TUBKEYS, GEESEV DUCKS AND SUCKLING! PIGS WANTED Advise quick what you have for Holiday Trade. WiUsell your Poultry and rive yon prompt and reliable service for five per cent of gross sales. Ship your Poultry where It will be properly handled, Good salesmanship. Cold storagt in building and oukk returns. pEARSON-PAGE CO., Portland, Ore. Hotel Washington " Weshingioa Stmt, Corner ef Twelfth. t f CHA8. H. BOWLET. Msnsg-er. .-: $1.00. $1.50 $2.00 Per Day With Beth Privilege. Same Satee for One or Two Person la a Boost Portland,' Oregron. : (1.60, $2.00 nd I2J0 Per Dsy With Private Bath. . St&inl Unto ha meek or month. Bus to and from trains and boats, or take a Depot Mr to 'ashinirton fe and transfer. get off at Twelfth Street. European plan. . 160 outside rooms. Washington Fireproof Bt telephones in every room. Kiiiidina-. modern and clean In every respect. Hot and cold running- water an both - " r . i j li. l j r .m fir nr nff Main I yihhw DlllKfv vr uuuum uvunwniPi . WANTED: Veal, Pork, Poultry, Hides NO COMMISSION CHARGED. Write today for tsgs and our net caeh price list. We guarantee-fair treatment, highest prices, and "Check by Return Mail." Give us a trial with ur next tot of produce, r. n. scitman a te,, - , JIO.WW.. rroet a rartuii, vn. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR Eggs, Poultry, Hogs, Veal Net prices f . o. b. Portland, ho commission. Fresh egg. 8540e dozen; dairy butter, 18c; live hens and springs, 1214c ducks, 9H2c; geese, 1012c: turkeys, 18Wc dressed, 18622c; fancy pork, 9S10c; fancy veal. 13(a'14c; dry cascara bark, fc. Ship us furs, Wools, mohair, wax and hides. Write ' for fur price list or other prices. Assets $30,000. RUBY St CO., 107 Front St., PORTLAND, OR. PATENTS Watsea K.: Coleman, patent J jiwyer.U witiiuguin, Jl.f!. All vlitt mnA hn.il, I ru Mates Kaaouable. Highest references. Uest, services. MOWARD E. WJRTOH - Asaayer saa Chemist, I Leadvilie, Colorado. Spenlnieu price: 4ol Atlvsr, Lead $1. (J old. Silver, 75oi Gold 60o; Zino r Copper, II. Mulling envelopes a id fall price list Em oq application. Control and Umpire works Utad. Boferenosi Carbonate National liana. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Bought, sold and exchanged; engines, boilers, sawmills, etc. Bend for Stock List and Prices. THE J. E. MARTIN CO,, 83 1st St., Portland, Or. A MEN! $30 A WEEK EASY VSfoJ Inrn Watchmaking and Knurnvinii In a "r- few month. I'onitione guaranteed. Wrlio WATCHMAKING SCHOOL 216 (WonwaiiiBld.., Pork! LADIES! TURN YOUR SPARE TIME INTO DOLLARS ! Ws have an article used in every home and JKSu"1? ladyJn ff5" tawn to represent us. Will help you build up an Independent busi ness ot your own. PtlTYa CO., Bi 277, PorlUwi., Or. TAKE8 OFF DANDRUFF," HAIR 8TOP8 FALLING Save youlHaIrl ,.: Get a 23-eent bottle of Danderine right now Alao tops Itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and craft? hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. ,There Is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish ness and itching ofthe scalp, which if not remedied, causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight now anyv time will surely save your hair. 7 ' - y Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store. You surely 'can have " beautiful . hair and lots of it if you will Just try a little Danderine. Save your, hair! Try Itl -i..i.i..'ii.',u. i ii ' I -1 " ' . ' ?' No Enthusiast. '-i ( " 'Your husband says he is in favor of vottiVpr women." ' ,, ""es, replied Mrs. Corntossel "And what are your views "Ha the subject?"", w.K. ' "Well, I don't see -tv as ?wien shouldn't vot If we pfr Bnt it wont qo any jgocjjAaieB'-M negiect the house and haug arounf the polls to see that the men don't 'ret mixed up countin' the ballots." Washington Star. x MYSTERIOUS WRITINQ SNAKE Bar Magnet and Few Braided Strands - of Tinsel May Be Used In Making Quite Amusing Toy. . An amusing piece of experimental