AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd. Publisher i f Published Every Friday." Office, Corner Third and Iefferson Streets. Entered in the FtMtofflce at Athena, Oregon . as econdClasi Mail Matter. Subscription Rates. ' One copy, one year.... .... .... ..';.1.50 " ' When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) T6ne copy, six months. . ... 75 One copy, three months............ -50 Advertising Rates. -.Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent' insertions .............. UH Display regular, per inch 12 Ji Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line ...... 5c Lodge resolutions, per line . ". .". 5c ChuYch notices, admission, per line. . 5c ciTHENA. ORE.. JAN. 9 1914 Evidently, it is not to be all roses : in the path of Mt. Booth's senatorial aspirations, notwithstanding be has the endorsement of Zoetb Bonser and the Umatilla county legislators. Lis ''. ten to this from the Pilot Book Beo ord, the only recognized Republican paper In the county: "1 be Engene millionaire lumber man who after 'orgeat solicitation' on the part of bis 'friends' bas consented to ron for Sen ator is no doubt a good man, and we do not mean to intimate that tbe Sooth Kelly Lumber Company ever got bold of an aore of timber land dis honestly bnt the faot tbat great lum ber companies are not without sus picion,. Mr, Booth's oandidaoy will require good deal of explanation. This is not a good time to ron men for important positions who in no way have sbown their superior gifts exoept as money makers. While theie is no objection to a man being rioh it does make some difference as to how be got his wealth. Those wbo buy lumber today, desnite tbe Underwood bill, will feel about as moon Jike voting for a representative member of tbe biggest lumber oompsoy in this state, as be would tor t member of an loe trust on - WORK OF THE OCEANS. fbey Do Mors Than Merely Separate Acres of Dry. Land. ' Oceans are found in various parte of tbe world, where they spend their time In lapping shores, Infringing upon the rights of continents and swallowing up Islands, ships and peoplft ..:- Oceans are salty to tbe taste and are. used by yachtsmen to get away from their wives, also to cover up ca. bled newspaper stories about kings and queens and to float navies and other debts. V An ocean spends its time In having storms and making surf. It delights In making innocent people sick and In playing with children's legs. Without oceans there would be no steamships and gambling would decline. Every ocean bas a set of fish which do not even pay ground rent, but spend tbelr time like people wbo live on land namely, in devouring each other. Besides, ordinary fish, oceans have whales, lobsters and. mermaids. The mermaids live on rock Just as girls on dry land do. The lobsters also live shellfish Jives in lobster palaces. Tbe whales .lie around and wait for the bappy time when they can perform useful work supplying bones for cor sets. v ',' Some oceans employ professional sea serpents, which they use during the summer for advertising purposes. Oceans also have zones, seaweed and sponges. Wben an oceanjias been out all night It likes to take a sponge bath; bence it always keeps on band a con stant supply of these useful toilet ar-Ocles.-Life. P tbe-Foo'lb of July.' Tbe fact that Governor West ad- ' hetes to bis determination to retire from tbe governorship bas oaosed tbe Demoorats to oast about for a candi date of tbe required calibre to make the raoe for tbe offioe, and from every indication, Dr. 0. J. timitb, formerly of this county, now a prominent res ident of Portland, will be tbe pre- xerred candidate to enter tbe ap- pioaobing primary eleotiou. So far as Eastern Oregon is oonoerned, no man tbe Demoorats could put out for Governor could poll a larger vote than could Dr. Sniltb. As a member of tbe Senate, be represented bis county and state with credit to himself and to the tatisfaotion of bis oonstiuents. So gieat was the strength he devel oped in tbe State Senate tbat bis abil ity a a statesman and his tireless en deavors for tbe advancement of good povetnment plaoe biin iu tbe groove that slides easily to tbe nomination for Governor. Tbe Press will be pleased to suppoit