POULTRY AND GAME Cc-getyov fancy prtoes for Wnd Dseks aad ether cam in season. Writ ni for , . sank or an 11 kinds of poultry. partite. Pearson-Page Co., Portland WANTED: Veal, Pork, Poultry, Hides NO COMMISSION CHARGED. Writ today for tags and oar net cuh price list. W guarantee fair treatment, highest prices, and '"Chock by Return Mail." Give us a trial with year aezt lot of produce. F. rl. Schmalr A Co., NUk- 1. $10,009. 141-143 fr St, ftf-aa, Orv Machinery Mem sawmills, ate. The 3. E. Martin Co.. 83 1st Second-Hand Machin ery bought, sold and exchanged: engines. , Portland. Bend for Stock J-lat and prices. MQ.WABD fc. BDRTOB - Jaaayer sill Cse-Iet, llXetSville. Colorado. Spemmeu pricest Gold, lymvlesa.tl. Gold, Silver, 75oi Gold. Moi 2lae it Copper, 11. Mailing earelopee a ad fall prloe list ainieaapplioatlon. Control and Umpire work eo baited. Beiereaoei Carbonate National Bank. BUSINESS COLLEGE I WASHINGTON TENTH STSi PORTLANa ore: The "Topgrade" Shoe FOR MEN , A Really Classy Shoe If roar Jala ktt sl Udla, wriU Is PRINCE SHOE CO., Portland, Ore. r MT A. a . nuuri. iv a. in. uiop, uui or by appointment Main 5714 DR. JOSEPH ROANE Chiropractor SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS Scientific Treatment of all Acuta and Chronic Diseases. Licensed Practitioner. Suit 424-6-7 Arcade Building. Seattle. ' Sporting Blood in Hiia There are ways of doing things. That ia elementary and ezimatie wisdom, and yet people are alow to act upon it Take the case of the East Clavelander who has a garden and a mall boy, suggests the Plain dealer. This man said to his wife the other day:' ,- "Emily, we aren't going to have any sweet corn this season if we dont take better care of it I wish 700 would persuade Robert to take morning from his baseball and swimming, and get after that corn patch." "I tried to," sighed the mother, "but he just won't do it" "Tell him you'll give him a quarter to do it" "I did. : I said just yesterday, 'Rob ert, if you'll cultivate that corn and get all the weeds out of it by noon I'll give you a quarter to put in your bank.' " ... - - "Oh, pshaw I That's not the way to do it Call him in here and I'll fix it. - Robert, have yon got any sport ing blood in you? Will you take a small bet? I'll bet you a quarter you can't get that corn hoed before noon today." "I got you," says Robert Then as a look of triumph ' spreads over his father's face he adds. "Have you got any sporting blood in you?" . "I sure have, Robert" " "Then I'll bet you a half dollar you win the bet I'll be at the office this noon and collect" The corn isn't hoed yet Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, suirar- coated, easy to take as candy, regulate and invigorate stomach, liver ana bow els. Do not gripe. Strawberry Is From Chili A great many people are under the impression that the strawberry is of European origin. As a matter of fact. it is derived from the Chilean berry, which is native to the Pacific Coast TEIE Mother! will flnfl lira. Wlnglow-a Soothlea Byrup the best remedy to use for thall children Buringineioetiiiugperioa. K Hand-Power Stump Puller EASY TERMS. Walter J. Fltxpatrlck. Wusiertei Beta! Asm, Saatllt Be beautiful A beautiful face ia the birthright of every wom an. Why spoil It by using worthless preparations? Colonia Face Cream la delightful preparation, specially appreciated by ladles, who are particular in matters of per sonal appearance. Bent to you, all charges pre paid, upon receipt of 60 cents. Wuebel Bros. Lab oratory, Portland, Oregon. PORTLAND, OREGON Y.M.CA-" SCHOOLS 1600,000 EQUIPMENT. 60 MEN TEACHERS. .75 COURSES. OYHNASIUMS. SWIMMING. LIBRARIES. Day ae! fat, I w i 60.1 Course Commercial , , , Shorthand .... Automobile... Wireless Telegraphy 00 60.00 61.00 60.00 11 UMvamm a eiaarMMiiy ,,,,,,,..,,,, . uw.w Telegraphy and Train Despatching 6.00 Electrical Engineering 60.00 Civil Service 26.00 College Preparatory 40.00 Boys Elementary School 6.00 Plumbing 26.00 Carpentry 16,00 Mining and Assaying 80.00 Pharmacy 80.00 Mechanical Engineering 6.00 Other courses 12.00 to 160.00 Send for Free Illustrated Catalogue. CENTRAL Y. M, C. A., PORTLAND, OR. "Pana ' I want an ira rroam inn. dae." - "All right, dear, remind me of it again; this is only Tuesday." Houston fost ... Recruit. "A bad mess," declared the junior partner. "Lot