The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 05, 1913, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Corner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered In the Fostofflce at Athena, Oregon,
as econdOlas Mall Matter.
Subscription Rates. .
One copy, one year.... ....$1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months... .75
One copy, three months .50
- Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch 25c
Subsequent Insertions ..12
Display regular, per inch UlA
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
cATHENA. ORE.. SEP. 5 ......1913
With Rood orops of wheat, with ex
cellent yields ia other BRrloultural and
hortiaDltnral products, and Dot over
looking the good piioea prevailing,
southeastern Washington and eastern
Oregon is one section tbat is fconnd to
experience prosperous times this fall
says the Up-to-tbe-Times Magazine,
With saoh conditions prevailing this
end of the Inland Empire most onoe
again be proclaimed tbe best interior
agricultural seotion of the entire Pa
olflo Northwest. And this thought
May our agricultural friends invest
wisely the profits made this year; let
'm pass op entirely tbe foreign invest
ment field and aold being skinaed
by fooling witb another man's game
rather let 'em take and use tbeir sur
pins to farther improve tbeir own
farm properties by installing a mod
ern power plant, erecting new farm
buildings, planting a few trees or on
gaging in a little private road build
ing, etc A country that provides tbe
opportunities for one to make money
should be good enocgb for one to in
vest it in.
when for ten or twelve days it was
from 100 to 110 above zero in that
afflioted state. Not only are orops
ruined, but atook is starving and peo
ple suffer ei for want of drinking
Tbe Hermiston Herald puts its
home town on tbe map as a peaoh
shipping center. Fruit, alfalfa and
milk are tbe principal products of the
reclamation project, and tbey are good
Tbe swine of Iowa are worth more
than all tbe farm orops of any of tbe
eleven mountain and Paoifio coast
states except California.
Don't forget tbe county Fair. It
will pay yon to go and to exhibit
yonr prodnots.
One Bert Walker, pbilosopehr,
writes as follows in the Kansas City
Journal: "My friend, yon have
worked during the past thirty years
and have accumulated a pretty good
tank aooount. Yon have plenty to
beep yon In ease and lnxnry the bal
anoe of yonr days. Are yon going to
stop toiling now and enjoy it, or are
yon and yonr wife going to slave on?
Yon want to leave a lot to tbe ohil
dren, do you' Well, let's see. Aren't
(he bovs now much better off than
joo were at tbeir age? Or perhaps
yon think the boys are of inferior cal
iter and can't make tbeir way iu tbe
world. Don't yon know that is put
l lug a premium on laziness? Wby
dio't yon and yonr wife paok np and
take a trip baok East to tbe scenes of
von childhood? Or if you don't care
to go there, what's the matter witb
a little jaunt to tbe mountains? Peo
plu are beginning to call yon an old
tlrfhtwad and to wonder if yon tbink
you oan take yonr money with yon
whon you cross tbe dark river. Yon
i rally don't know what to do to have
i good time. Blow yonrself a little.
15 a sport and have a few things; you
v Ul live ten years longer." .
As part of its campaign to better tbe
nrtionltural ' conditions throughout
Ou'gon, Washington and Idaho, by
N-iovting snttlers bow it is to their
advantage to pot in diversified orops
aiij especially to grow corn and alfal
(a, a speoial train bearing a party of
twenty or twenty-five agricultural
experts who will leotnre (o tbe farmers
at different points, will te .sent over
its lines In the three states by the
O-W. R. & N. company in tbe latter
part 'cf September. Of especial in
terest to farmers in conucnlion witb
tbe annonnoemeut was tbe farther an
tionnoement that Professor P. U. Hol
den of Chioago, considered the great
est authority on alfalfa and corn
rnlsing, would head the party. The
Itinerary of the train has not beeo
rrtde ont In detail, but tt will stop at
ill principal joints along tbe O-W.
) & N. lines.
Aha Chioago Tribune baa teen
t.'. owing up the dark methods of tbe
l linols Manufacturers Association,
t ud tbe commercial grafters are after
its eoalp. The association ia backed
by Leslie's Weekly, tbe subsidized or
p.u of Geo. P, Eont, manufacturer of
'.owu pianos, and others of the oom
ruoroial piratical bund. He advises
through printed circulars tbat Illinois
manufacturers and tbeir frleuds boy
cott the Tribune. Tbe Tribune has
1 13,000.000 iu its coffers and will
weather the gale all tight.
