AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Published Every Friday. Office, Corner Third and Tefferson Streets. Entered In the Fnatomce at Athena, Oregon, as econdt;lans Mall Matter. Subscription Ratea. One copy, one year. . $1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six months .75 One copy, three months'. .50 Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch . . .... 25c Subsequent insertions '.....12 Display regular, per inch ..11 Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c cATHENA. ORE.. OCT. 1 ...... 1913 THEIR EYES BELIE THEM. It is only up to within the last year or two that deaths from lightning have been repotted in Oregon. Tbis year a oqmber have been killd or severely shocked by eleottio storms. It is probably doe to the stringing of Wires and the settlement of the statu. A few yean ago there were not enough people in the state for lightning to strike. Heat prostrations were also nnknown and although they are not now oommon a few have been report ed tbis year. Oregon need to boast that a case of rabies was never devel oped in the state. Tbis. bas in all probability been Imported from the east and unless precaution is taken to stamp it ont it will beoome more pre valent. , Grazing is seoond only to lumbering as a prlnoipal nse of the National for ests. Praotioally all of the National forests used extensively for grazing purposes are within tbe 11 states ex tending east from the Paoiflo coast, These states contain, aooordiug to lat est reports, 8,646,000 cattle, 3.810,000 horses and mules and 88,360,000 sheep. The National forests support in these states 17 per oent of tbe total nnmbei of cattle grazed, 0.48 per oent of hors es and moles and 27.5 per oent of sheep. Only fireproof ships will prevent dis aster snob as befell tbe hapless Vol turno on the high seas Monday. Wby not an international steamship oim missio'j, wotking along tbe lines of our interstate oommeroe commission, to regelate construction of ships. Tbe interstate oommission has bionght b bout tbe building of steel fireproof cms, and a liko organization with world-wide jurisdiction oonld handle tbe safety side of shipping; "I am giving serious consideration to tbe proposal of marriage mado to me today by a popular jooog lady," says Judge Garrett, in bis weekly re port to tbe Helix Advocate. We would snggsst should tbe judge turn down the proposal, that he refer ber, to Wood of the Leader. She oonld interrogate tbe janitor of the Portland Journal building as to tbe colonel being a matrimonial possi bility. If some "jigger" can point out ecmetbing new in agiioultnre that the expert is not wise to, let bim do the pointing. Wo are told that salt griiBS was originally imported for shrep forage. And true It is. Thou sands of sheep up in Washington ate tuing fatteued on what we have con sidered to be nothing more than nox ious weeds. Some one has said "tbe world be longs to the industrious. Mexioans must either cultivate their lands or let others do it." Wbut whs be talk ing about, anyway? Can any nation produoo a more industrious people than tbe Mexioans when it comes to killing one another oil? In reading a Shakespeare drama re cently, we ran aoroHS tbe expression "down and out." now used as slang. You cannot get away from the tard of Avoti. There is nothing in phrase making that he did not tbiok of and originate or formulate. "If the sugar teat raisers and tbe beet sugar indurttrius are driven out of business by the new tariff, sugar will be dearor," remarks a staodpat organ. Oh dear, and if tbey are not driven out of business by the new tariff, then wtat? "Would a mau with a Bulling license have a right to bulldog a deer?" in quires the East Oregoniao. Now, cheese it Sportsmen wilt not stand for tbe Koondup "capswallowlng" the game preserves. There are laws anougb to suppress tbe social evil in large cities it they were propeily enforced. Yes, and in tbe smaller cities too. Opportunity occasionally knocks at a man's door wben the man is ont get ting drink. Wby not use tbe 'pboue? Gov. SoUcr was a reformer and bis failuie to make good it a great dis appointment to tbe country. Sending psaobea ty parcel post ought to boom trade iu matrimonial buieans. Rcdiuu io vwld to be worth 52,. 000,000 a pound. A niokle' worth, please. 