of urgent mall to be answered and the typewriter has just left." "The office boy is always fool ing around that machine," suggested the senior partner. "Put him in now and let's see what he can do aa a pinch hitter." Pittsburg Post, " When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting reeU Flue Acta Quickly. Try It for Bed, Weak, Watery Ejreg aud Granulated Eyelid. Illuav trated Book in each Package. Murine ia oomponnded by onr Oculist not a "Patent Med lolne" but need In successful Physlotans' Frag, floe for munv rears. Now dedicated to the Pus llo and sold by Uragglsts at 36o and COo per Bottle. Murine Mje Salve In Aseptlo Tabes, 60 aad fee. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chloago Buy a Piano Now PIANOS OF ALL GRADES. Every Make of Pianola Player Pianoa. Low Prices and Easy Terms on all Instruments. WriU Us for Particulars. Shermaniay4SiCa PORTLAND, ORE. YOUR LIVE! RCGUUITES YOUR SYSTEM BEGULXTE YOUR LIVER WITH "That man is one of our leading capitalists," said Miss Cayenne. "Didn't know he was in that line at all. What is his specialty?" "The capitalization of the letter 'I.' "Washington Star. For Sunburn, Insect Bites, Ivy Poison or any other skin inflam mation use Tyree's Antiseptic Powder and get quick relief, 25c. at druggists. Sample sent free by J. S. Tyree, Wash ington, D. C Adv. Old lady (offering policeman tract) I often think you poor policemen run such a risk of becoming bad, being so constantly mixt up with crime. Policeman You needn't fear, mum. It's the criminals wot runs the risk o' becomln' saints, bein' mixt up with us I Punch. FEW QUEER ANCZNT RIDDLES Archimedes, Famous Mathematician, 8pnt Leisure In Production and 8olvlng of Puzzles. Centuries ago Samson proposed a riddle the earliest of which history treats to the Philistines, allowing them a week In which to answer It a length of time that would have been insufficient but for the assistance of Samson's wife. Hiram, king of Tyre, had a mania for constructing riddles, as also had Solomon, and the wager of an im mense sum of money between the two as to which could construct the most perplexing one was won by the latter. Archimedes, the famous mathemati cian of Syracuse, passed most of bis leisure to the surprise of many of his friends in the production or solving of puzzles and his discovery of how much alloy Its maker bad mixed with the gold of King Hlero's crown was nothing but the solution of a puzzle. : The Greeks had a curious puzzle. "If Achilles, racing with a turtle, gives the reptile 100 yards start and runs ten yards while the reptile runs one, when will he overtake it" Theoretically, never; as a matter of fact he must in the course of time. A perplexing question, one well cal culated to catch the wise as well, as the unwary, was that proposed to the Roman senate: "Why does a pall of water, with a fish swimming in it, weigh no more than the same pall of water without the UshT" It called forth much discussion from the members of that august body, who explained the singular circumstance in different ways to their entire satis faction, but found by experiment that the pall of water did weigh more when there was a live fish In it An excellent, if an old, puzzle Is: How can a window having a height equal to its width be made twice as large without increasing its height or width? Impossible I O, no. In the first In stance It is shaped like a diamond, then It is changed to a square. GRANULATED EYELIDS I aliased r Sere tyee and Sties resaplly healed with Roman Eye Balsam "Now," said the stage manager, "you are the heroine. You are sup posed to suffer more than anybody else in the play. You must put your self into a frame of mind which rep resents grief and remorse. " "I know," repield the leading wom an. "I'll try to make myself believe I'm one of the people who paid $2 to see this play." Washington Star. Make Hair Grow Restore Color Dandruff is a disease that does positive in jury to the hair follicles and hair roots EV ERY DAY It Is permitted to exist Unless jou can afford to be bald JUST A IJTTT.R LATER ON you cannot afford to neglect dandruff or lalllng hair for ANOTHER DAY, But don't use any hair tonic without ENOW. INQ FOR YOURSELF just what It contains. The safest way is to either mix your owa tonic or go to a druggist whom you know to ne reliable