The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 31, 1913, Image 4

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Can ret you fancy prices for Wild Ducks
and other pn in season. Writ ns for
cash offer on all kind of poaltry. pork, etc
Pearson-Page Co., Portland
Vcaf, Pork, Poultry, Hides
Write today for tan and our net cash pries list.
We guarantee fair treatment, highest prices, and
"Check by Return Mail." Give us a trial with
four next lot of produce, r. n. senmau Co.,
. JlO.OOft 141-143 Fins it, rtrttut. On
Watsea E. Coleman!
Patent Lawyer, Waxblurlon,
D.U. Advlne and books free.
Bates reasonable. Highest references, Bestserrlces.
Second-Hand Machin
ery bought, sold and
exchanredr marines.
boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. . Martin Co- 83 1st
Bt. Portland. Bend for Stock List and prices.
The "Topgrade" Shoe
A Really Classy Shoe
Ifrssr idler fact Ml kude, wriU to
Portland, Ore.
Hours, 10 a. in, to 6 p. m., Mail 5714
or by appointment
Scientific Treatment of all Acute anachronic
Diseases. Licensed Practitioner. Suite 424-6-7
Arcade Building. Seattle. .
Why suffer humiliation from a hairy skin when it
Is easy to rid yourseii or same quicwy, privately
and without pain by using
a delightful preparation that makes ugly growth
of hair on face, etc., vanish quickly. Complete 1
treatment with guarantee will be sent prepaid to
you upon receipt of $1; with large size beautifying
Face Cream, $1.60. Order now from the manu
facturers. Wuebel Bros. Laboratory, Portland, Or.
K Hand-Power Stump Puller
Walter J. Flizpatrlck, WtouMtte Bold Aato, Seittlt
Established at Woodburn in 1863
i555P f0,ll,T
f J'''"Wirffl.i.g-. j.i.nvm . if
so mm
Ways of the Philippine Head
Banters. "
Dean C. Worcester, formerly of the
University of Michigan, and now sec
retary of the Philippine Islands, gives
some interesting particulars about the
head hunters of the island of Luzon in
a recent issue of The Geographical
Magazine. He states that six or sev
en of the tribes found in the northern
part of the island have been addicted
to head-hunting. "When I first en
tered the country of the Ifugaos," he
continues, "I found many of the houses
ornamented with fresh human skulls,
and I saw many victims of head-hunt
ing raids.
"When an Ifugao war party returns
with a head it executes a ceremonial
march or dance one hardly knows
which to call it which denes success
ful description. The men have their
split raincoats on their backs. On the
insides of these raincoats are pockets,
which form convenient receptacles for
gory trophies.
"I have seen a house with a tasteful
ornament frieze of alternating carabao
skulls and human skulls extending
around it at the height of the floor. I
have seen others with great open-work
baskets of skulls hanging under the
"A man who loses his head is con
sidered to have treated his family and
friends somewhat shabbily. He is not
buried as an ordinary person would be,
but is carried to a resting place on
some hillside far from his native vil
lage. A tunnel is excavated in the
earth, his body is carried into it and
placed in a sitting position and the
tunnel is then filled. A lance is
thrust into the ground over the grave
to show that he was killed in war, and
an anito image rudely fashioned out of
grass is left to watch over his last
You Can Get Allcn'f foot-Case TREE.
Write Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. Y., fork
free sample of Allen's Foot-Kane. It cures
sweating, n.)t Bwollen, aching feet. It makes
new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure iot
coins, ingrowing nails and bunions. All drug
gist.! will it. 25c. Don't accept any substitute.
Those Were Happy Days.
In the days of Machiavelli
Were their vehicles bo smelly?
No buzz wagons then.
In the days of Marcus Drusus
Did they reud about Bull Moosers? .
Had no B. M. party.
In the days of Nell of Troy
Did the end Beat hoy annoy?
He didn't exist.
Had they when lived Alexander
Ragtime tunes to raise their dander?
They escaped that
In the days of Zerub-babel
; Did the Beef Trust soak the rabble?
Belongs to Same : Family as
Blackbird and Oriole.
A tew electric tool for removing
soale from boilers an English Inven
tion delivers 8,000 hammering and
tearing strokes against a surface to
be cleaned every mluute.
