The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 21, 1913, Image 4

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Vcaf, Pork, Poultry, Hides
Writ today for taga and our net cash price VM
W. guarantM fair treatment, highest prices, and
ISf by Return Mail." GVSnllf
toot next lot of produce, r. H. Schmali Co-.
M,(aMilDm 141-143 fatSt.Prtlad.6
Eggs, Poultry, Hogs, Veal
Net prices 1 o. b. Portland, week ending; 0ct4
Trmh Taller ers. 80c dpi; dairy butter, S3; cream
rr. 28e: hena 13fel4c; springs. 1BV416H;
decks. U13c: fancy pork, lllMc; veal, fancy,
UsSUWc; cascara bark. 6c lb. Ship na furs, wools
and hide. Write for any pricea wanted. Cash by
WRUBT & CO., 107 Front St, Portland, Or.
;- , Assets $30,000.00.
rUTAD I ANTIC. $12.50 per acre. 160 acrea with 4
ItltAr IRaUO million ft. timber, well located.
Wrlta Bon 168, Falla City. Oregon.
HOWARD E. BCHTOH - Awojer Ohem',J
H Leadrille, Colorado. Sptmlmea prices! Gold,
SllSii Gold, Silver, 7&o: Gold Woj Z ino Mulling enrelopee aid fall prloelW
Fmt people try the only real satiBf actory method
kaown for permanently overcoming obesity, gen
eral or local Very simple, quick and easy. No
rabbin, sweatings, hot baths or exercising. Costs
you nothing unless perfectly satisfied. We guar
antee success. Thousands made happy. Strictly
confidential. Write for particulars to The Murphy
Specialty Co., Box 115, Santa Rosa, Cal.
Second-Hand Machin
ery bought, sold ana
- sv' e-Atimu
fc-ft m- v HU- T TP. Ma Win Cn R3 lafc
BU Portland. Bend for Stock Liat and prioea.
A wonderful soothing salve for Barns, Scald
Beads, Sores and Wounds of all kinda. No house.
Lad should be without it, as it is an excellent re.
Jskbl. family remedy. One nice jar sent to you
prepaid for 80c; two for 60c Order today from
Wsebel Bros., P. O. Box 914, Portland, Ore.
Asents Wanted.
Manufacturers of and dealers in New
and Second Hand Barrels and Kegs, 5
to 60 Gals. Suitable for Cider or Kraut.
J27 Water Street PORTLAND, OR.
Save Money on Your Clothes
Fall catalog of Men's and Boys' Clothing and all
wearing apparel ready Boon. Send for it now and
ham New Way of Saving.
Portland, Ore.
Hoars. 10 a. m. to 6 p. m..
by appointment
Main 5714
Scientific Treatment of all Acute and Chronle
Diseases. Licensed Practitioner. Suit t24-&-7
Arcade Building. Seattle.
The Best Policy.
If an income tax they frame,
And you find they've got your name,
Will you truthfully disclose
All that in your pocket goes?
Will you count each fee you earned,
Te 1 how much your stocks returned?
Will you, on your honor true,
Pay the utmost cent that's due?
Tell the truth, sir, if you can!
Tell the whole truth like a man!
Weald you stoop to lies, forsooth?
Tell the truth!
If to wed a girl you seek,
And the maiden thus should speak :
Whan we're married will you be
Just as you are now to me?
Will you bring me sweets and flowers,
Sit and hold my hand for hours?
Will you take me to the play,
Never care from me to stray?
Tell the truth, sir, like a man I
Tell the whole truth if you can !
Falsehood is a serpent's tooth
Tell the truth! Judge.
Mothers m find lira. WIntlowl Boo thing
Byrnp the beat remedy to use for their children
A urlag the teething period.
A the Legal Mind Saw It.
In a case' heard at the Belfast (Ire
land) summons court a few days ago,
In which the complainant was named
Fortune, Sir Edward Newton-Bardy
remarked to the defendant: "If you
stop annoying Mrs. Fortune, misfort
une will not follow your footsteps."
" Vhen Your Eyes Need Care .
