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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1914)
Press Paragraphs Mis. E. Sunday. D. H. Mansfield this week. A. Dudley was in Pendleton is in La Grande Attorney Watts was iq Pendleton Wednesday. " .. Miss Dora Bennett is ill this week, with measles. Chance Turner was in town yester day from Weston. Mrs. Hettr Powers ol Weston, was in the city yesterday.. ; Ait Chapman is another viotim of the measles this week. Mrs. Downing, of Wallowa, is vis iting relatives in Athena. ( Mis. W. K. Wall went down to Pendleton Sunday morniog. y Mayor Koonta and Dr. Newsom notored to Weston. Tuesday. , Mrs. J. 0. Bryan was in the oity yesterday from her home in Helix. Born, to Mr. and Mis. James Hodg son, January 13, 1911, a daughter. Mrs. B. Lienallen of Adams, was a guest of Mrs. Will Bead last week. Bondy, "the man with the drums," oame up from Pendleton, yesterday. Born, to Mr. and Mr. Will Sarin deis. Deoember 36, 1913. a daughter. Mrs. J. Q, Burke Is reported ill at bei heme in the northwest part of town." " Mr, and Mrs. Smook of Weston Mountain, were shopping in the oity Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Gerking are iu Taooma. where they will visit for several weeks. . Mrs. T. D. Taylor of Pendleton, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Taylor. . Will Jamieson Jof Vale, Malheur county, where is he engaged in the stook business, was in the oity yester day. ; . -.-:;.,;:V: , . Mrs. J. E. I'roome was in Pendleton Saturday, where she attended the fun eral of her sister-in-law. Mrs. George Buzao. 1 Uf Vinoent. the jeweler, has remodeled bis work tenon and obanged the style of his display window. Mr. and Mrs. David Bonifer will move to Gibbon, where tbey 'formerly made their home, to reside. Elmer Booher has retorned from Hot Lake, where be was swimming in mud baths for several days. Henry Keen bas purohased another team, to be added to those reoently purohased to carry on bis farm work. Mrs. H. I. Watts and Mrs. J. D. Plamondou went to Walla Walla Sun day, to witness the production of the Alioe Lloyd company. Mrand Mrs. Dean Gerking have returned to their borne near Milton, after several days spent with relatives in Athena and vioinitv. IMr. and Mrs. Delbert Barger will Ueave today for Walla Walla near where tbey will take possession of a farm, reoently purohased. Dr. Croup and family and Will Cavell and family motored over, from Walla Walla Sonday and spent the day with Grandma Sbiok. Several of Athena's young people attended the . tasket ball game . te tween tbe Y. M. O. A, of Walla Wal la and Weston, Friday night. "I am going."- "Where?" "To the Bible Sobool at tbe Christian ohurob, Sunday, 10 a. m." "That's, good, I gness I'll go with yon." adv. A danoe is announced for this even ins. at tbe opera bonse. . Gordon's or ohestrs, assisted by Carl Guiott of Pendleton, will furnish the mnsio. A reoeption and donation patty was tendered Rev. Garnall and wife at tbe Methodiat obnroh Tuesday evening. About 85 members of tbe ohurob were present. L. O. ' Asbpuagb, brother of Mrs, D. H. Saodeis, who has been visiting here for tbe past two weeks, bas left for Portland where be will visit bis parents. ' Mrs. A. M. Meldrum and ohildren returned from Pendleton Tuesday morning, after spending a week at the borne of her mother, Mrs. 0, L. Crook a tt. ',W, Henry Barrett saya his stook is win tering in fine oondition at the Pine Creek ranch. Crop prospects in that section are above average at this sea son of tbe year. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duff, nee Miss Nina Jaok, and tbeh baby, have been up from their farm near Pendleton visiting at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Eoonts. ' La grip, measles and smallpox are sweeping tbe country. Tbe latter contagion bas not made its appear anoe here,' bat measles and la grip are giving dootors plenty to do. Mrs. David T. Stone and Misa Merna DePeatt attended the services at the.Christian obnroh In Pendleton Snnday, and eaob contributed a vooal solo to tbe day'a program. XLetters received from Chas. H. Brown, at Badlands, and P. E. Col bern. Long Beaob, California, state tbat all are well and Californians are experiencing a pleasant season. Miss Eoho Larkins arrived from Portland last Friday, and is a guest of her sister, Mrs. W. MoPberson. Her home is In "Marquam. Oregon. Tbe ladies spent Tuesday in W alia Walla. ,.. ,. j A meeting of the members of tbe Umatilla County Caledonian Sooiety will be held In tbe ofOce of B. B. Riobards, at one o'olook, Saturday, January 