The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 16, 1914, Image 4

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IroQding nd c reurn. pEARSON-PAGE CO., Portland, Ore.
White Plymouth Rock Chicken Is
One of Most Familiar.
Hotel Washington
Washington Street. Comer or Twemn.
Portland, Oregon.
CHAS. H. JMM1W With Private Bath.
$1 . LI0 $2.00 P Day Witt rnv, ae, -"Ti. Bus to and from
Bsm. rate, foroueor two per at Twelfth Street.
ptoa7 urrrFprOof Building, mode" every e,. . riot
SySdronnhir water and both telephone in every room. L''L-L1-L---
: ; WANTED: -
Veal, Pork, Poultry, Hides
Writs teday for tags and.our net cash price llrt.
We guarantee fair treatment, highest price, and
"Check brUetorn Mail." Give us a trial with
root next lot ef produce, f . M. Schmali Co.,
tS-VSw. $10,000. 141-M3FriatS,PrtlMi0w,
rev. Poultrv. Hoes, veal
t.A i -at . V V-lr.i nn annimlMlnTI. TVftftll
nn prism v u. a vi -'" -r
valley aw, iSedoK dairy butt,Jive heni
and spruurs 2WX'ic; quckb, otb(
turky. lsfecrewied, 20&26c; - fancy pork,
-Lk- t a o, li., -1 aiiomh Kafir Ki
ehia tu fun, wool, mohair, wax and hiden. Write
RUBY St CO., 107 Front St.. PORTLAND, OR.
Bought, told and exchanged: engine,' boilers,
MmlUa. ate. Send for Stock Lint and Price.
XBJfi J. . MARTIN CO., S3 Ut St.. Portland, Or.
W har an article used in every heme and
want one lady in each town to represent u.
Will bain you build up an Independent bul
new your own. PtiTY CO., Bi 277, Perth.. Or.
The "Topgrade" Shoe
A Really Classy Shoe
' If yaw ink im artkub, rai to '
Portland. Or.
Hour, 10 a. in. to 9 p. m.. Mia 5714
or by appointment
Sctentlns Treatment of all Acuta and Chronle
Dlceaae. Lioenaed Practitioner. Suite 484-6-7
Verged Building. Seattle.
Wanted It to Take.
"Will yon confess T" asked the po
Hoe Officlall" r. ;
"Yes," replied , the suspect "But
first I'd like to have some evidence
taken as to my truth and veracity.
It's mighty hard to get a confession
believed nowadays." Washington
Stan '- i :r -
Learn Watdhmiiking and Engraving la a
few month., l'oaltlouauuantnteed. Write
FHtb rrtuivi UANuiturr
Girli! Try HI Hair gets soft, fluffy
and beautiful Get a 25 cent
bottle of Danderlne.
If you care for heavy hair that glis
tens with beauty and is radiant with
life; has an Incomparable softness and
Is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderlne,
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it Imme
diately dissolves every particle 01
dandruff. You can not have nice
heavy, healthy hair If you have
dandruff. This destructive scurf robs
the hair of its lustre, its strength and
Its very life, and if not overcome It
produces a feverishness and itching of
the scalp; the hair roots famish, loos
en and die; then the hair falls out
fast. Surely get a 25-cent bottle of
Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug
store and JuBt try it '
Gravy, Cat, and Next Day. i
Cbogan, the customer -There' as
much nourlHhment In a pint av, pea
nuts as In two pounds av thot etk.
Grogan, the butcherBut there' no
gravy, an' nothin' "for- thi -oat-' no
hash the nlxt day. Pucki
Mother Will find Mrs. Wlnsiow' Soothing
Syrup the bat remedy to use for their children
flurlug the teothiug- period.
Too Much for Her.
"Why did you divorce your hus
band?" , ...
"He fussed and fumed too much
about baseball."
"Oh, every man has a favorite team
to worry about."