5ne AeU Quickly. Try it for Ked.Wcak,
vcr IT MLjum nut Wl,iuaw. " -
trated Book In eaeh Package. Murine la
eompoDnded by onr Oonllsls nut a "Patent Med
fcioe" but nsud In euonusstoi I'liyslulans' Frao.
ilea for many Tears. Mow dudlnnliid to the I'ub
Jto and told by Druggists at 36o and 6Uo per Bottle.
Wurine Hje Salve iu Asoptla Tubes, o and 6Uo
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chloago
Merciful Wife. ,
A Cincinnati man who attempted to
dictate what his wife Bhould wear is
now defendant in a divorce suit. It is
a wonder he is'nt the central attrac
tion in a jam-funeral. Houston Post
Buy a Piano Now
Every Make of Pianola Player Pianos.
Low Prices and Easy Terms on all
Write Ui for Particulars.
f If Tit ( BARRELS 1
Where Ignorance Is Bliss.
Decisions of the United States Su
preme court are the most carefully
and most successfully guarded edicts
that ever issued from the government
channels in Washington, .D. C. For
many years the Supreme court Judges
have succeeded in guarding their de
cisions against any "leaks," even
though preliminary proofs are printed
for their own use.'
While presidential messages, inter
state commerce decisions and other
documents are given out in confidence
to newspapers, the Supreme court de
cisions never come to light. New
York brokers often would pay im
mense sums for accurate information
as to the court's decisions in railroad
or corporation suits that may affect
the stock market: but the information
is always secured first when it falls
from the lips of the justice as he reads
the decision from the Supreme Court
With this preliminary, the feelings
of a Washington newspaper corre
spondent may be better imagined when
he got this letter from the editor of a I
southern paper tor wnicn ne corre
sponded :
"Please try to get the decision in
the Jones case a couple of hours in ad
vance so we can get out an extra on it
You ought to be able to pull a good
scoop out of this. Go around and see
Chief Justice White; he knows all
about the case, and if you jolly him up
perhaps you can pry the decision loose
'way ahead of time.
No, he didn't go. Cincinnati En
Kill Dandruff
Make Hair Grow
For dandruff, falling hair, or prematurely
trrav hair use this formula: Bay Rum, fl
ounces; Lavona de Composee, 2 ounces, and
Menthol Crystals, H drachm. II you aesire.
add 1 drachm of your favorite perfume. Mil
the tonio yourself or have your druggist
mix it Apply night and morning; with fin
gers. Lavona contains powerful drug that
Htlmulatea the activitv of the bair-frrowinf
tolltcles and is believed to give renewed so-
tion to the pigment-forming cells to un
actually restore natural color to prematurely
gray hair without the use ox aye.
Eternal Feminine.
Margaret, aged seven years, was
playing housekeeper. As she pretend
ed to wipe the perspiration from her
face Bhe turned from the toy wash
board upon which was rinsing out a
handkerchief, and, addressing her
brother, a year younger. Bald: "There
you are Bitting at your ease and me
breaking my bones doing your wash
ing." Tobacco Habit
Easily Conquered
A well-known Mew Yorker of wide experience
has written a book telling- how the tobacco or
snuff habit may be easily and completely ban
ished In three days with delightful benefit.
The health improves wonderfully after the
nicotine poison is out of tiia system. Calmness,
tranquil sleep, clear eyes, normal appetite, feed
digestion, manly vigor, strong memory and a
general gain In efficiency are among the many
benefits reported. No more of that nervous feel
ing: no more need of pipe, cigar, cigarette or
chewing tobacco to pacify the morbid desire.
The author, Edw. J. Woods, 634 Sixth Ave., 168 B,
New York City, will send his book free on appli
cation, to anyone who writes to him.
Write about your wants in this line to
183 Madison St Portland, Oregon
Have been a standard
Household Remedy
Since 1837
Use them for all forms of illness
arising from DISORDERED
ailments proceeding from
Deranged Digestive System
V VB M. - 1 1
How to Make Cane or Umbrella Stand
Up Without Any Apparent Sup
port Practice Needed.
"The feat of compelling a walking
stick or umbrella to stand upright In
the middle of a parlor without being
supported by anything or anybody al
ways seems wonderful," says Mme.
