The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 24, 1913, Image 1

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This Edition con
tains Tour Pages
Athena merchants
Carry Big Stocks
Buy oYour Groceries from Your Home Grocer
l V
Foss-Winship Hardware
f Howard
! Heaters
The World's Leader
In Satisfaction
Barrett Building, Athena, Or
Lumber, Mill Work and .all Kinds of
( Posts and Blacksmith coal
A. M. Johnson, Hanager
. Athena, Oregon
sstjvP We carry the best
'fl ' That Money ; Buys i
.. f'J : '" Our Market is
: 1 l-Plii1 ?'Clean and-Gool j
(lit It- Insuring, Wholesome Meats.
fflJUff ' - 'BRYAN & MEYER
3jr . : Main Street, Athena, Oregoni
Ily I 6uauI? 6RQCERIES I
Home of
Good Groceries go to the Right
Spot Every Time
This is the Right Spot
To go to Every Time for Groceries
Monopole Vegetables
Monopole Fruits
Monopole Salmon
; Monopole Oysters
DELL BROTHERS, Athena, Oregon
Plan Affords Smaller Towns
and Country Districts Good
Library Facilities.
Ab announced last week, Athena
was visited Tuesday morning by Miaa
Cornelia Marvin, seoretary of the
Oregon Library Commission, for tba
purpose of setting befora the citizens
tbe laws relating to tbe establishing of
Conuty libraries.
Owing to tbe fact that the boor and
place of meeting was known but a
short time, only a few assembled in
tbe offioe of Attorney Watts to meet
tbe ladles, who in addition to Miss
Marvin, inolnded Mrs. Lin a H. Stur
gis, Mrs. E. P. Marshall and Mrs. N.
Berkeley, memfcers of . the library
board of Pendleton.
A clear and comprehensive state
ment of tbe law as amended by laws
of 191 1 authorizing the establishing
of county litraries, was given by Mies
Marvin. Tbe plan oilers to the small
towns and districts a poklio library
service as good as that of the cities.
It insures the free nse of encyclope
dias, . standard works and children's
books, properly catalogued and class
ified. In addition it would have its
own delivery station to leoeive books,
magazines, etc., from tbe main lib
rary for circulation throughout tbe
oommnnity. New books, fiction and
especially ordered volumes wonld te
supplied from the main library and
often changed. The oentral county
library would be looated at tbeoonnty
seat. From it branobes wonld be es
tablished In the various towns in the
county. To maintain tbis system a
small tax of one-tenth mill wonld be
, So far as the tax is conoerned the
amount for Athena's portion amounts
to but 1S pet year for the library
fund. Tbe cost to the city looally for
a branoh library wonld aoorue in tbe
rental of a suitable room and equip
ment to receive tbe library, with tbe
services of an attendant. '
Sentiment in Athena seems to favor
the plan and two petitions, asking the
County Court to levy the one-tenth
mill tax for the library fnnd are now
being oiroulated and liberally signed
by taxpayers. Petitions are being
oiroulated throughout tbe oonnty, and
on tbe presentation of these to the
County Conrl, it will decide whether
tbe plan shall' be adopted in this
oonnty. It Is claimed to be in suc
cessful operation in Mnltnomab, Was
co, Hood River and Klamath oounties.
Pupillcss, School Keeps.
"The teacher with the biggest snap
in tbe oonnty is Franois Wier. in Dis
trict 51, at the extreme (op cf Walla
Walla oonnty," says Superintendent
Johnson of that oonnty. "Wier start
ed with four pupils, then two moved
awav and now tbe other two have
tbo measles and cannot attend. Wier
opens the sobool house regularly aod
closes at tbe usual time as though the
seals were tilled. His pay goes on
just the same."
The Sausage.