apparatus may be made using a bar magnet and some braided strands of tinsel, says the-Popular Electricity. Fasten the bar, magnet to a wooden stand as shown, and between the bind ing posts connect a very slack braid of tinsel. Connect the binding posts to a switch and three or four dry cells." By- arranging ? a double pole, double throw switch not shown and throwing it over first to one side and then to the other, the tinsel wi!l wrap RAISES the DOUGH Better than other pows!" producing light, dtyfrholt some cakes and pa$!fie CRESCENT". BAKING POWDER high grade and moderate in price 25c lb. tin at grocers. Creaceat Mfg. Cow Seattle ft I M I J it 1 THIS FLASHLIGHT wjm if 1 " SiielMxS. Cott-.plcta With . TUN GS I EN LAMPS Ever-Ready, Battery, . BEGULAH PRICE $1.26. knd $1.10 and This Ad. and We W1H DeUver to Your Home. Wireless Supplies. Heatlns; , and Cooking Appliances. Everything - i.'iih . . KlectricaU , STUBBS ELECTRIC CO. ; SIXTH AND PINE, PORTLAND, ORE. IF YOUR CHILD IS CR088, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED i Hours, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Haig 5714 or by appointment . . DR. JOSEPH ROANE Chiropractor SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS1 Bclentiflc Treatment of all Axut ,nrhmnln Diseases. Licensed Practitioner. Suits 424-6-7 wreaiie Building. Hiiattle. Free to Our Header Write lfnrlne Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for 48-page illustrated Eye .Book Free, Write all bout Your Bye TronMe ana they will advise I as to the Proper Application of the Murine I Eye Remedies in Your Special Case.- Your Druggist will tcH you that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for fiOav xry iv in Your Eyes and In Baby's Kr fr oi-aiy aycuue ana uranuistiaa. A little change In the hand Is worth more than a great change la the weather. St. Paul Dispatch. .'". Mysterlons.Wr(thlng 8nake.; itself in one direction around the mag net, and then uncoil and coil itself about the bar in the opposite direction, depending upon the direction of the current through the tinsel. To prevent -the bar from short cir cuiting the thssel, the bar may be wrapped with a layer of paper or linen tape. ' . v,; .'. . MANNERS A BUSINESS ASSET END STOMACH TROUBLE, ; . GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pape's Dlapepsln" makes Sick, Sour, Gassy Stomachs surely. feel fine v In five minutes. If what you Just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas, and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste la mouth and stomach-headache, you can get blessed relief in five minutes. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large flfty-ceat case of Pape's Dlapepsln from any drug store. Tou realize in five minutes how need less It is to suffer from indigestion. dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest stomach doc tor In the world. It's wonderful. , . . The municipal authorities of Berlin have forbidden men to smoke while driving automobiles, ruling that many accidents have been due to the practice. Mothers will flna Mrs. Winnows Soothing Syrup the best remedy to Use f u( their children turlng the tee thiuf period. The British government's "oldage pension scheme is producing some re markable figures for the statistics of 1912 show that 603,380 women were In receipt of old age pensions, as com pared with only 802,628 men, -y Dr. Peery'e Vermifuge "Dead Shot" kill espete worms in m very tw hours. London's proposed postal tube is to be nine feet la diameter and six and a half miles long. It la to be fitted for two tracks, each two feet wide, earrying steel trucks operated by mo tors. The line proposed will be con struoted throughout In. the London clay, ,.,-,, - . , B Get Out "of the Rut" Don't continue, day after day, in that half -sickly con ditionwith poor appetite, sallow complexion, and clog ged bowels. You can help Nature wonderfully in over- n : .ii m.