I is Press Paragr aphs Matt Mosgrove was iu tow n yester day from Milton. Boy Alexander of . Pendleton, spent last night in tbe city. Mr.' and Mrs. J. T, King were in Pendleton Wednesday." . V J. T. Lieoallen of Walla Walla, wad in the city yesterday. W. W. Raymond of Walla Walla, was in the city Wednesday. Miss Merua DePeatt will spend San day with friends iu Pendleton. Mrs. Meile Koby of Pendleton visiting her mother in tbia city. Mrs. F. S. LeUrow returned last evening fiom a week's visit in Seattle. Gbas. Grant is moving bis family into the Taylor boose on tbe West side. - :- Wanted. Position on ranch by man and wife. Address Ira Hyatt, Ath ens, Oieg. - ; 2t. Lost A pmso containing a'snm of money. Finder will reoeive reward at tbia offloe. Miss Clare Partridge left for Milton this week, where she will teach in tbe high sohool. Mm. ('nllina nf Rplir in lisilino nf the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tbarp. ' . Col. Lnoas and George Carmiabeal, Weston real estate rostlers, were in the city yesterday. - Miss Hazel MoFarland spent the past week at tbe MoLeod home at Cold Spring ouuyon. MLss Edna Smock visited at the borne of Mr.' and Mrs. Hugh Molu tyre Saturday and Sunday. . Kotioe. Get your peaches to can on Peaob Island. Prices are right. A. B. Badley, Milton, Oreg. 5t Seats in the Bonnd Up grand stand at Pendleton, have all been sold ont for Saturday, September 13. I Mrs. Gen Hanis came op from Pendleton and spent Sunday at tbe home of her sister, Mrs. DePeatt. UP. Vinnonr woe in flu. I - .-wvu. naa iu DUD 1IUU1V Pendleton, Wednesday. His son JaokX Ernest Zerna has ana wile aaoompanied bim borne. sUioo Wheat hanling is now on in earnest 8tter mill "ated by the resigna and long lines of wheat wagons are being unloaded at the warehouses daily. Mrs. Lillie Miller has been in Portland this week, selecting her stock of millinery goods for the fall yn&lbert Fix. of the firm of Fir A v4 Radtke, and proprietor of the Leader store in Walla Walla, spent Sunday in the city. " ...... Mr. and Mrs. M. I,. Akers name up from Pendleton Saturday evening, and spent Sunday at the A. L. Swaggait borne near town. N. A., Miller is in Poitland this week, where be is purchasing from the wholesale bouses, goods for tbe fall and winter trade. . Peter 0. Crook tt, now pastor of the Christian obnroh at Wasoo, vis ited in the city tbia week, a guest at the Meldrum borne. VMiss Lizzie' Zetta has reoently proved up on a homestead in tbe Ken newiok district, and is now tbe owner of a 160-ayre ranch. Miss Carrie Sham, who will teaob this rear in tbe school at Nez Perce. Idaho, left for that city on tb even ing train, Wednesday. A son was corn August 22, 1913, to Dr. and Mrs. Lee, of Junction, Oregon. Mrs. Lee wts formorly Miss Edith Orswell, a popular teaober in this city. Emery Achilles has purchased tbe dwelling owned by Pearl Lynn, and this week moved to tbe property. He is making some needed improvements in tbe house. "Bob" Oliver, representing the George Lawrenoe company of Port land, was in the oity yesterday, be ing entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steele. Mrs. Lola Glenn, of LaMar, Mo., and her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. V. Mitchell, of Weston, visited friends id tbis oitv tbia week. aooeptcd tbe po of bnokkeefer in the Preston I Preiti To Mil and to prepare for our contemplated changes, we offer Special cash prices on our Buggies, Hacks and Wagons. This stock is late style and all first class. The buggtes and hacks are Henney' and Studebaker make, r Open HeunyBuggy in. rubber tire, former' price $100 Price Now $80 Top Henry Buggy 1 in. rubber tire, former price $160 Price Now $120 " 16 in. rubber tire, former price $140 Price Now $110 1 in. platform spring Studebaker hack, formerly $125 Price Now $105 IH in. 4 spring Studebaker Hack, formerly priced at $145 Price Now $120 3 in. Steel Skein Gear International Wagon, price $100 Price Now $85 3jin. " " " International Wagon, $102.50 Price Now $87.50 , 3J Racine truss brace gear, no brake, $65, go Now at $55 3 . " " with brake, $70, go Now at $60 Header Drapers 15 per "cent discount from RegularPiices atrett Athena, Oregon gCo Parker Ippi BARBER IP mmma y. y . v- y' Everything Flnt CUtt - Modern nd Up-to-dte SOUTH STREET SIDE MAIN ATHENA Eennett s Shorj urn ilil J. r.i-. C House, Carriage and Automobile Painting, Paper Hanging Kalsomining, Etc cTVlanufacturer of Bennett's "Imperishable" Paints and dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass and Wall Paper. E A. BENNETT, - Athena, Oregon. pick era Bud a sotfloient Quantity