Tbe sausage dates back to tbe year
897. It bus been asserted that tbe
Greeks in tbe days of Homer manufac
tured sausages, but tbis prehistoric
mixture bad nothing in common with
our modern product The ancient so
called sausage wns composed of the
same materials which enter into the
makeup of the boudin of the French
market and the blood pudding of the
French Canadian. The ancient sausage
was enveloped in . the stomachs of
goata. It was not until the tenth cen
tury that sausage made of hashed pork
became known. It was in or near the
year 1500 that, thanks to the introduc
tion into Germany of cinnamon and
saffron, tbe sausages of Frankfort and
Strnssburg acquired a universal reputation.
He Had Been There. '
"Can you direct me to tbe best hotel
in this town V asked the stranger who,
after sadly watching the train depart,
bad set bis satchel upon tbe station
1 can," replied the man who was
waiting for a train going the other
way, "but I bate to do if
"Because you will think after you're
seen ft that I'm a liar." Chicago Record-Herald.
Physical Geography. ,
v Tbe following answer was recently
given in a geography examination in
reply to tbe question, "From what di
rection do root of onr rains come?
Most of our rains come straight
town, but some of tbem come side
ways. ' ' ;
Tela One Truth.
He (during tbe quarrel) Then, by
your own account, I didn't tell yon a
single truth lfore we were married.
She -You did on; you said you were
unworthy of ine. Boston Transcript.
Xo tni and permanpnt lame con be
founded c?t in iniioni wbicb fro
mute Ibtr biii'iiim-M ot tuanklsl"
Will Be Commanded By Sur
viving Officers Who Made
Trip Around the Horn.
" Secretary Daniels has formally an
nounced that tbe bistorio battleship
Oregon, whiob made tbe famooa trip
around Cape Horn io tbe early davs of
tbe Spanish war, wonld lead tbe great
fleet through the Panama Canal when
tbe waterway is opened in 1915.
While plans for tbe event have not
yet been formulated, Secretary Dan
iels will be aboard, sb will President
Wilson in all probability. It is sug
gested too, that all surviving offioers
who served on tbe Oregon on the 1898
oroise be again at. their, posts when
the battleship beads tbe procession
tbrougb tbe canal. . In this, event the
Oregon will be commanded by Rear
Admiral Charles E. Clark, retired,
now living in Washington.
The aooeptanoe ty tbe British for
eign offioe of the invitation from . tbe
United States to send a squadron of
British warships through the canal
with the international fleet was con
veyed to Seoretary Bryan tbrongh
Ambassador Page. Great Britain is
tbe first of the nations to aocept the
invitation to participate in a mobil
ization wbiob will bring together at
H ampton Roads tbe . greatest feet
ever assembled in American waters.
With Walter McClure, He Will Run
in Two Events.
The following, from tbe Oregon
Emerald, tbe University paper, sonnds
good to Athena, the home of tbe re
doubtable Payne:
Floyd Payne and Walter MoClnre
leave Monday night for San Franoisoo
where they are to take part in the
meet held there tbe 24th and 25th of
tbis month during the Portola Fes
Payne, who will repiesent the Uni
versity in the mile and two-mile
events, is a freshman from Athena.
He has never before been under tbe
U. of 0. colors, bnt mnoh is expeoted
of him as be made very good time lieie
last spring in a trial inn against Mo
Glore in the mile. MoClnre won by
about three feet in tbe fast time of
4:6, while Payne's time was about
4:27. Owing to tbe prevailing wet
weather conditions and the poor con
dition of the track, it has been im
possible to get a line on bis work tbis
fall, tnt Bill Hayward figures him to
MoClnre tons nnder tbe winged
"M" of the Multuomaub Club, of
Portland, wbiob club he represented
at the Olympia meet io Sweden. He
also is entered in tbe mile event.
Tbe mile race should be a good oce
as tbeie are entered from tbe north
west alone four good men, namely:
Payne ot OieRon; MoClnre of M. A.
A. C. aod Clyde and MoClellan of
DEATH OF W. 111.
One More Old Soldier Is Gone From
the Ranks.
After a long and painfal illness,
another of Athena's venerable res
idents, another member of the now
almost extinot Gettysburg Post, G. A.
