The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 21, 1913, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered In the fostofflce at Athena, Oregon
a econdClasa Mall Matter.
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year . . $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months.... .... ...... .75
One copy, three months.... . , .50
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch. . .... 25c
Subsequent insertions . . . . 11
Display regular, per inch 12
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line ...... 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
t-ATHENA, ORE.. NOV. 21..
It la well to note that more than
expected Interest is being manifested
in the O. W. R. & N. company'
Corn Show, wbion fa to be held in
Pendleton nexftnontb. The company
is introducing a campaign of eduoa
tion to the farmer which Boqnaialfl
him with. the pioblem of diversified
production on big land instead of tbe
one-crop system as now practiced to
the detriment not only of himself bat
to tbe community in wbiob be re
rides. Corn exneita have sbown that
tbe prodaotion of tbio crop in oonneo
tion with wheat raisingalmost dou
bles the earning capacity of tbe farm
when fed to hogs and oat tie.
The blare of trumpet wbioh is
sounding tbe return of Mr. Worcester
from tbe Philippines is so muob in
tone with that of Harry Lane Wilson
that one is apt to become confused,
bnt not to tbe extent of not recogniz
ing tbe sensible aonmen of profound
judgment exeroised by tbe adminis
tration. It will soon be vale to Mr.
Worcester, as it was fare-you-well
with Mr. Harry Lane Wilson's diplo
matio oareer.
What will tbe Oregonian and Car
toonist Reynolds have to work on after
tbe administration gets tbroogb with
Huerta and Mexioo, ia the wonder of
the average reader. Jaet wbat the
Oregonian would advise in settling
tbe Mexioan question is bard to dis
cern. It bas been on every side of the
question since Wilson went into office,
and so far bas signally fatled to show
any one where it is "at."
The stock of tbe regional banks of
the new currency system will be
owned try the putlio, and regional
banks will be controlled by tbe gov
ernment. The senate banking oom
mHtee at Washington incorporated
that ' feature In , the administration
currency bill by a vote of 7 to 5.
Tbe tail of tbe great Eastern storm
of last week is lashing us, but the
lashings are tempered with the mild
wand of olimatio favoritism. And,
as usual, we of tbe PaoiQo ooast will
get oft with lighter fuel bills and less
suffering than oar brothers to tbe
The interstate commerce oommia
Hion's order teduoing express rates was
again extended to February 1, to give
the companies more time to arrange
for the ohange, It was to have been
effective on December 1 and bas been
postponed once before.
The war department at Washington
bas placed at the 'disposal of the in
terior department a military force
siiindect to handle tbe threatened
outbreak of Indians on tbe Navajo
reserve. Who said the red man bad
quit fighting?
The Massachusetts reputlioana pot
op two eo-oalled republicans for the
governorship with tbe idea, perhaps
that they were as good as one demo
erst. They got fooled. One was a
bull mooser and tbe other a progress
ive. The Washington administration ia
hoping Huerta will Ret so short of
money as to be compelled to get out
without the help of U. S. soldiers.
Roosovelt will probably have all
the delegates from the South and Cen
tral American states at the next na
tionai republican convention
of the Desperate and Winning
Chances Mike Kelly Took.
Hugh S. Fullerton, the baseball writ
er for the American Magazine, .tells
a story about Mike Kelly, the fa
mous player of Boston and Chicago, n
generation ago, as follows:
"I believe tbe most desperate and
brilliant bit pf base running 1 ever
witnessed and the climax of taking
chances was by Kelly. The score was
a tie late In tbe game. Runners were
on second ana tuira Dares, one out,
and the opposing lufleld was drawn
in to cut off the runner from the plate.
"Kelly was the man on second. As
the ball was pitched Kelly was on a
run at top speed toward third. The
ball was hit sharply to the shortstop,
who scooped it perfectly and threw
home. The runner, going from third
slid desperately toward the plate,
where the catcher was waiting. Kelly
had rounded third base at top speed
and was coming up the path behind
the other runner, screeching "Look out
for Keif at the top of his voice.
"As the runner from third slid be
hind the plate, trying to get past the
catcher, he was tagged out, but before
the catcher could touch hlui and dire
back to protect the plate Kelly slid in
front of the rubber, dodged under the
catcher and scored the winning run."
Stormy Cape Horn.