wituA The dni)cioe season here haa been little doing in tbe f wheat maiket this week. Last Sat- tion of Clarenoe Zerba. Mr. and Mrs. ean Gerkiog have retarned to their heme near Free water, after visiting relatives in this vjoinity for some time. . .. , Mrs. Etna Enataon. of Weston, visited her mother . Mrs. Wm. Har gatt, and at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ernest Zerba, this week. Moody Frendb. a yonug man of Adams, died "Wednesday evening of consumption. Ibe funeral was held today fiom tbeXatholio oborob. . " Berry plokers report bot a small crop in the mountains. However, tbe nrday's , sales were large, when tbe price reaobed 70 cents perliasbet. An eleotiio storm passed over Walla Walla last evening. Dark . olooda frowned over tbisseotion, bnt uo more than a slight sprinkling of rain fell. Miss Sylvia Beathe, saleslady in the Mosgrove store, has regained ber posi tion after a month's vuo&tioa, spent with relatives and friends in Seattle. For Bent By tbe month or . jear, tbe nine room honse known as the Jerry Stone or the Desper ; property. Address, O. W. White, Corning, Cal. E. M. Aobilles of Spokane, presiding elder of the Free Methodist church, is in tbe oity attending tbe oamp meetings. Be is tbe father of Emery Achilles of this oitv. Byron Hawks is quite successful with bis popular harvest piotores. Two men of the Coppook crew or dered 80 pictures of a scene taken by Mr. Hawks of their outfit. v Miss Gladys Andre entertained tbe members of the J. F. F. olnb at her home last evening. Tbe usual jolly good time was enjoyed by the young ladies. Refreshments were served. ednesday, the boys ont at tbe ton-Shaffer mill bandied 8385 saoks of wheat, tbe reci rd for one day in tbe history of the mill. This is goiug some. All day long strings of wheat haulers were on baud and tbe trnokeis were kept on tbe jump. Miss Anderson's musio" class will be organized at the home of Mrs. B. D. Tbarp,-instead of at tbe St. Niohola hotel, on Saturday. September 6. as pievionsly annoonoed. Tbe choral class will meet for organization at Mrs. 'Ibarp's at 4:30 p. m., on that date. S. T. Phillips, a farmer of the Dry Creek neighborhood, bad one of his legs broken last week as tbe resnlt of an automobile acoident. Tbe ma obine, driven by Mr. Slover, a mer chant of Milton, plnnged bead on into a wagon driven by Mr. Phillips, with the result atove stated. will be opened by Pi of. Gordon's orchestra at the opera house, tomorrow evening. Tbe orobestra will comprise seven pieces, and the latest dance musio will be rendered. -A cordial invitation is ex tended to all who enjoy dancing and who appreciate good musio. Patrons "having children for en trance in the primary department of tho Athena public sohools. ara re quested to start tbem at the begin ning of sohool. Children who lack bat six weeks of sohool age will be re ceived, providing they start in at the commencement of sohool. . ' juiy heard the oase of Bishop vs. rPieVol, in Judge Biobard's court yes terday afternoon. Bishop brought suit to collect $200 commission on the sale of Mr. Piersol'a plaoe to' Hugh Mclntyre. The jury awarded Mr. Bisbop 955, and it is said both parties to tbe suit were satisfied with the verdict. Miss Zelma DePeatt has aooepted a position in the Leader store at Walla Walla, owned by Albert Fix. Miss DePeatt in connection with her work, will continue her mnsical education. VAfter a nleasant week with friends A Athena, Fliut Johns left yesterday morning for a two-days' visit with friends in Walla Walla, before pro ceeding to his Lome in Vancouver, Wash. ..j, ;.- Mr. and Mr. Charles Grant have Tbe program at the Dreamland theater for Friday and Saturday: 1. "Palmetto Hat Industry." "Once Was Enough," Lutin. 2. "The Bear Trap," Pathe. 3. "Sue Simpkins' Ambition," Vitagrapb. Sunday:. "Boderiok's Bide," Selig. 2. "Love Through a Lens," Essanay. 3. -"How Dnke of Deisure Beached Bis Winter Home," Selig. Last Friday evening eighteen ladies of the Mothers'-Clnb spent a very pleasant and profitable hour at the home of Mrs, Barger. Tbo subject for discussion was: "Tbe Big Boy in tbe Home." Tbe eubjeot for Septem ber 26 will be: "Tbo Sobool House a Sooial Center." Tbe plaoe of meet ing will be at the home of Miss Mat tie Coppook. All interested are invit ed. Preliminary woik for the constroo- -4 I. TV ... . . . .1 1 1 returned to the city, after speeding yon or. trie new steel oriape on wua sometime at tne itaymona ranoo, northwest of town. They will -start a first class eating boose in the near future. Milt Swagaart and Aruiel Schubert retarned Tuesday from a anooessfd