"This man bad teams In three dif
ferent leagues." Pittsburgh Despatch.
A-B fiwin-
teed rooflag, i I
ply, .
UO per roll i
IlMvItr pile
at equally low
prl. w
lo atll tir
ar. eulldln
km Mr, dnil.nlnc ftll
aa aluur biwrd at
W.tln,lr low prlr.H.
Wo'll uv yoa 88
to 60 on your lunv
bor bill. Our lumber
!i all fint grade and
first quality. ' W Mil
you direct. Sand your
list at onoetnd fat our
prepaid price. H
W tl a mantMMek murot. that enrrthlni
w aell I. .uptljr w. It. Oar builn...
KU grow to II. pr...Dt hutffl .lie by Mvlng mnn.y
lor kulK.ra and y.ara of auu.r. daallni ar. b.hlwl
ry al.lein.ul make. Writ our Bank, Th. Na
iloeal Bank ot Corom.r... Seattle, about our rallabll
Hr. Raauinbar we ar not In any truat r aaaoola
8.nil lor big tll catalog H', (,.
Ttili nrtfi front or
roar door Uh
Uri alsaa. 2.20.
laMulfful Waal.htfj
Ion fir. Our cota
ff ihowa a bijr
oKrt-lntaM of tl'tora
a tmrtaln prisu
from lijft p.
. Saih fro
. IM up V
a4 AtMicn. I..(H otrlw
1 aoD n4 nlllworlL, ail
I Mill -trio).
rUKTS -60c
o-l. V fcJ
fir f ti a r a n too), iTuf
nvr-fn(1 aiiinaio isJ
uin. Houftt, finor,
W0 aid Barn Fatnt
antl all twlnlln maurla!
al wholtMlo prleoa. Pra
coltir ohi1i on raquaat
TKia BoautAr "thef- fl
la ' lorn u aiMi V
tt) twritlni In our ImmvitM
tinvk of bulldtra harelwaro.
Oal our blf talc atwt
rlra f fro,
' - nriUaklialin" ' i
93n WaatUkataaa. 1U'
Wive, mother and men themaelvei are report
ing by the hundred a really effective aafe, quick
acting; home method of overcoming the drink
habit, A very intoreatlng- book, riving Important
information. IHuatrated, - will be Bent in plain
wrapper by the author, Edward J. Wood, 684
Sixth Ave., 169 C, New York, N. Y to anyone
who applle. Cut out thia adv.: show it to othera
who may want to aave aomebody from ruin. . 1
Climbing Fast.
"That's our general superintendent
son of the president he began at
the bottom and worked up started in
as an oiler right after he left college!"
"When was that?"
"Oh, he graduated last June."
Cleveland Leader.
Dellolous "Fruit Laxative" can't harm
tender little Stomach, liver
and bowels.
Another Interesting aqd Valuable Di
version Is Development of Polled
Durham Breed of Cattle The
Dwarf Tomato Is Another.
The , term "sport" means many
things to" many, people. We each
think In our own language and see
the same object in different colors
from various sides. Sport from the
standpoint of the man Interested .in
heredity Is an unprecedented and un
accountable change of character In
the offspring of perfectly normal pa
rents. ; This change may be slight, or
It may be absolutely revolutionary,
but if it be a true sport it has never
occurred before in the ancestry of.
this particular individual. '
The new character may effect" one
organ or the whole structure" of the
Individual. There js no way of trac
ing the causes of the change and no
certainty that it will be transmitted
to the descendants of the sport, f ,
It is from these abrupt spontaneous
appearances of strange characters
that some of our most valuable va
rieties of plans and animals have
come. Perhaps one of the most fa
miliar sports In animal world is the
White Plymouth Rock cMcken. This
variety is-a pure sport1 derived from
the Barred variety and' the pure white
chicks occurred in two Or three places
In this country at about the same
time. Fortunately they transmitted
their white color to their offspring and
thus was created a new breed, pure
white in color, and true Plymouth
Rocks in every other characteristic-
Another Interesting and valuable
sport Is the Polled Durham breed of
cattle, a hornless breed descended
from the true sports of the Shorthorns.