-..A ts . ' . turning an oiomacn, jjiver and Bowel troubles by tak ing a short course of ; HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Try a bottle today. Avoid substitutes. r Ingllsh Lord Urges Boys to Cultivate Politeness Because of the Com- merclal Value They Give. , , - ti-"?1""'"' ' " Lord Rosebery, speaking to some English grammar school boys, dwelt 1 on the "enormous commercial value ot manners." He urged every boy pres ent to cultivate manners, "not for the higher, consideration," but because they "will give him a value which he will never possess without them." i His lordship neglecte dto specify tne particular commercial - centers where manners command a premium. But it has not been observed that man ners have much to do with business success in New York, or for that mat ter in Chicago or t Berlin, however It may be in London.. If Wall street re garded manners as possessing a com mercial value it would long ago have capitalized them.'-! But good manners never looted a traction system or or ganised a trust or created the neces sity for federal regulation. No captain ot industry has ever been indicted for politeness, and the manners of rail road presidents and bankers have not been extolled for their suavity, says the New York World. , ? C, Tb& son-in-law of Lord Rothschild apparently takes an academic view ot manners. : They have their uses in some walks of life and are an asset to creators ot swollen fortunes who seek to break into "society." But generally speaking, books of deportment do not seem of much value to youths ambi tious of commercial success. The cap tains ot Industry are not captains of courtesy. "., !, ?. '.v.: - Look Mother! If tongue Is coated, cleanee little bowels with "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs." v Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs," because in a few hours all the clogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. ; Sick children needn't, be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy be cause they , know its action on the stomach, liver and bowels Is prompt and sure." Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions for babies, children, of all ages and for grown-ups. 3 If they don't know how the fire started, the general disposition Is to blame it on the sinful cigarette. A Quick Trip. "Mr. - Lane called again this morn ing, sir," said the new office boy as Mr. Stuart entered the office. "Did you tell him I'd gone to Eu rope as I told you to, Ed ward T" asked Mr. Stuart "Yes sir." ; ''That's a good boy," said Stuart And what did he say?" "He wanted to know when you'd be back," replied Edward, "and I told him 'after lunch,' sir." Harper's Maga- sine v , .'-y-'V' r iv- '.-su . ore Eyes, Granulated Eyelids and Sties promptly heeled with Roman , Xye Bal aam, AdT, : , At the Ohio state experiment sta tion, at Wooster, the crops have aver aged, for a term of years, about twice as much to the acre as the usual yield of all grain fields In Ohio. In time a photographer learns peo ple will stand for considerable flat tery, and becomes an Artist Tacldo Goferrh How m r e Afi Winter LINE RINGS FOR FISH POLES Novel Cetachable Device for Rods Has v Just Been Brought Out In Eng- ' land Works Easily. A novel detachable line ring for fishing rods has been brought out In England. When the agate or porce lain ring portion of the fixture breaks it may be replaced with a whole ring. The Value of a Name. ' , The editor of a great magazine sent for a certain author who had submit ted an unsolicited manuscript. i "I am glad to make your acquaint ance, sir," said the editor, enthusiasti cally. "The story you sent us is per fectly splendid. But why use a nom de plume? Let us publish it over your own name and it will make you famous." ' i-is .-, ;;. "I'm not after fame," objected the author. "It's money I want" : "But you'll get just as much money in either case." "No, I won't If I publish it over my own name my wife will get 'the money." Cleveland Plain Dealer. !