A broad that is not kneaded, the In
vention of a Philadelphia woman, 1b
said to be more digestible than bread
made in the usual way from the same
Cleans Blood
Through Kidneys
A Most Important Func
tion and One to bo Care
fully Guarded.
The purpose of the kidneys being to
filter the blood the question of treating
supposed kidney weakness should be con
sidered carefully. Instead of drugs and
.Herod kidney stimulants the better plan
Is to purify the blood with an antidotal
effect such as you Bet from B. S. 8.
It should be remembered that the kid
neys are made tip of a fine net work of
blood vessols, and It Is to stimulate tho
functional activity of . kidney tissue
through this capillary net work that
8. 8. 8. shows one of Its most remurkablo
The medicinal value of the components
Of B. 8. 8. are relatively Juut as vital to
healthy kidney action as the nutriment
obtained from grain, meat, fats, sugars,
or any other part of our dally food Is to
the natural reconstructive requirements
ef the tissues. And there Is one com
ponent of 8. 8. S. which sorvos tho active
purpose of stimulating the cellular tissues
f the kidneys to a healthy and Judicious
election of Ita
Thu, In cases of rheumatism, cystitis, i
fh rntl !rt .nr. thiwiat )..... t, I -1 I
' v . i., tuntwiiaso vi voice,
bronchitis, asthma, and the myriad of
ether reflex Indications of weak kidney
aetion, first purify your blood with 8. 8. 8.
so It will enable the tissues to rebuild
their cellular strength and regain their
normal health.
You can got S. 8. S. at any drug store,
but take no other so-called blood purltler.
8. 8. 8. Is purely u botanical product,
end you will make a great mistake to
have some enthusiast palm off a mer
cury, arsenlo or Iodide of potash prepare.
Won that may do you Irreparable harm.
8. 8. S. Is prepared by The Swift Bpe
elllo Co;. io Swift Bldg.r Atlanta, Co.,
and it you have any deep seated or ob
aunate blood trouble write to their Med
ical Department for free advice. It wul
be worth your while to do so.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Marine Eye Remedy. No Smarting Feels
Fine Acta Quickly. Try It for Red, Weak,
Watery Kyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus
trated Book In each Package. Murine la
eonipoonded by oar Ocollms not a "Patent Mad
lulne" bat used In sucimesful Physicians' P no
tice for many yuars. Nuw dndlnated to the Pnb
lib and sold by UrugKlsts at lido and 60o per Itoulo.
Marina lire Salvo In Aseptlo Tubes, liCo and Wo.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chloago
In How Long?
A number of men gathered in the
smoking car of a train from Little
Rock to another point in Arkansas
were talking of the food best calculat
ed to sustain health, aays the Housekeeper.
One Arkansan, a stout, florid man
with short gray hair and a self satis
fled air, was holding forth in great
"Look at met" he exclaimed.
"Never had a day's sickness in my
life. All due to simple food. Why,
gents, from the time I was 20 to when
I reached 40 I lived a regular life.
None of these effeminate delicacies
for me. No late hours. Every day,
summer and winter, I went to bed at
9; got up at 5. Lived principally on
corned beef and cornbread. Worked
hard, gents worked hard from 8 to 1.
Then dinner; plain dinner; then an
hour's exercise, and then "
"Excuse me," interrupted the
stranger, who had remained silent,
"but what were you in for?"
Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets regu
late and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules,
euay to take. Do not gripe.
Willing: to Be Heir.
Outside it was snowing hard and the
teacher considered it her duty to warn
her charges.
"Boys and girls should be very care
ful to avoid colds at this time," she
said solemnly. "I had a darling little
brother, only 7 years old. One day he
went out in the snow with his new
sled and caught cold. Pneumonia set
in and in threo days he was dead.'
A hush full upon the schoolroom,
then a youngster in the back row
stood up and asked :
"Whore's his sled?" Truth Seeker.
Old Lady (who has been lunching
with her son) "Here, William, you
left this quarter on the table by mis
take. It's lucky I buw it, because the
waiter had his eye oa It," Life.
Something of a Lottery.
"What I want," said the young man,
"Is to get married and have a peace
ful, quiet home." "Well, sometimes It
works that way and sometimes It's
like Jolnin' a debatin society."
Amount of Damage Done by This Bird
v Varies With Depth of Planting,
Condition of 8oll and Pro ?
