The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 06, 1914, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered In tbe foe to nice at Athena, Oregon
as econauiass wan uauer.
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year.... $1.50
JVhen paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months .75
One copy, three months.'. . .... .. .' .50
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch ...... 25c
Subsequent Insertions .............. 12
Display regular, per inch 12$
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
Subsequent Insertions, per line ...... 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
cATHENA. ORE.. FEB. 6 1914
The Mayor of Spokane, returning
last week from a tour of the Sound
distriot, made publio predlotion that
tbe State of Washington would give
20,000 majority for state-wide prohi
bition Bis estimate was based upon
the probable woman vote andt be faot
that (be issue was to be fought on a
state-wide basis. In Oregon, tbe pro
bis are arranging their foroee for a
vigorous campaign, also on a state
wide basis, bat no "snob claims are
being made for tbe snooeas of tbe
issue in this state as would compare
with tbe above from Spokane. The
near beer olanse in tbe looal option
law made it a fizzle in this state from
tbe very faot that any beverage con
taining any per cent of aloobol what
ever, merely famishes a blind pig and
tbe opportunity to bootleg. ' At tbe
first opportunity, Umatilla oonnty
gave ber seal of preferenoe for tbe
lioensed saloon by an overwhelming
vote, as tbe result of the failnre of the
looal option law
of intoxicating liq
vision, allowing the sale of a beverage
containing aloobol. A statewide issue
of tbe probibiton question yould
come nearer winning ont in Oregon
than wonld any looal option regime,
but tbe lioensed saloon will be bard tn
dislodge from those towns and dlattlots
that were onoe iu tbe "dry" column
where the near beer joints waxed fat
on their blind pigs.
The Pilot Book Commercial Asso
ciation Is sending out a neat pros
peotns, from tbe press of tbe Pilot
Book Beoord, wbiob contains valuable
information relative to the wonderfnl
resources of that portion ot Umatilla
oounty. It teems with unlimited pos
sibilities' offered the bomeseeker in
terested in tbe raising of stook, grain,
alfalfa and rnir, and In diversified
farming on small traots.
Have yon registered?
Moslems Look Upon It as 8acred and
Guard It From Intrusion.
Tbe site of Nineveh is almost per
fectly level, but adjoining the western
wall are two huge mounds that conceal
tbe palaces of tbe greatest kings of
Nineveh. On the lower or southern
mound stand a mosque and a village
of considerable size, says a correspond
ed of the Christian Herald.
The village Is named Nebi Tunus, or
the Prophet Jonah, for the mosque
contains tbe tomb in which Jonah is
suid to have been burled. The age of
tbe tomb Is uncertain, but Jt was prob
ably built long after the Hebrew proph
et's time. However, the' place Is now
sacred, so sacred that pilgrims from
afar visit it
"1 rode up the step, narrow streets
of tbe village to tbe mosque," writes
the Herald's correspondent, "dismount
ed and entered tbe yard. A crowd of
excited Arabs quickly surrounded me.
I explained to a priest that I had come
to see the grave of Jonah, and with a
motion of tbe band I made him under
stand that I should reward him. He
moving my shoes, I followed tbe priest
through a dark passageway. , "
"Then be pointed to n wall And said
tbe tomb wnaa;it beyond. I wished to
enter the prirf " the
tomb Itself. mlL. . V i . rlace
ws' considered far' too sacred for myt
throfnnn foot The few Christians who'
1 U& IUD iaiiuiv UA IUV I F - -
. . . .iaJrhave been jrwM&,?' the tomb
to regulate the sale j 0falj wlndow
quors; it, of Its pro- Jnto a tViSMx, in which a cloth
covered mosnd is barely discernible. It
Is said that no Moslem will enter tbe
Inner shrine."
Tbe World's Work for February,
oae of the leading magazines, oon
tains a splendidly written v. article on
tbe Round Up, fioffT'tbe pen of
Charles Wellington Forlong, F. R.
O, 8. Tbe Illustrations, which are
attractive, are from photographs taken
dating tbe big Wild West show. The
nputation of tbe Round Up through-
' not the East ii as greatlv exploited as
it is tbrougbout tba Paoiflo Coast
n ates. In addition to Tbe World's
Work artiole. this year the Bound Up
ti ctu reaeived a pnge in Leslie's, a page
iu Collier's, a six page ililostrated
artiole in Out Door World and Beore
ation, and many favorable mentions
In magazines and peiiodioals of lesser
Relieving alfalfa growing otso mnob
Importanoe not only to tbe livestock
Interests of tbe oonntry, but also in
its relations to tbe maintenance aud
rebuilding of soil fertility, tbe entire
secoud week cf March has been dealg
n ted by State Superintendent of Pub
lio Instruction Churchill as "alfalfa
week." Every sohool In Oregon, in
eluding tbe one-room oonutry sohools,
tbe grades and bigb sohools of tbe
cities, will be asked to observe tbe
week through plaoiug speolal em
phasis in tbe language work on tbe
object of alfalfa growing.