8eali Are Ferocious and Devour Live Fiah Inch by Inch.' Seals are still numerous and are dis liked by Labrador fishermen because their skill Is so much greater. Dr. Grenfcll says that he has known a seal to haunt a net so persistently that to get any fish the owner had to watch all the while at one end of it, and even then the seal would almost snap oft the fisherman's hand as be raced to be first to'disentangle tbe salmon. "Tbe large, gentle eye makes the seal's appearance exceedingly attrac tive and those Inclined to be sentimen tal have found In him a great scope for their effusions. As a matter of fact, he eats his prey alive. He will take a bite out of a fish and leave tbe rest to strug gle away and die slowly. They are fierce fighters and will catch and eat birds swimming on the surface of the water. One was seen devouring a salmon alive. Tbe seal swallowed him by inches, swimming a mile while the struggle lasted. It seemed an open question whether he would succeed or not Another seal was seen to capture a gull on tbe water, but tbe persistent harrying be got from the rest of the birds persuaded him to let the wound ed victim go. -Chicago News. MANAGERIAL ABILITY. If You Think You Possess It Here Is a Test You Might Try. Any one who has to manage men or things must be able quickly to bring order out of confusion. Test your friend's talent In this respect by writ ing on your paper five words of a spe cial class, such as the names of five flowers or of five animals or of five fa mous poets, with the first letter always In the right place, while the order of the other letters is changed. The person on whom you are experi menting knows only, to which class the words belong whether they are the names of animals or of flowers or of poets. See how long It takes him to write tbe five correc t words In place of the misspelled ones. The animal card may read, "Tetrul, etaleuph, dykeno, serdip, galllro," and the vegetable card. "Velito, dlloffad, melap, morosbmu, cuttnesb." Some persons will be able to rend at once, "Turtle, elephant, donkey, spider, go rilla," and tbe other card, "Violet, daf fodil, mnple, mushroom, chestnut." Others who have no talent for rear ranging the elements of a confused sit uation will stare at the words, unable to make any sense of them. Hugo Munsterberg In Youth's Companion. Reasonable Mistrust. "Now let us try," she said, "to keep the other passengers from discovering that we are a bride nnd bridegroom." "All right, dearest," be replied. "How shall we deceive them?" "Buy a couple of magazines, nnd we will pretend to be busy rending them ami avoid noticing each other." "That's a fine idea, sweetheart I'll get them right away." Twenty minutes later: "Lovey!" "What Is It, dearest?" "You are holding your magazine up side down." "Oh, George! If you are going to be gin being critical now bow shall I ever be able to please you after we have been married for five years." Brooklyn Eagle. Oriental Gems. ' All gems of the finest quality, irre spective of the part of the world from which they come, are generally spoken of ns "Oriental," becnuso the supply of precious stones came only from the east for ninny centuries; and when mines were discovered In the west, it was nt first assumed that tbe stones were inferior. "Occidental" is the term applied to inferior stones to this day. On the other hand, "Oriental topaz," "Oclentnl emerald" nnd "Oriental ame thyst" are renily nil sapphires, and are given these names only on account of their color. MODERNIZED THE ANGEL Notice. Notioe is hereby siveu tbat Rose Cornoyer, exeoutiix of tbe last will and testament of Gnstavos Cornover, deceased, will offer for sale at Alb. eoB, Oregon, at two o'olock in tbe afternoon on Saturday, tbe 25th day of Ootober, 1913, six head ol mules, wbiob were appriaiaed by tbe apprais ers of the estate at one bundled (f 100.00) dollars eaob; four bead of hoises oue cow, one Bain wagou and wheat rack, one wooden barrow, one header, one gang plow, and six sets of harness. All sales for oue hundred ($100.00) dollars or less must be for oash. Sales foi more tbau oue hun dred (HOO.OO)dollars may be made on three mouths time. Promissory notes bearing interest at eight per oeut evi deuoiug time sales will be taken pro vided tbey are made by solvent and responsible persons. Rosa Cornoyor, Peterson & Bishop, Exeoutrix. Attorneys for Executrix, SUMMONS. In tbe Cironit Conre for the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. First National Bank of Athena, a Corpoiatlou, Plaintiff, vs. Harry Brown, Drfeudant To Harry Brown, above uamed de fendnnt: Iu the uanie of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and re quired to appear and answer tbe com plaint filed against you in tbe above eutitled court within six weeks from tbe