Herrmann. "It is best, when about to
perform this feat, to have a black
screen for a background, and to order
the stick or umbrella to stand alone
about a foot In front of this screen.
To show the audience that there is
no person or apparatus behind this
screen to secretly help the stick to
stand when commanded the performer
can take the screen away for a few
minutes until all are satisfied that
there Is no hidden apparatus there.
Pass the cane around among the au
dience to 'let them see there is no
pin in the cane's ferrule, and that it
Is an ordinary cane, absolutely with
out life.' When the screen Is again
In place the stick can be hypnotized
by a few mysterious mumblings, which
will be certain to keep the audience
guessing in the wrong direction. Then
the stick will stand alone for as long
as the performer may desire. The
secret of the hypnotizing is so simple
that the audience will never suspect
It; it is to previously tie a yard of
black thread from the top of one of
the front legs of an ordinary chair to
the top of the other front leg, letting
the 'bag' of the thread fall to the
ground until ready for the 'hypnotiz
ing.' Carelessly place the stick within
the 'bag' of the thread, planting the
stick upright six inches from the
chair, making It appear that It Is only
by the merest accident that the per
former selects this particular spot.
Now take your hands away, and, of
course, the stick will stand where
you place it The supporting thread
will not be seen on account of the
dark background. This and many oth
er feats any amateur can perform aft
er a little practice."
the Dough j
Better I
Construction of Device 8o Illustrated
That Any Boy May Easily Put
One Together.
' The clever and unique device pic
tured herewith may be made by any
boy who cares to possess one, says the
Amerloan Boy. Study the pictures for
they will teach you more about the
construction than a whole page of
text The making of the body part is
shown in Fig. 2. IMillke a shallow
Swimming Sail Raft.
boat and must be covered with water
tight canvas. A soap box, torn apart
will Drovide material for the rudder
as illustrated by Fig. 4. The sail is
three feet wide and five feet long.
Tack 'a stick along the top and bot
tom edges, and by means of these
cross-arms lash it to the mast The
mast fits into a square hole and does
not turn. The sail turns around it
and Is operated by the handlebar "b."
A keel added to the bottom will give
greater buoyancy and at the same
time add steadiness to the craft
Not Triplets.
My little grandson was told by his
mother to run across the Btreet and
inquire of a lady who was going by
with three .little babes in a cart if
they were triplets. He soon came
back, looking much disappointed, and
said: "No, they are not triplets.
They were born the same day, but two
of them are girls and the other is a
boy." Exchange,
Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets first
put up 40 years ago. They regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow
els. Sugar-coated tiny granules.
Man in the Case, Probably.
Alice "I think Kitty's new hat is
simply a fright" Marie "Isn't it
I helped her to select it"--Boston
Love Eternal.
They that love beyond the world
cannot be seuarated by it William
Do you wish to earn a Better Salary?
Business Training in the Following Branches at
English, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy,
Arithmetic, Typewriting,
Will clear the way for advancement Write for our catalogue.
I. M. WAIKER. Presides.
r4arth St Near MarrteM, Partlaaa. On.
Qaln of 65 Par Cent. In United States
During Period Population In
creased 8 Per Cent
In five years, according to the cen
sus of 1910, there was an Increase of
$47,709,000 In the value of the candy
produced in the United States. This
was a gain of 55 per cent during a
period In which the population of this
country had grown probably not more
than 8 per cent
These figures show the enormous
Increase in the consumption of candy
by Americans. Children will be
nleased to learn that eminent med
ical authorities are now satisfied that
pure candles are not injurious to the
health If eaten in moderation. It ap
pears that the drawback In permitting
the child to eat unlimited candy lies
In the absence of fat "If." says
Prof. Robert Hutchinson, "the parent
is warned to introduce sufficient
quantities of the carbohydrates by
insisting upon the use of butter and
oils in the diet, the child may gener
ally eat pure candy without detriment
and even with distinct advantage.
This Is useful Information, but par
ents should still beware of the cheap,
adulterated article.
Coarse ' Dir Kksal fee, 6 mm.