I , Imlty to Pasture.
(By H. C. BRTANT.)
The meadowlark Is not a true lark,
but belongs to the same family to
which the blackbird and oriole be
long. Since the meadowlark of the
eastern states differs from that found
In the western states In both song
and coloration, the bird of the west
Is termed the western meadowlark.
This is a common bird from Wiscon
sin, Illinois, Iowa, Texas, etc., west to
the Pacific coast, also ranging north
Into Canada and south Into Mexico.
The meadowlark Is well known be
cause of Its size, bright plumage and
cheerful song. It Is a conspicuous
bird of treeless areas and a frequenter
of the meadow and pasture. In Cali
fornia it Is found from sea level to
altitudes of 7,000 feet in the moun
tains. It 1b most abundant in the
great central valleys where, in some
places, the birds - may be seen con
gregated in flocks of fifty or more,
feeding almost entirely on the ground.
This meadowlark appears to be one
of the few birds which Is profiting by
the increased cultivation of land. Al
falfa furnishes particularly good food
and cover for the bird and grain fields
Holes Bored by Meadowlarks In Ob
taining Kernels of Sprouting Grain.
are often chosen for a home. With
the furnishing of still more good food
and cover, combined with the destruc
tion of some of Us enemies, the west
ern meadowlark may be expected to
still further increase in numbers.
Oats appear to be preferred. In the
fields Inspected, damage was greatest
In Bandy soil, for here the grain Is
more easily obtained. Next to the
condition of the soil, the factor gov
erning the extent of damage appears
to be the proximity of the natural
habitat of the bird. Fields bordering on
marsh grass lands and pastures suffer
most. In some Instances the meadow
lark have followed the drill row for
distances of four to six feet and ap
parently pulled every sprout Barley
and wheat are attacked to a less ex
tent than oats. Field corn and sor
ghum are not damaged.
Meadowlarks can succeed In pulling
the sprouting grain only when it first
appears above the ground. After the
second and third blades appear the
plant is well rooted and the kernel
no longer essential to the life of the
plant. Only the grain which is within
one and one-half Inches of the surface
Is obtainable. Hence the difficulty of
obtaining the kernel and the ter
mination of the time during which
the kernel la essential to the life of
the plant soon makes destruction im
possible. Hard, dry soil precludes
attack. Damage is greatest after the
soil has been softened by rain. In
vestigation shows that fields appar
ently greatly damaged while the grain
was sprouting have shown but little
damage at harvest time. In some
oases a certain amount of thinning
may be beneficial so that unless the
damage Is great the birds may per
form a real service. The fact that
oats is most seriously damaged and
that, with the exception of barley and
wheat, other grains are not attacked
also minimizes the amount of possible
When the benefits conferred by the
meadowlark are balanced with the
Injuries, there remains no doubt that
the bird deserves protection. 'Its
value as a destroyer of Injurious in
sects far exceeds its detriment as a
destroyer of sprouting grain. The
value of one of these birds living to
one dead Is as five pounds of Insects
and one-half pound of weed seeds is
to one and three-fourths pounds of
grain, a considerable part of which Is
made up of wild oats and ' waste
A strong point favoring their pro
tection Is to be found in the faot that
the damage to sprouting grain fields
can be largely prevented by planting
grain deeply and drilling Instead of
broadcasting, two measures highly
advocated as favoring larger crops.
Home Made.
"My dear," said Mr. Wombat, "you
look as fresh as a budding tree In
your new spring dress." "The compar
ison la good," sneered Mrs. Wombat
"Like a tree, I had to make It myself."
An Enviable Record
: Q fiQ Students registered during the past year; the largest number la
"Js I he history of out school.
1467 C"' toT ('Bc ?r- i the blermt doretnd for
h.lp ever reoojded l the hi.tory of any college in the North
ryst and affords us an excellent opportunity to Guarantee position te our
Write ns t ecu for information eonrerninf our courses: Bookkeeping,
Shorthand, Pvimaoahip, Typewriting-. Telestrephy.
t, M. WAlkfR, Prealsaat. fewth St., Near MerHeea, Pertlesd. Or.
When Soils Cease to Produce.