It is stated npon good authority
that ont of 700 hotel and restaurant
employes employed in San Frauolsoo
as dishwashers, 100 are oollege grad
uates. Theoe statistics were compiled
by two members of tbe union, one of
whom, it ia said, was a former In
structor In mathematics in an eastern
college. The soale ia 0 per week.
Those who wish to rote at the spe
oial eleotion tLis fall will have to
register in tbeir various respective
preoiooti unless they were registered
for tbe last general eleotion. All wo
men voters must register. Unless
you get sis freeholders to swear you
in at eleotion time, you oaunot vote
without tegistericg.
All best ruoorda were t rosea in
Kansas' darlcj the, recent hot spell
Fugitive Gives Up.
Clarenoe Stevens, a oonviot wbo
esoaped from tbe Meskill, Lewis
oonnty state rook quarry July 23,
amid a fusillade of rifle shots, and
wbo was supposed to be lying in the
brush nursing his wounds, has called
np Warden Henry Drnm'at tbe state
penitentiary at Walla Walla and offer
ed to retnrn voluntarily. Stevens
used tbe long distance telephone
from Seattle. A total of nine shots
were fired at Stevens wben be made
bis dash from the stookade to the
Lrosb. and from tbe fact tbat he
wavered and flioobed, guards reported
tbey bad strnok him tbree times. A
section laborer on tbe railroad, watch
ing tbe esoapu, confirmed this view.
Apparently however, Stevens was un
injured, as be made no mention of
any wounds to tbe warden, expressing
merely a desire to retorn to finish bis
sentence and asking tbe warden not to
bold his esoape against bim. Stevens
said be bad been in Seattle praotioally
all tbe time since be escaped.
Brave Girl Injured.
Two yonng women bear La Grande
have been seriously injured by horses
recently. Miss Etbel Miller, a cook
with a hay baling crew, was trampled
nnder tbe feet of two horses wben she
grasped the bridle of one of the plung
ing team whlob was giving the driver
a hard battle near the cookhouse.
One of tbe young woman's kneecaps
was torn off and her feet and limbs
were badly laoerated. Miss Katberine
Riddle, of Maypark, ia recovering from
injuries received in a runaway Wed
nesday. Miss Riddle and a compan
ion were driving a young horse whlob
ran away. Her companion jumped
from tbe buggy. Miss Riddle held
to tbe lines until she was thrown from
tbe buggy.
Highest Award Won.
Tbat ha had received tbe highest
award attainable at Oxford was not
told by Geoil K. Lyans. an Oregon boy
who returned a few days ago from
England, bnt it beoame known when
President Campbell of tbe University
of Oregon gavn ont a letetr be bad
just reoeived from George R. Parkin
of London, president of tbe Rhodes
Scholarship Trust Fond. Mr.'Lyans
is tbe first of the Amerloan Rhodes
sobolars to receive this high honor.
Lyans graduated from tbe university
in tbe class of 1910, and was consider
ed one of tbe brightest men in his
Elk Increase in Yakima.
The herd of 48 elk, brought to Yak
ima oounty last fall from the Yellow
stono Park and tnrned loose high in
the Naobes Valley, has increased 60
or 70 per cent, aooording to reports
from ranohera in the foothills. W. L.
Stevens of the Buckeye ranob while
hunting horses baturday saw atont 40
elk, of whiob 10 were calves. The
animals were in exoelleot condition
and quite tame, Three bulla and 45
cows were in the lot brought from
Montana. The elk will be protected
until 1935 and it is expeoted the orig
lual 48 animals will have increased to
4000 or 5000 by that time.
Grain Shipping Record.
All reoords for tbe largest shipment
of grain by one farmer will be broken
this year If tbe estimates of C. S. No
ble, of Noble, Alberta, prove oorreot.
Mr. Noble bas notified the Canadian
Paoiflo railway that be will have
1)50,000 bushels of grain, chiefly barley
and oats, ready for shipment very
A prairie soboouer, transporting to
Southern Oregon a colored man and
bis family, passed through Athena
Wednesday morning. Tbe outfit
started from South Dakota.
One Kind ef Fame.
Authorities who have In charge some
of England's undent treasures try to
discourage tlio habit of curving Initials
on these relics. A fine of $13 was re
cently Imposed ou man who bad
chipped Ills name Iu letters six Inches
high on one of the stones Iu the
Druids' Circle" near Keswick. Close
to the giant stone globe nt Swanngo a
special slab Is provided for the harm
less reception of the names of nil who
aro addicted to this self advertisement
On popular Alpine summits It Is cus
tomary for names to bo left on cards
In emptied wine bottles.
