The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 26, 1913, Image 4

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Cu ret roa f ancr prices (or WDd Dock
ad ether ram in mun, Write as for
ease offer oa all kinda of poultry, pork. etc.
Pearson-Page Co., Portland
Second-Hand Machin
ery bought. Bold and
exchanged: marines.
BoOerB. sawmllla, etc. The J. E. Martin Co 83 lat
St, Portland. Bend for Stock Liat and pricea,
SUM. Meat,cieaa,ao
Blflif BiaL CWBTtliiciA
chop. Leata all
a ion. Hid. of
swtal. cantspiUortip
orcr i will aot toil or
Injure earthing.
Guaranteed effective,
old 1T daalara, or
6 antbr eiprcaiBra
paid lor i.
IIHU OJOkA 1M BJU Ara, Breeklra, X. ..
I83-U5 Chamber of Commerce Baildlne;
A school for the teaching: of Telegraphy under
. the penonal auperviaion of the proprietor, A.
. Myers, expert telegrapher. Day and night
sessions. TERMS: Couraea in easy monthly
Installments, enabling- you to take up a welU
paid profession at littla coat Writ for full
Hours, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m..
or by appointment
Hail 5714
SatenrJflc Treatment of all Acuta and Chronic
Diseases. Licensed Practitioner. Suite 424-6-7
Arcade Building. Seattle. .
Time Is Sometimes Kind.
Father Time is not always a hard
parent, and, though he tarries for
none of his children, often lays his
hand lightly upon those who have used
him well, making them old men and
women inexorably enough, but leaving
their hearts and spirits young and in
full vigor. With such people the gray
head is but the impression of the old
fellow's hand in giving them his bles
sing, and every wrinkle but a notch in
the quiet calendar of a well-spent life.
From Barnaby Rudge.
Puzzle Is to Find Out Whether Time
piece of Grandfather Started
Ahead of the Alarm.
yesterday morning two clock
started a race. , The alarm clock weal
so fast that it gained one minute an
hour while grandfather's clock ran Fascinating Little Trifle Is Being Vorth.ey are
so slow that It lost two minutes an ' ii, i- r. Z, design as In mat
vv ui ii on cvury rossioie.
nour,. me picture shows the alarm
ciock to be one hour ahead at the fin
ish. But who can tell the hour when
the race started?
orandfather s clock lost two min
utes every hour and the alarm clock
gained one minute every hour, so it Is
evident that the alarm clock in every
hours time gained three minutes
upon the other.
Therefore, in twenty hours it gam
ed sixty minutes and from the picture
Not the Only Dainty Design That Has
Been Copied From the Stage-
Delicate Coatees Also Have
Great Favor Society In
the Gay Capital.
ARIS. The success of the boudoir
cap may he said to be phenom
enal. It has been adopted by wo
men of all ages and It is worn on
all sorts of occasions In bed, when
the early cup of tea is taken; In the
boudoir or dressing room, while let
ters are being read and answered; In
the afternoon, in conjunction with a
picturesque tea gown. Pretty women
have discovered that the boudoir cap
at Its best is a particularly decorative
headdress and naturally they have
made their own of it
In a cap designed for Mile. Jeanne
Provost, who wore It with great suc-
oess at a recent matinee, when she
was playing the part of a charming in
valid, the crown was composed of
hand-painted chiffon which showed a
delicate pattern of blurred roses on an
Ivory ground, writes a correspondent
of the Cincinnati Enquirer. The frills,
which fell over the hair, were of plain
white chiffon, and a length of black vel
vet ribbon was arranged in little loops
HIGHEST AND LOWEST POINTS 11 roun1 the crown' wlth a ful1 roBette
Clock Race Puzzle.
we saw that the race must have bees
on for twenty hours.
During the twenty hours the alarm
clock gained twenty minutes - upon
correct time. Twenty hours previous
to twenty minutes of 8 is eleven
hours and forty minutes, or twenty
minutes of 12 in the morning of the
aay oeiore the time when the race
St. Helens Hal
Resident and Day School for Girls
la ohame of Slaters of Bt John Baptist (Eplaoopal)
Odllaclate, Aoadamlo ana BUmantary Dapartmanta,
Hallo, Art, Elooatlon, Doaaatle Art, Dvm.iti. lotenee.
St. Helens Hall
, Sound Education in Finland.