17, 1914. W. S. Ferguson, seoretary. Three atir0" MHed' to ar. ar at the AtttE OP' boose in tbe near future. The nwo"&y pu-f?s are to aopear on February 1st itud 9nrt tha Mn.l.l r JJ oompnny is tilled for the first or eeo oad week in February for one night, and Vin Moore comes for two nights, Maroh 2nd and 8rd. Automobile owners should bear in mind that Tharp Bros, are thorough ly prepared to make repairs on short notice. Tbey have a skilled machin ist in tbelr employ and now is the time to have your oar overhauled, tfl tbat you will be ready to travel he good roads in the spring, when motor ing is a pleasure. -dv. y Union servioe in the ' Christian ohurob Snnday, January 18th. Geo. N. Taylor, the converted traveling salesman, will speak. He comes with a message of great importance and vital interest to the people of Athena. All are urged to te present.' A epeoial invitation is extended to every mem ber of tbe Commeroial Club. dward Ringel and Miss Josephine Herman, well known young people of ' the Helix neighborhood, were united j iu marriage Wednesday at Pendleton, by Pastor Weaver of tbe Christian! ohurob. Relatives and friends" wit-1 neesed the nuptials, and after tbe j wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Bingel left for Portland on a weddingjtip. Tbey will reside on Mr. Bingel's farm near Helix where tbey have many fiiends it , ' I who wisn tnem a joyous and prosper- rv ine rresa xeoeivea mis wees a uara i 0M uf Amj Usees Bessie and Hazel Parker re turned from Portland Sunday, where they visited relatives and friends for a fortnight. v Wm. Wiosblp Las been tnssling 'with a severe attaok of la grip this week, beiug kept away from tbe store on tbat aoooont. . John Tompkins was in town from bis raooh Wednesday, and renewed his subsoiiption to the best paper pub lished in Athena. Some of tbe finest pennants ever dis played in Athena, aie to be seen at Hawks' drug atore. These pennants are of good material "and artistioally designed. IK Kirom Walter Adams, stating tbat be is enjoying a sojourn at Sea Breeze, Florida, and wishes his copy of the borne paper sent to that address until February 1st. The next meeting of tbe Mothers' Clnb is announced to be beld at tbe home of Mrs. Phillips, on Friday, January 23. at a p. m. Tbe sabjeot for disoussion will bet "Motherhood; Its Went and Influence." , George Forrest, reoently arrested on the charge of killing elk, was indicted by tbe grand jnry Tuesday. He was arraigned Wednesday morning, wben Jndge Phelps set bis oase for trial to morrow morning at 9 o'olook. Mis. Garnall, wife of tbe Methodist minister, left yesterday for Spokane, where she will undergo a surgical op eration. She will be at tbe borne of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Lawson, where she wiil remain for three months. Ed. Sebaski looal delivery man, has een oonflned to bis borne with sick ness this week, and bis delivery bus iness bas been attended to by Orell MoPberrin. : Mrs. David Taylor and Mrs. W. B. Taylor went down to Pendleton Sat urday evening, and remained over Snnday to attend the Christian Church jubilee meeting. the ATHENA GARAGE ZERBA BROS. Proprietors NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR OVERHAULED and repaired by competent machinists and skilled workmen. In our new Garage, we have the machinery and workmen to insure satisfaction to our patrons. COLUMBIA Hornless Phonograph The Very Latest Styles. ; $20. $25, $10, $50, $60, $75. $100 and up. These Ma chines are high grade, 8nd are so.d on the installment plan, if you wish it. Give us your orders for Records. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Byron N. Hawks, Wo Druggist tea , q OFFICERS W a SHAFFEB President, W. S. FERGUSON, Vice-President, F. 8. Le GROW, Cashier. R. F. CANNON, Aas't Cashier DIRECTORS W. B. SHAFFER. H. KOEPKE, W. a FERGUSON M. L. WATTS, F. S. Le GROW. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $100,000.00 We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation consistent with sound Banking. The Baptist Missionary Sooietv met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. A. Barrett, with twelve members present Tbe aubjeot, "For eign Baptist Sooieties in Amerioa," proved to be a partioularlly interest ing one. The motion piotures of tbe Walla 11a Frontier Days show were thrown upon tbe soreen at tbe Dream land theatre in this oity Saturday eve ning. All who saw tbem praise tbe vividness of the piotures, their excel lence being superb from a photograph lo standpoint. Mr. and'E. A. Dudley, Mrs. W. R. Taylor. Mrs. M. DePeatt and Mrs. D. H. Manafleld motored to Walla Walla Wednesday to spend tbe day. Owing to the beavy rainstorm, Mr. Dudley's oar beoama stuok in the mnd, and the party did not reaob home until yesterday. A farewell reoeption was held in tbe I. O. O. F.