him for Governor. FARMS THAT FAIL y The Way Food Making Crops Rob 8oil of Its Fertility Av An acre of wheat deprlvesyfbe scoot forty-flve pounds of nitrogen, twenty three pounds of phosphoric acid and! thirty pounds of potash On tbe mar ket nitrogen Is worth 17 cents a pound, phosphoric acid 7 cents and potash cents. Therefore the actual money value of tbe nitrogen removed from tb soil by an acre of wheat to ff-65; of phosphoric acid, $ 1.01, and of potash $1.20, making a total la of $10.48 an acre a, year. If tbe farmer raises twen ty acres of wheat a year for twenty lve years the loss .will be $5,230. Each acre of oats consumes fifty pounds of nitrogen, twenty pounds of phosphoric acid and forty pounds of potash. ' In the same way an acre of - , a -at A A SPA corn will take rrom we son io.ov worth t fertility, provided both tbe grain and fodder are removed. If you have fifty acres in corn $025 worth of fertility is removed each year. In twen ty years you will bare taken out $!, 500 worth of the elements necessary to produce n good crop. Should you raise fifty acres of wheat, fifty acres of oats and fifty acres of corn for twenty years on your farm tbe money value of the elements removed from tbe soil would be more than $40,- 000. Is It any wonder, then, tbat the farms begin to wear out when you fall to return those elements to the soil which are neeeswiry to produce a crop -Furm and FlreHldo. We have seen him didseoted, bisect ed and otherwise hacked op for anal ysis, but tbe following from an ex- ehango is some definition, "believe me": "After God bad finished tbe rattlesnake, the toad and tbe vampire, He bad some awful substanne left witb vtbiob He naade tbe knooker. A knocker is a two-legged animal witb a coiksorew soul, a waterlogged brain aud a combination hack bone made of jelly and glue. Wbere other people have hearts be has a tumor of rotton principles. When tbe knooker comes down the street honest men turn their baoks, the angels in heaven take pre-1 oipitate refuge behind their harps aud tbe devil barlooks the gates of bis dominion." Lincoln's History of Himself. Wben Abraham Lincoln was elected to congress Charles Lnnman, then edi tor of tbe Congressional Record, ac cording to the regular custom, for warded to Mr. Lincoln as well as to all other members elect a blank to be Oiled out with facts and dates which might be made tbe basis for a bio graphical sketch In tbe directory. Mr. Lincoln's blank was returned prompt ly, filled up In bis own handwriting with tbe following Information: "Born Feb. 12, 1S00, In Hardin coun ty, Ky- "Education, defective. "Profession, lawyer. "Military service, captain of volun teers In tbe Black Hawk war. "Offices held: Postmaster at a very small office, four times a member of the Illinois legislature and elected to tbe lower bouse of tbe next congress.'' Experts found the aooouuts of the Peudlelon water commissioners to be on tbe right side of tbe ledger with an; but Dr. Best, the odd member on the commission, still contends tbe toard falls abort some 135,000 or thereabout. Some dlsoiep anoy, to say tbe least. From a dis tance it seems a aorap within a sorap wherein personal feellug bas tbe as cendancy. Good water is needed id Pendleton mora than anythlug. and it tbe water board is in a position to bring it to tba town, ila members should have the backlog of the cit hens in their efforts to do so. London's Dullest Job. Tbe dullest Job In London may be come an absorbing occupation in time. There Is a clerk at tbe law courts whose solo duty Is to take papers, one by ouo, from a ptle on the left side of bis table, bang n stamp down on them and place tlieiu In tbe same order on his right He bos been doing this job for about tblrty-Ove years and recently confessed that it bas become such a part of bis nature tbat, If the supply of documents dried up be would have a nervous urea Known f ortunately, the block of litigation at tbe courts will prevent such a catastrophe for some time -1-ondou Standard. Wood crawled ont of Hodgson's silo, where we staffed him a couple of weeks ago, long enough to pilot a detailed revision Id tbe Leader of Uncle Sam's patcels post schedule, which appeared in the columns of tbe Press In Us isens cl Deoember 