Varying the Old Story.
'I had him right up to the aide of
the boat n lMauty-tlio biggest oue 1
ever liookwl-waa Just gutting my
landing net under blm-ho gave a flop,
Yes, I know the rest. He gave a
(Ion broke his hold and away ho
went, and"
'He rave a flop cleared the landing
net-anil landed plumb In the boat"
Hrownlng'a Magazine,
No Encouraaement
"Gerald, rnrve I ever given you rea-
thlnk I would innrry your
"No. Gwendolen; you never have,
and If you dou't want uie to bother
you any more I won't. Just give me
my rvjiulnr genu! night kiss and I'll
tji "-Culeaijo Trllmiw.
Nell-1 decline! That woman finds
out rWrythlns I never knew any one
hmuMtlve Uellf-Ttwt'a right I
tM'llerr . n!m would even pump an or .ItevprOL
Male Pt.-.f -nitjan Voo In Two Tongues
8 Bully Their Mate.
riv ?i! iitl:in. ;t n Alaskan bird, is
n wonderful Imitator of man. If Bel
owe I'rnvvtie. who contributes on ar
ticle on Alaskan pune t- Ot:t!ug, Is to
be believed. 1 o ImIu with, the author
finds IIkH I he ptarmigan is a linguist
of no men ii ability. Tbe male does bis
wooliit; in mixed French and English:
"A !e:islii sl.le of their mating is
the liaJjit of the males of uttering their
, call while on the wing. They com
mence with n guttural cackle, which
they utter faster nnd faster until they
alight, win n they end their song by
repeating slowly a call that sounds
like ged up. irert-tip, ged-up, ged-up or
parlez vous'; paries vous? parlez vous?
as they strut proudly nbout"
In addition to singing In two lan
guages, the ptarmigan conducts his
personal and domestic affairs In ap
proved fashion. Could not the follow
ing observation apply to human beings
as well as to this remarkable bird:
"The males fight constantly, and the
bona seem to enjoy these battles and
sit about clucking among themselves.
"lint once n hen has decided on a
mate she conies Into her own share of
troubles and is beaten and bullied by
the mate she has promised to love and
Inexpansive Monotony.
"When I got tbe order to design a
big wholesale bouse for a firm that bas
stores in six cities I was elated," said
an architect. "I'll plan a building that
Is bound to be satisfactory," I said to
myself, "and then they will give me
tho commission for those new stores
thny expect to put np in those other
five cities.
"Well, I did turn out a splendid store,
a store thut was admired by everybody
in the wholesale trade. My patrons
were pleused, too, but, instead of giv
ing me nn order for those other build
ings tbey simply used the same plans
over again and built nil their bouses
alike. That's what I call playing a
low down trick on a fellow." Phila
delphia Ledger.
Special attention given to all
callb both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Office on Third
street. Athena Oregor
Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V.
Official Stock Inspector. Graduate McKlllip
Vetinary College, Chicago
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
DR. E. J, tr LOCUM
Suggestive Therapeutist
Office in Barrett Building
Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Exami
nation and Consultation Free.
E. FROOME, peop.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
Is the only one that can accommodate
commercial travelers. .
Can be leeomended for Us clean and
well ventilated rooms.
Cor. Hair awdThibd, athbwa, Or .
Pendleton and Athena
General Photography and Photographic
Supplies. Enlarging, Reproducing and
Kodat Finishing.
The Psychological Moment.
Frances Is only a little girl, but she
has a quick mind and tbe gift of lan
gunge that sometimes distinguishes
children who associate much with
their elders. The other day Frances
came home to her mother with cheeks
like roses and eyes like stars.
"Oh, mamma," she exclaimed, hap
pily, "I've had tho best luck this morn
lngl 1 got downtown Just at the psy
chological moment 1"
"Did you, dear?" was mother's pleas
ed inquiry. "And what happened?"
Said Frances solemnly: "I saw a
parade." Chicago Record-Herald.
His Cleverness.
"Don't be so lazy. There's plenty of
room at the top, and you're clever
enough to get there."
"But," replied the lazy genius, "think
how clever It Is of me to find a place nt
tbe bottom, where there Isn't so much
Many There Who Could Do It.
"It is said thnt the devil never takes
a vacation."