Commercial t B0.00
Shorthand 60.00
Automobile 51.00
Wireless Telegraphy 60.00
Telegraphy and Train Despatching; 26-00
Electrical Engineering 60.00
Civil Service 26.00
College Preparatory,, ,-, 40.00
Boys Elementary School 26.00
Plumbing 25.00
Carpentry 16.00
Mining and Assaying 80-00
Pharmacy 80.00
Mechanical Engineering 26.00
Other courses J2.00 to 160.00
: Bend for Free Illustrated Catalogue.
Two Missouri Lads Capture Rabbits
and Minks by the Use of a Sim
ple Figure Four Trap.
These two Missouri boys catch a
great many rabbits and minks. They
build their own traps. The trap in
the picture is set with a simple fig
ure four trigger. The box Is above
two and one-half feet long and one
foot wide. This length gives room
to place the bait well Inside the door.
The bait and Btick to which it is at
tached should be very light so that
1 "
h" Leader" and "Repeater"
Carefully inspected shells, the best com
binations of powder, shot and wadding,
loaded by machines which give invariable
results are responsible for the superiority
of Winchester "Leader" and "Repeater"
Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells.
There is no guesswork in loading them.
Reliability, velocity, pattern and penetration are
determinedby scientific apparatus and practical
experiments. Do you shoot them? If n
better try the V, brand. They are,. the
More Valuable Accomplishment.
Btelter "Holmes gets a gigantic
salary from that mining corporation."
Skelter "Able to locate gold mines,
is he?" Helter "Not much. Able
to locate stock purchasers." Life.
The Result.
they slightest touch will set. It off.
Traps for mink should be smoked
after every catch, as these animals
are very wary, and will not go into
a trap that has the smell of man upon
it A better way to catch mink is
to use a steel trap, covering It lightly
with leaves or grass and fastening It
to a post with a light chain.
A-B guaran
teed roofing, 1
ply, -i(3i , -
11.10 pr roll ;
Hssvisr plies
at squally low
prists. , We
stso sell tsr
iiHr. building-
Ins paper, deadening felt
a a 4 plutsr board at
smilingly low price..
1W11 savs yon 25
to 60 on your lum
ber bilL t Our lumber
is sll first grade sod
flrrt quality.- . Ws nil
youdlrtct Send your
list at ones and gttour
prepaid prices.
' W'1 a money-back guarantee tost everything
ws sell Is exactly as ws repraaent IL Onr bualneaa
has grows to Its present hugs alas by saving money
lo, bmJIders and years of square dealing are behind
every atatement ws make. Writs our Bank, The Na
tional Bank of Commerce. Seattle, about our reliabil
ity. Remember we are not In any trust or ssaocla
tioa. Bend for bis Mil catalog It's free. . .
This line front or
rear door with
larva fttaai. $2.20.
Beautiful Wuning
ton iir. Our cata
log ahowa a bl as
sortment of doora
M borfffttn priOM
from tlJ6 up.
u7SL .Baal, from
ff4i ) 5o UP A
aeoardlnr f !
Mf) tMlca, M.0M style
( Men and nlUwork, ill
at mill ptieaa.
60c gal. v JfSjfft
for ff u a r a n t4, ITjjf
never-fad ahlngia 53?
tain. HouN, Floor
Wagon and Bam Paint
and all paJnllnf mate rial
at wholesale pries. Tr
eolor earda on rep u eat.
mpular "Brief- fj
ck la a rl rn
l of61l U
j BAlDWi
Thla popular
neia iock
bariraln at
Ins oairsralrui in our immene
a lock of builder' hard wsir
Get our blf ratalogf show
Inaj prlcaa.. It'l fre.
t at" ' v 'I000, J00
MaMeSialsts" J
' e
2205 WsatUluave.
Few Years Ago Public Speaking by
Young Women and Athletics
Would Have Been Tabooed.
AflHrfiBRlna- an audience of alrls at
the charities conference. Miss ueuiaa
Kennard made this declaration:
"Twentieth century Kirls are less
modest than any since the days of
Louis XVI."
Not many years ano the modesty of
the shrinking violet, which was asso
ciated with timidity and expressed by
demurely downcast eyes, was a model
followed by young women of that pe
riod. They were expected to faint at
moments of stress, and it is to be pre
sumed that they did.