The first true polled Shorthorns were
born of horned parents, but their off
spring were usually hornless.
In the vegetable kingdom, dne 'of
the latest sports is the Dwarf Tomato
which we told you about in a recent
article. " It came spontaneously from
tall stock, had full sized, fruit In
smaller numbers, and the stalk was
stiff enough to support the fruit. It
Immediately became populor and bids
fair to supplant its parent variety for
field use, because it produces more
and better fruit to the acre.
Sports without . number have oc
curred among the flowers and most
of us are familiar with numerous
cases of unexpected new shapes and
Many of the finest varieties of ap
ples and other tree fruits are of spon
taneous origin, and we credit a num
ber of valuable grains and field crops
to the same mysterious forces which
we know not.
While giving sports due credit, we
must acknowledge that cross breeding
and careful selection are fully as Im
portant, if not more so, and they are
much more available to mankind. A
great many . mutations of character
which are called sports are really
changes due to crossing one charac
ter with another.
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, your little one's stomach, liver
and bowels need cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't
sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever
ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has
sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold,
give a teaBpoonful of "California
Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all
the foul, constipated waste, undigest
ed food and sour bile gontly moves
out of its little bowels without grip
ing, and you have a well, playful child
again. Ask your druggist for a 60
cent bottle of "Cnlifornia Syrup of
Pigs," which contains full directions
for babies, children of all ages and
for grown-ups.
Where He Got Wise.
"I don't see any sense in referring
to the wlBdom ot Solomon," said the
man smartly. "He had 1000 wives."
"Yes," answered the woman, tartly,
"he learned his wissdom from them."
Rocky Mountain News.
"That Is a great title for a play,'"
said the head usher.
"Yes." replied the ticket taker; "its
a shame to see how many good titles
are spoiled by the plays."
relieve! rheumatism quickly. It stimulates the circulation In
stantly relieves ctiifhess and soreness of muscles and joints.
Don't rub it penetrates.
Kheumatlam Neve ReturneJ
I an a travellint man and about one year ago I waa laid np with rheum ut lam and
could not walk. A friend recommended Sloan Liniment ami the niitfiiing after I
ued It my knee wa all O.K. and It ha never bothered me ainre. I alway keep
Tur Imminent lu toe house auid carry it with me ou the road." JO. 7'oioi & iiarwr.
StUIme VaalaW
ojreTd with an awful ettfrnee la
lay lege, that night I aave my le a good
ruUxiig with Sloan 'aUninMBt and belief
re, neat morning; I could jump oat ut bed.
have been aupplied wllli a botUe rf
alao,"". A. Moon if iioMeimaark X at
Sprained Anklo Relieved
"I wa ill f along Wine with aaeverely
prained anklo. I got bottle of Sloan 'l
tiniaieat and now I am able to be about
and aa walk a treat deal. I writ thia
beoaue I think you deserve a lot of cm)
It Co,' ttittinjr uoh a flue Liniment on the
iparaet and I aliail alway take time to
rMmad Dr. Sloan Lint-aeut" Mn.
iimtlm Aomm tiuiumn, iid,
Sloaa's Liniment glvee a grateful
aeaaaUoa of comfort Good for
sprains, neuralgia, tor throat and
tooUutcha. . Use it now.
Al all Dealers, 23e 60s. tea el.OO
tend for Sloan free book on aoraes.
Addrtaa. 1 .?
Farmers Make Serious Mistake
Spreading Energies Over Too
Large Area, 8ays Worst '
(By J, ,H. WORST. Dean of North Da
kota Agricultural . College.)