The trouble with soils when tha-r
oease to produce as they did when
new Is not that elements of nlant
food are actually exhausted from the
soil, but the necessary force for the
liberation are exhausted. One of
these forces Is bacteria. It is esti
mated that In the common soil there
ire 150,000,000 bacteria to the ounce.
These bacteria must have for their
food humus, then they will liberate
food for the growth of plants. To be
i good farmer one needs to grow
legumes and other cover crops plants
to turn under for humus, and to en
courage these beneficial bacteria to
perform tholr functions In the soil.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables not only In-
crease the healthfulness and attrac
tiveness of the dally bill of fare, but
they save a great deal of expense,
and are far better than the canned
goods from the store. The farmer
who sets a good table, well supplied
with fruits and vegetables, la mak.
lng a high bid to attract and keep
good farm help.
Vermin In Hot Weather.
Vermin breeds much faster in
warm weather than in cool weather.
Often give the henhouse, brooders
and brood coops a thorough disin
fecting with some good liquid disin
fectant, and dust the fowls and chicks
well with lice powder.
liiilil '
J gCasSt1 . ssrf-
I Y :
Raises the
Work has been begun in Peru on a
railroad which will cross the Andes
and form a connecting link between
the headwaters of the Amazon River
and the Pacific Ocean.
Equality of strength in both arms
occurs almost twice as frequently with
women as with men, more men than
women being stronger in the right
arm than in the left .
Owing to expansions of industries
and to general prosperity throughout
Norway, the circulation of bank notes
in 1912 was several millions greater
than lrrl911, and exceeds 100,000,000
crowns ($26,800,000) for the first time.
; A New Torker has invented a motor
truck with four rear wheels Instead
of two, so mounted on short axles that
the load is equally distributed among
all of them regardless of the rough
ness of the road.
: ; oryNASiuus. swimming, libraries.
.Course Dir ksnI bt, 6 mm.
Commercial f 60.00
Shorthand 60.00
Automobile 61.00
Wireless Telegraphy 60.00
Telegraphy and Train Despatching; 25.00
Electrical Engineering '60.00
Civil Service 25.00
College Preparatory 40.00
Boys Elementary School 25.00
Plumbing 25.00
Carpentry 15.00
Mining and Assaying 80.00
Pharmacy 80.00
Mechanical Engineering 25.00
Other courses $2.00 to 150.00
Send for Free Illustrated Catalogue.
As a move toward standardization
the United States Government will re
quire all electric vehicles purchased
for its departments in the fiscal year
beginning with July to conform . to
certain specifications.
The largest electrical steel furnaces
in the United States, having a capacity
of 80,000 tons a year, will be opened
in the near future at Lebanon, Pa.
To Grow Hair on
A Bald Head
Thousands of people suffer from baldness
and falling hair who, having tried nearly
every advertised hair tonic and hair-grower
without results, have resigned themselves to
baldness and ita attendant discomfort Yet
their case Is not hopeless; the following sim
ple home prescription has made hair grow
after years of baldness, and is also unequalled
for restoring gray hair to its original color,
stopping hair from falling out and destroying
the dandruff germ. It will not make the hair
greasy, and can be put up by any druggist;
Bay Rum, 6 ounces; Lavona de Compos ee, 2
ounces; Menthol Crystals, one-half drachm.
If you wish it perfumed, add half to one tea
spoonful of To-Kalon Pefume, which unites
perfectly with the other Ingredient. This
preparation is highly recommended by physi
cians and specialists, and is absolutely harm
less, as it contains none of the poisonous wood
alcohol so frequently found in hair tonics.
According to an English parllamen
tary committee the production of all
of London's electric power in a few
large ctatlons would save 6,000,000
tons of coal a yenr and greatly lessen
the smoke nuisance.
Best Way to Cure Hay Is to Rake I
Into 8mall Wlnrows and Let the
Crop Dry Out Slowly,
Sometimes weather conditions mat
It almost Impossible to put alfalfa ha
in the stack in good condition, ant
heating and burning results. A. H
Leidligh, assistant professor of crops
at the Kansas Agricultural college
says a comparison will show why th
water does not readily cure out of th
stems. If a tree is cut down on f
cool, cloudy day, eaid Professor Leid
ligh, the leaves remain green and
fresh for some time. They take water
from the trunk and pass it off into
the atmosphere. If the weather is
reasonably cool for a few days, the
water will all be taken out of the
tree. -
Now, If the tree is cut down on a
hot Bultry day the leaves will dry
up and fairoff . The water is still in
the trunk of the tree, and there Is no
way for it to get out quickly. It is the
same with alfalfa.