fishing trip to tbe Umatilla' river. A number of nioe trout were brought borne in evidence of their prowess as anglers. Mrs. Henry Koepke and little daugh ter returned home last Ibnrsday from a visit to relatives at Columbus, Ohio, and in Iowa. Notwithstanding tbe summer beat the trip was an enjoy able one. The oamp meetings being conducted' at the City Park by tbe Free Meth odist denomination are. being well at tended. Able preaohers speak eaob night and considerable interest is manifested. Services August 31: .am Vt, 4Vr at the Christian church Bible school at 10 o'clock; sermon and Communion at 11. There will be no service at night. Members are requested to attend tbe revival at the City Park. r Harry Coomans, of the looal force At the O-W. B. & N. depot, is taking a vacation of 30 days. He left tbe fore part of the week for White Wood, Sooth Dakota, on a visit to rel atives and friends. ; V The Hopkins separator, whioh wa ned last week as tbe result of a smut explosion, baa been replaoed with a new machine, tbe insurance oompany paying the iusnranoe and taking the old maobine. Dr. Koepke of Wataonville, Califor nia, who visited at tbe borne of bis father, Henry Koepke. for several days, has left for his home. Ibe doc tor came from Cbioago, where be at tended lectures for two months. The September meeting of tbe C. W. B. M. will be held. Wednesday the 3rd, at tbe borne of Mrs. A. M. Meldrum, instead of that of Mrs. Geo. Gerkicg. Mrs. Joseph N. Soott is leader of tbe meeting, with the topic "Preaohing the Word." Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander and Mrs. Jane Carden retarned Wednes day from a trip to Wallowa Lake. Tbe trip was made in tbe little Ford oar owned ty Alexander, and no trou ble was encountered on the trip, de spite the bad condition of tbe roads. This speaks well for the state: For some time Mr. Meldrum bas been looking for two orphan children, but be bas not found tbem yet. He bas a man and woman waiting to adopt them and make tbem heirs of their extensive property. ' Word comes from Weston that ark Wood, now on tbe Portland Journal, will retnrn October 1 to resume publication of tbe Leader. Editor Johnson, to whom Mr. Wood loased the Weston paper, will seek another location, so it is reported. Mrs. J. D. Plamoodon entertained a number of ladies at her borne Son day. Ice cream and cake was served. Those present were Mrs. Ralph Mo Ewen. Mrs. MoCool of Portland, Miss Booth of Wasco, Mrs. A. B. McEwen, Miss Jessica MoEwen, Mrs. B. I. Watts. Mrs. H. A. Barrett, and Mrs. C. A. Barrett Clevn Myers bas opened a shoe shop in one of tbe Boddy buildings on tbe north side of Main street Cleve bas bad considerable experience in cob bling and is prepared to torn out good work at prioes teat are right. Ha is a worthy young man, and tbe Press believes he will receive a share of tbe public's patronage. Horse creek, at the Lieuallen place, commenoed tbis morning nnder the direotion of Foreman Charles May, of Pendleton. A road will be built around tbe old struotnre, so that traf Ho will not be interfered , with during the building of tbe new bridge. The new bridge will be one span, steol, with oonorete abutments. Miss Lindley, of tbe Grand Leader B'.ore, (Albert Fi proprietor ) of Walla Walla, aa experienced saleslady and fitter, will have charge of tbo Suit and Coat department in Fix & Badt ke's store. Sbe will have a One line of all tbe latest styles of high class Coats and Suits, that are guaranteed to satisfy the wearer. Miss Lindley will be in Athena Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 1, 2 and 3. Tbe Business Men's Bible class was duly organized last Sunday morning in the study of tbe Christian obnrob. Mayor Koontz named tbe clas.-. Mr. Keen was made president, Protestor Guerne secretary, and Mr. Mahar as sistant eeoretary, and tbe pastor was made teaober. We invite every bus iness man in town not attending els -where to come to tbe class next Sunday at 10 o'olook. Come tor tbe good it will do you, the influence you will have upon others and the moral uplift it will have npon tbe community. V Word comes from Wallowa onunty o a bair-iaisiug experience with a bear. Two hunters, Frank Swaggart who is well known here, and another man, so tbe story goes, enoountered a bear in a small canyon. A conple of shots aroused bruin into prime right ing temper and it took after tbe men, wbo were so closely pressed that tbe friendly branches of a tree soon pro tected them. They were kept on their perches during "a drenobing rain. When tbe bear tired of holding tbem and made off, they slid down and raced to