The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 16, 1914, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd. Publisher ;i
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered In the rroitoffloe at Athena, Oregon
as ecoudOlasa Mall Hatter.
Subscription Ratea.
One copy, one year . ..... .'. . : .'.T. $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One Copy, eix months.... 75
One copy, three months . . 50
Ad vertin Ratea.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch ...... 25c
Subsequent insertions. .. . .... ; ..... 12
Display regular, per inch ........... 12
Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line ...... 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line.. . 5c
Church notices, Admission, per line. . 5c
tATHENA. ORE.. JAN. 16 1014
The Bine Mountain Eagle, one of
"oV country newepipera that sell
advertising spaoe at 13 1-2 cents per
inoh, wonders bow tbe metropolitan
dailes oan afford to sell foc'r or flv
pounds of information in special ed
ition for a niokel." The editor says:
"The publication of these great papers
la beyond tbe comprehension of a
'Pica town printer and just ' to ex
tend the tenltory, we will say every
one else in town. When a man oan
get four and five pounds of informa
tion for a niokel be is making a wheel
horse out of a five cent piece. Pub
lications like the ones mentioned give
more for a niokel tban any . other
business on earth.' The marvel is,
how oan they afford it?" It's easy
brotber, onoe you are onto the ropes.
To illustrate: We have a friend here
in town, engaged to some extent io
the voultrv business. He wrote for
advertising rates on a nine-inch die
nlav ad to rnn eight insertions in tbe
Twioe-a-week edition of a eeitain
oity newspaper. I be rate quoted waa
$2.10 per Inob or $151.20 for tbe eight
insertions. " If tbe charge is that fig
ore In the Twioe-a-week edition wbiob
is made up of tbe columns of the daily
what must be tbe rate per Inob In
the latter! It is easy to figure on
bow tbo big papers oan afford to get
out big editions.
first issoe of tbe" "New Era" at Uma
tilla. Mr. Pegg was formerly editor
of the Huatiogton News. Tbe initial
issue of tbe .New Eta dearly shows
that Bro. Pegg bas been pegging soma
for he bas oast upon tbe journalistic
wave a good little sheet, and if he
continues to peg away, Umatilla and
Umatilla .county will be the better for
bis coming.
And tbe Portland Oregonian is dis
pleased witb tbe piospeotive oandida
oy of Dr. 0. J. Smith for Governor,
for tbe good and sufficient reason that
if eleoted he would favor law enforce
ment. Well, who should worry?
Wbo said winter? It's green sward
and butteraops for us, while tbe East
is snowbound, Californians may de
cide to winter la Oregon hereafter
that is, if tbe weather man doesn't
change bis mind.
tbe same, . Copperfleld has
boose. " Baker, Huntington
and Haines
are also swinging, tbe
Senator Chamberlain is Quoted as
saving that be believes' ibere should
be no radical legislation against tbe
t'usts at tbii time. lie says the trosts
have shown s disposition to "behave
themselves" and tbat tbe country
1 abonld have a breathing spell, So?
Dot then Sonator Chamberlain, great
polilloian that be is, Las not grasped
tbe reins of government so flinolv tbat
be oan dlotate (o Congress tbat it
stand still while the trnsts continue
fie whitewashing stent. TLe liat
session of Congress aobieved more
Kqpd for tbe oountry tban any pteoed
lag it, an to lie down in tbe harness
now, when it baa everything to work
with, and every chance to further
Leueflt the oountry by wholesome leg
ialation, would prove disastrous to tbe
Ibis sounds like Wood, but ha did-
;, n't brew It,' regardless of the fact that
Ms eplourean fastidiousness is well
fcnowu. It's from the Scottish Bite
Bulletin: "Baokward, turn aokward,
0 Time, In your flight; feed me on
gruel again lost for tooigbt. I am so
weaiyotaola leather steak, petrified
tibeuits and galvanised cake; oysters
that sleep in a watery bath aud butter
as strong as Goliatb of Uatb weary
of paying for what I can't eat, obew4-
log up rubber and calling it meat.
Baokwcid, turn baokward bow weary
I am; give me a swipe at grand
mother's bam, let rue drink milk tbat
hasn't been skimmed, let me eat but
ter whose whiskers are trimmed; let
me onoe more have an old-fashioned
Die. tbeu I'll be toady to curl op and
Charley O'Neil. of the Ptesoott
tipeotetor has slatted a story going
the rounds of the press wbtuh tells
of a country editor who slatted in the
business twenty years ago witb a ospi
Hal of fifty-five cent and who is now
worth $100,000. His aooumoUtiona
ara duo to the liberality of home folks
is well aa to bis own frugality, good
habits aud a atriot attention to
business and the faot tbat an uncle
died and left him $90,090.00. Wby,
any chumo oucbt to get riob in tbe
newspaper business. ,'
While other counties of the state
are sparring over the problem of bet
ter roads, detonationa of' the blasting
on ; tbe Athena-Pendletou macadam
ised toad are beard here. Umatilla
has made a good atari and other coun
ties will have to hurry to oatob up
witb bar.