"Well, if he doesn't it isn't because
he can't find anybody to run the place
In his absence." Judge.
lie who follows two bares is sure to
catch neither.
BEGINS its forty nltn school year
SEPTEMBER 19. 1913.
DEGREE COURSES in manyphasesof
agriculture, engineering, home
Economics. Mining, forestry. Com
merce, PHARMACY.
ture, home economics, mechanic
arts, forestry. commerce. pharmacy
training, agriculture, domestic science
and art.
MUSIC, including piano, string, band
instruments and voice culture.
"The Enrichment of Rurai, Life"
and a Catalogue will be mailed free
on application.
Address H. M, TennanT, Registrar.
(tw-7-i5to 9) Corvallis, Oregon.
One Block South of St. Nichols Hotel,
1st, 2nd, 15th and 16th of each month.
Studio in the Eagle-Woodman Building.
i mm
ii - j
.A Tm., Minna
Copyrights Ac.
Akrons Bending nketrh and description may
qiilclclr ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention it probably patentn'-'e. Communiea
tlonsntrlotlr confidential. HANuUOOK on Patent
lent free. Oldest apencr for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munu & Co. receive
tptciai notice, without charge, In the
Scientific JMeiicau.
. A handsomely illnstrated weekly. Largest dr.
dilation of any scientltlo journal. Terms, $3 a
yenr; four months, fl. Sold by all newsdealers.
WUNN & Co.36,BrodwNew Yor'c
Branch Office, 626 V 8U Washington. D. C.
.! CtllAEVs
Receiving Station is at
Ask For Prices. Cash Paid for Cream,
'If.'., . ")!' - ' J
AM SttUAffi
"The Furniture Man,,, has added this
line to his already large, varied stock
Art Square Bargains
We bave tbe finest line of Art Squares ever shown in Athena. All are of modern .designs and up-to-tbe
minute patterns. They are going at prices never before heard of, olass of goods oonsidered. Our line of
Furniture is complete. It inolodea late styles in Uorsican Walnut, Birdseye and the popular Golden Oak. Tbe
very latest uovelties in Iron and Brass Beds. Everything in Springs and Mattresses.
In All Branches
And Decorating
Complete Stock of
Wall Paper, Paint
Oil, Glass etc
Main Street, Athena, Ore.
At the Fres Office
Where to Buy Good Clothes
Item. S noo uw
This is not
One of the East's best
woolen men, who looked
over our fall line, says it
is the prettiest in pattern
and colorings and most
practical in weights and
contains the best values
ever shown for the price.
Besides showing one of
the test all-wool lines iu
the country, better work
will belshown this fall by
producing the best fitting
nicest looking, 1 o n g est
wearing garments made
in America and at prices
within reach of all. All
ladies suits, skirts, one
piece dresses and long
coats made to order from
our material or ycur own
Careful attention given to all cleaning, pressing and alteration work. But
tons covered. My motto ia to please regardless of time or expense. Present
location, Foss house, one block north of school house. '
Athena, Ore.
The Tailor
S. F. WILSON, President,
H. KOEPKE Vice-President,
F. S. Le GROW, Cashier.
E. E. KOONTZ. Ass't Cashier.
F. S. Le GROW.
We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation
consistent with sound Banking.
Athena Hotel
Mrs. L. Chittenden, Proprietor
White Help Only, Employed
Good Glean Rooms, Table served
with the best the market affords
A Home For the Traveling Public
Reasonable Rates
Courteous Treatment
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one or the very- best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour for
IS 1 .40 Pe r S a c k
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. - Waitsburg, Wash.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
3vai twma powoct eo., Ntw Yomt
Hardware & Implements
6. W. Proebstel, Weston
Meritorous yalues in an uptodate stock of Hardware,
Implements and Vehicles. Winona Wagons, Moline
Hacks, Buggies, Harness, Incubators and Brooders, Lum
ber, Shingles, Cement, Lime and general progressive line
to meet all demands. See as before buying. Fair treat
ment in quality and price.
. . . i
All Sold t Reduced Prices for Cash
McConnQn Remedies
Known oa their merits, as pure and reliable. We call special attention to
our cTUaccolax Tablets and Mentholatum Salve. AH who bave used them
find same indispensable for the home
Our Stock Tonic
is made from vegetable products and is jnarranteed from any poison matter.
Same can be had from McConnon Wajton or '
Wright Livery Athena, Oregon