The waters of Cape Horn have never
been unvisited by , storms for more
than a week or two at a stretch within
the memory of man. Standing on the
outposts of the world, Cape Horn is
the meeting place of ocean currents of
very different temperature, from the
icy cold waters of the Antarctic drift
to the warmth of the Brazilian and
Peruvian return currents. The pre
vailing winds are from the northwest
and west, and these, coming from the
warm regions of the Pacific, condense
into fogs, which the sailors call "Cape
Horn blankets" and which are the
forerunners of storms. The extremely
low level to which the glaciers of
Tlcrra del Fuego descend, the per
petual congelation of the subsoil, tbe
mooting of conflicting winds at very
different temperatures, are all direct
or Indirect causes combining to make
this the most constantly stormy re
gion of the world.
Poor Man.
"Is the man your sister Is goln' to
mnrry rich?"
"Nnw. Every time the marriage ia
mentioned pa says, 'Poor manl"'
Houston Post
Notice of Final Account,
In tbe County Court of tbe State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of tbe Estate of
J. H. Hiteman, Deoeased:
Notice is hereby given to all peisona
whom it may concern, that Henry
Dell, administrator of tbe estate of
3. H. Hiteman. deoeased, bas filed bis
final acoount and report in the admin
istiation of tbe estate; that tbe County
Judge, by order duly made and en
tered, bas appointed Saturday, tbe
13tb day of December A, D. 1913 at
ten o'olook in tbe forenoon as tbe time
and tbe County Court bouse at Pen
dleton Oregon as tbe place where tbe
said final account and report will be
heard and tbe settlement thereof
Dated this Htb day of November
A. D. 1913. Henry Dell.
by Homer I. Watts,
Atty, for Administrator,
Notice to Creditors.
Io tbe County Couit of the State
of Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In tbe matter of the Estate of
Martha Carpenter, deceased.
Notioe ia hereby given that tbe
undesigned has been duly appointed
administrator of tbe above estate by
order of the above entitled couit and
baa qualified as the law diieots; all
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present
tbe same at tbe office of my attorney,
Homer 1. Watts, in Atbeua, Oregon,
with proper vouchers, within six
months from date hereof,
Dated this 14th day of November,
1913. W. M. MoBride,
Homer I. Watts, Administrator.
. Minneapolis is having trouble with
her milkmen, Something has gotten
Id her anlkyway somethiu' iu the
way of dirt.
ygfg..1 i
All government should be ruu eco
nomically and with no mote expeuse
Ibau ueocHsary. Oregon ia no exception.
Johnny Boll agrees so far with
Erclfccr Jonathan in this Mexico niix
np.'audHia likely be will continue
to doo,
Tammany is disposed to oontiuue
tbe fight and thinks there ia tnouey
la it. It's Ajsx defying tbe lightning.
earn. J 9 .
7ba equator baa not ohauged its
position, ou acooout of Teddy being ou
it, or oo the other side of it.
We should think our people would
get tired of fighting for the Latin
Amerloan iueompeteots.
L'jiols Sara just now seems to be
lot sing more than his share of tbe
iMtd ui..a" Luidcrt.
Notice to Creditors,
In tbe County Court of tbe State
of Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In tbe matter of tbe Estate of
Elizabeth Dell, deoeased.
Notioe is hereby given that thai
undersigned baa been duly appointed
administrator of tbe the above estate
by order of tbe above eutitled court
and baa qualified as the law directs;
all peisons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present
tbe same at tbe office of my attorney,
Homer I. Watts, io Athena, Oregon,
with pioper vouchers, within six
months from date hereof.
Dated this 8th day of November, 1918.
York Dell,
Homer 1. Watta, i Administrator,
tbe 20th day of December, A. D., 1913
at the hour of 10 o'olook in the fore
noon as the time, and the 'County
Court house at Pendleton, Umatilla
County, Oregon, as tbe plaoe, where
all objections and exceptions to tbe
said final aooount and report will be
beard and tbe settlement thereof
made. " - ' ; ;
Dated this tbe Htb day of Novem
ber, A. D 1913.
Arthur E. Shiok.
by Homer I. Watts,
Attorney for Administrator.
: Notice to Creditors.
In tbe County Court of tbe State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the matter of the Estate of John
L. Duffy, deoeased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned baa been duly appointed
administrator of the above estate by j
order of tbe above entitled court and
baa qualified as the law direots; all
persons having olalms against said
estate are hereby notified to present
the same to meat my of floe io Despain
Block, in Peudletoo, Oregon, with
proper vouobois. within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated this 80th day of October, 1913.