In the rudiments of a sound educa
uon ine r innisn people are unsur
passed. Practically every man and
woman in the country has a working
knowledge of reading, writing, and
arithmetic, and every child of school
, age receives careful instruction in
these studies. Every adult has
vote, and although 63 per cent of the
inhabitants are women, there are only
seventeen of their sex in the Finnish
diet ,
Irritating Skin Troubles,
so prevalent In summer, such as hives,
poison oak, chafing, sunburn, eczema,
etc., are quickly relieved when Ty-
ree s Anuseptio rowder Is used. 25c,
at druggists or sample sent free by
o. 'ryree, Washington, D. a Adv,
How Does It Get Across?
At ascertain eastern university one
or the professors was conducting an
examination in physiology. He asked
for a description of the circulation at
the extremities, meaning, of course,
the capillary circulation. The youth
ne caned upon evidently did not know
much about the matter, for he replied
that the blood went down one leg and
up the other! Youth's Companion,
Mothers will And Mrs. Winnows Soothing
Dtuii nw una i. rnmeur to use lot lusir OuUuroi)
Hiuuiy tuo teevaiug poriua.
Lucifer Matches Date From 1834.
Lucifer matches that is, matches
tipped with an explosive substance
that bursts into name on being struck
were first used about 1834. Many
improvements have been made in
matches since then, the most import
ant of which was the invention of the
safty match, striking on the box only.
By our own faith we can only move
mountains; by the faith that others
put in us, be may move the world.
Sarah Grand.
To Strengthen Glassware.
Boiling a piece of glassware in a
weak solution of salt in water, and
allowing it to cool gradually will make
it less brittle.
Banish All
Skin Troubles
Remarkable Remedy That
Works Wonders Against
Eczema and All Rash
u you nave been fighting some blood
trouble, tome skin disease, call It ecteraa,
lupus, psoriasis, malaria, or what you
win, there la but one sure, safe way to
set rid of It Ask at any drug- store for
m si.go oouie or a. s. B. and you ore then
oo the road to health. The action of this
remarkable remedy Is Just as direct, Just
as positive, Just as certain In iu Infiu.
ence as that the sun rises In the East.
It la one of those rare medical forces
which act In the blood with the same de
gree of certainty that Is found In all nat
ural tendencies. The manner In which
It dominates and control! the mysterious
transference of rich, red, pure arterial
blood for the diseased venous blood Is
Out through every skin pore acids,
germs and other blood Impurities are
forced In the form of Invisible vapor.
Beneath the skin la a fine net work of
nerves, a myriad of them In which S. 8. S.
works with untiring energy to prevent
the further destructive work of the acids
and blood Impurities. These are scat
tered Into the veins to be driven front
the system. The lungs breathe It out.
the liver is stimulated to consume a
great proportion of Impurities, the stora
ceaae to convey Into
the blood stream the catarrhal, malarial
germs; the bowels, kidneys, bladder and
all emunctorlea of the body are marshaled
nto a. fluting force to expeTeWVe
tlge of eruptive disease,
wV? :roly community any.
where but what has Its living eiample
of the. wonderful oumiv. -rTr
The tea gown with which this cap
was worn was made chiefly of rose Du
Barry chiffon. There was a veiling of
white tulle which took the form of a
long tunic and at the waist, thrust into
the velvet ribbon ceinture, there was a
cluster of roses in the same shades
as those painted on the crown of the
eap. At the left corner of the mouth,
and also on the right cheek near the
ere, patches of black velvet were
worn; the ensemble was old world
and delightful.
Velvet Patches Popular.
These velvet patches are rapidly be
coming a craze. They were introduced
some months ago by a beautiful Pari
sian woman who makes a specialty of
her lovely white hair. She Is not in
reality very gray, but at night she has
her hair discreetly powdered and she
always wears a patch or two.
Our sketch shows a boudoir cap of
another order. Here you have a genu
ine Marie Antoinette shape, and the
trimming belongs to very much the
same period a conventional wreath of
roses made entirely of pale gold chif
fon with a velvet bow in a dull shade
of heliotrope at one side, very low
down. The cap Itself Is made of fine
OLD SPELLING SCHOOL TRICK d frills almost cover the hair in front.
I have seen some delicious coatees
Mount Whitney Is 14,501 Feet Above
Level of 8ea Point In Death Val
ley Is 276 Below.