and have him mix it for you. Aa absolutely safe and unquestionably the most efficacious formula you can possibly use Is this very simple one: 6 ounces Bay Rum, S ounces Lavona do Composes, H drachm Men thol Crystals. Mix thoroughly, and after standing half an hour it is ready for use. If you choose, add 1 drachm of your favorite perfume. Apply night and morning, rubbing Into the scalp with the finger-tips. Insist upon this exact formula. If vou have von druggist mix it for you, and you will have a tonic mat you can depend upon for quick and lasting results. It will not only rid your scalp v u.muiuu anu muip your nair irora lalllng, but it will cleanse and beautify the hair to a remarkable degree. It contains an ingred ient that stimulates the growth of hair and which also la believed to stimulate the activ ity of the pigment-forming cells ao as to partly or fully restore prematurely gray hair to its natural color without the use of any dye. "Can you direct me to the best hotel In this town?" asked the stranger, who, had set satchel upon the station platform. "I can," replied the man who was waiting for e train going the other way, "but I bate to do It" "Why?" "Because you will think after you've seen it that I'm a liar." Chi cago Herald. Oyer A Half Acre of i School Rooms An Enviable Record QQ Btudenti regiitered during the past year; the largest number la the history of our school . 1467 C" A" rr- This Is the biggest demand fur 'VJ Walp erer raeordad in the nlatury of any college la the North weaU and affords as aa excellent opportunity ts Uuaraatee positions te eur Graduates. B. rt' t ies for Information eeneerelng eur coureoe: Bookkeeping, BkortAand, Petuaanahir, Typewriting, Telegraphy. .imn'flift& BUSINESS COLLEGE U M. WAlkXR, "reeUenL reerth St, fear Uerrleea, PerttoaaV Or, HOME FOR LITTLE SQUIRREL Nothing Conduces to Keep Young People Contented More Than Few Animals as Pets. A great deal has been written re cently concerning the discontentment of the farm boys and girls and their inclination to follow some business ' ; i.t I PLACE SAIL ON BOY'S WAGON When Good Breeze Is Blowing It Will Draw Five Boys at Rattling . Rate of Speed. Every boy, who loves a boat and has only a wagon, can make a combination affair In which he can Ball even though there Is no water for miles around, writes Arthur Gunthera of Oberlin, O., in the Popular Mechanics. . One boy accomplished this as shown in the Il lustration, and the only assistance he bad was in making the sails. The box of the wagon Is' removed and the boat deck bolted in its place. The deck Is 14 inches wide and five feet long. The mast consists of an old rake handle six feet long; the boom and gaff are broomsticks, and the tiller is connected with wire to the front axle, which gives perfect con trol of the steering. The sails are made of drilling. On a brick pavement the sail wag on can draw two other wagons with two boys in each, making In all five 8all for a Boy'a Wagon. boys. Of course a good wind must be blowing. With -two boys it has made a mile in five minutes on pave ment 1 Home for Friendly 8qulrreL course in the big cities. Whether this desire should be encouraged or other wise is a question that will probably never be satisfactorily settled. It Is a fact, however, that the country youth will be more contented with his life if allowed a little more freedom. An exoellent way is to allow them to have pets, such as squirrels, rabbits, chick ens, pigeons and even horses and cows. A comfortable home for the friendly little squirrel is shown In the illustration.. Supsrlor Officer. Jamie and Mary, aged six, were "playing ship." They paced their re spective porches grandly, arrayed in borrowed yachting clothes. "I know a nice play," Jamie sug gested. "Let's be admirals, and com mand all the ships in the navy." L True to habit, his next-door neigh bor shrewdly exacted conditions. "All right; only I must be the highest ad miral and give commands to you," she announced, firmly, and Jamie gave grudging assent Vlotory thus assured, Mary soften ed and modified the letter of her edict "I'll tell you, Jamie," she cooed, "let's play I'm the admiral's wife. That'll do just as well" Youth's Companion. Familiar Example. Will Crooks. M. P.. who haa been tiring us a list of the "don'ts" he oh. served in his dally