When it is impossible to wring
water out of the hay, eays Professor
Leidligh, it is dry enough to stack.
The best way to cure hay is to rake it
into small wlnrows and let it dry out
slowly. If the ground is damp, or il
the air is very moist, the winrowi
must be turned frequenty to expose
all the hay to the sun.
Hay often heats in the stack be
cause it is rained on, or because it ab
sorbs moisture from the ground. Not
less than $5 to $10 worth of hay is
spoiled on the top and bottom of a
25-foot stack of alfalfa, put up in the
usual way. This loss may be avoided
by stacking on a foundation of poles,
or under sheds. The money saved on
a few stacks will pay for the shed.
Opinions differ on Just how muoh
the feeding value of alfalfa is., af
fected by heating. Some argue that
while it lowers the feeding value, it
improves the taste. Cattle usually
eat brown and black alfalfa with
more relish than they do the bright
green hay. 1
Power Pumped Through Nozzles ai
Cart Moves Over Field Used
for 8owlng Grass 8eed.
Two Missouri men have patented a
useful farm machine in the . spraying
apparatus shown in the illustration. It
is merely the water-sprinkling idea
put to other uses. A light cart has a
tank mounted in the front and con
A new form of sanitary bubbling
fountain for public places has four
knife-edges radiating from its opening
to prevent a person putting his mouth
against the orifice.
when the appetite is nor
mal and you are able to
eat without distress; but
how quickly v- you go
"down to defeat" when
the "inner man" be
comes weak. Play safe,
and at the first sign of
trouble you had better
Stomach Bitters
It will help you continue
to be a "winner."
a. 4
V ,
Spraying Machine.
nected with a cross pipe with a series
of nozzles depending from it in the
back. The powder that the tank con
tains Is forced through the nozzle un
der sufficient pressure to spray it in
all directions. The machine Is de
signed primarily for the purpose ol
spraying insectide over growing plants
and Is a big improvement on the hand
method of doing this work, being not
only much more thorough, but much
more speedy, as It sprays seven oi
eight rows at once. Such a machine
might also be UBed to sow certain
kinds of seed, like grass seed, that did
not have to be dropped in rows.
Tillage la Manure.
The old maxim that tillage is ma
nure has been shown to be true at
Cornell university farm, where ex
periments were made in that direc
tion. Some plots of potatoes were
cultivated as many as eight times,
and in every case the greater the
number of times the plants were cul
tivated the larger the ylelde com
pared with plots on which fewer cul
tivations were given.
The level culture was better than
hilling. Two lots, cultivated eight
times, left perfectly level through
the season, produoed at the rate of
384 bushels and 857 bushels per
acre, and three lots cultivated five
times, produced 849 bushels, 82S
bushels and 283 bushels, the laet lot
being hilled at the final cultivation.
3-oo $3.50 4-QQ
$4t5o AND $B.oo
But Bay' SHmi In tht WorU
4. UU, 2. 60 OM t3. 00
beoah BtrenrEBS nr it
lik Mnr tester to shew vne
I.l)oairlasS3.60.S4.00and 44.60
shnee. Juit as rood la strle. flt mil
wear as other makes costias; Sa.OO te 7.00 the
only atrrereaee is ine price, tinoes la au
leathers, styles and shapes te salt ererykody.
If yoo could visit W.L. Done-las large factories
at Brorktoa, Ksss., and see for yourself how
carefully W. L. Dousrlas shoes are sosde. ro
would then aaderstsnd nay they are warranted to
fit better, look better, hold their shape and wear loager
than any other make for the price.
If W. i,. Donclas shoes are not for sale In ronr vldnttv.
viucruirei;, Hum tuc iklvi j, diiiki iui wet; ait'-iir.
imw or tnn remiiv. mi an nnm. it ram ran. tximul-a
OAtmOlTI tWi free. Write for Illustrated Cutulnc UwuV
Be that W.L. show yon bow to order by mall, and why yoo can
Douglas name Is save money on your footwear.
stamped on the bottom. V. 1.. ltoasine, 101 Spark Stmt, BretHea,. Iu
f i - m k vv--.-.'..-s.'.k 1
fx i 3n
iVs, &t:-r: n
v j sf it- -
a& - fjw & aWIII
yr TauRO'l
uesTrnrrc I
Trees In Boston Commons.