in tbs
There Is considerable troth
following from an exchange
Portland oity council has confessed
their inability to take charge of the
unemployed and has asked, the gov
ernor to take a hand. We suggest
that tbe first thing to be done is to
end a warning east and lustead of
telling tbe people that an easy living
awaits tbem in Oregon, tell tbero
there are 10.000 jobless men. We
ought to get mnploymeut lor tbe teu
thousand before we Invite auotber
ten thousand to tbe state."
, Senator Chamberlain's government
owned Alaskan railroad seems to be
in a fair way of materialising. Now
Burleson wants the Government to
take over tbe telephone and telegraph
evstsms and the republicans and pro
gressives are sajng little in opposition
to the proposed sobeme. With trans
portation and oouimonioation systems
under government control, government
operation of fuel mines would not be
improbable lu due oourse ot time.
Yes, perhaps there is a differentia of
Scaling like 110,000 in a wooden
pipeline and one ot eonorete, if laid
from Tborn Hollow to Pendleton.
Uravity water system come bigb;
bat If tbe water is good, they are
worth the prioe.
Mr. Groundhog came out ot bis
bole Monday, saw bis shadow, tamed
around and went light in again,
ilioka corroborates tbe groundhog;
prognosticates winter weather for
Febrnaiy and Marob. NoOeed.
Weston is ready to represent herself
in a oonnty baseball league. Nothing
doing here to date. However, tbe bog
I not so elusive, hot that it may do a
little buz&iug hereabouts also.
Munich Heads the List In the Quantity
of Beer Consumed.
Norwegians are one of the most tem
perate of northern nations, consuming
but 40Vj pints of beee nd 4 of bran
dy per head of population yearly.
Tbe Da no drinks on the average 150
pint of beer, but little wine, and only
80 pints of brandy each year. Tbe
Swede manages to consume 84 pints of
beer and 13 of spirits. The Russian
drinks Vi pints of vodka and the same
amount of beer. Tbe Frenchman,
however, takes 100 pints of wine, 15 of
beer, 48 of brandy. The Britisher
soothes himself with 0 pints of whisky
or gin, 3 or claret and 228 of beer.
The Dutchman will drink 54 pints of
beer and 12 of brandy. Taking every
German province to obtain an average,
It Is found that the German consumes
187V4 pints of beer, 1H4 of wine and
0 of spirits. In Munich, however,
tbe average amount per head rises to
850'j pints, being the highest of any
province, while the lowest average ob
tains In the northern province of Al
satla. Here the Inhabitants are satis
fied with only 144 pints of beer per
The Italian Is the least of all addict
ed to alcoholic beverages, taking only
3 pints of beer, 1 of alcoholic bever
ages and 144 of wine per head. rear-
son's Weekly.
Star Colors.
rrofessor Edward 0. Pickering of
Harvard has been able to show that
Ptolemy had an excellent eye for color
values; that William Herscbel had a
strong sense of red, but was a little
weak on the blues; that the noted
astronomer Sufi, of the tenth century,
was another who bad a good color
vision; that of various other ancient
astronomers some were weak on the"
reds, and some on the blues. His as
sertions are based on the practical
certainty Unit the color of the stars has
not changed In these ceuturles. Most
of the old astronomers have left rec
ords of the colors of the various stars,
and these values he applied to stand
ards established by taking the aver
age color value of certain stars given
by n number of Harvard observers.
Snturdny Evening Post
Able Assistant,
The small son of a clergyman who
was noted for bis tiresome sermons
overheard two friends of his father
snylng how dry they were and how
hard it was to keep awake during
them. The following Sunday while
the minister was preaching be was
astounded to see his son throwing peb
bles at the congregation from the gal
lery. Tho clergyman frowned angrily
at him. wheu the boy piped out In a
clear treble volco;
"It's nil right, pop. You go on preach
ing. I'm keeping them awake." Phil
adelphia Ledger.
The Neglected Negative.
"A young man," snld the ready made
philosopher, "Bhould learn to say 'no. "
"Yes," replied Farmer Corntossel, "I
feel that my boy Josh ought to take at
least that much trouble. When I ask
him to help around tbe place he simply
gives me a haughty stare." Washing
ton Star.
Accommodating. .