life, was once ask ing a little girl some questions la ele mentary science. "What are the effects of heat and oold?" he asked. "Heat expands and cold contracts. was the prompt reply. "Very good," the labor member re marked. "Now give me an example." "After a few minutes' thought tha child replied: "In hot weather the davs are lone, and when It la nnM they are short" Pearson's Weakly. A Boy's Wants. "Man wants but little here below." It's different with a boy. He wants a mandolin, a pistol, a raior. a false mustache, a bull pup, a magic lantern, a detective's tin badge, a motorcycle, a mud turtle, a fiddle, a printing press, a stamp album, a tool chest a goat, a telephone, a tame rat a camera, a squirt gun, a baseball suit and a pair of roller skates. Natural Inquiry. The picture on the moving-piature screen showed a man and a woman tn a stock broker's office; the man playing the tape from the ticker. Bertha, aged B years, who had been watching the picture, called out "Oh, mamma, why dont the man buy the ribbon for his lady friend. Instead of feeling It such a long time," , RIDDLES. What does an ironclad vessel of war, with four inches of steel plating and all her guns on board, weigh just be fore starting on a cruise? She weighs anchor. . , " ... , ' Why is a man with a cold on his chest not a man? Because he is a little horse (hoarse). Which of the West Indies Islands does a confectioner resemble? Jamaica (jam-maker). " e 4 Row would you Increase the speed of a slow boat? Make her fast e When Is a boxer's eye like a bar rel? When It's bunged up. e e e Why Is credit not given at an auc tion? Because all goods brought to the hammer must be paid for on the nail! How does a pitcher of water differ from a man throwing his wife over, a bridge? One is water in the pitcher, and the other Is pitch her in the water. see Why are old bachelors bad gram marians? Because when asked to conjugate they invariably decline. e e e What is the difference between Noah's ark and an archbishop? One was a high ark, but the other a hlerarch. FLYING BICYCLE IS LATEST Arranged With 8teerlng and Driving Wheele and Carries a Large Lifting Propeller. The "flying" bicycle comprises a pair of bicycle frames, with steering and driving wheels, and a centrally located shaft, rising to a considerable Flying Bicycle. , height and carrying a large lifting propeller. A steering rudder is ar ranged at the rear. Slight Mistake. At a certain Sunday school one aft ernoon, the superintendent, driven to distraction by the noise from a class of particularly unruly boys, got on a chair and looked over the partition dividing the two rooms to see who the offenders were. Seeing one boy, taller than the rest talking a good deal, he leaned over, seized him by the collar, lifted him over the partition and banged him onto a chair, saying: "Now, be quiet" He resumed his lesson tor about a quarter of an hour, when a small head appeared and a meek little voice said: "Please, air, you've got our teacher." Philadelphia Ledger. Evading the Law. To make sure the youngster was not disobeying the bass fishing law, the game warden took his string of fish out of the water and found only cat fish, perch and suckers on the line. A few feet further down the stream he found a large black bass wriggling on a string weighed down with stone and asked the boy what he was doing with the fish. "Well, you see," answered the boy, "he's been taking my bait all morn ing, and so I just tied him up there till I got through fishlng."--aNatlonal Food Magazine, Pretty Near. ' It was Sunday afternoon and Mabel's Btxle slater, Ruth, aged four, was seat ed beside Mabel on the sofa. Present ly tha little girl asked of Mabel's fiance: "Arent I your twvetbeait, Mr. Bumper?" "Well," answered Mr. Bumper, with a tend glance at Mabel, "you're pfce next thing to tfWudga. GROWING TRUCK CROPS Three Acres Devoted to Sash v Gardening Is Profitable. Great Care Should Be Exercised In Gathering, Packing and Marketing of Vegetables In Order to 8ecure Fancy Prices. . (By W. K. BEATTIB.) ' In certain localities where the ell mate is mild, such crops as parsley, lettuce, radiihes and beets can be grown during the winter months 11 provision Is made for protecting the plants during the few periods oi freezing weather. The cheapest form of covering is cotton cloth