It requires approximately seven dol
lars per acre to grow a crop. This
includes interest on the investment,
cost of seed, wear and tear on farm
machinery, labor, etc. By adding one
dollar's worth of labor to each acre,
there is little question but that the
average profits would be doubled. In
other words, as much profit should be
realized from the one additional dol
lar's worth of labor as is now realized
from the seven dollars' worth of un
avoidable labor and investment. Con
sequently if farmers would devote
one-third of their land to growing corn
and alfalfa, neither of which Interferes
with the time and labor employed in
farming wheat, and put one-third
more labor, thus make available on
only two-thirds as many acres of
wheat, they would grow more wheat
than where they spread their energies
over one-third larger acreage. The
corn and alfalfa fed to live stock
would insure them a large additional
income, and one that is not often ad
versely influenced by climatic condi
tions, while the fertility deposited up
on the farm resulting from feeding
the corn and alfalfa to live stock
would vastly Improve the productive
ness of the soil.
"Breaking" by Kindness.
A long time before the colt gets
through sucking it should be petted
and handled so it won't be a stranger
to its muster later, when the time
comes to break it to driving. The
value ot many a promising horse is re
duced materially because this job ot
handling is put off until the colt gets
set in 1U ways, and not only becomes
set, but has the strength to have Its
wn way sometimes.
Roots for Stock.
Roots make an excellent substitute
for ensilage as they contain succu
lence which is necessary in live Btock
feeding during winter. They are not
aa cheap feed, however, as silage and
not so desirable. Those who have no
silo should grow some roots, such as
mangles, sugar beets and bagas, for
winter use. These roots keep well
It stored where the temperature Is
Hwjuat abova freesing. "
' Be&laSLS&fif powder
'producing light, dainty, whole-
some calces and pastries
ia nigh .grade and
moderate ia price
F 25c lb. tin at grocers.
I Craaceat Mfg. Co Seattle
Sheds for Poultry. ,
At this season, and especially where
bo shelter (like scratching sheds) Is
provided for poultry, they will b ex
posed to sudden showers or sudden
changes in temperature, and poultry
may get colds. It any show it by
aneexlng. try mixing half a teaspoon-
tul ot camphor (spirits), in a table
spoon ot granulated sugar and die-,
solve in two or three gallons water.
Qiva In drinking vessels as indicated.
Each "Pape's Dlapepsln" Digests 3000
grains food, ending all stomach
.; misery In five mlnutee.
Time it! In five minutes all stom
ach distress will go. No-indigestion,
heartburn, sourness or belching of
gas, acid, or eructations of undigested
food, no dizziness, bloating, foul
breath or headache.
Pape's Diapepsin Is noted for its
speed in regulating upset stomaens.
It is the surest, quickest stomach ren
edy In the whole world and besides it
la harmless. Put an end to stomach
trouble forever? by getting a large
fifty-cent case 'of Pape's Diapepsin
from any drug store. You realize in
five minutes how needless It is to suf
fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder. Its the quickest,
surest and most harmless stomach
doctor in the world. -,
Difficult to Distinguish Between
Breeds of 8ame Color Each Va
riety Has Characteristic Shape.
Tha first nolnt In Judging a sample
of corn is to determine Its trueness to
the type or breed -characteristics.
There are breeds of corn, like breeds
of cattle -which have peculiar colors
or forms which distinguish them.- It
is difficult to distinguish between
hrneda of corn of the same color, but
this may be learned by experience in
handling corn of various breeas. in
pure corn of any breed there are cer
tain marks which may be easily reo-
otmized. '
Take the Bhape oi we ear, for ex-
amnle. The ideal ear is cylindrical.
not too crooked or too tapering. It is
as difficult to find, an ear oi corn per
fect in shape as it Is to , find cows,
hnrft-a and sheen with perfect forms.