Who floods to tba north of us, blii
xsrda to tbe east of us and eiormi to
tba south of us, tba best part of the
best oountry on earth would appear
to be satisfactorily located; even
though we do have a dost flurry ouoe
ia awhile. .
Each day reveals tbe astounding
faot tbat Hoerta ia coming closer to
UnoleSam. Tbe federal government
ia cow protecting and feeding a shat
tered army belonging to tbe Mexioan
dlotalor. Wonder If he appreotatea tbe
A new paper waa born io Umatilla
onontv Thursday. Jauoaty 8, 191.
wfaeu Willis J. Pegg patlitihed thai J
Only Its Sens of Humor 8aved This
'Han From Decapitation.
For some time, writes "Suburbanite"
in the Glasgow News, one of ray hens
hns been Indulging itself in a practice
that but for the little joke involved
would bnve ended in Its decapitation.
It is one of n -pen of eight egy' ma
chines, or seven, rather, ,. lot; Itsegg
producing mechanism is conttTeimbly
out of order, its best average being
about one in the fortnight Yet until
recently that ben was scheduled on my
book as tbe premier layer. That hap
tpcned In this way:
Every morning when 1 made my ap
penrance In the garden Nora (the hen)
would be found clucking beside one of
the eggs witb nil the force of its rau
cous throat
If any of Its slaters laid claim to tbe
property there would be a wild Butter,
and the audacious bird would continue
bcr boasting when she had cleared her
bill of feathers.
Some time ago 1 discovered her in
tbe act of taking up her stand over tbe
production of another hen, and n care
ful watch thereafter disclosed ber true
capabilities. A sense of humor Is un
doubtedly one of them, and this Is be
ing regarded aa a saving grace, for I
have decided to allow her to continue
living by her wits.
Normal Weights and Measurements
Up to Three Years of Age.
A baby should weigh at birth seven
pounds, at three mouths eleven pounds,
at Ave. months fourteen pounds, at one
year twenty-one pounds, at two years'
twenty -six pounds nnd nt three years
thirty-one pound. The length of a
baby at birth should be twenty and
one-half Inches, at three months twenty-two
Inches, nt five mouths twenty
three aud u untf. inches, at one year
twenty-eight Inches, ut two years thirty-two
aud a half Inches and at three
years thirty-flve inches.
Its chest inensure at birth should be
thirteen .n!nl u half inches, at thre
months fourteen and a half inches, ,nt
Ave month sixteen Inches, at one yetr
eighteen liu-hea, at two years nineteen
inches aud at three years twenty
Some babies are built very small,
and, If well, even if below these fig
ures, there In no cause for worry. But
If a bnby is about normal size and
does not come up to these figures its
diet should be cnrefully looked Into, as
evidently It Is not being properly nour
ished. The growth of baby's body Is very
important.' See that the teeth come In
properly nnd that the legs grow
straight and strong. The babies should
be carefully watched and developed
naturally. - ftural Tanner. -
Notice to Creditors.
In tbe CounCjortff,ne state
01 "fPe. for Umatilla County.
In j the matter of the Estate of
W. W. Jaoobs, deoeased. T
lNotios lis hereby given that tbe un
dersigned has been duly appointed aa-
jVnistrator of tbe above estate by
I oer of the above entitled oourt and
um quaunea aa toe law aireois; ui
pertnrg having olaima against said es
tate lis hereby notified to present tbe
same atmy office, or at the office of
my tttfrney, Homer I. Watts, in
Athena, Oregon with proper vonohers,
witbin six taontbs from date hereof.
Dated thia 12th day of Deoember,
A. D. 1913.
Homer I, Watts. B. B. Rio bards,
Attorney. . Administrator.
, Aerial Note.
The (.v tilt- If he falls, my dear,
you're nut In stream or faint, because
It's Just what we nil enme to see. The
Lady-Hut I ihoiitht he was going to
take up a imsseiiKer.-Llfe.
Hyde Park's Marble Arch.
The marble arch of the north side o?
Ilyde park, Inidim, designed original
ly by King Oorge IV. to be on en
trance to Buckingham palace, cost 80,
000. He Was Hungry.
Bill Waybnck (after studying the bill
of fare with Interestt-'Ere, bring me
All wot's on 'ere an' n piece of bread.'