or un bleanched muslin. In other localities, where the climate Is too severe for growing crops under oloth protection, cheap sash filled with, glass are effect ive. Cheap hotbeds, constructed In long lines with plank sides, may be profitably employed for forcing .vege tables for the market in the neigh borhood of large cities, where an abundance of manure for heating ma terial may be obtained. Take, for Instance, parsley. This is sometimes grown as an all-year crop, or it is grown during the autumn and winter and the land devoted to let tuce or cucumbers during the spring. The parsley seed is sown In August or September and the seedlings trans planted to the frames as soon as they Barrels of parsley, showing method of packing with block of loe In the center of each barrel. are large enough to be handled. Cut ting of the leaves begins in the au tumn and continues throughout the winter, and often until quite late in the spring, provided prices remain good. Crops grown in frames are usually superior In quality and appearance to those grown In the open and should be given more care In handling and marketing. The cost of production Is somewhat higher . than for outdooi crops, and It Is essential that they be out up In neat paokages in order to bring the highest market price. The more successful growers give tha work of gathering, grading and pack ing the crop their closest personal attention and use only clean, attract ive packages for handling and ship ping. Parsley is shipped in one-bushel orates, half-barrel hampers, and in four-bushel barrels. Sugar barrels are sometimes used. When making ship ments In the large barrels It is cus tomary to place a block of Ice in the top of each barrel. The barre is then covered with, a piece of bur lap. Radishes and beets are tied in bundles and shipped In hamper bas kets or in the veneer barrels so com monly used for handling spinach and kale. ' Lettuce is usually shipped in the. tapering half-barrel hamper with a wooden cover, or sometimes in crates The lettuce Is not washed, but li packed as It is. cut from the beds and hauled direct to the shipping point where it is loaded Into refrigerator cars or sent by express. Cucumbers are generally picked early in the morning, while they are fresh and crisp. In removing cucum bers from the vine a sharp knife or pair of shears should be used to cut the stems. The cucumbers an washed by floating them for a minute or two in a tank of clear cold water and are then placed upon a rack oi screen before packing. As a nils the box or crate in which the cucum bers are packed, Is lined with white paper, and when filled the top is partly covered with slats, leaving the cucumbers partly exposed. Egg plants are usually wrapped separately in thin paper or Inclosed In a paper bag before packing. Snap beans are shipped in the regular five eights barrel and half-barrel hamper baskets, such as are used for handling the general field crop. Peppers are generally wrapped in tissue paper and packed In wooden pans, such as are need tor marketing early tomatoes. Care of Manure Spreader. Nothing In the operation of any machine Is aa important as the lubri cation; and the manure spreader Is no exception to this rule, says Dairy Farmer. It should be oiled frequent ly. When you first Btart using a new spreader, you should go over it care fully, oiling all moving parts. ' Then watch the machine closely for a, while, and you will soon learn that parts must be oiled several times in a day's work. Give the machine tha right kind of a start and it will eave dollars for you In needless repair bills. Get Into the habit of oiling it regularly as needed. Dont think that it doea not need oil when It U cov ered with manure. It may not be a nloe job at times, but it pays In the and. Crop Rotation Control Ineecta. The succession of the same or sim ilar crops on the same land has proved disastrous in more ways than on by the reduction of sou fertility. Its encouragement of the increase of insects and fungi has become notori ous. The corn root worm, boil worm, Hessian fly and many other peats axe more or less afflicted by crop rota tion, and their control by tnis method ahould be carefully studied. " Origin of Strawberry. A great many people are under the Impression that our garden straw berry la of European origin. Not