Falntlnar has (tone out of fashion
The telephone girl In the Austin flood
who stuck to her switchboard, sending
out warnlnes to the oeoDle of the town
while she herself faced death, was no
excentlon to the rule of these times.
The level ease of the unafraid nas
displaced downward glances of timid
modesty. A few years ago publio
sneaking bv elrls at nubile gatherings
and the sort of athletics now common
in colleges for women : would have
been thought immodest.
It may be. as Miss Kennard says.
that girls show less modesty than
their sisters of other times, but wno
is there who says that "twentieth
century girls" and their standards are
less admired and less worthy 01 aa
miration? Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Woman's Danger Signalsi
Hot flashes dizziness, fainting spells, headache, bearing-down .
feeling and ills of a kindred nature are nature's danger signals. .
The female disturbance or irregularity back of these calls for help, '
should have immediate care and attention. Otherwise the delicate
female constitution soon breaks down. ( . . ;
i f n- mom thnti 40 Tears has been lending; Its health restoring aid to thou-
Bands of women year after year throughout its long life.
This wonderfully successful remedy imparts strength to the entire system
particularly to the organs distinctly feminine. Nerves are refreshed. The "stale V
overworked business woman, the run-down house-wife, and the weary care-worn
mother of a family all will gain strength from this famous prescription which
40 years has demonstrated its effectiveness in liquid or tablet form.
' vrife Dr. R. V. Pierce' SptlalUf mt thm Invalid' Hotml
Correspondence Strictly Confidmntialand no chart.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate stomach, liver
suid bowels. Sugar-ooated tiny granules easy to take as Candy. 1
The Ruling Passion.
The Amazon in days of old displayed
A man-like vigor on the battlefield,
But, none the less, ere fighting she
Her features in her shield!
The modern maid who also yearns to
Some day, if need arise, her coun
try's foes,
Would she not, ere the battle, pause
and place
Some powder on her nose?
London Opinion.
Discovery Valuable to Science.
A Herman chemist recentlv !discov
nrsrf that the extract of the skin of red
radishes in alcohol is more sensitive to
acids and alkalis than litmus, tumeric.
or any of the chemicals usually used to
detect their presence.
Unequal Punishment
Two boys who managed to be rather
nnrulv in school so exasperated their
teacher that she requested them to re
main after hours and write their
names 1.000 times. They plunged into
the task. Some fifteen minutes later
one of them grew uneasy and began
watching his companion in disgrace.
Suddenly the first one burst out with
despair between his soba and said to
the teacher:
" Taint fair, muml His name's
Bush and mine's Bchluttermeyer."
Verna's Modesty.
Mother entered the room Just In
time to see four-year-old Verna knock
her older brother down.
Terns, how could -you do such a
thing!" X-
"The Lor Irengtb," Ver
na proudly y Vper's U agm-
7 '
1$ A Wonder
In tho Blood
A Remedy That Has Shown
a Most Remarkable
Purifying Effect.
first Requisite of Pitcher Cannot Be
Too Strongly Emphasized, says
Christy Mathewson.
Tho first necessity for a Ditcher la
to have control of the ball, say
nhristv Mathewson In St Nicholas.
That can't be emphasized too strong
ly, a boy may be able to tnrow au
the curves imaginable, but if he
cant put the ball where he wants it
the batter keeps walking around tne
bases, and he will never win any hall
games. Therefore, I would, first of
all Advise mv young readers to rruc-
tice accuracy, until they can place
the ball Just where they want to send
it Let them pitch to another boy,
with a barn or a fence as a backstop,
and trv to nut one high, over the in
side, and then high over the outside,
and again low over tne outside, ana
keep up this practice patiently until
mastery of the control of the ball It
obtained. A boy will find that even
if he can't pitch a curve, but has
good control, he will be able to win
many more ball games than If he has
a lot of benders, but no ability to put
the ball where he wants it
The word medicine Is one of the most
abused In our language. There are cer
tain medicinal properties just a neoe
ary to health as the food we eat Take,
for example, the well-known tonio medi
cine S. S. S. This famous blood purifier
contains medicinal components Just as
vital and essential to healthy blood as
tho elements of wheat roast Deer, the
fats and the sugars that make up eur
dally ration.