oamp, returning next morn ing for their bats. Addison Bennett, pioneer . news paper man, at present on the staff of tho Morning Oregonian, was in tbe oity Monday. He scoured data for a wiiteup of Athena and vioicity. He was aooompanied by Charles Wan, also of tbe Oregonian. "Pop" Ben nett is a versatile writer and a plat form speaker of note. He is remem bered by many Athena people as ubiet factotum of tbe annual baby shows held at tbe county fair. He is tbe one man in all tbe world that can brazenly tell a doting mamma that her baby is tbe cutest oberob iu tbe ebow and then give the prize to ber nuigbbor's kid. It's no joke. And tbis year the women and the babies 1 will be on deok as before, and Mr. Bennett will be there, too. Dm rat wm listens! m MosractfliM Y mm On that and nothing more, depends success in the Mer chant Tailoring business. I am out after success, and that I am getting the cream of the Clothing business --well, in one day last week I took orders for 15 new Suits. If you are after "the goods" you'll come to me. Main Street. RUSSELL PIERSOL Athena Oreg Umatilla County Fair A Man2e'" .'And what rlfjht have you to calr yoursolf n manager?" nuked the emi nent nnd irate actress after a stormy rehearsal. "I suppose," was tho deferential re ply, "it is locau8e I have managed so long to escape with my life." Wash ington Star. New Land Scrip. By special act of Congress, nearly 2000 acres of approved Land Scrip is now available for use in Oiegon. It is tbe best and cheapest scrip put on tbe maiket in several years. Will go quickly to patent Take soy land subject to homestead entry. Can furnish in applications from forty aores up. as long as it last. We guar antee validity. Tbe price will attract yon. It yea need some of it, prompt action is necessary. Write or wire ns. I Tbe Collins Land Company, ! Ilfclenallontana. Septemcer 8 to 13, 1913 Pendleton WILL BE A HUB The competition for the Sil ver enp to be awarded to the community making the best general exhibit is exciting. 1 ROUNDUP BUI Will furnish mnsio at all evening ses sions and there will te several vocal ists of exceptional talent. Another notable feature of the entertainment will be tbe afternocn and evening per formances of MABVELOUS DeOL NEY, Tbe Human Fly wbo does tbe most amazing aerial and tigiit " wire 'performances. Admission every day and on Monday and Tuesday evenings, just as always heretofore 25o for adults and 15o for children. For tbe last four evening performacoes, Wednesday to Saturday inolnsive, tbe admission obarge will be COo and 25o. 1 m Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are tbe supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. 12-Gauge Harnmerless Pump" Guns' rrnratiiitr bliolgua. Model 116, a a liuc-aiincarinir. beautifully- balanced gun, without any objectionable humps or buiniia: no holes on top for gas to Mow "out through or water to get in; cant freeze up with rain, snow, or sleet; it's solid steel breech (not a shell of wood) permits a thoroughly symmetrical gun without sacrificing strength or' safety ; it is th safest breech-loading shotgun erer built. It is Harnmerless with Solid Steel Breech (inside M well as nut) Solid Top-Si Jo Ejection Matted Barret (which costs $4.01) extra on other guns) Press Button Cartridge Release (to remove loaded cartridges quickly from magazine without working through action) Double Extractors-Take-Down Feature Trigger and Hammer Safety. Handles rauidly; guaranteed in shooting ability; price standard Grade "A" sun, 122.60. Send 3 stamps postage for big catalog describing No. 777srri1 irffrrmS Co 1 SK A, It, C. I). T and Trap Special and all other Sie UMM rirearTUUt. ffiartil repeating rifles and shotguns. Do it now I 42 Willow Street, New Haven. Conn. It ., .U-l a rifle, pitol or elmlgun, you should have a copy of tho Ideal Hand It yOU SnOOt Book 10 PUS'' of useful information for shooters. It tells all about powders, bullets, primers and reloading tools for all standard rifle, pistol and shotgun ammunition; how to measure powders accurately; shows you how to cut your ammunition expense In half and do more and better shooting. This book Is free to any shooter who will send three stamps postage to The Marlin Firearms Co., 43 Willow St., New Jlaven, Conn, PENDLETON. OREGON SEPTEMBER. 1:1 2-13,1913 ExcursioifFares, Tickets on Sale Sept. 10, It, 12. 13 -Final Betuni Limit Sept 16, 1918 Wild and Wonderful Sv Furious and Exciting' BRONCO BUSTIMQ cM it OMCKwnptoas.mMiWl.kWs1. 1NOMNS, COWBOYS OUTLAW HORSES HeMVeatpeUeiwiMlwWt Thelf NerretnaDarlns. Cet Farei and Particular From airy AcrtO-W.fclN.