"John, If I should die 1 want you to
promise roe you wouldn't marry again,
within a year at least"
"All right, do ahead. I'll promlso
anything." Chicago Record-Herald.
Our Language,
"So when you broke tbe news to her
ahe went all to pieces V
"Yes. but It didn't take her long to
collect herself." -Ronton Transcript
"Are they doslroble tenants"
"!)er me. no. They're nice people,
but they've got four children." Detroit
Free Press.
- ' '. ' "" ' v'
Here's a Definition of the New York
High Life Brand.
A restaurant is a place where you
pay $4 for 15 cents' worth of food, ac
companied by about $2 worth of light
labor, light china and ; light music,
which you have beard before. " After
leaving your bat with a Wall street
syndicate you pay all the -way from
10 cents to 25 cents for the privilege
of getting it back aud wearing It once
more. Tbe difference between a man
and woman Indeed today is quite sim
ple. A woman pays $50 all at once
for her bat while a man pays $5 for
bis and $55 more in tip installments
for storage nt restaurants while, be is
vainly trying to obtain enough nourish
ment to sustain life between times.
Tbe object of all restaurants Is .to
furnish you with everything you want
except nourishment This Is carefully
extracted from all food before .' it
reacbe you..
Every restaurant nowadays has at
tached to It a homeless hotel and a
drugless drug store, a newspaper stand,
where you can buy a paper for not
over twice what you can get It for
across the street, and a box office dis
pensary, where you can get theater
tickets for almout any night you don't
want them at tbe same rates. Every
restaurant also bas a wine cellar which
Is filled with native cobwebs, Euro
pean labels and California grape juice.
-Life. .
Th path of duty Is the way ot safety
and tbe rood to honor.
Lucky Resoue of a Boy Who Was
Lashed to the Branch of a Tree.
A sailor tells a tale of peril that is
out of tbe ordinary. He was one of
tbe crew of an English ship bound
from British Guiana to Rio Janeiro.
When off tbe mouth of tbe Parana
river there came on a calm, followed
by a denso fog.
At 10 o'clock in the morning there
came out of the fog the voice of a hu
man being, calling for help. A noise
in a fog Is very deceptive, and this one
could not be located, but an answer
ing "hello" was given.
, Suddenly something struck the ves
sel on tbe port quarter, and it was
made out to be a tree, and In Its
branches was a native boy, lashed to
a limb and almost unconscious. Tbe
tree was caught with a rope and tbe
boy taken on board.--- "
It was half a day before be rallied
enoujrb to tell his tale. He and Ms
rather bad been bunting twenty miles
up tbe Parana river when a sudden
freshet come down. Both climbed the
same tree, but It was rooted op and
carried down the river.' The father
tied bis son to a limb with his loin
cloth, but before he could thus protect
himself the tree tilted over, and he
was swept away. Tbe boy had been
floating three days and nights when be
was picked up.-St Louis Globe-Democrat
British Death Duties.
Death duties on property In the
British Isles, whether belonging to na
tives or foreigners, are progressive,
ranging upward from 1 per cent on
estntes of the value of between $500
and $2,500. 2 per cent between $2,500
and $5,000, 3 per cent between $5,000
and $25,000 and 15 per cent on estates
of $5,000,000 and over.
There are also legacy and succession
duties, varying In percentage.
Our Longest River.
Our longest river la the Mississippi.
There is no other stream within our
borders that can stand a moment's
comparison with the "Father of Wa
ters." To be sure, there are some who
claim that the really great rfrerT8e '
Missouri, that that stream is the m&in
one, of which the Mississippi is onfy a
tributary. But the claim Is wltlicHJt
foundation. The Missouri, from Us
source in tbe northwestern Rockies to
its junction with tbe Mlstil&kipvtt- j
I -on Is, Is a distinct streneTo from tho'
one Into which it empties near that
point It la quite trueJlbat from thei
headwaters of the Mlsfcuri to tbe gul J
me c.ntum-e is grtj-$ man it Is .f olu
the headwaters ot'S Misslssirpl to
the gulf, but In the one Vase It's two
treams. In the other enlrrae. New
Vork American. rS"
rf- -
The Deam Lien.
A Vienna professor Is credited with
saying that dreams .are usually wish
fulfillment. Maybe tn. What about
that childish dream In rhlch 4be fe
rocious Hon come bounding along be
hind you,' and you run as boy never
ran before, and the lion closs the gap
tittle by little, and then-nil n sud
denvour legs grow limp an' your
muscles turn to water and you? feet
fray out. and the lion lenps and. you
awnke with n yell. If your voice tan't
paralyzed. ,nnd everybody In the home
wakes with you? - Cleveland Plnli
Dealer. 4 .
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calib both night and day.