Stephen A. Lowell,
Notice of Final Account.
la tbe County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
Ia tbe Matter of the Estate of i
Amos Shiok deceased.
Notioe is hereby given to all persons
wnom it mav concern toat Armor .
Shick, administrator of the estate of
Amos Shiok, deoeased, has filed his
final acoount and report io tbe admin
istration of said etitate. That the I
County Jodge, by the mder duly made !
aud entered, bas appointed Saturday,
In the Cironit Court of tbe State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Mary F. MoCnbbins, Plaintiff,
A. C. McCubbias, Defendant.
Io A. C. MoCobbins, tbe above
named defendant:
In the name of tbe state of Oregon,
you are hereby summoned and requir
ed to appear and answer the complaint
filed against von in tbe above-entitled
suit within six weeks after the date of
tbe first publication of this summons
in tbe Athena Press, a newspaper pub
lished weekly at Athena,-, Umatilla
county, Oregon, and yon will take
notice that if you fail to so appear
and auswer the said complaint or
otherwise plead thereto witbin said
time, tbe plaintiff will apply to tbe
Court for tbe relief prayed for and
demanded in said complaint, . viz. :
For a deoree of divorce forever dis
solving tbe bonds of matrimony now
existing between tbe plaintiff and de
fendant and for snob farther relief as
tbe Court may deem just and equit
able.' vTbis summons is published pursuant
to an order of. tbe Hon. ti. W. Phelps,
Jndge of the Sixth Judioial District
of tbe State of Oregon, dnly made
and entered on tbe 8th day of Novem
ber, 1913 and tbe first putlioation
thereof 1b made on Friday, Nov. 14,
1918 and the same will . be published
for six consecutive weeks, the last
publication to appear on Friday, De
cember 26, 1918.
Homer I. Watts,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calib both night and day.
CalUnromntlv answered. Office on Third
Street, Athena Oregor
Freewater, Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon
Homer I. Watts
. Athena, Oregon.
C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V.
Official Stock iDBpactor. Graduate McKlllIp
veunary uonege, umcago
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Suggestive Therapeutist
Office in Barrett Building
Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Exami
nation and Consultation Free.
C. . RUDE,
and General
Satisfaction Guaranteed
First National Bank
of Athena
Office, Dutch Henry Auction, Feed
and Sale Stable, Pendleton, Oreg.
Phone, 133.
The Christmas Store
ft thai 1
and bought without haste, is the most satisfactory
in every- way. The giver is pleased -with the selection; the recipient is
pleased because of the care and discrimination -exercised on, his or her be
half. Take plenty of time while at this Store. Look careiully over our
lines. If you wish to make a small payment on some Christmas article
we will gladly lay it aside for you and will deliver at any future date.
Indian Robes
To Out of Town Friends
Tbe celebrated Pendleton Indian Robes iu
assortments of . beautiful patterns. Go-Uart
Robes, Bath Robes, Slumber Robes.
: We will deliver FREE any Peudleton Robe
bought at this store to any plaoe in tbe United
Wool Blankets
Ideal Presents
What is nicer tban a "Pure Oregon 4Vool"
Blanket? We have made soecial efforts this
Christmas to have our wool blanket assortment
better tban ever, in prioes from
$.f9 to $11.50 ,
Bed Spreads
Practical Gifts
A most beauiful line of white and oolored
bed spreads, bemmed. soalloped or iringed;
square or out corner styles at
$1.00 to $6 50 ,
" Knit Goods
In addition to sweaters, don't fail to see our
new Hoods, Toques and Skirts, tbe kind that
keep you warm. New hoods for the baby or
yourself 25o to $1.50.
Mew Toques for everyone, 25c to 75o eaob.
Knitted skirts for women and misses, pure
fleece wool, nioe range of colors ,
75c to $1.75
Fancy Bedroom Slippers
For every member of the family, in nioe
warm felt, handsomely trimmed with satin
ribbon and chenille ball. Extra heavy padded
inner sole with flexible snede outer sole, high
or low out. , , .-. '
. Leather traveling slippers;. something yon
can fold op and put in your pooket with ease.
Without exoeption tbe nicest line of comfort
..j slippers ever shown in this vicinity.
Give Furs
To Women
If yon do be sure to give reliable Furs,
euob as bought at this store, Whioh is a guar
antee of satisfaction. Women's and Children's
Fur Sets or Individual pieces, a large variety
of both. ' . v
We wish to call attention to our Blaok Rus
sian Lynx and White Iceland Fox, these being
most popular this season, . and very beautiful.
