AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Published Every Friday. Office, Corner Third and Jefferson Streets. Entered in the FoBtofflce at Athena, Oregon, a econdOlasa Mall Matter. Subscription Rates. ' One copy, one year. .". . ... i ...... . .'. $1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months t50 Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch ...... 25c Subsequent insertions ...... MH Display regular, per inch ....12 Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c cATHENA. ORE.. SEP. 12 1913 Oregon products spell prosperity tliia year, for they were never worth so much money nor was production mora diversified. Irrigated districts have no "copper" on diversification of production. The wheat districts, too, are turning from the one-crop propaganda. Rows ot corn are be ginning to cover many acres of sum mer fallow, silos have made tbeii ap pearanceeven here in Umatilla county, and the hog and dairy cow ia at last an item for consideration at "chore time." In some localities where the diversified movement is slower than in others, banks ' have imported standard bred cows and hogs, sold them to the farmers on time and while he went about his work, ma and the girls have paid the interest and cot down the principal cn the notes at the bank, and found time besides for the general house work. The bog shaved off the other end of thrt principal end left enongb surplus to boy au automobile, besides paying for the fenoe bought to oorral him in the stnbbleQeld wheie be fat tened himself on grain that otherwise wonld bave been dead waste. It is estimated that the giand total for crops in old Oregon this year will be $215,597,000, or more than 120,000,000 in excess of last year's returns. "Live" summer fallow land and stubble fields fenoed with hog tight wire is responsible for one half of this vast increase. Go,-thou, and do likewise. A oironlar just issued by the forest tcrvioe calls attention to the various laws under whlob more than a third of all national forest reoeipts go to tbe benefit of the states in which the lotests are situated, for schools and tosds. In 1913 the amount of money available for state purposes totaled ii Lout $70,000. The report docs not thow the amounts due from tbe re ceipts of the fisoal year which closod July RO, 1913. Inolnding these, the flnles' share of national forest funds luoe the laws were passed has nggte Ifiitodover 13,000.000. To beef or not to beef: that's the iji"8tion now uppermost with a great many of us. The prloe continues to r op, the supply to decrease and the inuaomption to increase. Tho Amer ican ia a beef eater, while tut few of I ii trothers are beef raisers. There's Co rub. Onr boot used to come hucly from the vast plains, but now it comes mostly from tbe farm. Koio recently the teef for large ci ill's has come from Argentina and Australia, tut it is fast beooming Houroe In those countries. The Portland Oiegouian annouuots that Ohailey Fulton has aspirations to become United States Senator. Now the Oregonian is almost, if not quite, as old as Charley Is, and we would like to nsk it if it ever were cognizant of the time when Charles did not have aspirations in full bloom. Ohambetlaiu may have a suooessor, but bis toga won't Bt tbe Astoria lawyer. 'By Lis baggage, ye shall kuow him," Col. Wood's typewiiter has arrived at Westou from Portland. The , Colonel la following 'er up. Weston is pleased at the editor's re turn j but no more so than we'uos. Here's our tW old boy, and the steak is ready for yon any time you come over. . Maine Is a long way off hot we bave heard from her. Ball Moose and Deuiooratio Doukeys do not range well together there, anyway. Thank beaveu, it's not so bad as though it had happeued in Oiegon; tbe natiou docs not follow in tbe political foot steps of Maine i Walla Walla will have, a Scotch Highlander band doting her Frontier Days. The Athena baud is enter taining the crowds at the Pendleton Round Up; so, thore you are. PHSSaMBMaMBJMIH Moral conditions in this country are greatly reflected by baseball. If the umpire's deoiaions favor the home team, they are all tight, although en tirely wrong. There's bat one Hound Up. It's at Pendleton end everybody is there. C.,n.m a Mvtttry, "It n us f ;iv i'iH my hliH." " I'inrhi'i! -.. limn "ii ttu 'tr. "that sii'itrtliltia lrlttm'K l!nn UiH !,'h' m ; ii.iip. i-i:: i :- Kft'iJ lutv t!e V I FAST SWIMMING. Strokes to Use and Methods to Follow to Acquire Speed. The general rule may be set down that no swimmer should attempt speeding and 1 mean in practice as well os in racing until he can cover a quarter of a mile with a good stroke. It matters not whether one