The shape of .ears of the different
varieties of corn differ as widely as
the shane and form of the different
pure breeds of cattle. Each class and
variety has a characteristic shape peculiar-
to itself. .The most desirably
ghaned ear is cylindrical from butt to
tip. Where ears are Inclined to taper,
it will be noticed that . two or lour
rows, as a rule: are dropped near the
middle of the ear. In judging the
corn ear, take into consideration the
soil and climatic conditions in which
' ' Simple Enough.
Professor If a person in good
health, but who Imagined , himself
Bick, should send for you, what would
you do?
Medical Student Give nim Borne
thing to make him sick and then ad
minister an antidote. .
Professor Don't waste any more
time here; hang out your shingle.
Los Angeles Express.
Q 0 H
Be Thankful
If you are able to eat without dis
tress and your liver and bowels
are daily active, but to those not
"in this .class" we urge a trial of
Stomach Bitters
It is compounded especially for
relieving such ills as Poor Appetite,
Weak Digestion, Constipation, Bil
iousness, Colds and Grippe. Try a
bottle today, ,
u u
Husband (at the police station)
They say you have caught the fellow
who robbed our house night before
last -
Sergeant Yes. Do you want to see
Husband Sure! I'd like to talk to
him. I want to know how he got in
without waking my wife. I've been
trying to do that tor the last 20 years.
Judge. ;
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, 'small, susrar-
coated, easy to take as candy, regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow
els. Do not gripe. .
An Old-Time Program.
"I suppose you want me to vote ex
actly as you tell me to," said the in
dignant constituent, "without figuring
the question out on my own account!"
"Well," replied Senator Sorghum,
"that is what I have had to do a whole
lot of times." Washington Star.
To the Merit of LydiaE.Pink
ham's Vegetable Com
pound during Change
of Life.
Streator, 111. "I shall always praise
Lydi E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound wherever I
go. It has done me
so much good at
Change of Life, and
it haa alsohelpedmy
daughter. It is one
of the grandest
medicines for wo
men that can be
bought I shall try
to induce others to
Campbell, 206 N.
Second St, W. S., Streator, Illinois.
Philadelphia, Pa. "It was at the
Change of Life ' that I turned to Lydia
E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
using it as a tonic to build np my sys
tem, with beneficial results." Mrs.
Sara IIayward, 1S2S W. Venango St,
(Tioga) Phils., Pa.
San Francisco, CaL " I have taken
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com'
pound for many years whenever I
would feel bad. I have gone through
the Change of Life without any troubles
and thank the Compound for it- I rec
ommend it to young girls and to women
of all ages." Mrs. G. B AERIE, S052
5th St, San Francisco, CaL
The success of lydia E. Pinkhaia's
Vegetable Com pound, made from roots
and herbs, is nnparalelled.
If yoa want special advice writs ta
lydia . rinkham Medicine Co. (coBfl
dentlal) Lynn, Mass. Year letter will
V opened, read and answered by a
vooaa and held la strict coafldeaes
a" -ipijs
tkat Ctagk f yra. Tart Ovod. Cee
ta tin. Sold kv Pntrtiata,
I 1
The ear at the left la too short and
thick, although good In other re
spects, the second is a desirable ear,
the third haa an enlarged butt and
Irregular rows, while the fourth, at
the right, la too slender.
the corn is grown. The shape of a
desirable ear for southern or central
Illinois would differ in many respects
from the most desirable ears for
northern Wisconsin. The shorter.
growing season in the north demands
a shallower kernel and a smaller ear
to enable the com to mature.'
Fatal Malady of Canker Sore Mouth
Causes Extensive Lou of Little
Pigs Every Year.
The loss of little pigs from this dl&
ease annually is extensive, but largely
might be prevented by proper care,
The cause of the disease is infection
of slight scratches of the nose, mouth
and gums by what Is called bacillus
necrophorus. This germ is present
normally in the intestines of hogs and
may be found wherever voldings have
been dropped. The disease, therefore,
Is most likely to attack pigs kept in
insanitary yards and buildings, and
the contagion lurks there from year
to year.