-Sydney Bulletin. '
No;ice t Creditors. ;
In tbe County Court" of tbe State of
Oregon for UmatiUa County. -In
tbe Matter of tbe Estate of
Madison Jones, Deoeased.
Notioe is hereby given to all persons
whom it may couoern that George
W. Jones, tbe executor of tbe last will
and testament of Madison Jones, de
ceased, bas resigned and tbat bis res
ignation has been aooepted by tbe
above entitled court; tbat John M.
Jonta was, ou tbe 13th day of Deoem
ber, 1013 appointed administrator de
bonis non oum testamento annexo of
tbe said estate. All .persona having
any claims against tbe estate, or un
finished business oonneoted with tbe
administration of tbe estate, will pre
sent their claims to, and take up their
unfinished business with, tbe said ad
ministrator at the office of Will M,
Peterson, his attorney, in tbe Smitb
OtaWford Building at Pendleton, Oregon.-
' v
Dated this tbe 26th day of Deoem
ber, 1913. . John M. Jones,
Administrator de bonis non of tbe
estate of Madison Jones, deceased.
Will M. Peterson,
His Attorney. ; i
Job, When He Had One,
Anything but a 8inecura.
Persia Is the only country besides
England where a poet laureate has
been officially maintained until recently.
Shah MiiiszntTer el Din in 1800 abol
ished the post of honor, which the
court of Teheran for centuries had
boasted. But the duties of the laureate
of old Ivan were far more onerous
than thoso of his British confrere.
Court etiquette demanded that when
ever tbe "king of kings" traveled bis
entourage bad to luclude a dwarf, a
giant, a jester, a historiographer and a
poet laureate. '
The lust two were kept busy, for,
while the historiographer bod to record
for posterity nil tho doings and sayings
of the shah (nndl-shah), the laureate
was railed upon to celebrate u large
proportion of these In verse. This cus
tom waa not so bad after all, and It
was rigidly observed and followed up,
for thu Rhah, knowing that many of
his deeds and utterances would be
crystallized Into nn ode. on his imperial
wandering felt bound to speak nnd to
behave majestically, a thing that Mnz
aaffer el Pin, who abolished the lau-
rcatoshlp, never did. - Philadelphia
An Uncomplimentary Composer,
A young tcnos, whose misfortune it
was to bo hideously ugly, waited on
Cbcrubtnl oue day and asked to be al
lowed to give n specimen of bis vocal
powers. For a wouder his application
was met by a sulky nod of acquies
cence. He snug, nnd sang superbly.
There enme nnother nod, uceompanled
by something like a snort of satisfac
tion. Thou ranie a pause, which, after
minute or so, was broken by the
youthful artist usUIng in faltering Ac
cent whether he might eventuully
hope for an engagement at the grand
opera. ".No: thundered the director.
Hut. M. fherublnl"- No!" The dis
consolate artist was slowly depnrtlng
when Chcruhln) rose, took him by both
arum nnd looked liliu fully In the face.
"I niu sorry." he s;iklv"very sorry, but.,
inon eher. do you think that the opera
could get up a company of oraug ou-
tangs lo sing with yon?"8nln'a "Life
nnd Adventures."
Notice of Final Account.
I In tba County Gonrt of tbe State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of tbe Estate of
Cbatles Wilson, Deoeased:
Notice is hereby given to all persona
whom it may oonoern tbat Maggie
Wilson, administratrix of tbe estate of
Charles Wilson, deoeased, has tiled
ber final aoooont and report iu tbe ad
ministration of tbe estate; tbat tbe
County Jndge, by order duly made
and entered, has appointed Saturday,
the 10th day of January, A. D, 1911
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon as tbe
time, and tbe Connty Court house at
Pendleton, Oregon as tbe place, wbern
tbe said final aooonnt and report will
be beard and tbe settlement thereof
Dated this 12th day of Deoember.
A. D. 1913. Maggie Wilson,
by Homer I. Watts.
Atty. for Administratrix.
Executor's Notice.
In tbe Connty Court for Umatilla
' Connty, State of Oregon.
Io tbe Matter of the Estate of
William Pinkerton, Deceased.
Notioe is berety given tbat tbe un
dersigned have teen appointed exeou
tors of tbe last wllj and teatatment of
William Pinkerton, deceased, and aa
snob tbe above entitlod Conrt has
made and entered an order in tbe
above matter appointing the under
signed exeoutoisof the estate herein,
and they have qualified as tbe law
directs; all persons having claims
agaiust said estate are hereby notified
to present tbe same to the undersigned
executors at Milton, Umatilla County
Oregon, or to Homer I. Watts, their
attorney at bis office at Atbena. Uma
tilla County Oregon, with proper
vouchers witbin six months from tbe
date hereof.
