J. C. Walter; treasurer, Mra. Otba Keeder, and seoretarv, Mrs. David T. Stone. t If vnnf fl Brators,T Edward Tookei-SWes. the ATHENA GARAGE ZERBA BROS. Proprietors NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR OVERHAULED and repaired by competent machinists and skilled workmen. In our new Garage, we have the machinery and workmen to insure satisfaction to our patrons. I(oda!($& Brownie Cameras We have all the Popular Sizes in Stock Come in and let us demonstrate' to you just what can be done with a Kodak, Buy your Kodak supplies from us. plete line to select from. We have a com- Byron N. Hawks, W Druggist jj ton. HeTiletvon have a Unropd States Separator trv oO.horoughlj-. Ibe trial will put you nr no obli gation whatever, to buy. - XB.D. Clemens was able to .iiake tffae walk-Jown town fromis' borne and baok agalr Wedrday.. Ibe old gentlemM has been seiionsly ill for most 'I the winter, and bis friends arr glad to learn that be is improving. The Big Six Company. . , Tbe Big Six Company which makes its appearance at the Opera Bouse, Monday, February 9 for two nights, is a company of players who have a tep utation everywhere fororeatingtounda of laughter with tbeir witty savings and funny situations. The vaudeville aots that they offer are not of the old siaie vraiety but tbe latest and up-to-date material on tbe market; tbey are all singers and danoets of ability and the -variety of aots that they present is unlimited. Their tabloid comedies are brimjtall of funny situations and are a scream from start to finish and not a dull moment can be found dur ing the whole performance. The com pany is only composed of six people but judgiog from rcULmany excellent oomments of tbe marM people who have had the ODDortnnitvco witness a performance of tbe Big Sift tbey well deserve their title. Ibe lhave the reputation of delivering more RUM fire una and pleasing more peofpla than many a oompany twioe their f size and tbey present everything that they claim in their advertising anM have a reputation of five years standing in the west. Ihey soarantaa thUBlr Der- formanoe to be a laugh provokl from start to floish. Adv.- ' Jt Notice fopBids. oeajea bidsLV'weu be tMafmA h ihn CounUfj rourt of Uirratiiia County. State of Oregon, for the construction watei bound maoadam Toed be ginning at a point aoonc 7 mu east from Pendleton on Wild Horse onb and running 6 miles and 588 feet to a point where the County roadinteiseots tbe boundary line of the town of Adams. Bids must be filed on or be fore February 14th, 1914,at 10 o'ulook a. m. witn the Uounty Clerk. All bids to be aocompanied by certified obeok for 1500.00, and the obeoks of tbe two lowest bidders to be held until con tract is signed and aooepted. Plans- and : specifications are on file at the office of tbe County Clerk. The Court reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. - Dated this 4tb day of February, 914. v - Frank Haling. : . ' i i. .Clerb. OFFICERS W B. SHAFFER President, W. S. FERGUSON, Vice-President. F. 8. Le GROW, Cashier. R. F. CANNON, Aas't Cashier DIRECTORS W. B. SHAFFER, IL KOEPKE, W. S. FERGUSON M. U Wil'W, F. S. Le GROW. T NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $100,000.00 FIRS We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation consistent with sound Banking. Tbe O-W. will extend a spur at the mcuth of Drv Creek to warehouse grounds, for the oonvenienoe of farm ers of Dry Creek and Pine Greek neighborhoods. H. A. Barrett, Frank Beale and other farmers will do the grading for tbe traok. A speoial from Hot Lake Springs says that Mrs. A. H. Molntyre was among the arrivals at the Springs Hotel on Wednesday evening. A. B. MoEwen has been greatly benefitted by the baths so far taken, as has also J. H. Ferguson of Adams. Joseph - MoDill, for the past 15 years superintendent of. the Umatilla county poor farm, has tendered bis resignation to the county oourt, to take effect on Maroh 15. Business matters requiring his attention, is given as his reason for resigning. V B. O. Worthiogton has taken out a taxidermist lioense as required by law, and is oow engaged in mounting a couple of deer heads for Billy Hum phrey of Pendleton, One of tbe beads is a splendid specimen, having one of the finest pair of antlers ever seen here. Mis. Mattie Mitchell oame up from Portland Monday, where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas Tag gart She returned to her home in Crook county, yesterday morning, aoeompanied by her father, L. J. Fosa, who spent a oonple of weeks with relatives here. , Dr. Folkerson, of tbe Foreign Mis sionary Board, will not be at tbe M. E. oburoh next Sunday as annonnoed. Tbe Methodist pastor and people ex tend greetings to all. To those not otherwise obligated, we extend an earnest personal invitation to come and worship with ne. R. E. Cornell. IX At a depth of 80 feet, tbe drill in fvio Harris' well dropped into a strata of blue day, Tuesday, and tbe water gushed out at the top of the hole. It shortly afterwards reoeded, however, tnt remained within three feet of tbe top. With tbe hope of ob talning an artesian flow, tbe drill will continue to pound away indefinitely i . . kTbs pumping plant and storage lhouse at tbe farm" borne of Oliver Dickenson, burned yesterday entailing a Iobs of about 1300. Tbe ate origin Btea Troru upaiks dropping from a stove in the building. A gasoline en gine, cream separator, churn, and other at tides stored there, in addi tion to the year's meat supply was burned. A mass meeting of eithens will be held this evening at U. B. Richards' of floe to nominate candidates for mayor, oouooilmen, recorder and treasurer, to be eleoted at tbe coming city election. Notices were posted to tbe effect that the meeting would be held in the oity hall, tot tbe condition of that building