so; It haa been proven that it is derived from the Chilean berry which la a txtw te Che Pacific eoaat 1 Woman Is As :IC.4s' : She Loolcs : No woman wants to look old. Many In their effort to look youthfulreurttothe''beautydoctor'a"prescriptkmB.Theirmis- -ii i .in i. i take is that they visit the wrong department In the drug store. ;'"H1JlllylLLL.l Beauty depends upon health. !'"" Worry, aleepleea nights, headaches, pains, disorders, irregu laritiea and weaknesses of a distinctly feminine character in a mmmemmmmmmma B short time bring the dull eye. the "crow's feet," tha haggard iiirimi.nniin , a look, drooping shoulders, and the faltering step. To retain the appearance of youth yon must retain health. g T??? Instead of lotions, powders and paints, aak your druggist ioc ZZwIZS ML F1EKCE?S , . Favorite Prescription ' '"" This famous medicine strikes at the very root of these ' ' ' enemies of your youthful appearance. It makes you not mmmmmmmmmmm VOt look young, but feel young. iguiassanaswaj ftaaMiiniiiniir Yawr drocrlat can aippry ye tm HquM or tablet form! or Bend 1 "'" BO ,M ent stamp to lr. Ptorce's InvaHdn Hotel and Sur gical laatitute, Burial, H.Y. aad trial hex wiU be mailed M, mm- Frenchwoman a Cave Dweller. A woman of forty-five has been found living in a cave in the forest of Fontainebleau. Snakes and rats were her co-tenants. She subsisted on raw vegetables, and was clad in rags. She was reluctant to leave the eave. Paris Cable to the New York Times. - ; Hmr ; v i Raises the PouabJetLer ALLCROCERS She Remembered. Minnie, aged two years, asked her mother's permission to throw away some flowers, as they were dead, she said. Her mother corrected her and told her to say "withered," .- not "dead.-' The following day a mili tary funeral was passing and the baby astonished everyone by saying: "Come here quick, mother; someone else has withered I" Mother's Way. A friend of mine, a teacher, had just received a very handsome fan, and took it to the classroom for the edification of the children. Selecting one of the pupils, Bhe asked what the lovely thing was. The child did not know. "What does your mother use to keep her cool in summer?" asked the teacher. "Beer," was the reply. Embarrassed Police Sergeant. . "She caressed me," was the blush ing admission of a police sergeant at Tottenham, England, when a married woman was charged with obstructing the sergeant while he was taking her husband into custody, the woman flinging her arms round . the officer's neck and crying, "Take me, tool" ' Cause for Worry. Friend "Why, Elvira, what's the matter?" Elvira "Oh, I don't know, only I'm worried to death! I've had the same girl six weeks, and she doesn't talk about leaving yet I" Friend "She doesn't?" Elvira "No, not a word I She must be in love with my husband 1" London Opinion. Sick-Room Light If there are electric lights in the sick room they will generally be found too brilliant, hurting the eyes of the patient, and not every sick room has the electric lights that can be turned up or down. Make a little green silk bag and fasten it over the incandes cent bulb and it will give a good but subdued and harmless light Wan, Weary end Vem Qui If You Feel Fagged to a Fin ish and Utterly Used Up 1 Here is Quick Relief. Half the people you meet eomplaln of Weary muscles, stagnant brain. Jangled nerves, and a mournful desire to lay down and just quit. Most of these people have been using nervines that cpasmod loally flare up the nerves only to die down again, as die they must Avoid nerve stimulants. Bear In mind that this worn ut feeling is due to poor blood, to bac teria in the water you drink; to the multi plying, of destructive gerroa in the blood faster than they can be overcome by the white corpuscles; and to what Is known as auto-toxemia, that condition where the venous or impure ., blood aocumulatea (aster than it can be replaced by the red arterial blood. One Ingredient in 8. S. S. serves the purpose of stimulating; the cellular tissues to select from the blood the nutriment that renews its health and energy. If you feel played out go to any drag store and ask for a bottle of 8. S. 8, Swift's Sure Specific. Insist upon having It and do not be persuaded to take some thing else claimed to be "Just as good." 8. 