As a matter of fact, there Is one in
gredient in S. S. S. which serves the
aotlve purpose of stimulating each eel
lular part 'of the body to the healthy
and Judicious selection of its own essen
tial nutriment That Is why It regener
atea the blood supply; why It has such a
tremendous Influence in overcoming eo
seraa. rash, pimples, and all skin af
flictions. And In regenerating the tissues S. S. 8.
baa a rapid and positive antidotal effect
upon all those Irritating Influences that
cause rheumatism, sore throat weak eyes,
falling hair, loss of weight thin, pale
cheeks, and that weariness of muscle and
nerve that Is generally experienced as
spring fever. Get a bottle of 8. B. 8. at
any drug store, and In a few days you
will not only feel bright and energetie.
but you will be the picture ef new life.
8. S. S. la prepared only In the laboratory
of The Swift Specific Co.. ISO Swift Bldg.,
Atlanta, Ca who maintain a very effi
cient Uedlcal Department where all wke
have any blood disorder of a stubber
nature may write freely for advice and
a special book of Instruction, S. 8. S.
Is sold everywhere by drug stores, de
partment and general stores.
Beware of any attempt to sell yea
something "Just as good" as 8, 8. 8.
Such a claim Is preposterous. There U
nothing else "Just as good u 8. II I.,
cor la there toother remedy similar te
t&ie taaoua btood purifier.
8uds Not Scarce.
Little Edith was put in the bathtub
and began to shriek. Whereupon her
mother gave her the floating soap
and a couple of rubber animals to
play with and left her to herself. Still
Edith screamed more loudly than be
"Edith." her mother called, "you
must keep your mouth closed while
you are taking your bath.
"Whvr asked the little girt
"Because youll swallow a lot of
soanv water. ' said the mother.
"But" came the child's voice, "why
cant I swallow soapy water T Ain't
there plenty more"
1 Lendlna a Hand.
Little Ella heard the cook say she
ku sminar to have areen neas ror a in
ner, so Bhe went to the kitchen to
nffsr rir narvlcea in n re Darin r them.
whiia rWnlv enrared in thie fasci
nating occupation, her brother came
and wanted her to go and play witn
"I cant go now." said Ella. " 'cause
I'm helping cook unbutton the peaa.
Woman s Home companion.
Hot in the Country.
Not lone sjro. when her father
bousht a country place in Virginia, a
little Washington girl was afforded
her first exDerience of things raraL
fiha roae verr early and her eye was
Immediately caught by the sparkle of
the daw on the trass.
"Why. laddT." she observed. "It's
hotter than I thought i See the muas
au covered with peroprauoni
To Patch Wall Paper. .
Tear a piece slightly larger than the
portion to be covered, to match, but
torn with rough edges and without any
definite shape. Then paste over and
the patch will not be noticeable.
The "Topgrade" Shoe
A Really Classy Shoe
If ;onr iaSa eoct sal hiuDs, write Is
Portland. Ore.
The One Exception.
They're handing our degress galore;
Most everybody lands one;
At colleges, from shore to shore,
Each proud director hands one;
They're giving 'em to men whoBe claim
Is not a whit o er zero;"
They're giving 'em these tags of
fame .
To lowbrow, sage and hero.
They're giving out degress today
To men who call it "drammer;"
(Not that upon this harmless play
We fain would use the hammer.)
There'a only one place where you can't
Cop out some tag of knowledge;
At it take one admiring slant
The good old 'Lectoral College I
Denver Republican.
- - Subtraction. ;
The teacher was hearing the youth
ful class in mathematics.
"No," she said; "in order to sub
tract, things have to be in the same
denomination. For instance, we
couldn't take three pears from four
peaches, nor eight horses from : 10
cats. Do you understand?"
There was assent from the majority
of pupils. One little boy in the rear
raised a timid hand.
"Well, Bobby, what is it?" asked
the teacher.
"Please, teacher," said Bobby,
"couldn't you take three quarts of
milk from two cows?" New York
Evening PoBt
To Kill Odor of Onion.
To kill the odor of onions on the
breath eat lemon afterward or drink
strong lemonade. Many persons who
never eat onions in any other form
cannot very well avoid them in some
salads which would taste exceedingly
flat without this vegetable.
