. Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer VOLUME XXV. ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 5. 1913. NUMBER 35 is Foss-Winship Hardware Company Inspect Our Splendid Line of MODERN MACHINE OILS and Axle Grease None Better. tA Complete Stock BARRETT BULIDING, MAIN STREET, ATI1ENA THE TUiM-LUM LUMBER GO. Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL PAINTS, .OILS AND VARNISIIES - Posts and Blacksmith coal A. M. Johnson, Manager Athena, Oregon THE ATHENA MEAT iARKET - 1 : 1 : " ; I 1 - We carry the best MEAT? That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. D. n. MANSFIELD Main Street, Athena, Oregon Home of QUALITY Groceries Good Groceries go to the Right Spot Every Time This is the Right Spot To go to Every Time for Groceries AIIUPUT HARD TO UNTIE SUCCESS COMES AFTER FOUR UNSUCCESSFUL TRIALS. " A Pendleton Woman Shakes Her Ninth Hubby By Paying : Him $2000 Alimony. . Font times Ellen Deering Grangrow tried to get rid of ber ninth husband whom she married at Walla Walla but not till last week was she suc- oesef ol. . The final dissolution of the marital tie that binds was seoored at Oregon City, Oregon. Worth $30,000 in her own name she gave nnder the terms of the settle ment 2000 to her last sonlmate, Grant Nioholas Grangrow, as alimony, live of her husbands left her by dying, four others have been divorced, in cluding the stioker in Walla Walla. Intimations that an attempt at poison ing bad been 'made came ont doling trial, as did also a letter from J. S. Wood in which be suggested that an offer of money had teen made for the testimony of a witness in the oase. The couple are Indians and lived at Pendleton for a number of years. The oomplaint upon which the woman brought the notion against her latest husband was that of desertion. Twice the case was bionght in Multnomah oounty, ouoe in Claokamas and onoe in Marion county Not until it appeared in the oirouit court of Claokamas oounty did the woman win her point and get the di vorce deoree for whioh she prayed. ' .According to the testimony whioh was introdnoed the nusband tooK lunoh with her on June 14. 1912 and next day was ill. According to a summary of the case made by pnyBi- oians, he had taken strychnine. He believed that be bad reoeived it in the fcod that he ate at her table that day and that she bad made an effort to rid herself of him by other means than the divorce court. This feature of the oase was not gone into however and no attempt was made to prove the statement. Mrs. Grangrow married her ninth husband at Walla Walla October 1. 1908. They lived in PeDdleton a greater part of the time. She is now a resident of Gladstone. 3 c TRY THESE THEY'LL PLEASE ! ONE BEST THE MORIOPOLE Monopole Vegetables Monopole Fruits Monopole Salmon ; Monopole Oysters nrcT.T. TOOTHERS. Athena. Oregon CATERERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD THIXG3 TO EAT I Dolfay Thompson Injured, While outting a trail near tbe bead of Ryan oieek last Friday, Dolfay Thompson suffered a severe cut on the foot, says a Gitbon special. He and Frank Bennett were engaged in out ting a tree which bad fallen aoross tbe trail when Bennett's dontle bitted ax flew off tbe handle, atiixing yonng Thompson's foot, outting three toes very neat ly off olear through tbe bone. Bennett rushed to Henry Thompson, who bad gone on ahead and tbey hur ried to him. He was faint from loss of blood when they arrived. When he bad revived be was placed on a saddle borse and a tide of six miles was made in 20 minutes. On reach ing borne Dr. Boyden of . Pendleton wbo happened to be at tbe springs, to spend Sunday, was summoned and dressed tbe wound. He says it will be six weeks before be can get around without the aid of orutobes, O-W. R. m N. SILVER CUP Tb6 O-W. R. & N. Gompauy will award a beautiful solid silver loving cup to tbe community makirfg tbe test community products display at the Umatilla County Fair, to be held at Pendleton next week. The railroad oompany gives this beautiful cup as a reward for tbe best display of agricul tural products in any one community Star Performers at Round-Up. The star performers for tbe Pen dleton Round Up, September 11, 13 and 13, have been announoed as fol lows: Miss Jane Bernoudy, in fancy and trick roping; Bertha BJanoett and Hazel Hoxie in steer roping; Sammy Garrett, Chester A. Buyers and Cuba Crutobfleld in fancy and trick roping; Wallie W. Padgett, Art Aoord and Otto Kline and Johnny Baldwin in nesday. Miss Riddle and a compan ion were driving a young horse whioh ran a nay. -Her companion jumped from tbe buggy.. Miss Riddle held to the lines until she was thrown from tbe boggy. . w p88. Ceremony, It was an impressive ceremony at Cayuse Tuesday when tbe flag, that had been used at Fort Wade worth was unfurled upon the Umatilla reserve tion, says the Fast Oregonian. The flag raising was tbe climax to tbe pro gram staged by members of tbe Rod man Wanamaker party headed ty Dr Joseph K. Dixon. ' Tbe ceremony waa witnessed by tbe assembled : tribesmen and women, attired in their piotnr esqun costumes and by a number of visitors from Pendleton. ' Reservoir Overflowing. . With little or no pumping, tbe res ervoir of tbe Athene water works ays tern is full and water consumers may now use all tbe water they desire. Present indications are that only month or el weeks during tbe dryest part of tbe eeasun will it te fonnd necessary to pump water. Water Superintendent Dobson bas stopped op tbe overflow pipe, thus obtaining ser eral inobes of space in reservoir cap aeity. Grain Shipping Record. All reoords for tbe largest shipment of grain by one farmer will be broken this year if tbe estimates of C. S. fo ble, of Noble, Alberta, prove correct Mr. Noble baa notified tbe Canadian PaoiOo railway tbat be will have 350,000 boibela of grain, ehiefly barley 14! 