-,. Shake into Tour snoes Auen'a Foot-Ease, a cowdsr for thaf net. Itourea painful, swollen, smarting, sweating feet. Makof V Stores. Don't accept any substitute. -Sample FBE1B. Address A. S. Olmsted. Ls Roy. N . Y. "Magnus Nugas." ' , We dream of subjects worthy of our ?, pen, Vast as the welkin, varied as the seas: . ' .... . Of visions that shall storm the world of men - V, Yet Virgil sang of bees. We pray for inspiration to have birth i.Wlthin our souls; to clarify our 'i '; dark - . -. - With fancies unidentified with earth , Yet Shelley wooed the lark. 7 Lippincott's. - ALL WORTHY A TRIAL DTSHES POPULAR IN MEXIOO MAY BE APPRECIATED HERE. Highly Flavored But Tasty . Are All These Recipes Delicious Chile 8auce Turkey Dressing Our Southern Neighbors Like. ,; Chile Saus. Take a half peek of ripe tomatoes, three green peppers, three large onions, five cups of brown sugar, one teaspoonful each of ground allspice, cloves and cinnamon. Chop the onions and peppers together, put in a preserving, kettle with two and a half cups of vinegar and boil for an hour and a half; salt to taste. Bottle. Red Chile Sauce (Chile Colorado).- Take six large ripe tomatoes, three tablespoonfuls of brown sugar, one spoon each of ground ginger and cin namon; half a spoon of ground cloves; one cup, of vinegar; . half a spoon, of ground mustard; one pod of dry red Pepper; two large white onions, a bit of clove or garlic. Cook until it thick ens. Bottle and it will keep Indefinitely. Chicken With Almond 8auoe Boil a chicken, either whole or cut in pieces; an onion, a carrot a bit of gar lic, a piece of ham, some thyme, sweet marjoram and a half eup of vinegar, the chicken when cooked to be served with the following sauce: Grind four' ounces of almonds, heat a little lard with a clove of garlic well mashed. then dissolve a little flour in some of the stock and stir, to prevent browning too much. Add a piece of butter and a ladle full of stock. Incorporate the almonds, the ham and parsley, chopped fine; add salt pepper and a dash of nutmeg. Chop two hard boiled eggs, fine chopped, put in chicken and bolL This is a dish fit for a king. It is said that It was the one Spanish dish to which the Aztecs took kindly.v ! Turkey Dressing Until within th2k' last few years, after the introduction 1 of the American cooking stove Mext oans rarely baked fowls, as they prefer their fowls and meats boiled. The fol lowing recipe tor cooling and dressing turkeys ls followed by the housekeep ers on au the haciendas (plantations) and not a few city cooks. It la a vari ation from the baked turkey of the United States. Clean the turkey or fowl, spread with lard and pepper, put on in a Jarge pot and boil. When near ly done take out and stuff with this dressing: Five small green onions, five apples that have been boiled and mashed ; through a 1 colander, four ounces of ham cut into small bits, pep per and salt Fry this all together until done, stuff the turkey, put back in pot and boll until done. . Remove from pot; have rettdy a large, deep vessel in which there is boiling lard. Put in the turkey, and turn frequently so that It may be browned on all sides. 10 CENT CA8CARETS 1 ' - FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, , Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomadh, Bad 1 Breath Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels you always-get relief with " Cascarets. , ' They , imme diately cleanse and regulate the stom ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con stipated waste matter ! and poison from the Intestines and bowels. . A 10-cent box from your druggist-will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for months. They work while you sleep. : If prisoners worked as hard for dol lars when , they hart a chance as they afterwards work for pardons, the Jails would be