To prevent the disease, bows and
pigs should be provided with clean
buildings and yards. Be sure to have
Rifles Shoot Well, Work Well and Wear Well
LSUlsiJ WUUW . , - (
The rough, hard usage mat nunuug v -
requires them to be constructed on sound mechanical
principles and of the best materials. All Winchester
rifles are so made. Nothing is left undone that will make
them shoot well, work well, look well and wear well.
Winch, Con, i Ammznitionr.Th. Rei V W-r mad for all Vnix.ol Bunting
Pink Eye, Epizootic,
Shipping Fever
and Catarrhal Fevf
ci. . .i nnoi,;na nrovsnrive. no matter how horse at any atr
are infected or "exposed." Liquid, erven on the tongue; acts on the
Blood and Glands, expels the poisonous (terms from the body. Varm IMa
temper in Dogs and Shoep and Cholera in Poultry. Largest aelling-li v
stock remedy. Cures La Grippe among: human beings and Is a fine Kid.
neyremedy. EOcand $1 a bottle; $5and $10adozen. Cut thistrat. Keep
:t. Showtoyourdruprgistwhowilliretitforyou. , Free Booklet, Dis
temper, Causes and (Jure, special agrenta wanieu.
cnftOM kirrtirill fiV Chemists and
OriIAU lULiUUUi W.a Bacteriologists.
Slight Modification. S
"You said you were in sympathy
with me in this fight!" .
"I was," replied the man whose
mind changes. "Now I have sympathy
for you." Washington Post. '
. Her Thrift
"So Maude caught the rich old guy,
after all."
"Yes, she always did say her honey
moon was going to be of the harvest
kind." Baltimore American.
After one year all boars should have
their tusks removed at least twice a
year. Use strong nippers or sharp
blacksmiths' pinchers.
the bedding fresh and dry. Pens
should be cleaned out often and kept
free from filth. Disinfectants and
land plaster should be used in the
pens dally. At birth the sharp teeth
of each pig should be carefully nipped
off with sharp pinchers, but mors
harm than good may follow if the
gums are cut or bruised during the
operation. Treat the cankers by
scraping each ulcer thoroughly and
rubbing it lightly with a lunar caus
tic pencil. Afterward swab the af
fected parts twice dally with a five
per cent solution of permanganate of
Handling Manure Ones Only.
It should be the rale never to han
dle manure more than once. When re
moved from the barn or feeding shed
It should be loaded at once into the
spreader and hauled to the field. If
the farm 1b small and the. amount pro
duced is only at the rate of one or two
loads a week, the convenience and im
provement of taking it directly from
the stable and spreading it at once on
the field will certainly Justify driv
ing the manure spreader slowly. Or
ange Judd Farmer. ,
Shelter for Stock.
Have you provided a good wind and
rain proof shelter tor your stock this
winter, or are you going to depend
upon the lee side ot a wire fence to
keep them warm? Remember If yoa
are, that you had better put np twice
aa much feed as would ordinarily be
necessary, for they will need it and
then will be so . busy keeping warm
that they will forget to give the mil)
you want , "
Care for Implements,
All Implements that are not needed
farther this season should be taken
to the toolhouse and protected from
the sun. . A dollar saved la equal to
a dollar made.
j PoYoh
aW ' WM
4 vuvtMivub vi aimwavuv
Dragging Down Sensations
Nervous Drains-
Tenderness Low Down'
It is because of some derangement or disease
distinctly feminine. Write Dr. R. V. Pierce's
Faculty at Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y.
' Consultation is free and advice is strictly in)
confidence. -' .
Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription
restores the health and spirits and removes those '
painful symptoms mentioned above. It has been '.
sold by druggists for over 40 years, in fluid form,! ; 1
at $1.00 per pottle, giving general satisfaction. It can
' now be bad in tablet form, as modified by R. V. Pierce, M.D.
m I Sold by Medicine Dealers or trlalboxl.
iby maul on receipt of GOo In stampsy
For 81ck Headache, Sour Stomach,
Sluggish Liver and Bowels They
work while you sleep.