The maximum difference In eleva
tion of land in the United states is 14V
777 feet, according to the United
States geological survey. Mourn
Whitney, the highest point, 14,501 feet
abovo sea level, and a point in Death
valley Is 276 feet below sea level
These two points, which are both iu
California, are less than 90 miles
apart This difference is small, how
ever, as compared with the figures foi
Asia. Mount Everett rises 29,002 feet
above sea level, whereas the shores
of the Dead sea are 1,290 feet below
sea level, a total difference in land
heights of 30,292 feet. Mount Everett
has never been climbed.
The greatest ocean depth yet found
is 82,088 feet, at a point about 40 miles
north of the island of Mindanao, in the
Philippine island. The ocean bottom
at this point Is therefore more than
11 miles below the summit of Mount
The difference in the land heights
in Europe Is about 15,868 feet.
tune daintily traced over with gflvei
and gold threads. At the waist there
Is a superb velvet rose in a strong
shade of carmine. '
Flower Ornaments In Vogue.
In one of my recent articles I spoke
in detail of these curious flowers which
are now so fashionable in Paris. They
hardly deserve the name of flowers at
absolutely unreal, in
material. They are simply
exotic ornaments which give a splen
didly effective finishing touch to an
elaborate costume, .'and they are worn
at the waist or breast as though they
were in reality flowers.-
Sometlmes these ornaments take
the form of conventional roses In vivid
colors and with strings of tiny dia
monds veining the petals and leaves;
sometimes they represent water lilies
in black velvet. Sometimes they are
like sunflowers In shape, but carried
out In green or vermilion velvet They
were Invented by one of the most
eclectic couturleres in Paris as an ef
fective final note for clinging robes of
tulle or embroidered chiffon and for
this purpose they are having an ex
traordinary success.
Parisian hostesses take special
pride In searching out or Inventing
unexpected novelties for the "five
o'clock," new floral decorations, new
cakes and sandwiches, new table ap
pointments. ' - -(
A very charming Idea has been in
troduced this season by an Austrian
lady whose husband holds an ' impor
tant appointment at the Austrian em
bassy. She receives twice In each
month and she takes special pride in
having some fresh surprise each al
ternate Tuesday for her friends. Last
Tuesday, for example, her Balon was
decorated with branches of .cherry
Room to Gladden Visitor.
The room itself is a poem In white
and silver, with furniture coverings
of white linen embroidered In Japan
ese designs carried out In soft silks
of subtle tints. It Is one of those
fresh, summery rooms that gladden a
tired visitor on a midsummer after
noon. Everything is simple, but dain
ty Indian muslins veil the windows,
the polished floor is strewn with white
New Kind of Work.
Cynthia, a young negro cook, who
had recently given up her employment
in order that she might try her luck at
the easier profession of cateress, met
her former mistress on the street
(This is from Life). "Good morning,
Cynthia," said the lady. "Where are
you working now?" "I isn't workin
nnwhera now. m'm " ronlinH T.
ucrim HUN ur iriUC rriltnU thia coyiy; "1'se capering for a con
Triple Alliance of the Three Great
Powers, Love, Sympathy, and Help
Other Versions.
Red Crcas Ball Blue will wash double aa manv
elotbee aa any other blue. Don't put your money
into any other.
The first person who comes In when
the whole world has gone out
A bank of credit on which we can
draw supplies of confidence, counsel,
sympathy, hem and love.
One who combines for you alike the vote." He has', replied
pleasures and benefits of society and mont, with a smile.
' He Had a Vote. 2
It's all very well for educated wo
men to vote," said an ardent anti to
Mrs. Belmont, "but think how terri
ble it would be if your cook had a
Mrs. Bel-
A Jewel whose luster the strong
acids of poverty and misfortune can
not dim.
One who multiplies JoyB, divine
griefs, and whose honenty 1b Invio
une who loves the truth and you
and will tell the truth in spite of
The triple alliance of the three great
powers, Love, Sympathy and Help,
A watch which beats true for all
time and never runs down.
A permanent fortification when
one's affairs are in a state of siege.
One who to himself is true, and
therefore must be so to you.
A balancing pole to him who walks
across the tight rope of life.
The link In life's long chain that
bears the greatest strain.
A harbor of refuge from the stormy
waves of adversity,
One who considers my need before
my deservings.
The jewel that shines brightest In
the darkness.
A stimulant to the nobler side of
eur nature.