12tb. la common with its esteemed contemporaries, the New York World and the Helit Advooate, this paper glories in a auoop, but it never gloats over a cripple tbe col onel cannot be expeoted to cover bis newspaper field and beoome part and parcel of Hodgson's silo, too. John P, MoMaous, veteran editor of tbe Pilot Rook Iteoord, bas aocuni slated sufficient lucre io bis sloiee box to enable bim to take a vaoatlou He proposes to enjoy a oougar boot in tbe Blue Mountains and a visit to old friends ia California. Looky "Mao." Ha bas earned it, and we bope tbat be will enjoy evrry ttiinute of his hike to I but m of your NuceKtor who had new soenes. that expcrlfmv uiuf frX) year ago, Ear For Musio. "What Is that tune your daughter la playing ?" "Which daughter?" askod Mrs. Cum- rex. "If It Is the older girl Its Liszt's Hungarian Itbapsody, and If It's the younger one It's Exercise 27." Wash ington Star. Serious Hem From Noise. Investigations made by physicians prove that there Is appreciable barm from noise, and serious hurra too. It Is no doubt true that a normal nervous system can apparently adjust itself to all sorts of adverse circumstances. We couldn't exist otherwise. Nevertheless ho inimical agents make an Impress and, like water dropping ou a stone, can overcome resistance In time. These investigators have found many abnor mal uervous conditions in those who have long been Immersed In loud noise utterly unaware thnt any barm was being done-London Tit-Bits. Easily Recognized. "That man sitting in the back seat Is the one who owns the automobile." "Why. be Is the only person in the party wbo doesn't seem to be having a good time," "That's how I know, lie's thinking about tlrva, gusoltne and speed limit flues."-Wanhlngtou Star, The Niw and the Old. "I congratulate you on having been knight, Mr. Von Meyemteln. Mighty pleasant exerleu-e. Isn't Itf "Dou't talk. Imrvu. To you It Is much nlwisHiitfr that It wnmrt you. AN ARTFUL : ELEPHANT. He Deserved the Dinner He Got With 8o Much Cunning. Here is an amusing tale of an ele phant's artfulness told by Mrs. A. M. Handley in "Roughing It In Southern India:" "One very bright moonlight evening while camping on tbe Brahmagtris we were sitting out in tbe cool air after dinner wben one of tbe elephants somehow contrived to unhobble him self and walked away from bis own quarters into ours. We saw him go up to a sleeping native, snuff at his pillow and then ever so gently draw it away with his trunk.' At tbe same time he edged his own foot under the man's bead and shoulders that no jerk might be felt. "The pillow was a bag of rice, put there for safety against pilferers. Al though tied op in a knot, tbe bag was deftly opened and its contents devour, ed to tbe very last grain, the thief look ing watchfully round him tbe while. "We were not likely to disappoint blm of bis clejerly won feast, as he seemed to know, for, just letting his tiny eyes rest on us unconcernedly for a second or two, be fell to considering bis next move. "He drew a stone toward him with the ever handy trunk and got it under the empty sack. Then he worked both together under tbe man's bead. Final ly be stealthily withdrew bis own foot, and, having waited no longer than was necessary to make sure he bad left all safe, he moved off." , V' ON THE BRINK OF . NIAGARA. Three Hours of , Peril, but He Still Clutched His Knife. On, the afternoon of June 1, 1872, an old painter named , William McCul lough wuiW painting the bridge above Niagara fa"s between the first and second Sister islands fell into tbe rap- Ids.,- ,Ihstantly be was swept furiously toward tbe cataract, but whirled into lesser waves, so tbat be struck against and seized a rock not far above tbe brink. Hundreds quickly gathered on tbe shore and watched, all eager to help, but ignorant what to do. Among them was Thomas Cdnroy, who secured a coll of rope, fastened one end to a tree on shore and with the other end in his hand waded out as far as he could and occasionally swam, tbe water being from eighteen inches to six feet deep. He aimed far up stream to allow for tbe power of the current and at last with great difficulty reached tbe unfor tunate painter and bound him to him self with the rope. They