-K. of P. hall Wednes day evening by tbe local lodge of Re- bekabs, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Barger, wbo are moving to their new borne near Walla Walla. A most pleasant time is reported by those in attendance. . . Miss Jaokson wbo formerly con ducted a miMinery store in this city, oame down from Dayton, Wasb., so oompanied by her mother, and spent a oonple of days at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Fobs. Tbey left tor Portland Tuesday, and were acoom I panied to Pendleton by Mrs. Fobs. I JtHarve McAlesander and family leave f tomorrow for California, with tbe idea of residing permanently in tbe Gold en Gate state. Atbena friends are more or less skeptioal, however, for this is the fourth time this family bas removed to California to make a horns there, eaob time returning to Athena. Tbe monthly meeting of tbe W. C, T. U. will be beld next luesday after noon at tbe borne of Mrs. A. M. Mel drum. Tbe subject will be, tbe Na tional Constitutions! Prohibition A mendment. A good program is being prepared and all interested in nation ids prohibition are invited to be present. Nels Stamper, well known in this vioioity, where be resided in former years, died yesterday at Coenr d'Alene Idaho, after a protracted illness cov eriog many weeks. Death was due to blood poisoning, wbiobr gradually undermined his vitality. Bis two tond Doo. aod Charles Stamper, reside in this oounty. For bo me time past Mr. Meldrum bas been urgently requested to give another series of illustrated addresses on Sunday evenings. Be bas eoosent ed and will deliver on Snnday evening a most interesting address entitled "Tbe Other Wise Man." Over 60 magni&oent views will be shown Hits Merna DePeatt will sing "Ibe Holy City," Illustrated with flue slides. Everybody is Welcome. Baseball prospeota for tbe Western Tii-state league are tot flattering to say tba least. Pendleton, one of the a am to quit tne uiue Mountain league fl where good base ball was had without 1 bankrupting tbe towns supporting tbe teams, is yearning for tbe old league again. Boise is oat of It for good aod all; so is LaGranda and Baker. Walla Walla and North Yakima are tbe only towns on tbe cironit, floating tbe Tri-state banner. Tba East Oregonian says strong praise for tbe efficiency with which Sheriff T. D. Taylor's books have been kept is oontaioed io tbe report of J. B. Wilson, porlle aooountant. wbo bas ost finished experting tbe. books of tbe county officers wbo handle funds. After stating tbat tbe receipt and credits of tbe looks are correct be adds,: "For so large a collection of money, tbia is tba best record bave ever loon a, aod I bave been ex aminiog oonot records for years.' LAThree notes aggregating nearly $9000 were bnrned in tbe Christian ohurob at Pendleton last Sunday, before a large audience, by Coralyn, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Mel drum of this oity. This was tbe cli max ol a financial campaign by wbiob tbe obnrob was saved from disaster; A gold medal was presented Mr. M4- drnm as a token of appreciation for bis effloient servioe as financial agent of tbe Pendleton ohurob during tbe campaign. N&Uss Ethel Cunning, teacher in the publio sobool met with a painful ac cident at the school building, Tuesday evening. A number of eighth grade pupils were doing work under direc tion of their teaober, Miss , Woodruff, and Misa Cunning, wbo was present, ttempted with two others, to de- soend to tbe lower floor in tbe eluvat or, used by the Janitor for hoisting wood. The-combined weight of the three was more than the ropes could stand and they broke. Miss Cunning leaped from tbe elevator and fell to tbe floor below, sustaining two badly prained ankles and bruises about the tody. George Winsbip was slightly injured in the right hip, and Miss Pauline Mvrick esoaped nnburt (Begins Saturday Jam. I J It Means Much to You, so Let it be of Service Here's Something Doing1. Some people ponder, "What a in a Name." Some say nothing. Others say mere is muon. now, tuis new firm of Watts and Rogers, in tbe bard- ware business at Weston, are in a di lemma of having "Watts" in the name, and people might sat it sorely means "Nothing" in this oase. Rather an unpleasant situation to bave snob a questionable factor on band tbat yon can't get tid of and worse than tbat