A volume of sympathy hound In
A diamond In the ring of acquaint
Better than other powders
producing light, dainty, whole.
some cokes and p&striss
is high srrada and
moderate in price -
25c lb, tin at grocer. :
Creaceat Mfg. Co Seattle I
Intelligent Dutch Cows.
'.'Cattle unaccompanied by a drover
are forbidden to cross this bridge,"
runs the inscription pn a signpost near
Haarlem, Holland.
hk the looking-glass a woman often sees wrinkles, hollow circles under eyes.'
1 crow's feet all because she did not turn to the right remedy when worn '
uuwn wiin mose CToumes wmcn sre distinctly feminine. Backache, headache.
; turn to the right remedy when worn
. pains, lassitude, nervousness and drains upon vitality bring untold suffering
(to womanhood and the face shows it The nervous system and the entire"
womanly majce-np feels the tonic effect of ' . . . . -.
amar - J ' m. aj AWJLakJ via.via. X. k.JL.m
It allays and subdues nervous excitability, Irritability, nervous exhaustion, and
other distressing symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic
diseases of the feminine organs. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves
mental anxiety and despondency. Known everywhere and for over 40 years
"it?J standard remedy for the diseases of women. Your dealer in medicines
ells it in liquid or sugar-coated tablet form; or you can send 60 one-cent
Sc? 8-i . tnal box of Dr- Pierce's Favorite Prescription tablets. Address
Dr. E. V. Pierce, Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y.
Chicken Race War.
"A sectional issue has arisen in our
town," said the commuter. "Before
it is settled I am afraid the civil war
will be fought all over again. Any
how, our Southern friends are sure to
A star of hope in the cloud of adver- ln?uge i"801?6 .fire"eat.inK language.
slty , a resident oi our village, who un-
uertoott. 10 raise cnicicens, received a
INDOOR GAME. FOR CHILDREN farm. When the neighbers learned
where the chickens came from they
raised a row.
'If you must get chickens.' they
said, 'get Northern chickens. They
don't crow nearly so much as Southern
chickens. There is something in the
climate down there that makes a
chicken crow four times as often as a
One of tho Most Interesting and Pux-
zung of Deceptions Which Can
Bo Done With Cards.
made to accompany these dainty bou
doir caps; and those coatees can be
worn over plain skirts of soft satin,
crepe de chine or crepon. Tulle
The "old spelling school" trick is one coatees, bordered wih pleated frills,
of the most Interesting and baffling of &lso ,n great favor, and the same
the many which can be done with may be said of little boudoir wraps
cards.' All the cards In any suit are which look like gigantic fichus and are
required for the trick, which consists made of Indian muslin.
in 'stacking" the thirteen cards in I With the exaggeratedly decollete
such a manner that when held In the necks short sieves are worn In the
hand, face down, and changing a card house. Sometimes the arms are cov
rrom top to bottom, with each lttr ered with fine lace mittens, but far
Marie Antoinette Boudoir Cap Cap In
Fine "Old Yellow" Lace, With a
Wreath of Pale Gold Chiffon Roses
Around the Crown At One 8lde a
Bow, Composed of Heliotrope Vel
bear rugs; the one touch of deep color
Is supplied by a fantastic Japanese
cabinet of vermilion and silver lacquer
work. And on Tuesday this delightful
room, was profusely decorated with
cherry blossom branches.
Tea was served In a Satsuma service,
on a gleaming crystal tray; there was
a deep border of Venetian guipure on
the snowy tablecloth. And then the
Sandwiches! Thn hnnfpBH hari mnro
than once had the honor of entertain- PUZZLE OF SANDWICH : MEN
ing the late King Edward during his
visits to Paris, and she was very One Must Devote Time to Study What
Rhyming Lights Is Easily Understood
and Affords Opportunity for .Think
ing Faculties.
Rhyming lights Is an excellent game,
besides being so simple that It can
be understood by even the smallest
children, It exercises the thinking fac- chicken brought up in any other oart
uiues or an. oi the country.'
One of the players thinks of a word "That peculiarity of Southern chick.
which must be guessed by the others; ens was news to the amateur poultry-
ana in oraer to neip tnem discover the man. ne noticed, however, that his
word Bhe tells them the name of the chickens really did crow more persist-
wuiu uuu. ruyines wna iu e or in lenuy ana more vigorously than anv
stance, we win suppose that "Dooit" oyier chickens he ever had known, and
is the word thought of; the leader or when an experienced poulterer assured
player who thinks of the word tells him that they always would, because
the others that it rhymes with 'Took." Southern chickens always do, he sold
Each player is then allowed to ask them and bought New Jersey chickens
I a question, the question and answers instead. Now he is in hot water with
heing something like the following: the Southern families in our town.