date of tba first publication of this snmmocs against you. and it yon fail la appear and answer and plead, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will de mand from tbe atove entitled court the tliff demauded in its complaint. to wit: For a jndemeot against yon in the snm of $335,00 with interest tbereou at the 'ate of 6 per oent per aununi from Septeuiter 1st, 1913, to gether with its costs aud disburse ments iu this action. Ibis summons is published pursuant to an order of tbe Honotable O. W. Pbalps, judge of the above entitled rout t, made on the 35th day of Sep tember, 1913, and tbe first publication thereof is on tbe 3rd day of October, 1913. Homer I. Watt, Attorney for Plaintiff. Mounted on Ball Bearings, It Now Acta u i Weather Vane, There are many kinds of angels ranging In style from those we read about in the Bible to those who bring out talent on tbe stage. ' It has remain ed, however, for a writer in the Amer ican Machinist to discover a new type of the seraphic assortment This an gel is "ball bearing" and entirely un like tbe common or garden variety of angels. It stands on top of the fa mous tower known as the Campanile dl San Marco, in Venice, and swings to tbe wind like a weather vane. The statue of tbe angel San Marco, which surveyed tbe old city of Lagunes since tbe sixteenth century, was found but little damaged among the ruins after the collapse of the tower. It was repaired and now stands again on the lofty height but is supported in a very different manner from tbe old, for it now rests on modern ball bearings. This method of mounting allows the statue to be turned around a vertical axis by tbe wind, so tbit it swings au tomatically into such a position that tbe angel always presents tbe small est surface to the wind or storm. If one considers that tbe large wings of tbe angel, which are eleven feet high, project straight backward, it may be imagined tbat the difference of tbe wind pressure is considerable, whether tbe wind blows against the small front surface or against tbe side exposing the large face of the wings. THE DREAM CAME TRUE. But Washington Warned "Light Horse Harry" to Dream No More. Tbe relations that existed between General Washington and Ids younger friend, "Light Horse Harry" Lee the father of General Robert E. Lee were exceedingly close and tender. It is an authentic tradition in tbe Lee fam ily that Washington regarded the bril liant young cavalry officer almost in the light of a son. Lee was inclined to be a spendthrift, and his lavish use of money often brought on bim tbe paternal reproof of bis older and more discreet friend and tbe reproof was often followed by affectionate assistance in extricating bim from his embarrassments. Mrs. Washington was almost equally fond of the young officer, who often made long visits at Mount Vernon. During one of bis sojourns there, Harry Lee remarked to bis host at the breakfast table: "General, I had a singular dream last night, which I must tell you. I actually dreamed that you made me a present of your Westmoreland place." Tbe next day, at tbe dinner table, Harry Lee found under bis plate a document nothing less than a deed to bim of the Westmoreland estate. For some moments, dazed with astonish ment, he stared at bis friend. "Now, Harry,' said Washington calmly, "take good care not to dream Mount Vernon nwoy from mel" Juvenile Ideas. A little girl once said to me, "Are there people on the moon?". I said I dldu know, but that perhaps there were. "Well, what do they do," she said, "when there's only n little bit? They must get very crowded. Don't tbey?" Which was almost as perplex ing as tbe query put to me by another little maiden, who asked. "What do angels do with their wings wben tbey lie down and go to bed?" Very quaint was the idea of a little girl who was once visiting a house where a small child had died recently. She was asked to draw something. So she drew a grave with some flowers on It. Her mother, on seeing It said, "Janle, you mustn't do that; Mrs. wouldn't like it. You sec, it reminds ber of very snd things." "Oh, well," said the child, "perhaps It was thought less of me, but 1 can easily turn it into a beehive." And she did, with all the bees coming out Hilda Cowbam in Strand Magazine. Time Enough. "Some women make me very tired," snld tbe first agitatress. "I asked one woman If she believed in woman suffrage, and she didn't know! she'd have to ask ber husband." "Did you find out bow long she bad been married?" asked the second agi tatress. "Yes. Three weeks." "Oh, never mind; I guess she'll do to call on again lu a year or so." New York World. An A B C Curiosity. The following paragraph is made up of twenty-six words, each beginning with n different letter of the alphabet their arrangement corresponding exact ly with the sequence of tho alphabet: A boy cerfntnly does enjoy fun great ly. He Incites Joy, keeps laughing, makes noises or plays quite riotously, seeming to unceasingly vibrate with x-cpsslvo youthful zestl New York World. Mutual Worry. Mrs. Coll-lt's too bad of you, Ethel, to worry your mamma so. Ethel (aged five, tearfullyi-Oh, well. Mrs. Call, If you'd live with mamma as long as I have you'd know which of us was to bInnie.