empty. V.L.DOUGLAS SHOES Man' f2.CWS2.50S3.0O , 1'iuu a kd-ous WsmeB' S4dk$4.60 S3 UUiCttaS3.60 S4 Misses, BoyStChlidren SI.5QSI.75S2 2.50 $3 StfSB ta&lBMS tB 1919 . now US 1 trg.it n&lur 01 s. sa.sv ad S4 shM la us woris. Over ISO gt vl. kino anaMMtwi; : v4,5. C'.."Sa. S .' Sr..arai'. ,i"aV 1 Ti' t in ' eli sisss sua widths. W. L. Douglas shoes art famous everywhere. Why not give tnem a trial T Toe value you wtll reeeive ior your saoney wm ssuuusn you. If vou would visit onr fartarv. . "riV nn, Innl ami. 1 r.,., I . W, Xt. Douslas shoes are made, Would 'Unlflrn(.Mnri wliv thiav tr. warraouia 10 loon oetter, nt tetter, hold thelrahape and wear longer titan vuiw mum jut uia pries. Your dealer should supply you with UBIU.JLMMt llieaUDUlUtO.WOU snnuua wiuouc w. jL. JJousias name scamped on bottom, stioes Sent evnrvwtiAm. nirttr. frnm t.i- by Parcel Pott, postage tree. Now B time to bftvtn tn hvr mnnwv nn your footwear. Writs today for Illus- h iwz v.aiauos; snowing now to orasr SIO Spark St., Sroclaton. Mass. "REPEATER" Smokeless Powder Shells iv Thesfj shells cost a little more than black powder loads. but for bird shooting they are worth many times the difference, 1 as there is no smoke to hinder the second barrel. They are by far the best low pneed smokeless, load on the . market wncn you duv, insist upon navine tnem. RED BRAND - Detachable Line Rings, All that ts necessary is to insert knife in the catch ot the ring holder, lift the hinged top, substitute the new center and then close the hinged top until the catch clicks. wzli Gels:. Stall PcccraCma, Keep Yclt I2::a G!::r zii Ycur Threat Frca, Don't Watt TK1 You're AS Bunged Up Use S. S. S. Now. If yon will go Into ny ISret etasa star Bd get a bottle of B. B. B. you ere the war to gettlrja rid of Catarrh, But don't let anyone work on? that 14 trick ef something "Just as good - 8. B. 8. Is taken into the blood just as naturally as the moat nourishing food. It anvtveaei A as f T as iitrli lenna jvmakm aa1t Adrai tn pnaeue vs iuuuvuvw v ve i v wsjja m the body, eomey through all the veins and arteries, enables all mucous surfaces to exchenge Inflammatory acids and other trrliatitig eubxtacces tr arterial elements that eileetually cleanse the system and thus put an end to U catarrhal pollution. tX H S. cleans out the etomach ef mucous ftociimula, lions, enables only pure, blood nuking materials to enter the intestine, eomMnee with these food elements to enter the circulation, and la 1m than an hour Is at work throughout Ue bod la Oe proceas of purUtcAtion, ..- v The nediolnal components ef S. B 8, are teUUvely iM as essentia t e balaneed health aa the nutritive proper 01 iue sraiua. meats, sugars. ar4 tlM ft foede. Any tm. trrttsvtins InOoeaee la the blood Is rejected by the tissue swlu end eliminated by reason ot the sUaialev Unt lanusnee of 8. 8. 8. . , . Xeu will soon roaiixe Us wonderful la nuence by the absence of headache, a de. elded olearlrg of the air paasasea, a steadily Improved nasal condition, and s) sense ef bodily relief that proves how completely catarrh often infests the en tire system. You will find B. 8. a on sale at an drag stores, it Is e remarkable remedy fee any and aU blood affection, such M eoeema, rash, lupus, tetter, psorUusim. boils, and all other diseased conditions ef the blood, for special advice ca any blood disease write te The Swift Speeifle Co., Set Swift Bid-. Atlanta, Oa, Pe net trifle with substitutes, tnita ttens er any ef the horde ef "Just ad auod.1 Ceuntertetta of & & g, - , ' Fanning the Feather. Divide the children into two parties, and give each child a small fan made from a folded sheet ot newspaper. Stretch a string across the room at the height of the playors' shoulders. Have a good-slxed feather pulled out of a pillow. Throw this up in the air and let the children fan it . Each party tries to tan it across to the other side of the string. If the feather falls to the ground