Is It running water?" and heaven only knows how the squab-
"No, it's not a brook." ble will terminate." New. York
"is it something belonging to a shen- Times.
herdessT "
"No, it's not a crook."
"Is It the name of something
which we hang our clothes?"
"No, It's not a hook."
"Is It a cozy corner?"
"No, It's not a nook."
"Is it used in school?"
"Yes, it Is a book."
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Bemedy. No Smartlnfr Feela
fine Acta Oulcklv. Trv It fni- R.1I.W..V.
Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illua-
trateu duuk 1a eacu ractfaee. murine U
eomponnded by onr Ooollsta not a "Patent Med-
Klinft" hilt nsArt In anraAR.fnl' t)
Moe for many years. Now dedicated to the Pnb-
Origin of Present-Day Games.
Though we get our games of tennis
from the Eastern countries, most of
our games of bat and , ball come down
to us from the ancient North. Ring
games and games in which light ob
jects are thrown come also from forest
countries, where the spear was a fa
miliar weapon. But all of them alike
appear to revert in origin to early ex
periences of the race by which they
worked out their salvation.
Few Keep Perfect Time.
One very peculiar. idea which pre
vails about a watch or clock is that
when it is being regulated 'and the
hand are moved forward or back to set
it, if a little too much is gained the
timepiece will continue to gain or
lose, whichever the case may be.
Simply moving nast a certain honr
often seems to start the timepiece to
running faster or slower, as the case
may be. But few clocks keep perfect
time. Atmospheric and magnetic con
ditions seem to interfere in most in
stances. .
Work Falls to Women.
In Zululand the women do most of"
the manual labor, while their hus
bands, fathers and brothers laugh and
110 ana sold by 1
Hariao Bye 8a
ts at 25a and 60a rmr
Salve in Aseptio Tabes.. 2Sa and cuo.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
spelling the number or name of the
card, the one desired will come out In
regular order. One comes first, then
two, and so on to Jack, queen, king.
in placing the cards in position the
fourth from the top of the pack as held
more often they are left bare, save for
a veiling of tulle illusion. Here I
must again mention that scarfs of tulle
Illusion are worn at all hours of the
day and with almost every kind of cos
tume. In the evening, at the theater
In the hand, face down, must be the these lltle transparent scarfs are ubi-
ace, o-n-e; the eighth, the two spot
Who can tell how to arrange the re
maining eleven cards so that, placing
a card at bottom for each letter, three,
rour, nve, up to the king, come out?
will bo noted fifty-two letters are
requlrod to spell the numbers and
names of all the cards In a suit. '
Why are real friends like ghosts?
They are often heard of, but seldom
vvnen is a sick man a oontradlo-
When he Is an impatient patient
8- S. a Get a boTtL m", oc"
dy today, .nd your easel, .tubbo
a.H.9.Swln ni1- Atlanta. Go. Their
piedlcal laboratory 1. faou. an? !,
ay "'aaWMaas
When is coffee like the earth?
When It Is ground.
e e
when Is a baby like a breakfast
When It Is a tea thing (teething).
What roof covers the most noisy
tenant i
The roof of the mouth.
e e e
When Is a sermon like a round
when it comes from a cannon's
does a leopard change his
he moves from one spot to
Why is a cigar loving man like a
tallow candle?
Because he will smoke when he la
going out
' e e e
Why Is a watchdog bigger by alrht
than by day?
Because- he is lot out at nlaht and
taken In iu the morning.
What chief virtue does the north
pole remind you of? ?
Just ice, that's all
e e
Why are tedious talkers like
old people?
Because they dilate (die late).
Why ts a lawyer's mouth Ilka a
Because It Is seldom opened but tor
Why Is a historical event like a
parcel untied and tied again?
Because It is re-corded.
qultous; they are entirely becoming.
Mile. Cecile Sorel 1b the grande
dame of the Parisian stage. At the
Theater Francais she always plays the
roles of famous beauties, such as Mme.
Du Barry, La Pompadour, etc. For
this is her type. And for the mon
dainea of Paris Mile. Sorel's gowns are
always things of vital importance;
the celebrated actress understands the
art of picturesque dress better than
any other woman of modern days.