-St. Paul Pioneer Press. Poor Jack. Clnra-Jak Intends to have all his own way when we are married. Clara s Mamma-Then why do you want to marry him? Clara To relieve bis mind of a falso Impression. Poor Man. "Is the tv.nn your sister Is goln to marry rich?" "Naw. ICvry time the marriage la mentlumd pa says, 'Poor manr Houston I'twt "TRIED TO BE TACTFUL. Yet Little Glory's Scheme Didn't Work Out According to Rule.' ' -"Children," said Mr. Tlmldns, who bnd been suddenly moved to deliver a little sermon as be swallowed his sec ond -;;g at breakfast "whenever you iiuur-.ihybody say anything mean or unph.isant, act ns though you hadn't heard it. Talk about something else nnd protend you don't hear. That's what we call tact." Wben Mr. Tlinklns got home that afternoon from tbe office be observed that somebody bad strewn his favorite golf clubs and all his golf bolls over tbe front yard. Summoning his six-year-old daughter Glory, be said sternly: "Glory, did you get all dad's golf things out and put them here where anybody could steal tbem?" "Dad," replied Glory with perfect composure, "isn't it too bad our ice cream freezer's out of order, 'cause Mary can't make any ice cream?" "Glory, did you dig up all this turf knocking those balls around?" "And Uncle Randolph came and took mother for a ride in his auto," contin ued the six-year-old. "Wben are we going to get an auto, dad?" "But Glory," said Mr. Tlmldns, "I want to know about these golf clubs. Did you strew them around here? Why don't you answer?" "Well, yes, I did." said the young person, "but I was trying to change the subject 'cause I didn't want you to know that I heard something mean and unpleasant" New York Post - : . MUNICIPAL PAWNSHOPS. In the Mont de Piete the Parisian Has Model Institution. The story of the Mont de Piete, the great pawnshop of Paris, reads like a romance. It Is tbe survival of an old bank conducted by a religious order es tablished to tight usury. This benevo lent enterprise was given up to be started afresh under the direction of the government in 1801, when Napo leon was near tbe height of his glory. Tbe profits go to the state and to char ityto the public aid department and to the hospitals of Paris. These chari ties benefit about $70,000 a year. The storage facilities of the Mont do Piete are admirable. The Frenchman may pawn his feather bed. When it comes back to him it as well as mat tresses, blankets and all bed furnish ings, bas been thoroughly disinfected. Tbe rate of interest on loans is small, and It encourages by all means the re demption of the goods on which money has been advanced. As tbe Mont de Piete advances money only on a con servative valuation as a rule to the value of two-thirds of the article pawn edthere is generally a surplus to go to the pawner if the pledge Is sold. Municipal pawnshops In Berlin charge 12 per cent, In Brussels 7 per cent and In Madrid C per cent In London for small loans tbe pawn shop rate is from 400 to 1,000 per cent per annum. Indianapolis News. Too Numerous. A darky employed as an office boy In Kentucky came to work one morning with a face that looked as though it bad been run through a meat grinder. "Henry," demanded his surprised employer, "what in the world has hap pened to you?" "Well, suh, boss," explained Henry, "I got into a little argument las' night wit' another nigger, and one thing led to another twell I up and bit at bim. Well, sub, it seemed Ink dat irritated bim. He took and blacked both of man eyes and bit one of mah years mighty nigh off and split mah lip and knocked two of mah teeth loose, and den he th'owed me down and stamped me in do stomach. Honest, boss, I never did git so sick of a nigger in mah lifer Saturday Evening Post Ancient Coffins. The coffins of the ancient Egyptians were made of marble and stone. The Romans used similar receptacles for their dead, and