a point is scored against the party standing on the side of the string on which the feather falls. , , r r The feather must never be touched with the hands, except when it has fallen, and has to be picked up from the floor. " The Way of Woman. - Home study tor Tommy had just be gun, and he found it hard to apply him self to regular hours. At bedtime one evening his father said: "Tommy, I am not at all pleased with the report your mother gives me of your conduct today." "No, father, I knewed you wouldn't be. and I told her so. But she went right ahead an' made th' report Jest like a woman, aint ttr Be lure that von ask for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, and look for the ihrna. iure 01 wm. wngni on wrapper ana box. For Constipation, Biliousness and Indlges Uob. Adv. Rubber In Brazil. . The Brazilian Department of Agri culture has decided to issue a monthly publication specially concerned with the efforts to protect the rubber in dustry from the consequences of ruin ous competition of the more cheaply produced cultivated rubber of the Fat East Baltimore American. Rheumatic Twinges yield immediately to Sloan's Lin- j 1 merit, it relieves aching and swollen parts Instantly. Reduces inflammation and quletsthatagon- "S pmuim vvu k cut) H jnWV irates. SLQM'S usmm Hew Children Should Act A mother who was going to take her children visiting with her had been in stilling the old rule ot "Children should be seen and Dot heard." . . ! "And now, what are you children go ing to act like!" she inquired as a last precaution. V;.;: :f ' f ;-.',. "Like movin pitchers," came the tv resnOnse. Delineator. Kills Pain fives quick relief from chest and throat affections. Have ygu tried Sloan's Here's what others saji Rsflsf fraas RkaWBatkaa ' Mr mothsr has nawi ana bki tinMla er sioan s uuiment, and although she is ever St rears of are. she has ob tained treat relief from her rb-nme- Good for Cold sad Croon A little boy next door had croan. I tave the mother Sloan's Liniment to try. She save hint three drains on safer before going te bod, end he tot ur with- it the croup inths morning," Jf im Slmmnd Av. Oimgt Ilk Stuffed Beets. '. Boil new . beets ot even slxe until tender. ' Set aside for several hours or over night covered with vinegar. When ready to serve rub off the skin, scoop out the center of each to form cup and arrange the oups on let tuce leaves. For each five oups chop fine a cucumber. Make a French dressing of two tablespoons -of oil, teaspoon or vinegar (scant), one- fourth of a teaspoonful each of pap rika and salt Stir the dressing into the cuoumber and fill the beets with mixture. '4Take the beet removed to lorm cups, cut slices, forming stars or any shape, and decorate the top of each cup. 1 Chopped radish, cress, ' olives or celery are all excellent for a filling. Date Biscuits. Mix and sift : two cups of pastry flour, four teaspoons baking powder, and one-half teaspoon salt Work In two tablespoons butter, then add grad ually three-fourth cup of milk. Toss ontb floured board, roll to one-third Inch thickness and shape with small, round cutter, first dipped in flour. On half the pieces place a date from which the stone has been removed. brush round edges with melted but ter, cover with remaining pieces, press edges firmly : together, place in but tered pan and bake in a hot oven from la to 15 minutes. Esoalloped Oystere. - This amount is for two. Use one pint of oysters. RoU into fine crumbs a dosen and a half of crackers. Take a quart (enameled or crockery) dish, butter it well, then put in a layer ot the cracker crumbs to cover the bot tom, then cover with a layer of oys ters and bits of butter and a little shake of pepper and salt and so on alternately, until oysters are used, having last layer of oysters. Then pour over the top the oyster liquor and a cup of milk with an egg beaten up in, it Put in oven and bake about inree-quartera of an hour. Delicious. NaMMIvta fUa. "Sean's Liniment is the best medi etse In the world. It has relieved rae w Mwaupa, pose peine have an twie stop them .Jkn J- m K-t-rfjilns. I Mm,a,. AjaiSDWPrW15,B0fcAIUHl SleWs lanrwstive rVV't ea Hart seart fraa. BtatOtsgeSyraa. Tulw QA. rjas I urn. S.1I4 s, DrariiMa. 