His Penance.
He loved to dive and he loved to swim,
And he loved in the tide to play;
Then what in the world was the mat
ter with him,
That he sat in the sands all day?
He sat by a girl whose bathing suit,
Whose cap and whose shoes wen
- dry; ;
And Bhe would have thought him a
perfect brute
If he hadn't so that was why I
..... M. S. Bridges, in Judge.
Make the Milk Jug Sweet.
To sweejten a milk jug, scald it with
boiling water, then fill with cold watet
and add a teaspoonful of salt and
leave it for five minutes before empty
ing it. :b
Advice to misers : Take care of the
pennies and the dollars will take care
of your heirs and their lawyers. Dal
las News.
No Let Up"
There will be no "let
up" in that distress
p alter eating until you
first help the stomach
n and digestive system rj
back to health and
r-. strength. For this
u work A
Q ataii nil niTTrnft CI
is particularly well ad-
PI apted. It brings back pi
u appetite, aids diges-
PI tion, keeps the bowels pi
u open and improves the u
hpiilth in ceneraL Trv
J wio Li
a bottle.
n n
jtfa'V'Vert Jvv
These women once childless, now happy and
fthraieauy well with healthy chlldrenwill teu how
LralaB. Flnfcham's Vegetable Compound made
all this possible. Here are the names and oorreos
addresses write them it you want to, and learn
for yourself. They are only a few oat of many
thousands. - . .
uur nrss oauy
strong and healthy and
we attribute this re
sult to the timely use
of your Compound.""
Mrs. 1 RED XOHABir,
Kent, Oregon.
M I owe mv life and
my baby's good health
to your Compound."
Mrs. w.u. arwcwm,
K. F. D., No. 2, Troys
HI have three ehit.
dren and took your
Compouud eaflhtlme."
M rs. John Howard,
Wilmington, V ermons.
"I have a lovely
baby boy and yon eaa
tell every one that he
is a 'Pinkham baby."
Mrs. Louis Fuchkb,
33 Munroe SU, Carl
stadt, N.J.
"Ws are at last
blessed with a sweet
little baby girl. "Mrs.
Q. A. Ltraaousa,
Montegut, La
"I have one of the
finest baby rirl yon
CTOt aVea biisV'
Oookww, 1012 8. 6th
St Wilmington, N.O.
" My husband is the
happiest man alive to
day." Mrs. Cioma
DakksUlks, 397 Mari
1 St., Buffalo, N.Y.
"Now I have a nice
baby girl, the joy of
oar home." Mrs. Do
syiva. Cots, No. lit
So. Gate et Worses.
ter, Mass.
"I have a toe stroce
bay daughter new.''
Mrs. A. A. On.,
DevrittvtUe, N.I,
I have ahlr, fat,
Wlthybcy." Mrt-A.
A. fiiLtmia. It IT.Dl
i suAletiitue'
Above All Price.
Gold and silver may supply us with
the necessaries of life, with food and
drink, clothes and houses; but they
can not. give the joy of a kind look
Lord Avebury. " !
1 r
Bnpejrior te all other pnn it
lent, ttoft, clear powerful Ugat,
oow HtU to operate, kttnvoUv
fixtaroa, trrewaarc tank tuiywfcT)
laaidr ooUsde ootiaa. Gravity
Luupsalao. G oatalosj. tfenit
ierma, tad full detail f mt Spe
Ul PrenUam Olte 1
CNo. SPrtsmo Junior t photo
3m4 fnm toparchar
Hoattn Lwosps la OtM yMsTo
1413 Mark St. Gaitot. 0.
is what they all say
FMsMbV aW KwsJsst
of our
Methods of
Out-of-town pee.
pie eaa bave their
plate and brldaw
work finished is one
Aa abeotute caaw.
entasv backed byJi
ears ta Portland
Wise Dental Co.
omce HotRSt
A ML te a r. M. Sawdeys te t
PtMssnt A 2029-. MaM 202.
ralSa Bbhu Third mm Weehimtee. Pertian
P. N. U.
No. 40, IS
WHE? wvHiaa- te s4rartistt, yisaa SMav-