Calli promptly answered. Office on Third
treet, Athena Oregor
Freewater, Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon
Homer. I. Watts
' Attorney-at-Law
Athena, Oregon.
C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V.
Official Stock Inspector. Graduate McKUlip
Vetinary College, Chicago
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Engineers and Survey ers ,
Phone 881 Freewater, bregon
An Egoist
"Here Is another definition of jfS
egofst" I r
"Lets have if S
"An egoist is a man who ner dis
appoints himself, uo matter hw often
be' disappoints others.'' Birmingham
Age-Herald. " .
. ExeSuWs Notice.
In tbe CoPnty Court for Umatilla
Conntgtate 0f Oregon.
In jSe Matter of the Estate of
William Pinkerton, Deoeased.
Stioe is hereby given that the un
derBagned have teen appointed exeou tho lust will and'testatment of
willtiam Pinkerton, deoeasad, and as
suohj tha nhnrfl entitled Coait has
madb nA ont.arnri an order in the
above fatter appointing the under-
andTuey .ave qualified as tne law
direots; all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present tbe ame tOtbe undersigned
exeoutora at fijmoD, Uttaftorri5lf
Oregon, tpvb Homer I. ., --L-L-xl
attorney at bis offioe afc-Atbent,-v,, c
tiila bnnty Oregon, with proper
voncerB witbin six months from tbe
date hereof.
Dated tbis 9th day of January, A. D.
1911. James W. Pinkerton,
David A. Pinkerton,
Exeoutora of tbe Estate of
, William Pinkerton, deoeased.
Homer I. Watts,
kfcM-.. OVER 68 YEARS'
j i. E. FROOME, prop.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
X U the only one that can accommodate
oommeroiaUrftvierB. .
.t -:' . I
Cob. U atLTbd, Atbkn a, Or. a
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made fn Athena, by Athena labor, in one ot the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem ;
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home Industry. Your ;
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for
$1,35 Per Sack
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash.
U WJfjfer is the name of a Season, not the description of
. a riimate. . Let' us hem vou E
Plan a Visit
Trade Marks
rtavDir.uTQ At..
Anrone nenrtlng a ikelch and description may
milcklr nscortiiln our opinion free wlietlior an
liiTonllnn l prohably pntentn' '9. Communlra
llonsntrlotlyconDdontliJ. HANudOOK onPaUmte
Pntenti taken; throtmh Munn A Co. receive
tprciiU notice, without charse, la tbe
Scientific Jltitericati.
A handsomnlr lllnatraterl weeklr. T.nreest dr.
enlntlmi of any doiontltlo Journal, 'i'orms. f 3 a
jcir: four months, (L Sold by all newsdealer.
IV1UNN & Co.38,Broa,1"rt'y' New YorS
Branch Office, 626 V BU Washington, D. U
At the Pres Office
I PER CENT MONEY. I am prepared to loan
7j money in any amount on wheat land in vicinity
of cAthena or elsewhere. Rate 6 1-2 per cent.
3 to 5 years, with repayment privileges; no delay. Call
or write, Frank R. Atkins, E. 0. Building, Pendleton, Or
Flal Lens
Toric Lena
A. D. French Optical Co.
Refracting and Manufacturing
15 East Main, Walla Walla Wash.
Phone No. 653
Should you break your glasses mail
them to us. We will duplicate them
and mail them sami day received. If
your eyes are troubling you call at o r
office, we will fit you correctly with
glasses if you need them. Our work
The Toric Lens is the Best. Notice the is fully sruaranteed.
Angle of Vision. DR. FRENCH O. D. in charge
5? Htke LmQiPsrof the.
hmiggsprmgatfyihe cost
J See tko'eJ&s"Bcd Sprwfr t
t. L.
and Genera
Satisfaction Guaranteed
First National Bank
of Athena
Office, Dutch Henry Auction, Feed
and Sale Stable, Pendleton, Oreg.
Phone, 133.
iTAfhaianri nt Snnnhiiifl. Fruits and Flowers. Outdoor, Sports Auto
I Trips among the Orange Groves-Trips to the Beahes Surf Bathing
Bod the hundreds of varied amusements for whioh Califproia is famous.
For handsome booklets descrip
tive of California, also for Fares,
Tickets and Reservations
Call on any Ajenf of the
& Navigation Co.
' tl fJ '-"M ,4 " vif?' KTerythlnj; Flrat
.iSJT- (Jyja - Modem
cTVly" Spring Fabrics and Styles are now on display-
and if you want a servicable suit of Clothes,
made right, from good cloth, call NOW and make
your selection.
Main Street RUSSEL PIERSOL. Athena Oreg.