Best Dressed Parisian Women.
The National theater of France is
rich Is artists, from the dress point of
view as well as from the point of view
of dramatic art Mile. Sore, and Mme.
Bartet are Incomparably the two best
dressed women In Paris, each in her
own individual way, for Mme. Bartet's
toilettes do not resemble in style those
of Mile. Sorel. The latter exploits to
perfection everything that is magnifi
cent and luxurious and exaggeratedly
picturesque. Mme. Bartet on the
other hand is an Ideal model for the
society woman who wlBhes to be per
fectly dressed at all times without un
due eccentricity.
In the piece "Voulotr" Mile. Cecile
Sorel wears soma charming robes
which might easily be turned Into
Ideal tea gowns for example her
clinging robe of ivory tulle veiled In
Mallnea lace accompanied by a casa-
quln of black chantllly which is vague
In form and infinitely becoming. And
again In the second act her dress.
which is composed of charmeuse in
the delicate shade known aa "nymphe,"
which seems white in certain strong
light, but which shows faint tints of
peach and faintest green. This robe
Is veiled in Nattier blue tulle and here
and there at unexpected points there
are deep red roses made of gause.
Still another picturesque robe worn
by this actress is made of fine white
Mallnea lace with a casaquin of silver
Plow of Electric Current.
When an electrio current flows
through a conductor it is not sent or
pushed through like a fluid in a pipe-
but Is rather handed on from particle
to particle. In other words, it la a
transfer of electrical energy which
eaa be illustrated by setting up a row
of rubber balls tangent to each other.
Now, If we strike these bolls at one
end the energy will be utilised at the
other. Here we had no actual flow,
and yet the energy was transferred
from om end to the other. The basic
proud of the fact that the king keenly
appreciated her tea sandwiches. It
will be remembered that the present
fashion of making afternoon tea an Im
portant meal originated at Sandring
ham. After a long day on the coverts
in the hunting field the king's guests
knew how to appreciate generous
dishes of sandwiches and hot cakes,
etc. The fashion has expanded until
nowadays the "five o'clock" ranks as
an important meal, side by side with
lunch and dinner.
Last Tuesday I was Introduced to a
sandwich In which anchovies soused
in champagne, chopped creas and the
yolk of a hard-boiled egg finely pow
dered played Important roles. I know
that what I am saying is absolutely
correct tor I had the audacity to ask
for specific information in the cause
of humanity at large. These fascinat
ing little sandwiches were cut in long
fingers and they were exceedingly ap
Is Supposed to Be Adver.
tlsed In the Signs.
These sandwich men are all mixed
up. ; Can you put their signs In the
Floods In London.
There was a time when high tide on
the Thames might have emptied Lon
don. For there Is on record an in
stance of a general exodus from Lon
don through fear of the overflowing
of the river. It was in 1524 that the
astrological experts almost all agreed
in predicting that on a certain day the
Thames was going to overflow the
city, and for weeks beforehand the
population was busily engaged In mov
ing itself and Its belongings Into the
country. In fact, the only unmoved
person was Father Thames, who on
the great day quite failed to rise to
the occasion, thereby placing the
prophets in some danger of mal
treatment at the hands of the deceived
Sandwich Men Puzzle.
right order so as to show what they
are supposed to advertise?
When properly arranged the signs
oi the sandwich men read as follows:
"Big Show Tonight"
Living on Four Cents a Day.
The Massachusetts couple that raise
their own vegetable and live on four
cents a day, and yet manage to have
In the daily menu doughnuts, pudding,
butter, grape Jelly, tomato soup, pota
toes, buckwheat milk and tea. must be
either the smallest eaters or the best
buyers that ever escaped question aa
to veracity.
unite which we use are the unit of
the rate of flow, or ampere, the unit
of electrical pressure, or volt and the
unit of resistance to flow, or the ohm.
About Finger Nails.
A white mark on the nail bespeaks
Pale or lead colored nails Indicate
melancholy people.
People with narrow nails are ambi
tious and quarrelsome.
Broad nails indicate a gentle, timid.
ana Dashxui nature. '
Lovers of knowledge and liberal sen
timent have round nails.
email nans indicate littleness of
mind, obstinacy, and conceit
Choleric martial men, delighting In
war, nave red and spotted nails.