Dated this Otb day of January, A. D.
1914. James W. Pinkerton,
David A. Pinkerton,
Exeoutors of the Estate of
William Pinkertondeoeased.
Homer I. Watts,
. S.' F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calib both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Office on Third
Street, Athena Oregor
Attorneys-at-Law .
Freewater, Oregon Pendleton, Oregon
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V.
Official Stock iDBpsctor. Graduate McKUlip
Vetlnary College, Chicago -Phooe
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Engineers and Surveyers
Pbooe 881 Freewater, Oregon
and Genera
Satisfaction Guaranteed
First National Bank
of Athena
Office, Dutch Henry Auction, Feed
and Sale Stable, Pendleton, Oreg.
Phone, 133.
, Novel Sight
A yunut! woman hum the en t was
I'onvcixlini with a Kcntiicklnii nlmut
tobacco atitt tolmrm r;ilhi. She was
very pretty and a kmhI 'onvi'rsntltinnt-
Ist, and I li yonnu man fnun Ken
tucky wrta vastly Interi'sted In her un
til Kite ffnvo hint n xndilcn nlim-k by
nnimmirlu','. "I should love fo xie a to
bacco Hold. M'llly when It Is Just
plUKKlna out." - Arunimuf.
Before and After. '
When n mutt I In love with n drl he
holds hr Imnd fo tightly that It
would iMm li U trying to kHt her
front Kt'ttlnu ttwny. After they are
married invlil! xli has to hold his
conttnlln to kHi him at home. Florida
Timex Union.
Poor Papa.
Karl, lot's play tmpa and mamma-
I'll le ntumnm."
Oh, no. Yon'tv much too stupid for
that You ! Mtw.. Kllegende Matter.
A Coming Man.
!ri(tp-Tln'tt you don't look npoo
8harH n it nnnlns man? ItrhsK No,
nit I would if t wax In charge of tho
penitentiary.- Hotou TiHiwTlpt.
I PER CENT MONEY. I am prepared to loan
rp money in any amount on wheat land in vicinity
of ejAthena or elsewhere. Rate 6 1-2 per cent.
3 to 5 years, with repayment privileges; no delay. Call
or write, Frank R. Atkins, E. O. Building, Pendleton, Or
Wthe Lmtimrof the
See lliol&sjgBed Springs &t y
After wtarlins rome rxt. ivaew,
oy, if tve ho wwitlty. Ni'wmau.
J. E. FBOOME, pbop.
.,:V-...s-m.;.; y : :
Only First-class Hotel in
the CityN f , ;
i the only on that can accommodate
, . aommareial travelers.
Can beieeomended tor Its clean and
well ventilated rooms.
Cob. Maik aud Tiuh, atbum.ot
In All Branches
And Decorating
Complete Stock of
Wall, Paper, Paint
Oil, Glass etc
Main Street, Athena, Ore.
At the Press Office
a... a
f4 Trabe Marks
tht -Hr - Designs
' rf ff Copyrights Ac.
Anrone lending a ketch nnd description mar
qnlckly ucertnin our opinion free whether an
liirontlon Is probablf pnieiitios. Communica
tions utrtotlr confidential. HAIiUliOOK on Patcuta
tent free. Oldest oiieiicr for aecuriug ipatents.
i'atenta taken turoush Munn A Co. reoelra
tprelot notice, wllhout eh arc o, la tbe
Scientific Htitcricain
A handsomnlr lllnstrated weekly. T.anrest etr
cnlation of any aclentlflo Journal. Tcrnn, $3 a
j-cnr: f our montua, SI. Bold, by all newidealen.
IV1UNN & Co.36,Bro New Yorl,
Branch Offlce, 2S T 8U Washington, D. C
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is rcade in Athena, by" Athena labor, in one o the verr bt
' equipped milla in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer aeUa the famous American Beauty Flour for
l3B rtPer
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. I Waitsbnrg, Wash;
Winter is the name of a Season, not the description of
. a Climate. Let W help you j
Plan a Visit
To the land of Sunshine, Fruits and Flowers. Outdoor Sports Auto
Tripa among tba Orange Giovea Trips to tbe Eeaobes Surf Bathing-rand
the hundreds of varied amusement for wbiob California ia famous.
For handsome booklets descrip
tive of California also for Fares,
, , Tickets and Reservations
Call en any Agett of the
; & Navigation Co.
f rr' " : Tr
tA. J. Parker
Everything Flrat
Clasa - Mo darn
and Up-to-date
lev Mere,
1 1 11 1 .sa.-
cTVly Spring Fabrics and Styles are now on dis
play and if you want a servicable suit of aothes,
made right, irom good cloth, call NOW and make
your selection.