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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1913)
Press Paragraphs ' A. A, day. Fobs was io Pendleton jester- Bennett's Faint Corner Bar. Adv. Factory, next to Mrs. J. H. Harris of Weston, visited in the city Thursday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jaoob Freez, Ootober 6, 1913, a son. Jobu Duffy was in the city yester day from Walla Walla. Airs. George Mabar visited friends in Walla Walla. Saturday. Miss Ethel Canning visited her borne at Baker, over Sunday. Mr. and Mra. W. A. Barnes were in the city from Weston. Monday. Bennett's "Imperishable" Paint, the tiad that "wears like iron." Adv. . Mrs. Randall has been visiting ber sister, Mrs. Bert Ramsey this week. Lost. A bunob of keys. Finder please re.nrn to the Telephone offioe. For Sale. Seoond band f nrnitore. Apply to B. W. Drew, after Bobool boors. - . Mrs. W. W. MoPberson was the guest of Mrs. Will Bead near town this week. Elmer Turner, king ot baBe ball rootets, was in the city yesterday from Pendleton. : : y ' D. P, Lewis, the insurance agent, is La Grande. See Bennett, the Athena paint man for painting, papeibanging and deoor ating. Adv. ' Mrs. John ' Brinkley of Portland, has been the guest thiB week of Mrs. Fred KoontaU "' . , Mr. Moir, of Milton, a brother of Mrs. W. K. Wall, and wife attended the funeral of Mr. Wall in this oily TueBday.- Miss Conning, teaober of the third grade, has been ill a part of the week and her plaoe was supplied by Mrs. MoPberson. Mrs. Isabella Taylor is, down from her home near Pullman, Wash., at tending to business matters and visit ing relatives. Mrs. Frank Collins and little daugh ter of Beliz are viaitiug at the home of Mrs. Collins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tharp. Word reoeived from Miss Jessica and Luvois McEweo. states that tbey are nicely established in their respec tive sobools. Luvois at Aon Arbor and his sister at the Southern Seminary of Virginia. " . ... Miss Louise Knight will accompany her sister, Mrs. Herman Peters, - to California, where they will visit for bix weeks. The ladies ate daughters of Mr. and Mis. Hiram Knight, of this city and reside in Pendleton. Emery Achilles and Mr. Guy Denny leave next -week on a hunting trip through the Ukiah country.' They go especially outfitted for big game. Em ery Worthington will fill "big" Emery's plaoe at Fix & Eadtke's store. fxThe ojty is putting in new cement Pordss walks on 3rd and 4th streets, the first being oonstrnoted in front ot the Press bnilding. The work is being done under the supervision of Mar shal Ghohon, and Hiram Knight is the boss concrete mixer. , , Mr. and Mrs. Frost of Pendleton, accompanied by Alfred Soli, spent Sunday at the borne ot Mr. and Mrs. Fred Soil, In this city. X number of Weston people oome Lover nightly to attend the good plays presented at the opera noose riy tne Manion-Claman players. Misses Clara and Florence Zerba and their brother. Boy. who are attending MoMinnville College, write that they are very much pleased with the school. Will Bead. Luke Read and W. W. MoPberson returned Tuesday eveningJ 5 from a four davs hunt on Meaoham. K Peroy Wilsoo, who bad Bennett's Athena Paint factory manufactures - Bennett's "Imperisha ble" paint Adv. A Miss Lain Tbarp spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Get king, near Freewater. ; - gJJMrs. F. M. Knowlton baa returned from Spokane and Newport, Wash., where she spent the summer. Mr. and Mis. Hugh Mo Arthur came up from Portland this week and are guests at the Geo. Banister borne. Mrs. P. A. Worthington, of Port land, was a guest of Postmaster and Mrs. Hugh Wortbingtoa Saturday. J. E. Wiseman, who has teen farm ing Ira McDonald's farm northwest of town, this week moved to Colfax, v.'1 " . -, . - Mrs. Oliver Diokenson has rstnrned from an extended visit in Spokane with ber father, Rev. Achilles and family. Tbey report birds plentiful in mountain?. Athena Camp 171. W. O. W. will hold regular meetings 1st aud 8rd Wednesday of each month, beginning October 15tb. All Woodmen are in- nifni? tr ntfanrl HV" - well known life 1 George Payne Ibis week moved bis in the city from f family to Myriofc station, where he is employed on the M. P.. railroad. Car. and Mrs. Leon Miller have moved into the Payne residenoe. Mr. ; and Mrs. Kingsley, of La Grande, visited friends in this city last week. Mrs. rungaiey was rormer ly Mrs. Ida Claiey, and lived in Ath ena in its warly days. XWith snow low down on the foo hills, this seotion is experiencing Not vember weather for Ootober. Six inobes of snow was reported at Mea oham station yesterday morning. jveek Emil Mnllenteok, a painter and dec orator formerly of Keonewiok, and G. E. Smith ot Pasoo, arrived in Ath ena reoectly to work for E. A. Ben nett. Athena's bustling paint man. Mib. Harry Warren, residing with Iter husband ou the Stewart place norm or town, uaa iuo uiiuunuun iu ont ber band while obopping kind lings. Dr. Plamondon, who dressed tbe wound, found it to be of a serious natnre. Journal: Portland friends of Dr. and Mrs. Fred Lienallen of Pendleton, will be pleased to learn of their de rision to live io Portland, Dr. Lieu alien will practioe medioine. They will be domioiled at Fiftieth and Haw thorne streets. E. A- BENNETT'S PAINT SHOP House, Carriage and Automobile Painting, Paper Hanging Kalsomining, Etc Manufacturer of Bennett's "Imperishable" Paints an , , i- - i i vxr 11 rjiAnM. aeaier in rainis, uus, uiass aiiu wan raw. E. A. BENNETT, - Athena, Oregon. J ' , : : : ) i "f ' t S mm ; V t i) fz'n Mii - - jit--, Everything Fir. iX?2- - . . CUM - SOUTH ' SIDE MAIN mS&d STREET ATHENA W. Jaoobs arrived home this from Round Hill, Va, where be baa visited relatives since attending tbe Veterans' reunion at Gettysburg. Mr. Jacobs is looting bale and beaitv, and sajs he enjoyed his visit, bat he is glad to retnrn to Oregon. hU foot thef Broken in tbe wild horse ratie at Wal la Walla during tbe second day ot the Pioneer Davs' celebration, is still hob bling about on or u to lies. Wilson made good tbe first day by taking down a oouple of tbe prizes. . . ", -. Mrs. F. M. Weeks, formerly Miss Lorenz, a well, known writer ou tbe Pendleton ; East ' Oregooian several years ago, is in the city, ; being a member of the Manion-Claman obm pany. Her husband is one of the J leading actors of tbe company,- ( ; Miss Ceoile Boyd, who has been em ployed during ; tbe summer in the Portland public playgrounds is now established in the Faillog sohool in south Portland, .where she is super intending play and instructing grade teaobers in tbe recreation work. J. F. F. Clab enjoyed a theater party last evening, when tbe entire membership attended the play at tbe opera honse en masse. After the theater the olub was entertained by Misses Rutb Krets and Lanra Smith at the Fobs home, with an oyster sunper. AMr. and Mrs. Theo. Danner and daughter, Miss Delia, of Milton, were called here to attend tbe funeral of W. K. Wall. Tuesday. Mrs. Danner, who is a'sister of Mrs. Wall, was in Portland, and came np Tuesday morn ing on bearing of tbe death of ber 2ther-iu-law. It, and Mrs. B. D. Tharp will re Sunday for Portland, for a oou ple of weeks' visit. Mr Tharp. in oom pany with Reed Bill, will attend K. of P. Grand Lodge wbich convenes in Portalod next week. The two gen tlemen are delegates from Pytbian Lodge No. 29 of Athena. Tonight tbe Manion-Claman Players will be Been in their strongest play, "The Girl From Keswiok's". The entire oast ot tbe oompany appears in this pieoe and speoial soenery is car ried to produoe it. A Merchants' ticket and 85 cents secures a reserved eeat for one of the top notob plays of .th&day. Postmaster Worthington is having ,bis cottage on High street remodeled, and when oompleted be will have a model borne with all the modern con veniences. Two bedrooms, bath and closets will be added to the upper story, with bungalow roof and porob. Alex. MoFadyen has obarge of tbe carpenter work. Mr. and Mrs. Cass Cannon are this vyeek moving into their new bungalow near tbe City Park, Bnd will Boon be settled and at home to their friends. Miss" Leota Cannon, who is not teaoh ing this 868800, and Ralph Cannon, bookkeepber at tbe First National Bank, will make tbeir home with tbeir parents.. Alex Mclntyre continues to make improvements on his borne place, northwest of Athena. Reoently be oompleted a splendid new tarn, one of the test in tbe oonnty, and now he is drilling for an inexhaustible supply of good water. Leon Miller has tbe oontraot for drilling, and expeots to Nfiard a big flow at a depth of 200 feet. Athena Opera .- Ralph MoEwen bad a disagreeable and irritating experienoe with a motor oar and just plain mud, while return ing to tbe ranch tbe other evening from town. Neariog home, be was confronted with a hill slippory and steep. Without chains on tbe rear wheels, it was utterly impossible, fox the oar to mate the climb; so be just left the blamed thing in the road and walked home in the rain. Weston Leader: "Jim" Ritohey is here from Cornelius, Or., for a two weeks' visit, looking after his property iuterests. Local friends are glad of the fact that his interests oooasionally call bim baok to Weston, beoaoae of the gems of philosophy and pearls of widsom whioh he bestows in his pass ing conversation. By the way, a num ber of bis Weston friends would have bad more money and fewer ' green and gold bespangled souvenirs, bad tbey barkened to "Jim." f Arthur Soott, who reoently traded his Cold Springs wheat ranoh for land near Enterprise. Wallowa county, is advertising a sale of live 'stock and farming implements, to take plaoe next Monday, Ootober 13. at: the Cold Springs ranoh, . Mr. Soottjis favor ably impressed, t wit b this farming conditions in-'the Wallow'a country. His . holdings' there oontprise 400 acres of in iga ted. laud,- 1 is looitfd three miles .froMf1 Enterprise and i i principal crop 'will fceaUMllJI. Dr. and Mrs. : G. . JSeweom and little eon, Max, motored i'j from P'rineville, WedopsoVy evening, 'lbe trip to Athena was disagreeable on aoooont of muob rain1 and bad loads. Dr. Newaotn spent the past summer in selhns bis family medioine cabinet. making one extended tripwhich took him to the '. Nevada state line. He traveled 'irV Old "Betsy." his tried and trusty Chalmers car. The dootor will resume - tbe praotioe of medioine in Athena, having of Boes in tbe Post offloe bnilding. . fi Tbe Sunshine Club thid week re sumed tegular meetings, find held a very interesting session Thursday at tbe borne of Mrs. Casper Wood ward. Tbe main feature of the afternoon was n oake-baking contest wbioh was held in tbe domestio soienoe depart ment for tbe young girls of tbe club., Four ladies were selected as judges, and tbe prizes were awarded as fol io wos: First, Rena Hales; seoond Cyrene Lienallen ; third. Mrytle Potts. New officers for the olub were eleoted as follows: President, Mrs. Luke Read; vioe president, Mrs. J. C Walter; secretary, Mrs. David Stotie; treasurer. Mrs. Otha Reader. W, V. Goodwin, tbe youngest mem ber of tbe famous Goodwin familv of aotors, of whioh Nat 0. Goodwin is a member, will play here next Wed nesday night, at tbe opera bouse, snp- norted bv a capable cast of players in the season's test suooess, "Panama,' wbioli is a comedy drama and one that is guaranteed to please yon, or your money is refunded. This is a oity oompany, having their own speoial soenery, and offering vaudeville be tween aota. As a light comedian, it is said that young Goodwin is a seoond Nat 0., and he is doing some wonder- fnl work. Don't forget the date, Oo tober 15. and set your'ieBt now. Adv.- V Isabella Taylor has sold to Virgil 7 add Forrest Zerba, lots 11 and 12. House Goodwin Players in the great Comedy Success Wednesday October 15th . One Night Only Admission, 25, 35 and 75 Cents blook 1, Kirk's third addition to Ath ena. This property is tbe site of the Blooh bnilding at Main and Fourth streets. It is tbe intention of tbe new owners to move tbeir garage and ma chine shop to tbe building, wbioh will be repaired and arranged for meohan- Joa-l convenience. Yhailes Elrk bat disposed of bis leaks on the T. J. Kirk plaoe, together itn stock and farm equipment, to James Hodgson. Mr. Hodgson bas seonred a further lease from tbe Kirk estate, giving, it is understood, grain rent on a basis of one-half. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk and the children left yes terday for Halsey, near wbioh place tbfev will reside in f utnre. r Henry Pinkerton, a pioneer Weston Y resident, bas deoided to make his home in Athena, and this week purchased tbe borne of Cbaa. Coomans in the northeast part of town. The ooniid eration was 11100. Mr. and Mrs Pinkerton will immediately take pos session. Mr. Coomans and family will move into a cottage on Current street, near tbe Bank. 4 rSJobn Pieree and Alfred Pa nitron I bad an exoiting chase after a coyote Monday, and behind tbe Pierce boocds, had no trouble in capturing the varmint. It was with considerable pleasure that Alfred related tbe details of tbe obese to the Press man, for this Dartieular ooyote, one of tbe largest ever killed on tbe leservation bad tbe hatitof visiting nightly tbe Pambron flock of oblckens. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rogers and daughter drove up from Pendleton yesterday in tbeir handsome new Franklin oar, having as gnests Mr and Mrs. Q. C. Ayers of Tbe Dalles, and called upon Athena friends. Mr. Ayers is connected with the O-W. R, & N. railway company, and Mrs. Ayers was formerly Miss Bees Proefc stel, and resided with her parents here seversl years ago GETTING OUT OF THE WOODS. (BsisoDi (Off Man - Tailored Heavy Serge Suits For I $L lA WO in r MM MM For If You Get Lost Don't Lose Your Head, but Follow These Rules. A contributor to tbe Woman's Home Companion tells ns follows bow you may find your way out of the woods if you get lost: "If you discover tbut you nro lost In the woods sit down and think cnlinly btu-k over the rond you have traveled, trying to decide where the camp should He. Then, if you have your compass and It seems to ngree with your Judg ment, stick faithfully to that direc tion. Even if you are wrong in your derision it Is better to keep on In one direction, because you may fall In with Home stream find enn follow It to a hiimiiu habitation. "If you have no compass tbe sun Is nn excellent guide during tne any. Should the sky be overcast, place the point of your kulfe blade on the end of your thumb, turn slowly until the full shadow of the blade obscures the nail, and you have discovered where the suu is. "To prevent getting Into the circle bublt break off brunches of the bushes you pass, start n ore ir your maicn safe Is with you-ns It should be. lto- tnember that n fire plied up with damp wood makes a dense smoko and quick ly attracts attention, Two Bros going at once, one a little removed from the other, constitute a well known Blgnal of distress among woodsmen. The fir ing of three shots In succession-two ot first, then a pause, then the third shot Is another recognized signal if you happen to have a gun." g l This is a most unusual opportunity made through a special New York Purchase High grade tailoring, combined with all wool, menV wear Serge and Skinner's satin lining go . to make up a garment remarkable for its durability and stylish appearance. All the newest style features are embodied in this fine suit Long cutaway jacket, made with three and four button coat. The skirt is made in the latest two-piece effect, with gathers and belt at a slightly raised waist line Ordinarily this suit would cost in an jr store, at least $30, but unusual conditions make it possible for us to sell it at $25. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where it pays to Trade. PENDLETON, OREGON. Save your TPW Stamps On or tha Other. Her class was bright, and tho teacher was proud of It She was conducting a quiz in geography. "In what zone do we live?" asked the teacher. "Tbe temp'rut tone," chanted the well drilled class. "Right And what do we mean by temperate? Willie, you may answer.1 "Temp'rut Is where it's freezin cold half tbe time an' roastin' hot the other half the time." ' If Willie wasn't sent to the head for that If wasn't because he didn't de serve 'the honor, Cleveland rialn Dealer. Vsry Annoying. Mabelle-Wbat makes tbe leading lady so grouchy? Estelle-Sbe had counted on "inking a big bit with her divorce n" Hil season, and Just as tihe watt iilxMit to bring proceedings her buxtmntl IumI to go and die. Mabelle (IndiiiMntlyi Now, Isn't that Just like a mou? .1 ntl'e. . An Unreasonable Man, 9 sDeutd think you would like bim." "Wbyr "fie bas done so much for you." "I know he bas, but be wants me to acknowledge If-Chlcogo necord-Der-aid. From Her Standpoint. EinsleI didn't know he could afford to give you such an expensive engage ment ring. Egerla-n couldn't but wasn't It dear of him?-Life. TSBBB I Momutay Ocfolber 4f lid) At the Scott ranch, 2 miles west of German Hall, on Middle Cold Spring, I will sell at public auction 14 head Work Horses 1 Driving Team 5 sets Butt Chain Harness 3 Hogs 5 Pigs 1 double disc 2 3-bottom plows 2 Superior grain drills I Kentucky drill 1 binder 3 wagons with wheat racks 1 wagon with hay rack 3 weeders 1 Helix weeder 1 walking plow 1 Chatham fan mill 1 carriage 1 buggy 1 single harness 1 heating stove 1 parlor organ 1 Cyphers incubator 1 churn, chairs, table, sideboard and various other articles. 1 Best Combined Har vester Jr. 16 foot cut. 1 Cook House, mounted and furnished. Sale Starts at 10 o'clock a. m. Free Lunch at Noon Terms of Sale All sums under fifty dollars, cash. All sums over fifty dollars, one year credit with bankable note bearing 8 per cent interest Two per cent discount for cash. Arthur Scott Owner W. F. Yohnka, Auctioneer. E. L. Smith, Clerk.