51311 aTSF. :gSSBBSSeSMBSSSSrsSBSSBSSaBse Parsley Jelly. This Is a very economical jelly and delicious. Take any quantity of para ley, cover with water and boll about half an hour. Then run through the jelly bag, measure and allow one eup or sugar to one cup of Juice, add two or three rose geranium leaves, which give a fine flavor. Now boil all to gether until it becomes aa thick aa honey. Lemon Biscuit. One cup lard, three eupa white sugar, one pint sweet milk, two eggs, pinch of salt five cents worth of car bonate of ammonia, five cents' worth oil of lemon. Dissolve ammonia la milk, mix stiff enough to handle ei Uy, roll one-fourth Inch thick. Piok with fork and have oven hot Get the ammonia and lemon at the druggist" a Jam Roll. Two eggs, their weight la flour and butter and not quite In powdered sugar, two teaspoons of baking pow der. Rub butter, mix ingredients, lastly eggs. Bake tea minutes, spread on buttered paper, then spread Jam and roU. When Beating Eggs. When beating the whites of eggs always add a pinch of cream of tartar when they are about half beaten, Thia Is excellent as it keeps Uta eggs from falling before being need. - - TOR PINKEYE DISTEMPER u CATARRHAL f EVER AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES Cures the sick and acts as a nrevntfveV for ! nttiers T.lnnM Iven on the tongue. Safe for brood mares and all others. Best idnev rented v: 60 cents and X 1 a Wtu- ss nnrl 10 hi ilA.nn cu l." -i, j " '-ilil . v T V"."' v-" """" -, u uy uruggisis anu norse gooas nouses, or sent, express paid, by the manufacturers. . , ; ; -! , . - . urwiiii mtiiuu v.vr.s vnemistSs uosncn, ina. .2 As an additional safeguard against icebergs one transatlantic passenger steamer is carrying a 72,000 candle power,, searchlight with an 4 effective range of five miles. t Her Cousin Maud is always very positive in her assertions. Rejected Suitoi- Yes, she was even positive in, her negative. Boston TIT a -feMOTt ic : T ET greatest athlete have dyspepsia and Ua 11 0 JMflfl IS I . strength will soon fail. .One's stamina-force. SV- , , fullness and strength' of ; mind or musclo IFIIllEfiP depend upon: the blood, and the blood in turn, requires a healthy Btomach. for the stomach is the rTjTIsi fi i cs laboratory Where the food is digested and such ele- M. MM.a-y- ments are taken upor assimilated which makm . Ma m ' blood. In consequence all the organs of the body. lOJasi.aetl.Ja.1. BUKUB uesK-a, luugu, uver auu luuneys, as wen as ' T w . the nervous system, feel the bad effect if the stom- acn is deranged. ",".,'-, (, : ' ' Br. Pierce's 'GoMen 1 '" eMsMessl mimmmimmHmmmkkm kikkkktttttti Medical Diseowry j helps the stomach to digest food properly, starts the liver into new activity, removing the poisons from the blood, and the various organs get rich, red blood, in stead of being illy nourished. The refreshing influence of this extract of native medicinal plants has been favorably known for over 40 years. Everywhere ' some neighbor can tell you of the good it has done. The Medical Adviser by It. V. Pierce, M. D., Buf falo, N. Y. answers hosts -ttf delicate questions about which every man or woman, single or mar ried ought to know. Sent free on receipt of 91 one- -cent- stamps to pay for wrapping and mailing. ," - Sold by all medicine dealers In liquid or tablet formi er stead 60 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' ltel Boffale, and a trial box, will be nialled yea. t Our big 1913 catalog (free), shows thousands of the most wonderful bargains ever offered in the history of the building business. It will show you how to save money on Lumber, Sash, Doors, Hardware, paints