were swept off tbelr feet several times on the way back to shore, but tbe rope bad been firmly fastened, and they finally landed safely. When they reached shore it was found tbat McCullough still clutched bis putty knife firmly in his hand, hav ing held it during the three hours he had been on the brink of the falls. Not ice ttT Creditors. Io tbs County Court of tbe &ate of Oregon for JJratillf County. In the Matter of tbe Estate . of Madton Jones, Deceased. Nof.oe is hereby giren to all persona wb;ni it may concern that George W. Jones, tbe executor of tbe last will aoL testament of Madison Jones, Jde oeasel, bas resigned and tbat bis res iguatiou has been aooepted by tbe above entiled court; tbat Jobn M. Jones was, tri tbe 18th day of Deoem ber. 1913 spptAnted administrator de bonis non com testamento annexo of tbe said estate. All persons having any claims against tbe estate,- or un finished business eonneoted with the administration of the estate, will pre sent tbeir claims to, and take np their unfinished business with, the said ad ministrator at tbe office of Will M. Peterson, his attorney, in tbe Smith Crawford Building at Pendleton, Ore gon. Dated this tbe 26th day of Deoem ber, 1913. Jobn M. Jones, Administrator de bonis non of the 7 estate of Madison Jones, deceased. Will M. Peteteon, j His Attorney. "c executor's Notice. a""-it-Io the County Court for Umatilla County, State of Oregon. In tbe Matter ' of tbe Estate of William Pinkertoo, Deceased. Notice is berety given tbat tbe un dersigned have teen appointed exeon tors of tbe last will and teetatment of William Pinkertoo, deoeasid, and as snob the above entitled Court has made and entered an order, in tbe above matter appointing the nnder signed'exeontors of the estate herein, and they have qualified as the law direots; all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tbe same to tbe undersigned executors at Milton, Umatilla County Oregon, or to Homer I. Wattstheir attorney at bis offioe at Atbena, Uma tilla County Oregon, with proper vouobers witbin six months from tbe date hereof. Dated this 9tb day of January, A. D. 1914. James W. Pinkertoo, David A, Pinkertoo, , Exeontors of tbe Estate of William Pinkerton, deceased. Homer I, Watts, i THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. Only First-class Hotel in the City. THE ST. NICHOLS Is the only one that can accommodate """-""-eominarcial travelers. Can bt contended tor Its clean and well ventilated rooms. Cob. Mais ahdTbibd, ATHnA,Or. i PMfTMG In All BraicliB PAPERING And Decorating Complete Stock of Wall Paper, Paint Oil, Glass etc G.B. KIDDER, Main Street, Athena, Ore. BUTTER WRAPS At the Press Office vl440VER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Down In the Depths. The mermaid was 111. She sot lean ing against .a rock, unmindful of the sand that was settling on her beauti ful tail. In fact, she was too far gone to care about anything. Later, when Father Neptune came along to Inquire how she felt, she. cheered up a little. "Oh, Father Neptune," she cried, "could you not slip up and ask tbe people on the beach If there is a doc tor amongst thera?" Neptune, only too glnd to be of use, departed and was seen returning with a young man of professional appear ance. Tbe young man presented his card I tbe mermaid smiled, read It and fainted. He was a chiropodist! London An- war. What He Wanted. "Is this a secondhand shop?" "Yes, sir." "Well, I want one for my watch." Smart Set Let every man mind his own bust ness and endeavor to be what he ma mnde.-Thoreau. REINEMAN & BRADLEY Engineers and Surveyers Phone 881 Freewater, Oregon NOTICE. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Athena, Oregon, for the eleo tiou of direotors for tbe eosniug year and for the transaction of snob other business as may lawfully come before it will be held in its offioe in Atbena. Oregon, on Tuesday the 13th day of January, 1914. at the hour of 3 o'olook, p, m. F. S. LeQiow, Deoember 6tb, 1913. Cashier. Professional S. F.' Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls both night and day. CalU promptly answered. Office on Third Street. Athena Oregor PETERSON & HISHOP Attorneys-at-Law Freewater, Oregon Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. Official Stock Inspsctor. Graduate McKlllip Vetinary College, Chicago Phone Main 7, PENDLETON, OREGON Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. In tba matter of tbe Estate of W. W. Jaoobs, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned bas been duly appointed ad- mniatrator of tbe above estate by order of tbe above entitled court and bas qualified as tbe law direots; all persoua having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same at my offioe, or at the office of my attotney, Homer I. Watts, in Atbena, Oregon with proper vouobers, witbin six months from date hereof. Dated this 12th day of Deoember, A. D. 1913. Homer I. Watts, B. B. Biobards, Attorney. Administrator. ' DR. E. J. SLOCUM Suggestive Therapeutist Office in Barrett Building Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Exami nation and Consultation Free. C. E. RUDE, LIVESTOCK and Genera AUCTIONEER Satisfaction Guaranteed " Reference First National Bank of Athena Office, Dutch Henry Auction, Feed and Sale Stable, Pendleton, Oreg. Phone, 133. .A Trade Marks 'HfP Designs "fltf Copyrights Ac Anyone sending a sketch end description mar quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably pntontn'-'e. Communion tlonsstrtetlr confidential. HANUHQOK on Patent sent free. Oldest asencT for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive ' tptcUU notice, without chnne, la the Scientific JtoKrican A handsomely lllnst rated weeklr. Laruest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Tornu, 13 a rear; four months, L Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.S6,B' New YoK( . . Branch OfOee, 36 F SU Washington, D. C ESTABLISHED 1865" Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. mm mm mm Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ot the very best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronise home industry. Your 'grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for $1.30 Per Sack Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. . Waitsburg, Wash. In CALIFORNIA Winter is the name of a Season, not the description of a Climate. Let us help you , Plan a Visit I To tbe land of. Sunshine, Fruits and Flowers. Outdoor Sports- Anto Trips among tbe Orange Groves Trips to the Beaches Sort Bathing land the hundreds of varied amusements for whioh California is famous.. ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT REDUCED EARES For handsome booklets descrip tive of California, also for Fares, Tickets and Reservations . Call on any Agent of the OrcQon-WashinotonRailroad & Navigation - 4 e!l . mii H wj i Ji um i aa-sMaja. aaa-aseaTa-aaaaaM-a-a 47 f 0. i .tiij tt. J. Parker BARBER SHOP '" ' - Everything First Class - Ho d em and Cp-to-date SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA MONEY TO LOAN J PER CENT MONEY. I am prepared to loan 2 money in any amount on wheat land in vicinity of cAthena or elsewhere. Rate 6 1-2 per cent 3 to 5 years, with repayment privileges; no delay. Call or write, Frank R. Atkins, & O. Building, Pendleton, Or nViriirT"-i?"-TT : T'li n li? ffT I n n n i i n i r Savid Hit Lift from Pneumonia "My wife had a severe attack of Pneu monia which followed a case of La Grippe end I believe that FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR saved her life," writes James Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri. fiood Rtsutts In Every Cats Dr. C.J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., writes: I have used FOLEY'S HONEY AN TAR In three very severe cases of pneo monia with good results in every case." 1 "Y UV. M '.111., . C:rid ef TcrrH'i C:h oa Le!gs N. Jackson, f Danville, IU., writes: "My daughter bad a severe attack ot La Grippe and a terrible cough on her ' lungs. Te tried s great many remedies . without relief. She tried FOLEY'S HONET AND TAR which cured her. She has never been troubled with a cough since." Csrtd Hiia Vtry Liv 111 Pet tisssla J. V. Bryan, of Lowder, IIL, writes: wMy little boy was very low with pneu monia. Unknown to the doctor we gav biro FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. The result was msgical and cuxxltd ta doctor, as it Immediately stopped the racking cough, and he quickly recovered."