7 i l i l.o U .7 A v y I II 1 1 1 i FOR HARRY BROWN BY HARD WORK MEN STOP FIRE IN HIS BARLEY FIELD. Indications Are That Mach ine Was Destroyed By Ma licious Incendiary. of tbe oounty, the object being to stimulate Interest in county fair ex hibits. The oompany is taking Rteat and eamest interest in the develop ment of tbe atjiioultural resources of tbe state in general, and is promoting leoturea and demonstration tours by experts iu the territory contiguous to its lines. ' Harry Brown's oombined harvester was burned and totally destioyed, on his place south of Atbeua Monday evening. ' The machine had just been moved into his Held of tBrley before quitting time and Mr. Brown and bis men re paired to tbe house for supper. While tbey were eating, young Mo Bain rode up to tbebouse and informed them the maobine was on. tire. The men hastened up to tbe field, but by tbe time tbey arrived the maohtne was praotioally destroyed and tbe grain field bad started to burn. By hard work the field was saved from burning, less than an aore teing destroyed. Every indication goes to sbow that tbe destruction of tbe maobine was caused by a malioious inoeudiary, and officers are using efforts to oapture tbe guilty party, It is said tbat Brown waa not sur prised at tbe burning of tbe maobine. as he has been forced into trouble sinoe be commenced farming ou the reservation, and several weeks ago his feed rack burned, and ooe horse so badly clisteied tbat it had to be killed. Fortunately Mr. Brown carried $800 iosuranoe on tbe machine. It is said tbat at the time tbe insurance was taken out, Brown informed the agent tbat be would not be surprised if be was burned out before tbe har vest seasou was over. n SCHOOLS OPEN ON MONDAY ALL IN READINESS FOR WORK OF THE COMING YEAR. , Superintendent Drew Antici pates Larger Enrollment In Grades This Year. New cement sidewalks have been constructed at tbe school grounds on Fourth and Fifth streets. Superintendent Drew of tbe Athena publio schools arrived in the city yes terday morning from Tillamook. Ore gon, to get the sohool in readiness for tbe coming year's work, which com-. menoes next Monday morning with tbe following corps of instruotfrs; Superintendent of sohoola, Howard Drew, of Tillamook, Oregon, retained from last year. Charles A. Guernaof Eagene. piiu oipal of high sohool, retained from last veer. Miss Eatbryn Woodruff, of La Grande, 8th grade. Miss Velrna Wilkinson, of Athena, 6th and 7th grades, retained from last year. - . Mies , Hazel Doolittle, of Index, Wash., 4th and Bib grades. Miss Ethel Gunning, of Baker, 2nd dnd 8rd grades. Misa Laura Bruae, of Milton, pri mary grade retained from last year. Superintendent Drew anticipates a larger enrollment in the schools this year than last year. He says a special effort is to te made in increasing tbe tbe number in the primary depart ment, and with tbit otjuet in viow, ohildren wbo are nearly six years of age will be admitted, providing tbey start in at the beginning of sohool. All those who lack four to six weeks of being six years of age will be allowed to enter. Tbe primary room bas been ohang ed to tbe southwest room on ' tbe lower floor of tbeeohool building, ro that the little ones will have better light In whioh to do their work. UP ."or waits and ."suns for Fall and Winter took place September I, 2 and 3 ' We want you here and we want you to see the full showing before a single garment is sold. We believe that we have made wise selections, and that women in general will be more pleased with 4 the coats and suits to be displayed than they ever have been. In the first place, the variety is great. A few general style ideas will be found in all of the garments, but the designing and the little touches of artists in such work give each garment an individuality difficult to find in ordinary makes or in garments not trade-marked. Each coat and suit in this display has a trade-mark which is re produced here. We call attention to the trade marks, because all over the country it means quality, -style, satisfaction, value. Fortunately for you, the "PALMER" and REDFERN" Garments are so designed that they fit with fewer alterations than any other. Usually the garment fits perfectly, with no alterations whatever; thus saving you time, annoyance and money. In the suits nd this is to be a big suit season we have some exquisite designs, sure to please you. In the coats, the predominance of pUe fabrics-Astrachan, Ural lamb, Persiana, Matelafse, plush will attract you. "Money-Back Store" FIX C& RADTKE Athena, Oregon