alms at becoming au all around competitor or a specialist at the sprints, the same rule obtains. Once the stroke has been perfected, tbe chosen events may be taken up, but even then It is the best policy to alternate fast swimming with easy Btretches, at moderate pace, under tho watchful eye of the coach. It is always advisable to limit the number of time trials. There ore but two strokes which can be recommended to the racing man for free style swimming, the crawl for dis tances not exceeding 220 yards and both the crawl and the trudgeon for longer Journeys. Some question is still In the mind of many as to which is preferable for tho latter events, but In the writer's opinion based upon the teachings of tho past-any set of movements which affords best results at the furlong will also prove best at the longer courses after the swimmer has accustomed his muscles to the action by constant practice. Outing Magazine. SLAUGHTER IN BATTLE. Gettysburg Losses Eclipsed Those at Balaklava and Inkerman. At Balaklava the light brigade lost 87 per cent of lis men, and at Inker mnn the guards lost 45 per cent, and .both go down to history in verse and proso ns having been annihilated. At Gettysburg the Second Wisconsin lost 233 out of 302, the Nineteenth In diana lost 210 out of 288 and tho One Hundred and Fiftieth Pennsylvania volunteers out of 380 men and 17 offi cers brought back about eighty men and only one officer not wounded. The One Hundred and Twenty-first, the One Hundred and Forty-second, the One Hundred and Forty-third, the One Hundred and Forty-ninth and the One Hundred and Fifty-first Pennsylvania lost quite as heavily. Among the First corps officers wounded in the first day's fight were Generals Doubleday, Meredith and Paul and Colonels Morrow, Stone, Wis tcr, Fairchlld, Dudley, BicWle, Tllden, Leonard, Coulter and McFurland. The disasters of the nfternoon to the Sec ond division were lessened by its cap ture of much of Iverson's brigade, of Ewcll's corps, out nt the Mummasburg road, near Oak bill. General H. S. Huldekoper in National Magazine. Puzzled Jurymen. At a recent sessions a prisoner was Indicted for pocketpicklng, and to most people in court the clearest possible case was made out by the prosecution. "Have you anything you would like to tell the Jury before they retire?" snld tbe Judge. "Well, all I wnnter say is, I hopes as 'ow they'll give me the benefit of the doubt," replied the prisoner despond ently. The Jury considered their verdict They were no little time over it "Can 1 assist you in any way, gen tlemen?" said the Judge, as last becom ing Impatient. "We are almost agreedt me lud," said tho foreman, "but we can't quite understand what the doubt is the pris oner wishes us to give him tbe benefit of." London Answers. Curious Marriage Custom. Among the Islnnders of Jersey there Is a very curious but pretty marriage custom. As soon ns the ceremony is over and when the happy couple are entering Into occupation of their house the largo granite slab over the porch is Inscribed with tho initials of the bride and bridegroom, nnd between the two a rough representation of two hearts Is entwined, the whole thus forming a uiniTinge certificate for all the world to sco. It is said that should the cou ple by any chance be one day divorced the hearts are pierced through by an arrow, which is cut into tbem. Witty Retort A lady of greut beauty and attrac tiveness who was on ardent admirer of Ireluud ouce crowned her praise of It at u party by saying: "I think I was meant for an Irish woman." "Madam," rejoined a witty son of Erin who happened to be present, "thousands would back me. In saying that you were meant for un Irishman." -London Tatler. Persuasion. "I cou't marry you," slio said. "You are old enough to bo my father." "Don't hesitate on that account Ten years from now nobody will suspect lt."-CliIego Itecord-Uerald. Imitative. Mother-Whatever are you doing to poor dolly, child? Chlld-I'm Just go ing to put her to bod, mummy. I've taken off her hair, but I cnu't get her teeth out-London Tit Hits. Soul System. "Algy writes to seven girls, "It's o wonder he doesn't get his love affairs mixed." "He keeps a card Index."