According to Frederick E. Olmstead,
in Country Life in America, it has cost
the city of Boston about $7,650 pei
acre to put the trees on the fifty acres
of Boston Common in good condition,
It cost $7,650 per acre to trench the
soil and supply proper plant food, and
about $100 per acre to protect from
insect ravages. It is said that the
land In this same common or park has
a valuation of $864,329 per acre. This
means an actual cost at six per cent
in loss of taxes of over $51,000 per
acre. And yet some of our larger
towns and cities begrudge spending a
few hundred dollars occasionally is
their parks. .. .
-Swine Breeding.
Six things are necessary to success
ful swine breeding: First, admiration
for the animal; second, knowledge ot
the business; third, honesty; fourth.
good Judgment: fifth, cull closely;
sixth. Judicious advertising. The
swine grower must be well posted as
to the relative value of his feeds, be
able to feed certain kinds of feed
to produce certain results, and should
study carefully the different subjects
of feeding and general management
and avail himself of every opportu
nity of gaining information concerning
the improvement ot the breed he represents.
Stall for a Horse.
A horse requires wider and more
exclusive stall than a cow. The stall
should be wide enough so that the
horse can He comfortably and stretch
out its legs, but not so vide that It
can roll in It.
To Keep Cut Flowers' Fresh.
An interested 'reader writes that,
whether the stems of flowers be either
hard or soft, they may be kept fresh
longer if the stems are cut off about
a quarter of an ' inch after placing
them in water. Use a sharp pair of
scissors, and be sure that the cut end
Is not exposed to the air at all. -.
Glory of Doing One's Duty.
To do what we ought is an alto
gether higher, diviner, more potent,
more creative thing than to write the
grandest poem, paint the most beauti
ful picture, carve the mightiest statue
or dream out the most enchanting
commotion of melody and harmony.
Geo. MacDonald.
IsC1TB.Uii99 H7aAlSMav When yon f eeldls-
'niU!C,r lr OSMMg S5KSS SB
WGIW&JSBBS&ISn - it guuss jom uuu a
of telegraphing yon that something
your system's way
is WRONG and needs HELP.
It may be that your liver is tired and refuses to work, or your '
' digestive organs have had too much to do and need care. Perhaps
you have been eating the wrong kind of food, and your blood is too' ,
rich or impoverished. What yon need is a tonlo.
Golden Medical Discovery
will give the required aid. Tones the entire system. The weak stomach Is
made strong. The liver vibrates with new life. The blood is cleansed of all
impurities and carries renewed health to every vein and nerve and muscle and
orsran of the body. No more attacks of . . .,
the "blues." Life becomes worth while
again, and hope takes place of despair.
Insist on getting Dr. Pierce't
Golden Medical Discovery,
Sold by dealer in medicines.
President, WorUFt Ditptntar)
Utdical Ataociation, Buffalo, N. T.
mammmuammMwanmumwwaaumwmmmummmmummmmmmmmU ,
Accepted Sight Unseen. ,
"I have a very clever new novel
here,", said Jones, the lady-like reader,
to the publisher.
'Humph! will it sell, though?
That's the question, tf Anything in it
about 'abysmal brutes'?"
'Jammed full of them." :
"Is it full of 'primal passion'?" -.
"Chocked full." ".-.!
"Does the cave man in the book woo
his lady-love with a club?" .
"Sure, Mike."
"Rush it to the printer, Jones.
We've lassooed another best seller."
The Midnight Doughnut
. -
Mothers will find Mrs. Winnows Soothing
Byrup the best remedy to use tor their children
luring the teething period. -
Nice Scratchers.
If a calendar seems too pretty to
destroy, paste a piece of sandpaper
over the calendar pad and use .as a
match scratch. One of these will not
come amiss in each room if gas is
used. - .'
A man's world always, this has been
everything arranged for men and
the women are foreigners.
Ever Youthful.
He doth not lack an almanac whose
youth is in his soul. Oliver Wendell
Holmes. -
Using an electrical furnace a Lon
don scientist has succeeded in drawing
glass tubes with an outside diameter
of but one twenty-five-thousandth of
an inch.