Price range
$1.75 to $28.00 set ' "
Sweaters for Men
' Women and Children '
Some unusual values worth your special
attention. Good colors in all sizes from infants
up to men's size 46.
Onr $5.00 speoial for men or women is a
beauty. Made of very flue lamb's wool; styles
plain, straight back or Norfolk. Worth any
where $6.50, onr speoial $5.00. -
Extra heavy "Rough Neck," Jumbo weave,
for men or women, assorted colors .
$6.50, and $7.50
Beautiful Neckwear
AH the newest patterns and shades of Col- ,
lars, Frills , Qaimps and Vestees.
For trimmed collars and vestnes, net and
all-over lace gnimps; some with collars aud
some withont. Frills in blue, tan, oream, pur
ple, cerise, Copenhagen, etc. All at very low
Leather Travel Cases
Styles for men and women most useful
present you could give.
Thanksgiving Linens
Only two short weeks till Thanksgiving.
Your table oau look as well as your neighbor's.
Our linen department offers some new and
very beautiful patterns in Imported Irish Lin
en; napkins to match.
A few speoial patterns in plain center with
handsome borders. .
If you wish to soallop a linen set, we bave
tbe real Irish Linen in plain white, 72 inohes.
wide. "
oManyv Fancy"
Linen Presents-
Guest Towels, plain or fanoy ones in many
entirely new designs, from 35o, to $1.25.
Hook and damaes towels in beautifnl crea
tions from 25o. to1 $1.50.
Dresser scarfs, plain tan or white linn, fin
ished artioles or stamped for emhroidery.
Stamped center-pieces, 34 to 45-inob sizes,
Clony lace for finishing, tan or white. . '
Pillow cases, stamped patterns ou pure linen
or oolton toting; $2.50 tbe pair.
Table runners a novelty assortment; per
feot patterns ou natural brown linen or pure
Call on us and look over other pretty things
in fanoy linens.
cTHesh Bags and ,
Vanity Cases
German silver in many new and novel
styles. Prioes range
50c to $5.00
We havejust received a shipment of Imported Decorated China, which we will have opened and ready for your in
spection in a few days. In this line we will be able to show you some Hand Decorations truly the work of Artists.
Main Street MOSGROYE MERCANTILE CO. Athena, Oregon
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anyone sending a sketch nd description may
mileklf ascertain our opinion free whether an
iiiTontlon Is prohnblf patent'-!e. Communlci.
lions strlctlyconOdeiitliU. HANDBOOK on Pateuu
lent free. Oldest nitency for necunng pateuts.
l'atenti taken through Munn A Co. recelT
tjwrtul notics, without chums, iu the
Scientific America.!.
- A nsmdsomelr lllnstrated weekly. I nrcest dr
culattoii of any soientlBo Journal. Terms, IS
yenr: four months, i. Bold by all newsdealers.
MUNN iCo.8618" New Yorli
Branch Offlce, 63S V St, Washington, D. C
S. F. WILSON, President,
H. KOEPKK Vice-President.
F.&Le GROW, Cashier.
E. E. KOONTZ. Ass't Cashier.
F. S. Le GROW.
We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation
consistent with sound Banking.
6 PER CENT MONEY. I am prepared to loan
money in any amount on wheat land in vicinity
of cAthena or elsewhere. Rate 6 1-2 per cent
3 to 5 years, with repayment privileges; no delay. Call
T- . - a t-v a -i m s n. Ji.. -v
or wruc, rranK rt. urans, r. u. ouuoing, renuicion, ur ,
J. . FROOME, prop.
: MS
Only First-class Hotel in
- the City.
j Iff
la tbe only one thai can accommodate
J Vi commercial travelers.
Can beieoomendtd for lie clean and
well Tent Hated rooma.
Cos. Ham ard Third, atbkna, Or. 4
In All Branches
And Decorating
Complete Stock of
Wall Paper, Paint
Oil, Glass etc
Slain Street, Athena, Ore.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
If3 iajlP
Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one oi the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon.
Waitsburg, Wash.
At the Press Office
then a Hotel
Mrs. L. Chittenden, Proprietor
White Hcip Only, Employed
Good Clean Rooms, Table served
with the best the market affords
A Home For the Traveling Public
Reasonable Rates
Courteous Treatment