nobody wants. We now offer a solution of the problem, and ask tbe kids of all this territory for a radius of 15 miles around Weston to help do the job. Any child from tbe age of ' tbe first smile," to the time of "long dresses and pants," up to 14 years, is eligible and we ask and want their hearty support. It is as follows, viz: Every obild as speolfled above, may send or bring to tbe Watts & Rogers Hardware store a name and for that j name this obild will be given a free ticket tbat will admit tbat obild to any moving pioture show that is giv en by Mr. Rswla Miller of Atbena, either in Weston or Athena. Later on, these names will be con sidered by a citizen's committee of eight or ten people aod all tbe names obosen by this committee, eaob being limited to one oholoe and each to aot individually, will entitle those wbo suggested tbe same, a second priae, and thus will we prooeed to the end. Details will be announoed in the Wes ton Leader as we prooeed. Allow us to suggest something of tbe style of name we think we would like. For example: Anoka signifying an O. E. place. Utopia a place of ideal oonditloos. Eureka I bave found it Skookom Bardware Co. TbeO. K. Hardware, etc, etc. Perhaps tbe names Watts and Rogers oan be blended into one. A monogram of soffloieot slgoifloanoe might be need. We reserve tbe right to refuse any name ot jeotionable and, may readvertise. Time will be Urn ited by later announcement. So get busy. Watts and Rogers. Worth the Penalty. John, four years old, was trying to ran the lawn mower, which be bad been forbidden to touch. Hla mother came to tbe door and told film to stop it. but John ran tbe mower down the strip of lawn and back again before be stopped. "You will bave to come Into tbe bouse and stay for an hour," said his mother. "Why did you run tbat mower after 1 1 told yon to stopr she asked. "Well, mamma," said John. "I'd rather bare run it twice and bave to stay in the bouse for an hour than not run it at all.M-NatJonnl Monthly. Political Birds. Wife (readingi-Isn't this funny, my dear? Here Is an article which says tbey have found a new species of birds In Auxtrnlln wbkh have rour legs. Now. whatever do yoti auppoee tbey want fotir leg fr! IJuftlmiid 0'a'nlng Tbey are prob ably iwlitlcliins. my love, and by tbla Itwiutlful contrivance tbey are enabled to ntnnd on IxKb aides of tbe fence at the same tltue-Lundon Mail. Not Liko His Grandfather. -Doctor. I'm gHtlng tired of this everlnKtl.iK dtinulnjr. You ought to bave more rpipt for me than that My irrandfatlitfr was one of tbe earllwt settler " -Well. I wMi yon had Inherited tlmt quality ami would wttle early. Phlla delphfn l-edger. It is to your advantage; to attend this great Sale and share in the splendid savings;on Muslin Under wear, White goods, Linens, wash goods etc., all of which will justify the mostiberal buying. You will find a variety remarkable for its completeness, being much greater than that of former sales. And the qual ity is of that high standard always maintained by The Peoples Warehouse. You should ; watch the daily papers for further news of this great event We give T. P. W. Trading Stamps even aV sale prices. ; The Peoples .Warehouse Where it pays to Trade. PENDLETON, OREGON. v Save your TPW Stamps Big Sale of Remnants eHMBMBawMMaaaaMiBB , c4 Remnant sale here means much to the frugal and careful home woman or the woman who appre ciates the procuring of useful raiment and merchand ise of worthy character at, in many instances, less than cost. It is our occasional riddance sale of all short pieces, odd lots, and discontinued numbers that have accumulated during the season. The Sale includes every department in the store the earlier you come the better values you will secure Hair Ornaments, regular 25c kind, now going at 15 cents. Miles and miles of L.ace. You get youc choice at le per yard. Childrens cTVIitts and Gloves, a large as sortment, 10c per pair. Remnants in Dress goods, Ginghams, Calicos, Percales, Ribbon, etc. FIX (Si RADTKI THE "MONEY-BACK STORE' ATHENA, OREGON UN EQUALLED AS A iHitVCXUlVLUF, .PNEUMONIA. Uil L Jai md wm a ei rc vswbwt ia- e&. AJjfiiir F . HWIIflUIII!! N lli F 1 i b cough" A I! If Mimm 1 I JlGa4B.:ffi l 1 u I N YIH00pmc C0WCH xllffl (ml i if f -tt vi HiliiMcniiAiirniiv.X. K mwi fitm.PHB tmim 'jS.j ill AS A J tPwnsMrtf taMon.;i rT H lAMorilsTR roar.PniIEJ mnumnnnmrmf II .Vil III 111 Mill IM V t iii ii wir-yi 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M it 1 1 1 VLjLtm r t UNEQUALLED SAViZASAfiJ OIIiDHElT EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED.