POULTRY AND GAME Can rt yaa fancy prioas for Wild Duck aaa stfcer same in HMn. Writ as fat cash sffr n all kinds of poultry, pork, ate. Pearson-Page Co., Portland HOWARD . BUHTOH - Amyn aa OnM Laadrllla. Colorado. Bixmlnien pnossi Gold, lh.r, Lead, 0. Gold, SUver. fee: Gold. Woi Zlne orOoppar, ll MaHlaf eawlopes a id (all price list PATENTS &!&&g sUtstNasoaabla. Elf bM nfartaoas. BaMtarrieaa. Machinery sellers. Beeond-Hsnd Hachhv btt bought, told and xehangad: nirines. awmilla. etc The J. E. Martin Co., 83 1st Et Portland. Send (or Stock List t and prises. M.&M. SCHOOL of TELEGRAPHY - I3S-E3S Chamber of Commerce Batldlnl fUBTLAND, OREGON A school for the teaching of Telegraphy under the personal supervision of the proprietor, A. E. Myers, expirt telegrapher. Day and night sessions. TEKMS: Courses In easy monthly Installments, enabling; you to take up a well paid profession at little cost Writs (or (uU particulars. M Hnsitvai in an an ft flk m . or by appointment Mu 5714 DR. JOSEPII ROANE Chiropractor SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS Scientific Treatment of all Acuta and Chronic Diseases. Licensed Practitioner. Bulta4M-B-T Arcade Building. Seattle. acts and kills all filss. Neat,clan,or aaraeatal, coovealcnt, chop. Lasts all ssason. Mad el maul, cin'tiplll or tip over will not soil of Injure saythlar. Cuaranteed eflactiw. Bold by daalars, ot 6 sent r express pre paid lor iu ' aUaOU) BQMiJta. IN SsXalB Ave., BieoUya, X. t. Plain to Observation. Wife "Notice that third chorus girl in the front row. She used to go to school with me. Poor thing I ' She went on the stage because she had nothing to wear." Husband "So I see." London Opinion. Avoid White Paper. White paper is not as good as blue or brown for wrapping up things that are to be put away for a long while, as the chloride of lime in the paper will fade fabrics. Lost Money By Dishonesty. -Some years ago, when silver had much higher value than at present and the Mexican dollar was worth intrins ically about 95 cents, a counterfeit Mexican dollar came into the posses sion of the United States assayers at the Philadelphia mint. They assayed the coin and found it to be worth in trinsically $1.00. It seems that the mine from which the counterfeiters got their metal produced silver that was strong in gold. Thus the forgers lost money by making counterfeits. Truly Devoted Mother. Gushing Parishioner (who is dis playing the treasures of her establish ment to the new vicar s wife) And this is the precious pussy that I want ed you to see, Mrs. Leetera. Such a sweet disposition almost human. She has Just had the darlingest little kittens. Really, to see her with them is to witness the perfection of mother hood er, Cook I where are the kit tens?" Cook (tersely) "She ate them all, mum I" When Your Eyes Need Car Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting FeeU rine Acta Quickly. Try it (or Bed, Weak. Water Eyea and Granulated Eyelids. Illus trated Book in each Package. Murine la compounded by out Ocollsu not a "Patent Med icine" but mad In successful Physicians' Praa. Uca (or many years. Now dedicated to the Pob- 110 ana sola or uruggists at ae ana wo per Bouie. Manna Bye Salve la Aseptio Tubes, tia and We. Murine) Eye Remedy Co., Chloago Why Women Are Beardless. Among many savage nations it is the practice to pull out the hair on the face by the roots, and especially is this the case with the women. The persistence in this practice through out generations resulted in the weak ening and final destruction of the or gans in the skin which tend to produce hair, thus accounting for the general beardlessness of women. Where He Might Have Been. One of the incidents of Father Ber nard Vaughan's tour in the states was an encounter with a suffragette. The haughty lady approached the English visitor and said : "And where would you be, pray, but for a woman?" "Madame," came the reply, "on a sultry evening like this I should be eating ice cream under an apple tree In the Garden of Eden." St. Helens Hall Portland, Ob soon Resident and Day School for Girls In charge of Slaters of BfcJohu Baptist (Episcopal) Ooll.gUts, aeadamlo and Xlamsntsry Bapartmants, kUilo, Art, notation, Somaatto Art, DoausUs Soiaase, feysuaalua. If or catalog address TUB SISTER SUPERIOR, Office SO St, Ilelous 11 all Criticism That Seems Unjust. A dealer in curios and antiques In London has decided to exclude Ameri cans, on the plea that they "look but never buy." From the quantity and quality of phony junk which the tour ists bring home with them each year it was supposed, on the contrary, that they buy without looking. Where He Had Run. "I hear Arthur has bought a motor car." "Yes." "Where has he run with it so far?" "Principally into debt." Reputation. After a man has made a reputation It is the trying to decorate it that generally gets him into, trouble. Puck. Mothers will find Mrs. Winnows Sco thins, eyrup me nest remedy to use lor tnoir onuoraa luring the teething period. Knocks Rheumatism Remarkable Effects of a Remedy That Actually Irrigates the Entire Blood Supply. It Sounds Queer to take a hlnnA Vint but that Is precisely the effect of a most remarkable remedy known as S. U. 8. It has i peculiar action of soaking through the Intestinos directly Into the blood. la a few minutes ita Influence Is at work la very artery, vein and tiny oaplllary. "Overy membrane, evory organ of the body, very emunctory becomes In effect a filter to strain the blood of impurities. The stimulating properties of S. S. 8. compel the skin, liver, bowels, kidneys, bladder to all work to the one end of casting out every Irritating, every paln lnfllotlng atom of poison; It dislodges by Irrigation all accumulations In the Joints, causes aold accretions to dissolve, renders them neu tral and scatters those peculiar forma Hons In the nerve centers that cause such mystifying and often baffling rheu matic pains. And best of all, this remarkable remedy la welcome to the weakest stomach. If you have drugged yourself until your stomach is nearly paralysed, you will be astonished to find that 8. 8. 8. gives no sensation but goes right to work. This is because it Is a pure botanical infusion, Is taken naturally Into your blood Just as pure air Is inhaled naturally Into your Iuiiks. The great Swift Laboratory has spent millions of dollars In perfecting, produc ing and placing In the hands ot the pub llo this wonderful remedy. Bo give your blood a good bath with S. 8. 8., for It knocks the worst forms of rheumatism and gives you freedom to enjoy life, Tou can get It at any drug store at 11.00 a bottlo. It Is a standard remedy, recognised everywhere as the greatest blood antidote ever discovered. If yours la a peculiar case and you desire expert advice, write to The Swift tSpeclflo Co., 140 Swift Sldg., Atlanta, Ga. In a Strange Place. Little Alice was visiting her grand parents in an Eastern city. One Sun day grandpa took her to church with him. When sermon time came Mary looked around a little, and, seeing a relative up in the gallery, whispered shrilly: "Oh, grandpa, look up there! See Cousin Mary sitting on a shelf." Catty. "My husband," she said, "always wants me to look my best, no matter what the cost." "Well," her friend replied, "one can hardly blame him for feeling as he does." Chicago Record-Herald. Economy. Hub "Have you done what I asked and saved some money this month?" Wife "Yes, dear. I spoke to the grocer and he's promised not to send In his bill till next month. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets reea late and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels, sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. Morgan Mot. A Plerpont Morgan mot, or epigram, on the subject of energy was repeated the other night at the Metropolitan club In New York, where Mr. Morgan once said: "The satisfied, unambi tious man, the man without energy, can seldom afford to take that famous and popular room at the top." Immense Output of Bibles. As an illustration of what the Bible output of the Oxford University Press Involves, it might be mentioned that the skins of 100,000 animals are used every year for the covers of Oxford Bibles alone, and 400,000 sheets of gold are required for the gilt lettering. Here's a Tip. If a girl worked half as hard to nlease a man !after marriage as she does before marriage, lots of lawyers would starve to death. Cincinnati Enquirer. Thing That Must Be Preserved. Never esteem anything as of advan tage to thee that shall make thee break thy word or lose thy self-respect. Marcus Aurelius. Difficult. "Good gracious I What makes you look like that? Has anything hap pened?" "Well, I had my portrait painted recently by an impressionist and I'm trying to look like it" Heard In a Restaurant. First Diner "Let me see. I think I'll order some lamb." Second Diner "Don't! I never order Iamb in this place it's mutton before you get It Many Such. In addition to his enemies and his friends, the wise man has a list that he labels mentally: "Impossible to classify." Brute. Co-ed "What tense do I use when I say, 'I am beautiful?' " Bold Soph "Remote past" Vermont Crabbe. Usual Way. When a man doesn't know just what to say he generally says it anyhow and then regrets it Puck. Gentleness and Strength. Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing so gentle as real strength. St Francis de Sales. Love. Kisses are loves' assets, quarrels Ita liabilities. Helen Rowland. BOOKKEEPING SHORTHAND Telegraphy: Commercial, Railroad, Wireless Are Included In the court at BUSINESS COLLEGE Writ us for further information. No troubi. to answar questions. Fourth Street Near Morrison Portland, Oregon FARM 1. ORCHARD Notes and Instructions from Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations of Oregon and Washington, Specially Suitable to Pacific Coast Conditions Kill Canada Thistle With Thorough Cultivation Only by such cultural methods as will result in keeping the Canada this tle from growing above ground, can its eradication from infested fields be effected, is the substance of the reply to inquiries from various parts of the state made by Professor Scudder, agronomist of the Oregon Agricul tural college. The methods by which this is to be accomplished are ex plained somewhat as fellows : Plants should not be allowed to go to seed, as the form is so light that they are carried considerable distance by the wind, in irrigation ditches or in hay, manure, and grain. - When occuring in small areas it should be cut while in bloom, close to the ground and completely covered with tar, building paper, or a heavy coating of straw or manure. The cov ering is to be left on the spot until the ground is to be plowed, after which it may be seeded to a row crop such as corn, checked-rowed, or a smother crop of buckwheat or rape, sown thickly. If but few scattered individual plants are found, these should be cut off just below the surface of the ground when they are in bloom and a handful of stock salt thrown on the roots, or a small amount of gasoline applied. If the thistle grows in a number of small clumps, scattered through the field, they may best be treated either by smothering or by the use of sodium arsenate spray made by dissolving one and one-half pounds of this salt is. fifty-two gallons of water. . If ap plied by a small hand sprayer, so that the thistles are thoroughly covered just before they bloom, the solution will kill back the tops to the ground. They should be sprayed as often as they reappear. The method is effec tive but as this spray is very poison ous care should be taken not to inhale it or permit stock to pasture on the sprayed plants. When scattered generally over large fields, the land should be plowed after the crop has been removed and then cultivated with a spring tooth harrow, which will turn out the roots and bring them to the surface. The fol lowing spring the ground should be plowed every four weeks and if this tles appear, thoroughly cultivate with a spring tooth harrow up to July, when it may be seeded to a smother crop of buckwheat or rape, thickly sown. This crop is followed with fall plowing and cultivation. In the next spring put the ground into cultivated row crpp such as corn, potatoes, etc. If the thistles were older and have ob tained a good hold, the best method is a thoroughly cultivated, bare fallow. In this case the first plowing should be shallow and increased in depth with succeeding plowings that the roots may be torn out and killed. ' All the above methods have been thoroughly tried out and proved suc cessful Bcores of times, but unless they are thoroughly carried out, none of them are of any value. Dust Box Keeps Lice From Robbing Egg Basket Oregon Agricultural College," Cor vallis A box of fine dust placed where the hens may have access to it during the fall and winter months will enable them to keep down the louse pest Professor Lunn, of the poultry depart ment in the college, explains why this is so, as follows : "Don t let the lice rob the egg bas ket. Summer is rapidly passing. It is time to begin planning for winter eggs. One of the foundation stones of good egg production is the health, vigor and contentment of the hen. If she isn't contented, the egg basket will show it She can't be happy or contented if overrun with lice. A few lice won't trouble her. It is only when overrun with them that serious results are noticeable. Now, it isn't practicable to dust the individual hens in a large flock, and it isn't necessary. If given an opportunity the hen will look after the lice question herself. All that is necessary on the farmer's part is to provide a good dust bath and she will do the rest The chicken louse being one of the lower forms of animal life, breathes through small spiracles, or holes in its body. The dust coming in contact with these holes, clogs them up, preventing breathing, which results in death. "I said it was time to begin plan ning for winter eggs. It is also time to lay in a supply of fine dust. Sack it up or fill a barrel or box and store in a good dry place for fall and winter use. A Bupply can be kept in the chicken house in a box of about 18x24x6 inches for the chickens' use. It would need replenishing only every week or two." We All Feel That Way. To the unthinking, senseless knock er, who is nothing more than a mon umental nuisance that planks his bag of bones upon everything for the com mon good that comes up. May the bubonic plague grasp him. Petaluma Courier. Happiness. My creed is this: Happiness is the only good. The place to be happy is here. The time to be happy is now. The way to be happy is to help make others so. Robert G. Ingersoll. Welsh Gold Mines Still Worked. Welsh gold mines, in one of which a rich vein is reported to have been struck, have been systematically worked for over sixty years. Gold was first discovered in the principal ity in 1S45, in a lode, on the Clogan mountain. Insect Pests. The Agricultural department esti mates the injury done to the crops of the United States- by insect pests at $420,000,000 a year. Many of them can be suppressed only by birds. Raising: Chicks by Hundreds, The farm poultry keeper who raises 500 or more chicks a year finds a brooder house an almost indispensable adjunct It makes it possible to take care of the chicks with the least labor, gives them an abundance of air and plenty of room for exercise in stormy weather when they would be too close ly confined in smaller brooders. The brooder house in use in Mis souri poultry experiment station and recommended by Director Quisenberry to anyone who raises large numbers of chickens hatched by incubators is 40 feet long by 14 feet wide on a con crete foundation with rat-proof wood floor, says Farm and Home. A matched board partition through the center provides two apartments, each having its own heater ' in center of room. If the heater gets too warm for the chicks nearest to it they move back to a 'comfortable temperature, which they cannot do if kept in a small room. Each apartment will house 2000 chickens and should not be used for less than 500 as their own heat helps to regulate the temperature of the room, and the cost of the build ing and running heating plant is too large for a small number. The baby chicks are placed in one apartment and their yard is fenced with 12-inch wire netting so that they cannot get far from their foster mother. When they become large enough to hustle around a little they are placed in the other apartment and allowed to roam at will, but their water supply and dry mash hopper are placed near the entrance so that they do not get very far away. " There is plenty of shade in the immediate vicinity so that they do not have to stay in the house to get out of the sun. The building completed with a good coat of paint cost $225 and the self- regulating oil heaters about $20 each, All window openings are covered with fine wire netting to keep out birds and rodents. SUNDAY NIGHT SUPPER Traing Grape Vines. The grape vine is one of the most accomodating plants that grows. You can train it anywhere, and in any shape you want If there is a va cancy in the row you can fill up gaps by layering young canes that have grown from the root of the vine. Or tie a young cane up to the wire to take the place of the vine, and bend the old one down into a trench 6 inches deep and carry it along as far as it will go. Anchor the vine with sods or earth with stones on top, and add more from time to time if needed, and thus cover the wires with a con tinuous row of vines. If the original vine is in a pocket of rich earth, or near a ditch or stream where the roots can get a good supply of moisture, the new growth could be layered year after year for a mile, according to a writer in Farm and Home. There is no need of vacancies in a row because of lack of soil to support a vine in a particular place. If a vine has grown wild for years in a yard or by an arbor, the old vine can be lay ered in trenches along the arbor or across under a walk or driveway. Stake up young canes where wanted, or where there is room for a vine, and get fruit from them. I set a bud of the Ulster, which does not do as well on its own root, into a seedling of Concord, and it grew to the height of 6 feet, with seven laterals from 18 inches to two feet long the first year. I layered it in the fall and staked five laterals up, which bore fruit the next year. Tf : " Sure-Death Fly Poison. I read somewhere recently that for maldehyde and water constitute a good fly poison, and hasten to add my testi mony to the many volumes already written on this important subject The scheme will work, under proper conditions. Purchase 5 cents' worth (or more, if you have many flies) of formalde hyde at any drug store, and put two or three drops in a saucer of water. Then and this is extremely import ant catch the fly and hold him by the left hind leg with his head immersed in the mixture for three-quarters of an hour. When removed he will be quite dead. Repeat the operation un til all the flies have disappeared. Exchange. Since Eve's Time. A woman can say "dear" to another woman and make it sound like "I'm a liar." nr. i " Outpouring:. The garret seemed suddenly empty, as I closed and sealed a letter to you. John, James Audubon's Gun. The gun used by John James Audo bon, the naturalist may be seen in the New York Museum of Natural His tory. It hangs below a picture of the scientist, who is great among great Americans. Magazine of American History.' Doubt. Barker "Congratulate me, old man ! My best girl has just accepted me over the telephone!" -Candidus "Are you sure she understood what you were saying?" Judge. ' One Regrettable Omission. The society reporter nearly always omits one important detail in writing up the wedding. She neglects to say whether the happy bridegroom has made any arrangements which will en able him to support a family. Topeka Capital. ' His Only Chance for Peace. "A malcontent," mused the man at the head of the table, "is a man who is never satisfied with his lot The only one that could bring peace to his rebellious spirit Is the family lot" HOUSEKEEPER TELLS HOW SHE HAS SOLVED A PROBLEM. Quite Possible to Have Good Things to Eat and Yet Reduce Work to a Minimum How She Dots It Bister and I always get the Sunday night's supper so that mother can have a rest from the household cares, writes a correspondent of the Boston Herald. We hare concocted some rather good things to eat and I am go ing to tell you about them, because the Sunday night's supper la always a bothersome meal. One of the things we have often Is cheese sandwiches, hot They are made of fcrovm broad which has been cut very thin and spread with a paste which has been made by rubbing elx tablespoonfuls of freshly grated cheese with two table spoonfuls of butter. This is then sprinkled with salt and paprika and the two sides of the sandwich firmly pressed together and the whole tried In hot butter. Just as soon as It is light brown In color It Is taken from the lire. Sister has a cheese and nut sandwich whlcn. nearly everybody likes, and she serves this, too, for af ternoon teas sometimes. "'.,' """. Chicken and nut sandwiches are good, too. Any chicken which Is left over Is chopped very fine and almonds and English walnuts are chopped fine and added to the chicken In about the. proportion of a cupful of chicken to a quarter of a cupful of nuts. This is then softened with cream, so that It will spread easily on bread. It is then seasoned with salt and paprika. You can use either white or brown bread, whichever you like best We have a pretty way of serving eggs, too, by making a hollow In. a slice of buttered toast Into this put an egg sprinkled with grated cheese; pour a little cream over It and set id the oven to bake or Just long enough for the egg to set It is quite delicious, and a change from the ordi nary way of Berving eggs. The other day at an afternoon tea we had the most delicious chocolate sandwiches. Powdered chocolate is mixed with sugar, either boiling water or milk, and a little vanilla, and stirred over the fire until It Is per fectly smooth and thick. Then it is taken off the stove to cool, and before it is quite cool it is spread between either thicknesses of bread or crack ers. Really, you ought to try it some times; it is delicious. Lamp Brackets for Plants. When window space is limited, and you do not wish to place pots on the window sill, purchase some ot the old time swinging brackets used to hold kerosene lamps against side walls. They -may be bought at a hardware etore. They are merely rings that turn this way and that from hinges se curely fastened In the casings, and in to these rings flower pots fit exactly. Two of them on either Bide of a win dow, one above the other, filled with blooming plants or drooping ferus, make a most artistic arrangement and as they may be turned to catch the changing rays of light the plants de velop more symmetrically than house plants ueually do. These braokets per mit the placing of plants in sunny bay windows when pots upon the sills would be in the way. Baked Milk Toast Trim the crusts from slices of bread cut about half an inch thick and toast to a delicate brown. Spread each slice lightly with butter, sprinkle lightly with salt and arrange the slices In a deep dish. Pour over them " enough milk to cover the toast putting it on slowly that It may soak Into the toast If you wish to expedite the work of preparation, heat the milk; but if you have plenty of time it may be put on oold. When the dish Is full cover it and set it In the oven and leave it there for 20 minutes. At the end ot that time the contents of the dish will be soft and steaming ; remove the cover and leave the dish In the oven long enough to crisp the top layer about ten minutes and serve from the dish In which It was cooked. Doing Several Things Together. It was said of Caesar, that he could dictate to five secretaries at one time. Whether true or not at least Caesar had the first Ideas of efficiency, be cause by grouping tasks and doing similar processes together we do save time. When peeling vegetables one can speed up if several peelings or pickings of fruit are done one after the other. By carefully planning the menus In advance it is surprising how many tasks can be grouped together with saving ot time and effort and one handling of utensils. Try It and you will be Burprised how efficient you will become and how much labor you save yourself. Filling for Turnovers, Take one coffee cup of raisins and two small lemons, after removing the seeds, and chop together fine. Add two well beaten eggs, a large cup of sugar, halt a cup ot molasses and ta bleapoonful of melted butter. This will make about a doien and a half turnovers, or It Is nice tor a pie. A Hint About Left-Overt. .When you have a quantity of meat left over from the previous meal and desire to make hash or croquettes, boll the meat for an hour or two. This renders the meat tender and the croquettes will be far more palatable than If the hard, dry meat is simply chopped up, as most housekeepers do. Mint Salad. Break off the tender tops ot spear mint To one pint add one tablespoon tul ot minced chives. Dissolve brown sugar In vinegar and pour over. Mus tard or cresses may be used In place of the mint or very young onions In stead ot chives. . - Baked Bean Soup. To cold baked beans add as much tomato sauce, pinch of salt pepper and halt an onion. Cover with water and stew for half an hour. Sift and serve. - Confident of Her Power. "Every woman knows that although she may not be as vapidly pretty as some of her rivals, she rejoices in a certain indefinable charm which gives her an Incontestable advantage over them all." A Little World, by Arnold Goldaworthy. IV rtrtftv Mt WtW thlnf 1 bluing. Don't : ae Ptw'tMu(n. A.k tor Kf Cross Ball jvivte, tha worn awl blue Dlogrcftca Reply. Dou?nc, Tahen someone had said to him, "Yeu pretend to be a philosoph er, but know nothing," rejoined: "Even prctemiinR to be learned shows a fondness for it" Convenient to Have Around. One of the most convenient people In this world la Homebody you can blame. Manchester Unioa. II 1 1 if 1 i II Lmtm RAISES the DOUGH Better than other powds producing light, dainty, whole soma cakes and pastries CRESCENT BAKING POWDER is high grado and j moderate) in price - 25c lb. tia at gTocrs.fJ Crsaeeat Mfc. CoSaattl. j n if irrnnf i - Had Made a Change,' Clergyman "I have Ja hazy recol lection of marrying you before." Actress "You did, but not to this gentleman." Life. "ML is Well -Iliatl'WeiP Along with dvprta comes nervousness, sleeplessness and gen eral ill health. Why I Becausa a disordered stomach does not permit tha food to be assimilated and carried to the blood. On the other hand, the blood is charged with poisons which come from this disordered digestion. In turn, the nerves ara not fed on good, red blood and we e those symptoms of nervous breakdown. It is not head work that does it, but poor stomach work. With poor thin blood the body is not protected against tha attack of germs of grip bronchitls-rconsnmp-tion. Fortify the body now with , . t ; DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery ' an alteratlva extract from native medicinal plants, prescribed In both liquid and tablet form by Dr. K. V. Pierce, over 40 years ago. More than 40 years of experience has proven Its superior worth as an in vltforatinn stomach tonic and blood purifier, it Invigorates and regulates tha stomach, liver and bowels, and through them the whole system. It can now also be had in sugar-coated tablet form of most dealers in medicine. If not, send 60 cents in one-cent stamps for trial box to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y. .The Common Sense Medical Adviser. IS A BOOK OP 1008 PAGES HANDSOMELY BOUND IN CLOTH TREATS PHYSIOLOGY. HYGIENE, ANATOMY, MEDICINE AND IS A COMPLETE HOME PHYSICIAN. Send 31 one-cent stamps to R.V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Parliamentary. It was getting late, and still the venerable ex-United States senator lingered in the parlor with the young people. .-Evidently something had to be done."! hope, papa," Baid.bis daughter, gently but resolutely, "that you will not be offended if I now move a close call of the house, during which all persons not entitled to a voice in the proceedings will please retire, while Charlie and I discuss a question of personal privilege!"- . Bed Cross Ball Blue gives double value for your money, goes twice as far as any other. Ask your grocer. Perished in Vain Sacrifice. Alice Meadows, an Engish novelist, was drowned in the Thames in an at tempt to rescue her dog, which fallen into the river. The incident speaks volumes for Miss Meadows' kindness of heart, but nevertheless it was fool ish. The dog could swim, and evi dently the young woman couldn't . Quiet Enough, but When an Irishman was fined for being drunk at Tallaght, County Dub lin, the chairman asked if the man was quiet at the time of the offense. Constable "Yes, your worship. He Had some of his clothes off and was saying his prayers on the roadside. He thought he was going to bed." Snake Into Your snoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting, sweating feet. Hakes new shoes easy. Bold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores. Don's accept any substitute. Sample FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N . Y. Flesh. All the riding hard, shooting true and dying game poor ethics of the open had not brought a crumb, not a crumb, of the real bread of life. Will Levington Comfort. " Personal. Poser for a butcher who gives short weight: If 16 ounces go to a pound, where do you expect to go to? Sacred Heart Review. . Difference. To men a man pretends he is a good fellow; to women, what a bad man he is. . - . r Ancient Spanish University. Zl The oldest Spanish university is that of Salamanca, founded in 1240. .. ; . Yes, Yes. Divorce suits are generally home spun. Lippincott's. WOfHAN TOOiC FRIEND'S ADVICE And Found Health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Windom, Kansas. "I had a displace ment which caused bladder trouble and I was so miserable I didn't know what to do. I Buffered from bearing down pains, my eyea hurt me, I was nervous, dizzy and Irregular and had female weakness, I spent money on doctors but got worse all the time. "A friend told ma about the Pinkham remedies and I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and was cured. I cannot praise your remedies enough for I know I never would have been well if I had not taken It" Miss Mast A. Horner, Route tto. 2, Box 41, Windom, Kansas. Consider "Well This Advice. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope un til she baa given Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal in gredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for nearly forty years proved to be a mwt valua ble tonic and invigorator of the fe male organism. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble. Compound. If yea want special advice writ to Lydia E. Plakhara Medicine Ca. (eoafl deatial) Lvaa. Mass. Tear letter will ke epeaea, read and answered by a Wo max and held la strict coalleaca. lUBil lli!J?! J..11.,... 1,1 1 V Dr. Johnson's Rebuke. Dr. Johnson was once in' company with a gentleman, who affected to maintain Dean Berkeley's strange po sition "that nothing exists but as per ceived by some , mind." ; When the gentleman was going away Dr. John son said to him: "Pray, sir, don't leave us; for we may, perhaps, forget to think of you and then you will cease to exist" :; v-i , X True to Her Word. Black "She said on her wedding day that she would go through every thing for, him." . White "Well, I. guess she has.-' I loaned him a ten spot this morning." Judge. Genuine-Pity. : "Mr. and Mrs. Whiff er never have any arguments." - 1 "How does that happen?" "Mr. Whiffer won't ar gue' , "The poor woman." Bir mingham Age-Herald. All That Happened. ." 'Lo, Jim! Fishin'?" ' "Naw; jest drownin' worms." Harper's Weekly. ; s:- -: " . . The Reason. ' "What's that awful swearing out there, Hilda?" "Oh,sir, the bishof has mislaid his bible.":. " Everything 0. !(. With your appetite your digestive organs your liver your bowels. try a short course of It . helps Nature overcome such ills as Flatulency, Indiges tion, - Constipation, Bilious ness,' Cramps " and Malarial Fever. Get a bottle today. "DIDN'T HURT A BIT is what they all say V V of oar Painless Methods of Extracting Teeth, Out-of-towa pao pla can have thato plat and brldo work flalshad in oaa day tf aicsssary. Aaahaotatastiaiw antes, backed byM ft. W. . WISt, from? mm stiass wars In Portland Wise Dental Co, OrTtCt HOURS) A M. to 8 P. M. Sana-ays ta 1 - Phones: A 2029: Main 203. ralDat Bids.. Third and Waahingtea, Partlaasj 1 OUT Or TOWN PEOPLE caws. Fnofflvt Mponvt Kent, er -lmia, Bralta isllaias nasssa tnua C GEE WO UuCblaes. aVMteav Tit one mora if yen hate bsea Soetarins' wtth this on. and that oat and ban aot obtalnM pas maaent relief. Let th la r3t Bator hljr dla. Bow roar ease a4 preacrib. mamm fwai WLoas) aetkmiaqBtck.aar.aBl .V lit. praocripuoms am compounded from Bocxa, Berbi, Bads as4 Barks tsatsars baea sathrd from aarr nas, terof lh siotoa. Th. cntm of thM at.!cta ant sot koinra to th. ratd world, oS Ys. bwa taauUaslatCaiaa. s-w-msw COXSTJLTATIOS F8EB. If jcts 11 ijy oat of towa aitd osawc cavil -rH ftsr mptosa biaaa and eueoiac t-fflnitartassaanssK TEE C.6EEW9 CHINESE KEB1C1XE CD. 162 Hrst St, Cor. Morrlsoa FsrUaad, Ortgeaw p. n. u. No. n. na tVHES wrhlat U avtxtiasrs. mlacar aes 1 11 Meat tbia paaar.