The old-fashioned little girl who
UBed to be told that there was a wild
bear in the blackberry patch now has
a grown daughter who does't believe
that ice cream makes freckles. Dal
las News.
He Will you marry me if I ask
your father? She Yes, provided you
are still able to work. Boston Transcript-
, '
For Sixteen Years. Restored
To Health by Lydia E. Pink
: ham's Vegetable
Compound. .
Moretown. Vermont "I was trou
bled with pains and irregularities for
sixteen years, and
was thin, weak and
nervous. When I
would lie down it
would seem as if 1
was goinip right
down out of sight
into some dark hole,
and the window cur
tains had faces that
would peek out at
me, and when I was
out of doors it would '
seem as if something was going to hap
pen. My blood was poor, my tircula- !
tion was so bad I would be like a dead
person at times. I had female weak
ness badly, my abdomen was sore and I
bad awful pains. j
"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound and used the Sanative !
Wash and they certainly did wonders '
for me. My troubles disappeared and I
am able to work hard every day." Mrs. ;
W. F. Sawtek, River View Farm, More-
town, Vermont
Another Case.
GiiTorcL Iowa. "I was troubled wifi
female weakness, also with displace
ment I had very severe and steady "
uesuacue, euao pam ia dock ana was
Tery thin and tired all the time. Icora
menced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Corn pound and I am cured of
these troubles. I cannot praise your
medicine too highly. " ilrs. 1XA iilLi
gl,.Gi.5, GifTord. Iqws. ... j
. Mendacity.
I can stand for the man with the per
... sonal hobby, ,
And live through the ravings of
those who have fads ;
But my temper is short and inclined
to be knobby
With the person who says that he
never reads ads. Judge. '
; Quite Naturally.
A funny mistake occurred lately in
printing labels for a meat-preserving
company. The printer had been in
the habit of labeling tins of beef or
mutton, as the case might be, with the
words "without bone'' prominently
displayed. The company, having add
ed kidney soup to its list, the new ar
ticle was duly ticketed as "Sidney
Soup Without Bone." , - v
Why Clerks Go Insane.
Aunt Mandy (to the clerk of the
general store) "You all aint got no
fo'-cent caliker, is you or is you? Ef
you is, is you all got some jes' a speck
cheapah?" Woman's Home Compan
ion. . . ,
"Papa, to which one of them shall I
say yes?"
"Good heavens I Aren't you old
enough to look a man up in Brad
street's without bothering me about
it?" Houston Post
cause much annoyance to children
and great anxiety to parents.
The presence of worms is recog
nized by these common symptoms:
itching nose, unsatisfied appetite,
offensive breath and colic pains.
Cleanses the system of worms in a very few bom
is what they ail say
of oar
' -s Painless
Methods of
Extracting 1
Ont-of-towa peo
ple can have their
plate and Bridge.
work finished In one
day if necessary.
An absolute guar
antee, backed by 28
ta.W.a.marmmBUkia rears la PorUaad
Wise Dental Co.
orncr. HOURS
A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays te I
Phones A 2029: Mala 2028.
'flint Bldf.. Third end WaaUneteo, Portia
... ? ( 'wV , a I
i . . t , .j
ean receive erannS
meats of Bw-tguniM,
PtiIU t.lUls iiiim
the Oil new deotos.
Trreoee more If tob have been ioHertar wd
th i. one end that one aod hen aot obtained MU
raanent relief. let thi. great aatarehealcvdW
bow roar Mm tad prewtibe eome rates; whem
action to qoiek. ftireana wife. Hie pnnrtMtaee
are eompoeaeed from Roots. Bertie, Bade bb4
Bark, that have bees eataered f rota mn sear,
tor of the atobe. The Mcrec. of thaw atedleiMa
af not kaova to th. osteitis world, hat hi bee
handed dowv from faihec to in the Bejeteiaaer
If roe Irr out of towa andeanaeaaU.wr)ktv
syatptoea hlaak aad eiranUr. eaakauwteaeaiaB
JI62, ft-st St, Car. Merrfe.
Pertfaaiai Oraf ay
P. N. U. No. ST. IS
VCmSt wrttbw to srnrtiascav pleas Baaat-
" i thie papsft,