Alexander the Great is said to have been buried in a coffin of solid gold. In parts of England glass coffins have been found. Tbe Athenian heroes were burled in coffins made of cedar, owing to its aromatic, and Incorruptible qualities, while the first record of wooden coffins in Eng land dates back to the days of King Arthur. This monarch was supposed to have been burled in the hollowed trunk of a gigantic oak tree. The Lesson of Experience. "I'll bet that that bridal couple have been married before." "Why?" "They've been living in the flat above us for two weeks now, and tbey haven't started to quarrel about each other's relatives yet" Detroit Free Press. Tho Milkmaid. "You have too much rouge on, my dear young woman, to enact properly a milkmaid." "Have I, sir? But I thought a milk maid should be rosy cheeked." "On the contrary, a milkmaid Is nat urally a pall girl." London Telegraph. The Only Chance. Gerold!neDo you think that two can live as cheaply as one? Gerald Not unless cne is a cannibal and lives on the other. Woman's Home Com panion Business Tip. The most successful matrimonial agencies are those conducted by hand some young widows. New York Tribune. Patience Is tbe Tionest man's revenge. Cyril Toiirnlcr. MONEY TO LOAN SI PER CENT MONEY. I am prepared to loan 2 money in any amount on wheat land in vicinity of cAthcna or elsewhere. Rate 6 1-2 per cent 3 to 5 years, with repayment privileges; no delay. Call m in winr. riHUK a- f icinc n. i i twin nnr iAv-ayci- ri V; ! :. c .l . . . ., I fg$bi lyyttw yaywityg AET SQUARES MILLER, P Urvu t7,-.ot;i-i.a ivTon "hoc oHrlpfl "this nib x Ui. iiiLU.1 j.vj.a.11, iiuu wvw- line to his already large, varied stock Art Square Bargains We have tbe finest line of Art Squares ever shown in Athena. All are of modern designs and up-to" tbe minute patterns. They are going at prices never before beard of, olass of goods consideied. Our line of Faroiruie is complete. It inoludes late styles in Goisioan Walnut, Birdseye and tbe popular Golden Oak.. Tbe very latest novelties in Iron and Brass Beds. , Everything in Springs and Mattresses. . v Professional 8. P. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athena Oregor PETERSON & BISHOP Attorneys-at-Law Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. Official Stock iDspsctor. Graduate McKUUp Vctinary College, Chicago Phone Main 27, PENDLETON, OREGON Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist DR. E. j. SLOCUM Suggestive Therapeutist Office in Barrett Building Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Exami nation and Consultation Free. R. . RUDE, LIVESTOCK and General AUCTIONEER Satisfaction Guaranteed Reference First National Bank of Athena Office, Dutch Henry Auction, Feed and Sale Stable, Pendleton, Oreg. Phone, 133. OFFICERS S. F. WILSON, President, H. KOEPKB Vioe-President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier. E. E. KOONTZ. Ass't Cashier. DIRECTORS S. F. WILSON, H. KOEPKE, W. S. FERGUSON M. L. WAITS, F. S. Le GROW. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $100,000.00 We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation consistent with sound Banking. I sflsaGsasGiA mBbElZk UoEmh Athena Hote Mrs. L. Chittenden, Proprietor White Heip Only Employed Good Clean Rooms, Table served with the best the market affords THE t I ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. t w Only First-class Hotel in I the City. : THE ST. NICHOLS X la the only one tbat can accommodate commercial travelers. m 0. COM. MAIS ANOTHIBO, ATHBNA.Or. t Can btiecomendcd (or lta clean and well ventilated rooms. PAINTING In All Branches PAPERING And Decorating Complete Stock of Wall Paper, Paint Oil, Glass etc G.B.KIDDER, Main Street, Athena, Ore. BUTTER WRAPS At the Pres Office A Home For the Traveling Public Reasonable Rates Courteous Treatment rypm Via Jkr . Makes the food more delicious and wholesome POTH WK1W8 POWBEK CO.. NEW VOWK. ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. mm Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one oi the very best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for 1.4 Per Sack Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash. McGonnon Remedies " Known on their merits, as pure and reliably We call special attention to our tTHaccolax Tablets and CMentholatum Salve. All who have used them find same indispensable for the borne Our Stock Tonic is made from vegetable products and is gnarranteed from any poison matter. Same can be had from McConnon Wagon or Wright Livery Athena, Oregon