and all hifilding nutcrlnln. We1 sell to yon direct at factory prices. " " " PAINTS Be ssre to got our JraHf asastae hirers sriase be fore yen buy palsL WeHssvs yea awaey ea paints for Houaa. rtoer, Wagea er Berajtar rtot,T'';""""" Meg! : Bath tube.) : $22.M ' Be your ewe plumbarl Wt sell plumbing materials ot all kinds at whole sale prices Toil ets, Lavatories, Sink.. Ftp. Fit tings,; valves, fauoata, sic DOORS Tbcutan of styles and aires In stock tor prompt d.llvsry. from . ,:; IL25 up Our free cata log slsws the finest Use ot doersshewa sny- wbare.stlatBUll prlcva. V Bur rout lumber from th. Aral gradlns Dont Br rran Mall rurds that Mil lumbar that tot bam graeal t or MouS Ours Is all A rat grad. aiul first sualllr W Mil sirMt at mill priw aaa u yaw uste aa svt .ur tock-bouom. prapald prloaa. ' S.nd u. twlAr your lumber bill Mm. jour ahlpplna paint W. will I HI you Ju.t what it will taut Irlatiki1 2205 WsstlaaeAn r assalev l Dr. Andrew D. White 81. Dr. Andrew D. White, first presi dent of Cornell university' and former ambassador to Germany and Russia, observed his eighty-first birthday at his home on cast avenue, the Cornell campus, today. Dr. White is In splendid health and may be seen almost any day. walking briskly on the campus, as well, as downtown. ? ' ? His health has been good' for years, although he finds it wise to spend most of his winters In a warmer cli mate. Ithaca (N. Y.) Correspondence Philadelphia Public Ledger. Constipation causes and aesrravates many serious diseases. It is thoroughly cured bv Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The favorite family laxative. , Abstainer Is Made Drunk. . , A grape pressor in a winery became drunk the other day on alcoholic fumes. The man brandished a club and was dangerous for a few minutes. The man is a total abstainer and was nowise responsible for his unfortu nate condition. He gave the police a bad half hour, but soon recovered. Pittsburg Dispatch. Aunt Bobby, how can you be so selfish with your apple? Dont you know that a pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled? Bobby Yea. but an apple shared is halved. More or Less. ' E. H. Sothern is telling ?this story about Sir Charles Wyndham: A cher ished' possession of the London Green room club is a chair which once be longed to the famous David Garrick. One uight Sir Charles, who is not so young as he used" to be, entered the club after impersonating Garrick at the theater and 'seated himself wearily- In the Garrick chair. An admiring friend immediately remarked: "Sir Charles, you grow more like David Garrick every day." - vTo which Wyndham replied: " "And less like him every night" Philadelphia Record. - Trieste, Austria's leading seaport, expects to profit greatly by the in creased commerce of Western Europe with the Far East and the Balkan and Mediterranean countries. " ' "i tweaVW t n M- pilaw. fjsssTJsa, .tof. U fswfJ Ugbt, Mt IWt ft t-swatty WatMttt ftjrffWNaV IWSjssjusi SsOt syWaVrt Ism4s memtrttm fca a. GraHry aLaUWasjaB .thwi, OMwStae1elBena1 SmrmuK fkava twas -rMiA est 4 ttm rmm&mm OfBast fWwK er SVlJae SuMtJSft jkeJsfMst sj'nVf fnTltt'1"1' '"" SUN LIGHT CO. ICS MattXEsse.&, saa OUTOrTOWN J PEOPLE eaa raaatvaprmnrS traaS. Bta of Ht.MaaBaa, Baaitb-kantaf ranaUH DOBS C GEE WO the Chinese coatee. Try oaca now iSromht-m baam teeterta wtta thJaoB and that nwiai hsw aotobiaieas aar. BUUMmt reiiat IjM lhw ra a.liua feMi.. il. aoa, ronr m and pnacrib soma nunady iWa action tsjut-k. sunaaad amfa. It j, cmnviauaaM ara eottixjBsdwt from Kcwa. Bartia. fauis sad fcarkj t h. im. barn a,tire4 from awry smas. tor of the stobe. Thsaacrawaf taa ass sea w. knows to tVa onuida wmii. bat S.. twaa sandad sows -n fttsairTTSns is insiisialstanaf faro 1 1 aa Is, Ctusa. OHfKLiATiosr ram If yna nrt of towa and aaaaot caJl wrHa fr (7 ,'vS.v THE 15. SEE WO CH1MESE MESICflE CO. 162t first St, Cor. Morritea r. n. v. wvftias te svertawe.