People with very pale nails are sub
ject to much Infirmity of the flesh, and
persecution by neighbors and friends.
Strike Broken.
Master of the HouseSee
Mary Ann, Where's my dinner?
Slavey Theer alnt agoln' to be no
dinner. If you please, air.
"What's that! No dinner?
"No, air. The missus came "orae
from jail this afternoon, an' ate up
heverythlnk in th" "ouse!"
Who Said it?
Edward Coke, the English
was of the opinion that "A
house Is his castle."
"When Greek Joins Greek, then la
the tug of war," was written by Na
thaniel Lee In 1602. ,
Variety1 the spice of life," and
"Not much the worse for wear," were
coined by Cowper.
Edward Young tells us, "Death
loves a shining mask," and "A tool at
forty is a fool indeed."
"Of two evils I have chosen the
less," and "The end must justify the
means." are from Matthew Prior.
An Explanation.
Schoolma'am Now, I want all the
children to look at Tommy's hands and
observe how clean they are and see If
all ot you cannot come to school with
cleaner hands. Tommy, perhaps, will
tell us how he keeps them, so nice.
Tommy Yea'm. Ma makes me wash
the breakfast dishes every morning.
Rule for Candles. v
An old rule calls for as many candles
on the table as there are guests about
it, and it is a rule that might be fol
lowed with interesting results. There
is so much variety shown nowadays in
the way in which candles are placed
on a table that the candles could be
put one in front of each guest, in a
circle or oval or oblonir about the
floral centerpiece, v
UfA CVnu Pun nina all T.1n K.t- t,1.
in the whole world, mokes the laundress smile.
For the Congregation.
One Sunday a diminutive preacher
exchanged pulpits with a pastor who
was a giant in stature. The pulpit
was unusually high and was reached
by a winding stairway. He ascended
very Blowly and for some time disap
peared from sight. At length the
congregation saw a little bald head
raised above the pulpit, so that only
the eyes were visible, while - the
preacher announced his text in a high,
squeaking voice: "It is I: be not
Constipation causes and seriously ag
gravates many diseases. It is thor
oughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets.
lmy sugar-coated granules.
Do not let us wait to be just or piti
ful or demonstrative toward those we
love until they or we are struck down
by illness. . . . . Life is short.
and we have never too much time for
gladdening the hearts of those who are
traveling the ' dark journey with us.
Oh I be swift to love, make haste to
be kind I Amiel.
- . Played for Place. A
.Harold and Mary (the little girl next
door) had been playing together in the
yard. Suddenly Mary began to cry
and said that Harold had hit her. Har
old was called into the house and
asked why he had struck the little
girl. "Well," he answered, "she hit
me second."
Bacon "Huxley said that an oyster
is as complicated as a watch. Eg
bert "Well, I know both of them run
dowa easily."
may be either a transient or per
manent afSiction, arising from
some error in diet or as a result
of constantly weak digestion.
For temporary and obstinate cases
the best relief is
"Better be Safe
than Sorry"
It is far better to give the
Stomach, Liver and Bowels
some help at the beginning
than to keep putting it off
until sickness overtakes you.'
Be wise, and keep
Stomach Bitters
handy and take it promptly,
It helps overcome all Stomach,
Liver and Bowel Ills, also pre
vents Malaria, Fever and Ague
u what they all say
. .da. t,..,
IS. W. L Witt, ruaasn la Miaiata
of our
- Painless .
Methods of
. i Oat-of-towo peo
ple can have their
plate and brid ire
work finished in one
day if necessary.
An absolute guar. '
an tee, backed by 21
in Portland
Wise Dental Co.
8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 tot
Phonesi A 2029: Main 2029. '
rafflnt Bldg.. Third and Washington. Portland
cu receive prom pc troa.
menta of Moa-rolaaeia.
HatlU-eeilalaf raaaaalaa
from -
the Chinees aootor.
action i, quick, aure and -ife. Jila prm-rlwioo.
1. .v.- """"a 'jnm erarr ena.
i. .7 or uieae ueaUaux
r "Mu-nio woria, bet Save
heeded doam fmi
faaulteaia CsJuaa.
t mwm beaa)
cosscLTATTOJf rent
erraptom biaaa ao4 cucniax. j-n,( 4
1621 first St, Cor. Morriso .
rertUnd. Otto.
P. It. U.
No. 33. 11
ftrHR ie aeertii. slaae,