-Wnshlns- ton Herald. The Nature of the Creature, "Your cook"- . "Oh. U Is so careless that I dou't tvlieve she could drop a remark with ait breaking her word."Smart Sot He not simply good; be good for something -Thoivau, New Land Scrip, Uy speoial act of Congress, nenily 3000 acres of appioved Laud Sorip it now available for use in Oiegon. It ia tbe best and cheapest emip pot on the umket iu several yeai. Will go Qoicklv to patent Take auy laud object to hometttead entry. Can furnish in applications iroui forty orea up, as long a it lasts. We guar antee validity. Ihe ptloa will attract you. It you need some of it, prompt lOtioa is ueeeMnry. Write or whe us. Ihe Collins Land Company, IkUoa, "Moatana. TKEY SAW THE LAKE FLY. un Phenomenon That Looked LiV.o a Waterspout Crmishis Victoria Nyanzu, Messrs. F. U. helium! ami K. II. Cholmeley, the ai:(!;.'i of "Through the Heart of Africa.'' saw n phenomenon which, al-ti'ion-li common oil the lakes of central Africa, seems rue enough. The chief engineer on coming down lute to luncheon told us that be bad seen a waterspout near by. As we had finished our meal we hurried lip 'in ilccU to net n glimpse of it. We iiw near the southern horizon a gray iinike like column arising from the surface of the lake and expanding into v. ((Hiked like a cloud above. Tlilnkii;' tls-U It must be the engineer's wnterspMU. v.-e approached Captain Gray ami Mr. Akeley. who were also Intently observing It, and asked them if we were right In our conjecture. "Waterspout!" said the skipper, with a smile. "Flies." "Files?" we repeated and turned to Mr. Akeley In the hope of getting from til in a more Intelligible explanation. "Quite true." he said. "Files. You've seen the lake fly before?" "No.", we retorted, "we haven't, and we didn't know that it flew." Assuring us that neither he nor the skipper had any intention of deceiving ns, lr. Akeley. explained that he re ferred to the insect known as the "lake fly" and not to any spasmodic fri volity on the part of the waters of Victoria Nyanzu. The apparent water spout was nothing more or less than n huge cloud composed of myriads of tiny flies. They sometimes rise from the surface of the lake in such dense columns ns to obscure the light of the sun like a pillar of smoke. Professional S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calib both night and day. Call! promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athena Oregor PETERSON & BISHOP Attorneys-at-Law Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon.. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. Official Stock iDRpactor. Graduate HcKllllp Vetinary college, Chicago Phone Main 87, PENDLETON, OREGON Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist DR. E. J. .t LOCUM Suggestive Therapeutist Office in Barrett Building Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Exami nation and Consultation Free. , THE 1ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. :.,;v"'v: m ' .-' Only First-class Hotel in the City. : THE ST. NICHOLS X I the only one that can accommodate commercial traveler. Iff Can beiecomended tor Ha clean and well ventilated room. Cor. Mair ajtd Thikd, ATHMA.Or. At' in SI! Pendleton and Athena General Photography and Photographic Supplies. Enlarging. Reproducing and Kodak Finishing. TRICKS OF LIGHT. Why People Sometimes Feel Dull or Uncomfortable at Table. How few people realize that they are actually suffering from snow blind ness in miniature every time they read or work over n white surface on which a brilliant light shines directly. Half t! paper, for Instance, which Is the common medium for the majority of books we read, will throw a blind ing glare into the eye of the reader If the light strikes It at the wrong angle, and It forms an excellent test for the selection of proper lighting for a room and for the placing of the lighting fix tures, for lighting diffusion should be such as to allow comfortable reading from half tone paper In any position. A dome hanging above a dining table on which Is white cloth causes the light to reflect into the eyes of those around the table at an angle that pro duces muscular strain. This has a peculiar effect upon tbe senses, and drowsiness and mental inertia are apt to result People are opt to complain of a feeling of dullness at table or that they have Indigestion when it is. In reullty, the effect of the light A too brilliant light sbiniug directly into the eye plays many curious psy chological tricks. Deaf people, for In stance, cannot hear so well If they are facing a brilliantly lighted room, and, as for being able to see better by a bright light than by a dim one, ex actly tbe reverse is the case, for de tail of objects become practically lost to the eye when too much light enters it Suburban Life Magazine. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS its forty -fifth school year September io. 1913. DEGREE COURSES in manyphasesof agriculture. engineering. home Economics, Mining, forestry, com merce. PHARMACY. TWO-YEAR COURSES in Agricul- TURK,- HOME ECONOMICS, MECHANIC ARTS, FORESTRY. COMMERCE, PHARMACY TEACHER'S COURSES in manual training, agriculture, domestic science and art. . MUSIC, including piano, string, band instruments and voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled "Thb Enrichment of Rtjrai, Life" and a Catalogue will be moiled free on application. Address II. M. TennanT, Registrar. (tw-7-15 to 9-9) . Corvallis, Oregon. ATHENA, One Block South of St. Nichols Hotel, 1st, 2nd, 15th and 16th of each month. PENDLETON, Studio in the Eagle-Woodman Building. kM44 OVER 65 YEARS' "Vv EXPERIENCE 11 A A. 1 I A Tram Marks j0 Designs Anyone sending a sketch and description may qnlcklr ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentr-'a. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANuilOOK on Patent! lent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Hunn k Co. receive special notice, without charge, lathe Scientific Jftierican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. T,arrest elr dilation of any scientific Journal. Terms, f 3 a rear : four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. ffiUNN & Co.38,Broadwa' New Yor!i Branch Offlce, 635 F Bt, Washington, D. C. Agues-What foolish things a young man will do wben he's in love. Ethel Ob, Asnus, I'll bet Jack's proposed. If mm mirni Receiving Station is at Ask For Prices. Cash Paid for Cream. AET SQUARES MILLER, "The Furniture Man', has added this line to his already large, varied stock Art Square Bargains We have tbo finest Hoe of Art Squares ever shown io Atbena. All are of modern designs and up-to-tbe minute patterns. They are going at prioes nevee. before beard of, class of goods oonsideied. Our line of Furniture is complete. - It inolndes late styles in Ooisioao Walnut, Birdseje and tbe popular Golden Oak. Tbe very latest novelties in Iron and Brass Beds. Everything in Springs and Mattressss. PAINTING In All Branches PAPERING And Decorating Complete Stock of Wall Paper, Paint Oil, Glass etc G il. KIDDER, Main Street, Athena, Ore. BUTTER WpAPS At the Prcs Office Where to Buy Good Clothes The MaSKG.KKP3S ISwr.SftntiiBa SUitt UlAB n Iras is not v J iii iiiiTfiiinrir J One of the East's best woolen men, who looked over our fall line, saj's it is the prettiest in pattern and colorings and most practical in weights and contains the best values ever shown for the price. Besides showing one of the test all-wool lines iu the country, better work willbejshown this fall bv producing the best fitting nicest looking, 1 o n g est wearing garments made in America and at prices within reach of all, All ladies' suits, skirts, one piece dresses and long coats made io order from our material or ytur own Careful attention given to all cleaning, pressing and alteration work. But tons covered. My motto ia to please regardless of time or expense. Present location, Foss house, one block north of school house. Athena, Ore. mwmmmmmmsssf- JAMES CON LEY, The Tailor "1 OFFICERS S. F. WILSON, President. -H. KOEPKE Vice-President, F. S. Le GEO W, Cashier. E. K KOONTZ. Ass't Cashier. DIRECTORS S. F. WILSON, H. KOEPKE, W. S. FERGUSON M. L. WAITS, F. S. Le GROW. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $100,000.00 We extend to our Depositors every cAccomnidation consistent with sound Banking. L. V63 . 8' Athena IKloteS Mrs. L. Chittenden, Proprietor White Help Only, Employed Good Clean Rooms Table served I with the best the market affords A Home For the Traveling Public Reasonable Rates Courteous Treatment ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. mimm mm Is trade in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ot the very best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best'selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for ., Ill .40 Pr Sack Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash. LATESr PAINLESS OPERATING METHODS MODERN DENTISTS TAYLOR HARDWARE BUILDING! PFNDLETON la) . ssciutely Puke Makes the food more delicious and wholesome m x if h i it a a ort tAKmq wywptu eo., xrw vomt. ' Hardware & Implements 6. W. Proebstel, Weston Meritorous values in an uptodate stock of Hardware, Implements and Vehicles. Winona Wagons, Moline Hacks, Buggies, Harness, Incubators and Brooders, Lum ber, Shingles, Cement, Lime and general progressive line to meet all demands. See us before buying. Fair treat ment in quality and price. All Sold t Reduced Prices for Cash McConnon Remedies Known on their merits, as pure and reliable. We call special attention to our rJMaccolax Tablets and rJVlentholatum Salve. All who have used them find same indispensable for the home Our Stock Tonic ia made from vegetable products and is rnarranteed from anr poison matter. Same can be had from McConnon Wagon or Wright Livery Athena, Oregon r