8. S. ia a remedy that gets at work In a twinkling: it Just naturally rushes) right Into your blood, scatters germs right and left, up and down and sideways. Tou feel better at once, sot from a stimulant not from the action of drugi, but from the rational effect of a natural medicine Just aa active and Just aa timely aa te m man who has been lost la the mountain, la about starved and comes across a settler Just cooking a savory meal of good honest beet Do not neglect to ret a bottle of S. & S. to-day. It wUt make you feel better in Just a few ml ntes. It is prepared only in tha labora tory of Tha Swift Specific Co. ls Swift Bid., Atlanta. Ga. Send for their trwe book telling of the many strange condi Uoos that afflict the human family try vi unpoTaruutea mood. Courage Not Needed. ? The greater part of the courage that is needed in the world is not of an he roic kind. Courage may be displayed in every day life as well as in historic fields of action. There needs, for ex ample, the common courage to be hon est, the courage to resist . temptation, the courage to speak the truth, the courage to be what we really are, and not to pretend to be what we are not, the courage to live honestly within our means.--Smiles. . - ; Wholesale Invitation. ' There have been many innocent mis takes made by parsons. Among them in one told of a certain clergyman who left a notice in his pulpit to be read by the preacher who exchanged with him. The minister neglected to de note carefully a private postscript, and the people were astonished to hear the stranger end by saying: "You will please come to dine with ' me at the parsonage after service. ' 1 " Laughter Pays Well. . Laughing as a : business-getter ' at tracts favorable attention, makes pleasant impressions, transforms gruff-; ness into cheerfulness and leaves the work done with a contented after feeling. 4- -. ..." No Cause to Worry. " "My brushes are all worn out," sighed the futurist painter, "and I have no money to buy new ones." "Never mind,", his wife . replied, "Take the broom I" - - : Your "Best Play" is made when your phys ical condition is normal Sickly persons are always badly handicapped be cause they lack the stam- 3 ina and; strength neces sary to win. Try a bottle "of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters It restores the appetite, aids digestion and in every way helps you back to health and strength. Get a bottle todayv Avoid substitutes.' Ej Well save you 36 H JROOFIHO A-B guaran teed, roofing, ply, $1.10 pr roll ; Heavier plies st equally low prices. We also sell tar apar, building tng paper, deadenlag lett and plaiter board at amartngly low prlcet. SnnmC 61 Well ssvs you 15 to 50 on yonr lum ber bill. Our lumber is ell first grade and first quality. ' We sell you direct. Send your list st once and get our prepaid prices. GUARANTEE We va a mntfav-haek marantM th.t avorvthln. Bwe Mil M exactly as we rapraaent l(. Onr btmae haa grown to Ita present huge alta by giving money lor Duild.ra and jroare oi square sealing are behind erary alatemant wa make. Write our Dank, The Na tional nana or fjommerce. Seattle, about oar reliabil ity. Rnmber we are not la any truat or aaeo- uoo. nana lor Dig lu catalog free. xoos " Ttile tin f rent or rear door with 1ara stasi, $a,20. BwuHful VVuhini ton nr. Our esta te athovrt & blgsut ortment of door ftt bargain price from 1 jg up. gjSJ 9mk from fMi S0 lip Mearilnt 4 elr. tl.m Myrce aaa an UUwerk, ail at mm prteaa, , FAJJITg Oc Qlt. f for Kti a ran teed, IT never-fade htrtgla st stain. Mout. rinor. Wagon and Barn Palntl arvd alt Mlntlrur wlrll at wholesale prTeM. frm I color earea on wquwu. WAM Q I ilar -aMf-fJ ! la a gnat VV i Thta popula nia iock i bar arm tn at . Thaueande of I ing bargains tn our immartM I toe a or ounaens' hardwar I 0t our big natalof aka I IT""--"" eat" '"' 1-- t 'rv;. - eit Ala Saatatf JT 2205 Weetfa. . Seeniel gawwwa Ml MjCTMtauiiB. 11.11 i.a iwumuwhtS "DIDNT HURT A BIF ia what they all tay """""" 111 1 of oar teN.sma.rMo a Painless Methods of Extracting Teeth. Otit-of-tDwa peo ple caa have tfeeb? Plata and faridgw work finished iaeoe day If neeaanryv Ab absolute guar anom backed by SI nan in Portland Wise Dental Co. orncE not'RSt I A. It It I r, H. Sundays 9 te t rbeeesi A 2029: Mm 2023. fainag Bldg.. Tbtrel aa- WasMngtaa, Perth. V. N. V. No. SS, 'IJ WJUM writing " Ilea tiUa paper.