made It necessary to change tbe place of meeting. femitb, at one time part own tbe Press was In town Saturday. Mr. Smith was on bis way tologomar, Montana, from Corvallis, where be had spent several weeks with his family. Jesse is engaged in tbe lum ber business in Montaoa, and owns three yard there. Be is assisted in the business by Jeeae Ediogton, who has been with Mr. Smith for nearly a year past. Beginning next (Tuesday evening and continuing each Tuesday, a seilea of lectures will be given at tbs Metb oditt cburob on "Home Missions' topics, the first general theme beings "America's Problem, the Cities, These talks are deaigoed for tbe Ep worth League and will be given pri maiily to tnem. Anyone interested however, will te welcome. Bemera ber, each Tuesday evening to tbe League room at 7:30. R. E. Gotoall Pastor. I cnange i rXw. ferof the It r train A Show of Merit. Billed as a show of merit, the Big 6 Comedy Company comes to tbe A bena Opera bouse next Monday and Tuesday evenings to give tbe tbeatie going poblio more good oomedy, real laugh ter, ainging and danoing than is found in the usual attractions. In this stan dard oompany of singers, danoers and oomediana, Ed Harrington, Billy Nix on, Minnie Moran and Leita Janese will appear in a hilarious sufficiency of mirth, musio and song. Tioketa are now on sale at Dell Bros. THE BASEBALL MASK. Was First Used In a Yale-Harvard Game In 1876. Frederick Wlnthrop"; Thayer of Co- hasset Harvard 78, . captain of tbe famous varsity ninesof 1870,' 1877 and 1878, was tbe Irrventor of tbe catcher's mask. Tbe days when Thayer entered ' Harvard - baseball differed somewhat from tbe present. A pitcher bad to throw underhanded and end his throw with arm Stretched out Then tluit chiiriKod. and na a conse quence the Mil was tnrown mucn more swiftly. Dr. Harold C. Ernst, a professor, In tbe Medical school, was pitcher on tbe varsity nine, and James A. Tyng was catcher. Tbey made a wonderful battery, I Thayer noticed that tbe more free dom given tbe pitcher the greater be came tbe risk of the catcher. One day be let a few Into tbe secret. He was going to make A mask. A few days before tbe Yale game of 1870 be came on tbe field with It. Save for the fact It was made more heavily, It was much similar to the mnsks in use today. Thayer attached it to Jim Tyng's bead, and from that moment tbe mask entered baseball. At first the players, other than those in the varsity, and tbe spectators were inclined to ridicule It. and It called no end of comment when It was worn by Tyng at the Yale game that year. Harvard won, and two years Inter team after team adopt ed tbe maak.-Boston Herald. England's Lord Chancellors. The lord chancellor under tbe early English kings used to live in tbe palace and bad a regular dally al lowance, bis wages, as It appeared from one of tbe records, being 5 shillings, a slmnel cake, two seasoned aimnels. one sextary of clear wine, one sextary of household wine, one large wax candle and forty small pieces of candle. In the time of Henry II. the modern treasury spirit appears to have begun to walk abroad, for in tbe rec ords tbe allowance of S shillings ap pears ns If ulijectd to a reduction. If be dined sway from tbe palace and was thereby forced to provide 'extras, then Indeed be got bis 5 shillings. But If be dined et borne be wss cot allowed more than 3 shillings and sixpence. London Answers. . Her Life Long Pataion. A girl baby begins to fIrt with men when she Is about two years old. So far as we can determine she keeps It op ontll sbe is about ninety. Albany Knickerbocker Prees. friday Morning, February 6, we shall start our ? Annual Rummage Sale This Sale is for the purpose of cleaning out all brok en 'lines, job lots and slightly damaged goods, left over from the season's big business and from our clearance and white goods sales. The goods involved are good seasonable and desirable. Every article included is a bargain of merit. It will pay you to buy now for next fall and winter no one can afford to overlook this great bargain event MAIL ORDERS '' If you can't possibly arrange to come to this sale send us your orders by mail. We will prepay all parcels post charges on all packages weighing up to twenty pounds within a radius of one hundred and fifty miles. Your orders will be filled with the utmost care and promptness by experienced shoppers who will give them more care than you would yourself. t , We will give T. P. W. trading stamps with every cash sale eyen at' the greatly (re duced prices we are now offering. These stamps mean an additional saving of flv per cent to you, which is no small item itself The Peoples Morehouse Yihe re it rays to Trade. PENDLETON, ORiGON. j Save your TPW Stamps Than) Brothers' Garag Cryg Automobile--The car with the great mo Ciov tor; the car that stands up to it and de livers the goodswe are selling agents for it and the J. I. Case Machinery Line Our Automobile Department is undcr personal supervision of iErnest Brannin, an expert repairer; a man who knows what's what from every angle of the repairing business. Entire satisfaction is guaranteed. Now is the time to have your work done at the most reasonable prices, before spring opens. See the ''Emerson Express," the up-to-date Gang Plow Be In tbe truly courageous roan who nerer despond. UNEQUALLED AS A I PRtYmilVLOR vPNHJMm H I UNEQUALLED AS A M ill Mv . r i' i""" i . ru ' -lit - "y y nil' ii n iw A If cough0 A 11 WW m croup, fk I ti null will i-t'Tty'"'99"9'1 vi.Av ik a 1 1 VM Jj- Av Ixciritxr ConscHfttov ; fjf, vNf M IW V rSj THROAT MdLUNG ICt? iPmil PJiliKV H !? DsiMotna.iow,uaA. t SA HI AS A OHTfb X v rgmittCHM .. j&M ail -xj n, tiw. ,jj'wi j.ti urtun jMtt III 1H Triwr'1 ii H . i .. . i H . 1 1 ". 1 1 III 1 1 I A U UNEQUALLED" r mi CHILDREN EVERY BOTTLE. GUARANTEED.