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges
tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head
aches come from a torpid liver and
clogged bowels, which cause your
stomach to become filled with undi
gested food, which sours and ferments
like garbage in a swill barrel. That's
the first step to untold misery indi
gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow
skin, mental fears, everything that is
horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret
tonight will give., your constipated
bowels a thorough, cleansing and
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep a 10-cent box
from your druggist will keep you feel
ing good for months.
Can't Do Both.
"Pop, you an' ma have got me guess
in'." ,
"What's the matter, son?"
"Ma tells me to always tell the
truth, an' you tell me to always be
polite. Now, which shall I do?"
Houston Post
State Normal Places Schuman-Heink
On Program.
During the recent tour of Madam
Schuman-Heink, a special train took
one hundred .five students and faculty
from the Oregon Normal scnooi to
the concert at Salem.
The student-body had been intro
duced to Madame Schuman-Heink's
voice on the Victor and to her "charac
ter and program by Miss Hoham, head
of the Department of Music, In a ser
ies of chapel talks which added very
materially to their enjoyment of the
great artist
The Btudents presented Schumann
Heink with a beautiful bouquet of
large yellow chrysanthemums, which
wa3 very graciously received by the
world-renowned singer, with the prom
ise of a letter of thanks to the Student-body.
This concert is counted as one
number of the regular Lecture Course
of the Normal to encourage the at
tendance of students to the best in
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WEEN wrltlnc to advertisers, please :
cioa this paper.
Ail Blood Disorders
Quickly Driusa fay
Asleaishiag Resells With fho Grcsisct Bl::d
Purifisr Ever Disssirci
Strength, Power, Accomplishment are all Typified in S. S. S.
Come blood disorders become deeply
rooted In the glands and tissues, and the
mistake Is made of resorting to drastic
onujra. These only aggravate by causing
Other and worse troubles. A host of peo
ple know this to be true. They know
(rem painful experience.
Te ret tight down Into where tha blood
ta vitiated requires S. 8. 8. tha greateat
blood purifier ever discovered.
This remarkable remedy contains one
tngredlatct, the active purpoaa ot which la
te stimulate tha tissuee to tha healthy
aelectloa of its own essential nutriment
aad tha medicinal elementa of thia match
less blood purifier are just aa essential to
wall balanced-health aa tha nntrttlous
element of the meats, grains, fata and
mere of ear daily food.
Not anly thia, but If from the presence
ef aeaa disturbing poison there la a local
or gaaeral interference of nutritloa. to
eaaaa bona, carbundea, abscesses and
kindred trouble. S. S. 8. ao dtrecta the
local ceiU Uiat tUa pcisoa la rajacud aad
eliminated from -their pretence.
Then, too, S. 8. S. haa such apeclne
stimulation on these local cells as to pro.
serve their mutual welfare and a proper
relative assistance to each other.
In a very brief time 8. 8. S. haa the
reconstructive process ao tinder control
that remarkable changes are obseved. All
eruptive places heal, mysterious pain and)
aches have disappeared, and from head to)
foot there Is a conscious sensation of re
newed health.
From tha fact that S. 8. 8. ta purely
a bo tank al preparation, ft ia accepted by
the weal, art stomach and baa great to&io
influence. Not one drop of drugs or
minerals Is used la its preparation. Ask
for 8. S. 8. and Insist upon having It.
And if yoa desire skillful advice upon any
matter concerning the blood, aad alrta
write to The Swift Epeciflo Csv, Swift
Bldg, Atlanta. Ca. Do sot allow aosae
sealona clerk to larrup the atmocphsre tq
eloquence over some thing "Just aa geV
aa 8. 8. 8. Beware ef a3 eerwatarfeitst