R, has answered tbe last call and
crossed the bar. William McIIenry
Helmiok died at tbe borne of bis
daughter, Mrs. Samuel Boober, at
10 o'clock Tuesday night, and was
laid to rest in the Atbona cemetery
yesterday, the funeral being condooted
from tbe Boober home at two o'olook
by Rev. D. M, Helmiok of Waitsbnig
M. E. ohnrob, a eousin of tbe de
ceased who was summoned here for
that purpose.
William McIIenry Helmiok was
born in Pickaway oaunty, Ohio, Aug
ust 26, 1833. Wben but a bey be
moved with bis parents to Vermilion
county, Illinois, and in 1856 again
moved to Taylor couoty, Iowa. He
was married to Aon Jane Barr in De
cember. 1859. To tbem seven child
ren were born, six girls and oae son.
The latter preoeded him to tbe grave
only a few days, having died at bis
borne in the east October 12, nine
days previous to tbe death of bis fa
ther. Four dangbters bave passed on,
also tbe wife, wfao died October 18
1887. Tbe two remaining dangbters
are Mrs. E. MoPbenio snd Mrs.
Samuel Boober of tbis city.
On August Stb, 1861, Mr. Helmiok
enlisted in Co. K, 4tb Iowa Volun
teers, sod served as srrgeant to Cspt.
A. R. Anderson. He was honorably
discharged on tbe 4tb of September,
1864. He came to Athena June 10,
1890. In May, 1911, be was stricken
with paralysis, and received tbe sec
ond stroke a few days ago succumbing
on October 21, 1913. Mr. Helmiok
was member of tbe Baptist cburcb.
and a kindly and geotie sool teloved
ty 1L
Evans In Baltimore American.
Mr. Lawrenoe Plnkerton of this
city, and Miss Lorraine Gray of Mil
ton, ware married in that oily, yes
terday. Tbe groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. D. A. Plnkerton, and tbe
bride is one of Milton's fairest daugh
ters, ine young couple will reside on
tbe Piokerton farm, northwest of
Build Concrete Addition.
Before moving into tbe building
recently puiobaaed from Mrs. Taylor,
Zerba Brothers may deoide tn extend
tbe building to tbe alley with a con
crete addition. If they deoide Io
bnild tbe addition, it will be used for
tbe maobine shop exclusively, leaving
all of tbe main building to be naed as
a garage.
The Reclamation of 1,000,000
Acres and Electrification of a
Railway Is Enterprise.
Reclamation of 1,000,000 acres of
land in Eastern Washington, an ex
penditure of between $ IS, 000,000 and
125,000,000 in development of tbe
largest irrigation and power projeot
in the Northwest and opening up the
of the Priest Rapids oountry will be
gin at once if the final trip of inspec
tion to Priest Rapids, made by a par
ty of American and European capital
ists, results satisfactorily.
Already funds for tbe construction
of a dag 70 feet in height at tbe foot
of the rapids, wbiob will be tbo moat
stupendous engineering teat of its kind
in that section of tbe oountry are said
to have been assured.
Involved in tbe project is the eleo
trifloation of tbe Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul Railway from Cascades to
Puget Sound terminal, tbe taking over
of tbe Hauford irrigation projeot on
tbe opposite aide of tbe Colombia
River and the merging and construct
ing ot many eleotrio railway lines, ao
oording to information said to have
been gleaned from a member of tbe
party. '
In Interests of Library.
Mrs. Una Sturgis, Mrs. E.- P. Mar.
shall and Mrs. N. Berkeley, of Pen
dleton, were in tbe oity Tuesday morn
ing, accompanying Miss - Cornelia
Marvin, tbe state librarian. Tbe
ladies made only a abort stay, motor
ing on to Weston, Milto'j and Free-water.
(M't Wt
ot Ovcrcosits
that f it
We make 'em that way, from cloth that is guaran
teed to give absolute satisfaction. No "hootching" out
of shape in these coats, which are made true to your
measure. When you wear one of them, you look like
you are going somewhere. Size 'em up on the other
fellow, then drop in and select jr our cloth and style.
Main Street RUSSELL PIERSOL Athena Oreg